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7656863 No.7656863 [Reply] [Original]

what's the future going to be like?

>> No.7656866

The human race being just as shit as it always was in new ways, and maybe new places.

It'd be good for the universe if we never managed to leave Earth. We're going to spread like a disease.

>> No.7656869

Three primary possibilities:

1.Humans remain on earth. Humans continue being humans. Theres pain, war, struggle, despite some things being improved. Everyone keeps on getting by, particularly poor places get richer, etc.

2. Humans leave earth. Basically precisely above except we also have people on other planets. Cool!

3.Industrial society collapses and we go back to preindustrial living. Humans continue being humans just as they did for thousands of years.

>Le humans so ebil meme
>le man so sinful meme

>> No.7656873

Not evil, intrinsically broken. We aren't able to be or create anything we don't hate on some level. This is potentiated by existing in a group.

>> No.7656878

>intrinsically broken
>we hate everything we create

Please go back to /lit/

>> No.7656879

Impossible to tell. We could all be wiped out, grow extinct, have another dark age, travel the stars, earth could blow up, a higgs boson could wipe out the universe. Etc.

The way things are going, too many people are fixated on the small mindset that is their day to day (make munz, fuck, fill my face, interwebz) and are still diluted by petty social problems and religion to really wrap their heads around space travel and working towards finding a new home and actually making a better future instead of pissing our lives away.

>> No.7656883

I can't go back somewhere I've never been.

>> No.7656888

go back to the idiot house

just to be clear: the idiot house is your house.

>> No.7656893

less futuristic then we previously imagined

filled with mediocrity and humanities failures
also harsh realizations

>> No.7656898

Ascension and Enlightenment.

>> No.7656902

mudslimes and nignogs errywhere

>> No.7656905

>wiped out
Unlikely except in the case of an 'everything but the mosquitos and the jellyfish are dead' level extinction event. Also, 'humans' havnt had a general 'dark age.' Intellectual achievement always varies from place to place, and even the european dark ages werent really that 'dark,' we just say 'dark' cause we lack alot of historical record on them.

And dont worry, about
>The way things are going, too many people are fixated on the small mindset that is their day to day (make munz, fuck, fill my face, interwebz) and are still diluted by petty social problems and religion to really wrap their heads around space travel and working towards finding a new home and actually making a better future instead of pissing our lives away.
anon. Its not the way things are going, people have always been fixated on their day to day lives. We're kinda programmed to, if anything our ability to engage in long-term thinking and planning, even to viscerally feel convictions about those long term ideas and plans is remarkable, despite not totally dominating our minds/being able to totally dominate our minds at our will.

>> No.7656910

I'm already there then.

>> No.7656912
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We know, anon. We know.

>> No.7657288

Good projections of your virgin failures in life.

>> No.7657332

Nobody knows.

You've got three big hurdles:

Humanity not managing to fuck up the earth to the point where it becomes inhabitable before (or if) we develop methods of interstellar travel and colonization.

We escape the solar system before the sun goes. That's such an absurdly long amount of time that a civilization managing not to implode would be a miracle and at that point we would hardly be human but that's the biggest threat to our descendants.

We spread out to the stars in such a vast expanse that even the fall of solar systems is not a major concern for the new species that come. We then discover some flaw in entropy and can avoid heat death/find some miracle scifi bullshit that let's us avoid heat death in some way.

If "humanity" (and what it evolves into) can beat its own self destructive habits, the sun, and then entropy well damn we basically beat the universe the end.

However the effort and span of time to avoid the first hurdle alone is so enormous you'd never be able to begin to guess. The second two issues are in the realm of billions and then more than a googol respectively which means that "humanity" and "new humanity" have managed to avoid blowing themselves up for a longer amount of time than the universe has existed which would be pretty impossible.

>> No.7657388


We've certainly seen an unprecedented increase in technological and scientific advancement in the last ~100~ years but for a good portion of it our advancements are becoming more and more in consumer industries.

A big step forward is becoming a spacefaring civilization which the ability to colonize in solar system and outside. This would require a massive change in how we go about space travel (even memedrive working is a small step forward) and a massive change in our society to be willing to fund such a large scale undertaking which frankly I can't see happening.

