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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 419x403, intj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7672391 No.7672391 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ please help me collect some data. i hypothesize that most people in this thread are like myself; INTJ(-A) on the Myers-Briggs scale. i just want to test this with a good sample.

would be interesting if i were proven to be way off.

free quick test here:

score: INTJ-A
age: 34
yearly salary:
current job: truck driver
rough IQ: 160 +/- 20
dream job: free lance inventor/efficiency consultant

>> No.7672395


Also Myers-Briggs is some speculative bullshit, I don't think anyone takes it seriously. It's kind of fun though.

Age: 26
Yearly Salary: Null
Current Job: Caretaker for ill family
Rough IQ: 134
Dream Job: Night Watch/Security

>> No.7672462
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score: INTP-A
age: 21
yearly salary: 300k forints per month, starting
current job: mathematics PhD student
dream job: mathematician

>> No.7672463

>rough IQ: 160 +/- 20
I don't believe you.

score: ISTP-T
age: 24
yearly wage: about 13k
current job: Amazon sort floor
rough IQ: 130
dream job: board game designer, but since I'm not very creative, something that goes to a bunch of different places.

>> No.7672469

Online IQ tests are worthless and aren't accurate at all. And judging by the fact that you talk like a retard, and believe in pseudo-science like those Myers personality types, I would say your IQ is far, far below what you indicated in your post.

>> No.7672486 [DELETED] 

score: intj
age: 16
yearly wage: null
current job: anyone
rough iq: 139
dream job: bioengineering

>> No.7672506

This test doesn't have an IQ portion and the hypothesis is valid (that people who frequent this forum and perform this same test will score similarly).

>> No.7672507


score: ENTJ-A
age: 23
yearly salary: around 8k, such is life in 2nd world countries
current job: programmer
rough IQ: 120-130
dream job: haven't thought about it, I love what I'm doing right now

>> No.7672556


>> No.7672561

score: ENTJ-A
age: 19
yearly salary:N/A
current job: Student
rough IQ: Never tested
dream job: Mechanical Engineer

>> No.7672567

Should be INFP-t

>> No.7672577

Score: ESFP-A
Age: 25
Current job: Full-time student
IQ: most tests place me at 120-125 range
Dream job: Radiochemist/musician

>> No.7672766

dream job:n/a

>> No.7672788

score: INTJ-A
age: 18
yearly salary: -
current job: student
rough IQ: 120-130
dream job: IT Auditor / Fraud Analyst / anything similar

>> No.7672797


>> No.7672811

score: INTJ-A (Was borderline INTP)
age: 19
yearly salary: N/A
current job: Student
rough IQ: ~125 (based on req to be considered "gifted" at a public school in my area)
dream job: I have no fucking clue

>> No.7672826

Score: ENTJ-T
Age: 24
Salary: $180,000
Current Job: Private security analyst
Rough IQ: 130
Dream Job: If I continue career advancement at my current pace then I will be retired by 30. So that's my dream.

>> No.7672830

score: ENTJ
age: 31
yearly salary: 36K euro
current job: video game programmer
rough IQ: 125 +/- 10
dream job: michelin star gourmet chef

>> No.7672852
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Biology student here
age 22

>> No.7672854
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My scores from three years ago. Is change in these possible?

>> No.7672858

How the fuck is thinking the opposite of feeling, christ this shit is stupid.

>> No.7672885

I think it's meant to indicate whether you base your decisions more on analytical thought or your emotions/intuitions.

>> No.7672886

score: INTP - A
age: 24
yearly salary: Tuition/grants and 8k a year from being a seminar leader
current job: Mathematics PhD student
rough IQ: Online tests are worthless
dream job: Either an academic in my current university's number theory group, or live as a reclusive goat farmer like Grothendieck

>> No.7672899

Score: INTP-T
Age: 25
Job: Student (phil)
Rough IQ: 140
Dream job: Teacher (post-secondary, philosophy/mathematics/overlap areas like logic, set theory)

>> No.7672903 [DELETED] 

>i hypothesize that most people in this thread are like myself; INTJ(-A) on the Myers-Briggs scale. i just want to test this with a good sample.

I hypothesize that announcing your intent here will significantly alter the content of your sample by disproportionately attracting
a) individuals happy to conform to your hypothesis
b) individuals happy not to conform to your hypothesis
c) people who think the Meyers-Briggs is significant

>> No.7672907

Professor whilst making money day trading

>> No.7672911
File: 22 KB, 306x306, is this retard serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age: 16

>> No.7672914

time to report him

>> No.7672918

No salary
I took an IQ test like 4 years ago and I got 126
Dream job is owning a small restaurant/bar

>> No.7672927

just fyi these tests are on par with the ones in the back of gossip mags

>> No.7672930

MBTI is legit, this is an accurate derivative with exceptionally lengthy descriptions that extend the original tests faithfully

>> No.7672931


>> No.7672936

score: INTP
age: 21
yearly salary: Loans
current job: Math Student/Loan Scavenger
rough IQ: 120-130
dream job: Professor that doesn't teach calculus

>> No.7672938

MBTI is pseudoscience based on nothing but Jungian speculation. It does not hold validity or reliability when studied scientifically. It's terminology is so vague and subjective as to fall under the Barnum effect. Not to mention that in contrast to the career advice it gives, studies have shown that these professions generally have random distributions of MBTI types. So not only is it false, it can be harmful in dissuading people from making career choices they might be successful in.

>> No.7672944

What are you trying to convey from all of this? Are you just curious or do you have some theories about these factors?

score: entp-a
age: 21
yearly salary:
current job: undergrad pre med student
rough IQ: 120 +/- 10
dream job: behavioral neurologist

>> No.7672954

rough iq 180 +/- 40

>> No.7672955

Why no teaching calculus?

>> No.7672959

Are you me. Calculus fucking sucks

>> No.7672963

It's based on self-report and is valid in that it produces consistent results and accurately predicts self-reported descriptions, is very obviously not so vague as to fall under the Barnum effect (I'm not even going to respond to this one, if you're too obsessed with the idea that the test is flawed to notice its legitimacy there's no point), and does not attempt to recommend career choice but describes cognitive processes, which are intuitively and demonstrably related to various fields of work. One specific Meyers-Briggs type is not significantly associated with a set of professions, but MB ranges are.

