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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7672517 No.7672517 [Reply] [Original]

>Grow up completely passionate about lego
>Remember spend entire afternoons building things with bricks and then showing to my parents really proud
>Always praised about being intelligent and creative
>Got into electrical engineering because i liked to build things
>Discover a lot of my colleagues also loved lego when they were kids
>Start becoming frustrated with engineering
>3 years pass and i didn't build much, only learned a bunch of math and physics
>Among the best of the class but really far away from the best
>Almost failed some classes
>Feeling that i am too constraint by logic, i.e. math and science and that i am not building things like i thought i would
>Start feeling depressed, dumb and that i actually don't have anything special
>Start feeling that the success in engineering depends more about IQ than creativity
>Finishing degree completely depressed, without knowing what to do with my life

Sorry about the shitpost, but i really needed to share this with someone.

>> No.7672532

You are pretty much me in that I love lego, love creating stuff and am EE student. But the difference is that I love math and science (except for chemistry).

The advantage of your degree is that you have a lot of career options (at least where I live) so it's definitely possible to look for a job where you can be creative. Don't worry bro.

>> No.7672534


The /sci/ major guide:

>Did you love your intro to proofs class
>Do you love doing math but hate rigor in all its forms?
>Do want to know how a computer works and are good at math
>Do want to memorize thousands of properties
>Do tubes give you an erection
>Do you love playing with clay, dirt and sand
>Do you love playing with model trains or k'nexs
>Do you fucking love legos
>Are you too stupid for all of the above
>Are you a Furry
>Do you have a rock collection
>Are you a conman
>Is copying and pasting your idea of a hard day's work
>Are you stupid fat lazy and smell bad with no life or joy

>> No.7672541

I feel you OP, I loved LEGOs too and made cool stuff.

I'm going into Biology now though. At least I get to dissect things. I put my hand in a deer's body cavity recently, elbow deep in blood from internal bleeding, just to cut it's heart and liver out to eat.

>> No.7672563

OP, half the reason men want children is to get Legos back in the house.


>> No.7672572

I lol'd

>> No.7672576

Yup same story here, did science degree because I liked to tinker and discover as a kid, the harsh reality was it was "do nothing but memorize this book and if you dare come up with any of your own ideas we will just laugh at you". I dropped out and make money doing hobby engineering now. It's not prestigious or high level but I can design and build whatever the fuck I want whenever I want.

>> No.7672581

I'm doing EE/maths at uni as well, and also grew up with lots of lego etc. But I was never super into creating stuff of my own, always preferred following instructions and then making small mods at the end. Had mindstorms but I don't think I ever actually programmed it. So I was sort of thinking, is engineering really for me?

But then I went to uni, learnt programming, circuits, higher maths etc. I have completely grown out of lego but now have the skills to play with the "big boys' toys", i.e. microcontrollers (arduino), making a quadcopter, playing around with Rpis. Absolutely loving it. I have no idea what I want to do with my career though, since I would never want to ditch maths completely (so maybe research?).

But back to OP: as the first reply said, there are so many options for an EE grad. Creativity is something that a lot of people lack OP, it's a special talent in its own right. And you clearly have enough intelligence to do an EE degree. Where would you go if you followed your nose?

>> No.7672614
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>Start feeling that the success in engineering depends more about IQ than creativity
No shit

But once you get through college and start working, you'll need that creativity again, don't worry. College is a lot more analytical than most engineering jobs imo

>> No.7672648

Well, to be creative in engineer you have to pass a really high threshold of technical ability. So yes, IQ is more important.

>> No.7672708

>bad a trig,yet loved doing proofs

in to the spiral of neetdom I go

>> No.7672749

congratulations, you are a NEET now.

>> No.7672821


>> No.7672825

>build some shit with legos
>parents praise you
>think somehow that guarantees you'll do good in engineering

>> No.7672859

this desu senpai

>> No.7672873

>>Start feeling depressed, dumb and that i actually don't have anything special
>>Start feeling that the success in engineering depends more about IQ than creativity

problem of my generation (now 15-25) they all think everybody has at least one thing he's very good at or special or something like that. Reality is... there's more like a grey blob of people. Nobody is inhumanly intelligent (besides some super rare savants), everyone struggles with something sometimes, nobody gives a shit about you solving some problem 3% faster or slower (there's no way to measure that for most realworld problems anyway) if you get the job done. I started studying physics and had the illusion i have to compete with some super intelligent geniuses. In a few years i've met about 3-4 (of a few hundred students) people who generally are faster thinkers and above average problem solvers but not that kind of superhuman you sometimes see in movies.

The challenge is, to accept you really don't differ much from other people but be happy with what you're doing / find what makes you happy (THAT would make you special, because most people never do this)

>> No.7672892

Fucking love math, in calc 1.
Fucking love physics, finished physics 2 (gunna go into physics 1 w/calc in summer)
Fucking love chemistry, only taking chem 1 & 2
Fucking love building things

Gunna be taking a summer internship at UnderWritter's Laboratory next year.

..... then ill be a well paid desk jockey triple checking new designs fit government standards and company standards.....

>> No.7672898

What if I want a Tomboy wife?

>> No.7672902

>Likes building
>Didn't go into Mechanical/Civil engineering

There's your problem m9, hope you enjoy drawing those circuit diagrams

>> No.7672905

Nuclear plant operator. You'll meet a qt maintenance technician.

>> No.7672909

Just go into mechanical/electrical/memetronichs engineering, there has to be quite a few qt tomboy slutfus.

>> No.7673647

Become a producer-san

>> No.7674146

wait what wordfilter maps to san? is it fag

>> No.7674180


>> No.7674184

>Are you a conman

C 'mon senpai, lemme just research empirical asset pricing in peace.

>> No.7674187

Maybe he's a weaboo

>> No.7674207

>empirical asset pricing
Suck my dick, betafag