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7634834 No.7634834 [Reply] [Original]

>majoring in engineering
>have to take an ethics class
>have to take liberal arts classes
>have to take "global diversity" classes

>> No.7634838

Such is life in America

>> No.7634865

go to a trade school.

>> No.7634873

>Such is life in America
Or anywhere n Yrope west of Belarus.

>> No.7634884

Nope. Doing a physics degree in Germany right now. Never had to do anything outside of my field aside from a "profile course" which you could fill with a programming seminar (or literally anything you like), and one non-physical module which meant either Astronomy, Programming or Anorganic Chemistry.

>> No.7634892

>ethics class
as an engineer, your signature carries the weight of law. you do something shady, and people die. the responsibility you bear as an engineer is immense.

>liberal arts classes
you aren't a fucking mathematician or code monkey. you design shit. those classes are intended to give your ideas some culture and taste. its not just about number crunching.

>global diversity
once again, you are a professional, and at some point in your career, you will probably be traveling around the world (if you aren't a cubicle shitter that is). being educated on other cultures is pretty important if you want to work for a multinational.

let me guess, you thought engineering was just going to be sitting around autistically solving physics puzzles all day? lel, change majors to CS.

>> No.7634901
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gee I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.7634906

Yes, the perfidious jew invented ethics to make us their slaves.

>> No.7634915

French grad stud in maths here, only had to study litterature 1hr a week for one year.

>> No.7634918

Same in Denmark, I just had to choose a minor but wasn't forced to take any classes outside those two fields, and I could choose the courses for my minor quite freely.

>> No.7634930

I was never racist until I was forced to take those classes.

All that fucking pseudo scientific bullshit about how diversity spurs innovation. It's all about fluff and not about getting shit done. I started paying closer attention to what everyone on our "diverse" little teams bought to the table and I can't help but notice their flaws more often now. It finally made me realize that everyone except Jewish, Asian and white males are just there to fill a token. There are exceedingly few GOOD shitskin or female engineers that I've met in my career. Those classes implied that people from diverse backgrounds were supposed to bring unique ideas because of their background. Nope, everyone who isn't from a Western or East Asian background brings SHIT ideas to the table - if any. The classes also implied that women were more creative than men and better at communicating. Nope again. 90% of women in engineering will never speak up during brain storming sessions and are autistic in general with zero communication skills.

I'm all for that. The problem is that in general the people who can communicate well, who aren't selfish anti-social assholes with prejudices? They are 99% Jewish, Asian and white males.

>> No.7634937
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>gee I wonder who could be behind this post?
somebody who is older than you and has seen both sides of the educational divide.

college changes the way you think. it really does. try engaging someone without a college degree and its immediately obvious they are uneducated, and it becomes difficult to relate.
don't believe me? its why people generally don't date across educational lines. educated people would rather be with someone ugly, than with someone without a degree.

studying only the stuff you need to do your job isn't a college education, thats a tech school education.

get some professionalism and realize just where your degree puts you in the grand social scheme. those classes are there to keep you from looking like some redneck out of UTI, stop complaining and try to enjoy them.

>> No.7634947
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>>have to take an ethics class

Don't masturbate or browse porn on the job. There is an universal black list and you'll never find employment again. They'll never tell you why you're being fired too.
If illegal shit is happening, quit. The boss [math]is[/math] setting you up as the patsy under CYA. (See GM, Volkswagen, etc)
Whistle blowing is a surefire way to never work non-minimum wage again (See http://4chan-science.wikia.com/wiki/Universal_Material#Whistle-blowing).). Only do so if hundreds of millions of lives are at stake [math]\bf{AND}[/math] you can do so [math]\underline{ANONYMOUSLY}[/math].

There, you've passed engineering ethics 101

>>have to take liberal arts classes

Take Economics, History, Linguistics, or Religion classes. Surely there must be some interesting classes out there. You only have yourself to blame if you look for the easiest shit and take women's studies or dance appreciation.

>>have to take "global diversity" classes

Take Foreign Language classes. Don't even think of doing anything else.

>> No.7634948

>as an engineer, your signature carries the weight of law. you do something shady, and people die. the responsibility you bear as an engineer is immense.
First no you don't. You work 9 to 5 in a cubicle doing trivial calculations and designs on CAD software. You are not a code monkey. You are a calculation monkey.
Second, if you made it to university without going to jail then you should already have an idea of what is good and what is bad. No need for a popsci "ethics" class. It literally wastes your time.