So you either get us staying on earth for X amount of years until we manage to fuck ourselves over in some way or an unknown outside threat kills us all or we escape to the stars on ark ships either finding a way to get around lightspeed or at least getting close and then intending to have long term space colonies. The second scenario would greatly help scientific advancement but is unlikely.

>> No.7657408

How it is unlikely..? I think it is the most likely scenario..

>> No.7657412

Bullshit... Humans are going to stay on earth... We will develop ultra advanced virtual reality so we can life forever with our waifus .

>> No.7657433

It requires a massive and I mean massive group effort by basically every government. An ark ship needs massive scientific breakthroughs in engine design among a bunch of other shit involving being able to survive long term space travel AND colonization of a planet.

The science to make it isn't anywhere near close and the resources required would mean basically every nation chip in to send off an incredibly small portion of the population.

You'd either have to have a unified world government that can pull in those resources or an extinction level event that would necessitate this. With the extinction level event reasoning it would mean that's a last ditch effort to save someone and that almost assures there's no time to actually design and build such a craft.

To realistically go about sending off legitimately large portions of people into space WITH a craft able to successfully make a journey out of solar system WITH an engine able to not make it 400 years before getting there WITH resources to colonize a probably barely livable planet would require science we aren't anywhere near reaching.

>> No.7657457

And it will happen in less than 2000 years.

>> No.7657465

Based on the exponential progress of the tech it would be possible in the near one to three thousand years. Even less.

>> No.7657475

You fucking liberals sound so stupid. You act like you know everything and you think you're so much better and smarter than everything else. Global warming and environmental destruction is a non-issue. Liberals are just using it as a means to unjustly attack capitalism. Communism didn't prevail the first time, but maybe if you can scare everyone into thinking there's going to be an environmental apocalypse caused by human activity, then you guys can take over and subject everyone to your tyrannical control.

In reality you guys sound stupid as shit. Basic science says that matter and energy can't be created or destroyed. If that's the case, which it is, then you sound retarded when you say that our practices are unsustainable and that we need to remodel our civilization. All you guys seem to have is scare tactics, but no actual evidence to prove what you're saying.

So how about learning to think before you speak and presenting some actual evidence instead of just complaining about bullshit and using buzzwords like the "ozone layer" and "greenhouse effect", and other nonsense.

>> No.7657482

I'm not talking about wasteful energy sources or any shit like that. I literally mean blowing ourselves up (or an equally cataclysmic series of events) due to some unforeseen scenario.

>> No.7657503

blah blah blah blah blah. The effects of nuclear war have also been exaggerated by the jewish-liberal media. Its all part of an attempt ultimately overthrow capitalism and eradicate the aryan race. At this point the only hope for the aryan race is to use nuclear weapons to eradicate anyone who poses a threat to western civilization while we still have the upper hand. Europe is already being invaded my Muslims and homosexuals. If we don't take action soon, our race is doomed, which is precisely why the Jewish media is trying to manipulate us into thinking that nuclear arms are big and bad and scary.

>> No.7657525

Not him but go to sleep /pol/.

>> No.7657601

Eventually the future will be a long series of pastoral eras much like what Humans lived through in the past. After all, once fossil fuels critically deplete, there just won't be high-density energy sources to run anything more than an early 1800s existence.

Without energy input, systems don't function. You retards supposedly learn that in physics classes, but when it comes to applying that knowledge to the real world, you conveniently drop that information and keep believing in the Eternal Energy Bunny or something.

>> No.7657760

You must be above 18 to post here.

>> No.7657777


>> No.7657885

We are going to hit our intellectual or physical limit before we are able to create artificial intelligence or create space stations or colonize other planets, so scientific progress remains stagnant and the politics of the world just goes on like it has for thousands of years.

>> No.7657895

We've long ago hit our physically limit with reason.

Our advancements in science have not stopped over the years. The only complaints people have is that major breakthroughs are not happening every year for X field but we can still see that we're on a continued upward trend of the impossible to actually graph "science bullshit:.

>> No.7657900

By physical limit I meant something like how we wont be able to make processors smaller to create a substantial raise in processing power
Bad word choice

>> No.7657902
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>le humans are dumb violent primates meme

Considering everything we are and have been and will be is the product of an exploded star I think we are doing pretty damn good. Stop devaluing humanity. Yes we are violent but at least we arent microbes lumping it 500,000 feet below the surface of an icy moon of Jupiter.

