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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 289 KB, 1404x1024, one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7703682 No.7703682 [Reply] [Original]

He's right you know

>> No.7703685

This is what mental illness looks like by then way. Surprised everyone just made fun of him instead of getting him help for his delusions

>> No.7704137


holy crap it's legit. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/terrence-howard-thinks-1x1-2-has-a-secret-system-called-terryology-and-spends-17-hours-a-day-making-10502365.html

>> No.7704150

He really just doesn't understand the words he is using and how they relate.

>> No.7704157

>Spends 17 hours a day making plastic structures

Hahaha what the fuck

>> No.7704162

People like you come off like a bunch of creepy weirdos. And I've been around some out there, and screwed up people.

>> No.7704247

>Howard studied chemical engineering at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn

Why do engineering fags always fall for stupid bullshit like this?

Are they not taught critical thinking?

>> No.7704287

I am sitting on my chair, in awe of this motherfucker's logic. He has a degree in chemical engineering, according to a certain article. His argument shoes the true nature of math courses for engineers. Unbelievable

>> No.7704297

A friend of mine told me that engineers are like mathematicians, in the sense that they 'deal with a lot of math'. Wait till I show him this

>> No.7705582

That makes pefect sense if you assume the earth has four simultaneous days happening at the same time. day*day=2 2^2=4 four days one earth.

>> No.7705585

I think he's confusing 1+1 with 1x1

>> No.7705593

In theory we could define an ordered field [math]\mathbb{T}[/math] (T for Terrence) in which 1x1 DOES equal 2.

>> No.7705626

then whats the identity element?

>> No.7705629


>> No.7705639

Doesn't work, does it?

>> No.7705648

His show sucks and his math sucks
You mean just flip the symbols for addition and multiplication?

>> No.7705661
File: 13 KB, 208x208, Kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a chemical engineer I can tell you that we did have a 'critical thinking' module.

Where we spent the whole time hearing about how the bible is factual and modern scientists are out to get us, so question everything they tell us because cancer.

>> No.7705665

you are assuming 1*2 = 2. why would that be so if 1*1 = 2?

>> No.7705680

>Howard studied chemical engineering at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn until he fell out with one of his professors over the answer to the 1x1=1 conundrum.

I don't think he got a degree. I certainly hope not.

>> No.7705687

>You mean just flip the symbols for addition and multiplication?
Or just flip symbols for 1 and [math]\sqrt{2}[/math].

>> No.7705690


>> No.7705691
File: 51 KB, 481x636, 1408835128903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the second order in the field now that we don't have addition though?

>> No.7705692

operator not order

>> No.7705725

>a basic fundamental property of numbers that has been built upon for centuries and applied and relied upon in a myriad of professional fields is wrong

>> No.7705938

$ 100 says he'll be homeless and on meth whithin 18 months.
Any takers?

>> No.7705949

Do YOU want to get cancer?

They wouldn't teach you that stuff for no reason.

>> No.7706055

Maybe he's right though.

I mean, just look at the definiton of hyperoperation, it's an ugly monster:

a + 0 = a
a * 0 = 0
a^0 = 1
H_n(a,0) = 1 for all n=>3

While it should be:

a + 0 = 0
a * 0 = 1
a^0 = a
H_n(a,0) = H_(n-1) (a,a) for all n=>3

I think Terry is on a very good way to discovering a kind of maths that is not only logical, but also makes aesthetic sense.

>> No.7706077
File: 40 KB, 460x306, Tao-460x306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know from Physics that H*wd = T.

Distributivity of *:

Terrence Howard = (Terence Howad) * r = (Terence Toa) * r = (Terence Tao) * r = Terence Tao,

because it's a unit circle and therefore r = 1.

How deep is the actual truth?

>> No.7706106
File: 90 KB, 640x619, 1447020524521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have maths class tomorrow. And I'm retarded but my teacher can't teach and I over all love just being a pain in the ass in the lesson.

Can someone just give me something to mind fuck her about maths so I can argue with her about it all lesson?

Any from "You can divide by 0" etc, just give me reasons to backup the point throughout the lesson.

>> No.7706112


Whoa symmetric post number confirms.

>> No.7706266

Holy shit, 7706077. Numberphile, is that you?

