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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 639x137, MY PEOPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7702105 No.7702105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, who's the dumbest board on 4chan?

>> No.7702106

It's a close tie between /biz/ and /pol/.

>> No.7702109

>not /b/


>> No.7702111

Okay, excluding /b/.

>> No.7702117


>> No.7702124

The close competitors are /b/, /x/, and /pol/.

>> No.7702128

Probably the boards about My Little Pony and Pokemon

>> No.7702130

/x/, /pol/ and /b/ are the only right answers.

>> No.7702132

/biz/? why?

ive never been there is it all pseudo economics and wall street bets?

>> No.7702138

It's /pol/ social darwinism edition.

>> No.7702139

/r9k/ followed closely by /pol/

>> No.7702155

The people that are grown adults but still watch children's cartoons and play children's video games are probably dumber than the crazy conspiracy theorists, in my opinion

>> No.7702156

/r9k/ is pretty bad too actually in that they're too dumb to figure out how not to be miserable

>> No.7702157

Has barely anything to do with intelligence. You're just being a faggot.

>> No.7702158

Yeah crazy people can still be smart.

ex. Luboš Motl

>> No.7702165

Why /pol/? I'm a libertarian and some times I find it quite thought to argue with them because they always use logic, statistics, peer reviewed data and studies to prove their point.

>> No.7702170

You're trying too hard.

>> No.7702171

>they always use logic, statistics, peer reviewed data and studies to prove their point.

I think you may be legitimately retarded or a shill. Or both.

>> No.7702177

>Any argument involving Islam
>Remove Kebab
>Any argument involving hispanic immigration
>Build Wall
>Any argument involving Syrian immigration
>Any argument involving India
>poo in loo
and so on and so forth...

>> No.7702184
File: 198 KB, 415x750, factualfalconsample3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's what they do within their board.
I can tell you of the case of Factual Falcon. Pic related. There was a time /pol/ started to create very polite comics labelled the Adventures of the Factual Falcon, spamming those on reddit and tumblr. They'd have tons of articles and studies supporting /pol/ grade views. Eventually Factual Falcon comics were banned.

>> No.7702189


They are so retarded that they deluded themselves into believing that acting retarded makes them appear witty.

>> No.7702191

Was about to post exactly this. They aren't even creative or original about it, as exactly that kind of stuff has been done on the internet for more than a decade now

>> No.7702193

>mfw not /b/
>mfw no face

>> No.7702202

/pol/ followed closely by /r9k/ and /x/.

>> No.7702208


>> No.7702210 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 672x587, indialiteracyratechart124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another sample of Factual Falcon sample.
As someone who bronswes /pol/, I admit it's quite common for us to say among ourselves those memes but that's because we take it for granted it's so obvious that X is wrong.

For instance, you might criticize our behaviour on the issue with India, but it is a fact that India is the greatest country in terms of public defecation (1), is among the lowest GDP per capitas of the industrialized nations (2), has very low HDI (3) and Gini (4) indicators, has a life expectancy similar to many sub-Saharian African countries (5), has bad infrastructure (6), precarial health systems (7) and most graduated Indians emigrate from the country because it has poor opportunities (8).

So when someone talks about India being a first world nation, we just reply "poo in the loo" in reference to the UN campaing against public defecation in India (9) because it can tiresome to argue with people who deny statistics.


(1) http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-27775327
(2) http://pt.knoema.com/sijweyg/gdp-per-capita-ranking-2015-data-and-charts

(3) http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Economy/Human-Development-Index
(4) https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2172rank.html

(5) http://www.infoplease.com/world/statistics/life-expectancy-country.html

(6) https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/business/support-promotion-and-advice/promoting-the-city-internationally/india/Documents/Indian%20Infrastructure%20review%20paperSept2012.pdf
(7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_in_India
(8) http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/86/1/07-041681/en/
(9) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_peUxE_BKcU

I could very detaidely provide more information on this topic, and maybe even go trough the other ones you mentioned, but I guess you'd just say "lol back to pol recist fuck"

>> No.7702217

Shut the fuck up you Christian retard. Who cares about statistics and facts. This is a board for scientific discussion. Truth is relative. Take that data shit back to stormfront.com

>> No.7702219

>pop-science and social science sources


>> No.7702226


>it is said /pol/ is a rational board
>/sci/ contests thats
>is proven otherwise with statistics, peer reviewed studies, headlines, etc, that prove that /pol/ can be rational
>/sci/ says "fuck off truth is relative"

Truly astouding coming from the board that is upholder of the values of rationalism and down-to-earth fact analysis. Are all /sci/ anons just as ignorant?

>> No.7702233

Which is the worst board?

>> No.7702234

>Well that's what they do within their board.
That's what they do on every board where they are allowed to get cozy.