>> No.7672965

Current job: researcher
IQ 132?
Dream job: researcher

>> No.7672981


Age 20
Student (electrical engineering)
IQ: idfk. Most 20-somethings seem pretty dumb so I'd say on the higher end.
Dream job: armed forces r&d, private or public.

>> No.7672984

>idfk. Most 2-somethings seem pretty dumb so I'd say on the higher end.

Yeah, just from this post I can tell you're probably at the top of the bell curve desu senpai

>> No.7673000

Age : 18
Salary : N/A
Job : N/A (unless you count student)
Rough IQ : 125-135
Dream job : professor/teacher

>> No.7673011

>It's based on self-report and is valid in that it produces consistent results and accurately predicts self-reported descriptions
It produces wildly inconsistent results. Around 50% get a different result after 5 weeks. So no, it doesn't
"predict self-reported descriptions" since it can't even reliably describe a test-taker, except to the extent that different results are so vague as to be indistinguishable. But of course that doesn't count as prediction.

>I'm not even going to respond to this one, if you're too obsessed with the idea that the test is flawed to notice its legitimacy there's no point
Every criticism I have mentioned is backed up by real psychological research, unlike the MBTI itself. There is a reason psychologists do not take this test seriously, and it only sustains its popularity in career assessment and online mental masturbation.

>and does not attempt to recommend career choice but describes cognitive processes, which are intuitively and demonstrably related to various fields of work. One specific Meyers-Briggs type is not significantly associated with a set of professions, but MB ranges are.
It does recommend career choices, that is its only current practical use. And again, it has been shown that there is no correlation between MBTI and professions, so there is no "range".

Here is a good summary of the research on MBTI: http://www.indiana.edu/~jobtalk/HRMWebsite/hrm/articles/develop/mbti.pdf

>> No.7673126

score: INFP-T but I don't think this is accurate as I love data and analysis. Usually I get INTP.
age: 29
yearly salary:£18,000
current job: Display Analyst
rough IQ: 120-152 depending on test
dream job: ?

>> No.7673173


score: INTJ-A
age: 18
yearly salary: n/a
current job: student
rough IQ: don't know, but 34 ACT
dream job: anything that makes a lot of money for little to no effort

>> No.7673178 [DELETED] 

Whoops, should be INTJ-A

>> No.7673198

>not a single person self-reports <120 IQ

cute circle jerk thread m8

>> No.7673200

Why would anyone tell the truth and make themselves sound average?

>> No.7673210

>Retiree, blacksmith

>> No.7673217

your right, let me try

>self-taught inventor

now i'm like the rest of the unknown geniuses on sci :^)

>> No.7673241

score: INTP
age: 21
yearly salary: 130k
current job: Industrial Mechanic
rough IQ: 150 ish
dream job: Engineering.

>> No.7673245

I like that the OP is a fucking truck driver with "160 +/- 20 IQ"

Not only are the extreme values of that interval ridiculous associated with that job, but the level of variance shows he's probably just making things up. I'm fairly sure this started as a troll thread and became a circlejerk.

>> No.7673248
File: 294 KB, 582x600, HAHAHAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single average IQ, or even an IQ under 120
Oh my fucking god, this is the hardest I've ever laughed on /sci/.
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.7673262

>Math student, paid by the uni. I also interrogate undergrads 2 hours a week for extra money
>Wasn't tested recently (scored 145 as a kid)

>> No.7673265


Smells like a bunch of pseudo-science up in this. The Myers-Briggs test is not considered valid by pretty much any serious psychologist, hence literally no one uses it, and there are only two valid IQ tests for adults(maybe only one really), and they are not available online at this point.

So sorry boys, literally none of you have an IQ of 160 and above.

>> No.7673266

Why would there be? This is /sci/. Do you think people with low IQs care about science?

>> No.7673270

Because no one really knows what there IQ is. IQ's are a fucking sham and you know it.

>> No.7673274

Not the guy you replied to but: Its true that its not a representative sample and I'm sure the average IQ on this forum is higher than the average population. That being said, I doubt even one score stated in this thread is legit.

>> No.7673275

The only real purpose of the Myers-Briggs test anymore is simply to have fun. I always get INTJ, and it's pretty interesting how well the description fits. Several of my friends got INTP because they're a bunch of lying faggots that want to feel good about themselves.

>> No.7673280

No one with an average IQ wants to reply to this thread. Almost no one with a sub-100 IQ would be on /sci/, except when they v isit from /pol/, /b/, /r9k/, reddit, 9gag, and other assorted pleb domains

>> No.7673284

> there
> not their


>> No.7673287

Yep. Manipulation of the test is but one of many ways to flaw a personality test. Thats also why a good psych only uses(valid and reliable) tests as part of the kit to make a personality assessment, with qualitative methods to back it up. I also think any good psychology researcher realizes that quantification is not the ultimate means to an end, humens being all complicated and shit. Doesn't mean we can't get indication from scientifically sound tests though.

>> No.7673297

score: ENTP
age: 24
yearly salary: >10,000 USD
current job: temp worker
Exact IQ: 121
dream job: Computer Programmer

>> No.7673298

score: INFJ-T
age: 18
yearly salary: None
current job: Student (engineering)
rough IQ: Absolutely no idea, prolly very slightly above average
dream job: Don't really know, something to do with technologies/computing, or maybe a creative job

>> No.7673312

score: INTP-T
age: 22
yearly salary:
current job: Odd Jobs / Full Time College Student
rough IQ: Never taken a test for it.
dream job: Game Design / Physics related field.

>> No.7673326

>200k EUR
>software business owner and programmer
>retiring and doing more open-source stuff.

>> No.7673390 [DELETED] 

Score: INFP-A
yearly salary: £1.2k
current job: waiter (student)
IQ: (not a faggot who takes IQ tests)
Dream Job: Physicist

>> No.7673412

Astrology belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.7673634

>I don't believe you.
that's ok. facts do not require your belief.

>> No.7673640 [DELETED] 

intj a
none(ive some nice alimony dosh but lets not count that)
finishing hs
no idea, never taken the test
nothing specific but either finance or engineering (aerospace or electrical)

>> No.7673653

Mods ought to fucking ban anyone who posts their supposed IQ on /sci/, no exceptions.

