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7652326 No.7652326 [Reply] [Original]

Also please tell me stories about it :).

>> No.7652329

he didn't hand in his work
so I put a D n for his grade
then he didn't do well on the final so I put an F
I did all of this while furiously masurbation to the thought that I could of ruined a person's entire life, all with the press of a button

I doubt it ruined his life though
also this didn't happen

>> No.7652330

Nope that's completely immature and qiute frankly corrupt. Favouritism and nepotism hurts me.

>> No.7652336

looks like your going to have to hand in your TA card. sorry bro.
i hope you dont allocate 1/2 marks or even one mark for effort lel.

>> No.7652341 [DELETED] 
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Yes, our evil white supremacy plot would be powerless unless each clansman math teacher did their part to fail every last black kid in class by engineering questions that purposely fuck with the African mind but are harmless to the other races.

>> No.7652347 [DELETED] 


Quite man, the glorious social justice warriors fighting for all that is righteous and good who's opinions are objective truths of reality might hear of our phobic ugly feeble minded plot to disproportionately disenfranchises African Americans and remove the racism incarnate subject that is mathematics from the school curriculum. Delete your post post haste!

>> No.7652352

failing students means i've failed as a teacher.

it falls on on the teacher to instruct in a manner that results in retention and demonstration by the student, not the other way around.

>> No.7652354

No, there's only been a couple times where a student has fucked up so badly that there's really no alternative but to completely fail them.

When that happens I still feel sympathy and try to give them an alternative if I can.

>> No.7652355
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>failing students means i've failed as a teacher.

But not all kids want to learn. You can't magically make them show up and pay attention.

>there's only been a couple times where a student has fucked up so badly that there's really no alternative but to completely fail them
>I still feel sympathy
>give them an alternative

What the hell are you doing? If they didn't learn the material, they shouldn't pass.

>> No.7652365

Every time I hypothetically place myself in one of my teachers situation I come to the conclusion that I would either brutally punch my students, choke them, humiliate them, or just send them off to an impossible project or homework.

>> No.7652368

And this is why you are an undergrad and not teacher

>> No.7652370

some students dont try.
i wish they were more sympathetic pure maths TAs at my school.
Pretty much.

>> No.7652374
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OP here.

We'd make awesome teachers; my real analysis and linear algebra teachers were crazy french mathematicians that took joy in failing their students. I was in a class with a guy that repeated linear algebra two times; he gotted 35 first time and 48 second time and begged the professor if he could pass but he got rejected terribly.

When I get to do my masters in pure maths, go to grad school, and get offered to teach classes; I'm gonna mark those suckers harshly, no half mark allocations, and they won't get marked using different mathematical methods. I will also probably penalize them for terrible and rush handwriting's.

>> No.7652382


If you're writing bad proofs, you're writing bad proofs. A hard ass analysis professor is a blessing and nearly a requirement to learn analysis right.

>> No.7652407

The thing is, a student earns their grade.

If you grade them in such a way that their result is worse than what they actually deserve, you are an unfit educator and should not be in a position of power over students.

If you grade them fairly and the result they've earned is enough to fail them, you have done your part to preserve academic integrity.

There can be complications e.g. if you accidentally make a test too hard and more people fail than they should have, but these are easy enough to correct.

>> No.7652408

>some students dont try
>But not all kids want to learn. You can't magically make them show up and pay attention

better work on your motivational abilities.

I agree with >>7652352
You can't force anyone to do anything. But if you can't make it so everyone tries hard and succeeds, you have failed as a teacher and you have room for improvement (and maybe they have failed as a student but it's not really your problem).

>> No.7652414

If you pass students who should have failed, you should be fired.

Shit like this is the reason we have students asking 1st year questions in 3rd year courses.

>> No.7652421

where did he ever say you need to pass students who should have failed?
>I'm bronze because all my teammates are bad

>> No.7652424
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>better work on your motivational abilities.

We're not allowed to touch kids anymore

>> No.7652469

>posting /pol/ fanfiction.

>> No.7652583

ugh so fucking weird to see my former lecturer memed, she was just an unremarkable acne ridden post doc/PhD student i dont even know when I knew her. Good for her though.

>> No.7652594

This is actually a pretty accurate description of black schools, although it was obviously written by a serious conservative. I grew up and live in Baltimore, home to literally one of the worst school systems in the country. Some of the worse schools in Baltimore have graduation rates below 50%.

While I do acknowledge that I am mildly racist (towards blacks only), unlike this dude, I consider myself a liberal. I support womans rights (but not feminism), lax immigration laws, legalization of drugs, strong environmental regulations, and separation of church and state (unlike Republicans). However, I nevertheless have a certain sense of disdain for the urban black community.

Literally anyone that spends enough time in Baltimore will be mugged at some point. Even if you don't stray into the bad areas. Its just bound to happen, unless you never leave the safety of Baltimore county suburbs like Towson.

Now I don't assume all blacks are this way. My last girlfriend was in fact black and I have numerous black friends. I try only to associate with the less ghetto black, much as I would avoid white trash. However, I do have one particularly malicious friend from when I was younger who I occasionally see today. Admittedly I didn't surround myself with the most law-abiding characters when I was younger, but I never hurt anyone or stole anything. Today he doesn't have a job but spends a lot of time "hitting licks", local slang for stealing shit and/or mugging people. He's admitted to me that he tends to target white people because they're less likely to fuck you up/be carrying a weapon (illegal concealed firearms are a big problem in Baltimore).

Baltimore naturally has a large immigrant population. The funny thing is, even the immigrants tend to dislike blacks - including the African immigrants. In fact, the African immigrants are mostly normal, civilized people. Hispanics tend to dislike the blacks as well, and so too do the eastern European immigrants.

>> No.7652599

Am I really the first one who's going to mention I want to do proofs with Hannah Fry all night long?

>> No.7652640

>failing students means i've failed as a teacher.
It's on both the teacher and the student. Life can't be made simple.

>> No.7652662


I had a professor that clearly enjoyed failing two Chinese students.

They were blatant cheaters. One would come in right before class, take the others homework, and then run back into class 5 minutes before it was over, and turn both his and his friends homework in.

At the final, when she called time, they immediately start whispering in Mandarin to each other, changing answers on their exams, and just being really, really obvious that they're cheating. She collected all the other exams, then walked up to them, took theirs, and just threw them in the trash.

I walked out of that room with a huge erection because probably half of the Chinese kids at my school behave that way. They're just so disrespectful, and bank on no one calling them out on it because they're foreigners.

>> No.7652761
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>linear algebra
>have pretty easy weekly quizzes
>professor decides to change it up and make two different versions of the quiz
>informs us next class that many students had been caught cheating
>notice sudden change in the amount of Chinese students

>> No.7652787

She doesn't do proofs, i showed her one and she wasn't interested.

