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7688063 No.7688063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw studing 60h/week.
go to grad school anon. it will be fun!

>> No.7688072


same boat

>> No.7688079
File: 81 KB, 182x249, 1446182031778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working 40 hr/wk and taking evening classes

>> No.7688081

>Not preparing for graduate school

You did it to yourself

>> No.7688093
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>tfw studying 60 hours a week at undergrad

>tfw for post-grad I'll have to study more hours than hours in week

>> No.7688122


>> No.7688129


>> No.7688283


Who the fuck said it would be fun?

>> No.7688284

yes... don't have to be a slave in a lab at least

>> No.7688306

watch out for your mental health.

a lot of phd students tend to get depressed

>> No.7688311

Same with all FE stem students desu

>> No.7688334

low IQ detected

>> No.7688362

It's like 9 hours a day. How is it that different from having a job?

>> No.7688366

because a job isn't 9 hours of mind bending work/day in most places of the world...

>> No.7688372

I study programming 12 hours a day, counting saturdays. It get's really tough sometimes, but I kind of enjoy it, as I'm learning A LOT.

>> No.7688386

Just do it for like 3 hours at a time and take a break for 2 hours in between. You should be enjoying the material you're studying, too.

>> No.7688444

>tfw studying 12 hours a week and top of my classes
Grad school IS fun.

>> No.7688566

Only if you're an imbecile.
Grad credits are much more expensive, and the coursework is heavier. As a result, you're expected to finish in two years instead of one.

Which means: take 1-2 courses a semester and it'll be easy as fuck if you're not dumb as a brick. I'm getting straight A-'s and B+'s in my master's right now, and I've never had more free time than I do right now.

I spend pretty much all my time job hunting, though.

>> No.7688630

>it will be fun!
whoever said that to you lied.

>> No.7688638

>Which means: take 1-2 courses a semester and it'll be easy as fuck if you're not dumb as a brick.

I don't want to stay here though. Everyone in grad school bullies me and my friends ;_____;

>> No.7688655

If you are doing your own unique research for grad school, why did you choose something you arent passionate about?

>> No.7688666
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>I spend pretty much all my time job hunting, though.
It's rough mang

>Having friends
I will still sympathize with that feel, though

>> No.7688725
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I could be fun. Ever heard of the principle of the Kingfisher? It was created by Donner. It might help you with studying faster, so you have more time for things outside of studying.

>> No.7688772

>work 25-35 hrs/week at one job
>12 hrs/week at other job
>15 credit hours
I did this to myself but i'll have 75% of my loans payed off by the time I graduate

>> No.7688781


How have you not died?

mad respeck

>> No.7688790


Grad school is fun fuck off

>> No.7688801

What? You think grad school is some kind of big romance? Grow up. Nothing lasts in life. Not even fun in grad school.

>> No.7688933

Pretentious underage b8 detected

>> No.7688947

What subject? Humanities?

>> No.7688953

OP here. I'm taking 4 master level courses and working on my research.

>> No.7688964
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>non-engineers think that 60 hours a week is a lot
hahaha that's fantastic

>> No.7688972

What specialization/what's your research about?

>> No.7688982

Elliptic curves/algebraic number theory.

>> No.7688998
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>my entire engineering class does 90-120 hours a week in our undergrad years
>mfw you do a whole 60 hours a week in your grad years

>> No.7689005
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>taking 4 classes + research
>studying too much
>Elliptic curves/algebraic number theory
Are you me? This is starting to get too similar

>> No.7689009

Mathematics at a top 20 university.

>> No.7689014

Cool but you should probably take more classes family.

>> No.7689024

Last time I even dared to sum up all my hours it went like this:
>16 h/week teaching 101 classes
>12 h/week in advisory role on research with students
>19 h/week supervising clinical trials
>12 credit hours
> variable h/week studying/reading/grading

>> No.7689027

Grad school is inhumane. We are being abused.

>> No.7689032
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>tfw studying 50h+/week
>loving every hour of it
work in a field you love, it will be fun!

>> No.7689038

>be 120h/week of studying
>must work for 14hours a day everyday for three years
seems legit

>> No.7689044

I'd still eat the meatballs.