>> No.7673677

Already guys we need to clear this shit up because plenty of you are insecure.
You know mensas criteria? Top 2 percent right?

0.02 times population of the world is?

Pretty fucking big.

2 in 100 is not a big number.

Most decent universities have a selection rate of around 12 in 100.

Op is obvious troll but most people with an iq of around 110 or even 100 would feel too insecure to post or post statements like yours.

>> No.7673681

yfw: OP is a member of mensa

>> No.7673686

>2 in 100 is not a big number
Sorry I meant small number.

P. S. notice how any of the good folks are math PhD students?

Yeah those are the ones who come here mainly for threads like the Friday night fun one, and to have meaningful dialogue, not to shit post about NDT or put down popsci (although they might do this on the side).

>> No.7673694

>(not a faggot who takes IQ tests)

Kill yourself

>> No.7673696

And if remember right 120 is roughly 10 percent of the population.

Have you ever been in the top 10 percentile of your batch, yes probably.

Imagine a university with 100 students, it's not hard to imagine 10 of them would have an IQ of 120+

This is just to give you an idea of the numbers it is very possible that you scored in the top 10 percentile due to effort and hard work while having an Iq of less than 120.

>> No.7673697


Wechsler is the one that you should use (sd 15)

>> No.7673699

Hello my fellow data loving INTP

>> No.7673711

score: INTJ-A
age: 26
yearly salary: 38k euro
current job: software engineer
rough IQ: 130
dream job: ???

>> No.7673712

How do you write down the Sd in this it keeps fucking up my tables.

>> No.7673720

the SDs are 15, 16 and 24. They're pre-set

>> No.7673734

No one uses an SD of 24, why would they do that.

Most IQs give their output for 15.

>> No.7673744

It's one of the major three.
Cattell is 24, Stanford-Binet is 16, Wechsler is 115.

>> No.7673745

I believe /g/ and /r9k/ are mostly INTJs.

Age: ~18
Salary: I run an online startup, got around 100k saved up during high school years
Job: student
IQ: 144
Dream job: becoming filthy rich

>> No.7673748

/r9k/ is BNKC-R

Basement dwelling, NEET, kissless, celibate retards.

>> No.7673749

You mean 15-23-14?

At least those are the outputs +100 you get when you put in percentile as 83.33

Or does the other have reason to believe that 83.33 percentile score on the first is not the same as 83.33 percent score le in the second.

This is baffling don't they peg tests by samples?

>> No.7673751
File: 185 KB, 389x420, Screenshot 2015-11-22 at 02.31.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit. Are you trolling me?
> pic related

>> No.7673753

So the site does nothing but convert between sds then...

Anyway Sup with catell using 24 is it just to make people feel good?

>> No.7673758
File: 85 KB, 600x1024, Screenshot_2015-11-21-20-27-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type: INFP-T
Age: 23
Income: 23,000
Job: I help intellectually disabled people do everyday tasks and build skils
Rough IQ: 120 (I got tested when I was a kid but haven't since then, it could be anything)
Dream Job: Therapist or Counselor

>> No.7673771

Help me out here anon what does the row labelled standard deviation mean.

I know a standard deviation is a movement of 33. 33 percent on one side, so put in 83.33 as the percentile.

That's how the Sd of a test is based amowrite?

>> No.7673789

Js are productive. R9k and /g/ are full of NEETs, and the kids on /r9k/ are very emotional and insecure whereas the kids on /g/ are very logical about stuff. That said, their personalities fall anywhere within ISTP, ISFP, INTP, and INFP.

For INTJs and INFJs to not go to school is very rare--I personally haven't encountered one in real life, but I've met some through League of Legends. They ended up in their situations because of the most extreme of circumstances. I wish I could help them. It's a shame, really.

>> No.7673797
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Well damn. I'm more of a statistical outlier than I thought I was.

>> No.7673807

whoops forgot:

>age 25
>current job: gas station attendant
>dream job: ?

I only recently became interested in math, so I'm behind a lot of you when it comes to the quantitative hierarchy.

>> No.7673810


You're supposed to use the SAT out of 1600 (only Reading + Math).

>> No.7673813


Alright, you fuckers really help discrediting IQ on this forum, when did this place get so libertarian anyway, too much reddit I say.

>> No.7673814


It was generated by the IQ score, sorry. I scored 1590/1600 and got an 800 on the third bit.

>> No.7673822



In fairness, I only thought I was normal (at 175) because I grew up with kids in the 180-215 range.

>> No.7673823

What was your IQ and what was the SD?

>> No.7673836


180 on the S-B

>gf is 160
>smart childhood friend is 220 or something like that

Like I said, I grew up around children who were smarter than I was and/or better at many things than I was, so although I was aware I wasn't "average", I didn't really appreciate the extent to which I'm statistically unusual.

>> No.7673853

Occupation: community college+part time job
Rough IQ: 130±10
Dream Job: Mathematics Research and either some easy job with a lot of free time or teaching mathematics/physics

>> No.7673915

score: ISTP
age: 18
yearly salary: 0
current job: N/A
rough IQ: No idea
dream job: Working with electronics

>> No.7673920

Nice breh. Do some good with it

>> No.7673933

You are a fucking faggot if you autisticly fuss over how high your IQ test score is.
Fucking idiot.
/sci/ fucking astounds me sometimes.

>> No.7673938

No. I was making fun of this underage faggot who thinks he knows shit about IQ or anything for that matter.

Stop being such a fucking retarded idiotic moron with more butthurt than a porn whore.

Go fucking kill yourself. No one will miss you

>> No.7673949

He actually realizes that taking IQ tests is entirely pointless and nothing but a waste of time, money, and effort to get a fucking meaningless number that will do you literally no good in life.
Just because of that, he's smarter on the subject than fucking 95% of /sci/ and EVERYONE in this thread.

>faggot who thinks he knows shit about IQ
Thank you for proving my point.
From that statement, you've revealed that you're one of those people who goes into full rage mode every time someone says IQ is meaningless, which is true.

>> No.7673952

salary:220,000 AUD
current job:General Practitioner
Rough iq: 175, give or take 10
Dream Job: Already have it

>> No.7673957

Yeah.I am Intj
Though for some of the test I feel like i saw right through those questions. I chose the ones that made me feel better about myself.