>> No.7706473

This nigger obviously doesnt understand arithmetical operations.

1 1 time = 1
2 1 time = 2
2 2 times = 4.

Is this a joke that i am missing or is this guy really that dense?

>> No.7706479

>we'll never know the full breadth of terryology

>> No.7706489

The conflicting logic in that made my median pref. cortex hurt.

>> No.7706498


He's not dense; he's mentally ill.

He won't get any of the help he needs, though, because the status quo is making money for people. When he gets too crazy to employ, there will be a token attempt to get him some help, but really nobody cares. Crazy people with money are nearly impossible to help. They don't need anybody, so when anyone threatens their nutty worldview they're free to just ignore that person.

He'll have to be broke to get help.

>> No.7706512

Why are you so resolute and focused on that he "needs help"?

If he snaps out of whatever is causing him to make "nameless sculptures" near endlessly, he's free to change his life direction. Your perception of illness and self harm is trivial, if he felt harmed he would change it himself.

I already told you above. You're a pushy, creepy, weird motherfucker who's completely lost perspective to an extent where you can't tell the difference between your own perspective and some higher truth. You're built to impose yourself, and seemingly have been deluded into thinking there's some small discrete range everyone should be forced, I mean "helped", to realize they should be.

Black and white thinkers are garbage.

>> No.7706535

>If he snaps out of whatever is causing him

He needs help because people dont simply "snap out" of delusion.

>> No.7706556

Speaking loosely, yes, they do. Although it's more of a gradient composed of various cumulative triggers. It's not like you'r eina box and then you jump out and you're suddenly in the real world. It's a shift in various inclinations, drives, thought patterns, and belief systems.

As far as I'm concerned, that is "snapping out." How do I know? I've done it.
>W-Well. You're the exception, not the n-norm!
Don't even bother.
>You're still delusional! Cuz I said so.
Don't bother. To claim so is to evidence your own delusion.

>> No.7706563

You obviously have no understanding of aberrant psychology and/or are yourself mentally ill and dont want to admit it and think you dont need help.

protip: seek psychological assistance.

>> No.7706573

Have fun with your little belief system that can evidence anything you want it to. If you actually knew anything about psychology, you might realize why that is and understand what you're doing.

You're dangerous.

>> No.7706589

>As far as I'm concerned, that is "snapping out." How do I know? I've done it.

Sometimes I wonder: how many people really break themselves out of a cycle through their own devices or whether it's just an effect of maturation.

>> No.7706603

Depends on why they're in the space they are to begin with, what it is, and what keeps them there.

In my case it was in my late teens to ~20. I was overwhelmed and wanted to die, but heavily suppressed and eventually got rid of the latter. I realized I could build wonderland, funnel myself into it, and hopefully tie it to an internal "switch". Ultimately I forgot there was anything to come back to.

I don't fully remember what caused me to drag my way back to sanity. Things weren't even falling apart, I couldn't really perceive change. Social demands and having to legitimately interact with people I used to know, on a personal basis probably forced me to return. It took a year or so, and I'm still cleaning up the internal mess. Before that point I was hallucinating and wandering around rambling the most sensible nonsense sense you could ever hear.

My creativity and insight from that period is unmatched to this day, but it crippled actual realistic and more rigid thought. I could probably go back, and don't really think about it much. It was a whole different world, and one I don't need or want to go back to. I'd call it blissful, apathetic, misery.

>> No.7706719


He just needs to learn exponent rules.

>> No.7706775

Here's (part of?) the patent for his uhh.. math, or whatever. From the Rolling Stone article I was thinking he had maybe stumbled into some higher category theory but from the diagrams here it looks like I wasn't even close.


>> No.7706797

I found this with some more info. Including video .

>“And the proof is in these pieces. I have created the pieces that make up the motion of the universe. We work on them about 17 hours a day. She cuts and puts on the crystals. I do the main work of soldering them together. They tell the truth from within.”