>you aren't a fucking mathematician or code monkey. you design shit. those classes are intended to give your ideas some culture and taste. its not just about number crunching.
If you are an engineer and you think that liberal arts classes are worth your time then you are either american, a complete retard or you are a troll who is not even an engineer. Yup, this guy >>7634901 is correct. You fucking jew.

>once again, you are a professional, and at some point in your career, you will probably be traveling around the world (if you aren't a cubicle shitter that is). being educated on other cultures is pretty important if you want to work for a multinational.
Don't worry, you will be in a cubicle all day. But anyways, you can learn about different cultures outside of your fucking SCHOOL TIME. The time you should be using to learn the techniques of the masters in your craft instead of circle jerking about "MUH DIVERSITY".
Go fuck yourself, Anita Sarkeesian. I caught you. I didn't know you were in /sci/ though.

>let me guess, you thought engineering was just going to be sitting around autistically solving physics puzzles all day? lel, change majors to CS.
Let me guess, you thought that engineering was going to be a fantasy where you don't actually need to be good at maths or physics, instead your entire job is to please your costumers by showing them that you know about their culture.
lel, change majors to DROP OUT OF FUCKING SCHOOL YOU HACK.

>> No.7634964

This is why shit countries like India and China are pushing out qualified engineers and scientists faster than the US and Europe.

>> No.7634976

Yeah. The sad truth is that while americans think that foreigns are viewed as inferior so it is totally important to teach students about diversity and equality and other equally obvious and useless things, places like China and India just focus on creating people who can do the work the fastest and the cheapest.

This is why the
>Just outsource it to India
meme is actually a reality.

RIP America

>> No.7634989

>educated people would rather be with someone ugly, than with someone without a degree.
I have 4 degrees, currently doing a post doc and I would rather date a hot bimbo than an uggo with a PhD.

I don't think you understand how much it sucks to date fat and ugly people. Even if they something intelligent/funny/witty it only makes you feel more contempt towards the person that said it looks. You will always feel disgusted being in their vicinity based on their physical appearance. I'm not afraid to admit my biological urges control me. People who pretend not to be superficial are immature and lying to themselves.

>> No.7634990

China and india might have more "qualified" engineers and scientists, the US and Europe still have the best engineers and scientists.

Theres a reason why Americans dont go there to study but they come here.

>> No.7635012
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>math grad student
>program requires me to take undergrad physics lectures
>in the first lecture I learn what a vector space is
>they write vectors in the "ket" notation

>> No.7635015
File: 567 KB, 2543x1739, uoohs-12nov19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those classes are intended to give your ideas some culture and taste.

>> No.7635019

>Whistle blowing is a surefire way to never work non-minimum wage again (See http://4chan-science.wikia.com/wiki/Universal_Material#Whistle-blowing).). Only do so if hundreds of millions of lives are at stake AND you can do so [math]\underline{ANONYMOUSLY}[/math].
>There, you've passed engineering ethics 101

Best advice that will ever be posted on this shithole [math]\mathbb{desu}~\mathbb{senpai}[/math]

>> No.7635020

>This is why the
>>Just outsource it to India
>meme is actually a reality.
nothing to do with the lower standard of living there and much lower semi-skilled labor costs amirite?

>> No.7635022

Seriously they're filtering [math]\TeX[/math] now? Fuck those wapanese cunts.

I swear to god I'm taking this FUCKING site down until the filters are removing. Mark my [math]FUCKING[/math] words.

>> No.7635024

My Science course just had a unit about what it means to be a Scientist. So the history of science, ethics, scientific principles etc. Pretty interesting, although a little boring.

Go to a better Uni.

>> No.7635026

>First no you don't.
oh really? are you so delusional that you think you have super powers and know what i do all day?

>You work 9 to 5 in a cubicle doing trivial calculations and designs on CAD software.

as a noobie engineer, yeah. its called paying dues. if you are still doing that after 4 years, you fucked up somewhere. you have zero clue about engineering career progression.

>you think that liberal arts classes are worth your time

as an american, yeah i do. maybe thats why virtually all the top universities are in america. i don't think you know better than the educators at MIT (you still take those classes there).

>The time you should be using to learn the techniques of the masters in your craft instead of circle jerking about "MUH DIVERSITY".

its 1 class. calling that diversity circle jerking is hyperbole.

