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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7692485 No.7692485 [Reply] [Original]

You've got 10 minutes.. Go!

>> No.7692494


The real test is this:

Only smart people will ignore this shitpost

>inb4 I replied therefore I am not smart
> hurr durr

>> No.7692497


Go back to /b/.

And shave your neck.

>> No.7692513

> let me put more bait on my hook

>> No.7692518

Not one answer?

sage goes in the other box, anon.

>> No.7692547

why put it so complicatedly?

>I saw a shirt for 97. I borrowed 100 from my meth dealer. I bought the shirt with 3 change. I gave him 2. Now I owe him 98 and I have 1. Where is the other 1?

>> No.7692553

The 1 didn't go anywhere, it's right there:

100 - 50 - 50 + 49 + 49 + 1 = 1 <===

See, you didn't loose the one you got from arbitrarily adding 1 to the amount of money you no longer owe your parents.

>> No.7692555
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I put sage in all the boxes :)

>> No.7692558


You have both failed.

Only complete retards fall for this old copypasta

Would you both also like to prove to me why 0.99... = 1 ?
Since we are having a "Bait the retards" thread

>> No.7692567

Suppose the shirt costs 49 dollars. You buy it, give 25 dollars to mom, 25 dollars to dad and keep one dollar. Now you owe your mom $25 and your dad $25. 25+25+1=51, where did the missing $49 go?
Now it's clear what's wrong: the amount of money you owe plus the money you have shouldn't equal the money you got, instead the amount of money you have plus the price of the shirt should equal the amount of money you owe: 97+1=49+49.

>> No.7692575

>adding your dollar to make the debt higher
>debt not being negative

>> No.7693857

you kept it for yourself. remember?

>> No.7693865

>old copypasta
This predates copypasta by probably a hundred years.

>> No.7693867

99-3 = 96
96/2 =48

You would give your parents 1.5 to make 100-3.

>> No.7694029
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Can anyone post the answer/explain this?
>tfw low iq

>> No.7694069

I suggest we take this opportunity to post hard math stuff.

>> No.7694105

The $1 you pocketed is already counted as part of the $98 you owe.
There's actually $2 missing: the $2 you already gave back to your parents.

>> No.7694115


>> No.7694121

The problem adds (your) $1 to the $98 (in debt) and asks where the other dollar is. But that's wrong, because the dollar you pocketed is part of the debt.
Changing as little of the problem as possible, it should be asking, if you still owe $98 of the original $100, what happened to the other $2? The answer: you ave your parents a dollar each, reducing the debt by $2.

>> No.7694828

This thread proves Sci is the dumbest board. Why? Because you actually think you're clever.

This is a GCSE level math question ffs.