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File: 633 KB, 640x640, KIC 8462852.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7620252 No.7620252 [Reply] [Original]

Any news from KIC ?

>> No.7620273

Let's assume we DO find out there are alien megastructures around the star.

What would happen? How would human civilization react? What would change?

>> No.7620277

All the religion fags would kill themselves.

>> No.7620284

This. The first ever confirmation of alien life will change the history, astronomy, biology and unfortunately religion.

>> No.7620291

>All the religion fags would kill themselves.
They've adapted to bigger inconsistencies than aliens. They'll do what they've always done.

>> No.7620298

Hasn't the Catholic Church been preparing for alien contact for more than a decade?

>> No.7620299

They can't possibly adapt to this. Bible says the universe was created for humanity and we are the only ones who exist. Also aliens didn't see jesus to accept christianity from him.

>> No.7620301

If there was this structure it must've been built long ago. They had this sort of tech long ago, means they've probably started space travel already, at least on a level that could suffice for the construction of that big shit. Maybe they're already on their way here. Maybe they received out Johnny b Goode tapes and thought it was hereay. Hahahha I'm really high now who gives a fuck

>> No.7620302

We start focusing everything we can to watch and listen in on it and after years, decades, even centuries hope we pick up something and any information we can piece together.

>> No.7620303

No. This is actual science, not movie science, which means that you don't get groundbreaking discoveries by the end of the first commercial break.

Wait until late 2017 when the next transit is likely for better info.

>> No.7620304

Tfw ayyliens are christian as well

>> No.7620305 [DELETED] 

The Catholic and Mormon churches have already accepted there might be aliums out there you retard.

>> No.7620307

can you show me the quote that says this mr. bible expert?

>> No.7620311

Supposedly there's a big radio telescope scheduled to check the star out in January 2016.

>> No.7620312

The Catholic and Mormon churches have already accepted there might be aliums out there you retard.

>> No.7620313

This tbh
All my life I always wondered if we were the only children of God. Who knows what's out there, my priest likes to talk about space and beyond in every other Homily or so

>> No.7620335
File: 119 KB, 614x800, 1333759293653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens lmao

>> No.7620350

How so ? What kind of justifications can they come up with for alien life ?

>> No.7620351
File: 109 KB, 900x900, Ultimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never tap alien ass

>> No.7620392

I believe we won't get anything new until January

>> No.7620408

too long :c
They will only be finished scanning by then. Then there is the analyzing the signal part which we have to wait for. And they will take their time before they release the info to the articles.
Although I'm sure if they spotted anything extraterrestrial, we would have heard it already.

>> No.7620418

Not necessarily.

Do you want to go down in history as the SETI astronomer who announced the discovery of an alien signal to the world and turned out to be embarrassingly wrong?

They're going to have to be REALLY damn sure before they announce anything.

>> No.7620429

i guess :'c

>> No.7620437
File: 494 KB, 200x200, 1420446198867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine we ever make contact with the creators of the artifact (if it's real) and end up realizing they were the first earth that was created before this one put of competition by the cosmos to see which one would advance first, we just get mocked by our inferiority and because we didn't know that we were even in a competition. Just saying

>> No.7620548

if religious people were gonna kill themselves over a scientific discovery, it would have been evolution, which they are still denying to this day, which is probably what they would do about ayy lmao

>> No.7620560

We can't prove evolution. In this case we're assuming we will prove the existence of aliens.

>> No.7620574

We would point more telescopes at it

>> No.7620592

Messages will have 3000 year long round trip time. Just saying

>Earth (2015): hi
>Aliens (5015): oh shit. Hey

>> No.7620594

it's only like 15000 light years away. I'm really surprised we can't see shit.

It's probably dirt.

>> No.7620608

its 1400 you cumkicker, not 15000

>> No.7620620

>We can't prove evolution.

