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7705493 No.7705493 [Reply] [Original]

Dumbest moment in science?

>> No.7705504

check out the guy who put lead into gasoline for an entire career of it..

>> No.7705510

ftl neutrinos

>> No.7705527 [DELETED] 

>invent printing
>print bibles

>> No.7705541

when they found out that quantum mechanics destroys the laws of logic

>> No.7705554
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>tfw the nature of the universe defies all human notions of logic

>> No.7705699


I'd like to think he made some action movie quip when he was done. "Who's Prometheus now, motherfucker!?!"

Good one.

>> No.7705702
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Go away.

>> No.7705776

>invent electric car
>nothing happens
>for 100 years

>> No.7705777
File: 56 KB, 471x363, Partially-reflected-plutonium-sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Demon Core". They put a pen between two sub-critical plutonium hemispheres.


>> No.7705778

>defies all human notions of logic
That's too much. It defies all (un?)countably many human notions of logic? Please prove.

>> No.7705803

That's what I imagined Slavic physics is like, but I never expected it from Amerians.

>> No.7705806


Problem: In early 1900s: Weird, all the plants are turning yellow and dying around these fertilizer and metals factories.

What's going on? Oh, it's the flouride byproducts.

Solution: Pass laws saying that shit has to be cleaned up.

Industry: That's too expensive!

Solution: Look, a study that says flouride is good for your teeth! Dump all the toxic flouride byproducts into the water, make the cities pay the industries for their waste. Cha-ching $$$!

Phyllis Mullenix: "Uh, that shit's really bad for your body and brain. In my rat studies, flouride accumulated in the brain and caused behavioral and health problems."

Scientists and Industry: Shut up Phyllis! Somebody pull all her funding!... Okay, she's gone now. Silly hag!

21st Century: There are now like 40 studies showing how the more flouride you intake, the lower your IQ is.

The Public: I don't want to hear it! Muh teeth! How ever will I keep muh teeth clean without the flourides in my drinking water?! Uh, brush them?

2015: 4% of Europe flouridates their water. 60% of the US.

Mid-21st Century: We're sorry Phyllis, you were right. We'll stop putting toxic waste/"medicine" in the drinking water.

>> No.7705843



>> No.7705848


>> No.7705864


>> No.7705880


Apparently MIT is now, /x/. I never knew.

"In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted."


>> No.7705882


And for good measure, let's just go ahead and put the final nail in the coffin:


>> No.7705883


Pardon me, not MIT but Harvard.

>> No.7705903
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>> No.7705907

When you want to publish, but can't be bothered to do research yourself.

>> No.7705910

>Shitting on meta-analysis from top universities
Never change /sci/

>> No.7705914 [DELETED] 


Allowing new atheists to claim credit for science

>> No.7705919

>2015: 4% of Europe flouridates their water. 60% of the US.
Not a problem in the US, because nobody drinks water.
Thanks Coca-Cola: savior of the nation!

>> No.7705927


string theory

>> No.7705933

You say that like the fact that it was written by some prestigious institution like Harvard means that it must automatically be valid. Sorry, that's not how the scientific process works; there is no authority in science but nature itself. Very intelligent and revered scientists have been very wrong about a scientific principle in the past, despite apparently supporting scientific evidence; in fact, probably all of the most famous scientists had at one point in their career.

I haven't read the study you're referring to, nor do I have time to do that right now, so I can't speak to your claim specifically, but you should never just assume something is valid because of the source.

>> No.7705937
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/Pol/ + /X/ hybrid detected

>> No.7705993
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this guy

>> No.7705998
File: 12 KB, 225x264, fluoridate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap toxic waste disposal
-> dumb and docile population
-> win-win situation

>> No.7706007

rászarok a fejedre

>> No.7706014


But can you prove that it is harmful in the quantities used in tap water?

>> No.7706043

Evolution lmao. I didn't evolve from an ape.

If you disagree you're a fedora loser.

