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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7666775 No.7666775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else an academic failure on /sci/?

>> No.7666777


>> No.7666783

Nope, fuck off back to /r9k/.

>> No.7666784

I mean I have a D average but I have not nor will I ever fail a class.

>> No.7666787

D is failure

You are below average at everything

>> No.7666788


>> No.7666791

D is considered failing my friend.

>> No.7666796


>> No.7666848

I am. Not smart or anything either. I just come on this board for kicks

>> No.7666859

why have F if D is failing ?

You murricans make no sense.

>> No.7666862

I've dropped out of college three times before getting professional help with my depression.

Regardless I still enjoy chemistry because I'm a jew and I like making corn plastic in my kitchen for my wh40k gaming needs.

>> No.7666864


below average = not satisfactory

C- (75%) is typically the lowest passing grade here. Most students are expected to get Bs (85-95%)

>> No.7666867

Because of grade inflation it's easy to get an A in America, which is similar to a 9/10 or higher in other countries.

In the Netherlands, the professor will give you a blowjob if your average grade is a 10.

>> No.7666872

how many people fail analysis 1 on the first try in murrican colleges/unis?

>> No.7666876

Tried to get into medical school for several years in a row. I think I finally realized this year that I just don't have what it takes. The pain is unbearable.

>> No.7666878

As if there's a global standart to teachers, schools or tests

Students in shitty schools of my country keep graduating with 4.0 CGPAs but do not have the slightest idea what they should have learned.

I have a BS of 2.68 from the best school in the country but sadly people just look at numbers when hiring for work or job positions.

>> No.7666880


you could just go into the military and become a doctor that way

>> No.7666883

work or academic*

>> No.7666885


>As if there's a global standart to teachers, schools or tests

There is now thanks to the Common Core which is based on the EU's common core standards.

>> No.7666888

Tests perhaps but there will never be a standart to the teaching ability unless we submit to our computer overlords

>> No.7666898


You realize that all Common Core materials are graded by a computer, yes? The entire point of the CC is to have a standardized metric of teaching ability. Thus, teachers don't grade tests. A computer does. All of it is in one place that students, parents, teachers, and administrators can all access. If grades are low, teachers can be booted easily. It would be wonderful if it wasn't so terrifying.

>> No.7666916

I'm not bashing the system, but I doubt it will filter out bad teachers because their evaluation will not be based on a single test. And for example in 3 years, the damage will be done

>> No.7666917


Obviously. It also forces everyone to only teach about the content on the tests because that's how they keep their jobs (and obtain federal money).

>> No.7666923

Yea, test oriented education is one of the greater evils in the world, it only breeds more zombies

>> No.7666924

ez 3.55 gpa at CC, transferring to a State Uni this spring semester, rdy to study my arse off. No failures so far mate.

>> No.7666929

how do people who frequent a science community fail their classes? i have people who literally don't do anything until 1 week before the exam and they still pass, and it's a top 100 university

>> No.7666935

People have determination and procrastination issues, confidence also plays a big role.

If you feel good about yourself you'll feel good about studying and working hard for something.

It doesn't matter if you're terrible/good at the subject, if you can't get yourself to study a lot you're fucked.

>> No.7666937

Mostly bad planning due to the schools part

We were assigned to solve path/surface integrals in electricity and magnetism class before taking a calculus one

Had quantum mechanics and thermodynamics exams before linear alebra/differential equations


>> No.7666941

Why even go to school if you're getting D's? Do you understand how important a college education is? Do you understand how expensive it is? If you can't get anything better than a D then just give up lmao. Why even go to college if you're gonna be that bad?

>> No.7666952

Everyone can now find out which teachers are shit. I love the fact that this is a thing while attending college in this day and age.

>> No.7666957

That was meant for >>7666937
my b senpai.

>> No.7666961
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I failed Bio 200 and 300 once each. Took me 5 years to graduate with my BA
>mfw the hot mexican girl fails 300 3 times and has to switch majors because she got kicked out of the Bio Department

>> No.7666971

Yea that stuff only works in 1st world countries...
Here professors who are proven to molest students are given promotions

>> No.7666976

Pretty sure I'm gonna fail ochem 2. Just kill me now

>> No.7666982

>3.5 gpa
>will be 3.6+ by the end of the semester, but only after grad school apps are due
>good gre's. Not great, but definitely good
>even if paper gets published, it'll probably be too late

>tfw too good for the mediocre schools, but too mediocre for the good

>> No.7666989

>PhD student in Neuroscience at Cornell
>Will never be a PhD student in Neuroscience at Yale

Why live

>> No.7667000

how come you couldn't get it? i get it that you dont make in the undergrad problem cause people still fuck around in highschool, but by the time you start your PhD you should have everything in place

>> No.7667002

I am. I submitted an abstract to a conference before I got the data. It is coming up soon, and I still don't have the data, nor will I. I have already accepted a job in industry because of my shame.

>> No.7667017

Because I fucked around in undergrad

>And I fuck around in grad school
>And I'm going to fuck around as a professor

>> No.7667019

ayyyyyyy I feel the same way about my MA and job as a teacher

>> No.7667031

Where do you live anon?

>> No.7667058

In Poland to get an A you have to know more that you should :^)

>> No.7667094

By browsing /sci/ instead of studying or doing homework.