>> No.7657908

Its not a meme, its a funny truth

>> No.7657911
File: 9 KB, 303x166, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, dear reader, will be a deathless carrion brain baron preserved in a killswitch cryojar. Your loyal attendants will all be sex robots living in virtual reality. You will derive perpetual wealth from by renting out parking space to self-driving self-budgeting cars. For daily amusement, you will pulverize asteroids with your electromagnetic interplanetary catapult, then purchase all the star cop companies that come after you. Your mind will have been uploaded ten gazillion times.

And that's just you, dear reader, as single and insignificant as any human ever was. What we together will achieve, as a society, boggles the ever-loving mind. A fire in every hearth, a chicken in every pot. We'll put dank glowing megashards on every spheroid and eliminate all the semispheroids. We'll have black hole supercomputers simulating even cooler computers, genetically engineered genetic engineers engineering genetic engines. It'll be sweet as shit, dear reader, and you'll be there.

>> No.7657926

It's a base truth that some people have trouble with. Probably due to a limited, or very small range of experiences.

You're one of those people that has trouble with it, and you're not worthy of trust as a result. What man is to trust an animal that believes himself otherwise?

>> No.7657929


>> No.7657932
File: 29 KB, 490x333, 1425179041076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm your tits sperglord you'll have a hemorrhage

>> No.7657940

Literally "I cant comprehend the fact that my species is collectively denying each-other our primal desire to kill, you must be autistic"
Not even him

>> No.7657953

> I cant comprehend the fact that my species is collectively denying each-other our primal desire to kill

Knees weak arms spaghetti

>> No.7657954

I'm not like anon, but man. Humans as a whole are pretty incapable of reasonable thinking. And we no longer select for intelligence when breeding, so it's not like that's going to change in the future. Hopefully we stop moving toward democracy at some point because this shit is resulting in really stupid policies. No, I don't mean we should be a dictatorship. I'm not /pol/. I'd just like a Republic even further insulated from the masses than the US has now.

>> No.7657958

Go around killing people then. See how far you get.

>> No.7657964

>denying each other
Did you miss that part?

>> No.7657969
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>> No.7657975
File: 31 KB, 480x360, ben carson pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to break it to you, but the future will be much like the past.

>> No.7657976

>ITT: Intellectually dishonest memeing retards

>> No.7657984

All advanced civilizations probably go thorough this phase of growing pains.
It's a high class problem. Most life in the galaxy probably never moves on from simple organisms.

>> No.7657986

>Humans as a whole are pretty incapable of reasonable thinking.

That's a meaningless thing to say because "reasonable thinking" is relative.

>And we no longer select for intelligence when breeding, so it's not like that's going to change in the future.

We do as much as we always have, more or less. And all that Idiocracy shit will be irrelevant when we inevitably figure out how to edit genes for intelligence. (Yes there will be a lot of butthurt about it, but if only 0.1% thinks it's a good idea then it will still happen.)

>> No.7657987

>ITT: Edgy sperglord who thinks the world owes him something

>> No.7657991

that was my first post in this thread senpai

>> No.7658158


>> No.7658287

Humans achieve mastery over electromagnets
After understanding the fundamentals of matter we discover how to harness fusion power
From there we colonize the solar system, making attempts to use electromagnetic drive systems to explore our nearby solar cluster
In the end we discover how to create 0 distance wormholes instead, allowing for portal jumps to other systems
Mass expansion occurs.
From there I cannot say.

>> No.7658329

>tfw I actually AM a microbe bumping it beneath and icy moon of Jupiter

Not gonna tell you which one though

>> No.7658427

Mining all over the solar system using the em drive. Using helium-3 found across the solar system, we will power the em drives using fusion power. On earth we will eradicate 20% of the population, remove population centres and return earth to an agrarian society. Hopefully we will have developed EM drive technology to the point where it is useful for travel outside our solar system and we will reach other solar systems in as little as 10-20 years. Religions like islam, fundamentalist christianity/judaism and native folk systems(especially ancestor worship) will be wiped out whilst buddhism, orthodox/catholic christianity, judaism, taoism and hinduism will be allowed to flourish. Eventually we will be zooming around our solar system whilst automated systems will be cultivating farm lands on earth in as little as 20 years from now. You might laugh now but you will appreciate my insight into the very near future when you're vacationing on pluto/mars. Amen

