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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7666331 No.7666331 [Reply] [Original]

Rank all the university STEM courses /sci/, I need to choose one.

>> No.7666334

pure math > applied math > physics > chemistry > bio/life sciences > any engineering > computer "science"

>> No.7666335

what the fuck kinda threads are this.

rank them by what?

just choose the one which interests you.

unless you have luck or are really smart, you will be struggling the same in every area.

if you want money you're dead wrong pal

>> No.7666337


1. Geomatics
2. Equestrian Science
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Biology

>Condensed list with all the important shit

>> No.7666352

That's good, I'm good at Maths but was thinking Chemistry would be more prestigious. Why so harsh on Computer Science?

>> No.7666448

Not actually a science

>> No.7666450


I would also suggest Equestrian Science, OP

>> No.7666451

nuclear engineering >>> EE > chemE > aero > ME >>civil > phys > math > cs

>> No.7666474

Well fucking memed my friends

>> No.7666479

As aa math/cs double major, where does this put me?

>> No.7666481

don't worry about prestige, it will slowly suck the life out of you and turn you into a miserable person.

>> No.7666504

List only applies for actual academically inclined people (you won't find out if you actually are one until later).

For the above-average normie you likely are, bio/life sci is bottom tier because you won't get into med school, simple as that. Similarly chem and physics are second to bottom tier because you wont get into grad school for those subjects either and will only get shit lab monkey jobs with you BSc.

Realistically you, like 95% of students in STEM, are only going to get your 4 year degree, and that being the case engineering and computer science are your most realistic prospects if you plan on actually getting a decent job (read: well paying, I know you're still a cubicle shitter).

>> No.7666808

what if i'm currently in an integrated masters programme or such?

>> No.7666820
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>No jobs
>whole of class is autist
>have to get a PHD to even work in a lab
>no-one outside of physics is hiring physicists

>> No.7666855

math > physics = CS >>>>>>>>>> chemistry >>>> biology
dont care about your other bullshit
and yes physics is the same fucking bullshit as CS they're both autist fields and they're both basically devoid of research spots

>> No.7666856
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>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/.

>> No.7666863
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You're partially right:

finance > math > cs / it or ME or EE > chemE > chem > civil E > medicinal lab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> biology >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> McDonald's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mop boy at porno palace >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> physics

>> No.7666869

What do these meme arrows even mean

>> No.7666886

I was about to say "What the fuck McDonald's has an all white staff?", but then I saw the sign in the background.

>> No.7666900
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you sound like reductionists.

>> No.7666904
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CS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else

>> No.7666913

math > science >> CS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engineering >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> biology

>> No.7667037

Fuck off, /adv/ is a board entirely for relationship advice, go post some careers shit there and watch it die after like 3 posts.

>> No.7667064

>applied """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""math""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.7667066

Just because /adv/ is shit doesn't mean your shit belongs on /sci/.

>> No.7667083

1. pure maths
2. everything else

>> No.7667361

I'm also a MAth and CS DM. I guess we are the average smart guy.

>> No.7667363


/adv/ is full of business & administration majors, kek.

>> No.7668020

They're comparison signs. Where do you think you are right now?

>> No.7668039
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>pure math
>greater than anything
my sides have left the fucking stratosphere

enjoy your job as a professional tutor you fucking faggots

>> No.7668042

A friend did a physics major at a shit-tier local state school (Cal State San Bernardino if you're interested) and went on to a cushy communications scholarship Ohio for some top-tier film program.

>> No.7668046

>enjoy your job as a professional tutor
If you get to do something you like for money I don't see a problem.

>> No.7668177

EE Über Alles

>> No.7668601

I thought they were called left and right alligators.

>> No.7668614



>> No.7668740

Are you retarded? Just do what you enjoy and don't care about /sci/ opinion.
You will surely regret choosing to work in field that you don't enjoy, no matter how /sci/-approved it is.

>> No.7668837

Kill yourself.

>> No.7668887

I think you meant "computer" "science".

>> No.7669028


1. Goatology
2. Maths
3. EECS = Nuclear Engineering
4. Chem E = Mechanical Engineering = Mechatronics Engineering
5. Railroad Engineering
6. Physics = CS (tie)
7. Bio, Chem

>> No.7669046

Should be a power gap beneath Goatology tb.h.