>> No.7702238

Well, my sources are the BBC, UN, the WHO, the CIA, some data collected by peer reviewed indicators and so on. Why do you think that's pop-science and what other sources do you suggest me to look for, fellow /sci/tizen?

>> No.7702240

This obvious /pol/ samefig is evidence that /pol/ is the most retarded board on 4chan.

>> No.7702241


>> No.7702244

>all those retarded butthurt british "facts" about India
>remotely legitimate

the poo in the loo bullshit is an overblown meme, compared to south american and asian shitholes, India is surprisingly advanced, especially in the last 10 years, things have become pretty good and are just getting better. They are investing something like 1.5 trillion dollars in infrastructure building and manufacturing, arguably the most ignored areas in that country.

It's now the country has the money and expertise to build, build and build for the next decade to improve the general living standards.

Compared to 12% education and one of the poorest countries in 1950s when India got independence from le white man, it has come pretty far.

Infrastructure and research and development is something they gotta focus on this decade to normalize and spread the wealth among the population

ayy lmao

>> No.7702246

Is that really so? Here I have an example of /pol/ thread going on right now.

As you can see, posters come from several different countries, including those of Latin America, North Africa and SE Asia. Not only that, OP provides a cartoon with a funny image and his text is perfectly ponctuaded, following English grammar, and he links the sources that supports the point he is putting across.

What do you say?

>> No.7702247

>thinking that >>7702217 wasn't just a samefag shill

>> No.7702248

Nobody is arguing that India has no public defecation problem. Developing countries are not developed, this is unremarkable to anyone with two brain cells and some string between them. You don't need sources to prove this, you need sources to conflate this factual point with other nonfactual assertions.

>> No.7702249

where did you pull that pic from? your ass?

the census beareu of India puts the literacy at 70% according to 2011 stats, the latest one available.

If you are gonna shitpost, atleast don't be this obvious

>> No.7702251

>Truly astouding coming from the board that is upholder of the values of rationalism and down-to-earth fact analysis. Are all /sci/ anons just as ignorant?

hurr durr why won't everyone cite bullshit links and laugh at niggers XDDD

get the fuck out you little piece of stinky shit

>> No.7702253
File: 128 KB, 1190x682, defecationintheopen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the poo in the loo bullshit is an overblown meme, compared to south american and asian shitholes

No, it is not. This map shows how India scores far better than Latin American and South East asian nations in terms of public defecation.

And the fact you call statistics "a British bullshit meme" won't make them any less true, even if they go against your feelings. ;^)

>> No.7702254

>Mom look at my epic false flag operation
>You're not looking

>> No.7702255

Read the research articles themselves. Everything you linked was written by a journalist who at best (if you're lucky) asked the author some questions to get a general gist. In the worst case scenario it's just one journalist reporting on what another journalist reported on (literally no different from of you were to go write an article on the research after only having read these news articles, much like that pleb "factual falcon" does).

Often times these journalists will stretch the conclusion or even reach an entirely incorrect conclusion because of their poor understanding of the science.

>> No.7702256

a close competition between /pol/ and /x/
atleast x fags aren't arrogant bastards unlike poltards, some of the dumbest people I've ever encountered online or in real life

>> No.7702261

>Nobody is arguing that India has no public defecation problem. Developing countries are not developed, this is unremarkable to anyone with two brain cells and some string between them.

At one point, the anon at >>7702177
implied the poo in the loo meme is invalid. I argued it is because India is a shithole due to the reasons provided in >>7702210

I don't think ad hominem and strawman arguments can enrich a discussion.

Not really! That map is courtesy of India's National Census for Geography and Statistics (NCGS). Here's the link: http://censusindia.gov.in/2011-prov-results/data_files/india/Final_PPT_2011_chapter6.pdf

>> No.7702262

India also has a high rural population you retard, plus how was the data collected for a billion people?

surveying some shithole village and calling it a fact of India is hardly a reliable statistic.

Where are the studies? where are the methods?

Most of these bullshit stats are pooped out by british organisations every second year maybe because they are butthurt about all the empire thingy.

It's not the first time it has happened it won't be last.

>> No.7702265

>peer reviewed indicators
peer reviewd by who? ngos who leech off of donated money to "help" India and Africa and China and so on?

It's just one bullshit study done by some butthurt british organisation that is then cited everywhere as some gospel's truth...

that's not how statistics work my friendo

>> No.7702266

>At one point, the anon at >>7702177
>implied the poo in the loo meme is invalid.

Doesn't read that way, just looks like anon was listing ways in which /pol/ is a vapid, self-congratulating echo chamber.