>> No.7658612

Here are my predictions for the next 100 years:
Fusion power becomes widely adopted.
International energy grid constructed with the ability to store some of its energy
Launch loops constructed by us and china reducing the cost of getting into space to similar levels as plane tickets.
Meme drive is used primarily for satellites.
Venus gets colonized because everyone realizes that earth's twin sister is actually very habitable (which it is, much more so than mars, floating cities aren't pure meme)
Veneran cloud cities become independent by 2100 due to the unexpected success of geothermally mining the atmosphere for energy and the ease of production of these cities.
Asteroid mining will become adopted.
Towards the end of the 2070's the first ftl interstellar probes will be sent out.
Moors law stops being relevant by 2042
First officially recognized contact with intelligent aliums 2027

>> No.7658697

yea i remember being 15 years old too

>> No.7658705

My dick.

>> No.7658729


>> No.7658736

>Veneran cloud cities
Explain to me why this is any better than putting space stations in orbit around the earth

>> No.7658737

I like your optimism

>> No.7658834

>living on Venus
>claims Venus is habitable
>disregards caustic atmosphere
>doesn't see why we need to put cities in upper stratosphere when we can do the same here.
>for a helluva lot less
>unless Venus has gorgeous women
>then never fucking mind, let's go Venus

>> No.7658858

within 50 years jeebus will save us

>> No.7658861


He already saved us anon

>> No.7658862

Pretty beautiful since humans won't be around.

>> No.7658865

oui, oui

>> No.7658866

>Moores Law stops being relevant in 2042

Great. We have 200 years of technological stagnation to look forward to

>muh face when quantum computerz are perfected
>can't determine if that will happen or not

>> No.7658964


If the aerospace industry develops to the point where the cost is less than 100$ per kilogram, the colonization of the Veneran atmosphere is inevitable.

For interest sake:
http://slides.launchloop.com//launchloop.pdf (Illustrative of concept more than viability)

>> No.7659462

Probably not that interesting. Within the next 60 years it's not like society will be a totally different sci-fi land.

You'll have better phones, tvs, and computers but nothing ground breaking There will be some economic good times and bad times but nothing life changing. You'll get old, then you'll die, loved ones will pay their respects then enjoy whatever the popular entertainment media or venue of the time is. The form of entertainment may be different, but it will be the same stories that our ancestors told eachother around campfires thousands of years ago.

In a nutshell, not much. Slightly different media and clothes but that's it.

>> No.7659491

Within the last 60 years we've had some major advancements. It's not going to be sci fi world but it's going to be more than a simple advancement in consumer goods.

>> No.7659502

Like the future.

>> No.7659511

> Stop devaluing humanity.

When I note that the price of a pile of dogshit is low, I'm not "devaluing" it, I'm merely noting the price is low.

Human are violent simians. We've only come this far due to intense exploitation of fossil fuels, i.e. stored sunlight. Well, there's only so much of that to get at prices that commoners can afford; once depletion of fossil fuels reaches critical levels, all this Human socio-econo-techno advancement will come to a screeching halt.

There will be an "Elysium". But not exactly like that. There will be little Elysiums all over the planet, surrounded by empty lands and Rio-density Human hives. Humans arrange themselves that way. We're pathetically top-down in our social arrangements and only cheap fossil fuels allowed us to pretend otherwise for a century or two. But time grinds on, fuels deplete, and the true tendency of our violent, vicious nature will take hold.

>> No.7659519

Nah. If you live in the first world and are middle class life isn't too different.

My senpai still watches TV together, it's a HD flatscreen instead of black and white tube but that hardly matters. Get up, go to work (you'll be driving), come home, pay your bills, eat dinner, shower, go to bed rinse and repeat.

Maybe this is a huge shift if your family is in rural India but it's the same routine if you're in suburban New York. Right now I'm a little nervous about upcoming exams, I spoke to my parents on the phone today; decades ago my grandpa did the exact same thing, just with a different gadget. Also when I was born I got more vaccinations, but I don't think a man in the 1950s would collapse on the floor in awe and amazement if we told him these things. It's no big deal, and it's to be expected.