>> No.7669159

Chem > engineering > physics > math >>> CS >>>>>>>>my excrement >>>> biology

>> No.7669176
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My Major >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Majors I sorta like > Majors I can see some value in > Majors I deem worthless > Actual worthless majors >>>>> Your major

>> No.7670314


my nigga

>> No.7670419

Want a well-paying job you'll be able to live comfortably with for the rest of your life without doing hard work?


Want credentials to become a gigantic faggot and shitpost on the internet while living with your parents, or gay lover you met in the locker room that one day you pretended to go to the gym?


Want to be a normie and live a mediocre normie lifestyle in a dead-end job that barely supports you and your "family" in a shit apartment with a shitty 30 year old commuter car?


Do you want to teach college students, and furthermore, do you like to make-believe, and can you convince yourself these figments of your imagination are true, real, accepted facts that are the things that make the universe work?


>> No.7670448

>Want credentials to become a gigantic faggot and shitpost on the internet while living with your parents, or gay lover you met in the locker room that one day you pretended to go to the gym?

This twisted perception of both math students and math job opportunities is so twisted it is surprising. Typical Engineering autist. Shits on everything that is not engineering and I'm sure if this were a more specific thread you would also be shitting on engineering disciplines you deem inferior.

Just get the fuck out with your fedora and your trenchcoat you sperg. All you people who fell for the "it's the only way to get a real job. No one even hires people who are not engineers, they all starve to death or something." meme are so retarded. How do you fall for a meme that is so fucking memey?

Just git da fok out now and masturbate your ego somewhere else.

>> No.7670502

How many times do you masturbate a day to help you cope with the fact that you spent 4 years getting a degree in being completely useless to society? I added up your mom's titties last night, fag. 1+1 = 8::::::::::D~~~(.Y.)

suck it


your real dad

>> No.7670777

Underrated post

>> No.7670867

>guaranteed replies

>> No.7670886

b..but then there wouldn't be a circlejerk

>> No.7670890

>math job opportunities is so twisted it is surprising.
I'm all for the shitting on engineers meme, but even Cambridge has unemployed graduates and people the majority of those who find work do not find it in SEM, but in IT, banking, accounting, teaching etc.


They have a point about employment opportunities for math grads. You could've working in IT after getting certs in high-school. How the fuck does the majority of tripos grads end up in IT? It's fucking depressing. Only half went on to further studies.

The statistics from other schools look even worse. In general Math grads go into IT, teaching and banking which are low paying, suicide inducingly boring wage slave careers.

We're not even getting to the fact that prospects for PhD graduates aren't much more grand.

>> No.7671020

Fuck mate... just the guy I was looking for, since there's been a crackdown on careers shit on /sci/, my plans have ended up on /g/ (OP of >>>/g/51436566 ). Mind saying more about the PhD situation? I'm looking to learn more.

Also, on a hunch... Will?

>> No.7671032
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>In general Math grads go into IT, teaching and banking which are low paying, suicide inducingly boring wage slave careers.
Actually, fuck... for >>7671020, I should've posted my opinions on the commonly advertised areas of employment for maths grads.
"IT work is a always possibility, but fuck that. I imagine anyone who knows what 4Chan is knows enough about computers to understand why IT work is shit.
Engineering for maths graduates is a myth, I can provide proof upon request, but to make a long story short - YOU CANNOT get into engineering without an engineering degree, so maths students can only get into it by doing a masters in engineering but as someone who wants to do a masters in maths, I can quite confidently say that I don't want to pay those tuition fees, only to go on to compete with people who've done engineering for 3 more years than I have.
General finance (assurance, audit, consulting, tax, etc) - I'd opt for avoiding it like the plague. If you go to any above average uni, you'll see the Big 4 advertising heavily, to the point where they're often voted the best graduate recruiters. It turns out that they're accepting applications from ANY FUCKING DEGREE. Let that sink in for a moment, it'd be hard for you to compete with people with finance degrees, but now you're having to compete basically everyone. Good fucking luck with that. To make matters worse, their intern turnover rates are over 90% and getting the internship is just as impossible as getting the job. So basically, I'm saying that mainstream finance borders on impossible.
Teaching (below college level) - fuck no, why would I want to teach people who don't even want to be there? The pay's shit as well and you've got barely any chance of moving up/getting promoted.
Teaching (above college level) - that's a good backup plan, for obvious reasons.
PhD, and then go into research - my current plan, but /sci/ will tell you all about the problems (although I'd still like to learn more).