>> No.7702268

>pollack trying this hard to sound like a sjw

you sure convinced me lad :^)

>> No.7702269
File: 322 KB, 1600x1071, 1433178929011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dumbest ranking
1) /b/
2) /x/
3) /soc/
4) /pol/


1) /diy/
2) /sci/ + /lit/
3) /tg/ + /his/
4) /biz/ (on a good day)

>> No.7702271

Well. You look like a bit like this:

>hello i'm gallileo and here's an article i published on saturn having moons :)))
>well what the fuck are these studies based on, they're compeltely invalid because they don't work within the set range of parameters i set for myself. they go against my viewpoint so there must be something wrong about these studies! >:(((

You basically said the same thing, fellow /sci/tizen.

Regardless, the facts are collected trough survey performed by India's Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI),The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation came into existence as an Independent Ministry on 15.10.1999 after the merger of the Department of Statistics and the Department of Programme Implementation. The Ministry has two wings, one relating to Statistics and the other Programme Implementation. The Statistics Wing called the National Statistical Office(NSO) consists of the Central Statistical Office (CSO), the Computer Centre and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). The Programme Implementation Wing has three Divisions, namely, (i) Twenty Point Programme (ii) Infrastructure Monitoring and Project Monitoring and (iii) Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme. Besides these two wings, there is National Statistical Commission created through a Resolution of Government of India (MOSPI) and one autonomous Institute, viz., Indian Statistical Institute declared as an institute of National importance by an Act of Parliament.

Here's the link to the official website:

I would guess the World Bank and some other organizations also help them with that.


>> No.7702272

this desu, one retard publishes some bullshit report, everyone quotes him and then it somehow becomes a universal fact.

No sources, no methods, no idea of how the study was conducted. A circulatory circular that's passed around as some revealation.

kek what a bunch of morons

>> No.7702275

Also, this applies for >>7702265

You guys are basically denying the evidence I presented based on assumptions and hypothesis that have no validation whatsover and are directly disproved by my previous post

>> No.7702277


when will this meme end

>> No.7702281 [DELETED] 

You forgot /3/.

>> No.7702284

You forgot /3/.

>> No.7702288

So, so far we have

>/pol/ is said to be dumb
>refutaded with arguments that show how logical and empirical /pol/ack views are
>counter-argued with ad hominem and attacks discredint source validation
>/sci/ is shown data comes from BBC, CIA, national ministries, and so on
>/sci/ denies that and claims everything is invalid

Can you please explain what you're trying to prove by showing everytime more your illogical views? If at least you posted links and sources to validate your claims India is anyhow not worthy of the poo in the loo meme, but no, you will just deny data instead.

>> No.7702290

This whole thread is pretty incredible. It definitely proves that /sci/ doesn't belong anywhere near the list of smartest boards.

>> No.7702291

>/pol/ is said to be dumb
>/pol/ copy pastes that one time when one guy had some sources
>attempts to claim that the model is the standard
>congratulates self for being logical ad infinitum

>> No.7702292

a study that doesn't provide methods, evidence, a way to replicate the study doesn't mean jackshit

gallileo might as well say the moon is made out of cheese and a hundred shitty journalists may copy and paste it a million times and turn it inot a meme, it doesn't become a fact.

Where is the fucking data? what methods were used to collect the data? what was the sample size? was it done in village or cities? was it done in poor states or richer states?

these variables matter for any study and claim to be legitimate you massive cum guzzling faggot

>> No.7702295

>Not really! That map is courtesy of India's National Census for Geography and Statistics (NCGS). Here's the link: http://censusindia.gov.in/2011-prov-results/data_files/india/Final_PPT_2011_chapter6.pdf

which clearly states that the effective literacy rate in India as of 2011, is ~70% for males and 60 for females. The retarded pic you attached is nowhere to be found and the pic you provided has a trademark of 2006, a full five years befoe the census report was even out.

this is why you shouldn't bullshit by citing false info for your racial propaganda you faggot

>> No.7702296

I answered your question on the same post you replied to. If you actually were engaged in the discussion and willing to challenge your own views as to change the stereotype of stormfag /pol/ack you have in the back of your mind, you'd have checked the link I posted and would have seen India collects its data following the same parameters pre-estipulated by the European Union, as shown here: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/statmanuals/files/KS-CC-03-005-EN.pdf

This is a 150 page long document that specifies how demographical data is to be collected. In a nutshell, it says a given government is to collect as much data from as many different places possible, going from house to house with a given number of fiscals, the whole process being able to last up from 4 months to 2 years depending on the country.

>> No.7702300

>implied the poo in the loo meme is invalid. I argued it is because India is a shithole due to the reasons provided in >>7702210

I said the meme is overblown, I didn't say India is perfect, but the bullshit spewed by poltards for their self congratulatory circle jerk over exaggerates India's issues by cherrypicking some bullshit ngo/journalist or whatever "study" and then runs around with it as if it's the ultimate truth ever revealed.