>> No.7652793

Of course I don't like failing, that means more people bitching and projecting their frustration on to me.

At the same time I'm not going to lie I do derive some pleasure from giving poor marks to retards.

>> No.7652797

>there are educators on 4chan teaching kids on
God help us all.

>> No.7652804

Math PhD here. You're a faggot.
Your mindset breeds mathematical illiteracy because it makes people hate the field. Enjoy whatever shit-tier school you get into, if you can even manage to get accepted into grad school.

>> No.7652808


You are responsible for over saturating professions and ruining society in general.

Stop being afraid to fail people. You should meet a certain standard to earn a degree.

>> No.7652855

>it makes people hate the field.
it's a good thing. We don't need many mathematicians, we're not going to allow low-tier shitty students like you.

>> No.7652876

you are the reason public school is shit. It's on the students side to come with motivation to learn, no teacher should be forced to teach to someone who doesn't want to, the result is what we now see in pubic schools.

>> No.7652884

No, they're actually correct. Most children are naturally inclined to only learn a narrow range of things because they poorly understand how it all connects. what's more, they're often unaware of the application or interest of a new topic without having some experience in it already. For that, you need manipulation.

I dropped mathematics entirely because I had no one who seemed to speak in a way that I understood. When people don't speak your language the only means by which to harvest novel ideas is via reverse engineering, or blind intuition. Both of which tell you more about yourself and what you already have, than what the other person was trying to say.

>> No.7652917


if you can't reverse engineer all derivations of math and physics from the inventions of our modern world, you don't deserve to be in STEM

>> No.7652918

I think part of the problem is that at the higher level we tend to get flippant and sometimes forget what the cause of misunderstanding truly is. It's like the mathematician who emerges from a cave after 30 years solving a previously unsolved conjecture. No one can understand his notation, and conversely, he doesn't know what the problem is, because he understands the concepts very well. Therefore, no one bothers to read his paper.

If you can't even explain your methods to your students, who are obligated to listen to you, how do you expect the rest of academia to look through your hard worked proofs? Beleaguering the next generation with cumbersome notation may yield short term fun, but it's bad practice and will get you laughed out of proper academic circles, and not to mention perpetuates such lack of clarity among those students who do make the grade, a process by which proper academia comes under siege by obfuscating morons.

>> No.7652931

>if you can't reverse engineer all derivations of math and physics
That has nothing to do with what I just said.

See how it goes?

>> No.7652965


Shut up Jesus.

>> No.7653375

>If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame. But if his orders are clear, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.
>~Sun Tzu in The Art of War

If a teacher stumbles around and inadequately and vaguely explains a concept and the students didn't get it, it's the teachers fault.
If the teachers instruction is crystal clear, insightful, and concise and students still don't learn it, it's their and their parents faults.

>> No.7653404

>But not all kids want to learn. You can't magically make them show up and pay attention.

high schooler detected. HS isn't for giving you an education, its a glorified daycare facility you have to go to because you are too stupid or too unambitious enough to be going to college.

inb4 "b-but muh AP classes"

you are better off dropping out at 15 and doing CC classes for 2 years and transferring to uni as a junior.

>> No.7653430

>I could of

>> No.7653458

I seriously fucking HATE failing students, and try to prevent having to do so if possible. Unfortunately, if they do not learn the material, then there's little choice but to fail them. I don't want them doing even worse in a harder class next year.

I try everyhing I can to prevent it. I offer make up assignments, I hold additional instruction after school every single day, and I spend individual time talking with struggling students and their parents. The end result is less failing grades, but some students just can't be assed to try.

I used to work at an enormous underfunded highschool trying to teach freshmen Algebra. I told my vp that I was concerned that despite all my best efforts, I could only get my failure rate down to 20%. He said that I was doing great, because they aim for a 40% fail rate in Algebra.

Yeah, I don't work there any more.

>> No.7653672


>> No.7653690

>40% fail rate in Algebra
Christ. Did they have any motivation to fail students, or was it just too hard?

>> No.7653700

Doubt you even know math. Thinking Linear Algebra for Engineers is hard proves it.

>> No.7653719


That's nothing. My Gen Chem class had a fail rate of almost 70%. There were hardly any B, C, or D's, people either earned an A or an F. I got an A and thought the class was super easy, he gave us complete print outs of his slides and went out of his way to hold exam review sessions.

>> No.7653723

I don't understand your post. I agree that HS is a glorified day care facility, but how does that make the poster you replied to a high schooler?

I teach freshman calc and remedial algebra at my uni and I am teaching a bunch of high schoolers who think they learn by virtue of sitting in a room half the time there's class.

I can be the best lecturer in the world but you won't learn calculus if you don't do any problem sets and some kids don't.

To the OP, I fail 0-3 students per semester, and hand out a couple D's as well.

I think I have a pretty good spread. Students who do all the work I assign and demonstrate competency on exams generally get A+'s. Some kids get B's and low A's, most students get mid to high C's, and I fail and give D's to the rest.

>> No.7653736

Nah, I love teaching (college level)

>> No.7653750

I love teaching too, and so I respect the academic experience and do now award passing grades to those who have not demonstrated competency in the material covered.

>> No.7653761

lol at that typo inverting the meaning of my post

>> No.7653781

Doesn't mean you have to enjoy failing the others.

>> No.7653847

>you are the reason public school is shit. It's on the students side to come with motivation to learn, no teacher should be forced to teach to someone who doesn't want to, the result is what we now see in pubic schools.
i wouldn't classify a person that shows up every day with the intent to be willfully ignorant of the CV to be a 'student'. these kinds of people are those that i will coach, counsel, attempt to mentor and if all else fails attempt to have them placed elsewhere by administrative action.
i can only do so much as one person and i really do get into 'HOW DO I REEECH THESE KEEEEEEDS" territory sometimes before i'll fail a person, even if they're dead set on failing for whatever reason.

>> No.7653874

Oh no, not at all. It sucks to fail students, but I do it.

>> No.7653919

My sentiments exactly.

Neither. The problem was just that the culture at that school had gone to shit. Oakland and Richmond decided to ship their worst students off to section eight housing in another school district, so it would become someone else's problem.

Oakland and Richmond got to get rid of their problem students, and my school got the shaft. I had to fight like hell for every passing grade in those conditions. Hence why I'm not there anymore.

>> No.7653948

This is how you spot a dumb ass. From experience people that enjoy failing students are often incompetent in their field.

>> No.7653954

Its pretty obvious you don't have a degree in STEM because your reading comprehension is shit. I've met people like you in engineering programs and they fail out after the second semester.