>> No.7668420

failed linear algebra twice and im a maths major. 95% people pass and 5% fail/. ive gotten 20/30 for my insemester marks and 26/70 for the exam.

the exam had a question like "if v is a subspace of w blah blah?" and it gave me a heart attack. i started crying half way through whilst showing that its closed under addition and i got lost.

they also ask shet like isomorphism, i just said that it maps to zero,

im just dumb lol.

>> No.7668435
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This. US grades are worth jack shit.

>> No.7668442


>> No.7668531

>generalizing an entire country b/c of a couple of schools.

Well done /sci/,I expect nothing less.

>> No.7668539


>> No.7668553
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I already have a really fun job and make more money than any other student I know.
I go to uni for fun and just to get papers because future potential employee might require it. I already know nearly everything I need for my job anyway(and often much more than my coworkers).
I still get mostly D because I'm to lazy to study.
Education is free in my country.

>> No.7668558

>education for the sole purpose of acquiring a "fun job" and making more money


>I'm smart, trust me! I just don't have any proof of it b/c I don't apply myself b/c I'm lazy XD

That shit triggers me so hard, fuck

>> No.7668592

Well I guess it's true I study to get "fun job". I just love programming so I'm studying CS because employee often requires papers. However I don't really want to earn lots of money. I could have more well-paid job, but I don't want to work for corporation because my current job is way more fun. Also I don't study only to get a job, I also love doing discrete math and stuff, but I still get low degrees because of non-math subjects and calculus.

Well, you know, you could have asked me to prove.
I think the best "prove" would be the fact that I already have a got a job on my first year at uni. I work in game company and write whole server code, designed network communication protocol, created database etc. I don't think I have any code to show except for simple stuff like mumble/IRC bot or websites. Unless you want to see my Gmod creations :^)

>> No.7668617



what do you work bro

>> No.7668622

i probably failed calc 3 as a math major.

had my final exam a few days ago and doubt i got more than 30% on it

i guess im at the point where i either start studying, or drop into a business degree

>> No.7668627

Getting a "fun" job is extremely important because you won't be spending a good portion of your time on something you don't enjoy.

>> No.7668645
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>implying this is a generalization
>implying you're in a school that's not shit

>> No.7668648

Nope, Poland.
I do servers/backend/networking and everything else that no one else can't handle (eg. Shaders, binary serialization on client side, many bash scripts to automatize git etc. ) in game company. See >>7668592

>> No.7668676

But it's a pass, you will get the certificate that enables you to get a job. For some education is just a means to an end.

>> No.7668679

It's a pass, and you may still get into grad school if you have good experience and a letter of recommendation.

>> No.7668705

D contributes 1/4 points to your GPA, so you arent as fucked as having an F which is 0/4. But its still not passing.

>> No.7668710

16/20 is a averagely good grade in my country. Its 4.0 in GPA kek. 'Murica

>> No.7668812

I had a 4.0 in math classes up until this semester and then one class fucked my ass raw. Dunno if I'll get into any grad programs now desu hehe oh well time to die

>> No.7668813

I'm struggling to write a resume.

>> No.7668814

Go back to Reddit.

>> No.7668828

>get nothing higher than a B in first year
>get B+ in every non-math class and nothing lower than a A- in every math-class after first year

It takes hard work but its not impossible to turn things around

>> No.7668838

david mitchell is the best

>> No.7668849

US only
gr8 m8

>> No.7668858

France go away

No one wants your perfect score of 19/20.

>> No.7668864


>> No.7668880
File: 53 KB, 523x420, 1435952597855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 92/100 first 2 semesters of memengineering
>Doing even better this one
Feels good man

>> No.7668894

haha you're such a fucking faggot

>> No.7668921

I am currently in high school (non-US) and looking to get into a US university.
I want to know how can I do that? I want to pursue a Math major and I am actually good at math and little bit English, but I am shit at other subjects. Most of US colleges require me to take TOEFL and SAT with one subject test in Physics/Chemistry/Biology.
How can I get past this? Do I really need to study Physics/Chemistry/Biology? Is there anything I can do just by being good at math (and English, of course)?

>> No.7668931

>best school in the country
>claims companies would rather hire people from shitty schools
Faggot detected

>> No.7668967
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HAhah, you must be angry because your grades are so terribly inflated and have no value

>> No.7668972
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What about my score of 4/20?

>> No.7668996

First of all, learn that in this world you will always be forced to do crap you don't like.
Second, English is a must LOL, there has to be English schools in your area who prepare you specially for TOEFL .
Third, SAT is also a must, check online courses to get you ready for it
Lastly, end your life kid .

>> No.7669007

Went from getting D student to A student by simply retrofitting my bedroom to be an office and getting rid of the Xbox and Tv.

>> No.7669109

>tfw might fail Calc III as a math major
Shit's just weird, I got in A in Calc I, an A- in Calc II, an A in our Intro to Proofs/Discrete Math course, but my grade in Calc III will go anywhere from a D to a B depending on how I do on my final. It's not even that I don't really understand what we're doing, I've just slipped up on one concept that came up multiple times on both tests we've had so far.

>> No.7669143
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I may fail Trig if I don't pass the Final Exam in a few weeks. My overall class average is like 55%. All I need is to pass the Final and I should be able to barely make it...