>where you don't actually need to be good at maths or physics

show me where i implied that. last time i checked engineering classes still had plenty of math and physics.

>your entire job is to please your costumers
that is the only correct part of your post.

>> No.7635032

I've never worked in a cubilce in my entire engineering career.

Office, then lab+office then office plus lots of traveling and meetings.

You fucked up somewhere in your life.

>> No.7635035

>I don't think you understand how much it sucks to date fat and ugly people.

that wasn't my opinion m8. that was legitimately studied phenomenon. there was an article about women not being able to find men because more women are graduating from college than men, and they aren't going to "date down".

>> No.7635040

Those classes are literally meant to teach you Jewcraft son.

Stop fighting it and embrace your new role as a 3% Jew.

>> No.7635050

ket notation is important for distinguishing between asymmetrical operations in complex spaced vectors you fucking aspie. You can deal with learning with learning one development in math that isn't the platonic wankery you're used to without dying.

>> No.7635053

>oh really? are you so delusional that you think you have super powers and know what i do all day?
Yeah, I do. I'm a genius.

>as a noobie engineer, yeah. its called paying dues. if you are still doing that after 4 years, you fucked up somewhere. you have zero clue about engineering career progression.

I know enough engineers to know what they do. I know some that are already doing the interesting bits but they definitely didn't get there by learning women studies, race studies, diversity studies, etc.

>as an american, yeah i do. maybe thats why virtually all the top universities are in america. i don't think you know better than the educators at MIT (you still take those classes there).
Then you are a fucking retard. Who is worth more? An Engineer who got a 4 GPA but had a couple of classes that were no more than pseudo science about social constructs and gender identities or an Engineer who got a 4 GPA in a program that is exclusively intense and rigorous mathematics, physics and design?
The answer is obvious. If you value more the gender studies engineer then you are thrash.

>its 1 class. calling that diversity circle jerking is hyperbole.
Any diversity class is circle jerking. It is a black or female teacher with no degree talking about "issues" and asking the students to agree with them on those issues. Those have nothing to do with your career, you should consider them a waste of your time. You could be using that time to do practice problems or to self-study more advanced topics of your degree that interest you and would benefit you professionally.

>show me where i implied that. last time i checked engineering classes still had plenty of math and physics.
You implied that everywhere. You were saying that classes about culture and diversity were more important than mathematics and physics.

Don't worry, I'm not an engineer. I will never be in a cubicle.

Atleast someone's honest.

>> No.7635056

take better classes.

>> No.7635062

>surely everyone must be as shitty a person as I am
but no

>> No.7635066

I once shook hands with an African colleague then didn't wash my hands afterwords like I usually do because I didn't want anyone to think I was racist.

Then I stupidly touched my dick to piss before washing and now I have an STD despite being a virgin...

Fuck my life.

>> No.7635078

>Preferring more attractive partners makes you a "shitty person"

Yes, because I don't want to date your fat ass I'm the biggest cunt on the planet. It's all about YOU after all. No one can strive to have something better, higher quality partners because that makes them shitty people.

>> No.7635080

That's women, they are known to be more interested on a guy's money and education than looks or personality, that is ALSO an studied phenomena.

>> No.7635099

>implying I'm fat
>implying I'm female
>being this shitter shattered
>backpedaling this hard
"Preferring more attractive partners" is a pretty big step back from "I can't even be in the vicinity of an unattractive person without being constantly disgusted by their appearance no matter how intelligent or interesting they are."

>> No.7635115

Would you like it if there were thousands of non-poisonous spiders crawling across your wall right now? Would you sleep in a bed full of snakes and rats?

No you would not. You're nerves would freak the fuck out because that is a natural reaction you have. It does not make you a "shitty person". It does not make you a good person to lie to yourself and pretend you enjoy fucking landwhales.

You have a lot of growing up to do anon.

>> No.7635124

>An Engineer who got a 4 GPA
>he thinks GPA matters in engineering

you already outed yourself as a non engineer, so please don't pretend to know what you are talking about because you "know some guys".

companies want new hires to have those courses under their belt. for some reason, HR departments have this image of engineers being socially awkward autists, and they want a form of proof that you won't be an HR shitstorm.

>> No.7635142


If you think that a company will hire any hack with a degree without at least checking how he did academically then you are delusional.

And you think that taking diversity classes fixes you from being socially awkward.

Have you ever met a gender studies student? Have you ever met a feminist? That is what I call a socially awkward autist.