>> No.7653955

>But not all kids want to learn. You can't magically make them show up and pay attention.

Enabler detected

>> No.7653964

My last precal class was so fucking tough, out of 12 students, i was the only person to pass and i got a C.

I learned because i got my ass kicked, i wasnt learning before when my professors just handed me As.

I agree with that. I dont think every class should be that difficult, but fundamental classes should be.

>> No.7654085


Honestly, I don't get what the big deal was with precalc. My HS administration thought it'd be too risky for me to take it or some shit, but in college I went straight to calculus and never missed a beat. I was the single most annoying student that haunted the academic support department, but by jove I made it happen.

>> No.7654199

II don't ENJOY giving bad grades when people have tried, but when it's obvious that they did the work the night before or that they copied or tried to pull a fast one on me, nothing is quite as fun as calling them out on it and giving them a nice 0 they can't possibly argue back.
Especially if the leverage is cheating. What are they going to do, fight back? If you cheated you deserve whatever grade you get; they're lucky they didn't get reported to the university.

>> No.7654225

Please mention in this thread if you're a:
Grad student
Tenured/TT professor
HS teacher

>> No.7654257

My boner would rip my pants

>> No.7654258

He said it causes mathematical illiteracy. We can filter out people in grad admissions, we don't need to discourage students taking math for engineering or for fun: these people are the ambassadors of academia to the rest of the world, to convince them that we aren't useless autists

>> No.7654272

Grad student TA here. It seems like that's a common thing. I have a few Chinese students who turn in three sentence writing assignments for labs when I only ask for a page, and half the time they're Google translated and don't follow the prompt at all. It's like they're playing up how little they know to get out of the bad grade, which I don't understand since they communicate perfectly fine. I have some full lab reports due next week (the first and only big writing assignment they have) and I am both dreading and looking forward to seeing what they do...

On the flip side, I have a few other Chinese students who don't communicate or write well, but at least put a little effort in their assignments and just have really fobby assignments which DO address the prompt, and they typically do well on the assignments. It's just frustrating when the others think they are entitled to doing less work than other people in the class.

>> No.7654277

I said assignment three times in a sentence, I should probably kill myself.

>> No.7654278

It's because they can get away with it in China. The hard part for Chinese students is to pass the college entrance exam, by the time they've made it to college nothing really matters anymore except for the few who are interested in grad school.

>> No.7654418

Which is why they hate the US universities because they can't cheat. They're forced to learn the material. If they cheat and get graduate. The real world weeds them out.

>> No.7654463

Grad student ta here for physical chemistry 2nd year.
This unit has a fail rate of around 40%, with roughly 50% of the unit dropping the subject before the census date (Ausfag)
I don't enjoy failing students, but you have to be fair to the students that put in the effort, and the ones that don't, they deserve to fail, simple as that. If you start looking for reasons to not fail people you're failing at your job.

>> No.7654541

Imagine calculus level algebra. 4 months of this with a professor that gives you worded exam questions only, that include questions next step problems. For example, he made us study and do homework only dor 2x2 matricies, then made us solve 3x3 on the exam. If you didnt understand how he works the first exam, as well as didnt study 2hr per day, then you failed.

Thats fair

>> No.7654730
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I dare any of you not to laugh as you mark this wrong

>> No.7655529


How is this wrong again?

>> No.7655616

>Do any of you guys enjoy failing your students?
I didn't.

I tanked an entire lab class once. I was angry. They made the same mistakes every single time so speaking softly was over.

Next meeting I gave them a checklist and a promise of not failing them if they at least didn't make any of the stupid errors on that list. Mind you those were still errors that no scientist should ever do so it was serious enough.

So they got their act together. And they all passed the course. And that made me happy.

>> No.7655657

If I fail any classes this term, I know it'll be my fault. I do get a kick out of seeing other students fail though, mostly because it makes me glad I'm not them and also because I like smaller classes. There is one class though where the teacher gave me a few zeroes because I didn't show up to class that day, which I don't think is fair.

Side note, my dad is extremely liberal but he's starting to get so racist towards Chinese people because of their shitty performance in his classes.

>> No.7655659

I assume it's because the limit from each side is different

>> No.7655809

Thank you. I can't stand when people do this.

>> No.7655985


I remember in once of my shitty forced Art History classes we had to write weekly summaries/responses to whatever topic the professor would assign.

One week, the professor enjoyed one response from a Chinese girl so much she asked for her to expound on it a little bit for the class. This response was seriously PhD thesis level writing. It had multiple words that I had never heard before.

Turns out this girl can hardly choke out a sentence in English. It became so painfully obvious that she just copied this from something that the professor got the saddest look on her face, and then just started the lecture without commenting on it again.

>> No.7656011

do you get commission for hooking them up with some of those adult industry connections?

>> No.7656017

Got an 82 on a math test today. Feels good man.

>> No.7656167

That really upsets me.

The other thing that bothers me is the work ethic of these same students. It's garbage. One week instead of making them do everything themselves, I gave every group an Excel spreadsheet with all the calculations and standard deviations already programmed in so that they would only have to enter their measured data, and I had at least 1/5 of the class ask something about the prompt such as "do we need to do uncertainties for ALL of these sections?"
Yes goddamn yes you really do. I could have made you do it all by hand but instead you have a magical sheet that does 90% of the work for you; all you have to do is divide the standard deviation by the square root of an integer and you're literally done.

Where did this entitlement come from? I don't remember being THAT bad as an undergrad...

After all this frustration and their endless complaining, I find myself feeling somewhat satisfied giving a bad grade since they deserve it. It's a very unfortunate cycle and I don't know how change it.

>> No.7656287


>> No.7656297

Well of course YOU weren't that bad because you were the kind of student who becomes a grad student. These are the kind of students who are going to college because they think they're supposed to go to college in order to get a job. It's just a natural continuation to high school for them. One big day care slash testing grounds for which the minimum viable success is what they aim. And come out of it with a participation trophy that is increasingly meaningless.

This is a new phenomenon, but not THAT new. 40 years or so, maybe 60. But getting worse each year with all the state-sponsored incentives for number of degrees given out. Even the students who are naturally inclined to want to go to a place like college in order to learn do not realize that the reason they are going to college is to learn.

>> No.7656322

I'm sure when the students deserve it then yes. Heard this from a friend and it rustled my jimmies so hard:
>took anatomy and physiology last year
>very tough, no multiple choice, numerous essay questions
>professor doesn't hand out grades
>proud of the grade I earned
>friend taking class this semester
>professor doesn't let students keep exams so I tell them what I recommend they emphasize
>apparently their classmates approached the professor before the exam and said, "I know (insert specific question) will be on the exam, is this a good explanation?"
>professor gives them the correct answer
>day of exam arrives
>those questions are either compressed to one fill in the blank or not even on the exam
>everyone does poorly

Idiots. You do not approach your professor and say, "I know this will be asked" because that implies you have an old or the current copy of the exam. Sure you can utilize keys from previous semesters but don't use them as your main tool. I really respect the professor so I'm glad he handled it the way he did.