>> No.7706047
File: 32 KB, 552x478, fluorosis_dentists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, of course not. The concept of proof is alien to science. It only applies to axiom-based systems, like logic and math - and religion. In science you observe, hypothesize, evaluate and experimentally verify.

>> No.7706060

The study finds correlations to negative developmental sequelae at exposures equivalent to the upper limit of US municipal fluoridation

>> No.7706061

Way to avoid the question with semantics. No, the answer is that you can't show that recommended fluoride levels are harmful, you can just dance around the issue by saying that fluoride is toxic while obscuring the fact that the toxicity is dependent on dose, which is why there are recommended levels in the first place. Now go back to mercola.com, shitposter.

>> No.7706072


It's people like this faggot that make people think all anti-fluoridation advocacy is /x/-tier. Not everything is some stupid fucking conspiracy. Mistake or not, water fluoridation was done in good faith based on a reasonable evaluation of evidence.

>> No.7706095

I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means and I think the current guidelines are based on outmoded assumptions. The fluorosis stuff is convincing and hard to rebut, and the neuroepidemiology seems pretty conclusive that it is toxic to children at the current dosing schedule.

>> No.7706225


>> No.7706239

It's worthless in tap water because the contact with your tooth's surface is trivial and it's quickly washed away by saliva. Fluoride also has no use internally, and these claims of it augmenting odontoblast function in a positive sense are a load of hazy guesswork bullshit being pushed as an absolute fact. We barely understand bone maintaining cells.

You want fluoride? Buy some toothpaste. It doesn't belong in public water. The effects on arterial calcification are well known enough that you can use it for medical imaging, for fuck's sake.

>> No.7706244

Nazi Germany's ban on "Jewish" physics. Imagine what they could have done if Schrodinger could have worked on Quantum Mechanics without fear and if they actually had a nuclear program.

>> No.7706276

Except that's a myth perpetuated by dumb people. The German academic community was one of the first to widely accept SR, especially the nationalist academics, they rightly gave most of the credit to Lorentz, but deemphasized contributions by Jews like Einstein in publications like textbooks etc.

Treated like Jesus by all but a few of the nationalists.

> if they actually had a nuclear program.
They literally did, they just didn't have as much money, resources or allies with Uranium.

>> No.7706294

>Dumbest moment in science?
>string theory

Yes, that's pretty much #1 right now, but a close #2 is ALL OF SPACE EXPLORATION.

Humans are exploring space with ZERO real intentions of going there via colonization... you know, a permanent movement of Humans to a new place where they can reside, work and play. All space exploration today is done as a part of the military-industrial-political complex, making sure billions are stolen from public treasuries to make sure the MIP-complexers remain wealthy.

Space is worthless to Humans. Humans have no workable economic models that permit colonization off the planet. Anything Humans can plan for a colony, is easily beat by simply genociding Humans. Genocide is orders of magnitude cheaper as a solution to resource scarcity, and quite frankly, Humans PREFER to kill each other off, since we're all just violent simians at heart.

>> No.7706313

>Except that's a myth perpetuated by dumb people
They literally chased away some of the most intelligent mathematicians and physicists germany had at that time.
Also source on
> The German academic community was one of the first to widely accept SR, especially the nationalist academics
Everything I find points out how Lenard and other physicists did believe in the aether theory

>> No.7706568


I hope that's a real advertisement. It blew my mind the day I learned there are no pharmaceutical grade plants producing fluoride for water fluoridation. It comes from the fertilizer and metals processing industries. Their toxic waste is your healthy drink. Yum!

>> No.7706571


That's fair enough. But Harvard study does carry a tad more weight than "my neighbor Bill said..."

>> No.7706600


>Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored

Quick! Ignore the risks! Do they not realize this is how we've always done it which also happens to be the best argument to continue doing something?