>> No.7673958

score: INTJ-A
age: 26
yearly salary: formerly 30k/yr
current job: full time student, formerly truck driver
rough IQ: 141
dream job: free lance inventor/efficiency consultant

are you me from the future?

>> No.7673959

well memed

>> No.7674034

I'll do my best. Cheers

>> No.7674108

Full Time Student/Weekend Sign Waver
132 +/- 6 (based on Stanford-Binet given to me with full psych eval I had done 3 years ago)
Bedroom Musician/Programmer

>> No.7674381
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i'll be running a full assesment of all the replies soon.

but so far, it seems there are a lot of:
followed by:
and finally:

so, i wasn't really too far off.
would appreciate a larger sample, if /sci/ would indulge me.

>> No.7674384


MBT is pseudoscience, it has exactly zero empirical basis and was invented out of nothing by a mother and daughter team after reading on of Carl Jungs books on psychological archetypes. Stop embarrassing yourselves by posting this shit, you may as well tell us your Astrological star sign.


>> No.7674385

tax-evading self-employed cryptocurrency trader
120 but I don't really know
Realistically aiming to work on developing meteorological/weather prediction software. Being unrealistic, theoretical astrophysicist.

>> No.7674392
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OP here. i'm a Pisces.
but that doesn't matter.
the point was to see which of the personality types would even BE HERE.
we may get an even sample of astrological signs.
but so far, most of us who have replied, are fairly similar to the INTJ model... as hypothesized, no less.

>> No.7674433
File: 277 KB, 943x1000, 37283__safe_scootaloo_apple-bloom_sweetie-belle_human_cutie-mark-crusaders_artist-tex_carrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 32
Yearly Salary: $37,000
Current Job: NOC tech
Rough IQ: 110
Dream Job: Return to navy active duty

>> No.7674460


Your model is bunk. No conclusion you draw from it is valid.

>> No.7674486


>> No.7674619

>125 = "gifted"
I wish someone had taken notice when I was younger. I would've tried harder.

>> No.7674646

>Dream Job: Return to navy active duty
You want to become a pawn of the government?

>> No.7674648

Score: INTP
Age: 21 now but I took the test at age 14
Yearly salary: A couple grand off flash games
Current job: Student
Rough IQ: Above 120
Dream job: Successful startup

>> No.7674651

I answered these questions as if I was still 14. I earn a lot more than a couple grand now but I took the test when I was 14 so I answered it like I was 14

>> No.7674701

score: INTP-A
age: 22
yearly salary: when I was working it was some shit like 12k/year as a lab technician because Spain
current job: studying MechEng
rough IQ: no idea
dream job: just take me to space

>> No.7674768

score: INFP-T
age: 20
current job: full time student + working at a restaurant + taking care of my (literally) autistic brother since I was a kid
rough IQ: ?
dream job: ?

>> No.7674780

>score: INTJ-A
>age: 34
>yearly salary:
>current job: truck driver
>rough IQ: 160 +/- 20
>dream job: free lance inventor/efficiency consultant

I don't believe that for a second. you're fucking 34, you've had plenty of time to prepare and plan your dream life yet you work a dead end job

I'm 25, and I'm probably what you want to be. And I received absolutely no handouts, and I certainly don't have a 160 IQ.

>> No.7674850

>smart folks can't into self-destructive behavior
Come on, bro

>> No.7674866

I must inform you of the underlying theory to the MBTI. It rests on the work of Carl Jung who hypothesised that people have different types of cognition, so-called "cognitive functions". I recommend going to /r/mbti or checking out numerous relevant websites to find out more.

It's hard to base this on empirical data, like most of the cognitive psychology. Given a black box, you can only guess what's inside, and see what theory seems to work.

So yeah. I'll just leave this here.

>> No.7675290


either you are intelligent

or you'ren't.

>mommy, why does he keep smashing his head against the wall?
>hush honey, this man is intelligent.
>thought of the intelligent man: I've been smashing my head against this wall for the past 10 years. why should I stop now?

>> No.7675301

No salary
No job
Dream job is to solve triple integrals

>> No.7675306
File: 161 KB, 1366x1329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the "prefer to have people like you rather than be powerful" question a bit of an annoyance
You can be powerful via charisma- you don't need pure power over wealth to be considered 'powerful'
I didn't know how to answer it, so I left it in the middle

>> No.7675320

score: INFP
age: 20
yearly salary: 0
current job: mech eng student
rough IQ: no idea, maybe a bit above 100
dream job: neet

>> No.7675328

score: INFJ
age: 26
current job: monk
iq: 138
dream job: monk

>> No.7675331

What's monkeying around like?

>> No.7675335

score: INTP-T
age: 19
yearly salary: NA
current job: math student
rough IQ: 145
dream job: data analyst

>> No.7675337


lel the person who wrote this is an INFP. I can tell.

>> No.7675340


Zen. It's nothing special. I love it.

>> No.7675367

What's your view on monks purposely engaging activities that are against the teachings? ie smoking, drinking, eating unnecessarily, etc

>> No.7675617

Taking an online IQ test is an IQ test all by itself.

>> No.7675634

score: INTP-A
age: 19
yearly salary: N/A
current job: neuroscience major
rough IQ: never tested
dream job: drug design

>> No.7675704

score: INTP-T (I usually get INFP on these though)
age: 24
yearly salary: N/A
current job: I have a part-time job as a computer-technician, but I study IT
dream job: engineer (all the fields fascinate me)

>> No.7675708

Age: 24
Current Job: PhD student and research assistant at uni
Salary: Not really a salary but more of a stipend of 31k and no tuiton m8
Rough IQ: 135 about
Dream Job: Professor/research scientist

>> No.7675714

What field?

>> No.7675733

I did an internship at Gilead sciences which produces pharmaceuticals. It was heaven on Earth and I got to work with amazing people on new drugs. Biotech is the way of the future my friend

>> No.7675742
File: 259 KB, 1920x1200, elisha-cuthbert-1920x1200-23303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here,
fuck you both.
not self destructive, not lying

i was born and raised in an extremely low income family. i'm talking food stamps and government cheese. moving every year or so since parents burned up one utility company after another. had bad credit before i was 18 because they used my name/ssn and got bad bills. drop out of HS and get GED 2 years early so i could start college.
started college, but had to drop out because pell/stafford wasn't enough to survive on. had to go to work minimum wage just to survive, there was no time for school.
ironic: at age 19, i was a substitute teacher at the same HS i dropped out of. even had a student older than me a few times.
should i have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, i'd have breezed through college and graduate school. prolly doctor by now.