>> No.7656324

Could it be that entitlement feeds on itself?

For example, you make it easy for students to do the assignment by doing most of it for them, perhaps many times -- they start considering this the norm. Any work is now outside the norm and questioned/resisted.

>> No.7656332

Well at any uni there are hard and easy classes. Most people will go for the easy professors in those easy classes. Cost/benefit ratio really. At least at my university they do make some classes (mostly in the math/bio depts) extremely hard and focus on really learning the material, but the pass rates are high (small curve but it forces kids to study). Conversely when other courses are seen as easy, people slack off and just get C's.

>> No.7656381

I would agree with you, but that was a one time thing. I usually make them do all the calculations themselves. Maybe it's the norm in their other classes; I'm generally unsympathetic to their complaints.

Physics, btw.

>> No.7656986

Maybe stupid pipedream question here, but why are our places of learning also our places of testing?

It seems like the ones teaching a thing shouldn't be the same ones testing a student's learning of that thing.

If I teach you a subject, and somebody who isn't me tests you on that subject, and you pass, then you really know that subject.

If I teach you and I test you, we don't really know whether you know anything about the subject or whether you only know my specific teaching of it.

I'm explaining this poorly.

Doctors go to med school, but to actually practice, they have to pass tests beyond the scope of the school, tests the school has to control over or input into.

Why isn't everything done this way?

By treating graduation from a university as an assumed measure of competance, we make university tests more critical then perhaps they ought to be. If there was no such thing as graduation, or if it granted no such assumption of competence, then we wouldn't need tests in uni. Classes would just be about actually learning the material, because to get a job later you'll have to take a test to prove you actually learned what you studied, not just that you remembered it long enough to pass a final, some years ago.

>> No.7657473

>they can't cheat

They can. Universities don't care, they just want their international student tuition rate money. Business already assume that even if the school is reputable, if they're Chinese or Korean then the resume goes into the trash as they probably cheated their way to a degree.

>> No.7657494


They said the same thing about the jews.

>> No.7658106

Interesting coping mechanism there. Asian internationals are actually heavily overrrepresented in every STEM profession in Ameirca.

>> No.7658608

>shitty forced Art History classes

You had to take Art History without substitution?

>> No.7658693

You don't pay money to learn. You can do that with textbooks, recorded lectures, general exploration, etc. and no serious science/math student relies on the lectures anyway. You do pay money for a group of established and qualified individuals to sign off saying you're qualified. This requires testing.

>> No.7658700

Projecting so hard it hurts.

>> No.7658704

2x2 matrices. You're in highschool right?

>> No.7658710

Fields that matter do this anyways. ABET accreditation and PE exams for engineers. Bar for lawyers. As you've already pointed out doctors have MCATs, as well as PLAB and USMLE if you practice outside your country of study. Even finance/business students need to take a GMAT if they want to do graduate school.

It's pretty well structured desu.

>> No.7658731


Asian-Americans are fine. The international ones are hire only because of the H1B1 visa scam to lower wages.

>> No.7658828

Got a C on my heat and mass transfer midterm.

Feels even better man.

>> No.7658846


>> No.7658857

You are partly right. You should do your best to teach in a way that every student will understand you. I remember our algorithms teacher trying to explain sorting algorithms, but he did it in the most complicated way you can imagine. Later that day i would look the algorithms up on YouTube and it was actually piss easy.
You can't teach students who don't want to learn though.

>> No.7658890

Is it true that Americans have private schools just so the whites can stick to themselves there?
When I was a child watching American shows, i innocently believed the private schools offered you a superior education.

>> No.7658894

No we have private schools to keep the rich away from the poor. Upper echelon of society is all too aware that racial bias is just a useful distraction tool too keep the poor fighting with the poor. They do not care about keeping to their own race, they care about keeping to their own class.

>> No.7658955

I TA for calc 1 this semester and have a student who is exceptionally annoying. Always the first to answer questions but will do so before I even finish asking them and answers in a smug dismissive tone. He is also usually wrong, or atleast not entirely correct.

I get satisfaction out of giving him 5/10 on a quiz or a D on an exam.

>> No.7658969

Private schools may or may not be better at education, but they are most definitely better at getting you into a good college. My dad went to a private boarding school and he ended up gaining good study habits, getting a lot of connections, and going to an ivy league school. I know other private schools that are completely retarded though and strive for the best football team in the state/nation rather than for a good education. But all the kids I knew that went there had that advantage of being able to put it on their application. It really depends. For example I went to a public school but I lived in a rich kind of area and my high school was one of the best in the state. It really does depend on class, the most wealthy communities pay more taxes for a better education for their kids.

>> No.7659070

>Ghetto thug culture is anti-intellectual

Well no fucking shit. Tell us something else we don't know!

>> No.7659102

It boils down to a socioeconomic problem really. The Irish were looked down upon the same way for years in early American urban areas, for mostly the same reasons.

>Low income
>High crime stemming from low income
>High rate of absentee Irish fathers
>High rate of Irish illegals
>Generally stuck to their own racial group

It took generations for the Irish to slowly raise their racial group into the middle class economically. Once that happened the typical social traits that go along with having a largely economically marginalized racial group mostly disappeared.

I hope that didn't come off too tumbrina-y. None of what I said excuses the thug culture which is associated with blacks, but it should be noted that there are deeper roots to such a problem besides "well, blacks are thugs after all. Everyone knows that."

>> No.7659259

Didn't the Australian government kidnap aboriginals in the past to raise them in more civilized environments?

Just an idea

>> No.7659288
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 1443155600442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take zero pleasure out of having to give my students bad grades or giving them failing marks... but part of being a teacher, especially a science teacher, is the responsibility you have not just to your students but to your community. Getting a passing grade is a certification that that person has a satisfactory understanding of the material covered in the class - and passing someone who clearly doesn't understand the material can have serious consequences. An engineer who doesn't understand Newton's laws is going to build a bridge the fails. An architect who doesn't understand thermodynamics is going to build a skyscraper that burns down and collapses. A doctor who doesn't understand chemical interactions is going to prescribe a patient something that will kill them.

Last year I had to give a group a failing grade on a lab on Archimedes' Principle. The goal in the lab was to calculate the amount of weight needed to sink a model boat and after four tries they were still a factor of twenty off.