>> No.7659525

>Here you go sir from the 50s this is a small phone in my pocket that has access to most human knowledge not that impressive I know sorry about no flying cars

>> No.7659529

>you gave it to me in 1955, so there's no network connection

Wow this is the fanciest paper weight ever!

>> No.7659534

Except nanotech, brain interfaces, robotics, automation and countless of other applications of computing have the potential to radically change the world.

>> No.7659549

I don't think you fully understand how much fossil fuels we have.

At CURRENT economic state, we have ~500 years of run-of-mine to production coal. 50 years of economical oil to extract. 90 Years of natural gas.

And when we run out we can either synth heavy hydrocarbons and continue using conventional fossil fuel technology, or synth natural gas and steam reform it into hydrogen gas and power our consumer economy off of PEM cells. We could even use solar power to run electrolysis processes and store chemical energy that way.

We have a fuckload of energy. We will engineer our way around it when we need to. A second industrial revolution will happen somewhere down the line, infastructure will be a mess for maybe a generation while we shift things over (if we even end up needed to). Until then fossil fuels are a wildly cheap and effective form of energy that isn't going away any time soon.

>> No.7659553

nanotech is vapor memetech

I'm sure people will still be experimenting with brain interfaces in 30 years, some of then might be a little better too. None will be available to you.

>> No.7660672


>None will be available to you.

Except that they have been since late 2000's, if you've followed then news. The Emotiv's EEG headset seems to be the most advanced and has had most media coverage lately.

Though they still seem extremely difficult to work with.

>> No.7660734

*Elliot Rodgers likes this*

>> No.7660812

Oh so we're going back to the 50s to introduce examples of modern technology but at the same time it doesn't count if the we can't take the infrastructure required to make use of it?

>Cars are basically just shitty wagons if you don't have a means to create fuel

>> No.7660841

ayy lmao and human breeding, probably

>> No.7660869

Not even a little hint senpai?

>> No.7660871

>meme drive
>Asian religions so much better than white/brown ones
Spotted the weeaboo

>> No.7660986

>Get rid of ancestor worship religions
>Lets let Asiatic religions flourish instead
>Shinto culture who?

Ok buddy, almost time for your nap and anime fap session.

>> No.7661016
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We're going to drill out a cavern under the entire Asian continent so close to the mantle that it'll heat us from there and then install millions of fusion drives all over the planet and go hunting for for intelligent life at near light speed

We'll also increase the rotational speed of the earth 100 fold and plus to generate electricity from the magnetic fields, earth will look like a giant satellite with its great wings of windmill like electricity catchers and will glow like a dwarf star from all the fusion reactors; no longer will those 'praise muh sun' nut buggers be shitting up the boards

P.S. I'm to lazy to but write a sci-fi about this

>> No.7661020

>ctrl+f "ww3", "world war"
>no results
We're on the brink.

>> No.7661031

No we aren't. Putin's gone senile and some angsty teenagers are gathering in Syria to shoot themselves in the foot. There is no truly global tension, just global reporting. China went capitalist a long time ago to join in the corporate world in which war is unprofitable (surviving only on government subsidies and extreme governmental debt) and the concept of national borders is meaningless.

>> No.7661034

That's good to hear, I actually wanted to hear that as a reply. Thanks.

>> No.7661049

>kill ancestor worship
>leave hinduism(india)
>and taoism(china)
Kill yourselves you philistines.

>> No.7661080

>Lets keep taoism and hinduism, because ancestor worship sucks

What is the great temple of Zhang Hui? What is pitri-paksha?

Calm down, I know the anime saturation has melted most of your brain into a blob but make one last attempt at rational thought.

>> No.7661092

He didn't mention japan once, you thick fucking cunt.
Not that he wasn't retarded. "native and folk systems" is an almost meaningless phrase.

>> No.7661096

He didn't say it outright, but my weeb detection skills have been honed beyond those any mere mortal man.

>> No.7661110
File: 790 KB, 2400x1013, 20jung.3-2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the future is going to be

Massive destruction of the natural world ("Wilds")

Massive migration of the billions currently in less-desirable places in the world to areas of greater desirability in massive waves of mob movement as the climate becomes incompatible with human life at the poles.

