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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.30 MB, 2162x2162, Genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7665658 No.7665658 [Reply] [Original]

Is he our generation's Einstein?

>> No.7665663

why is he so memed? Whats wrong with the guy?

>> No.7665664

He's black

>> No.7665670

I'm not sure he even does research.

>> No.7665685

He doesn't do actual research, but I'm glad he's educating the public with science education. Carl Sagan would be proud.

>> No.7665715

Maybe more like the next Bill Nye, but with more degrees.

>> No.7665722

He is our generations Sagan. Witten is the closet thing we have to an Einstein.

>> No.7665726


>> No.7665784

Bait here makes me laugh.

>> No.7665794

he's our Sagan

his job is essentially to serve as a diplomat between science and the public

3/10 got me to reply

>> No.7665797

He's done less science than Mr. Wizard.

I am still grateful that he is bringing the humanity to science. I mean, why would a person watch a 90 minute football match just to watch their one favorite player make two of the 5 total goals in the game? Because they see the effort and see the teamwork and see the humanity in the sport.

Tyson actually makes casuals think about how important the work of other humans are doing and how much effort it takes, but how its not outside of their understanding, for the most part.

>> No.7665865

This also has the unintended side effect of producing tons of annoying science XD wanna-be-intellectual losers and plague of positivism in philosophical fields.

>> No.7665873
File: 26 KB, 500x500, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice bait though.

>> No.7665973


I would say this, except the fact that Witten is more like if Einstein just binged on speed and cocaine everyday while working only on his stuff.

Witten is fuckin' nuts man, and String theory is what happens when autism collapses in on itself

>> No.7665989

Go back to IFLS

>> No.7666000

lolwhat, hes a random guy who happened to be on tv, little more of a genius than any other actor

>> No.7666004

>Maybe if I try to hype him I can convince people to hate him.

>> No.7666009

Hes black so he became a poster boy for SJWs and reddit keks.

He is famous for starting the Pluto no longer a planet thing.

>> No.7666138

Yeah, he started a revolution in science that we have now Lazers and lightspeed spaceships and shit... Almost all these mainstream fuckers do is turn physics and mathematics to imaginary shit that have nothing to do with maths and calculations, only dumb fuckers think these fuys are smart

>> No.7666174

>muh sekrit club elitism
Fuck off

>> No.7666206

"What amazes me..."
>crowd is tense, suspension building
"about the universe..."
>someone lets out a gasp, last rows stand up to witness this
"is how it is so unimaginably.."
>people knocking over chairs and mauling their way through the crowd to get closer
"BIG it is."
>stampede ensues, heads explode from trying to imagine the size of the universe, only those who wear steel-lined fedoras can contain their brains
>National Geopraphic directors climb mountains of bodies to get to le black science man and make offers of TV shows of him explaining how big the universe is
>christians worldwide shoot themselves in after this display of reasoning. God himself descends from the sky and vanishes in a puff of logic.

>> No.7666326


Even though i'm a huge fan,you can never compare him to Einstein

>> No.7666393


>> No.7666405
File: 102 KB, 391x437, Smiling_redhead_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for this m8

>> No.7666521
File: 431 KB, 493x438, 1430573118120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done.

>> No.7666532
File: 38 KB, 422x600, 1437151895683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as cool as Sagan but then again, that's the point, to appeal to as broad a spectrum of people as possible, especially youth.

>> No.7666622


>> No.7666988

Yes in that he's a meme scientist, no in terms of contributions.

>> No.7668503 [DELETED] 

>test [math]\displaystyle \int \text{test 1234}[/math]
>[math]\displaystyle \int \text{test 1234}[/math]
> [math]\displaystyle \int \text{test 1234}[/math]
>test [math]\displaystyle \int \text{test 1234}[/math] test