The student measuring the volume couldn't read the digital calipers. The one measuring the displaced mass left extra weights on the scale. The one doing the calculations couldn't divide to balance an equation. I pointed out their mistakes and told them to try again and they threw a fit and started bitching and moaning to me about how unfair I was being by making them check their work and how I was making a big deal out of stupid little mistakes.

I asked them what they were studying to be - a vet, a pediatrician, a surgeon - and I flat out told them,

>"You just killed someone's pet, you just killed someone's kid, you just killed someone's husband... you're going into fields where mistakes get people killed, I think that's kind of a big deal."

That was the last time they got anything less than a B on a lab, so I'd like to think I got through to them.

>> No.7659295
File: 139 KB, 1200x359, crime vs race poverty unemployment education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It boils down to a socioeconomic problem really
Yeah... that must be it...

>> No.7659381

>all those pre-health majors
I seriously don't get what makes them think they of all people don't need to know this kind of stuff. I'm pre-pharmacy and a lot of my peers are the kind of students that suck up to the professor for good grades. One in particular talked to her anatomy professor about small mistakes she made on her exam and he said something along the lines of, "well your small mistake could lead to an overdose and kill someone." She also had to take the entrance exam into pharmacy school twice because she couldn't meet the very low minimum score of the school she's applying to.

It's better for students to learn harsh realities while still undergrads so they don't fail out of costly graduate programs because they don't know the basic steps of glycolysis.

>> No.7659397


When I fail students I view it as a slight failure. I know what it's like to be a shitter and struggle, and I am grateful for the people who saw potential in me. Now I'm pulling straight As in upper grad, and when I help out clueless students I remember that I used to be like that and try to do for them what others did for me.

Very rarely do I get kids who just dont try, and I take no joy in failing them even though I grade fairly harshly

>> No.7659451

If you get to know your students you can tell the difference between the ones who are struggling because they're incompetent, struggling because they are lazy, and those struggling because there are other problems in their lives getting in the way of schooling. I'm not saying it should make any difference when grading, but keep it in mind so as not to be an asshole.

>> No.7659474

If I see someone struggle at it I will give him a brake, which is the human thing to do

>> No.7659515

I am going to save these graphs, because they basically just reiterate that with low economic status comes high crime rate.

Not sure why you would think they prove the opposite. Would love to hear you voice an actual argumentative opinion based on this data instead of just throwing meme arrows around.

>> No.7659554

Only one of those graphs shows a strong correlation.

>> No.7659558

I spy with my little eye a social """science""" student

>> No.7659563
File: 1 KB, 210x230, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to interpret graphs
>can't even into goodness-of-fit

>> No.7659570

>r = 0.35

Are you retarded? That implies the trend line does not fit at all and there is no correlation. Look at the data points. It's a blob with no trend at all.

Even the far left racial one which looks a bit better is still a shitty inconclusive fit.

>> No.7659571


ayy lmao

>> No.7659575

It's 0.81.

Not stellar but it's a helluva lot better than fucking 0.35

>> No.7659583


Well I know black people have that fucked up aggressive gene, but I would like to see independent graphs of hispanics and blacks.

>> No.7659588
File: 211 KB, 1600x1343, econ_freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemical engineer, 4th year.

Each point is an individual state, given the fact that America's government system is set up so that each individual state has different policies regarding how welfare is distributed, accessibility to low-income housing, the fact that the lowest income states are largely rural which have lower crime rates than urban areas, as well as the fact that the sample population size is drastically different from one point to another the R values are actually very indicative of a trend.

A low R value also does not mean that the data does not fit, just that variance around the line of fit is high. When you have as many uncontrolled variables as these graphs do, an R value below 50% can still indicate a general trend.

For example, economic freedom (index score) correlates to life expectancy with an R of 0.3, but it is still accepted as a valid assessment that these two things in general are related because there are so many uncontrolled factors that come into play when comparing such large sample populations which are governed with different policies.

>> No.7659605
File: 82 KB, 1537x769, black crime rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could probably make one - these statistics are actually pretty easy to find.

This one comes from FBI statistics on their web page.

>> No.7659611

>whites and blacks almost even for booze related crimes

whats up with that?

>> No.7659626

ChemE postgrad here.

Please don't embarrass my discipline in front of other /sci/ posters.

Your previous post was retarded because in that particular graph it did not fit the data all* which is what you said no matter how you try to spin it. Apologize for letting your political dogma blind you and move on.

*especially when you consider the low value of the slope of the "trend" line which as I'm sure you remember from modelling implies that the gain is so low your independent variable has no effect, especially when you compare the gain of poverty/unemployment/retards on crimes. That is to say if you consider this a MISO model then only race has a pronounced effect on the violent crime output even ignoring the higher correlation of the trend line.

>> No.7659627 [DELETED] 

Booze makes you a nigger. A nigger can't become even more of a nigger.

>> No.7659628

They're normalized per-capita rates.

It means that blacks and whites are equally likely to commit alcohol related offenses like driving under the influence, public intoxication, or purchasing under age, while in other cases blacks commit violent crimes like murder, rape, or assault at a significantly higher per-capita rate.

For example, if you pick a random homicide out of a police blotter, the perpetrator is seven times more likely to be black, than white.

>> No.7659633

>vagrancy is STILL a criminal offense in the US.

>> No.7659640

>They're normalized per-capita rates.

yeah i get that. but what i wanted to know, is why are those kinds of crimes even with whites but all the other ones are through the roof. whats so special about alcohol?

>> No.7659644

I would not have put it that way, but essentially yeah.

>> No.7659645

>tfw i live in Denver
>tfw winter is approaching
>tfw all the vagrants migrate to arizona or freeze to death

i love this season.

>> No.7659646

White people are targeted more harshly by profilers who don't want to seem racists. However, they rarely commit crimes so they are only charged with petty violations.

>> No.7659650

Honest question. What the fuck are you supposed to do if the bank forecloses on your house? So you just get constantly arrested for the rest of your life for being shit out of luck?

>> No.7659656

Pretty much, yeah.

The interesting thing is the police will keep asking you what your address is even if you no longer have one. They won't take that as an answer because in the first world it's a response that is not supposed to compute.

>> No.7659664

Alcohol offenses are just acts of poor judgement... everybody does stupid shit now and then. Violent offenses are... well... violent. It takes a certain kind of person to suddenly snap at the drop of a hat and start wailing on another human being or pull a gun and open fire or bludgeon their girlfriend to death with a rock.

There was a case in my hometown a few months ago. Some black kid was lurking around a neighborhood breaking into cars and noticed into a pensioner, a tiny little 80 year old woman, not bothering anyone, out for an early bird walk a block or two down the road.

He snuck up behind her, dragged her off the sidewalk, raped her, beat her, raped her again, and then stove her head in with a brick. When the police asked him why he did it, his response was literally 'because I didn't have anything better to do at the time'.