And your company is not hiring you to hang out with you and have a cool time. They are hiring you to make them money.

What kind of ridiculous qualifications are you making up? Is it because you sucked at math and think that your only redeeming quality is that you are "good with the negros" and you have a couple of black friends? I bet you also put in your resume that you respect gay people. I'm sure your boss is happy to know all that from you.

>> No.7635146
File: 29 KB, 400x400, AlcoholicsAcademic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>us academics are so enlightened compared to the rest of the world. We here at BP university will introduce you to the world's secrets such as the OOA model of human origins, the patriarchal definition of masculinity as seen in the changes to Neo's haricut throughout the Matrix, the anarchronistic name dropping of only two economists, and how Harper's lack of action over missing native women ties in with the fall of the Ming dynasty. By the way did you vote yet? If your voices aren't heard then my political party won't be in power forever. Democracy and government intervention are the only way of realizing a [my] brighter tommorow.

Social science courses in university are popsci tier and exist solely to rigidify your perspective perspective. You can either chose to read the diary of Bronisław Malinowski or parrot and reading whatever your professor has selected for you. The former will be full of far more twist in turns than the lesson plan of a boring asshole.

>> No.7635155

Yes, like how all those statistics courses in highschool will "help" you with your life. Any shitty intro course is just time wasting. If you really want to learn about all that shit you require much more study than how gender structures are killing America.

>> No.7635158

>as an engineer, your signature carries the weight of law. you do something shady, and people die. the responsibility you bear as an engineer is immense.

Killing is wrong: look one sentence and no need for a full class on ethics

>you aren't a fucking mathematician or code monkey. you design shit. those classes are intended to give your ideas some culture and taste. its not just about number crunching.

Arcitects design shit. Engineers pin the architects wild overambitions to reality

>> No.7635180

PC UMass bro?

>> No.7635197

>If you think that a company will hire any hack with a degree without at least checking how he did academically

they will, but internships and other experience matters more. a good interview is really the best. GPA in engineering is more of meeting the minimum than beating the other guy, at least for industry. grad school matters, sure.

>And you think that taking diversity classes fixes you from being socially awkward.

on paper it does. if something were to happen, the company can pull your transcript and point to your diversity classes and say "look! we made sure he had the classes before we hired him!". i can't believe i'm having to explain basic corporate policy to you.

>And your company is not hiring you to hang out with you and have a cool time.

uh, yeah they are. its called corporate hospitality. engineering is a giant good ol' boys club. my boss takes us out for lunch at least three times a month, and we do shit on the company dime and bill it as "team building". whenever we do a big buy, its expected for our vendor to fly out and get us all drunk.

>> No.7635221

>whenever we do a big buy
>we do a big guy
>we do
> a big guy
>do a big guy
>we do
>big cocks

My fucking sides. I can't even. If it was a typo, was a nice typo.

>> No.7635245

>if something were to happen, the company can pull your transcript and point to your diversity classes and say "look! we made sure he had the classes before we hired him!". i can't believe i'm having to explain basic corporate policy to you
If this is b8, it is truly a magnificent one. If not, well, I'm glad I don't live in the US. I thought SWJs were bad in Europe, but fucking hell, that's a whole new level.

>> No.7635253

>majoring in engineering
>have to take an ethics class
>have to take liberal arts classes
>have to take "global diversity" classes

>Need to buy a $150 TI course approved calculator to pass the exam. No other calculators allowed.

>Need to purchase a brand new 26th edition textbook written by the course professor to get a valid 8 character code to enter into MyMath so you can do the homework and not fail

Lol Amerifats.

Why do you stand for it? I thought you were the land of the free?

>> No.7635264

>If this is b8,
its not b8, m8. its very real. its CYA 101. document, document, document. its why you save all your emails, and never accept something without a receipt.

surely you have bureaucracy in your country.

>> No.7635281

These classes are part of the transition. Engineering school is a 4 year hazing period, they literally make you take those classes to fuck with you.

>> No.7635287
File: 29 KB, 450x319, highfivestockphotoracialdiversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fluffy SJW classes bloating up the curriculum
>graduate in 2.5 years
>$50k starting

>> No.7635309

Glad I live same longitude as Belarus.

>> No.7635462

We do have shit we never asked for like English, "UE-libre" or "pré-professionnalisation" though

>> No.7635474

lol nope
chem major in germany here. the only non-chemistry courses i have to take are "introduction to physics for chemists". "toxicology for chemists" and a specialised law course that deals with laws and regulations concerning chemical laboratories and related shit.