>> No.7706802

how about you just stop being an autistic fucking douche twat and work for something in your life you lazy piece of shit

>> No.7706808

there's a reason it's called "snapping out" because it happens suddenly
but doesn't happen with the kind of delusion that anon over there >>7706535
is talking about.
In truth, nothing is black and white until we make it so but we have to make it so to make any classification so if you think you can function with your artistic (read: autistic) world view for the rest of your life be my guest, embrace terryology

>> No.7706812

wow i'm not the one that said you must be mentally ill but after reading this i definitely agree lol

>> No.7706853

You're just delusional. :^)

>> No.7706880

>Surprised everyone just made fun

Really? Do you not remember what happened to Charlie Sheen? The guy had a breakdown in front of millions of people and they all thought that shit was hilarious.

>> No.7706925
File: 69 KB, 658x493, 1282149404043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While we're at it, let's just make pi = 3, okay?

>> No.7706927


>> No.7706930

>a number plus zero equals zero

>> No.7707092
File: 86 KB, 609x358, 1449279959246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7707095

Stop that.

>> No.7707119

>Don't bother. To claim so is to evidence your own delusion.

Your entire post smacks of mental instability. I'm glad you think you "snapped out" of it. You're probably more functional than you were before. But buddy, you are nowhere near normal. Your post does not at all read like the thoughts of a normal person. If you don't think you still need help, you're a very dangerous guy, and I hope I'm not nearby when you really do snap.

>> No.7707126

We're told that the square root of 2 is 2? what da fak

>> No.7707132

I never really got this.
What exactly did charlie sheen say that was so crazy? Most of it was very clearly facetious.

>> No.7707148

>tfw the government keeps suppressing the truth.

I bet if he was white they'd be hailing him as the next Albert Einstein already. (He actually stole his ideas from a black man btw)

>> No.7707159


They do look cool desu but yea I don't see how they disprove 1*1=1

>> No.7707162

>Anon, really, you're crazy. You're suffering from delusions. Believe me, you're not normal. I insist, you're broken and need help. Because that's how it works. Why? Because it works that way, of course.

You'd have to be completely mad to think someone should take this seriously.

So what's really going on here, anon. Why is it my problem that you feel unsafe in the world? Get this clutter out of here.

>> No.7707180

Who's more right Wildberger or Terrance?

>> No.7707429

So just switch the plus and times symbols?

>> No.7707542

I'm crying with laughter

>> No.7707559
File: 277 KB, 2568x1926, terrence-howard-allegedly-sent-this-bizarre-text-to-his-ex-wife-threatening-to-destroy-mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Terrence to make Wildberger-ish Youtube Videos, explaining to the world why 1x1=2, holding a drumstick.

>> No.7707647

You fucking nerds cant even explain why he is wrong without sperging out with your answers.

1x1 translates to the following:


1x2 is:

1 1

2x1 is:


2x9 is:

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The translation isnt an answer. Instead of saying 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 you use * to shorten that shit down to 2*9.

Fucking nerds.


>> No.7707683
File: 296 KB, 388x424, numba five.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting picture.
You fucking pleb.

>"Hi and welcome to numberphile"
>camera zooms in on the face of some sperglord already covered in sweat
>"Today we are going to talk about the number five"
>sperglord smiles the smile of a thousand suns
>drops of sweat pouring from his forehead
>he writes the number five on a paper
>"The amazing thing about this number is that it is a part of you"
>camera zooms in on his hand that is soaked in sweat and shaking uncontrolably
>"As you can see my hand contains five fingers"
>a tear falls from his eye
>"I would not even know what to do with my self if not for five"
>looks at the camera like he is seeing god
>tears of joy raining down his cheeks
>In a shaky voice he says:
>"Without five I couldn't even count to six!"
>begins to cry

>> No.7707684

Holy Shit Terry has gone bonkers. The whole post is illogical.

>> No.7707699

No you can't such a structure would be reduced to {0} and that the definition of fields exclude that case.

>> No.7707700

Meant to reply to

>> No.7707708

He's dense _and_ mentally ill

>> No.7707735

Damn, no wonder he pulled off "confident nutjob" so well in Wayward Pines.

>> No.7707736


I am laughing so many keks.