>> No.7659667

actually, our shelters have more beds than we do homeless. the thing is, you have to be sober and able to get along with others to stay there.

if you show up constantly wasted and are shitting on the floor, they throw you out.

people who are truly "down on their luck" get plenty of help. the reason why there are so many homeless in the US is because all the federal sanitariums were shutdown and now all the crazies and addicts just roam the streets.

with a few notable exceptions, almost every person on the street is there by choice.

>> No.7659668

Most people who lose a home move in with family or friends.

... if you don't have either, or at least don't have any way of contacting them, you're kind of out of luck.

There's no shortage of homeless shelters but a lot of homeless suffer from mental health problems and you can't really keep them in the shelters.

>> No.7659674

>It took generations for the Irish to slowly raise their racial group into the middle class economically.
No it didn't. They became cops.
That was it. Period. The end.

>> No.7659679


They're called weeder classes.

>> No.7659682

>Alright McNulty

>> No.7659688

Out of curiosity, what were some of the stupid errors on your list?

>> No.7659690

My grades:
Chem 1 : C
Chem 2: D
O Chem 1: A
O Chem 2: B

Is this weird?

>> No.7659696

>Would love to hear you voice an actual argumentative opinion based on this data instead of just throwing meme arrows around.

It's "Race Realism"


>> No.7659697

>early bird walk
I literally interpreted that as "early bird-walk."
Like daily bird-walking was a normal thing in your town, and she wanted to get it out of the early.

>> No.7659701

My grades:

Calc 1 - C (repeat of HS so I never went to class)
Calc 2 - C (Same as above)
Lin Alg - A+
Calc 3 - A+
Calc 4 - A+
Differential Equations - A+
Dynamics and Control Systems - A+

4th year is the easiest year. Not because of the material, but because you get used to having a lot of shit to do. Chem eng here btw.

>> No.7659708

>"Racial mix predicts the violent crime rate more than four times better than lack of a high school education"
why should he give the argument? the makers of the image already did it

>> No.7659730

Poor Mr Beakly... he never saw the cinderblock coming.

>> No.7659871

>smug dismissive tone. He is also usually wrong, or atleast not entirely correct.

Mock him until he learns his lesson

>> No.7660545


But did you take any math classes for your degree?

>> No.7660584

Feels better when I catch them cheating. Fucking shits think it isn't fucking obvious.

>> No.7660979
File: 46 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nlw6rgHX6F1tdlpkeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends.

Some students don't try, some students try very hard. Often it may happen that how much they try bears no relation with the performance of the tests because everyone's human and the effect personal problems have upon students affects greatly their performance. I've met very smart students that suffered depression, and they would do below average without medication; there are also smart students with family problems, smart students with social problems, etc...
The conditions in which a student live are almost the most important part when it come to doing good in your studies - you can't focus if your personal life is falling apart, if you don't have a quiet place on your own and so forth.

I do feel bad if a have to fail a student who is willing to learn and do good, but there are other things of which he has to take care of. We don't take these things in consideration in tests, if you are below the minimum score, you fail and that's it.

>> No.7662103

The prelims in chem-physics are close to this. Questions based on a general agreed list of competencies. Although I agree with what you're saying; it's the same thing as when you're studying for a class and the class notes make sense, but someone else's class notes online seem foreign.

In my physics classes lots of the students whine about notation and then can't understand what they're looking at in different sources. It's dangerous water.

>> No.7662110

No point in being the jerk TA anymore. The degree is already worthless.

>> No.7662379


Honestly the /pol/ shit was completely fair as long as he kept it to his own observations. The eye rolling came when he started conjuring shit out of his ass.

>> No.7662392

I think half the "teachers" in this thread are actually just undergrads writing out fantasies online. Most everybody in my grad school cohort does TA work, there's only a few people who really care about teaching and they're all very nice to students. The rest of us don't care enough to fail students. Personally I spend almost 6 hours a week just interacting with undergrads in recitation/office hours, still I don't know anyone's name except this one girl with perky tits.

>> No.7662428

>the most wealthy communities pay more taxes for a better education for their kids

No, most wealthy communities and private schools don't have ghetto thugs retarding classes and causing trouble. It's not about the money, it's about the quality of the students.

>> No.7662434

The limit doesn't exist.

>> No.7662512
File: 31 KB, 600x450, 1442374957388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The main point of Private schools (and inadvertently some Magnet schools too) is that it acts as a way to filter out the general public in mass.

Using finances/connections/auditions/exams/lotteries to do so, you can control for a good sum of "typical" social problems that public schools deal with a lot.


As someone who has worked in the education and health sectors for several years now. I can tell you and everyone in this thread that pic in >>7652355 is absolute garbage in describing predominately black schools servicing "urban" environments.

Public schools servicing student bodies like these are essentially forced into trying to apply band-aids on wounds that require psychiatrics. When you have to stop class multiple times through out the week to deal with black females who are crying out no where because of serious family issues (we're talking medical/abuse here) at home. Break up fights between black males who openly admit when asked were told only to defend themselves and rarely if ever taught to use non-aggressive tactics to defuse conflicts.

Deal with classrooms that at times consist of upwards of 60% of the student body below current grade level creating an internal rift within the classroom itself. Along with emotional and low IQ/ mental delay problems in students who require constant attention and separate group sessions you are going way beyond the responsibilities of what the average school is supposed to do for you.

It should never be a common occurrence for female students in a classes I teach or provide aid in to ask for my age/ marital status because they are interested in hooking me up with their mothers. The act of being simply calm, composed and stern when needed should never only be attributed by male students as an assumption of military service when none is clearly present.

I say this as a black anon, the situation is bad for public schools in said areas.

>> No.7662815

Teaching human anatomy for non-bio majors is one of the most depressing affairs in my life. Most of them are nursing students and the class averages on my first two practicals were in the high 60s.

>> No.7663114
File: 78 KB, 524x960, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem is (american) blacks don't try to move up and they attack those that do for "acting all white". The ones you usually see moving up the social ladder are from war torn Africa and not the ghetto.

>> No.7663756

i don't understand its literally route memorization you don't have to go to class for... what are your attendance rates even witha failing average, >90%? hahaha nursing students... so much anxiety

>> No.7664161

As a minority who grew up attending predominantly black schools in poor neighborhoods, I can tell you that he's only about 15-20% wrong.

Most of this is spot on accurate.

>> No.7664165

>they basically just reiterate that with low economic status comes high crime rate

There are more poor white than poor blacks at every income level
There are more blacks in jail than whites at every level

You can't brush it off as poverty alone.

>> No.7664174


Thanks for the input, I was hoping a teacher would speak up.