I asked how was this poo in loo meme being spouted? how was this so-called study done? how many people were interviewed? where was it done (village or cities)? was it extrapolated after interviewing some 10 retarded villagers from some shithole in remote India?

And here you are still whining about how your biased bullshit is the gospel's truth and I should blindly believe it because you cited some link.

well congratulations faggot, you have learned how to post a link, that's all your links prove, nothing else.

>> No.7702303

I think you're having trouble with map interpretation. To start with, 70% is nowhere a good figure.

Second, here's a simpler source. It will be easier to interpret and compare to other countries.


Here it is clear how the world average for literacy is 80% and India's is 70%, lower than the literacy rate of Ghana, Honduras, Iraq, Laos and Vanuatu islands, just to name a few.

You can click the arrows to adjust the list according to overall population, percentage population, alphabetic order and so on. :^)

Next question?

>> No.7702307

>govt/ sources
bbc is govt source now? cia basically picked it up from poo in loo farticle

>waah waah why would no one repeat poo in loo meme with me.. waah waah

are you a paki or something? your hatred of India is almost fanatical

never seen anyone more butthurt than a goat fucking paki when talking about India lel

>> No.7702308

Wow, you have clearly spent an inordinate amount of time familiarizing yourself with publications related to public defecation in India as if this is a point which actually matters to anyone. You have gone above and beyond in making yourself a living example of /pol/ being the dumbest board on 4chan. Enjoy your encyclopedic knowledge of turds on the other side of the world.

>> No.7702311

Allow me to dumb this down for you.

>Be a researcher.
>Collect a bunch of stats and do a lot of analysis on it in order to support a very specific hypothesis.
>Write an abstract on the paper explaining the hypothesis, the evidence, and the conclusion.

>Be a pop-science journalist for a news site.
>Editor requires I write an article every so often.
>Skim the titles on journal articles.
>Find one that sounds "news worthy" (i.e. it would make for good clickbait).
>Read the abstract, skim the article for graphs or diagrams.
>Write a news article based on that alone. Give it a clickbaity title, start sentences with "statistics prove" and "the results are in", tell the readers "why it's important" by relating it to some current events/pop-culture/stereotypes, and add in my own conjectures and conclusions.

>Be a bunch of other journalists who also have deadlines.
>Look at the competition.
>Rewrite their news article and begin it with "according to the BBC" or "the BBC reports".

Later on:
>Be a retard from /pol/
>Get into an argument with another retard.
>Throw some terms into google and grab the first result with the most provocative title that supports my claim.
>Read the title and skim the article for graphs.
>Write a short summary based on that info and throw it into an info-graph to win an internet argument (because internet is srs bsns, amirite).

With regards to all the institutional articles (WHO, UN, etc..) basically the same idea except the researchers are paid in house, there's less review, and the articles are approved by politicians.

>> No.7702313
File: 3 KB, 87x125, 1449356421372s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I said that I mentioned peer reviewed sources, that goes for both government and non government. Your whole post is also a pretty bad ad hominem. I'm a proud American and I'm just saying all of this to show /pol/ memes are based on logic and we are a smart board who deals with facts, statistics, data, etc, instead of speculation, unless it's a meme thread like pic related

>> No.7702314

You consider social darwinist randposters smart?

>> No.7702315

>saving the thumbnail
>claiming to be smart

>> No.7702316
File: 10 KB, 255x200, 1449251935603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is a samefag, or if you're just this retarded, but you're kind of proving why /pol/ is so stupid.

This is a motte and bailey. You're starting with something true (India's shitting system sucks), and from there you use that to justify whatever other bullshit you feel like spouting (therefore, Indians are degenerate).

tl;dr you're retarded and should probably impale yourself with a glass shard from the monitor you're reading this from.

>> No.7702320

Thank you for accepting defeat. It's got to show /sci/ that /pol/ is a rational board =)
I didn't source any pop science website like Infowars. I sourced Wikipedia, WHO, UN, India's ministry of statistics, BBC which is fairly the most reliable news network on the planet and so on. Calling it pseudo science won't prove me wrong because what I'm saying is facts and I'm having to prove you they are facts. This is what is going on:

>me trying to show /sci/ that /pol/ views are not just memes and are, in fact, based on a lot of truth
>/sci/ denying sources as being worthy

What do you want me to do then? Start saying anything I like without having to source it because sources are unreliable? Very well, how about this then: invisible unicorns exist but you can't see them. You may provide me a link to a study that says otherwise but I'll just say that study is pop-science and its author was paid to say invisible unicorns are unknown to exist.