>> No.7706608


>Everything I find points out how Lenard and other physicists did believe in the aether theory

WTF, how come there are so many fascinating minds that appreciate the idea of an aether model of the universe. Nikola Tesla was another and he was easily one of the smartest people to live on this planet. I try to mention ether-based models and /sci/ punches me in the dick every time. Stop dick punching me!

>> No.7706621

Anon, calm down. The truth is right under your nose. They simply want to touch your dick but can't admit it to themselves, so they punch instead.

With a little convincing that'll all do a 180. Secretly, deep down they all desire the aether D. It fascinates them in ways relativity simply cannot fill. Their mind grows tired of particulate intrigue, and ultimately, they will always come crawling back for waves of luminiferous bliss.

>> No.7706622
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>> No.7706659

>Except that's a myth perpetuated by dumb people.

What a Mount Stupid comment. No, there wasn't some universal ban, but the Nazis forced out all Jewish academics (so, like, half of their physicists), which crippled them even on its own. And "Jewish physics" did indeed become fairly taboo for several years.

>Treated like Jesus by all but a few of the nationalists.

He was fired from his job and forced to flee the country. So, no.

>They literally did, they just didn't have as much money, resources or allies with Uranium.

They had Heisenberg doing it (eventually) half-heartedly and basically alone. With people calling him a "white Jew" in the press because of his work.

>> No.7706665


Why would that blow your mind? If there is a free source of it, why would it be produced? Should they just throw away useful biproducts?

>> No.7706688


germany did in fact have a nuclear program, but the leadership didn't see much potential in it and thus didnt put a lot of resources into it, so it never went anywhere.
they were much more interested in other areas of technology, notably aerospace engineering, which led to them developing jet planes and rockets - but by that time the soviets were already knocking at the gates of berlin and what was left of germanys industry lacked the capacity and the resources to create war-winning amounts of these wunderwaffen.

>that's a myth perpetuated by dumb people
are you retarded?

>> No.7707338

in certain areas in the US, they have to REMOVE fluoride from the groundwater because there's too much of it.

go fuck yourself

>> No.7707371

> flouride
Also, that's not how it happened at all.

Also, rats are particularly sensitive to fluoride. This is well known, and rat studies should never be considered as being at all analogous to human studies by any serious person. It would be like testing the safety of chocolate on humans by feeding it to dogs.

>> No.7707380

"It's naturally occurring in groundwater anyway, therefore, it's safe!"
Come on. Shit like this really brings out my aggression. In any other case you'd be smart enough to realize what you were saying, but no, not here, because for some reason you've got a major bias to the point when you've completely lost any sense of judgement and self awareness.

No. Something being naturally occurring, and levels having to be lowered in some locations, isn't evidence that it's healthy or safe. Don't make people hold your hand, and don't commit this error in your reasoning again. It's too common and might as well speak volumes about this particular "debate".

>> No.7707595

>They literally chased away some of the most intelligent mathematicians and physicists germany had at that time.
>Nazis forced out all Jewish academics
Have you ever thought that maybe they had valid reasons? No academic was ever chased out solely because they were Jewish and their work was never anathematized. The ones that were chased out was because they got involved in politics and often showed blatant favourtism and nepotism to other Jews (something which openly happens even today) which undermined the education of native Germans. They controlled the faculties through racist elitism which is why they were fired. Simple proof: as you all know many Jewish academics remained employed in their positions throughout the war as long as they supported the Nazi party.

>Everything I find points out how Lenard and other physicists did believe in the aether theory
Many Western physicists did at the time as well. Lenard and his lackies did not comprise the entire German academic community at the time.

>They had Heisenberg doing it (eventually) half-heartedly and basically alone.
Because they didn't even have heavy water until they conquered Norway and even with France they had a quarter of the production capacity of the Allies and even less resources. So yes, a super expensive wunder bomb took a back seat to developing better interceptors to stop strategic bombers that were ravaging their cities. They knew precisely how much it would cost and they knew they couldn't afford it.