To me, the kind of classroom environment that you (and the poltard upthread) describe sounds like an interesting and appealing challenge. I love managing chaos irl and turning it into order, and I'm extremely good at getting along with other people. Kids love me. I get handed strangers' babies.

If it's really that bad, I might pick up some teaching certifications and give it a shot.

>> No.7664177

>Economic freedom

The fuck are u talkin bout willis?

>> No.7664362

As an undergrad I had an opportunity to help a TA in lab classes. It was a great experience to be on the other side and it made me understand professors much more.

For example, first two weeks I was so enthusiastic about helping people that I actually got a warning to calm down and not help them as much. A month later, when I did every lab experiment hundred times, memorised all the numbers, I got bitchy to the students because it seemed so trivial, and all they had to do is read their materials and do the easy lab problems (by then I got so efficient that I could probably do all ten problems within half an hour). I realised I was being kind of an asshole to them so I had a talk with the TA and apparently it's a common issue when you don't have motivated students. Almost every teacher passes through the enthusiasm phase then gets grinded down and after a while you have to actively manage your emotions and act professional and neutral.

It was a revelation, I wanted to strangle the lazy fuckers for not even reading the material through.

>> No.7664865

You are retarded, like any form of relationship, for this kind to work, it requires both the student and the teacher to work for it.

>> No.7664879

If you're a teacher the real question is why are you on 4chan? If I found out my teacher was a 4chan browser I'd instantly lose all respect for him. I don't want to be taught by some virgin creep who watches anime

>> No.7665433

>The main point of Private schools (and inadvertently some Magnet schools too) is that it acts as a way to filter out the general public in mass.


>> No.7665523

I know one year one of our intro to computer science classes had an ~50% fail rate. For some reason loads of people try to cheat in programming classes. Unluckily for them the profs happen to know how to write useful tools. There's even this one prof who poses as a homework for hire guy on the internet...

>> No.7665534

Yeah. I TAed (TA'd?) a OOP course for a few years. Those fuckers would come in at the end of the semester asking me to do their homework and it would go like
>you need to instantiate a Cashier object
>*blank stare*
>call its constructor
>"what do you mean 'constructor'?"

and on and on and on

>> No.7665549


Some times. I went to private schools up until college.

For K-8, I think there were literally a dozen or less kids that couldn't pass off as white in a school of around 900 total.

In high school, the school was in a shitty area, and wanted to seem charitable. The only other high school in the area was pretty notoriously violent. So, the school would offer these kids a discount so they could go to a "better" school. I put better quotes because the only difference was that we had AP classes and shit. Not better teachers, or anything.

At the same time, most of the minorities were in the lowest level of classes. There was still a lot of separation.

There are private schools in my area that offer objectively better education, though. It's all boys, and it's really, really hard. Everyone I've talked to that did well there went on to top 10 colleges, and said it felt like they had 1/5 of the workload. They have a huge facility that's constantly getting new shit because so many of their alumni are so successful. My brother went there for a year, and told me how one day an alumni just donated some huge silver bar just so the kids in chemistry class could feel how heavy it is.

>> No.7665554

OP here.

Holy fuck lol. Your professor is more committed to chasing students that are potentially than doing his research work, publishing, and supervising his grad students.

I love hearing shit like this and he's doing an awesome job. LOL.

>> No.7665656
File: 125 KB, 948x543, CS student, 5 years later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He pretty much has to; 99.5% of CS major grads can't figure out how to code a loop that counts to 100 and prints out fizz and buzz on multiples of 3 and 5 respectably in any language or pseudo-code at all.

>> No.7665679

Some people are better at writing than speaking. You would think that a board filled with autists would understand this.

>> No.7665697

>You don't pay money to learn.
yes you do
>You can do that with textbooks, recorded lectures, general exploration, etc. and no serious science/math student relies on the lectures anyway.
Not as efficiently, assuming you don't have shit teachers. Hope u have fun going through hartshorne on your own. the fact that you got an A by skipping single variable calc lectures to do problem sets doesn't matter.
>You do pay money for a group of established and qualified individuals to sign off saying you're qualified.
This reddit-tier combination half-way cynicism needs to end. I'm almost certain that you wouldn't support the conclusions that this approach to education leads to. The truth is that the university system is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to learn most subjects unless your professor is shit.

>> No.7665711

>Maybe stupid pipedream question here, but why are our places of learning also our places of testing?
Testing is good for learning on its own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testing_effect . Plus it lets you gauge how well you're doing.
As for the rest: scale & competition. Since nobody in modern society knows anybody else, your grades matter more for getting a job or whatever shit.

>> No.7665735

How do CS grads not know how to do this? I'm transferring in fall from a community college and even I can do that. The programming classes here actually make you do work and shit. How do you do 3rd and 4th year material without knowing that basic shit?

>> No.7665756

I'm a 3rd year in high school and I can do that... How the fuck does a grad not know how to do that...

>> No.7665759

He is obviously not exaggerating at all.

>> No.7665779


>> No.7665877


>> No.7666161
File: 2.15 MB, 550x432, AES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They get away with it because group projects/hws are worth ~70% of the grade.

>> No.7666164


It's pretty clear when someone doesn't have a fucking clue what something says

>> No.7666356


I still don't believe that the FizzBuzz test actually filters out that many CS grads.

If it does, these people have to be coming from the shittiest of shit-tier schools.

>> No.7666594



Yes, private are not obligated to the same protocols as public schools are because they do not pull from the same pool of funding as public schools.

Therefore they have a say in student selection and can filter out. Same goes for some magnet schools.

>> No.7666598


It doesn't filter out any. What it filters out are people with education in other areas who try and apply to programming jobs.

>> No.7666644
File: 491 KB, 500x220, ahue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They get away with it because group projects/hws are worth ~70% of the grade.

Group work? What the actual fuck? I thought the one benefit to doing CS was that you can be as autistic as you like, as long as you finish your solo projects it's all good.

Jesus christ, why do such a shitty major that still forces you to deal with other people's shit?

>> No.7666836

because in the "real world" you have to work in groups. Most schools don't do that much group stuff tho, since it tends to let some members not learn anything.

>> No.7666847

In what other way is a CS degree setting anyone up for the real world? Academia doesn't count :^)

For a serious job, you don't "work in groups", you collaborate with others. There is a difference.
"Working in groups" just trains 5 people to do the work of 2 people in twice the time, due to all the meetings and management bullshit that get in the way.

Having a boss tell different members of a department to do their set tasks is not "group work", it's a solid hierarchy.
It's only group work if everyone is on equal footing, and hardly any businesses work like that because guess what, it's a terrible fucking idea.

>> No.7666889

Only if they don't do their work and act like complete dicks about it.