>> No.7635498

whats MET?

>> No.7635523

ignorant, prejudice bastard.
do you even think before you type?

>> No.7635531

Mechanical Engineering Technologist, senpai. Pretty good career path if you're too pleb to get into uni and major in engineering.

>> No.7635537

There is nothing wrong with broadening your education beyond your primary interest. Taking those classes won't make you any worse of an engineer and they might even teach you something. If you wanted to go to school purely for job training you should've gone to a trade school. Why are you even at a university if you have no interest in getting a liberal education?

>> No.7635546

>Why are you even at a university if you have no interest in getting a liberal education?

muh career coupon.

muh non working class status.

>> No.7635575

What's the point of your arguing if all of you can't even entertain the notion that you aren't 100% right? 99% of 4chan users are complete tossers...

>> No.7635578

desu any engineer who didn't go full on blue-collar machinist in their late teens has goofed bigtime.
There's no greater feeling than to create a part you designed with your own two hands. It's like delivering a baby, but without the messy cleanup.

>> No.7635580

youre one dumb fucking autistic NEET

>> No.7635598

he may be a turbo-autist, but he's still right. Every meeting I've attended with an overseas client has been entirely down to business and focused on manufacturing related issues. They don't give a fuck whether I know about their culture or not

>> No.7635614

well no shit they dont focus on culture in business meetings, but shit goes bad all the time because of some retard and a cultural fopaux or unintentional sign of disrespect

>> No.7635630

Because those courses are universally criticised as shit. Poorly planned, biased and nothing actually resembling a neat humanity's course.

>> No.7635646

>those courses
its not specific courses, you have to pick like 4-6 classes from a list of like 400 poli sci, sociology, foreign language, philosophy, and other humanities/liberal arts classes. they dont just pick some bullshit for you, you take whatever you want.

>> No.7635656

That hasn't been my experience, so I don't really know what to tell you. Most of the humanities and political science and fine arts classes I've taken have been at least pretty good and a couple of them were really interesting and I learned a lot from them.

>> No.7635692

I go to one of the largest universities in the USA and we take no such classes. You have to take a couple of classes in the humanities and social sciences, but the choice is yours. I picked econ classes, one of which was actually required, and philosophy. The euro circle jerk is a bit silly. Very few universities actually make you take classes specifically on diversity or whatever else you read online.

>> No.7635697

>you take whatever you want.

the only people who complain about having to take underwater feminist theory are the mooks who don't enroll in classes early enough and let all the good classes fill up.

my hippy classes were spanish guitar, metalsmithing, and philosophy.

>> No.7635703

He is talking about unis forcing you to take the shit subjects I refer. Obviously id you choose you are going to enter into interesting classes you retards.

>> No.7635705

Philosophy concerning ontology, epistemology, and philosophy of mathematics, should be absolutely mandatory for anyone going into any of the sciences.

>> No.7635707

>mfw i got to take history of rock and roll, modern weapons and foreign policy, and a sociology class with a 30 year old black chick professor where my final paper was about how race wasnt a social construct but based on biological differences. bitch emailed me saying she doesnt believe what i wrote but couldnt find any factual evidence against it so she had to give me an A. if anything, taking these classes just shows you how superior engineers are to the rest of the retards bitching about their workloads and having to write a 2 page essay on ancient rome or some bullshit

>> No.7635709

>he's talking about shit universities
you get what you pay for. engr is accredited, your school is just too shitty and indoctrinated

>> No.7635710


they're nice for taking your mind off of your major and learning something different.

>> No.7635726

Oh, so cal-tech, standford and Harvard are shit then?

>> No.7635735

>anything but law/business school
>muh ivys

>> No.7635741

>"waaah! why wont society let me be a narrow-minded autist?"
Lifes not all equations you know, you gotta know about the world around you

>> No.7635748

You sound fat Tbh

>> No.7635757

i can scale a 14 ft wall in 3 seconds or less

>> No.7636043

The only 'liberal arts' course I've had to take was a writing course and a course on the history of Rock music.

How do you people get stuck with such shit courses? Did you apply an hour before the deadline and just picked the first thing you saw?

>> No.7636059

What is your top speed while carrying a watermelon of average size?

>> No.7636073

I think you were always a racist anon

>> No.7636084

You should go to /adv/, this has little to do with science and more to do with politics and school.