>> No.7702324

>public shitting is not degenerate
Tell me more about it.
Toilets are just social constructs, aren't they?

>> No.7702329

>Toilets are just social constructs, aren't they?
Wow, great point! I feel so stupid now, since the toilet I'm sitting on right now is a freerange organic toilet.

>> No.7702330


/pol/ is the dumbest, no contest

>> No.7702332
File: 119 KB, 508x508, reaction yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poltards, some of the dumbest people I've ever encountered online or in real life

Holy shit, this.

>mfw there's a group of foreveralone autistic retards in my program.
>mfw they incorrectly throw around terms they don't understand in an effort to sound smart but everyone just finds it off putting and pretentious.
>mfw they spout memes irl and are openly racist towards people.
>mfw after trying to avoid discussion with them about some racist shit they bring up /pol/ and laugh about it among themselves like it's some super sekrit thing no one but them knows about.

Of course they were fucking /pol/ users, what self respecting human being would walk around responding to normal people with "top kek" irl.

>> No.7702333

>Here it is clear how the world average for literacy is 80% and India's is 70%, lower than the literacy rate of Ghana, Honduras, Iraq, Laos and Vanuatu islands, just to name a few.

nice goal post shift faggot... so you were bullshitting with the previous image and saying it was taken from a govt. link. The criteria for literacy in India are different than some african shithole.. go figure :^)

not only are poltards retarded, they are shit at baiting too apparently.

>muh wikipedia article

I thought you were more into govt. sources? Either way, 70% from 50% a decade ago is a fairly good jump, plus at a billion people that's about 700 million educated people, not a bad figure at all compared to some 20 million at most from the other african countries.

from poo in loo to edumacation to how India is below average... wew lad you sure showed me.

So we are back to where we started from India is backward but not nearly as much as poltards would like to portray it to be.

And that's why no one takes you cartoons seriously. Next time, hold on to a single topic, do more than just skimming through some shitty british pop news website and do some background research before you come here spouting your bullshit.

This is not pol after all, people will verify your bullshit and call you out on your faggotry.

now fuck off back to le /pol/

>> No.7702336

>I didn't source any pop science website like Infowars. I sourced Wikipedia, WHO, UN, India's ministry of statistics, BBC which is fairly the most reliable news network on the planet and so on. Calling it pseudo science won't prove me wrong because what I'm saying is facts and I'm having to prove you they are facts. This is what is going on:

News is pop science. All of those things are pop science. You are a retard who obviously can't into science.

>> No.7702338

Ok then. Draw a scientific article on MS Paint, post it here and say it's a scientific article because you're the one to dictate whats truth and whats not.

Go figure.

>India is not as bad as I portray it
I'm not portraying it. Facts are here: >>7702210
poo in the loo meme is just a consequence of that

>> No.7702340

>getting your ass handed to you
>pretending like you won

Good job, you just experimentally demonstrated the "/pol/'s the dumbest" hypothesis

>> No.7702343

literally full of people asking how they can scam people out of their money

>> No.7702344


Cry more bitch.

Science doesn't give you facts, it gives you theories and a process for improving them by disproving them.

>> No.7702348

I'm not pretending I'm won. I won. That's a fact.
Here's a summary of what happened:

-/pol/ is said to be dumb
-i contest
-/sci/ says /pol/ makes memes based on lies (ie poo in the loo)
-i show /sci/ that /pol/ memes are based on empirical evidence. for intance, the poo in the loo meme is based on the fact india is an underveloped country so we mock it on our board
-/sci/ contests india is underdeveloped
-i post >>7702210 clearly proving my point with sources such as BBC, WHO, UN, India's ministry of Statistics, the World Bank, etc.
-/sci/ denies that's evidence, despite the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the sources

I don't really have anything else to say, really.

>> No.7702349

spending this much time and effort to defend a shithole like /pol/ is by definition, losing.

you lost, anon.

>> No.7702350

I understand what a scientific journal is.
I thought that by pop science you were referring to shit sources like Infowars or wakeupamerica.com
My sources are reliable, regardless

>> No.7702351

spending this much time and effort to defend a shithole like /sci/ is by definition, losing.

you lost, anon.

>> No.7702353

You literally threw shit at people who were calling you stupid and declared it a victory. What's it like to hold views so irrelevant that any human contact feels like winning?

>> No.7702355

but im not defending sci lol

>> No.7702358

>-/sci/ contests india is underdeveloped
The thread really should have ended here. You're retarded, and you're doubly retarded for spending this much time arguing about this.

>> No.7702359

No, your sources are a journalist's interpretation of a piece of research written at a fourth grade level for consumption by the lowest common denominator.

Your sources are pop-science.