The survival of multiple, contradictory, anti-rational "religious faith" cults of an apocalyptic, transcendental nature that will maintain and expand the control they have globally.

AI and robotics will replace human intellectual and physical capacity.

By 2100 I predict most of the planet incompatible with human life with desperate geoengineering going on at a massive scale, and there will be consensus that these activities are merely slowing the inevitable conversion of the entire Earth system to something utterly unrecognizable to inhabitants of the 19th century.

By 2200, I estimate human populations at less than 99.99999% of current levels. Survivors will all live at or near in the poles. AI and robotics may or may not survive. Most of the oceans and land areas will no longer have recognizable species distribution, and be much less populated by "higher life forms".

2300 we are extinct. The planet's biological adaptations and climate stabilization and adjustment period lasts 100,000 years during which fungal and bacterial species dominate.

Intelligent life never re-emerges in this galaxy.

The end

>> No.7661114

>incompatible with human life at the poles.

Meant: incompatible with human life at the equator- spreading toward the poles

>> No.7661121

We already do geoengineering on a massive scale and it works very well. There is nothing wrong with converting earth into "something unrecognizable to inhabitants of the 19th century". That is called progress. I would be more concerned if 19th century humans showed up in 2100 and were like "hm, not much seems to have changed around here... What have you guys been up to, anyways?"

>> No.7661123


Only one thing will be guaranteed, OP. You'll still be a virgin autist with a neckbeard.

>> No.7661143
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>We already do geoengineering on a massive scale and it works very well.

I didn't say there was something "wrong" with converting the Earth's surface to "something unrecognizable in the 19th century", but you are right I am implying there is something "wrong" with this.

Lets imagine there are two moral systems between us, one moral system is predicated on the idea that we should not destroy the "wild" (natural processes requiring no external physical or energetic support) because we hold various moral imperatives that such a thing is not morally acceptable.

On the other hand, there is a moral system which holds that there is nothing inherently valuable about such "wild" systems and indeed, something necessary about the conversion of those systems to systems which require the ongoing investment of energy to maintain, in most cases, resulting in a system which bears no resemblance to its former state, and whose conversion stands to provide benefit to "humanity"- as defined as the people who profit from the conversion directly or indirectly.

I concede that the latter moral system is dominant and widespread. Forget that I may or may not hold the opinion that this fact is "good"... as an exercise of futurism, you may call me a pessimist, or a "communist" or any other name.

The fact is, I am merely predicting, on the basis of my opinions, arising from my education, experience, observations, and so on, that ultimately, the real effects of the mass conversion of these systems will in fact terminally undermine the capability of the planet's ability to sustain, indeed, any population of large, warm-blooded land mammals, including us.

As this is an exercise in futurism, and not a proper debate of moral systems, maybe you should present your predictions of the future and list of arguable assumptions toward those conclusions.

>> No.7661202

Alright, I will do that.

Remain dependent on fossil fuel technologies into the year 2400-2500. Globally we have 500 years of run-of-mine to production coal, 50 years of oil we can extract economically, 90 years of natural gas. We will burn all of it before there is an economic push for anything else.

Once we've run out we'll be forced to synth either heavy hydrocarbons, or what is more likely synth natural gas and steam reform it into hydrogen fuel.

There will be 1-2 generations where infastructure is a mess because we're shifting over the consumer energy economy to PEM driven applications.

This marks the start of the second industrial revolution (circa 2600). Solar panels begin being used to directly run electrolysis processes and store their energy as chemical potential instead of electricity.

Industrial processes move towards molten carbonate energy generation and storage.

A shift from sulphide ores to oxide ores bloats metal production and coupled with the new energy economy, a second industrial revolution is triggered. We dig down and build up on unprecedented scales. Population growth demands that a communal caste system is put in place to maintain order and optimize productivity.

It is not until 2700 that planetary colonization is actually performed due to the eventual overcrowding of the now primarily urban earth. Until now now economic argument for colonization was reasonable. Now demand for living space makes it a viable option.

End of timeline that matters. Planetary colonization basically guarantees humanity will not be wiped out by a freak virus or disaster.

Within 5000 years stellar colonialism is possible.

After this point allopatric speciation is inevitable as humanity spreads her arms further and further. Distinct species emerge. There become segments of humanity which are too far detached from one another that they are incapable of interacting or communicating with any efficacy.

