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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7683759 No.7683759 [Reply] [Original]

Why do attractive women despise STEM?

>> No.7683765

Because they are anti-intellectual animals who only want to waste away their worthless lives with shallow entertainment and sex.

>> No.7683766

Bettering yourself in STEM requires time and effort. For a lot of attractive women they have lived their lives with men giving them what they want for being attractive. So why do something that requires effort when you can just take handouts?

>> No.7683770

Part of it is social stigma. A lot of people seem to think the only way to be good in a STEM field is to be an introvert or a creep, so they avoid it because, "Ew, why would you want to be around THOSE people?"

>> No.7683796

They don't

>> No.7683800

They do not. I have lots of colleages in relationships with attractive girls.

You (and I) are just ugly autists. nothing magical about that

>> No.7683811

Because most attractive women have most of the things in life given to them on a silver platter.

>> No.7683816

Attractive femanon here. I love STEM and am studying a STEM subject. I only despise the people there. Fucking nerds. Why can't more Chads study STEM?

>> No.7683833

Believe it or not, math and logic and shit are extremely hard for the vast majority of people

>> No.7683843

>Why can't more Chads study STEM?

Because they're too busy screwing your sister, your cousin, your mom, and your best friend, and getting ready for their future career as a manager at Walmart.

>> No.7683863

>Attractive femanon here
tits or GTFO

>> No.7683867

Sex part sounds appealing, how do i get in?

>> No.7683886

They despise you anon, not STEM, you.

>> No.7683894
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>> No.7683912

low iq

>> No.7683918

I transitioned in college and ended up hot and also ended up realizing that the guys in my physics classes were mostly creepy gross weirdos. So it's probably because most guys in the sciences are creepy gross weirdos.

>> No.7683936


>> No.7683938

Some Chads go into STEM in their late 20s after a decade of partying and fucking. Its either their first or second degree.

>> No.7683943

I don't know any women who hate it, they're just not interested.

>> No.7683962

Just like most guys. Only a few people are interested in the field.

>> No.7684232

Most guys everywhere are creepy weirdos.

>> No.7684243

This. We are. And we love it.

>> No.7684289
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womens instincts: manipulation, gossip and fucking chads.

STEM offers none of the above

Now, ugly women cant achieve manipulation without money, like your average man. Thus, ugly women go into stem

>> No.7684299

Creepy weirdo master race reporting in

>> No.7684303

Your definition of attractive probably reflects your shitty taste.

>> No.7684337

I graduated in geosciences along with my girlfriend, who is majorly hot

>> No.7684394

We require proof.

>> No.7684396

Ayy, all the hot girls are in geo and chem

>> No.7684557

People like different things, but I feel like there has been a good chunk of women starting physics or mathematics lately. The only real problem around here is CS...

>> No.7684559


Because their reproductive organs operate properly and they have absolutely no use for second rate, objective men

>> No.7684571
File: 163 KB, 358x352, 1448578817448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.7684572

First off all let's drop the "unattractive males in STEM" pop culture meme. There are unattractive and attractive people everywhere, there are also literal profession models in STEM. With the exception of CS most STEM undergrads have the same proportion of attractive people as any other degree field. An Anon once posted a story that hit the nail right on head.

It's because STEM is the one thing they can't get for free.

A truly attractive girl can get whatever she wants, money, pleasure, attractive guys, drugs, anything.

In Anon's story the girl (genetically gifted with both looks and iq) spent most of her young life partying and traveling for free on some rich suitors bill and she eventually calmed down and tried to get a math degree (which she always wanted) where she failed miserably. Then dropped out and capitalized on her looks before she turned to old.

So of course an attractive girl who couldn't succeed in STEM is going to try and deride as "I just hate math :)".

Developing your mind takes years of hard work and discipline, there are no shortcuts. People hate that fact that others have succeeded where they have failed. So they try and hit back with every Dunning Kruger-tier denial they can to deny any prestige and accolades to something they know they can never have. They will hit salary until they see the actual data that their business degree will earn them half a STEM major's starting. Next they predictably go after looks and social skills characterization etc. and finally they find the postmodernism meme and try to discredit science itself.

>> No.7684604

Some are in bio too. Very few in math tho.

>> No.7684607
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>With the exception of CS most STEM undergrads have the same proportion of attractive people as any other degree field.

>> No.7684609

Not true. Plenty of qts in the Physics department here.

>> No.7684633

There was some girl who was an electrical engineer for ibm but stopped and quit because she got more money for being pretty. Ended up marrying a rich guy and became a bimbo trophy wife. Forgot her name but her husband was selling timeshares and made huge profits

>> No.7684654
File: 163 KB, 358x352, 1448578817448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png could be further optimized anon.
I have further optimized your png.
Your png is now further optimized.

