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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7654216 No.7654216 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you on /sci/?

>> No.7654220

I have no friends in my grad school cohort

>> No.7654250

sauce on pic?

>> No.7654252

Because shitposing on /sci/ is easier than studying for classes or having a social life and I'm lazy.

>> No.7654254


i'm on sci because I started on /b/ then browsed /fit/ then migrated to /biz/ and finally /sci/. also because i'm a popmath fag upgrading precalc

>> No.7654255
File: 27 KB, 493x384, funny-science-physics-inclined-plane-how-i-roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lets put it this way.

>> No.7654256

Because people in real life never want to talk about anything that doesn't involve drinking or "you remember that one time we always talk about that thing we did that one time yo."

>> No.7654268

I'm an accountant who kind of regrets not getting a STEM career and really likes reading about STEM things.
I used to browse /g/ but most threads there are just dull computer science shit like desktop screens and linux versions.

>> No.7654273

It's a teacher trying to do a physics demonstration.

The board is covered in nails, pointing into his assistant's chest.

From the fact that he's using an axe, and the fact that he swung carelessly enough to do that, you can tell that he's a complete idiot.

Guess what? That wasn't the end of the demonstration. He went ahead and took another swing. He hit the block on the second try, but it drove the nails into the assistant's chest.

Not all the way in, of course, but he was bleeding quite a bit.

Do the reverse image search on it. You'll find the story.

>> No.7654279

I came here to see if I could find some hilarious threads of pathetic /sci/ dogmatists that take themselves way too seriously; I trust I will not be disappointed.

>> No.7654281

Holy fuck, what an idiot. He deserves to be fired for that.

>> No.7654348
File: 39 KB, 634x363, 2739DBFE00000578-3022741-image-m-5_1427975493636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without more than an instant's delay, he swings again. I can't stop laughing. What the fuck.

The look on the guy's face.

>> No.7654353

Holy fuck it's real.

What the fuck.

>> No.7654364

someone post the video please

>> No.7654366

nvm found it

>> No.7654370


>> No.7654491
File: 53 KB, 600x480, 1442129174676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to feel smart

>> No.7654511

Sci filters science news for me, and I try to help people as much as I can with what they struggle with.
Also I shitpost about climate change sometimes because it's fun to see climatefags get mad. Same with evolution

>> No.7654537

I have no friends and its comforting to communicate with people.

>> No.7654547

I'm a stem major who's probably becoming an accountant since the field is so saturated and the pay is garbage

>> No.7654562
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>dat gif

>> No.7654574
File: 519 KB, 200x189, kramer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck. wow. he didn't use nearly enough nails and they were spaced out too far

>> No.7654660
File: 61 KB, 416x620, 1440474870582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^Absolutely. Lurking here makes me feel smart.
>Let me have my delusion

>> No.7654706

pretty much this and this >>7654220

actually understanding material is much harder than baselessly speculating on pop sci

>> No.7654709

I spend all day working as an engineer, and go to grad school at night, going on here during breaks makes me feel like I have friends

>> No.7654721

I always end up leaving eventually. I'll come back with a question, or for an opinion, and then end up sticking around for a while.

I have no one to talk to otherwise, and unfortunately I've found that without any sort of external mental stimulation that mind begins to atrophy and I become very limited. When I begin to come out of a braindead phase I might end up on 4chan, I get along for a while and have meaningful relatively positive interactions. It slowly sours. I start on the stimulants harder, because that's what made me feel communicative enough to come back to begin with. It reverses and I become myopic and stupid again with growing hostility. So I finally leave again, like I'd thought I should since I first came back.

I'm miserable, burt I don't think I'm lonely in any way that matters. I don't know. My hell comes from inside myself. I'll just keep trying for reconciliation and keep avoiding and abandoning until I find the solution. A lot of you are obnoxious pricks, but most people are probably okay for the most part. I shouldn't feel so hostile and combative.