>With people calling him a "white Jew" in the press because of his work.
That was before the war, the SS actually supported him and his critique of the Deutsche Physik movement (which, again, did not make up the entire German academic community) and during the war he enjoyed an insane amount of power for a physicist.

The other posters had valid arguments. Posting a Jewpedia link and incorrectly assuming I didn't read it year's ago is not a valid argument.

>> No.7707608

>Have you ever thought that maybe they had valid reasons?
Wait, are you seriously defending the Nazi's treatment of Jews?
What the fuck?

>> No.7707645

You can't possibly be that delusional.
>Have you ever thought that maybe they had valid reasons?
Your stupid racial arguments have no room in science or math. If you're good at it, you should have the possibility to do research. And the jewish mathematicians and physicists were really good.

> The ones that were chased out was because they got involved in politics and often showed blatant favourtism and nepotism to other Jews
Hilbert himself built the foundations of math in göttingen, he was not a jew, and still he encouraged the employment of jewish mathematicians. The nazis destroyed everything he had built.
This has nothing to do with nepotism. I have no idea how you would think this.

>Simple proof: as you all know many Jewish academics remained employed in their positions throughout the war as long as they supported the Nazi party.
That is no proof at all. Also I've never heard of one jewish physicist or mathematician in nazi germany.

>Many Western physicists did at the time as well. Lenard and his lackies did not comprise the entire German academic community at the time.
By that time the Dirac Eq was already formulated and was widely accepted.
Obviously there were many sane scientists in nazi germany, but physics and math don't have anything to do with politics, yet many nazis pushed their dogmas on every german. This is never acceptable.

>They knew precisely how much it would cost and they knew they couldn't afford it.
Source on that.

>> No.7707652

So you support racism and nepotism in science and academia? I'm sure it's great for you if you're Jewish, but maybe if you get your head's out of your asses you'll realize people don't want to pay you tax money for you to discriminate against their children just because of their culture/religion.

>physics and math don't have anything to do with politics, yet many nazis pushed their dogmas on every german. This is never acceptable.
That's precisely the point the Nazis made. Many academics were trying to push Communism and pro-Semiticism which they had no business doing. They were deliberately trying to undermined the state and actively berated everyone against them in papers.

>Source on that.
>On 4 June 1942, Heisenberg was summoned to report to Albert Speer, Germany's Minister of Armaments, on the prospects for converting the Uranium Club's research toward developing nuclear weapons. During the meeting, Heisenberg told Speer that a bomb could not be built before 1945, and would require significant monetary and manpower resources.
>Speer, Albert (1970). Inside the Third Reich. New York and Toronto: Macmillan. LCCN 70119132. [Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston.] Originally published in German as Erinnerungen [Recollections], Propyläen/Ullstein, 1969. Republished in paperback in 1997 by Simon & Schuster, ISBN 978-0-684-82949-4, pp. 225ff.

>> No.7707675

>They were deliberately trying to undermined the state
How did those poor Nazi's ever manage to deal with being called mean names by those nasty Jews?

>> No.7707688


Are you listening to yourself?

>> No.7707695

>So you support racism and nepotism in science and academia?
What nepotism are you even talking about?
There were jewish scientists, how shocking!

>That's precisely the point the Nazis made.
By killing or chasing away everybody who, in their minds, might support nepotism and building a academic structure that encourages nepotism?

>Heisenberg told Speer that a bomb could not be built before 1945
Heisenberg is known for having ethical concerns about building a nuke and delayed it on purpose

>> No.7707730

These are getting more and more elusive that I can't tell whether these are real or not. This is bad.

>> No.7707762

>What nepotism are you even talking about?

Neonazis believe that Jews couldn't possibly succeed without "cheating" somehow, since obviously Aryans are superior. Thus the mere fact that they are successful proves that they are deviously undermining society and persecuting good white people. So in anons mind, just because you're firing (and murdering...) all the jews doesn't mean you're treating them unfairly "just because they're Jewish," because in his mind they all individually deserve it. And the fact that there were exactly zero Jewish scientists remaining just proves how unscrupulous those mean old Jews were.