>> No.7684677

>spend too much time on sex
Gays have even more sex than women yet there are a lot of them in STEM
See above
A lot of butthurt neckbeards in this thread
Lol same, everyone is a fucking creeper, it's a hostile environment for women.

>> No.7684694

Is this a meme?

>> No.7684698

No it's autism.

>> No.7684720

b8 harder /r9k/

>> No.7684724

it's true tho

cs grads are monkeys

>> No.7684728

>being a tranny
>calling others creepy

>> No.7684740

I'm currently studying CS and the proportion of ugly people is at most 20%, most of the rest are average-looking. There are actually surprisingly many qtπs and some of the guys are so cute that I would tap them as well (no homo).

>> No.7684744

>being a /pol/tard
>calling others creepy

>> No.7684745

>Having a penis, vagina, or some degree of both
>Doing anything at any time

>> No.7684746

They don't

Especially in biology, there's plenty of attractive STEM women

>> No.7684747

Dude, it's 2015.

>> No.7684749

This is a failed optimization.
your optimization significantly increased the visibility of artifacts in the upper right corner of the image and changed the overall hue of the image.

>> No.7684750

>Any year
>Being anywhere at any time

>> No.7684761

Hm. It is different, but it probably isn't failed.

I haven't bothered to check yet, but this is probably caused by removing a cHRM chunk. The actual image data is likely the same, it's just being rendered differently. Putting the cHRM chunk in the new file will cause it t appear the same. Technically, not perceptibly lossless as it stands.

That's easily fixed, one of these days. Imagemagick's compare ignores png's ancillary chunks which let this slip through as "identical". Sorry anon, your png is not optimized.

>> No.7684797

>transitioned in college
>thinks just everyone but himself is a creepy gross weirdo

>> No.7684810

I'm an Engineer, my college roommate ended up becoming a Lawyer. Judging by some of the shit he tells me, you wouldn't want women invading your workplace en masse.

Does the idea of playing office politics with a bunch of bitchy women more interested in gossiping than doing any work sound appealing? It sounds like you're constantly walking on eggshells.

>> No.7684984

They don't despise STEM, they despise ugly guys

How many times do we need to say this, jesus christ.

>> No.7684992

In geo, can vouch. All the hottest girls are either in geology or biology

>> No.7684994

>There was some hot girl who i forget but she totally did better being stupid just trust me

fuck off

>> No.7685013


Why is this a meme? (or is it?)

>> No.7685021

People shouldn't pick the careers that they're going to have for the rest of their lives based on how attractive the kids in the college class are.

>> No.7685022

They don't

>> No.7685118

Most guys in STEM are creepers. They annoy them and always say stupid shit like on 4chan. Hey grill like your tits and ass. Hey wants get some fuck or something creepy. This is why women in STEM always leave and date someone outside of hte field. They find nice guys in liberal arts. Most STEM guys end up marrying some beast or recovering slut who need a "nice" guy for financial security.

>> No.7685122

what stem major wont make me a poor retard but a billionaire

>> No.7685138

>First off all let's drop the "unattractive males in STEM" pop culture meme
>I'm currently studying CS and the proportion of ugly people is at most 20%, most of the rest are average-looking.
...it's really not a meme tho. Srsly. You people must have really low standards for what's attractive. STEM attracts a higher proportion of people with deficient social skills who wanted a career where they didn't need social skills to succeed. It attracts the kids who were nerds in highschool who wouldn't be able to network as well as the kids who want to go into other fields anyway owing to a lack of social skills and attractiveness. It attracts people who are willing to spend long hours of extreme focus on subject matter that bears little resemblance to social interaction (no one thinks you're admirable for choosing a hard major - people just care how much money you'll get, and desu the kids who go into finance or whatever often make comparable amounts despite not having to work as hard). Of course, it also attracts plenty of for whom those statements DON'T apply, but the selection mechanism is still firmly in place.

It's no big deal btw. Don't get your ego all pinched up over it.

(btw I'm drawing on my experience in STEM at UCLA. Relatively high ranking - full of socal rich kids, who are attractive on average anyway. This shit is still true.)

>> No.7685144

Also, a large percent of the attractive people I met in STEM were east asian/indian. Those people major in STEM out of family pressure so their choice of major doesn't really say anything about them as people.

>> No.7685167

Because attractive women are generally pretty feminine, and one of the characteristics of very feminine people is that their brains are a fine-tuned to be empathetic rather than logical, whch is why it's impossible for them to understand STEM subjects.

>> No.7685204

Major in finance or accounting. Get your professional accreditation; i.e. CPA. Most CEOs are CPAs. If you want to do STEM then do it because you want to and not the money. STEM jobs don't pay a lot compare to other jobs out there. Some trades make more than engineers.