>> No.7620622

The fossils we've found are a bigger spanner in the works on religion.
Go back a few hundred years and the fact that the earth revolved around the sun or that it wasn't flat etc etc and on and on.
Religious people are not rational, you can't argue with them rationally. Aliens would be further proof of god. All gods work, prove it isn't

>> No.7620631

>Also aliens didn't see jesus to accept christianity from him.
There are tribes in the amazon who have never heard of jesus. Jesus isn't very good at spreading his ultimate truth to his creations. His strengths are miracles through happy coincidences

>> No.7620637

We have a long time to wait before any radio waves from our planet get that far out.
Nothing of interest here, just another planet in the goldilocks zone (our goldilocks zone)

>> No.7620640
File: 63 KB, 1870x623, 1445286227268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was 450000000 kilometers?

>> No.7620644


>> No.7620647 [DELETED] 

They will refuse to believe it anyway. Something along the line that "fossil evident that the earth is older than the time god create earth" is man-made.

>> No.7620650

That looks like the Quake logo. Is Quake informed by aliens?

>> No.7620652


Or maybe Strogg are real

>> No.7620659

Real astronomers don't give a shit if it's within order of magnitude

>> No.7620660

They will refuse to believe it anyway. The reaction when alien comes out will be similar to the refute about the earth being older than when god created the earth. Fossil evident is not solid, Kepler is erroneous, etc.

>> No.7620676

once we meet the ayy lmaos from KIC we can ask them what they saw on earth millions of years before us

>> No.7620707


if you still think catholics belive that god created all in 7 days and this genese crap, you are in kid level.

>> No.7620714

15,000 isn't within an order of magnitude of 1480.

>> No.7620717
File: 2.34 MB, 480x271, Yes it is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I detected an alarming absence of ayylmao memes in this thread

>> No.7620731

that's kind of a shitty gif.

It would be a bit better if you blocked out part of the sun's luminosity instead of showing the normalized flux signal.

>> No.7620738

The Pope has outright stated that aliens existing does not contradict faith, and that it's possible that they haven't fallen and thus never needed Jesus, or that they do have their own instantiation of Jesus.

>> No.7620762

Thats true tho. Aliens were not in the garden of eden to take the apple and cause the original sin.

I hope they don't try to convert aliens and shit. It would be a whole other deal if aliens started to adopt christian beliefs...or humans started to adopt alien religions.

>> No.7620766

Catholics don't convert obnoxiously like Mormons and shit. Basically they set up centers for the poor and say "we''l just recite verses and doctrine while you're eating mkay."

>> No.7620849


This is your average atheist folks.

John 10:16
“But I have other sheep which were not from this fold; I must also bring them. They also will hear my voice, and the entire fold shall be one, and One Shepherd.”

>> No.7620854

aliens so fucking confirmed

>> No.7620856

Stop talking about aliens omg. You are making observations about an unclear situation why the hell you have to call in aliens.

>> No.7620857

> and that it's possible that they haven't fallen and thus never needed Jesus
So such aliens are inherently morally superior to humans?

>> No.7620858

He's talking about other continents, not other planets you timdick.

>> No.7620860


Burden of proof. Please show your proof or be ridiculed.

>> No.7620863

im a priest. thats proof enough.

>> No.7620915

Religion finds a way.

They didn't start doubting when they realized the Earth is not the center of the universe. When they found out the Sun isn't the center. An alien relevation won't bug them the slightest.

>> No.7620918
File: 3 KB, 319x173, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't 4 simple planets explain the pattern in light drops? I drew something up real quick, imagine if the 4 celestial bodies had the same mass and orbit speeds?
Unlikely, but given the amount of stars not really unlikely.

>> No.7620920


is this even possible?
i dont know enough about astrophysics to say for sure, but I think the 3 planets on the right would have irregular orbits due to the gravity on eachother.

>> No.7620923

>God gave us Ayyliens to to test us!
>Ayyliens are actually demons!
>God wants us to spread Christianity, the only right religion, on the infidel Ayyliens to see our commitment!
There. They will just make up an explanation like above to rationalize why Ayy lmaos exist.
An explanation that is not in the bible or just a heavily misinterpreted some quote.

>> No.7620925

For fuck's sake, could you fags please talk about the star/system and for once not talk about religion?

