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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7687689 No.7687689 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a biological reason for pic related? Also, if large penises are desired by women, why hasn't man evolved to have a bigger average penis than 6.5 inches?

>> No.7687693
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>> No.7687694

Fuck off back to /b/

>> No.7687695


>> No.7687697

holy shit teleporting baginas

>> No.7687698

iphone posters tend to have great similarities.

>> No.7687699

The Power of the BBC

>> No.7687700


>why hasn't man evolved to have a bigger average penis than 6.5 inches?

speak for yourself

>> No.7687701

not all women are that fat you know

>> No.7687704
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>> No.7687706


small pee pee detected

>> No.7687712


>> No.7687713

Who says they haven't evolved to be larger? Perhaps women simply want larger regardless.

>> No.7687722
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is this actually real?
does my womb actually do that?

>> No.7687725

no this is bait. Please stay away

>> No.7687730

i meant the part where the womb goes upwards
is that real atleast?

>> No.7687739

Grab a large cucumber or something and find out.

>> No.7687742

Oh yes. When sexually aroused, the female cervix extends by another 7 or 8 inches give or take.

>> No.7687746

I leave the part "your womb" untouched and consider the general case. If the womb didn't move upwards, it'd be easy to damage it even with a normal dick. Furthermore, fucking a(n aroused) pregnant woman would be a risk to the baby, if it couldn't move like that (eventhough, I believe it moves up and stays fixed during pregnancy to prevent this).

>> No.7687755

>if large breasts are desired by men, why hasn't woman evolved to have bigger average breasts?

>> No.7687776
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>tfw black with average dick

>> No.7687778
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>> No.7687823
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reminder that women live through sex

>> No.7687831


Medfag here. OP's picture is complete bullshit.

>> No.7687832

Great respect for that man. Although he should know better than to go out with a woman who has had sex out of wedlock. They are worse than whores because they spread their legs for free.

If you choose to be celibate, you have to find a better half who feels the same. Otherwise it simply won't work.

In answer to the OP, because the opinions, feelings, and desires of women meant absolutely nothing to our ancestors. In order for larger penises to be favoured, women would have had to engage in sex selection, which they simply didn't because if they refused they were "raped" (if a woman was given to a man then it's not really rape as sexual intercourse is part of the deal). That, or larger penises would need to confer some kind of fitness advantage that resulted in a higher success rate of pregnancies. I know of no evidence that suggests a larger penis results in higher fertility.

>> No.7687834

So when a female is aroused her body makes sure it is harder for the sperm to reach the uterus?

Sounds legit.

>> No.7687838

during arousal the uterus gets more supplied with blood and that's why it also enlarges a bit

>> No.7687841

Uterus in the OP doesn't get bigger, it gets further away from the vagina.

>> No.7687846

Are you saying females have a reverse boner when aroused?

>> No.7687848

>tfw piercing a girls cervix

Best feeling desu

>> No.7687855

that pic is crap. cant you see it's shopped?

>> No.7687859

Not hard to bottom out a girl. Anyone with above six inches can tell you that.

>> No.7687861

Actually yeah. The clit shrinks (which would have been her glans if she was born male)

>> No.7687872

it does not shrink, it enlarges

>> No.7687879

>be japanese
>born super feminine
>be 3.5 inches
kill me

>> No.7687887

does a large penis improve survivability?
does a large penis improve breeding potential?
possibly but since rape and actual social structure exists this is reduced substantially

>> No.7687891


>> No.7687899

>does a large penis improve breeding potential?
>possibly but since rape and actual social structure exists this is reduced substantially
for most of human history this has not been true.

even now, tons of people rape and reproduce through rape.

>> No.7687910

>>7687848 how's that good? I'm 6.5', it happens regularly and alaays just means the girl complains for being poked down the stomach and you must go "more carefully"

>> No.7687929

Clearly you aren't hittin posterior fornix

8 inches btw

>> No.7687934


Is this pic legit or is it some elaborate trolling?

>> No.7687935

It's a bit exaggerated but otherwise it's true.

>> No.7687936


evolution only cares about procreation and survivability. Fortunately for you white boy keks, you can get a girl pregnant with a penis of any size. As long as it's, well, a protruding organ.

>> No.7687938

So 1.5 inches is still good, right?

>> No.7687968
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>a bit

>> No.7687994


>> No.7687996

>blacks on /sci/

No wonder this board has been shit lately.

>> No.7688000

>Always think that i am below average..
>Read that penis measuring must be bone pressed
>Thanks internet

>> No.7688014

why is /sci/ so racist? literally top 4 along with /pol/, /b/ and /r9k/

>> No.7688025

But man has evolved to have a large penis. Compared to other apes, humans have really large penises

>> No.7688030

Its is true that the whomb goes up and that the vagina becomes deeper when a woman is aroused, and its also true that the penis can sorta slide on both sides of the whomb. But the part of those zones being super pleasurable is just made up to make people feel insecure. Some women might mentally get aroused by the fact that a big cock is pounding their cervix but apart from that its kinda bullshit.

>> No.7688035

the whole thread is bananas. and /sci/ is not per se racist. racist posts get banned here almost always if people report them.

>> No.7688042
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>so racist

Lighthearted racism has always been apart of 4chan

Also, there is nothing wrong with disliking something you like or liking something you hate.

>> No.7688087

I am not racist, i just want to slaughter all non-europeans.