>> No.7689066

>studying more than 8 hours a day
No life autistic wastes of space

>> No.7689077

You've already made it by the sound of it though, the biggest worry is getting a PhD after working your bollocks of to get a job in a call centre, once you have some financial stability your anxiety dissolves

>> No.7689078

>be me
>community college
>three classes: English, Differential Equations, Interpersonal communication
>study/do homework for four hours a day
>only have Bs.

>> No.7689130

>Interpersonal communication
Is this a thing? kek

>> No.7689134

>60 hours a week
>shit posting on 4chan
somethings not adding up here.

>> No.7689138

I googled it and nothing useful came up, what is it?

>> No.7689161

>top 20
Just say #20 anon.

>> No.7689165

Sorry to rain on your parade but then comes the publication/grant/tenure track hell. It's MUCH worse.

>> No.7689167

Public speaking class in other words. Its useful class because too many young fags can't communicate worth a damn. STEM students are the worse. They can't speak plain English and mumble words to others. Engineers are by the worse. They speak like they have a dick up their ass and one in their mouth.
Take a two hour break in between studying. Don't ever study without breaks. You won't learn shit.

>> No.7689170

>publication/grant/tenure track hell
>grant track
FTFY. You're always writing grant proposals and spent little time researching. The US is seeing a STEM brain drain by the way. The diminishing science funding is turning away STEM workers and Americans in STEM are going aboard to find work.

>> No.7689266

lol you actually think he's joking which is why the engineers think you guys are pathetic. 16 hour days is pretty average.

>> No.7689274

If you're studying 16 hours a day then you clearly don't understand the material. I study 6-8 hours a day and I get straight As.

>> No.7689337

My first year's course load is supposed to be like 42 hours a week, but I'm not feeling it. I'm spending way less than 42 hours a week on studying.

>> No.7689358

Clemson University?

>> No.7689440

>getting C's

>> No.7689469

U of T

>> No.7689478

how do you even build the mental endurance to study for that long?

how many hours of actual studying are you people actually doing

>> No.7689504

Quick question to all the grad fags: so if i want to go to grad school and I'm poor as Shit, will the school help me pay for stuff? Do they give me money? How do i make them give me money, if possible?

I'm in us by the way

>> No.7689506
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I study about 70 hours a week. I'm not enrolled in education though. Self study is fun.

>> No.7689507

>thinking he will teach at Harvard or work in a top research lab
Toppest of all keks. This is from someone with a PhD from a top 5 school in Physics and Math. You will be teaching at a shitty state U where students don't give a fuck. Your industry prospects are less than engineers. You'll be competing with thousands of other PhD for a job in a lab that pays shit wages. Your only salvation is doing data science, quant, or coding. All of which only requires a BS or MS in the case of data science and quant.

>> No.7689525

I like working and studying ................. yep.

>> No.7689646

There's different rankings.

>> No.7689738

Should have written a better job market paper. I know guys who barely got merit teaching in top 5 because their job market papers were of top quality. When deciding to hire unis don't look at your grades they look at your research and unfortunately being nth guy to do a research on "insert standard topic here which was the hot stuff back in a decade ago" is not enough, unless it gets published in a 4 star journal with an editorial mention about it. So you either do an above average research on a non-saturated subject or you do a magnificent one on a standard one.

>> No.7689837

Are you an anime gurl? ^_______^ <3

I know the feel, I'm studying/processing like that to get into a grad school.

>> No.7689875
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>tfw studying 80h/week
go to university anon, it will be fun, they said

>> No.7689900
File: 297 KB, 421x421, sad frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying 0h a week
go to university anon, it will be fun, they said

>> No.7689906

If gou NEED to study 60 hours per week just to keep up then you absolutely do not belong in grad-school.

>> No.7689911

>tfw teaching 40h/week
become a high school teacher anon, it will be fun, they said

>> No.7689915

>tfw not studying at all and passing everything but it's getting harder now in 3rd semester

go to university they said, it will be hard and you won't have any free time they said

>> No.7689918

This. The time you're spending implies a deficit not in your mind, but in the way you're going about it. I doubt retention of whatever material really takes that much brute force memorization.