>> No.7671042
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Obscure parts of finance (e.g. actuarial work, insurance shit) - that's my main backup plan, I'm looking to learn more, at least I'll only be competing with STEM graduates. What are the good non-mainstream finance jobs anyway?
Banking (mostly investment): Long story short, go watch a documentary - the whole sector is corrupt as fuck and it's extremely competitive anyway, while being insanely stressful and long hours. Ask /biz/ for more info, but I'd serious recommend just going and watching a documentary on Enron, Bernie Maddoff or the global financial crisis. Investment banking is corrupt as fuck, and more client-facing stuff and other roles in banking just seem shit tier.

>> No.7671057

>IT, banking, accounting, teaching etc.
Nothing wrong with that. Most of these jobs give good pay, that is why math still ranks in the "top degrees that pay" list, even if lower than many engineerings.

I don't know why people say "those who find work do not find it in SEM" like it is something bad.

What job is there for a math graduate in science? The answer is very few and probably as lab assistants and people know this. No one studies math to get to work in a laboratory doing astrophysics or some shit. You'd get a degree in astrophysics if you wanted that.

If you study mathematics then you fall into these categories:
-Really smart guy who plans to go to grad school to get a PhD and become a professor and get paid to prove theorems.
-Guy who likes teaching and liked math in high school so wants become a math teacher
-Guy who wants to be an actuary

Honestly, the only reason M is still in STEM is that STE depends on M to exist.

And as a final point. Your pdf said that only 7 (of the people who answered) are still seeking employment. I've read two other articles like that from other universities and they all have similar numbers. Most math grads quickly found jobs or quickly got into grad school.

>> No.7671238

>It turns out that they're accepting applications from ANY FUCKING DEGREE.
Oh absolutely. I mean it sounds prestigious working for those companies, but you won't actually get to high salary positions unless you know how to play the bureaucracy game well or you have family connections.

Like you said as well you have to go through shitty low paying internships just to be considered.

>Teaching (above college level) - that's a good backup plan, for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately this is even more competitive than finance to be honest.

Prospects for professional careers in general are shit. Medicine is alright, but the job itself is icky.

>PhD, and then go into research - my current plan, but /sci/ will tell you all about the problems (although I'd still like to learn more).
The problem is that academia fucking sucks. You will spend 5 years in a competitive as fuck environment working for pennies. Your chances of getting a lecturing position in pure fields is exponentially proportional to your IQ, luck and charm. You will be competing against literal geniuses.

I mean just think about how few faculty positions a country actually has for a field like mathematics. Yeah, spending your 30s competing against hundreds of candidates for those spots is simply not feasible to most people, especially if you want a family etc.

So academia doesn't pan out and you are right back where you started after graduating with your bachelors considering finance or IT as careers (only now with your specialized knowledge those careers are even more suicide induceingly boring than before).

I'd say getting your actuarial certs. straight after your bachelors is a better option then grad-school. Or if you go finance get a MBA and climb the corporate ladder.

>> No.7671249


> Most of these jobs give good pay, that is why math still ranks in the "top degrees that pay" list, even if lower than many engineerings.
Yes, but that's really not the point.
> "those who find work do not find it in SEM" like it is something bad.
Because most people on /sci/ want careers where they actually get to use the knowledge they learned. And don't tell me no one gets that because researchers and engineers do even though both these areas are becoming increasingly competitive.

>-Really smart guy who plans to go to grad school to get a PhD and become a professor and get paid to prove theorems.
This is obviously the ideal, but this isn't the 20th century. Even if you're a genius you need luck and connections to get this.
>-Guy who likes teaching and liked math in high school so wants become a math teacher
Wow. No comment.
>-Guy who wants to be an actuary
Sure, but I mean, that's not exactly the consolation prize I was hoping for...

>Honestly, the only reason M is still in STEM is that STE depends on M to exist.
I guess...

>And as a final point. Your pdf said that only 7 (of the people who answered) are still seeking employment.
Yeah, but this is Cambridge. The thing is that other universities -and I suspect even Cambridge too in that pdf- conveniently left out that many of those "small sectors" are in fact assorted minimum wage jobs which is obviously temporary that might as well be unemployment while the graduate is searching for a job. See the pic in >>7671032.

Not that this only happens math departments do this of course, but "employment" figures from universities in general don't mean much to me when they consider the type of jobs I could've gotten without a high-school degree as "employment".

>> No.7671265

>Yes, but that's really not the point.
I know, just pointing that out.