>> No.7688089 [DELETED] 

racial propaganda belongs to >>>/trash/
or worldstarhiphop.com

>> No.7688092


It's because of the original machine had a base-plate of prefabulated amulite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan. The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-boloid slots in the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a nonreversible trem'e pipe to the differential girdlespring on the 'up' end of the grammeters.

>> No.7688096


>she was such a slut that even I didn't want to fuck her

>> No.7688102

No there is a difference, the boards I mentioned are vehemently racist. Other boards like /g/ are like "lol niggers" occasionally but this board goes out of it's way to make racebait threads.

>> No.7688115


>> No.7688116

>this board goes out of it's way to make racebait threads.

I'm pretty sure the people who make those threads are from /pol/ and don't go to /sci/ except for that exact purpose.

>> No.7688139

No Hiro, someone has to run the site.

>> No.7688146 [DELETED] 

/sjw/ loves racebaiting. They are looking for any excuse to flood these threads and blame people with racism.

>> No.7688198
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Hiro is having fun right now.

>> No.7688201

If you are a nigger, get used to it.

If you are a whiteyboy fuck off and >>>/trash/

>> No.7688202

5.5 x 4.5 penis reporting in

what does this mean for me? will i ever please a woman

>> No.7688203
File: 419 KB, 1200x1000, 1435262026083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41% Lurkers
32% pop science threads
14% pic related
11% IQ threads
2% Interesting threads

>> No.7688205


Be egoistic on bed and make her feel embarrased being, a little, an asshole.

>> No.7688207

care to rewrite that

>> No.7688210

Make her feel embarrased, being an asshole, but just sometimes.

>> No.7688219

>No wonder this board has been shit lately.
I will let you in on a little secret.
Blacks were probably here since the beginning along with any other race.
You've probably agreed with and lost arguments against blacks on 4chan without knowing they were black :^)

>> No.7688224

I know this is bait but this still fucks with my head.

>> No.7688251

Because everyone not being keked daily will eventually revert to this. Racism is natural and logical, your just a kek

>> No.7688255

post ur longcoat, fag.

>> No.7688256

Unlikely , 4chan is probably half american, but mlp is largely eastern european, r9k has a shit load of brits, europe, australia, and Asia and south America makes up ATLEAST half of the posters. Only America has any real population of blacks and even then it's less than 1 in 10. So let's be generous and say it's 1 in 20 now, you've got to remeber blacks are way less likely to go on a site like 4chan. Go and look at a /k/lass photo and you'll get a good idea, it's 1/100 or 1/1000 and even then it's almost ALWAYS a halfbreed.

>> No.7688260

read this "An 8inch EXCLUSIVE report"
not far off

>> No.7688294

Hey just a life hack for y'all. I have a very average penis, but fucking a petite girl will work wonder. Just my 2cents

>> No.7688296

5.3 inches here, is it bad?

>> No.7688297

My dick can go from the thumb to the index if they're extended.

I guess It's like 15.5 cm.

am I ok?

>> No.7688301

>europe, australia, and Asia and south America makes up ATLEAST half of the posters.
less than half

>> No.7688303

>tfw 13 cm

>> No.7688309

not more or less bad than average height. make of that what you will

>> No.7688336

Im 6.5 inches and my gf complains that i go too deep at times. She is 5' 10". So yea, im going to call bullshit on your "info" pic.

>> No.7688347

Lol how do you people not know about this? The uterus raising is 100% true. The shit about pleasure zones isnt, touching the cervix with anything is usually painful.

>> No.7688385

she's not aroused enough idiot

>> No.7688432
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>> No.7688439

humans have the largest penis relative to body size of all primates

>> No.7688448

bone pressed?

>> No.7688463

Yea thats definitely not the case. She practically soaks through the mattress.

>> No.7688467


>> No.7688484

17 cm here, gf thinks it is huge
don't worry about it fellas, almost all nerve endings are in the enterance, why do you think porn actresses still stimulate themselves while getting fucked by a 10 inch monster cock

>> No.7688504
File: 17 KB, 340x226, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn-ugc.cafemom.com%2Fgen%2Fresize%2F340%2F226%2F80%2F2011%2F08%2F02%2F12%2F7k%2Fb2%2Fpouh1t76kg1fm00.jpg&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's the turtle.

>> No.7688505

They're not wet?

>> No.7688510

all the more reason then

>> No.7688520

and that doesn't seem weird? i think your gf is a dude and supplements with too much lube

>> No.7688533

I wish I was cute and feminine :/
My voice is too deep and I'm too muscular to be the cute bottom twink :(

>> No.7688548

>Also, if large penises are desired by women, why hasn't man evolved to have a bigger average penis than 6.5 inches?

Because women have been enslaved for thousands of years. No choice. Women could only VOTE since 1922.

>> No.7689109

This is exactly how I measured my dick, when fully erect it perfectly aligns with the tip of my thumb and index finger when stretched as far as possible

>> No.7689486

Where the fuck did you get any of those statistics?

>> No.7689502


>> No.7689512


>> No.7689839

closet fag

>> No.7690138

>date for like 6 months
>zero sexual intercourse
>breaks up with him because she has sexual needs he won't even begin to try and satisfy, let alone, even allow her to satisfy his sexual needs


go back to /r9k/ you beta

>> No.7690147

this but unironically.

>> No.7690159
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