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File: 232 KB, 844x260, asbestos-infographic-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7668469 No.7668469 [Reply] [Original]

What are the asbestos/lead piping versions of this generation? As in, what (in the future tense), retrospectively very common chemicals or materials that are being used everywhere right now will end up being understood to have been terrible for human health? I'm assuming certain plastics and GMO's will become this, but I'm sure there is more

>> No.7668473

There are several fire retardants (for plastic and paint additives) which materials engineers are intentionally using that we know kills any anyone in the immediate vicinity very quickly once vaporized (happens immediately upon heating even before combustion) and on which the effects of long term exposure to minute concentrations have not been extensively studied.

However, modern infrastructure can not exist without these FRs because entire city blocks could easily burn down due to just one moron putting out a cigarette bud in the wrong place. Therefore killing a few people is far better than risking the lives of potentially millions.

>> No.7668497


Ethanol consumption.

I had a lecture from a member of the UK Committee on Safety of Medicines. If ethanol was discovered today, the legal limit would be minuscule, and the yearly dose within safety guidelines would be along the lines of one glass

>> No.7668513


>> No.7668527

>I had a lecture from a member of the UK Committee on Safety of Medicines. If ethanol was discovered today, the legal limit would be minuscule, and the yearly dose within safety guidelines would be along the lines of one glass
Let me guess. Mudslime?

>> No.7668529

Not ALL GMOs, just GMOs made specificlly to be sprayed with retardedly toxic pesticide.

>> No.7668537

That's kind of self-defeating question, isn't it? To be asbestos of today it has to be thought of as harmless right now. By definition we can't know it's actually harmful.

>> No.7668546

>If ethanol was discovered today,

A fun game to play. My favorite is natural gas.

"We've discovered this explosive gas... we will pump it in pipes throughout the city, right into peoples homes, where they will ignite it in open-flame appliances."

>> No.7668577

as much as I can't imagine a world without. but: fossil oil...

also opiates.

then ofc glyphosate or every other herbicide.

and almost all medicine used to treat symptoms of neuronal diseases.

I'm thinking about some strong EM radiations around cell towers and other highly EM field generating machines as well, but nobody knows if it effects our health as of now.

but it doesn't make you any healthier either so we'll see.

>> No.7668586

He's right though. Alcohol consumption is responsible for more deaths, directly or indirectly, than any other drug combined.

The only reason it's still legal is because of its incredible importance to human history and culture.

>> No.7668658
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> If ethanol was discovered today
If ethanol was discovered today we would not have all the evolutionary adaptions that allow us to consume it in the doses we do today, so this what-if scenario is useless and retarded.

>> No.7668664

Vegan / Fruiterians / soilers / whatever alternative diets along with so called 'health' food which is sometimes worse than normal food, just more expensive.

>> No.7668673

Nothing. Stuff like asbestos was so obviously bad for you even the ancients knew it. It was jsut that standards were so lax in the early 20th century that nobody cared. Now there is much more scrutiny and testing of everything. Stop being so paranoid. i bet you are one of those people who wraps your phone in tinfoil while he blazes down the motorway at 100 mph every day. Which is more likely to kill you?
Alcohol is bad for you, you don't need to believe in Allah to realize this. Speaking of Allah
>Be at party
>Someone asks if I want a drink
>I say no
>They ask why
>I say it's not good for my health
>They proceed to goad me to drink despite me saying I don't want to
>Muslim kid at same party
>"Why don't you drink"
>"Because Allah"
>"Oh I understand completely"

>> No.7668683

>evolutionary adaptions that allow us to consume it in the doses we do today
that was crap

>> No.7668756

no it was not.

>> No.7668770

Probably Endocrine Disruptors. They're a significant contaminant in the environment, which accumulates in meat, they have been suspected to have significant effects in low doses, and chronic exposure has been linked to various cancers and obesity. It's also very difficult to take action to combat them due to their pervasive spread.

>> No.7668773

We can tolerate ethanol because it's a byproduct of our metabolism, and of bacteria living in us.

It doesn't matter when we discovered it, unless your hypothetical outright rewrites how everything is. In which case, we probably don't even exist.

>> No.7668789

You can't avoid death by not drinking. unless you have like, a heart disease that actually prevents it you're just a fag.

>> No.7668981

>We can tolerate ethanol because it's a byproduct of our metabolism, and of bacteria living in us.
once we started drinking it a lot changed in us, its not just because its a byproduct

>> No.7669092

That's so retarded I don't even... yet I have unfortunately heard this logic many times
>"Why bother exercising and eating healthy anon? you won't live forever!"
I have no issue with other people drinking alcohol, it's your body do what you want, what gets me is this culture of pressurization to drink which you summed up nicely by calling me a fag for declining to drink a certain beverage.

>> No.7669655

David Nutt m8. Google him

>> No.7669661
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>> No.7669670
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There is another graph in his lecture slides showing increase in risk of cancers and what not by alcohol consumption rates (per year or whatever). More than 1 glass (or some other small amount, can't remember precisely) a year is the point where any more is harmful.

