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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7671985 No.7671985 [Reply] [Original]

>I like programming and computers so I'm doing computer science! XD
>my fucking face when

>> No.7671987

What's wrong with that?
If someone likes programming and computers, are they supposed to get a Math degree or Physics? Biology?
What? CS sure is a shit major but I don't understand your point here.

>> No.7672004

>what's wrong with that
these kids don't realize how fucking math intensive CS is

>> No.7672012

>Math intensive
I don't think Cal 1, 2, linear algebra and Discrete math are intensive. But yeah maybe most of them kids don't know they have to deal with math more than they were supposed to.
After you are done with the first year maths though, you barely touch it anymore unless you pursuit a grad degree.

>> No.7672015

That's completely logical you fucktard. Anyone that wants to be a good programmer should do babby math, which is all that is required

>> No.7672018

Its really not that much as far as undergrad goes

>> No.7672040

>these kids don't realize how fucking math intensive CS is

>calculus, non-rigorous matrix arithmetic, and brief quarter-semester coverings of graph theory, probability, and logic
>math intensive

>> No.7672063 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 490x684, CS "math".png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking math intensive


Evaluating logic expression and playing around with zygote's first graph theory is nowhere near math intensive.

>> No.7672069
File: 423 KB, 490x684, CS "math".png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking math intensive


Evaluating logic expressions and playing around with zygote's first graph theory is nowhere near math intensive.

>> No.7672097

could be worse. I tutor in my school's CS Lab and I see this all the time:
>I liek video games and want to make the next call of duty!
>CS will allow me to make vidya games
>Why we not maek vidya gaems in Intro to programming class
>Drops intro to programming class b/c the math is too hard.
>Hard math means multiplication.

>> No.7672118

omg every fucking time for the last fucking time get it into your fucking autistic brains that just because you find it easy doesn't mean everyone else does.

>> No.7672122


omg every fucking time for the last fucking time get it into your fucking autistic brains that just because you find it difficult doesn't mean everyone else does.

>> No.7672126

I played video games when I was younger, but now not so much unless I'm over at a friends and we are bored.

I chose CS because nothing else interested me, and I honestly wanted to know how certain things work. For example, the programming used in expensive cars and how it all works and what the code looks like etc

>> No.7672132

>not majoring in CPE when it is superior in every way

>> No.7672145

hey /sci/ guys some help is needed.

So I'm at my first year of community college and I'm 18. I just decided that I want to major in CS because of all the job opportunities here on the west coast and how good the median salary is for my first year or two. I'm just worried I won't have what it takes. I'm not the best at math and that concerns me but I'm easily getting an A in my algebra class, although I know later maths will be much harder. I'm also starting learn Java on codeacademy and just completed the intro to java lesson. I enjoy it although its a tad boring I know I'll be able to make cool and useful code in the future.

Basically what I want to know is it to late for me to try? I don't want to give up but I don't want to waste my time. My dream is being a sysadmin or something and being my own boss somewhat/ not talking to people very often while living comfortably with my gf.

>> No.7672271

no, your life is basically over at 18, its time to give up

>> No.7672286

Study, study, study. Hardwork is what makes a genius. Also, don't be shy to ask questions. If you sometimes get sleepy from thr math, give yourself a break, thrn comeback.

Tl;dr - if you love it, dedication is all it takes to git gud.

>> No.7672293
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>Maths intensive
Kekaroo, you do basic graph theory, number theory and discrete maths. A 1st year physics or maths student can do any maths involved in CS (and in the case of physics probably code better algorithms than you code monkeys)
>b-but my elegant programme

>> No.7673055

>Interested in programming used in cars
>Not doing EE+programming electives or CE

You got memed.

>> No.7673244

Why is that not a valid reason to go into computer science, you fucking idiot?
My god, elitists morons like you need to be killed.

>> No.7673258

It's really not that maths-intensive. The only reason they say you need to be good at maths is because CS requires a logical, methodical way of thinking. So if you're good at maths, you're almost guaranteed to be good at CS.

>> No.7673382
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>i wanna be a game designer so I took computer science!

>> No.7673399

Bullshit. I remember my numerical analysis, computational number theory, and computational algebra courses, in which the math students nearly all had a very hard time. Take them a little outside their comfort zone, and they were next to useless. Meanwhile, the CS students generally had no problem picking up the mathematical concepts that they'd never seen before.

>> No.7673410

>computational number theory, and computational algebra courses, in which the math students nearly all had a very hard time

Because real math students take analytic number theory and abstract algebra. The only math majors that take that watered down shit like that are the future high school teachers.

>> No.7674337


Sure, it's not as much as a math degree, but it's more required math courses than anything besides a Math, Statistics or Physics major where I am. (CS would be Calc 1-3, linear alga, discrete 1-2., engineering is just calc 1-3, diff eq, linear alg)

>> No.7674343

It's okay bro, some of us here are actually working on PhDs and know you are telling the truth.

>Computer Vision
>Machine Learning
>Pattern Recognition
>not math intensive fields

>> No.7674349

The majority of useful math in this world is performed by computers. If you're saying that isn't real math then I feel sorry for your understanding of the subject.