>> No.7675743

score: ISTJ-T
age: 19
yearly salary: none
current job: none
rough IQ: never tested
dream job: CEO

>> No.7675760

score: INTP
age: 19
yearly salary: Semi-rich parents/loans
current job: Computer Science/Game Design student.
rough IQ: High enough.
dream job: Porn game developer/designer

>> No.7675795

On a gap year, doing private tuition and playing poker. Gonna start med school next year.
Dream Job: political cartoonist

>> No.7675818


Age: 18
Yearly Salary: 0
Current Job: Student (CS undergrad)
Rough IQ 110
Dream Job: Don't know

>> No.7676075

INTJ-A (81-90-53-99-97)
no job. i coach cross country and might start teaching hs physics in spring. ffs what am i doing with my life? maybe i'll crush through a phd...every grad student i ever met was a suck up retarded manchild.
used to be prof, no idea now, i just want a wife

>> No.7676082

Full-time student
Rough IQ: 130
Dream job: Metrologist

>> No.7676117

Age: 23
Salary: $60,000
Current Job: Student, drug dealer, cashier
Rough IQ: [Insert gross overestimate]
Dream Job: Pianist, lawyer

>> No.7676144

>IQ 160
>drives trucks

Well, my my, what a waste, you're a true gem to society.

>> No.7676163

Was INTJ then INTP when I got older and mroe strategic in my approach to life (happened at around 50 yo).

>> No.7676165

age: 60
yearly salary: 80k from investments
current job: retired/investor
rough IQ: 140 +/-
dream job: Nobel Physicist or Machine Learning.

>> No.7676168

>Rough IQ: [Insert gross overestimate]
My IQ is from a formal test done by a psychologist.

>> No.7676204
File: 109 KB, 409x528, 1162 - KgWhuq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yearly salary: 80k
>current job
Student, investor, former tradesman
rough IQ: 130 +/- 10? idk about the range. Was tested at 130+ in childhood
>dream job: tech entrepreneur/darkweb drug kingpin/pornstar

i also like intentionally slightly malforming my responses in survey threads to throw a small monkey wrench in OPs' data wrangling methods. who else /devillish/ here?

>> No.7676210

> tfw nobody else is INFP

>> No.7676304

For shits and giggles I'll play along

Yearly(very rough estimate ):25k
Current job: overnight security guard
Rough IQ: have never had a proper test done but I'm considered "smart" by most friends and peers, not that it means anything
Dream job: still trying to figure that out, but something in the field of science. But, as said, it's a dream as I'm a mathematical tard.

>> No.7676425

Sure m80 :^)
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.7676592

age - 21
Yearly Salary - 0
Current Job - Uni Student
Rough IQ - 134 - 136 depending on test
Dream job - Astro engineer, biomech engineer, chocolate taster, bed tester, dancer

>> No.7676637


It's none of my business. Monks can disrobe and return to monastic life numerous times during their lives. On the path, what matters is seeing your own mind. If you can see your own mind and understand how to act, these things like the precepts become natural, not like rules. By focusing too much on the precepts we lose the precepts, they bind us. When we allow our lives to unfold naturally and love unconditionally, the precepts become an expression of life itself.

>> No.7676652
File: 74 KB, 824x566, intpapseudoscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

age: 20
yearly salary: <0
current job: uni student, electrical engineering although I'm thinking about other paths
rough IQ: I've never taken an official proctored test, I've taken multiple online ones as well as an official test that I found online and self scored, got between 134-146 depending on the test
dream job: work in a lab all day researching and making things

>> No.7676685
File: 77 KB, 1069x622, INTJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7676700

This is one of the worst MBTI tests ive taken. the one at http://www.mypersonality.info/ is much, much better. The questions here are ridiculously exaggerated, like "Do you often contemplate the reason for human existence?" Like seriously? I'm an INTP so I'm "supposed" to indicate a high preference of that, but obviously I do not because it's a retarded question.

Fuck you

>> No.7676715



>> No.7676799

Not all robots are neets. /r9k/ is also about depression, loneliness, and creativity (controversial claim but it's somewhat true), traits commonly found in INTJs

>> No.7676956

jesus christ u feel no feels my friend

>> No.7677000

Did IQ conversion and got 154

>> No.7677309


Silver spoon here,

You still haven't told us what's holding you back.

>> No.7677329

6.5k in grants and 0-3k from odd jobs
Environmental Engineer

>> No.7677367

Chill out. "Self-destructive" wasn't a disparaging term. It also doesn't mean you're on a downward spiral.

If you want to better your position and you are able to, but choose not to, then that is self-destructive behavior. It might mean you're a bit depressed and lacking confidence.

Google it and see if it fits. If so, go find a therapist.

>> No.7677382

score: ENFP
age: 19
yearly salary: student
current job: student
rough IQ: ~125-130
dream job: researcher in neuroscience or doctor

>> No.7677842

score: ENTJ
salary: stipends only
age: 20
occupation: mechatronics student
IQ: no official test, if internet memes count 120-160
dream job: weapon systems engineer, aerospace, robotics, heavy machinery

>> No.7677876
File: 118 KB, 1148x612, intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To preface, I think this results are somewhat facile as I've gotten varying results based on my mood and the age I took the test. INTP and ENTP are my two most consistent ones, however.

>year salary (uni stipend):
1440 euro/year
Never cared enough about such a silly metric to find out. Was tested by psychologists on a battery of different tests as a child (mother thought I had ADHD) and was found to be in the 98th percentile of combined reasoning capabilities for my age. I think I'm partly worried that if I sat tests like that again now my ranking would be significantly diminished from half a decade of hard drug use.
> Job:
Pharmaceutical Chemistry undergraduate student
> Dream Job:
Medical Doctor engaged in neurological clinical work and research in drug development and testing.

