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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7690753 No.7690753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That feel when low iq

>> No.7690757
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>tfw you come here to laugh at no life, neckbeard, virgin nerds

>> No.7690789

So? You just have to work a little harder than everyone else.

>> No.7690796

kill yourself anon

>> No.7690799

>tfw genius level IQ
>tfw lazy

You will never know my suffering.

>> No.7690803

>muh I'm smart but lazy

>> No.7690805

Try having a 125 IQ at the age of 15 (I was tested in 1998) and not doing anything with your life , bouncing from job to job.

Be 32 years old , have chemical knowledge and over a decade in the work force and the only thing I have to show for it is no girlfriend for over 7 years.

>> No.7690808 [DELETED] 

How low?

In practice there is almost no difference between 95-120, the latter learns more easily, but not THAT much.
You're hardly less capable that most people in college. If you're doing something is because you're not studying enough, which may mean you don't actually like it as much as you like the idea of do it because its social meaning.

>> No.7690811

i think it's a pretty accurate stereotype

>> No.7690812
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nice try, fedorafam.

>> No.7690813 [DELETED] 

>that most
than most


>> No.7690815

There is no "smart but lazy," there is just lazy.

Everyone is pretty much on the same level, some choose to work harder than others.

>> No.7690818

How low?

In practice there is almost no difference between 95-120, the latter learns more easily, but not THAT much.
You're hardly less capable than most people in college. If you're doing bad is probably because you're not studying enough, which may mean you don't actually like it as much as you like the idea of doing it.

>> No.7690820


>implying there isnt smart people and dumb people

funny anon-kun baka baka senpai

>> No.7690822

It's true though. In elementary and middle school I was top of the class. I also had straight A's for the first 2 years of high school. Then I had the realization that life is pointless and I essentially failed junior and senior year. Now I'm in community college and failing every class because the subjects are too trivial for me to enjoy but not trivial enough for me to pass without learning it.

>> No.7690830
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maybe you could get a job as an edge fAm fAm my nigga

>> No.7690840

What is implied is that the average 'smart' person you find in college is not much smarter than the 'dumb' person you'll find anywhere else.
Truly smart people with high IQ are rare, and most people in college aren't that way, so it's not excuse for being mediocre.

>> No.7690846
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>implying people who have an IQ of 130 and above arent smart

>implying anything below that isn't dumbfuck tier

you vape as well family?

>> No.7690851

Define "smart", because if you say smart is just high number IQ, you're wrong.

>> No.7690856
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>implying people who have an IQ of 130 and above arent smart
Implied nowhere.
Learn to read.

>> No.7690857


>implying that life isnt just a binary number

you almost fucking had me wagekek

>> No.7690885

oh wow you got A's in elementary school what a fucking genius you are.

>> No.7690903

>binary number
>not having life in base 12

>> No.7690938

Get fucked cunt.

>> No.7690950


>dat feel when intelligent enough to see how wonderful being a doctor is in all its glory

>dat feel when too stupid to get into med school

hold me, /sci/

>> No.7690962

it's not really that wonderful, there's a recent AMA report claiming that >60% of doctors don't want their kids going near medicine

>> No.7690971


Maybe, I don't know. What I really hate though is dickhead med students trying to convince it's shit because they have no time to party. You won a fucking lottery ticket you fuck, shut up and study.

>> No.7690976
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>yfw all the medcancer fell for your containment thread

bon voyage, keks

>> No.7691490


>> No.7691558


>too stupid to kill self

4chan pls help

>> No.7691567
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I don't know that feel anon. But if you push yourself hard enough, there isn't any reason why you should fail.

>> No.7691596

Pretty sure IQ is corrected for age, so it shouldn't change.
Having an IQ test at a younger age means that if you have developed a bit faster than other kids, your IQ score will be artificially high.

>> No.7691620

>Have a good friend that I hit the gym with
>Know he's pretty smart
>Knew that I was above average, but not all that special (1.5 SD from mean)
>I always had the impression I was under him, but not by much
>Learn today that he's 5 SD from mean

His boyfriend is smarter than him even, and his colleague is ~3 SD from the mean. How can I justify my existence when there are so many other people that are so much smarter than me?

>> No.7692226

Are you that same guy on Youtube with a similiar story

>> No.7692232


>> No.7692253

>Everyone is pretty much on the same level,

this is the wrongest thing I've read today and I've read a lot of internet today

>> No.7692292

Not wrong at all. There are differences among the IQs of everyone, but rarely are those differences noticeable.

>> No.7692307

>rarely are those differences noticeable.


Im sorry for you anon

if you can't notice it, it doesn't mean they aren't there

>> No.7692318

Yeah, because there are two types of people: the ones who can barely speak and keep throwing shit at eachother and the ones who are so smart that they can move objects with their mind while solving deeply complex mathematical problems

>> No.7692328

better than having a decently high iq but terrible short term memory so you suck at taking tests unless it's pure logic or math.

>> No.7692329


>> No.7692337

It's like my point almost literally went over your head

>> No.7692347

your point went so much under my head, it may actually be closer to above my head

>> No.7692395

its not like you have a small brain, you measured low on something created by humans, psychologists!

This is like getting upset because you measured 5'11 and not 6 feet tall.

Or your blood sugar levels are slightly below average.

Or you failed the driving test the first time you took it.

OP is an emotional child

>> No.7692400

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.7693573

>his boyfriend

>> No.7693679

Not only is laziness a problem, but stagnation is too. How many of us here are of above average intelligence but can't apply practically our learned knowledge or innate aptitude because life doesn't always present the optimal situations to apply them to.

>> No.7693801

One of my teachers used to say "That's the right answer only in the fantasy land of perfection, not in reality", he always taught us to look at books only as guides instead of holders of truth and always experiment and poke reality for the real answers if possible. He hated models too and one time he had us do a representation of the solar system with the right proportions that spanned all across the school yard.

Really wished there were more teachers like him, that way more people would realize science is about understanding reality not blindly accepting facts as they come.

>> No.7693805

>blood sugar levels are slightly below average
This is a good thing.