>Because most people on /sci/ want careers where they actually get to use the knowledge they learned. And don't tell me no one gets that because researchers and engineers do even though both these areas are becoming increasingly competitive.
Like I said, if you really were inclined to do research and nothing more then you'd have studied something else. People who study maths do not fit these profile.

>This is obviously the ideal, but this isn't the 20th century. Even if you're a genius you need luck and connections to get this.

>Wow. No comment.
What? Just to make a point regarding this. People who just like kids and want to be teachers are so abundant that my university now has two mathematics programs. There is pure mathematics, the original one, and there is "Teaching Mathematics" which is a degree so specialized for teaching that in your senior year you get an actual job in some school somewhere being a teacher and your performance is graded. I've checked the classes and they stop way before the pure math program. Clearly it is for people who like math and kids and there are plenty.

>Sure, but I mean, that's not exactly the consolation prize I was hoping for...
Actuaries earn good cash. Sometimes as much as university professors.

>Not that this only happens math departments do this of course, but "employment" figures from universities in general don't mean much to me when they consider the type of jobs I could've gotten without a high-school degree as "employment".
You are right but to me the fact that half of these people are getting decent jobs is good enough for me. I know I'm good at what I do so all I need is confirmation that there are jobs for math graduates and there certainly are. Anyways, I doubt that when I graduate my degree will be the selling point in my CV but instead my side projects and "code stash" as I want to work as a software engineer.

>> No.7671346

>You will be competing against literal geniuses.
...that's struck a chord for me.

I fear genius, I know I'm not one of them. I'm hard working enough that people have been fooled into thinking I'm a genius, but I know the fucking difference. Genius is beast I've never been able to beat... FUCK.

...I'm lost now.
Potential maths grad careers:
IT - nope, as above. Non-grads could get this anyway.
Engineering - myth.
General finance - impossible, as above.
Teaching nope, as above. Although I've noticed that I've once again forgot to make the edit of "college level or above", how competitive is college level?
PhD - Competing with literal geniuses to get into academic research (industrial research sucks btw) or be overqualified for everything.
Baking - nope to investment... at this point I have no choice but to learn more about non-investment.
Obscure finance - ...I don't know enough about the other options... but fuck it, actuary may be hard, but its seeming like the best choice.

>> No.7671371

What even is pure math? Theory behind numbers?

>> No.7671557

Fuck that picture. Seriously. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life now. Why the fuck did I do grad-school?


>> No.7671627


>> No.7671700

Pure math vs Mec. Engineer.

>> No.7671746

>Engineering for maths graduates is a myth
Does that include software development.

...I know that's not precisely engineering but software dev seems to pop in and out of that category depending on the speaker so I just wanted to clarify.

>> No.7671750

You can do software development with a gender studies degrees, you just have to know software development.

>> No.7672228

The pay is equivalent to that of a minimum wage job, but given that grad students are often poor networkers in their undergrad years McD might be the only option for these people

Best spend the 2-5 extra years networking in your discipline and learning on the way. There are positions for PhD that you will never get because you never start the conversation

>> No.7672234

yeah, i think an english degree would be about right for you.

>> No.7672853

rock on dude

>> No.7672878

Keep it real my man

>> No.7672900

Wake up
Wish you did engineering

go to bed

>> No.7672901

You could get into a masters program in engineering easy. Just take GRE, do well on math. Boom, you're in.

>> No.7672910

Which be my best option?
I am fairly well versed in Semiconductors, Nanotech, Fluid dynamics and Thermodynamics as I took advanced courses in them. I have also covered the core stuff of course

>> No.7672913

I mean, from what you just said probably chemE. You would just need to take remedial courses you missed before starting masters work. I'm biochem and a nearby uni said they would review my application alongside chemEs. As long as you did well, you can get in.

>> No.7672916

Cheers mate, I have the equivalent of 4.0, but I'm from the UK

>> No.7672920

You'll be fine. If you have a 4.0 equivalent in physics and you come to the us you may be good as a physicist as well. If you went the physics grad school route you would have to do well on your physics GRE. Just to note. The subject tests are much harder. GRE General (which we do for engineering) is piss easy.

Source: I'm applying for chem PhD programs and a masters in chemE

>> No.7673373

3rd year EE student at a decent uk uni here. Would it be ez for me to get a job in 'murica or oz?
since you actually pay them a decent amount there

>> No.7673386
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>> No.7673427

If you flip that in reverse then you have the pay rate