>> No.7707776

>What nepotism are you even talking about?
"Jew only" scholarships, including male Jewish only scholarships.
Professors who refused to advise non-Jewish students.
Public media claims asserting the superiority of Jews compared to lesser races.

None of this is a secret in any way. Even Feynman was disgusted by the elitism in his Jewish fraternity.

The first one of these is still happening even today, there's plenty of "Jews only" scholarships posted alongside equally acceptable "female only" scholarships.

Maybe stop making retarded binary assumptions like some fuckwitted upper class American tween. My family hates the Nazis and we were prosecuted for reasons I will not get into. That does not mean I give a free pass for Jews to be racists either.

>And the fact that there were exactly zero Jewish scientists remaining just proves how unscrupulous those mean old Jews were.
Except there weren't "zero Jewish scientists remaining ". There were lots of Jews in academia who sucked Nazi cock. There were even Jewish Nazi officials for fuck sakes. Maybe you should try reading about WW2 before opening your fuckhole.

>> No.7707780

The universe is positively curved, static, and this is a stable position, guys! I swear!

>> No.7707784

Guys! The universe is infinite, we've really got it figured out this time!

It's definitely flat. It has to be infinite!

>> No.7707865

>Except there weren't "zero Jewish scientists remaining ". There were lots of Jews in academia who sucked Nazi cock

Jews were explicitly banned from working at universities, taking exams, or working as any kind of a professional. They were also, you know, murdered en masse.

>> No.7707870
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>> No.7707872

>Dumbest moment in science?
this entire thread >>7707406

>> No.7707887

>There were lots of Jews in academia who sucked Nazi cock
Have a source?
I couldn't find any sources on this, though if there are any I doubt they would have been translated into English for obvious reasons.

>> No.7707927


Of course he doesn't have a source, since it's objectively false. Jews were BANNED from academia and so couldn't have sucked any cock in that capacity even if they wanted to.

>> No.7707998


For an encore, that same guy invented CFCs.

>> No.7708002

Jews were banned from Academia but not from officer roles in the Military?
To be honest you haven't posted a source either stating that there was no Jews in German academia, and considering that there were Jews in prominent position in Nazi Germany doesn't really help you're "da Nazis hated da jooz soo much" middle school textbook argument.

>> No.7708057


Because when I think medicine fit for human consumption, I'm thinking clean rooms with HEPA filters, more OSHA regulations than you can shake a stick at, lab coats, hairnets, etc. I'm not thinking "the sludge at the bottom of the fertilizer vessel." "Yes, everyone shall consume thus!"

>> No.7708062


Yeah, and then they add it back at the "proper dose." Hint: there is no proper dose. That shit is bad for you, period. If you are so concerned about fluoride for your teeth, then use fluoridated toothpaste and let the rest of us enjoy clean drinking water. No study anywhere has ever shown fluoride has any positive effects when used internally.

>> No.7708070

Actually it is how it happened. Go to the library and read old newspapers on the topic. I'm not bullshitting you. Also, read about Phyllis Mullenix while you're at it. If you haven't heard of her before, you probably shouldn't be commenting on this topic.

>> No.7708211

>da Nazis hated da jooz soo much

I mean, they did try pretty hard to kill all of them. But I guess it sounds silly when you say "da jooz!"

>> No.7708221

>they did try pretty hard to kill all of them
The allies killed more Jews than the Nazis ever did.

>> No.7708228

Oh and good job completely ignoring the actual argument behind this, real good job.

>> No.7708235

>Jews were banned from Academia but not from officer roles in the Military?

Jewish officers were kicked out of the army in 1935, anon.

>> No.7708244

Really? Because Emil Maurice was an officer in the SS until the end of the war.
But according to this guy >>7708211
he should have been killed as soon as they discovered his Jewish heritage. Interesting, why did the Nazis not kill him or demote him even though he was (by their standards) a Jew?