>> No.7654757

The board is entertaining in its own right, and sometimes something interesting pops up.

>> No.7655268

I was an actual researcher in an actual photonics lab when they added /sci/.
Back then, a lot of us were actually scientists or mathematicians.

A lot of memesters have taken over though, so we've all pretty much left. I only lurk occasionally. Maybe once a week, if even.

>> No.7655290
File: 116 KB, 720x720, IMG_20151112_175439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was/is fun bingewatching numberphile so I thought I'd see what 4chan is into

That captcha...

>> No.7655291

Because I'm a layman and it's the closest I get to observing actual scientific discussion.

>> No.7655298

I'm on my computer all the time doing school work/reading publications, and I can't stand when idiots try to teach other idiots scientific information that's completely incorrect. I correct the mistakes I see. Well, only some, because this place is like a fucking sped convention

>> No.7655301

Sometimes I come on /sci/ because I get really scared of the implications of dying, or the heat death of the universe, or what defines me as me not actually existing.

Then you read shit like the singularity or opposition to the universe being a closed system and it gets a tiny bit better. There are still days when the thought of me almost assuredly ending and the universe ending scares me but it gets a little better sometimes.

>> No.7655306


I mobius strips seem really interesting

>> No.7655310


>> No.7655315

>Why are you on /sci/?
Oops, read that as "WHAT are you on /sci/?"
Ansewer is "RUM AND Tequilla"

>> No.7655317

Whenever the existentialism starts to get to me, I remind myself that the emotions I experience during my brief sentience will be all I ever get, so to be paralyzed by fear is a waste of time.

If that doesn't work then I drink.

>> No.7655321

Eye colour I determined by a single set of genes

>> No.7655324

>what defines me as me not actually existing.

Run and Tequilla guy here:
Cogito Ergo Sum
Your existence is the MOST definite fact in the entire universe.

>> No.7655327

No, it cannot be said to be true that I exist, it can only be said that it is true something exists which perceives itself as me.

>> No.7655335

>I remind myself that the emotions I experience during my brief sentience will be all I ever get,

I like to basically lie to myself about the possibility of immortality or some vague comparable system to reincarnation via infinite time.

>> No.7655337

>tfw you find someone who thinks solipsism isn't sceptical enough.

>> No.7655340

el em ayy owe

>> No.7655417

Because I fell in love with knowledge

>> No.7655542

I like looking at meme science, and people making posts even I know are stupid. Its just funny to watch self-proclaimed smart guys, smart or not, clamor over shit.

>> No.7655571

because i'm taking a break from labwork

>> No.7655578

Procrastinating while pretending to do a literature review while pretending I need to do a lit. review for a model need to program that I'm pretending I don't already know how to program.

I'm just really fucking sick of programming ok?

>> No.7655585
File: 35 KB, 445x599, 1293420060061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer science shit like desktop screens and linux versions.

>> No.7655591


What exactly was he even trying to show?

>> No.7655603

i believe that was what some call a joke

>> No.7655629

that gif is fucked up man
I am on /sci/ mainly to look down on all of you. Its like looking at myself 5 years ago. Typical no friends badly dressed awkward cerebrotonic desperately trying to compensate by acting like I am smarter than all the other autists. When the reality is that I was just another nobody lab monkey. I eventually grew up and realized that if I was truly better than everyone else Id become a millionaire so I dropped out of university to start a product design company. Not a millionaire but making good money and have a load of fun artsy friends so I come here to see what life would have been if I had decided to be a so called genius 25 year old who is still living with mummy.

>> No.7655637

Holy fuck you're a faggy edgelord.

>> No.7655655

That plagiarism doesn't pay

>> No.7656078

distribution of pressure

>> No.7656188

>Because people in real life never want to talk about anything that doesn't involve drinking or "you remember that one time we always talk about that thing we did that one time yo."

This. It's so fucking hard to get into a social circle when they're all talking about internal experiences.