>> No.7707768


I'm not saying you're delusional, I'm saying you sound like a mentally fragile person. You sound more than a little "off." You sound like the sort of person that is perfectly friendly and polite, but misses a *lot* of the subtlties that make for comfortable conversation. Your deperate need to dismiss any criticism against you is also troubling. It's not enough for you to disagree with me, you *need* my criticism to be totally wrong, and not worth considering further, not noticing that the reason you need this to be so is that you lack the capacity to consider it any more deeply than a knee-jerk reaction. I imagine this is how most of your decision-making goes. Your first instinct is largely all you ever have to go on, so you are able to make decisions quickly, but your decisions are often poor and you are all but incapable of being persuaded by arguement, because arguements don't affect your knee-jerk reactions which, again, are all you have to go on.

People around you genuinely like you but also genuinely think you're odd and wish you'd get help.

>> No.7707782

Your assessment is largely inaccurate. The sense of self-assured near certainty you present your guesswork with ties in neatly with your delusional tendencies. It's a function of confirmation bias. No matter what I do, you'll look for crazy, until you find a way to make me crazy. That old adage about the inmates running the asylum exists for a reason, the two are not so different all along. This has been studied.

If I seem outwardly dismissive it's because I've yet to see any meaningful or substantial "criticism" to respond to. You want to act like you're trying to help me, you yourself might even genuinely believe that's your motivation, but it isn't. That's how your crazy works, and it's why I called you dangerous. You're searching for an entry point.

It's like I just read my horoscope.

>> No.7707859


"You're totally wrong; I really don't need help," says the person who also thinks Howard doesn't need help despite his *glaring* delusions.

From your repeated demonstration of a lack of reason, you seem like the sort to think reality is a matter of opinion. "Who are we to say the crazy people are crazy? Hey, maybe they're right and *we're* the crazy ones for doubting them! Lol, I'm so fucking insightful."

But reality doesn't care about your opinion. One times one is one, and it is still one even if you feel it really ought to be two.

It is not cruel to say that a mentally ill person needs help; that is the response of a compassionate person capable of empathy.

Saying, "hey, maybe he doesn't need help. Who knows, rite?" is the response of someone on the aspergers spectrum, who is largely confused by reality and feels that the distinction between what is real and what isn't is a mysterious and mostly unknowable thing.

>> No.7707871

>to think reality is a matter of opinion
This better viewed from a different angle. From this angle there are two things, personal reality, and actuality. The former is subjective experiences, ideas, beliefs, ideals. The latter is an attempt to accurately describe some sort of objective substrate that we either exist within, or more commonly, are a part of. You cannot readily derive objective truth through your own subjective lens. We're not even talking about what is, we're talking about what ought.

>From your repeated demonstration of a lack of reason
Unfortunately, every interpretation of my actions you provide says more about you than me.

>It is not cruel to say that a mentally ill person needs help
I never said it was, but imagine living a life where you're bombarded with people implying you're broken and dysfunctional, and need to find something or somewhere to patch you up and make you what you should've been. That becomes the only actual connection you receive, and you feel it constantly, even if it is not said. And even if you're demonstrably correct... within your own frameworks. Which again, conveniently, crazy people coming at you can't seem to poke any holes in or legitimately critique. What is a person to think?

Cruelty lies mostly in the act of "being helped", but the mere suggestion can be harmful as well. You don't really care about me, or him either. Your motivation is a perception of order, stability, and safety. You believe the attributes of others have to be pushed into a given tolerable range, or else you feel all uneasy. Gosh golly, might have to actually consider other beliefs! Take your own advice and give that some thought. You so mindlessly impose yourself, and if you could, you'd probably use force to get your way.

>Reality mysterious blah blah etc
The nature of reality can be ambiguous and mysterious, depending. But again, reality does not necessarily overlap with actuality at a given point.

>> No.7707919

I like you.

>> No.7707926

multiplication is having one number, and getting the number a amount of times. Addition is having two numbers, and add it to each other. The guy is therefore an idiot

>> No.7707930

Wait, so does that mean that (sqrt) of 2=1, meaning that the whole 1vs. 0.9999999999 is to the left?

>> No.7707939

How do you do it?

>> No.7707944

please see >>7707647
Multiplication is a function of addition.

>> No.7707947

Do what?

>> No.7707958

This sounds weird, but after reading the argument you had with that square and the way you impressed logic. Is there any reading material you personally recommend? the sort of stuff you think "all people should read"?