>> No.7677890

score: INTP-T
age: 18
yearly salary: N/A
current job: Computer Engineering Student
rough IQ: took back in high school, from a couple of different places, got like:
135, 150, 162, 173
I'll estimate myself to be 120, 130 tops
dream job: I would love to be a NASA, Google, or Microsoft engineer, but more realistically, ideal job would be anything physics related

>> No.7677896

score: ENTP-A
age: 24
yearly salary: ~$70,000
current job: Data Analyst in investment banking
rough IQ: I remember taking one as a kid, probably gone down since then
dream job: I want to create something original and get recognition for it. Still trying to figure out what that something is, but until then I'm just saving whatever cash I don't spend on booze on the weekends. Considering graduate studies in Math/management consulting/acting/game designer.

>> No.7677901

>as tested by psychologists on a battery of different tests as a child (mother thought I had ADHD) and was found to be in the 98th percentile of combined reasoning capabilities for my age.

No you werent

>> No.7677917

score: INTP-T
age: 19
yearly salary: N/A
current job: Student
rough IQ: 110-20
dream job: Mechanical engineer

>> No.7677927
File: 85 KB, 764x480, edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want a picture of the medical documents? Hold on.

Searching for the 98th percentile comment on a separate document now.

>> No.7677928

>proudly posting proof of a sub-mongoloid level IQ

lel. Literally no sane society that had an interest in its genetic well-being would even allow you to breed with that borderline retarded IQ

>> No.7677940

Score: ENTJ-A
Age: 21
Current "job": student, doubling in aquamedicine and business
Rough IQ: 130+
Dream job: start a fish-company

>> No.7677944
File: 215 KB, 822x649, 1430773293283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel like taking a quiz.
ENTP, Had to take one for my school.
age: 20
yearly salary: Work part time a bunch, probably rack up ~8k a year.
Current Job: Undergrad in Theoretical Physics
rough IQ: No clue. Probably 120-135? I'm fairly smart, but not godly.
Dream Job: Professor at MIT for theoretical Physics with other appointments teaching Copmutational linguistics and Anthropology. I also have a massive house, 300k starting, and just in general winning at everything. It's a *dream* job....

>> No.7678028

score: ISTJ
age: 22
yearly salary: ~20k$
current job: EE student + Part time job in space engineering
rough IQ: 120 +/-5
dream job: Fisherman, lumberjack or just a physically hard job out in the cold

>> No.7678037

score: ENTP
age: 21
yearly salary: N/A
current job: Chemistry student
rough IQ: around 120 according to online tests
dream job: a job where I am respected, make a lot of money, fast paced and have to make decisions with alot of gravity, or have my own lab and get to choose research subject to focus on, probs chemotherapeutics, organic solar cells, conducting polymers, different novel ideas

>> No.7678049
File: 96 KB, 1185x698, 1447859082568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>score: INTJ-A
>age: 20
>yearly salary: scholarships, plus like $10k in the summer
>current job: student (chemical engineering)
>rough IQ: I have no idea
>dream job: process engineer

>> No.7678054

Oops I meant to say INTP-A like in the photo.

Also what IQ tests are you guys taking? I've never taken any, I guess I may as well take one since they probably can't be any dumber than the Myers-Briggs tests.

>> No.7678059

Score: INFP-T/INTP. I always get one or the other on these tests by a few percentage points. This time I got 53% Feeling / 47% Thinking.
Age: 18
Yearly salary: $18k
Job: intern at nuclear energy company. Doing applied math stuff. Going to study math next year
IQ: no idea
Dream job: math professor

>> No.7678067

26 yrs
iq: high enough to have a hard time relating to most people, low enough to occasionally struggle with my coursework (120-160 depending on what shitty online test I tried)
current job: medical activist
dream job: medical scientist

>> No.7678073

score: who the fuck cares
age: 20
yearly salary: $15 an hour
current job: Student/tutor
rough IQ: 2.95 sd above the mean, basing it off ACT score as rough proxy
dream job: Unemployed/living off investments

>> No.7678081

I'm afraid the test is inaccurate in my case.

>> No.7678111


score: INFP
age: 25
yearly salary:
current job:
rough IQ: 130 (31 on Wonderlic test)
dream job: Something Something math

>> No.7678174


>about 130 +/-
>about 400€ a month
>Audio Engineering Student
>Mixing Engineer in own Studio / Live Mixer for huge stages

>> No.7679472

score: INTJ-T
age: 19
yearly salary: 0
current job: Student
rough IQ: idklol, last time I took one it was around 140 but it was probably bullshit
dream job: fuck if I know

>> No.7679540

Score: INTJ-A
Age: 20
Yearly salary: -
Current job: student
Rough IQ: 130-135, don't remember the scale
Dream job: get involved in a research in the field of neuroimaging; start a company that would deal with brain-machine interfaces

>> No.7681072


Score: ENTP(-A)
Age: 24
Yearly Salary: 60k
Current job: Lab Tech at Protein/Assay/Antibody development/production lab
Rough IQ: 139 (only internet tests though, so probably bullshit)
Dream Job: Epigenetics Researcher

>> No.7681088

Dream Job: Unemployment

>> No.7681111
File: 179 KB, 1369x827, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age 21
Current job: Med student
Dream job: Doctor
IQ: Never took a serious test.

>> No.7681158
File: 149 KB, 591x285, 1424371544064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40000-45000€ (which is huge here)
Corporate intelligence analyst
Idk, never done any
Shadow leader of a conglomerate

>> No.7681239
File: 172 KB, 1296x836, iq thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

score: INFP-T
age: 22
yearly salary: 0
current job: Graduated physics major: applying to graduate schools now.
rough IQ: 135 according to this online test, but I've never taken an official one.
dream job: Mattress sleep-quality tester. Maybe in a band or something. Stay-at-home husband. Bikini Inspector.

>> No.7681351
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, Yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this test Yesterday

>> No.7681364


Age: 18
Salary: N/A
Job: Student
Rough IQ: 135 last I tested it (7th grade)
Dream job: math professor

>> No.7681389

Just tested it again, it said I got 150.
IQ tests are stupid though, it was just 20 simple pattern recognition questions. I missed one about counting boxes.