>> No.7620929
File: 55 KB, 896x782, 469546846984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already heard an explanation for that. I badly drew it for you

>> No.7620930

they still to this day chimp out about evolution , basically it's hurting them in their ego (the universe was created just for my little ass ) , ayy lmaos , and better : more developped ayylmaos would carry the same message even harder : humans are insignificant in the universe

>> No.7620937

>history, astronomy, biology
It won't change any of that.

>and unfortunately religion.

>> No.7620952

You ignoramuses realizes that the ancients first proposed the idea of aliens and the medievals discussed it to a great extent, right? Atheists don't own the idea of aliens. You know what it's called when you lay exclusive claim to something you don't even own? Stealing.

Suicide is a sin.

Aliens are not inconsistent with Christianity.

>Bible says the universe was created for humanity and we are the only ones who exist
No it doesn't. You're a liar. Genesis says that God created the heavens and the earth, and that humanity was given dominion over the earth. That's it.

>Also aliens didn't see jesus to accept christianity from him.
Neither did Polynesians. Your point?

Gee let me think for two seconds. Maybe that God created the universe and all life in it? Shocker.

Except, you know, theistic evolution, which is what pretty much every Christian believes with the exception of a minority of American Protestants.

>Go back a few hundred years
You realize that the people making the scientific discoveries back then were religious, right? And plenty are today, too.

Yeah, only practically every person on earth knows who Jesus is with the exception of a few tribes who haven't talked to outsiders in thousands of years. Sure did a poor job there.

Atheists in their sneering ignorance of matters that they don't even begin to understand are utterly insufferable. Stop talking about things you have no knowledge of. You're making yourselves look like fools.

>> No.7620954

Because those planets would be impossibly huge. They wouldn't be planets.

>> No.7620958


Polar orbit brown dwarf?

>> No.7620975

Where are the models?

>> No.7620987

Protip: Its a system of 4 or more stars and they cant be resolved individually. However they eclipse each other in an aperiodic fashion, which causes the significant changes in observed luminescence.

Extra protip: This has actually been seen before.


>> No.7620992

Yes. Ever read "Out of the Silent Planet" by CS Lewis?

>> No.7620995

I read that when I was nine, fun series.

>> No.7620996

Can four similarly-sized bodies have a stable orbit around each other?

>> No.7621007

Meh religions will just say something like
"alliens are actually demons" and some islamists or christians will take a a sentence out of their respective holy books that is actually relating to other stone age cultures and
use this as proof that they knew it the whole time and the qran/bible actually predicted aliens and is therefor true.

>> No.7621033


There are plenty of larger systems of 3 or more stars that have been observed. Stability is up to definition, the orbits cant be defined explicitly as the motion is random, eventually they will result in ejection or collision of one or more stars, eventually.

The case I brought up was one of 5 stars. At first they thought it was one star, but it had the same quirkiness as this observation, namely the seemingly random and significant changes in luminescence. With more powerful imaging, the stars were resolved and the mystery was solved.

The authors of this paper are simply engaged in unscrupulous PR fishing, as they are well aware of this previous finding and failed to mention it as their leading theory. Whether long term consequences for their career will justify the short term fame remains to be seen.

>> No.7621040

sorry meant to say the orbits are chaotic, not the motion is random, but you get the point

>> No.7621041


apparently some more stable modes exist for higher order systems, involving symmetry pairs of the orbiting bodies, but it has been theorized that even these will eventually break down into separate, simpler systems.

>> No.7621046

Although finding aliens would be cool as fuck this does kinda sadden me. It's the ultimate emasculation of the human race to be this far behind another civilization (if this is a Dyson sphere we're looking at)

>> No.7621074

Yet more embarrassment shown by /sci/

Yes, the aliens are already here.

Str8 from NASA archives


>> No.7621128

So far, just as much evidence exists that suggests we are the first, if not only, space faring civilization in the universe as exists suggesting otherwise

>> No.7621139

Yes, just stick your head in the sand. What a sheep.