>> No.7707959

Just general stuff, just humble. I kind of want to be like you.

>> No.7707964

>You don't really care about me, or him either. Your motivation is a perception of order, stability, and safety. You believe the attributes of others have to be pushed into a given tolerable range, or else you feel all uneasy.

This is tinfoil-hat-tier stuff, anon. I do care; that's why I want him to get help, and you, too. I'm not part of the order police. I'm not trying to fit anyone into a mold, and I don't mind if someone's beliefs are different than mine; *I'm just not okay with ignoring the mentally ill.* That's all of it.

Howard really is mentally ill. One can care enough to want him to get help, or can easilt ignore him and the many examples of his thought processes that offer a clear view of his illness.

If you see these examples, can see that he's mentally ill, but don't care, I can understand that. I think it would make you a bit if an uncaring dick, but I can understand it.

If you see these examples and *can't* see that he's mentally ill, then yeah, I do have some concerns that you might be a little mentally "off" yourself. I don't say that to insult, I don't recommend that you get help as a way of putting you down; I say that because I actually think you could use some help.

>> No.7707973

Isn't pratt a fucking art school?

>> No.7707975

Nothing really comes to mind. I don't read all that often, and haven't read an actual novel in a number of years. There's probably some old gems I'm forgetting... when I was younger I liked books of short stories, but I can't remember anything other than their covers.

Although recently someone recommended I read "Genesis", by Bernard Beckett. If it left an impression for them, I'd probably be apt to trust that it's interesting. I've physically had it for weeks, but just haven't gotten around to reading it.

Maybe you'll think it's worth a read.

>> No.7707989

Heck yeah thanks!.

>> No.7708037

"I think this person is mentally ill and you don't... so you must be mentally ill as well. My perspective of mental illness can't be left wanting, else the whole framework collapses. And that just cannot be so, because I know what healthy is."
I don't believe you're really unaware of this. You act like my awareness and theory of mind is crippled and thensome, but in the same breath come out with this.

I don't think mental illness is a useful concept. All of its constituent parts are better viewed in other ways. From the start you've claimed he's mentally ill more or less because you say so, and see him as mentally ill. Why? And why does your definition mean something to the point where you keep repeating that x y z "needs help". Just, needs help.

>This is tinfoil-hat-tier stuff, anon.
It's psychology, unfortunately. Not much really ever changes for us, despite what oughta' result in increased self awareness.

I mentioned confirmation bias being studied in the context of mental illness diagnosis before.

>> No.7708069


No mental health professional would read Howard's word salad and conclude, "nope, I don't really see anything here that's troubling. Seems like a guy with pretty solid mental state, this one."

He is delusional. Not because I say he is, but because he simply is. His beliefs are false and he maintains them even when confronted with undeiable evidence of their falsehood; that is the definition of a delusional person.

He is plainly, obviously, *undeniably* delusional, and that you could read his comments with a critical eye and not come to the conclusion that he is delusional, is staggering.

So yes, I am left with no alternative but to conclude that either you are a troll, or you are incapable of reading his comments with a critical eye, or you are, yourself, delusional.

>> No.7708113

>No mental health professional would read
People say a lot of things.
[Insert all the shit people have ever said that has been wrong, non applicable, or misguided, here. Both big and small, famous and unknown, mundane and profound. All united in their grand combined wrongness born either of mechanical error, deliberate error, or limited perspective.]
I don't care, anon. Cause' that's what we are, limited. Have to make your own decisions and your own judgements. Rely on other people's heuristics if you want and really think they're that much better, but don't act like it's somehow correct.

>His beliefs are false and he maintains them even when confronted with undeiable evidence of their falsehood
Obviously this evidence wasn't undeniable if it couldn't shake his logical framework. Might be he's missing something, might be you're missing something. Might be neither... And might not even be a problem, to not understand it.

Are you completely ignorant of history? I don't really care if he turns out to be the next Euler or just spends his days as he pleases refining his own novel system that you disagree with and building nameless sculptures. You're taking your own beliefs about how people should be, a bit too far and far too recklessly. Looping back to your interpretation of me, I don't quite see why you seem to need this.

Try reverse engineering him if a more intuitive approach fails.

>> No.7708159

>I don't care, anon.