>> No.7702360

>UN is pop science
>India's ministries are pop science
>WHO is pop science
>the largest news network on the planet is pop science
>the world bank is pop science
>all of these organizations are run by fourth grade level journalists
>/sci/ is smart, /pol/ is dumb

Please spell the word contradiction.

>> No.7702368

it's kinda hilarious how most of the neo nazis today are a bunch of low life blue collar workers or unemployed butthurt morons who think they are cool because they can spout a few edgy memes.

Hitler would've gassed these faggots if he was alive today

>> No.7702369

>Be the UN
>Pay scientists to conduct research.
>Put their research up on the server.
>Pay a journalist and editor to write a dumbed down layman version of the research aimed at retards. The accuracy doesn't matter because any actual scientist will look at the actual research papers instead of the dumbed down paper aimed at retards.

meanwhile, actual retards at /pol/ argue that they understand the methods and statistics behind a piece of research because they read some fourth grade level piece of writing aimed at retards.

You are a retard.

News networks like the BBC are especially bad at interpreting science. It's obvious you've never done any scientific research or you would've known that. Seriously, only retards think "the news" is a good place to get your science.

>> No.7702371

>India's ministry of statistics
you actually posted census, ministry of statistics is a different website altogether. Learn to google first then be edgy


>> No.7702375

To be fair there are pretty well read anons in /pol/ and they do have a strict value for sources. That a lot of memers and 12 year olds browse it could say the same about sci and lit.

>> No.7702376
File: 22 KB, 1304x86, internetfordummies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down friend. I've been kind so far.
I think you might have missed me mentioning the Ministry of Statistics.

Here: >>7702271
Protip: if you can't find a keyword on a webpage, hit control f and then type the expression you're looking for on the little box you will see spawning on the top right of your browswer. The picture can help in case you're too dumb to understand that! ;^)

>> No.7702377

your delusionals aren't facts stormfront sweetie :)

If you want facts on India and want to cite Indian govt to sound more relevant use this :


It has monthly or yearly data on almost anything you can think of. Number of alcoholics, no. of students, no. of nukes and so on..

read, learn, evaluate and then come here to spout your bullshit.

And yeah, you are way too obsessed with the shitting habits of a country halfway across the world, you might want to see a psychiatrist, before you see an eye doctor and an neurologist to figure out what's wrong with your tiny brain

>> No.7702378
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>You consider social darwinist randposters smart?

I realize a lot of people on /biz/ are pessimistic as fuck. But, that's a lot of 4chan. Now, on /biz/, the culture there isn't too significantly different from any other board where more serious discussion take place (ironic, right?). Now, I'm talking about posting-style and the overall substance. In /biz/, yes, there's social darwinism being paraded around like a half-clothed proud gay and independent black man in a parade. But, hear me out. There have been solid posters on the board. In addition, they've offered some decent content and advice. There are real successful entrepreneurs that lurk there , however, a lot of the good posters have stopped posting as much which has led to a decline in the overall board itself as it has become a circlejerk in its existence. But, during certain times of the day at certain times of the year, good material does come out of it. There's been some really informative advice about investing and how to get some money off the ground when you don't have any. Of course, most of the time you get a lot of shitposting on the board that deals with something like, "How do I get rich quick?" or, "Just inherited x amount of money from my parents, what do?" Now, we can't let this whole shitposting image devalue the whole board itself and make it seem like /biz/ is void of all good material and shouldn't be acknowledged.

>> No.7702380

>I'm not pretending I'm won. I won. That's a fact.
self congratualting isn't winning you mental retard

>I gave myself a PhD. in particle physics
>I am a doctor of particle physics. FACT. I WON. I am ubermensch after all :^)

fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.7702388


>well read
you're kidding right?
>guns germs and steel
>other pop-history books and commentary books
>story books with allegories
>social science articles at best
>"racial science" predating modern genetics from the 1950s are still taken seriously.

>strict value for sources
>pop-science sources are good enough
>social science is legit
>blogs are good too
>infographs for everyone
>opinions of "smart people" win arguments

Are you for real? It's a containment board for self-important retards.

>> No.7702392

it's a tie between /pol/, /x/, and /r9k/ in my opinion

/pol/ can't keep to their containment board no matter how often they're asked to leave, /r9k/ is half sociopaths, half autistic people, and 100% mental illness general. /x/ is, well, /x/. enough said.

i skimmed the thread and saw an annoyed /pol/poster attempting to argue for their board's intelligence and getting soundly trolled, well done lads

>> No.7702405

fa obviously. they spend all their time picking out meme cloths + taking pics of their hair. also they think being 6'5" 100lbs is normal. most of them literally have psychological probs. if there was ever a worldwide disaster and everybody had to survive on their own, they would be the first to die off or be killed off.