>> No.7656204

/sci/, have you ever felt stupid for forgetting basic math?

>> No.7656243


And he openly admitted he knew jack fucking shit about magnetism and just curved our test so 35% was an A

>> No.7656244


Yeah, but once you get into one you realize it's shit because nobody wants to talk about the things you wanna talk about.

>> No.7656249

because im taking a dank shit and need to read to relax.

>> No.7656291

Quick Google search will tell you you're fukk of shit. The guy under that shit was the AP physics teacher. He just misjudge the amount of nails needed. Otherwise its pretty based and he got unlucky.

>> No.7656304

>something exists which perceives itself as me
That would be you.

>> No.7656506


>> No.7656868

Mainly to learn about various topics and subjects I wouldn't have found otherwise except through chance. Plus I'm a truck driver and I don't really have anyone to talk to.

I mean, I could talk to my girl back home but when it comes to literature or the sciences or anything besides popular culture and comic books the chans is the perfect place to actually talk to people about subjects. At least when someone is willing to actually have a conversation instead of screaming obscenities and calling each other idiots.

>> No.7656896

to pick up chicks

>> No.7656987

lol that's what you fear?

not just some abstract form of "that is truly horrendous", but really real primal fear? the type that makes your hair stand up? really?

>> No.7657796

Because /lit/ is boring right now.

>> No.7658148

to shitpost on /sci/

>> No.7658160

because every now and then, we have an topological algebra or algebraic geometry thread

cohomology is life

>> No.7658192

>topological algebra
i think you mean algebraic topology friendo

>> No.7658195

It's a habit from when I used to smoke weed and respond to consciousness threads shitposting what I felt and telling more shit to people that responded and took everything I said serious.
Now I just come back to read funny replies newfags get, because scientific wise I learn nothing, not even interesting facts.
The general atmosphere of /sci/ is of a group of adult children's that have their emotional age stucked around 9 - 12.

>> No.7658276

Because the laws of physics are forcing me to.

>> No.7658429


>> No.7658476

I like to watch hotheaded undergrads argue about things they have no knowledge of. Sometimes I join in, but only when I have no knowledge of the topic

>> No.7658481

4th year medical student-I come here to read medical posts. I skip all the math threads.

>> No.7658485

I love how he has the scarlet letter in the background when everyone knows he's a virgin.

>> No.7658541

I don't know why I'm on /sci/. This place is a such a shitty board since it really doesn't have much to do with science or math.

>> No.7658543

I have no one else to talk about advanced subjects. Im in fucking intro to chemistry and i speak over these people. Im literally the only person with straight As on the exams. Tbqhwy i want to talk about math and science, but i usually just lurk and get educated, maybe help someone with math homework.

>> No.7658728

/sci/ is love. /sci/ is life.

>> No.7660277


Auditioning for the Darwin Awards

>> No.7660284

Seriously try meditating. It helps so much.

>> No.7660295

Replying to let you know not every1 here is a prick

>> No.7660298

/fit/ /biz/ /sci/ transition.

I feel like you 100% get your life advice from 4chan

>> No.7660304

Jesus Fuck, this is the most hilarious thing I've seen this week.

>> No.7660327

Do you guys get the joke here without hearing the explanation at the end?


>> No.7660408
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usually just to shitpost or when I'm drunk, not much of value here.

got my funding renewed recently for a looong time, easily enough to finish my PhD. it's been a fun weekend.

>> No.7660484

>when it comes to literature or the sciences or anything besides popular culture and comic books the chans is the perfect place to actually talk to people about subjects.

You're wrong.

>> No.7660490
File: 44 KB, 500x516, Ki1Z3FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seein all these nerds here motivates me to study

>> No.7660495

That's pretty fucking gay mate

>> No.7660511

Because I love science and math but hate Bill Nye. And this is the only other place on the internet that loves science and hates bill nye.

>> No.7660549

Is this guy for real?