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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 380x380, GB-55PLAS Plastic Garbage Bin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7624376 No.7624376 [Reply] [Original]

What can be done about the amount of garbage here in /sci/? I know some people will post here saying this thread is garbage, but it might be interesting to have a real discussion about this.

Examples of garbage include:
- Anything about Wildberger, Mochizuki, clock kid, etc.
- Anything about memes (with the exception of when "meme" is being used properly, but even then these discussions are usually dumb)
- Anything ranking university majors
- Anything about grade-school arithmetic (order of operations, etc.)

And then there's the miscellaneous garbage that doesn't fit into any of the above categories. It would be nice if /sci/ were more like physicsforums.com. In a perfect world, /sci/ would be more serious, but at the same time people would more freedom than on physics forums (e.g. use swear words, etc.)

Basically, I think we should just add more rules, and have all threads which don't obey the rules deleted, and the poster should be banned as well. But banning the user might be a little heavy handed.

>> No.7624380

we need to bring more religios discussion into /sci/. thank you.

>> No.7624381

Just FYI, the janitors are going to delete this thread ASAP.

>> No.7624388

m8 why do you think its so shit here? fucking do-it-for-free autistic shitters

>> No.7624395

> banning memes
memes make the world go around m8

>> No.7624403
File: 37 KB, 500x611, 1430076274417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come to my sekrit club to enjoy meaningful intellectual dissertation about science
I'm tipping to you my good sir

>> No.7624405

Christ our lord makes the world go round the sun

>> No.7624409

holy shit I actually read what you said and realized my fedora wasn't big enough
> In a perfect world, /sci/ would be more serious, but at the same time people would more freedom than on physics forums (e.g. use swear words, etc.)

>> No.7624410

Are you implying there aren't any, or are you whining because you fall foul of them even here?

>> No.7625340


I just want this board to be better. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7625348

Let people post their homework as long as it's interesting. No highschool level homework though.

>> No.7625357

Also, everyone needs to hold a proof or GTFO mentality, and not use the same rhetoric as a/b/tard.

>> No.7625360


I don't know. Just discussing the question casually (but seriously) without a rigorous proof is the best you can hope for, without the usual /b/ claptrap.

>> No.7625376

>complaining about shitty reoccurring threads
>creates meta-thread

If you want physicsforums go to physicsforums.

>> No.7625384
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1445541049069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is garbage

>> No.7625386
File: 33 KB, 560x422, 1378700958831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board has become shitpost central lately.

>> No.7625403


>> No.7625417

Yes. The average 4channer is an 18-22 years American with allergy to rational discourse and inability to grasp the metric system or adhere to simple grammar of their own native language.

>> No.7625431

Bro those aren't even the worst /sci/ threads

>I'm high, but what if... threads
>Religion/philosophy threads
>/pol/ look at these stats of black people threads

>> No.7625435

What's wrong with Mochizuki?

Pearl Harbor?

>> No.7625453

How did you not mention the HW flooding that's been happening these past several months? /sci/ always had retards posting HW help, but never so many as now. Half the front page is usually HW threads or poorly disguised HW threads. Honestly, need some visible permanent bans for these fucks spamming their trivial nonsense--there are so few discussion threads anymore.

>> No.7625469


The discussion threads are a worse problem. Look at this shit that's on the front page: >>7625239

>> No.7625476

/sci/ is nothing but pseudointellectual /b/tards and bitter insecure college students.
Its all garbage.