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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 680x350, TalkToYourFamily-section-CollegeAcceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7701188 No.7701188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with going to a shit university which does less in three calc classes than MIT does in two? And where doing fucking AP classes in high school lets you have credits! And when, for example, Caltech dives straight in to proof based stuff in maths.

Also a lot of you are americans where your courses, rather than being assessed on exams, are assessed on shit like 10 % attendance, 20 % mid term, 30 % final exam, 25 % asking questions in class etc

>> No.7701195

Why are you using MIT as an example? You do know that they have a pretty normalfag undergrad programme compared to say Caltech right?

>> No.7701198


MITOCW has a bunch of stuff online. You can buy any book on amazon, and begin going through it. There's tons of videos from enthusiastic mathematicians on youtube teaching maths.

Everyone has the opportunity to do more.

>> No.7701206


Yeah I know but who has the time to simultaneously take 4 of the MIT OCW courses without being full neet? And to do that 8 times in a row?

Also I guess in America the uni system is very differentiated. You can't compare amherst college to ohio state. In the UK where I live, where I thoughtlessly picked my uni in my own city, and where you don't have so much difference in price or uni culture, all I get is a watered down to the nth degree oxbridge. I am butthurt and I don't care who knows it.

>> No.7701208

>rather than being assessed on exams, are assessed on shit like 10 % attendance, 20 % mid term, 30 % final exam, 25 % asking questions in class etc

Yes it sure is optimal to be market 80% on one set of exams every year and 20% on shit like practicals, reports and miscellaneous projects. Makes for great fun when you get 3 hours of sleep before that physics exam that counts for all the beans because of nerves.


Anon who had that happen last year. Luckily it was still all right.

>> No.7701263


There's just not that big of a difference.

I'm at Ohio State, and I was looking at MITs "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" course because I'm talking an equivalent course at OSU. It doesn't seem that they do much different from us. I'm sure they place emphasis on some things that we don't, but from I can see it can be summed up like this: we learn the same shit, and they do much more MATLAB with it.

We did the same homework problems, had similar exams (besides their MATLAB stuff), and at the end of the day had a very similar course on nonlinear dynamics.

You need to stop letting /sci/ get in your head. I know someone who did their undergrad at University of Alabama, and is now doing their PhD at Oxford. I'm not going to say the school you attend for undergraduate doesn't matter, but it's not like the rest of your life was determined at age 18.

>> No.7701296

>10 % attendance, 20 % mid term, 30 % final exam, 25 % asking questions in class etc

are you serious?
I have never had a class that had anything more than 10% attendance/participation, everything else was examination, and i've been at two universities (after transferring from first one)

why does every european need to validate their shitty abilities by making unverified claims about the envied Americans across the pond?


>> No.7701339
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you sound like a huge fag

>> No.7702841

>How do you cope with going to a shit university
By the fact that I will be running my own business where there is no boss to tell me every day that thy degree is shit and I will get minimum wage.
At this point all i care is to learn as much as i can in my free time and in uni so i can work as i should later.

Also I am in Easter Europe.
Shit like
>10 % attendance, 20 % mid term, 30 % final exam, 25 % asking questions in class etc
is more like
>60 % attendance, 10 % mid term,final exam, 15 % class work , 15 % practical classes successes
^This equals your final grade,but this is ex-comunist country and nothing works right,those 60% are a joke,nobody is attending lectures because besides me and 20 other people.
And remember this is eastern europe so there is no repercussions if you work your ass of and get a C and some asshole that never appeared on lectures gets A and a scholarship.

>> No.7702916

If your classes are going too slowly just take more of them. If they are too basic, take higher level ones; try a graduate level course if your school has a graduate program. If you cannot because of prereqs just go anyway, ask for access to class websites and homeworks, do the homeworks and then when you prove you can keep up ask for it to be officially counted.

The point is it doesn't matter where you go, it's how you go. The very best students go outside and beyond the suggested and scheduled curricula. Graduate school is where it matters and they take students from any school, even some state colleges.

I went to a top 30 undergrad and now go to a top 10 grad school for my specialization.

>> No.7702946
File: 138 KB, 500x425, Cambridge_University_Library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: If your current university is shit just study hard and get the best grade you can and then go to a better university for a postgrad course/PhD

>That's what I did