>> No.7681391

Score: INTJ
Age: 24
Yearly Salary: $18k starting at first company after finishing MSc in EE + company stocks, living in a 3rd world country, which is quite ok so far
Current job: Bioinformatics Engineer
Exact IQ: 156 (tested at Mensa, less than 1% population) - this translates to 135 on a different scale, forgot scale names, one is Cattel, other Simon-Binuet or some shit like that
Dream Job: Play guitar around the world and earn a PhD in EE (Control theory and/or optimization theory)

>> No.7681417

> using online tests
did you got tested in newgrounds flash games or something ? Go get tested at Mensa you fucking idiot. Let's see if you can even pass 125 mark

>> No.7681421

>I'm tired of hearing lies on the internet, they should be banned!

>> No.7681439

you get so sexy when your'e bossy :3

>> No.7681446

Also Iq of 127 idk if accurate though

>> No.7681482
File: 116 KB, 254x277, 102609_0406_EscapeAttem1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw that, astrology is way more accurate. i would do the test but i already know

its enlightening stuff

>> No.7681530

Not that dude but I took part of the Mesa and got 10 out of the first 11 right and decided to quit cuz I gotta do work. It's not that hard you faggot.

>> No.7681967


>score: INTJ
>age: 23
>yearly salary: $45k
>current job: behaviour analyst (therapist) for low-functioning autistic individuals
>rough IQ: unlike you, I don't trust a Facebook "IQ test". A real IQ test has to be administered by a psych. Never had a formal one done.
>dream job: a research position. I have a BS in physics but it's hard to find a job to apply it to here.

>> No.7682203

age: 23
salary: none
job: student electrical engineering (mostly because I don't feel like being a wage slave just yet)
IQ: no idea, to short of an attention span to sit through one, I guess the average
dream job: no idea, just something simple that doesn't involve physical labor and not to much human interaction.

>> No.7682941

Age: 20
Yearly Salary: n/a
Current Job: student
Rough IQ: 138
dream job: No real idea, but I am working towards a my bs in MechE. Kind of thought it'd be cool to be a chef, and pursue a michelin star too.

>> No.7683184

score: INTJ-A
age: 24
yearly salary: 11k through part time job
current job: research in a neuroscience firm/ compsci student
dream job: dunno

>> No.7683223

>tfw nobody else is INFP
Really? There are quite a lot here..

>> No.7683295

Being a INTJ implies you don't like the test in the first place, nor take it serious. So why did you take it and post it here?

>> No.7683371

Age: 22
Yearly Salary: n/a
Current Job: Student
Rough IQ: Never calculated
Dream job: Cosmologist/something related with space

>> No.7683673

Meyers Briggs is a wonderful tool for writing. I apply it to characters I make and it helps me understand who they and how they view the world.

>> No.7683693

Age: 18
Yearly salary: none
Current job: student
Rough IQ: around 140
Dream job: biologist

>> No.7683699

contributing data
score: INTJ-T
age: 20
salary: $15/hr
job: software development intern, student
IQ: 122
dream job: I like where I am and hope they keep me.

>> No.7683729

score: ENTP-T
age: 19
yearly salary: student
current job: student
rough IQ: 420
dream job: professional fuck machine

>> No.7684976
File: 102 KB, 550x424, fail-loo-roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with your being a silver spoon, you could never understand as all is handed to you or at least placed well within reach.
retarded-ass G.W. Bush is a prime example of opportunity based on wealth.

for those who have to start from the bottom, can't good high paying job unless you look like you already deserve it, wearing $5k suit, driving 200k car to interview, ivy league degrees (even if obtained purely via sports), recommendation letters from other elitists.
can't afford these until one has the $ and can't get the $ without the job, can't get the job without these.

now, there's plenty of ideas of money making that float through my head. - but again, it takes money to make money.

and because i have a conscience. i can't do thing that would screw my customers, employees, future shareholders, etc...

so finding something that is cheap to start, legal, moral and profitable is nearly impossible.

i can't find one example of an american millionaire that went rags-to-riches without someone getting shafted.

>> No.7685031


Silver spoon here,

That's a twisted worldview and a pathetic resignational frame of mind.

You deserve to be poor.

PS: I never had a silver spoon.

PPS: Locus of control. Look it up.

>> No.7685501

I scored an INTJ-T. I have always tested as an INTJ.

>yearly salary:
N/A, just left military
>current job:
pizza cook / soon-to-be student
>rough IQ:
140, was professionally tested at 18
>dream job:
computer engineer

>> No.7685544

score: INTP
age: 15
yearly salary: null
current job: Student
rough IQ: 130-give or take (I never got an actual score I was just classified as gifted by my school)
dream job: Game/AI programmer

>> No.7685580


score: ISTJ
age: 23
yearly salary: €550 x 14
current job: software developer
rough IQ: dunno
dream job: CPU architecture engineer

/sci/ newfag here is ISTJ master race or pleb tier?

>> No.7685583


>> No.7685587

score: INTP
age: 21
yearly salary: none
current job: mach Student
rough IQ: never did a test so most probably 100
dream job: freelance software developer

>> No.7685588

Score: INFJ-T
Age: 18
Yearly salary: None
Current job: College student
Rough IQ: 140ish
Dream job: R&D, professor at college, and maybe an indie game developer. I can't decide.

>> No.7685611

>Fuck so which is the master race?
Also it says I'm at 8% population, Am I a special snowflake?

>> No.7685614

This, I thought that the Meyer Briggs was in the realm of pseudoscience.

>> No.7685620

score: INTJ-A
age: 23
yearly salary: none
current job: NEET for now
rough IQ: 130 tested on the interwebz...So average then
dream job: a healthy person sleeps 8h/day and work takes the other 8, so someting that makes the free time closer to 16h is game. Fuck this senseless rat race

>> No.7685647


>> No.7686027

Score: enfp
Age: totally not underage
Yearly salary: :0
Current job: student
Iq:took internet test got score of 148 but they're not very reliable and I feel like an idiot half of the time so about 115?
Dream job: music teacher I feel as though my way of teaching would really get to kids but I bet every teacher feels that way when they start

>> No.7686034

Scratch the 115 iq im feeling extra stupid this week about 100 flat

>> No.7686040

score: INTJ
age: 19
yearly salary: ~10k
current job: research assistant, grad student
rough IQ: 140 (actual clinical test, not interwebs. also this is a meaningless metric)
dream job: research professor

>> No.7686043

score: INTJ-A
age: 25
yearly salary: 160000
current job: working at a highfrequency trading firm
rough IQ: 130
dream job: make enough money and retire with 32

>> No.7686067

score: INTJ
age: 30
yearly salary: 99k
current job: radiation protection technician
rough IQ: 140
dream job: Reactor operator

>am autistic

>> No.7686122

Why is it pleb?