>> No.7685222

this is bait, obviously.

>> No.7685249

>You people must have really low standards for what's attractive. STEM attracts a higher proportion of people with deficient social skills who wanted a career where they didn't need social skills to succeed.

This is a false predisposition. STEM attracts the people who don't WANT to use their social skills, not the people who don't have them. The substantial amount of rigorous independent problem solving it entails with respect to amount of networking is a very appealing aspect of it, and allows them to get stuff done without having to deal with other people.
It doesn't mean that people who like stem simply can't network. It just means that they like to solve problems independently. And if the 'independently' part sounds appealing in particular, it just means that they don't like dealing with other people. I know many such folk in Yale, Rutgers, and Princeton who don't like dealing with people unless it's to evaluate them (i.e. psychology work or similar).

>> No.7685279

>STEM attracts the people who don't WANT to use their social skills, not the people who don't have them.
>Of course, it also attracts plenty of for whom those statements DON'T apply, but the selection mechanism is still firmly in place.
Your hurt ego is showing, friend.

That said, I've heard people say this before. It sounds like sour grapes in most cases, desu. I'm not arguing that socially capable, smart introverts don't exist, but for most people the enjoyment of social interaction will have provided a consistent push away from nerdiness that makes the STEM path unlikely. Why beat your head against quantum mechanics when you can just talk to people who at worst are people you simply need to con into a relationship and at best are people who are genuinely enjoyable to be around (this also often results in sex, money and assorted fun, indirectly btw - something "independent problem solving never did for anyone")?

...btw back to OP's point, the reason women dislike STEM majors is because their whole life revolves around "allows them to get stuff done without having to deal with other people". That's it. Women like social men and STEM is a big indicator that the man in question would rather sit alone than talk to people. Tbh I'm even one of those introverted STEM types and I find it an unlikable quality.

>> No.7685289


>> No.7685304

>biology and geology
>not science
fuck off retard.

>> No.7685318
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>> No.7685344

I'm pretty sure I saw a scientific study somewhere that proved that compared to other majors, STEM students have smaller penises on average.

So there's that...

>> No.7685350

Most STEM males are walking fat tanks. But I believe it. Most grills in college date the business/art students. Its always the art students who get the most pussy. Its rather easy to get women. Just be the embodiment of a Hollywood clique. After you get them, fuck her right in the pussy.

>> No.7685449
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>gays have even more sex

>> No.7685470

There's a few women in my CS courses, half of them are overweight, the other ones are normal although they look a little quirky (e.g. short and skinny, always wearing a panda hat or something).
STEM in generally means spending a lot of time studying and having to deal with a lot of math. A lot of people don't like doing this, not just women. It's not really surprising that people who spend most of their time studying are statistically more unattractive than those who spend their time hanging out with friends, or going to work, etc.

>> No.7685495

>A lot of butthurt neckbeards in this thread
Great retort. As expected from a woman.

>> No.7685497
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Why is it that STEM women are the absolute worst? They're always loud, ugly, (relatively speaking) obnoxious, entitled, and pretentious, more so than art students.

At least the art girls are hot. STEM women are literally all the worst qualities in a women rolled into one. Anyway, I'm sure we can all agree that philosophy women are the best, right?

>> No.7685499

>They're always loud, ugly, (relatively speaking) obnoxious, entitled, and pretentious

You're describing /sci/ posters.

>> No.7685502

Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.7685504

>They're always loud, ugly, (relatively speaking) obnoxious, entitled, and pretentious
So they remind you of yourself?

>> No.7685511

stop projecting

>> No.7685512

>almost 2016
>not being asexual

>> No.7685526

>Anyway, I'm sure we can all agree that philosophy women are the best, right?
They're obnoxious as well and argumentative most of the time. They're cute though, which is why I can take them on.

>> No.7685558 [DELETED] 


>Gays have even more sex

I don't so. Ones anus can only take so much barrage...

>> No.7685560


>Gays have even more sex

I don't think so. Ones anus can only take so much barrage...

>> No.7685567

Actually the problem is the small dating pool, people who are smart enough to even get into STEM aren't going to whore themselves, and if you want a relationship you are dealing with a starting dating pool of 4% of the population.

So in the end getting sex as a gay person and into STEM is pretty rare.

>> No.7685736

Psychology isn't a STEM subject Stacy.

>> No.7685738 [DELETED] 

Because even for the brightest people, STEM requires some work, which attractive women aren't used to doing. Who can blame them though? I think most people would leach off a chad if they could.

>> No.7685809

Because, for all the constant bitchass yammering about "progress," our society is still an anti-intellectual kindergarten where people's butts explode if you know something they can't learn from their magic, special snowflake intuition.

So basically it's the same answer as always:

A bunch of stupid cunts going around saying "nerds are uncool."