Otherwise I'm alright with hooking someone up with some points. If the thought process and logic is solid and the work is thorough, I'm willing to give them most of the points on questions where the answers are incorrect(I'm a TA and grade test).

It makes sense in my field though, I'm not going to expect a student solving combinatoric questions to get them right 100% of the time. If you were like a Biology TA and your students were all getting 50's you have to fail them(although if all your students are failing you might be an ass teacher).

>> No.7666909
File: 57 KB, 768x901, she loves me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised nobodys ever done this yet.

>> No.7666928

I had that exact plan in middle school. By the time high school came around, I was begging to dropout and head straight to uni. Parents were against it and I just gave up and passed with the minimum required. Now I feel like shit in community college, just wasting thousands of dollars in what feels like a second version of high school.

>> No.7667177


The groups are optional outside of Software Engineering or Capstone classes.

>> No.7667278


I'm not sure about where you guys are, but most CS courses don't have group work. I've taken almost 20 courses and only one of them had group work, and it was <10% of the mark, and that was in 1st year.

Software Engineering courses are a bit different though - those usually have group work being like 10-30% of the mark (if there is any - there only sometimes is, and you're usually graded on your individual contribution to it as well as the overall group performance).

>> No.7667303

>most schools don't do that much group stuff tho
nice reading there desu senpai

meh collaboration is interchangeable with group work as far as I'm concerned, if you are collaborating you are clearly also working in/as a group. Dunno why your sperging about such vague words. Also the only class I've had with significant group work was a software engi class.

>> No.7667315

I someone that has gone to a predominatly black school for 4 years of my life I can tell you that >>7652355 is pretty accurate.

>> No.7667318


From what I've talked to of other people the situation is similar at other schools. Please list said schools where 70% of the CS grades are group work.

>> No.7667724

Eh, pretty much.
It's also worth mentioning that exams are horrible. It's the only way to evaluate someone's mastery of the material these days, but one or two bad days (or hell, one unfortunate schedule lineup) and you're one sorry sack of shit.

Still isn't something to get cathartic about. There's always next semester, and both students and teacher should take it as a learning experience.

I am currently learning that having a calc 3 class at the end of a 10 hour day is not an intelligent idea, particularly when your chem professor masturbates over the idea of busywork.

>> No.7667745

No, but I don't feel bad either since they've dug their own grave when that happens 99.99% of the time.

>> No.7667749

What's the .01% margin of error for?

>> No.7667839

dude shes hot. I would fuck her brains out with that cutey sweet british accent and frolicky red hair.

Then I would degrade her and tell her that her research is shit and not based on real concrete math and science, just glorified statistics.
Then I would fuck the shit out of her again while she cries.

>> No.7667851

>taking off points for bad handwriting
maybe you should be teaching 1st grade

>> No.7668304


Of course private school would want to select motivate, bright, and well behaved students.

You're implying that they are out to get the minorities.

>> No.7668391


>out to get minorities

And where did I suggest that kind of conclusion in any of my post anon?

I only talked about filtering out those in the general public with social problems. The fact you made the leap in logic to connect it minorities is on you not me.

Especially when it's made pretty clear that the rest of my original post is clearly addressing a different anon. I even speaced it out nicely for the thread so there was no confusion, yet confusion still exist.

>> No.7668412

Maybe the student should be there

>> No.7668827

I assume they got it wrong, because it was taught as 1/(x-8) = ∞

>> No.7668957

>that gif
actually pretty informative, thanks

>> No.7669203

Undergrad here, this makes me insanely mad.
I might not be particularly bright and have problems grasping basic concepts, but at least I try. Seeing guys like this actually suceed is just the worst feeling when I spend my whole day studying and doing excercises.

>> No.7669649

posting here because the math peeve thread 404ed. Just learned Euclid's algorithm for gcds in a college class. I am so mad. I could literally have saved countless hours had I known this earlier.

>tfw wasted tons of time on HS tests trying to find simple crap

>tfw most of the time I knew how to solve the problem I just ran out of time

>teachers always told me it was because I didn't practice enough

>> No.7669664

Then you're going to have a bad time, because voucher studies prove that shitty kids exist, and that they are just shitty students by dint of who they are.

>> No.7669675


Okay, here's some motivation: learn the fucking material or I fail the fucking shit out of you.

>> No.7669679

this is how cheating happens

>> No.7669680

>"HS isn't for giving you an education, its a glorified daycare facility you have to go to because you are too stupid or too unambitious enough to be going to college."



>> No.7669706

Whenever I fail a student I invite them to my office to watch me masturbate on my desk.
Feels good, man.

>> No.7669812

As someone who went to a Black middle school that got such high marks that the White kids starting coming in droves (Charles R Drew Charter school, look it up) I can tell you that >>7662512 is not confined to black schools.
Rural White schools can be just as bad, some black schools are actually alright. It genuinely depends on who's doing it.

>> No.7669815

>>7662512 is supposed to be >>7652355

>> No.7670470


Group work in that one student does it and all the others copy him.

>> No.7670483 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 378x284, 1447326085576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670487
File: 9 KB, 378x284, 1447326085576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7671199


I had the same experience and always got simplifying fraction questions wrong because no one taught me Euclid's algorithm back in the 5th grade.

But this would be better placed in the primary school thread >>7668236

>> No.7671202

The first one isn't even correct. The limit isn't infinity.

>> No.7671209


complex infinity


>> No.7671218

I somehow doubt they were working in the context of complex analysis

>> No.7671219

yes but not the cute ones

>> No.7671224

I doubt they cared about its phase, just that it blows up

>> No.7671226

>Racist graduate

>> No.7671930


No one denies that white trash culture is terrible and their academic attitudes are just as bad as ghetto trash.

Thugs get more attention because projects/section8s/ghettos are everywhere while trailer parks are way more isolated.

>> No.7672328


This is why women aren't respected

>> No.7672760

This girl is hot and sexy and cute. I'm glad this is one of the top threads in the catalog (ordered by reply count. What, you thought I would have it ordered in bump order? Do I look like a [math]~pleb~[/math]?)

>> No.7673026

i agree

>> No.7673060

>Didn't the Australian government kidnap aboriginals in the past to raise them in more civilized environments?

yeah that worked really well lol

>> No.7674393

You need to get out more

>> No.7674673

>he is a literal homosexual

>> No.7675436


Does anyone else watch these videos to perry the winkle?

>> No.7675437

Interpreting data correctly is not being racist you stupid fuckwad.

>> No.7675537

So they can stop their education before embarrasing themselves?
[/witty comment]

>> No.7675561

>Penalize them for terrible handwriting
Hitler. I failed an engineering class for this reason alone. Teacher took half credit off because my handwriting is bad.

>> No.7676258


Latex your assignments and hand them in in transparent report covers