Galactic colonialism never occurs.

>> No.7661525

>Artificial Intelligence
We already have usable [as opposed to sci-fi 'human but actually a machine'] AI, as google's reverse image search and programs that can learn to play video games better than masters can demonstrate. Self-driving cars [which require a huge amount of knowledge on what's around them to function] could also be said to be a form of AI. Humanlike AI, however, probably won't come around for a very long time, if only because hiring someone to do what the AI would be doing is far cheaper than developing an electronic solution.

>space stations
We already have the ISS. Anything substantially larger than that isn't worth building until there's enough going on beyond earth's orbit to justify one.

> planetary colonization
We probably could have done it in the 80s, were we willing to continue the rate of spending that happened in the space race. The technology's more r less there (once you find a way to deal with solar radiation and a surface that's more abrasive than sandpaper, you're golden), but the reasons to go haven't been compelling enough.

>> No.7661530
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>planetary colonization
>The technology's more r less there

>> No.7661720

Earth will be reclaimed by nature, not for some moral reason, but simply as a grand garden; a work of art. Man shall reside in gleaming arcologies, the global population will be several billion strong (probably less than what we have now) and will enjoy comforts equal or greater than modern 1st world nation-states.

Depending on how far energy technology and fabrication technology comes along (ranging from vat grown meat to molecular factories), it is possible that a good portion of man would reside in orbital habitats.

>> No.7661729

>a good portion of man would reside in orbital habitats

Yeah because it makes total sense that humanity would migrate into fragile orbiting colonies susceptible to dozens of cataclysmic disasters every second instead of continuing to live on the Earth. Get real faggot.

>> No.7661731

Regardless of whether humans are turning Earth into a sauna, it's not good practice to dump pollutants into rivers, nor is it a good idea to rely entirely on fossil fuels.

They WILL run out at some point; and our best bet is nuclear fusion.

Of course, this isn't to say that capitalism isn't a wonderful system; it's the best we have when near-complete knowledge of markets is near-impossible to achieve, but that's not to say it's perfect.

The difference between the invisible hand, and the hand of god (a coercive, directing force such as the state) is that the invisible hand is dumb, blind, and careless.

>> No.7661740

If you want to get down to semantics the technology to actually send someone to a nearby planet with the sole intention of "live there" is totally there.

It's a matter of logistics and there being literally no reason to do it.

>> No.7661748

Hey, OP said "the future", not "the near future".

If we assume that all, or most of the pressing concerns with orbital habitation have been solved (especially logistics), then there is no reason why humans wouldn't live in orbital habitats.

I mean, fuck; assuming we have plenty of asteroid mining and some degree of skill in planetary engineering, a ringworld (ringmoon?) around the equator of the Earth would add an amazing amount of land.

Again, we're assuming that this is the "future", not the "near future"

>> No.7661880

We're going to colonize Mars; maybe set up stations in the outer Solar System around the gas giants.

Life will be fucking great.

>> No.7661893

Societal collapse like Walking Dead but without all the zombies or niggers. Most people starve to death early on without the infrastructure to distribute food. Depending on who dies, wide swathes of technology are lost until they are rediscovered, while other technology is saved and stagnates for years.

>> No.7662052


>shift from sulphide ores to oxide ores

Is that even remotely possible?

>> No.7662064

The concept of European people or White people will not have a meaning basically.

>> No.7662587

Self-destruction probably. Like every other intelligent civilization, which is why the galaxy is so quiet and empty.

>> No.7662593

>Most people starve to death early on without the infrastructure to distribute food.

We're all aware of how to plant a seed.

>> No.7662601

We'll've discovered a cure for nearly all illnesses. (Quantum computing ftw)

Cars'll be electric. Likely all homes using plasma technology and especially generators for home power.

China's already altering genes.

Alien contact if they're anywhere near us.

>> No.7662609

We already do large scale heap leaching for copper oxides, roughly 20% of global copper production. the only reason it is not more common is because sulphide ores haven't been depleted enough to make more widespread operations economically appealing.

If recoveries can be pushed past 60-70% (current levels) by using recycle streams or if better leaching agents are developed it will happen even faster.

>> No.7662631
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>> No.7662638

>there is no reason why humans wouldn't live in orbital habitats.