>> No.7674364

>discrete is more math than differential equations

Fucking CS majors don't know their place

>> No.7674366


>The purpose of computation is insight, not numbers. ~ Hamming

>> No.7674368

>implying undergrads do the same work as PhDs

>> No.7674391

you are right but most universities just shit on computer science and teach "practical" skills that are outdated and useless as well. I have courses where I have to learn how to connect to a database or how I should design GUIs. The worst thing is: colleagues of mine DO think that this IS computer science. I talked to one who said that all the math is only a task of remembering formulae and the real "hard" job is to program something because you have to "think".

>> No.7674423


He listed 2 semesters of Discrete mathematics vs 1 course in differential equation. So they have more math courses.

>> No.7674428

>meanwhile, in the real world...
yeah bub it doesn't matter that my algorithm gives me the incorrect numbers for the acceptable load on the bridge every time, it gives me proper insight so that's all that matters :^)

>> No.7674431

Discrete math courses are a joke. Also, engineers take 2 semesters of ODEs and PDEs.

>> No.7674432

I study CS because I enjoy thinking about the fastest and most efficient ways to do things.

A-am I g-going to make it?

>> No.7674443

I'm in CS and I wish I had picked maths.
calculus and linear algebra is much more watered down compared to a math major, there's no abstract algebra courses, no topology courses, no differential equations and numerical analysis courses.

I'm trying to do all of that shit by myself on the side because I really don't care much for becoming a webdeveloping codemonkey.
we waste way too much time on trivial things like programming projects or handwavy proofs

>> No.7674444

>he doesn't like using his skills to build and create interesting new programs
is there something wrong with you desu

>> No.7674457

I'm already an accomplished programmer professionaly, self taught and went back to school to get that degree and to learn the maths.

>> No.7674473

This is the only person here who will succeed

>> No.7674500

This post just gave me hope.
I habe really hard problems in my first semester in physics major. The math is fucking hard but I try to do it every way and understand little by little. It feel like that's not enough.
I think I'm actually pretty dumb but as long as I understand at least anything day by day I might make.
I can make it, right /sci/.

>> No.7674526

premature optimization is a bad thing in CS

>> No.7674532


Why the fuck did you major in CS?

>> No.7674541

You're thinking of software development

>Final year discrete maths
>Now not interested in either CS or maths

I've been informally offered a funded PhD with the department but it sounds like I'd lose my sanity

>> No.7674608

Looks at those retards who mistakes CS and software engineering.

>> No.7674622

Bare minimum math requirements for CS at my crappy state university

-calc 1
-calc 2
-diff eq
-discrete math
-linear algebra
-statistics (4000 level)

>> No.7674635

>implying being concerned with the runtime of an algorithm is "premature optimization"
>implying that it isn't an open research problem in CS to write a faster 3SAT solving-algorithm -- even marginally improving on an exponent coefficient is considered a breakthrough

Also, Knuth is generally referring to micro-optimizations that don't add up. You can't seriously tell me that things like fast inverse square root aren't innovative.


>> No.7674636

No offence mate but you're probably just retarded. 12 year olds could handle the math in CS. The reason you failed and dropped out is because you're dumb not because the degree was hard.

>> No.7674639


>> No.7674660

I'm sad, there are so many terrible coders being pushed out by subpar universities because the kids weren't good enough to go to a real uni but "just want to make video games111!!" barely squeak by.

there's a reason CS is an in demand field, and it's not because of a shortage of jobs it's a shortage of talented labour.

>> No.7674713

Play this game script kiddies https://kickass.unblocked.pe/human-resource-machine-gog-t11419708.html
You program with a language simmilar to assembly
(also buy it, they are a good company)

>> No.7674929
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>how fucking math intensive CS is

>by your logic people that want to help other people and that get into med school should not persue their dream, because they don't know the full extent of something that they did not have the pleasure to try.

Just cause you chose a meme field that is full of people does not mean you have the right to laugh at the people that are having a hard time.

>> No.7674991

I fucking know this feel.

The kids in the class I'm helping out with can't even instantiate a Goddamn variable.

And this shit is an AP class.

They go around trying to store strings to ints and I'm like but y tho.

>> No.7674997


PhD in comp sci

Have fun with your student loan debt.

PhD in cs is shit unless you're gonna be a prof.

>> No.7675001

it will be one sooner or later

enjoy your faggoty categorizing while you still can

>> No.7675043

PhD's are fully funded you complete retard.

>> No.7675056

So I was informally offered a PhD in either the discrete maths department or foundations of computer science department at my uni, any suggestions on an area to focus on?

I might not take the offer because I'm honestly not too interested but it's the only set thing I have right now

>> No.7675063


I'm a math major.


It probably varies from place to place but the diff eq course here people generally have less trouble with than the second discrete course. (not including 1st one since it's 1st year). Also, a joke? Sure, maybe babby's first course where you just learn about basic counting and induction and shit, but beyond that not really.