Invest some time figuring out how your brain works. Build novel structures that aid in natural and intuitive retention. You're probably putting everything in its own little box rather than establishing a framework where it fits naturally. The solution isn't something that can be communicated to you, but I do think it's something you can and will find for yourself.

>> No.7689968

start your residency they said
it will be easier than med they said

>> No.7690005

The concept of studying more than 6 hours a day is fucking beyond me right now, at least for a single class.
Anything more than that and it's probably not as much "studying" as it is "me rushing to catch up or finish something I've been putting off."

>> No.7690160


what's the point if you're not enjoying life while studying?

>hurrdurr i study 80hrs a week durrfore im smarter


>> No.7690543

>regular break intervals
It doesn't work like that, they give you shitty schedules so it all gets crammed in little spots or one block

>> No.7690561

Went from studying 10-16hours a day one cemester to studying 3 hours a day on avarage next cemester.

Same grades

>> No.7690569

60h/week studying is paradise compared to being a wage slave.

>> No.7690744


Just wait. 1st and 2nd year were a breeze compared to 3rd and 4th year.

>> No.7691424

What caused the change? Better time management or easier classes, or something else?

>> No.7691882

Why the fuck are you doing 16hpw of TAing?

Just TA one upper level, you get more money and it's not a complete waste of your time.

>> No.7691887

>4 hours a day with only 1 moderately difficult class

Whatever you were dreaming on doing give it up.

>> No.7691895

You have no idea how wrong you are, not that I'd expect a CC student to be able to see through pleb stereotypes.

Stephenson's Anathem described this phenomena perfectly. People who have never been in higher academia tend to believe smarter people somehow defer leadership roles to stupid people. The opposite is true and studies show smart people tend to be more extroverted.

Engineers in particular have some of the best public speaking skills because their egos give them the most confidence of any undergrad.

>> No.7691899

He's including lectures and labs which are 8 hours in a typical schedule. Then you have 6 classes worth of projects, quizzies and practicals to prepare for. 12 hours per day spent on your major is the minimum regardless of your IQ.

>> No.7691904

>tfw studing 60h/week.

fucking liar detected

>> No.7691950

In the first place gradschool is absolutely not worth it money wise -ever- considering your earning potential in industry. The slight bump in salary will never pay off the amount you lost due to not working full time in those 2-5 years.

Your work work after graduation will most probably not be much more interesting than what you can do in industry now either. This applies to all STEM majors except biochem if you're doing the same discipline in grad-school.

At most universities if you are employed your tuition is free.

Now the thing is most universities consider a TAship as employment. So you should only do grad-school if your research adviser is a prof. that can guarantee you a TAship.

The grant you get will make some provision for you personally, but this is pennies and you should not really be concerned with it. (But again if you/your adviser don't/doesn't have a research grant don't bother with grad-school)

Finally your actual studentship/"salary"/stipend which is roughly 1/3 of your industry potential is DEPARTMENT specific at Western universities.

What this means is that richer departments will be able to pay you more. So if you're doing math unless your department has above average industry ties with industry your adviser won't be able to pay you as much and possibly nothing all.

It's not a topic that's openly discussed, but if your a good researcher and your prof. really wants you then you will probably be paid more than other grad students in your department.

Once more if your advisor can't guarantee you a studentship consider that a polite rejection. Don't allow yourself to be used for labmonkey work just to get a worthless piece of paper, your adviser will not recommended you to any of his industry or lab contacts and your employability will be much lower than it was after your bachelors.

I've seen this happened to many colleagues before, I'm not trying to scare you, just to convey the reality of grad-school as I percieve it.

>> No.7691969

The coursework is more difficult. People underestimate just how much more intelligent/efficient at learning they become if you're doing a difficult, high workload undergrad course. Especially considering you're still very stupid compared to profs who have crystallized advanced knowledge, you forget how much you sucked as a freshman and how much better you are now.

>> No.7692365

>all these comments about studying 8+ hours a day
Are you all retarded?

