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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7627650 No.7627650 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Times when you have been left with no choice but to science this shit out of something
I'll start

>We had a big party the night before
>Sink is clogged with dishes
>As my wife is clearing the sink and loading the dishwasher, all the foodstuff on the sink goes into the pipe, and water starts accumulating in the sink
>Didn't think much of it because this always happens, and eventually it all goes down the sink
>worried when the water keeps adding up and not going down, even after we clear the sink of all the dishes and food stuff
>just two sinks full of dirty oily water
>pipe is fucking blocked
>look for a plunger, can't find any
>for some reason I feel that time is short, since the water level is literally at the sink
>I quickly find an old wooden cylindrical pipe and place it on top of the sink hole
>water is now overflowing and going down on the floor
>wife is anxious about what a mess I am making
>get a bike pump, and cover the top of the cylinder with strong plastic, and seal it with a rubber band
>pierce the plastic with the bike pump needle
>start pumping
>as I thrust the pump, the other sink bubbles
>tell wife to block the other sink's hole with a rubber blocking thing (i cant remember the name), and keep her hand on it
>it is disgusting as fuck, since she puts her hand into the oily dirty water
>I start pumping
>she says she can feel the pressure against her hand
>I keep pumping until suddenly i hear a loud plunging noise, and the water level of the sink with the wooden cylinder in it starts to drop.
>wife removes the rubber blocker from the other sink, and it starts to drain
>both sinks eventually empties
>wife looks at me like I am some hero

>> No.7627652
File: 51 KB, 478x360, kitchen-robot-12-18-08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> science this shit out of something
> not building a robot that does your dishes
tbh fam


>> No.7627654

*science the shit out of

>> No.7627658

I googled around, apparently no one else has ever used this method
I am the first person to unblock a blocked rain using a bike pump

>> No.7627682

I am the first person to unblock a blocked rain using a bike pump
bullshit, ive heard about lots of people who've used pumps/compressors so unclog drains.

>> No.7627959

Are you really so arrogant as to believe that you are the first human in history to ever unblock a drain with compressed air?

>> No.7627963

no i meant literally a bike pump you cretin

>> No.7627977

woooow, a BIKE pump you say?
that's, like, totally different from all the other ways of exerting pressure on a pipe
brb gonna patent it before OP does :^)

>> No.7627980

too late, i already have my team of 6 programmers working on it as we speak. I am developing an app that can suggest you which tool to use when you hover it over a blocked sink. It will then come up with bike pump, with an animation describing how to do it

A beta will be released by monday

>> No.7627985
File: 184 KB, 665x662, 1446244802273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn poo in loo code monkeys stealing mah invention

>> No.7627994

But... Why didn't you close the tap before it overflowed ?

>> No.7628071


>> No.7628095

i did lmao

>> No.7628128

Holy shit, I remember posting something like that on an app idea thread a few months back, completely from scratch. Did I create a meme or something?

>> No.7628131

So basically you turned a bike pump into a plunger? Why not use a plunger?

Yes, you were the first person to be sarcastic about app development.

>> No.7628142

We'll he copied what I said word for word, guess I'm officially a licensed meme lord now.

>> No.7628176

I don't know about having to "science" the shit out of something, but I have definitly MacGivered things.

My wife dropped an earing down the bathroom sink, and this is in Shanghai, where there are no u-traps to catch such things. It fell all the way below the level of the floor, and then off to the side to join together with the pipes from the shower and washing machine, all over a single large drain. I pulled the cover off the access area, but it was much too small to reach a hand into. I fed some ribbon down the access hole unti it dangled in front of the out pipe for the sink. Then I used a vacuum cleaner hose to suck the ribbon up the pipe until it came out at the sink. Then I tied a large piece of cloth to the drain-end of the ribbon and pulled it through from the sink. The cloth pulled the earing up the pipe and pack into the sink.
I was a hero for the day.

>> No.7628191

That line ruined the movie for me

It shows this movie is pop-science pandering bullshit. He is probably browsing IFLS on Mars the whole time.

>> No.7628271

This is strange, I wrote the post you replied too and linked to.

h'weird or h'what

>> No.7628301

Spooky shit dude.

>> No.7628940

I already have that, it's called a FUCKING WASHING MACHINE

>> No.7628977

>bike pump
holy shit through a dumb little needle?
like how long did that take a few hours of pumping?
fucking shenanigans

>> No.7628992
File: 54 KB, 493x335, getty_rm_photo_of_dirty_dishes_not_washed_due_to_fatigue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why's the sink still dirty?

>> No.7628994


>> No.7628995

I could have fixed that in a few seconds with a bucket and a wrench. Just go under the sink, undo the pipe, and put the bucket under, then pull the mass blocking it out.