I believe you. I believe that you don't care about what's real and what isn't, so long as you get to feel good about yourself, and you've constructed a worldview that lets you do that, and the things I'm saying challenge that worldview, and so you don't care for me much, or for any of the things I have to say. I get that.

And you can easily ignore me, anon, and here you've ignored me enough times that I'm throwing my hands up and admitting that I just can't try to get through to you any longer. I'm out. You win. But somebody else is going to hear the stuff you say and see the way you think, and they're going to try to get through to you, too. It's not going to end, anon. You're going to spend your whole life having arguements with people trying to get you to merely acknowledge reality.

You don't want to right now. I guess you and Howard would have a good ol' time chatting away about how math *is too* a matter of opinion. But someday I hope you'll see that people that try to get you to acknowledge reality do so because they want you to join them in the real world.

Howard's reality, where one times one is more than one, simply because he feels it *ought* to be, there's something sweet and optimistic and attractive about that. But it isn't real, anon. Reality isn't as attractive as fantasy, but it *being real* is a far greater value.

>> No.7708203

>I believe that you don't care about what's real and what isn't
Of course I do. But probably in a slightly different way than you.

>so long as you get to feel good about yourself, and you've constructed a worldview[...]
Sorry to tell you, but everyone does this eventually. Even the people with a very fluid and open minded sense of a worldview develop core structures they come to be centered around, simply because they consistently work and outside stimuli does not indicate they're lacking, it all appears to fit. No one lasts forever miserably struggling against their own disjointed nature for some semblance of functionality, internal peace, and comfort in their own skin. And that does, or will, include you. Through their environment and the machinery that comprises their own internal workings, people form patterns. That's just how it works. I said we're limited beings, and I did mean it. The capacity for thought and recognizing change is finite.

Here's a dose of actuality for you, because you're getting a bit too hung up on confusing your own ideas for the real me. I've had a long history of internal conflict simply because I did try to understand other people's ideas and viewpoints, I had to figure out what created them, how, and how they worked. Then take these things for myself, akin to harvesting if harvesting just made rough copies. You seem to feel as though I'm ignoring you, I'm not listening, I don't get it, I don't care, nothing you say or do has any meaningful impact, but it really isn't the case. I've read and thought about everything you've said, I'm not just sitting here waiting to react and say my bit.

The problem is, you haven't really said much of anything about what's wrong with my reality and how it to get it realer, more accurate, better, whatever. Nothing much about Howard's reality either. Don't know why you're so exasperated.

>> No.7708320

>The problem is, you haven't really said much of anything about what's wrong with my reality and how it to get it realer, more accurate, better, whatever. Nothing much about Howard's reality either. Don't know why you're so exasperated.

Like a fool, I'm replying.

What's wrong with Howard's reality is that it is not based on things that can be observed or measured, but on his personal intuition. His intuitive definition of multiplication is different than the definition as it is used in the world of mathematics, and it is this difference which results in conflicting answers regarding the matter of one times one.

In Howard's version of multiplication, the product of two numbers is always greater than either of those numbers. Is this version of multiplication better or worse at describing events in the real world? If I have a square tile with a length and height of one meter, is its area greater than one square meter, such that paint sufficent to cover one square meter is not enough to cover my tile?

If every time a customer comes to my shop I sell one apple, and today I had one customer, have I sold more than one apple in this way today?

What Howard (and perhaps you?) might dismiss as the narrowminded and dogmatic *normal* definition of multiplication, this definition was arrived at by careful observation of events in the real world. Because of this, using this definition also has value in the real world. I can use it to determine the area of a rectangle or the amount of goods I sold, or countless other things, and know that my calculation will correlate with reality.

Howard's definition was arrived at not by observation, but by intuition. It just "makes sense" to him. It still has value in Howard's head, but not in the real world, which is not subordinate to Howard's intuition.

>> No.7708413


Dude, just stop. He's not able to get it. You're only ever going to get philosophy 101 from him. We're the sort to plan and make and do real shit, and he's the sort to spend his life daydreaming and patting himself on the back for being such a good daydreamer. It's his life to waste. Gotta let him waste it.

>> No.7708441

>Like a fool, I'm replying.
You sound like me.