I'll get back to you all if I can be bothered to look for it

>> No.7669678


Aluminum is already linked to causing Alzheimer's, yet we are culturally obligated to let it soak into our armpits daily through deodorant.

>> No.7669682
File: 160 KB, 848x638, Screenshot 2015-11-19 at 23.51.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>7669661 (You)

Here is the ethanol consumption page.
9g of alcohol per unit

paper here

>> No.7669688

I don't use deoderant. But I shower at least once a day, often twice a day

>> No.7669691

I stopped using shampoo and only use showering gel every few days. I still shower daily but my skin has been a lot less oily ever since and people compliment my hair.

>> No.7669695
File: 117 KB, 702x518, Screenshot 2015-11-19 at 23.51.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump some more pages

>> No.7669697
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>> No.7669702
File: 115 KB, 701x531, Screenshot 2015-11-20 at 00.01.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7669712
File: 66 KB, 693x521, Screenshot 2015-11-20 at 00.02.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7669714
File: 67 KB, 697x524, Screenshot 2015-11-20 at 00.04.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7669722
File: 88 KB, 710x517, Screenshot 2015-11-20 at 00.09.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one from the lecture about alcohol (from publications)

>> No.7669733

the ultimate solution to all infections, and we feed it to cattle, "just in case".

>> No.7669744

No, we feed it to cattle because they're consuming a diet of heavily subsidized corn and soybean. This diet alters the pH of their stomach and allows harmful bacteria to thrive, making them sickly and highly prone to infection. They're eating garbage quality food that their digestive system isn't even suited for.

So we give them growth hormone. Not to increase yield, but because even with antibiotics you can't keep a half dead animal packed in with dozens of others alive long enough to be worth it.

>> No.7670397

God damn this is some retarded shit.

Have you ever been on a farm your life?

Or is this some American thing they do?

>> No.7670503

>has GMO
>needs more pesticide
Wtf did you gm, a plant that needs pesticides to live?

>> No.7670509

>Not labeling the y-axis


>> No.7670511

Bananas < $1/lb.

Apples're a bit more than $1/lb.

Kale is something like $3 and spinach $2.50.

Water's 10 cents per bottle where I buy it. $3.50/35 bottles.

Produce isn't at all expensive in most cases.

>> No.7670517

GMOs and milk. Milk has an effect which causes type 1 diabetes in children. Many other effects which aren't entirely good for you.

>> No.7670520

bananas/apples/kale is normal food, im talking about those things you get in the supermarkets health food sections.

I pay 10c for 500L tap water.

>> No.7670526

I'd rather drink water not contaminated with fluoride. MUH IQ SOIR

>> No.7670626

It was probably cut off for some reason, since it is obviously number of deaths, the lecturer would just state it instead.

Even a retard could figure it out, but apparently you can't?

>> No.7670636

Are you a kiwi?

>> No.7670645

>Alcohol consumption is responsible for more deaths, directly or indirectly, than any other drug combined.
Only because it's so widely consumed.

>> No.7670651

>Smallest demarkation is like 9 drinks a week
>That's a 6 pack of beer every week
>Every week
>Even then the risk of a 6 pack every week is minimal

>> No.7670657
File: 190 KB, 800x600, monsanto-employees-government-revolving-door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz then you can sell the pesticides.

Granted, they are sometimes pesticides that would kill lesser plants - which is part of the point.

I've no problem with GMO's in and of themselves - we're going to need GMO's of all sorts, if we're going to continue this concentration of population. But, currently, GMO's aren't about feeding people - they about making a quick buck. At the very least, we should make it illegal to patent human modifications, as in the end, you're going to be patenting people.

>> No.7670661

How the fuck are they measuring harm? It really just seems like they threw a bunch of random ass numbers out there to say that alcohol is worse than other drugs, and in the case of heroin it certainly isn't.

>> No.7670680


Flying spaghetti monster told you to tell people it was for your health, didn't he?

>> No.7670689


But it being bad for you doesn't at all describe to what degree it's bad for you. Refusing to be an alcoholic is really good for your health. Refusing to have one drink at a party has such a small effect of your health it is not even within our ability to measure it.

People try to get you to drink despite you stating your reason because your reason is so weak it's literally immeasurable. Next time try just saying, "I don't like drinking," or if you're feeling honest, "choosing not to drink makes me feel like I have control over my life and death, and doing so in the presence of all these people drinking makes me feel superior to all of them."

Or, you know, just take a glass and don't drink it, you know, like some kind of polite person with social skills.

>> No.7670746

It's not on a per-user basis so the more common drugs get their rating bumped up.

>> No.7671758

Read the paper faggot


And don't fucking complain if your shit university doesn't have access

>> No.7671771

Read the paper retard

5 units a week is about 3 beers right? increases the first cancer risk by about 10%. Colon by 5%-ish. Oesophageal ~5% Cirrhosis ~10%. That's massive m8.

Read papers pleb

>> No.7671786

>just GMOs made specificlly to be sprayed with retardedly toxic pesticide.
glyphosate is one of the most well studied pesticides we have, and as pesticides go it's remarkably nontoxic at normal consumer exposure levels

>> No.7672172
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According to the guys who are selling it, they being the same people who are doing the testing. That being a core problem with the whole industry.

