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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7660997 No.7660997 [Reply] [Original]

So which is superior?

>> No.7661000


>> No.7661001

Commas for thousands are generally uncessary, 19000000000 is equal to 19,000,000,000 the commas only exist for ease of reading. Decimal point is vastly superior though.

>> No.7661002

do you pronounce the comma "point" or "comma" when saying numbers?

>> No.7661003


>> No.7661004

The one that I use.

>> No.7661006

This. Trips of truth.

Fuck you retarded singlet nigger.

>> No.7661009

in german 1,7 is eins komma sieben
which sounds better than eins punkt sieben
i admit in endlish point sounds better

>> No.7661010
File: 27 KB, 599x337, 1433943798053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e is better because the first few digits are super awesome.
2.7 18281828

>> No.7661026

Do euros actually use commas as decimals? Why?

>> No.7661042

because we are not so retarded as to have to use commas to group our big numbers into three digit groups, and a comma is easier to write on the chalkboard that a point

>> No.7661066

> use commas to group our big numbers into three digit groups
Don't see the problem
>a comma is easier to write on the chalkboard that a point
lmao who the fuck still uses whiteboards? Backwards continentals. To believe we are still in the EU associating with peasants like yourself.

>> No.7661082

I'm from Germany, but I use points for decimal points, half spaces to divide large numbers (although I rarely ever write numbers like that) and an x for exponential notation like [eqn] 12! = 479 \, 001 \, 600 \approx 4.8 \times 10^{8} [/eqn]. I like it better this way. I need to do it in papers anyway.

The German notation would be [eqn] 12! = 479.001.600 \approx 4{,}8 \cdot 10^{8} [/eqn] in case anybody doesn't know or is curious.

>> No.7661100

What is the exact reason that eqn-tags don't work any longer? This place is going to shit man

>> No.7661106

>little englander
>calling anyone a peasant
The irony is too strong.

>> No.7661130

dot is the end of something.. like a sentence. does pi end after 3? Nope. you are just trying to seperate something, like you do with commas in a sentence.

therefore , > .

>> No.7661390


>> No.7661396

>Don't see the problem
the problem is that you want to use the comma for something else dumbass

>lmao who the fuck still uses whiteboards? Backwards continentals. To believe we are still in the EU associating with peasants like yourself.
da fuck you learn off of?

>> No.7661409

>das this

>> No.7661906

Friendly reminder that Nigerian GNP is 3x that of Portugal.

>> No.7661919

>does pi end after 3?
decimal notation is a hack, a kludge, a clumsy combination of the integers and inexact solutions to ratios of integers

it's entirely appropriate to put a full stop separation between the 3 and the rest in pi, because you're talking about two entirely different types of numbers

>> No.7661922

Comma for making large numbers more readable. Points for decimal places.

>> No.7661928

gotta say, that's pretty retarded

>> No.7662018

So when you write any math expression you put a dot at the end?

>> No.7662025

That's in grammar dumbfuck, we're talking about math.

>> No.7662031

>number one ends with an s
Fuck off Germany

>> No.7662034

when you reach the big boys league, people should be able to read your work like it is written in prose

>> No.7662042

>what is per capita

>> No.7662050
File: 9 KB, 436x386, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to make a new post, but as this seems a bit related.
Which one does /sci/ use?
>inb4 parenthesis

>> No.7662056


asterisks master race

>> No.7662058

I honestly have not written down a numerical calculation like that in years.

>> No.7662062


>> No.7662083

And where is that on my keyboard?

>> No.7662106
File: 155 KB, 1021x1131, Bkw1C9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you speak the language of the universe

>> No.7662120

Ok you win this round but I still think Portugal's economy is embarrasing considering their GNP per capita ($26,000) Is not even double Botswana's ($15,000). One is white, in Western Europe and had a global empire, the other is a bunch of hut dwelling black tribesmen in the asscrack of the world.

>> No.7662128

Asterisk for scalar multiplication because there's no easy accessible dot on the keyboard and the x is vector product.

>> No.7662136

why the fuck would you do it on a keyboard without using Latex.

>> No.7662162

America wins again