>What's wrong with Howard's reality is that it is not based on things that can be observed or measured
Neither is a good deal of the rest of mathematics. A lot of at first glance looks outright arbitrary. Infinity, sets, infinitesimals, imaginary numbers. Can you observe or measure these things? No, of course you can't. Because they don't exist beyond a particle state in your head, an idea, there is no material equivalent. It's like saying "The mirror sun is around". That's definitely a concept surrounded by logical operators, but it probably doesn't exist.

Likewise, we don't know if quantities even truly exist or if they're dependent on a given scale and measurement device. Can all things be subdivided into base units which are wholes that are not composed of parts? If yes, sure quantities exist in a fundamental and objective sense. If not, it's arguable the nature of oneness, twoness, threeness, etc. His framework, if it ultimately yields consistent and coherent results and has some yet unknown use, is perfectly valid.

Is a component of logic and a product of observation.

I'm not Howard, and I don't what underpins his conclusions. But it seems that your examples ignore, is that you'd view, construct, and arrange calculations differently in this system. It could probably be made consistent. whether it reveals anything new, I'm not certain, and inclined to say it probably doesn't. I'll keep defining any number multiplied by 1 as itself, but your argument as far as "delusion" goes, isn't too solid to me. I'd have to think through the implications here, what if it actually affords.

>> No.7708471

It's a damn shame formal mathematics no longer has the minds to elaborate conceptual expression in favor of masturbating over formulas

>> No.7708485


So, for the record, if it later should come to pass that Terrence Howard is legitimately delusional, you'd be in the "surprised" camp, yes?

And if that happened and you recalled this conversation, you'd think, well, though he *did* turn out to be delusional, that guy who thought Howard was delusional based on the things he said was only right by coincidence. I was still right to assume he was sane and profoundly deep."


Because Howard isn't done saying crazy shit. Not by sight.

>> No.7708563

>if it later should come to pass that Terrence Howard is legitimately delusional, you'd be in the "surprised" camp
I don't form very polarized expectations, and am rarely surprised. The hypothetical here assumes what he does makes him delusional from my perspective. So I'd suppose, yes. If he does something to make me see his beliefs as disjointed or delusional, I would think he was delusional. Delusion is more useful when used more specifically though.

I remember almost everything, anon.

>well, though he *did* turn out to be delusional, that guy who thought Howard was delusional based on the things he said was only right by coincidence.
Someone doesn't just turn out to be living in a delusional reality apart from everyone else who's in the real wold, we're all living in different realities. Some beliefs you will tag as delusional, some you will not. Some you won't even have an opinion on, no means to judge, no contrast. What is it then? Without absolute and complete knowledge, it's just another things that is and seems to be.

Obviously if I agreed with your conclusion, it's significantly more likely whatever dataset you drew on to generate it wasn't operating just on coincidence. But at the same time, it could be. This is logic anon.

>I was still right to assume he was sane and profoundly deep."
It's funny to see the version of me you've created.

>Because Howard isn't done saying crazy shit. Not by sight.
I'm looking forward to when he formally publishes the specifics of this system.

>> No.7708623

>I don't form very polarized expectations, and am rarely surprised.

>I remember almost everything, anon.

>This is logic anon.

>I'm looking forward to when he formally publishes the specifics of this system.

Sooooooooo muuuuuuuch fedooooooooraaaaaa!

>> No.7708651

Okay, anon.

>> No.7709740

The Jaden Smith of mathematicians.

>> No.7710996

I think you meant to say "His right, ya know?"

>> No.7711005

Terrance Howard and Wildberger shall usher in a new era of mathematical understanding.

What a time to be alive.

>> No.7711244
File: 8 KB, 400x224, im angry friendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, shut the fuck up and let this happen, this is the most entertained I've been on this board in months and I won't have your fucking dumb asses that couldn't spot a spectacle if there was a cock fight going on right in front of you spoil it for me.

>> No.7711374

pretty sure

>> No.7711389

What math class is this?

If it's bad enough, just saying "The limit of 1/x as x goes to zero is infinity" enough times will make you look like a genius and her like a tard when she doesn't know enough to refute that that proves you can divide by zero

>> No.7711549

1+1 = 2
1 one times = 1
2 one times = 2
2 two times = 4