>> No.7621197

Aw yes. A very sound argument, I see your point

>> No.7621211

It should be considered as a possibility though (but I agree a far fetched one)

>> No.7621213

I'm not your babysitter

>> No.7621214
File: 221 KB, 600x931, 1445372281808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Allen Telescope Array has been listening every night for over a week. They are updating their frequency progress at setiquest.info click Last Day, then special, under Obs Progress.

Also new: "The Boquete Optical SETI Observatory will look for brief laser pulses or flashes of light that may come from a galactic lighthouse."

And: "A number of optical telescopes are watching the star, waiting for another multiday dimming event to take place. Once such an event begins, large scopes outfitted with spectrographs will swing into action, studying and monitoring the various wavelengths of light emanating from KIC 8462852, Wright said."

That is in reference to the AAVSO alert issued to the variable star observers' amateur network, who have made some substantial discoveries in the past.

Also, they observed for doppler wobble induced by large nearby bodies, and found none. For your four planet system, the planets would have to either be positioned perfectly and of proportionate mass to exactly balance each other out gravitationally, or they would have to be positioned perfectly and be the exact same size.

No wobble.

So perfect gravitational balance to explain the lack of Doppler observations?

>> No.7621216

>all observasions focused on the beginning
holy shit

>> No.7621222

The comment never said it should not be considered, though. And it never suggested anyone wasn't looking, or should stop looking. It was only suggesting that the Anon it responded to not give up hope that we could have been the first to space, at least not until evidence suggests otherwise.

>> No.7621240
File: 105 KB, 500x420, NotThisEither.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another armchair theory making the rounds is that Aichan is exhibiting intrinsic variation due to gravity darkening and gravity brightening, which occur in stars which rotate so fast that they become oblate. pic related. The poles are drawn closer to the core, become more dense, and grow hotter and brighter. The equator is pushed out, becoming lighter and darker.

From that pic, Altair is most similar in size to Aichan, being about 1.8 solar masses. Altair, 40 percentage points larger than Aichan, has a rotation period of about 9 hours. Aichan's rotation is 21 hours and a fraction.

Wright has shown by a well-settled formula describing the relationship between mass, temperature, and spin rate, that Aichan is not spinning fast enough to exhibit 20% gravitational dark/bright variation. In fact, she is not spinning fast enough to show 5%.

So we're left with exocomets, or, as Wright said in another very overlooked and under-hyped quote, interstellar gas or dust. Or both.

>> No.7621247

>another very overlooked and under-hyped quote, interstellar gas or dust
no infrared, dumbass

>> No.7621257

So it turned out to be fucking nothing, as usual in astronomy. I hope this is the final straw and you STEM fags get your funding cut off.

>> No.7621267


>> No.7621272

Nah, they'll just play the old switcharoo card saying aliums are God's creation too.

>> No.7621275

Of COURSE if aliens exist then they are God's creation. GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE. GOD CREATED EVERYTHING. Who do you think made aliens? You? Because you're an atheist? Fuck off.

>> No.7621278

Lel, see? I told ya!

>> No.7621302

So the whole "god created man in his image" thing just doesnt count for aliens right?

>> No.7621304

>They can't possibly adapt to this.
You lack creativity. If you had any brains at all you would've been able to think of hundreds of ways to weasel out of aliens existing.

The discovery of aliens will NOT hamper religion in any meaningful way.

>> No.7621308

>It's the ultimate emasculation of the human race to be this far behind another civilization
Good thing emasculation is a human concept and the aliens won't have it.

>> No.7621318

>You realize that the people making the scientific discoveries back then were religious, right? And plenty are today, too.
Everyone's religious when its a death penalty not to be

>> No.7621320

Tabby's team noted the presence of two ISM clouds interposed between Earth and Aichan, and presented the spectra showing their presence along the line of sight. They would be far enough away from the star to remain colder than far-infrared, which was not observed for anyway. Only near infrared was examined.

>> No.7621322

Anon, you can't mention anything in Tabby's paper because those are things that they disproved in the same paper. Their only hypothesis is the meteor one.

>> No.7621338
File: 48 KB, 878x807, 1380822485108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you won after all those years spent fighting religionshits on forums, fb, and even fucking 4chan of all places

Feelsgood being on the right side of history, and not only that - making it.

