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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7622028 No.7622028 [Reply] [Original]

Was math invented or discovered?

>> No.7622032

Was shitposting invented or discovered?

>> No.7622042

here you go OP

>> No.7622043


u wat m8

>> No.7622044


This is serious.

>> No.7622048

There are also answers to this question the other 5 times it was asked.
Go read those, and if you're not satisfied then maybe someone will humour you

>> No.7622049


No, I want fresh answers from new anons.

>> No.7622052

Has no one answered the question before?
Your question requires a simple this or that, which I'm sure has been answered before.

If there is no answer then it is just speculation/philosophy, which should be taken to /lit/.

Or shitposting which should be taken to /b/,/x/,/r9k/,/pol/

>> No.7622054


There's people making the same threads asking the same questions about the universe all the time dude.
Just let me be.
Go away.

>> No.7622061

>No, I want fresh answers from new anons.

It was invented and only a retard would think otherwise.

>> No.7622065


I know, but this is one that can actually get an answer. So I'll give you one, based on my limited knowledge of mathematics.

Any mathematics is based on axioms, assumptions which cannot be proven, but are necessary to begin mathematics.

For example, are all right angles equal to one another? Is the difference between 1 and 2, equal to the difference between 99 and 100? etc.

Once we have invented our axioms, then we discover the rules which arise within that frame work.

Thus, mathematics discoveries which arise from inventions.
Or simply, an invention AND a discovery

>> No.7622069


So it's both?

>> No.7622070
File: 545 KB, 2198x6220, mathematics and philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this may be useful to you

>> No.7622073

You can make that question more basic.
Was language invented or discovered?

Clearly invented because they are just constructs we use to communicate ideas

>> No.7622076

Is there a fault in my logic?
If not, then yes, it is both.
Partially inventions and partially discoveries.
Just like you discover that a metal can conduct electricity, so you invent wires.

>> No.7622085


But then you can say that the tools we use to understand math are invented but math itself was discovered. Just like we discovered electricity and the property of metals so we invented wires to harness the power.

>> No.7622091


I've actually been to the trouble of reading this one time. It's a nice survey of the ideas in the three disciplines (albeit not written by a native English speaker), but that's pretty much all it is - it does not actually prescribe "one or the other" of OP's dichotomy once you've actually read it (although I began with the vague assumption that it does, which it doesn't, since it came up in one of these very threads).

The very end is extremely dissatisfying from a composition point of view. Whoever wrote the thing is clearly intelligent, and they could have ended with a better turn of phrase than that turd. Even if it was intentionally vague/bad, it still doesn't befit the rest.

(Also math is discovered tbh lads).

>> No.7622092

>but math itself

but what is math itself? if the tools you're talking about are what everyone would call mathematics, what is left to be discovered?

>> No.7622093

Yup, exactly. Numbers and assorted notation are tools which we use to simplify the expression of mathematics into a visual representation. So that we can much more easily discover mathematics. Once something has been discovered, it can be used to make a tool or invention. Similar to the simple power rule of differentiation. Once it was proven, and simplified, we gained a useful tool to do quick operations to discover more mathematics

>> No.7622194

It was developed through trial-and-error as well as general logic.

Even then it's taken some time. It took way too freaking long for people to get and quantify the concept of 0.

>> No.7624148

The rules that exist a direct consequence of what we invented.