>> No.7692424
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>You have to be retarded to enjoy studying.
Wow look at this guy over here.

>> No.7692431

If you enjoy it, sure. But everyone in this thread seems to be moaning about how awful their life is because college is oh-so hard.

>> No.7692432

>he didnt study 60 hr/wk in undergrad
>he went str8 2 grad scool
lol cukk

>> No.7692757


Are you guys including lectures and labs? Because those don't count when you say "studying".

>> No.7692762

This means I'm extremely introverted and have zero friends because I'm retarded. At least that explains it.

>> No.7692915

I agree with you on some things but
>grad school doesn't give you any greater salary overall than a BS

Industry is incredibly hard to break into at the moment. Nearly every grad student at my school has been to industry with a BSc and say it sucks. One student said to me all he did all day was fill bottles of ethanol on the third shift. Another guy said he ran FPLC for 6 years before he realized it was never going to go anywhere. Every professor I talk to says there's a glass ceiling when it comes to promotions in industry. Aside from that, do a mock job search online. It's true that jobs in chem are mostly experience based, but the min requirements for a job will look something like this.
>B.Sc degree in related field with 10+ years experience
>M.Sc degree in related field with 5-7+ years experience
>Ph. D. In related field with 0-2+ years experience

10 years is a long time to wait for that job you wanted when you could've gotten paid to go to school to do what you love. Even then, like I said, my professors say the PhD will almost always be preferred over the B.Sc

>> No.7692946

Not trying to be mean here but if you have to study 60h/week for undergrad you don't stand a chance at post-graduate education

>> No.7693803

I did that during my undergrad.

>work in a lab 70+ hours a week
>still taking 18 credits of 600-level courses because chip on my shoulder
>worked myself to death; left bitter and jaded and hating physics
>all for those publications
I went back to the math department for my master's. Never regretted my decision.

>> No.7693836

I know, what gives? My math friends in grad school did all their research on the beach or at coffee shops. Then there I was, stuck in a grimy dungeon, shunned by all, like some sort of leprous goblin with halitosis, often going days without even seeing the sun.

Fucking math majors. I'm gonna do that next life.

>> No.7693838

how do you eat

>> No.7694755

Based on those labour jobs I'm assuming chemistry BSc? I was talking about engineering mostly, I know a chem BSc nowadays is basically worthless for climbing ladders in the technical industry I've heard the same horrific QC stories. Though it's important to remember that tech isn't all there is, a bachelors can let you climb normal corporate ladders in most companies with the usual route of getting an MBA after a few years.

But yeah in general Bio/Chem BSc grads might be better off heading to grad-school, but personally if I was in that position and cared about raising a family or my sanity at all I would definitely not do Chem gradschool, that is the worst kind of hell on the planet and I would honestly rather be a Christian apostate trying to survive in ISIS territory. I would just opt for a career outside STEM, or get my programming certs. When you think about it, you aren't actually qualified in anything that can bring much of value to a company, more undergrads should really consider picking up business/CS electives.

>B.Sc degree in related field with 10+ years experience
>M.Sc degree in related field with 5-7+ years experience
>Ph. D. In related field with 0-2+ years experience

Yeah, but notice that the BSc is actually getting PAID during those 10 years, MSc and PhDs won't catch up to the BSc's netto present value in their life time in most cases.

> you could've gotten paid to go to school to do what you love.
That is a very valid argument don't get me wrong. The problem is you probably won't get to do what you love anyway unless you're prof's golden boy, and secondly many people realize too late that they would've preferred a real job and a normal life instead of being stuck getting old in grad-school.

Finally the most important (and scary) thought that I'd like to add is that there are more people going back to grad-school than ever; we haven't even felt the full brunt of degree saturation yet. A STEM PhD will be next bachelors in a few years.

>> No.7694774

Including labs and lectures though, I basically just do 9 to 5 on weekdays and a bit on saturday and sunday. Getting top tier grades though

>> No.7695914

>You should be enjoying the material you're studying
Brah, they purposefully pick the most boring, useless, pedantic shit in order to weed people out. If you enjoy the shit they are trying to teach you there is something wrong with you.