>> No.7708248

>tfw distant Jewish ancestry on one side of my family
>tfw when I began to notice glimpses of my inner Jew as I played STALKER Call of Pripyat and realized all of my actions and thoughts were centered around scavenging and gathering goods, then selling them to accumulate massive amounts of wealth I would never see fit to actually use for anything
>I would hold onto all of the money and not let go of any of it "I'll need this eventually"
>All my suit upgrades were to increase carry weight
>Had meticulously plotted out at what point various weapons could be repaired and sold for a greater net profit
>Why. Why man, I just want to explore. Why must I only scavenge.
>Felt bad for slaughtering people, but oh well, they made their choices and had valuable goods I could sell. And I knew this. Ain't gettin' this artifact I never even use, motherfucker.

And this was when I learn to recognize and defeat the inner Jew.

>> No.7708252

1/4 Jew here, I'm the complete opposite. I'm awful with money.

>> No.7708267

A picture of a blonde jew was also used as propaganda material about the aryan race.
Because nazis were fucking retards and not known for the logical consistency of their ideology, you moron.

>> No.7708271

Or maybe it's the other way around and you're a retard that doesn't know their ideology, hence why you don't understand it, dumb fuck.

>> No.7708274

>Interesting, why did the Nazis not kill him or demote him even though he was (by their standards) a Jew?
He wasn't Jewish by Nazi standards. He was a Mischling, a category distinct from Jew meaning that he had mixed blood and was mostly Aryan. This meant that he would not be put into a concentration camp (although in other countries annexed by Germany it might have), but it would mean that he would be discriminated against in various ways by the state. He would have been expelled from the SS (which he was a founding member of) and not allowed to marry IF Hitler had not personally intervened on his behalf because he was a good friend and his closest follower from the beginning of the Nazi party. So his treatment really proves nothing about how Jews were treated in Nazi Germany in general.

>> No.7708283

>As many as 150,000 men of Jewish descent served in the German military under Adolf Hitler, some with the Nazi leader's explicit consent, according to a U.S. historian Bryan Mark Rigg


>> No.7708299

Again, Jewish descent does not mean they would be classified as Jews. Mischlings of second degree, meaning only one Jewish grandparent, were allowed to serve in the army. Also, you will find some higher ups with more Jewish heritage than that, because their heritage was simply ignored due to their prominence.

>> No.7708301

So you agree that it's likely that the Nazis would use Jewish scientists as long they were prominent?

>> No.7708307

It depends on how close they were to Hitler or how useful they were to the state. But generally yes, Jews were definitely banned from academia.

>> No.7708311


See the exact same post you're replying to. Those people were not Jews according to German law. Jews legally could not serve in the military.

>> No.7708323

A selected list of Nazi policies re: Jews

Worth a read for some of you, I think.

>> No.7708335

A selected list of Nazi policies re: Jews:


Includes the relevant information for this dumb argument.

>> No.7708426

>It required the operator to place two half-spheres of beryllium (a neutron reflector) around the core to be tested and manually lower the top reflector over the core via a thumb hole on the top. As the reflectors were manually moved closer and farther away from each other, scintillation counters measured the relative activity from the core.

>Allowing them to close completely could result in the instantaneous formation of a critical mass and a lethal power excursion. Under Slotin's unapproved protocol, the only thing preventing this was the blade of a standard straight screwdriver, manipulated by the scientist's other hand.

>Slotin, who was given to bravado, became the local expert, performing the test on almost a dozen occasions, often in his trademark blue jeans and cowboy boots, in front of a roomful of observers. Enrico Fermi reportedly told Slotin and others they would be "dead within a year" if they continued performing it.

Enrico "The Pope" is never wrong.