>> No.7686148

score: INTJ-A
age: 22
yearly salary: 0
current job: neet
rough IQ: at least top 5% of my male peers(the test I did doesn't go any higher)
dream job: artist

>> No.7686199


microbiology/bacterial pathology, foods research
iq meaningless, range from 110 to 190 depending on how stupid the test is and how lazy i am, this metric is durppy and for the insecure
medical pathologist, working towards it

>> No.7686614

ISTJ is the most common type for males, therefore it is considered pleb on the Internet where everyone, of course, is a unique snowflake.

>> No.7686645

score: INTP-T
age: 18
yearly salary: N/A
current job: Student(?)
rough IQ: ~120
Dream Job: Programmer

>> No.7686719 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1523x861, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Score: ENTP-A

Age: 18

Yearly salary: N/A.

Current job: Student.

Rough IQ: Full scale: 80. Verbal: 145. Performance: 67. I suffer from Non-verbal learning disorder. Doctors believe that my verbal IQ is a better representation of my actual intelligence.
So I guess 145?

Dream job: Diplomat. Hopefully Secretary of State. I plan on being a Diplomat. (I'm going to study Poli-Sci and International Relations.)

I plan on becoming an Author as well. Maybe write a few books on International Relations, akin to Henry Kissinger's books. (Reading World Order at the moment.)

I go to an Arts high school, so that's my education for writing.

Sorry if that was TMI.

>> No.7686723 [DELETED] 

I plan on being a Diplomat first.* (Obviously.)

>> No.7686867
File: 72 KB, 783x534, 16pers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually score INTP

>> No.7686934
File: 37 KB, 716x506, 12234979_1640647972866155_5627493983695603157_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

score: enfj
age: 32
yearly salary: 38k
current job: food server/engineering student
rough IQ: over 135, test wouldn't go higher, based on my relative smartness versus smart friends, I'd say 135-140
dream job: entrepreneur

>> No.7686943

> entrepreneur
This isn't a job.

>> No.7686945

Then what is it?

>> No.7686974

INTJ (also myers-briggs dosne't mean anything really)
Yearly Salary: NA
Current Job: Student studying neurobiology
Rough IQ: 130
Dream Job: I'd like to work as a researcher

>> No.7686976

self employment.

>> No.7687016

Score: INFP-T
Age: 18
Yearly salary:
Current job: N/A, doing degree in physics
Rough IQ: Dunno. 140?
Dream job: Don't know anymore. Something practical, using maths/physics (although not necessary), and my bare hands, useful for people, that makes them happy.

I feel like a resonate with a few different personality types, but this the most-ish?

>> No.7687019

lol im glad to see that im not the only one slightly obsessed with the MBTI :^)

>> No.7687058

Score: INTP-A, "The Logician"

Age: 18

Yearly Salary: €0

Current Job: Student

IQ: Did an IQ test when I was 15 at a shrink and I got 131. No idea what it could be presently.

Dream Job: I don't intend on working for others for long. Ultimately, my dream is to have a business of my own. A successful one, at that.

>> No.7687085 [DELETED] 

Score: I'm an INTJ-T
Age: ~ 18
Current Job: Student
Rough IQ: I don't trust internet tests, so I can't answer that questing at the moment.
Dream Job: Game Programmer

>> No.7687088

Score: I'm an INTJ-T.

Current Job: Student

Rough IQ: I don't trust internet tests, so I'm currently not able to answer that question.

Dream Job: Possibly Game Programmer, but I'm very unsure at the moment.

>> No.7687136

Score: INFJ
age: 28
Yearly salary: $ 700,000,000,000,00
Current Job: smarties master
Rough IQ: 590, give or take 10.

>> No.7687210

score: ENTP-A
age: 21
yearly salary: n/a
current job: undergraduate
rough IQ: 135
dream job: physicist

>> No.7687276
File: 18 KB, 349x349, any.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current job:student
dream job:mechanical engineer

>> No.7687303


I don't have the patience to do everyone, but the first 22 people reported having: 160,134,130,125, 123, 125, 112, 125, 130, 125, 140, 140, 126, 125, 120, 180, 132, 130, 133, 131, 165, 150, IQ.

4chan sure is the créme de la créme of society. Tips fedora.

>> No.7687356

>theoretical physicist

>> No.7687408

Age: 19
Dream job: either a button pushing job I can have some side projects going along in OR some invention job like making better guns and explosive compounds...yea that sounds nice. Maybe some work in Energy Weapons or missles, or autos or hmm...

>> No.7687419

Score: INTP-T
Age: 19
Yearly Salary: 0.00 SEK
Current Job: Student
Rough IQ: 124-132
Dream Job: Game Physics Programmer

>> No.7687439

Since the average IQ on /sci/ is ~140, and I'm smarter than everyone on /sci/, I must have an IQ of nearly 200

>> No.7687451
File: 24 KB, 403x300, d5e66b5be52c37d04c595ef43fc8987a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

score: ENFJ
age: 22
yearly salary: $15/hr
current job: Substitute Instructional Aide
rough IQ: 110 but that was measured when I was a kid
dream job: High School Science teacher

>> No.7687466

score: ISFP
age: 22
yearly salary:
current job:
rough IQ: 139
dream job: Farmer and One who supplies free food. That or something dealing with animals on a reserve in Africa.

>> No.7687483

In the top 99.9% in mathematics and top 99.8% verbal.

>> No.7687487

score: INTJ-A
age: 20
yearly salary: 55K
current job: Intern in the aerospace industry
rough IQ: 140 (psychologist administered)
dream job: Space-related VP in the aerospace industry

>> No.7687501


Lies about our IQs and Jobs.

Muh personality type is ISTJ
Muh IQ is 160
Muh job is McDonalds worker
I hope to become a neet