>> No.7672187

Combustion engine exhaust.(especially diesel exhaust) We know it is dangerous to human health, we just aren't doing enough about it:

>> No.7672191

>5 units a week is about 3 beers right? increases the first cancer risk by about 10%. Colon by 5%-ish. Oesophageal ~5% Cirrhosis ~10%. That's massive m8.
Nah those are all pretty low. I don't know about the usual rates on the others, but cirrhosis seems like it would be virtually non-existent in non-drinkers, so a 10% increase is nothing.

>> No.7672194

>glyphosate is one of the most well studied pesticides we have, and as pesticides go it's remarkably nontoxic at normal consumer exposure levels
You know that companies aren't obligated to publicize the studies with results they don't like right?

You know that at .05 you only need to do roughly 20 studies to get the results you want right? You think monsanto doesn't have the cash for hundreds of studies? Have you considered the ROI for such an endeavour?

>> No.7672212

It's an American thing. They have all that land, and they misuse it to hell.

>> No.7672215

It's an American thing.

I grew up in the Northeast around farms, most of which were "okay" besides one that cut the tails off their cows. The farms in the midwest though... Seeing that firsthand was a whole different story.

>> No.7672221

>Ignores soil accumulation (hasn't evaluated degradation rate versus application rate)
>Ignores basic evolution. You slowly need to apply more as resistant plants survive and thrive. This causes the amount consumed to rise.
>Secondary ecological effects.
>Ignores who was performing these studies and what interests they might have, and the ease with which industry pays off even independent researchers.
>Ignores the massive contradiction in the literature that's available.

GMOs have potential, but you're ignoring almost everything important about roundup-ready, and defending complete trash.

>> No.7672225

>The farms in the midwest though
arent those the ones that actually produce 99% of the stuff?
I still marvel at how the great plains are some kind of breadbasket. Before modern technology, that land was so horribly shit the people living on it abandoned corn farming to holocaust buffalo as soon as they were introduced to horses.

>> No.7672246
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>arent those the ones that actually produce 99% of the stuff?
Don't know the actual percentage, but the vast majority of livestock is "western".

Driving the bison near to extinction had the convenient, and probably not unexpected, side effect of eventually compromising the native tribes and forcing them either south, or further west. More or less the groundwork for laying the railroad as well.

>> No.7672276

It doesn't say alcohol is worse than heroin except in harm to others, which seems believable.

>> No.7672285
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1440115094868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am just dumping some random paper and call others moron. This is how I communicate and feel smart.

>> No.7672372

If we knew we wouldn't be fucking using them would we?

>> No.7672386

>I don't know what I'm talking about so let me spam pictures hoping it proves what I want

>> No.7672396


Ethanol invented human civilization.

>> No.7672399


Asbestos was known to be harmful for a very long time before it was banned.

>> No.7672400


Drink some then. :^)

>> No.7672402

The hell does ecstasy cause fewer deaths than weed?

>> No.7672407

One of my friends told me that asbestos from the US didn't cause cancer but people started importing shitty asbestos from Australia and that shit caused cancer.
Not being knowledgeable on the subject, I filed it under "dubious" and forgot about it until now.

>> No.7672431
File: 24 KB, 280x390, energy_saving_light_bulb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that compact florescent light bulbs will be considered stupid in the future. The idea of putting little glass vials of mercury vapour in every room of the house is just asking for trouble.

>> No.7672434

The benzene additive to unleaded gasoline is very carcinogenic, ironically probably more dangerous than the relatively inert lead additive it displaced.

>> No.7672444


Already outmoded by the superior LED bulbs.

>> No.7672476

True dat, those things are already a nightmare to recycle.

>> No.7672549

>The idea of putting little glass vials of mercury vapour in every room of the house is just asking for trouble
Only if the house is occupied by idiots.

>> No.7672586

This is exactly what I am talking about. I don't want to fucking drink, why can't you just respect that and stop pushing your beliefs on me? Fuck you.

>> No.7672590

so what should I use instead of antiperspirant

>> No.7672599

I haven't used deodorant since I was ~16 (8 years). As a result I've suffered... no meaningful change in my life.

I don't smell anything, but that's expected. I've asked people who I believe to be honest, and they've said they don't smell any "body odor". The most anyone has said is that if she were to actually try to focus on, she'd probably notice a faint "me smell". Had I not mentioned it, it would not be known.

I might be physiologically lucky in some sense. But as a whole I'm apt to say antiperspirant or deodorant is an unnecessary load of bullshit. As is showering every day and using harsher soaps, thus altering the average pH of your skin and fucking up its overall ecology. Which no surprise, allows organisms you don't really want thriving on your body, to thrive on your body.

I don't know where it started. I don't know if it evolved on its own over time, if someone pushed it, if media and advertising pushed it. If it was engineered or opportunistic. But the general perception of hygiene just doesn't reflect reality.

>> No.7672665

>Only if the house is occupied by idiots.
So, every house ever?