>> No.7708739


As someone who was involved in this thread earlier, I'd just like to stop by and pettily remind everyone that this nazi edgelord retard got rekt and ran away, probably because of >>7708335

>> No.7708743

"Wer Jude ist, bestimme ich"
Yeah, that is totally a legit ideology

>> No.7708881

I'm not a Nazi, dumbfuck. I'm Jewish myself. I'm just trying to educate the dumb retards here on history, which they don't know a lot of obviously.
If you honestly think that link isn't biased and that most material isn't biased towards the Holocaust, you are a complete moron and shouldn't be on /sci/.

>> No.7708924

>you will never get so butthurt that you mass reply to a several hours old argument you lost in an attempt to get the last word
It's a good feel.

>> No.7709006
File: 559 KB, 1070x1696, flouride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The World Health Organization recommends a guideline maximum fluoride value of 1.5 mg/L
>The average of ground water is 0.5 mg/L
>The average of US tap water is 0.7mg/L

Notice the mg/L in all the studies from the meta-study you cite are taken place in fucked up countries where the flouride level is more than twice the maximum guideline.

Stay paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.7709947


It's "biased" in the sense that it's obviously intended to show a certain thing, but it's still just a list of facts that clearly show you're completely wrong about virtually everything you've said.


>I'm Jewish myself


>biased towards the Holocaust


>> No.7710015
File: 15 KB, 219x185, 1393633603058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That line of thinking is chemophobic, the same kind as "Ha ha I can't pronounce da chemikel on the box, so I ain't eatin' it!!"
It also follows the same bullshit thinking as of those who think food must be "pure and organic, because it's natural!"

>> No.7710545

Proof left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.7710556

Yes because facts can't be fabricated. And so called facts about the holocaust haven't been debunked by academics...oh wait. Your a fucking idiot and you should be ashamed that your posting this baseless crap on a science board. The difference between me and you is I can put aside my ancestry if its in order to shed light on something I'll interpreted, you on the other hand obviously can't. And my history has a lot more to do with the Holocaust than yours

>> No.7710580

>The difference between me and you is I fell for the /pol/ memes

>> No.7710585

Given that you WILL go to jail if you attempt to check these facts in several European countries, they are not facts at all.

Science relies on being open and honest. Any claim should be able go be freely tested and scrutinised. If it isn't and is protected by laws, you really have to question the validity of the claim.

>> No.7710586

Probably that desu

>> No.7710591

>Given that you WILL go to jail if you attempt to check these facts in several European countries, they are not facts at all.
That argument is both invalid and unsound.

>> No.7710611

>Yes because facts can't be fabricated.

The facts in question here are laws and public executive orders of the government of Germany. So no, they can't be "fabricated."

>> No.7710654

>On the day of the accident, Slotin's screwdriver slipped outward a fraction of an inch while he was lowering the top reflector, allowing the reflector to fall into place around the core. Instantly there was a flash of blue light and a wave of heat across Slotin's skin; the core had become supercritical, releasing an intense burst of neutron radiation estimated to have lasted about a half second
My sides

And the Darwin award goes tooooo

>> No.7710687


>> No.7710689

But there is a strong correlation between fluoride intake and IQ in humans.

>> No.7710706

the absolute madman

>> No.7710713

akkor jó.

>> No.7710725

Always hard to pick a "most" of anything but,

>early use of antibiotics
>here just have some and don't worry about it
>now facing huge problem of resistance

>here's the chemical - it stays in the soil for decades!
>good, sell it for pennies and have every American household sterilize their 1/4 acre of suburbia
>let's also keep tilling our soils and dumping inorganic fertilizers on them

The Prometheus tree story, while a bit sad, doesn't have any real long-term impacts on the Earth.

The general lack of foresight and communication and cooperation between science and industry is what costs us the most in the long run.

>> No.7711924



>> No.7712027

Those studies were done in China where the water is hyperfluoridated well past the point of safety according to America's standards.

>> No.7712099

First semi-accurate measurement of speed of light was some 7% off while the error discussion concluded the error does not exceed 5%.