Cost, and lack of any pressing need or profitable business model that would justify such high cost projects

The question is not "why not", but "why".

>I mean, fuck; assuming we have plenty of asteroid mining

Why? It cannot compete with sourcing those same metals from the ocean floor, or even recycling them.

>> No.7662652
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Venerian high-atmosphere settlements would be relatively cheap. The high density/ high pressure atmosphere would allow for buoyant forces of light gases to keep large masses in low atmosphere orbit.

I think it is better to say that humans will live in orbital habitats surrounding gas planets with suitable pressure conditions.

If your main point was that orbital habitats surrounding rocky planets are high cost and low benefit, then yes that is an adequate assessment, but there are some applications where it would be feasible if we let our sci-fi brains run amok.

>> No.7662744

biological immortality and AI hopefully
after these developments(which I expect in the next 300 years)
Our possibilities open the fuck up

>> No.7662758

We'll probably fuck up the earth even more than we already have, for real. But I'd like to think the earth will be a happy place. Full of candy floss, Michael Bublé and none of this ISIS bullshit.

>> No.7662869


I'm sure there are institutions actively pursuing such methods. And I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone (or some company) picks up on what we've learned and uses these new techniques at the least landed cost.


>> No.7662874


Wouldn't we run into cost problems (as well as safety problems) building such habitats in the upper atmosphere of Venus?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to do it elsewhere?

>> No.7662877


We could see stations built in low orbit around the larger gas giants (particularly Saturn) in order to harvest Helium-3 (for spacecraft propulsion).

>> No.7662906

By definition there are going to be cost problems doing anything in space, so we can't really get into that without arguing specifics of different proposals.

If by elsewhere you mean Mars, maybe, maybe not. Venus is closer to earth than mars so there's the argument that you could save on fuel, and since you're not actually landing on a rocky surface and are staying in low orbit you can save significantly by removing atmospheric re-entry components from your design (think back to how complex landing curiosity on mars was).

Also venus' atmosphere would be ~75 degrees C whereas Mars would be about -30. Both manageable but it is less energetically intensive to remove heat than generate it.

Also, above the atmospheric layers Venus offers a steady supply of high quality solar energy as there would be no ionosphere shielding, whereas Mars offers an opportunity to expand mining operations - but we can largely do that on earth.

>> No.7662934

Unknowable, really.

If I'm to guess, there's a certain technological limit that will sadly mean we never truly leave our solar system.

At least, it will be near-impossible to maintain a cohesive interstellar civilization, simply because of the sheer distance involved. So far we haven't found any hospitable worlds in our immediate area, and the process of terraforming itself could last centuries at a time.

Of course I could be (and likely am) wrong, because the future is unlike the past in that it cannot be described with an encyclopedia or predicted. Many at the turn of the 20th century believed we'd be living like the Jetsons by now.

>> No.7662941

As far as outside Earth goes, the Moon and Mars are the easiest places for us to settle.

>> No.7662943

Biological immortality in next 50 years please :'(

>> No.7662949

First biologically immortal humans will have to be engineered pre-zygote or in the womb.

Nobody already alive will ever become immortal after the fact, I'm sorry to break it to you :(

>> No.7662953

You'll still get a cancer and die eventually.
Three to four hundred years of youth does sound nice though.

>> No.7662958
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You're gonna die eventually man, I'm sorry.
Try not to think about impending death, but rather focus on the time you have left.

Death takes everyone after enough time, just like entropy, no one can truly escape its effects.

>> No.7663000

planting != farming.

Try to grow food in your backyard, it will show you how difficult it is to have enough food to eat just by growing it. It's still a miracle that we can get fresh fruits and veggies every single day at the supermarket. Probably one of mankind's best inventions.

>> No.7663003

Isn't the biggest obstacle when beating "natural death" more the body just breaking down than dying of cancer.

I'm not saying we're anywhere close to beating cancer but targeting specific cancers seems a more doable goal than trying to figure out why cells just degrade and get shittier over time.

>> No.7663010

>just like entropy, no one can truly escape its effects.

Death is easily observable. While we can view entropy in a small closed system applying that to something as large as the universe can only be done by making a lot of assumptions of shit we aren't sure about.

>> No.7664686