>> No.7702435
File: 99 KB, 396x600, 1ddfc2d46e27710195d4b1e6a8f71d69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i came here expecting really hard math/science and its just filled with threads of this calibre

>> No.7702436

Lubos is literally right about everything

>> No.7702449



choose only one please

>> No.7702450

/r9k/ is generally a pretty intelligent board in terms of academics and being inventive/imaginative

But they have 0% common sense and awareness. This combination is what makes the board hilarious.

>> No.7702451

>really hard math
majority of this board would probably have a hard time taking a high school algebra test

>> No.7702455


underrated post.

>> No.7702483


Nice meme

>> No.7703474

>/pol/ gives tens of sources, including CIA, UN, various ministries and governmental organisations
>/sci/ gives none and calls sources they don't like bullshit
>/pol/ uses zero ad hominems
>/sci/ uses them all the time
Sure sounds like a normal thread.

Shit, no wonder we drove every non shitposter away.

>> No.7703482


>> No.7703617

/pol/, /x/, /b/, /soc/, /r9k/

Honorable mention to /v/

>> No.7703625

Could be said the same of most people here in /sci/ or /lit/. Doesn't change the fact that /sci/ has people with PhDs or people studying at Cambridge or Oxford. Stop taking memes so seriously kid.

>> No.7703632

> omg they use memes
panic !

>> No.7703638

> mfw the so called racist "poo in the loo" meme was actually created by indian health organization to educate indian citizens to use bathrooms rather than the sidewalks and beaches

Never reply to /sjw/-posters. They are only here to flame and spam garbage.

>> No.7704186
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lol damage control

>> No.7704198

here comes the cleanup crew

>> No.7704713

/pol/ is actually genius if you view it as satire, I go on there to shitpost all the time, it's really easy to get them riled up over nothing and it's a welcome break from the shit on this board

and yes I'm Canadian.

>> No.7704733
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/biz/ is actually not that bad from what I remember of it, sure there's lots of buttcoin threads (cryptocurrencies are actually legitimately interesting, though, both as financial instruments and as interesting pieces of applied mathematics) but there's obviously some solid people over there as well.

/pol/ is just straight up garbage for anything but shitposting. They're so fucking easy to troll man and they think anyone who questions the merit of neo-reactionary thinking is a "SJW tumblr reddit kuk". It's really pathetic how they think they aren't an echo chamber.

>> No.7704737

/pol/ thinks the US is headed to another civil war. So I'd go with them.

>> No.7704757

>Post anime pic.
>Get 200+ replies.

>> No.7704851

I wonder what is the youngest board? I'm starting to think it is /sci/. At least the youngest blue board.

>> No.7704862

>youngest blue board

>> No.7705004

Nice non sequiter faggot

>> No.7705033


>> No.7705041

/b/ and /x/ are actually pretty smart.

/pol/ has the highest concentration of retards though

>> No.7705060

>/x/ is smart
What am I reading?

>> No.7705063

>people actually believe this

>> No.7705070
File: 93 KB, 533x800, i bet the jews did this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they always use logic, statistics, peer reviewed data and studies to prove their point.

>19th century bio textbooks
>Protocols of the Elders of Zion without a trace of irony
>Bullshit crime statistics designed to paint anyone non melanin-challenged as a criminal
>Near-constant rants about how women need to be enslaved and gays exterminated


>> No.7705071

I'd say sci
We think having a board dubbed science and math makes us viable to judge other boards when in fact it is still on 4chan.

>> No.7705075

You guys forgot /soc/ and their dick length threads.
Anyway, I don't think /sci/ is the smartest board. It is flooded with homework threads, /x/tards and /pol/locks with their stupid facts. The threads are ok if they are about pure science/math. But when it's involved alyum or global warming, it's fucking shit.

I think /ic/, /diy/ or /po/ are the smartest board because they are actually doing stuffs. Threads are pretty civil too.

>> No.7705079

>i generalize everything I don't like at their lowest possible expression

>> No.7705086

That sounds more like /int/ though

>> No.7705087

>Bring up /pol/
>thread descends into shitposting

You silly fools

>> No.7705093

Lol the pol faggot is still here

>> No.7705097

Not /pol/

First day on 4chan?

>> No.7705104

>i mix anyone who disagrees with me into the group i'm insulting

>> No.7705114

>giving a shit about pol

It's 2015 guys grow up

>> No.7705118

>pretty civil

No, we're a bunch of faggots too.

>> No.7705119

>i whine and whine and whine about /pol/
>as soon as someone replies to me I tell them to grow up for caring about /pol/

>> No.7705120

>hurr durr
Pol uses it for their racial propaganda tho, there's a difference you faggot

that's why no one takes your kind seriously

>> No.7705121

>poltard comes back 10+ hours later to defend his faggotry

lol typical redneck conspiracy retard

>> No.7705124

Do you have any proof that they are as you typecasted them to be?