For the next 30 years or so researchers measuring speed of light would stretch their results so much that they fit within 5% of the reputable measurement, and as result at least 2% away from the real one.

>> No.7712859

"The dose makes the poison."
Except some things are poison regardless of the dose. Why is it assumed fluoride, especially used internally, isn't one such thing?

It's as though this is some sort of strange stockholm syndrome-esque phenomena. Most people supporting water fluoridation have likely been consuming fluoride for most of the their lives. They don't have a choice either, it's forced on them unless they buy water from elsewhere and make sure it isn't some shit rebranded straight out of the store's tap. Is avoiding this sense of entrapment, and the idea that you've been fucked over, what brings about these ridiculous cognitive distortions?

People really can't handle it, can they. Are some people just not cut out for handling the realer real world?

>> No.7712867

Lobotomy is the cure to mental illness.

>> No.7712915 [DELETED] 

Is it 1950 again.

>> No.7712921

One atom of the most potent poison in the world will do jack shit to you therefore Paracelsus's (?) statement is correct

>> No.7712937

It doesn't matter if this hypothetical most potent molecule affects the biological system as a whole in a noticeable way, it's still inherently harmful and negative relative to whatever system.

Take tetrodotoxin. It doesn't matter how much of it you take in, you don't want what it does happening to you. Or benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide. No amount of that is anything other than a dun goof, all that changes is the observed degree of goofage.

>> No.7712944


"Harm" that is immeasurably small is not harm.

>> No.7712945


Paracelsus said "The dose makes the poison," where poisoning is generally understood to be a disease process characterized by certain symptoms and biomarkers. If you are exposed to a molecule of tetrodotoxin, you will not be poisoned. Probably it won't even kill a single neuron: Hence, the does makes the poison.

>> No.7712948

Tetrodotoxin can be used in measure to provide needed muscle contraction/relaxation in surgery. All it does is block a single ionic receptor at a time, not destroy biological structure you fucking tard

>> No.7712981

Why is Lord Kelvin in quotation marks as if it was a nickname, it was his title, it should be rendered:
>William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
Or perhaps Lord Kelvin, which ever.

>> No.7712986

Measurement tolerances depend on application. Don't use terms that are meaningless and tied to your general era.

>"Harm" that is immeasurably small is not harm.
All macro events you recognize as meaningfully harmful can be broken down into "immeasurably small" parts. Your delineation is arbitrary and doesn't even try for basic objectivity. Your opinion well and good, I've got plenty of my own, but it's not relevant here.

I'd define poison as anything that produces an unfavorable effect in a given context, where that context is usually the average one. I don't see it as useful to draw a line between "enough tetrodotoxin to kill me" and "just a little bit", when the difference between the two is trivial and the compound has no rel use in an uncontrolled typical context.

I hadn't thought of that. Figured there'd probably be better avenues of achieving, but I guess it would fairly effective if used locally.

>not destroy biological structure you fucking tard
I never said it did, that's all you. Don't confuse your own interpretation for words you can mindlessly shove in my mouth.

>> No.7712991

>I'd define poison as anything that produces an unfavorable effect in a given context, where that context is usually the average one. I don't see it as useful to draw a line between "enough tetrodotoxin to kill me" and "just a little bit", when the difference between the two is trivial and the compound has no rel use in an uncontrolled typical context.

This is basically the point of toxicology. They have to figure out how much is 'enough to harm' and 'just a little bit,' so we can figure out what to check for in food and workplaces and so forth. "Dose maketh poison" is therefore the guiding principle of the discipline, and not really stupid at all.

>> No.7712998

>"Dose maketh poison" is therefore the guiding principle of the discipline, and not really stupid at all.
I think there's been a misinterpretation here. I'm not saying the idea "the dose makes the poison" is stupid or wrong, I'm saying there are exceptions and cases where treating it as an absolute truth will skew accurately interpreting reality. Like many things, it's usually correct, and therefore heavily abusable.