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7670216 No.7670216 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on saturated fat /sci/? Is it harmful?

>> No.7670230

Yes, in excess.

But everything is bad in excess. The dose makes the poison

>> No.7670248

almost forgot, excess is a very small amount. Eating just one twinkie a day is very much in excess fatass.

>> No.7670263

You should eat cottage cheese or greek joghurt
see >>>/fit/

>> No.7670297
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What are you even fagging on about?

>> No.7670377

>The dose makes the poison.
Thank you, Paracelsus.

>> No.7670381


>> No.7670391

In terms of the concerns of modern people? Not really. The far worse dietery choice in relation to weight is anything related to juice or soda. Funny how you can get an entire nation to guzzle down your product without asking the question of 'why do i even drink what is essentially a desert as if it was water?'. Social conditioning in my opinion is to blame. Saturated fats, whilst possibly having a larger contribution to fat/weight gain and heart conditions have already been discussed to death with relation to diet and health so the actual impacts of saturated fat is nowhere near as bad.

>> No.7670424


>> No.7670429

well it depends

it's bad for you if you eat a shit tonne of sugar too among other things

but sugar isn't bad if you control your kcals and fat intake for example

if you ask "is x food harmful", in most cases it depends on what rest of the diet looks like. except in the case of trans fats and some other stuff

also it's all about the dose. but if the rest of your diet accommodates it, you can eat at least 100 grams of it every day and have perfect blood and lipid markers

>> No.7670443


what do you even mean? 1/3 of dietary fat SHOULD be saturated fats

>> No.7670485

Eh, go for anything that makes your mouth water.

Evolution will sort out the kinks eventually.

>> No.7670489

in my experience if I eat like 5 whole eggs in the morning I get lazy as fuck all day long

>> No.7670501

As long as the caloric total is equal to your basal metabolic rate, no.

What's harmful is being sedentary. A lack of physical activity will wreak havoc on your cardiovascular systems.