>> No.7705125

>I defend pol ironically
honestly faggot stop bitching already you lost, you took it up the ass, grow some balls, accept your retardedness and move on

>> No.7705128

>honestly faggot stop bitching already you lost, you took it up the ass, grow some balls, accept your retardedness and move on

You sound ignorant and buttblasted
Did your feelings interfere with your reasoning side?

>> No.7705129

>still whining about /pol/
go to sleep anita

>> No.7705144

>states that /pol/tards are rational and use science to back up their racism and bigotry
>contests this with examples of the kind of bullshit they use as "evidence"
>y-you're generalizing

"Generalizing." Yes, that's exceptionally rich coming from you, /pol/tard.

>> No.7705147


>>>/pol/ is that way gents

>> No.7705149

>once again, making everyone to be their lowest common expression
not everyone is the same person, i'm not whoever you're talking about
>contest with examples = cherrypick the lowest common expression

>> No.7705151

>being this buttblasted
are you triggered?

>> No.7705185

This tbqh

>> No.7705192


Most people there believe getting fit is actually harder than getting rich.

>> No.7705200

A few of the porn boards have the most focused and meaningful discussion. They represent the peak of intellectual exchange on 4chan.

/s/, /h/, and /e/ come to mind most quickly.

/a/, /mu/, /v/, /b/, and above all, /g/, have the most profound clustering of dim witted and myopic individuals. They represent 4chan's utmost stupidity, and the lowest dips in its overall spread of intellect. /sci/ is in the middle and slightly on the higher end.

/diy/ is probably the most genuine and clever board. /ck/ is okay as well.

>> No.7705211

I don't really get why /pol/ is mentioned. Sure it's not /new/, but between the shitposting is a plethora of evidence supporting many of the controversial views.

You can't exactly call their arguments stupid when they're providing official government statistics.

>> No.7705247

Well I am smart so any board which I perceive to disagree with my opinions, which are correct.

>> No.7705248


/b/ is dumb as sure, but most people actually believe in the stupid shit posted there.

People on /pol/ actually believe and will try to prove shit about eugenics and race mixing based on long disproven evidence.

>> No.7705250

/sci/ hates /pol/ because most of /sci/ has had a full western cultural marxist eduaction.

It's quite apparent that /sci/ has not the stomach to question authority when they can't bring themselves to face the fact that modern day science has become a joke.

>> No.7705269

>somehow worse than /d/, /pol/ and /x/

>> No.7705272

Why does everyone hate /x/ so much?

>> No.7705276

>why doesn't the science board just accept the paranormal board
It's just one of those unsolvable mysteries m8

>> No.7705324

Hasn't a large bulk of scientific history and advancement been about trying to understand unexplained phenomena and/or trying to accomplish things that are considered crazy beforehand?

>> No.7705360

It's between /pol/ and /v/ for me, at least with /x/ I tell myself they are just pretending.

>> No.7705368

That is really funny because I remember /biz/ saying /sci/ was the dumbest board full of psudo-intellectuals/high schoolers and that /diy/ was the smartest board.

>> No.7705372

Honestly tho, /pol/ isn't that retarded. They make great satire and that requires some sort of intelligence.

>> No.7705379
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Pic related, and I'd argue that /pol/ is mostly people of the latter type.

>> No.7705392

What is it exactly that /pol/ does that people find so dumb? Is it just that they come to different opinions then you?

>> No.7705425

Ah, false flags. The bread and butter of /pol/ posters.

>> No.7705427

Ignore /sci/, /biz/ is a clever board ive gotten good business advice on there. It is jut that /sci/ is narrow minded enough to believe that everything which isnt wageslavery is retarded

>> No.7705428

/pol/ is /sci/'s mortal enemy solely because /pol/ knows how to ask questions.

For being a /sci/ board people here really hate when their views and beliefs are challenged.

>> No.7705435

>Hey /sci/, who's the dumbest board on 4chan?
no question

>> No.7705438

>Come to /pol/ and get desensitized to racism
No thanks.

>> No.7705440

The answer is in your question.

>> No.7705445

>"Generalizing." Yes, that's exceptionally rich coming from you, /pol/tard.
Have you noticed how in most /pol/ arguments that take place in other boards, they post things that they probably had posted against them in a previous argument but reversed, even when it doesn't really make sense?

>> No.7705454

There's more fluff and distortion than in /sci/, and they sometimes confuse profundity with competent expression of emotion, but it's probably the wittiest board imo

>> No.7705461


Intelligent because dumb posters died

>pre wwe /asp/

>the rest

Dumb as a rock