>> No.7621341

On a close examination, this point is less convincing than it first appears.

The infrared observations were made with the Keck telescope, one of the largest and most expensive, most in-demand opticals in the world. Under those constraints, Tabby's team had limited time and had to make priority decisions about what to look for.

The infrared part of the spectrum is generally divided into three parts, indicating warmer-to-cooler; near, mid, and far infrared.

Tabby rolled the dice on her hypothesis of many small 3D, massive objects close to the 3AU orbit distance her calculations showed was most likely. So she used the J, K, and L filters on the Keck (see "Table 2"):


...on the grounds that that is the part of spectrum that an exocomet cloud would radiate in if it were near that orbit.

So the hypotheses ruled out are restricted to massive 3 dimensional objects near the 3AU orbit. For example, if there were a cometary cloud nearer to the 15AU orbit, they would be radiating in far-infrared or submillimeter, and Tabby's quick look on the Keck would not have seen them.

>> No.7621342

top keck

>> No.7621345

>tfw born too early to stalk ayylium qts at uni

>> No.7621347

W/r/t the ISM clouds, all she said on the topic was that it is not "normal" for ISM clouds to produce stellar flux dips. The paragraph has the distinct feel of "better include this just in case."

>> No.7621352


>earth (2015): hi
>ayy(5015): [blueprints for ftl comm device]
>earth (8015): ooga booga where da blu wymyn at

>> No.7621353
File: 20 KB, 400x322, kecktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7621376

Yup, people learn from mistakes (I'm looking at you, faster than c neutrinos, kek)

>> No.7621404


>yfw humans are the only intelligent life with consciousness
>besides God

>> No.7621406

I know that we have to wait till 2017 for the next 750 day apart big dip to occur, and that we missed the one on April this year because of a problem with Kepler's reaction wheels.

Can someone explain why we can't use The Hubble meanwhile, or the upcoming James Webb (which launches in 2018) to monitor everything about that star instead of the Kepler? Do these work on a different spectrum?

Also, why isn't every available "eye" in space or on land observing it right now for the small irregular dips in flux?


>> No.7621408

Satan is more benevolent than doG tbh

>> No.7621436
File: 38 KB, 399x571, happy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religious retard with anal flustration

>> No.7621440

The Hubble is booked. A James Webb proposal is in the works, as well as asks for the TESS and WFIRST when they get up.

In the meantime, AAVSO issued an alert to its ~3000 worldwide membership about this, and dozens of pros and amateurs are watching right now with gear ranging from 4" toys to 16" reflectors. The plan is that as soon as anyone gathers credible evidence that a flux dip has begun, that will trigger AAVSO and Jason Wright, Tabby, and SETI to immediately file an observation plan with one of the big glass scopes to do a spectrograph. Similar to the procedure Tabby did to get a Keck sweep.

Also one of the most powerful radio telescopes and one of the better professional optical telescopes in the world are already observing daily:


>> No.7621457


>hubble is booked

Literally what could be more important?

>> No.7621509


>> No.7621530
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1426841852828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. Really hope we got a ringworld here.

>> No.7621553

A huge pole would also create a spectrum like the one on the left.

>> No.7621562

Could a star orbit a cosmic string?

>> No.7621564

Hubble is, uh, how we say, "problematic." Getting time is a two-phase multi-month process. Then the instrument plan has to be perfect. Then, if anything even slightly changes:

"A severe shortcoming of the current system is that once execution has begun, change to a proposal is a labor-intensive, manual process. The original ground systems were built with the assumption that most proposals would not change after submission. This has turned out to be a very poor assumption - scientific observations often require adjustment based on the results of other observations or to adjust for changes in instrument or telescope performance."

This is what they were looking at a couple weeks ago. NASA runs it's outlying websites on Notepad, so, you know, lags:


There is an exoplanet run in there. Looking at atmospheres.

>> No.7621577

wow, I can make better websites than nasa

>> No.7621580
File: 28 KB, 335x333, 1440361433273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using ISM abundances in the SMC to Correct for Element Depletions by Dust in QSO Absorption Line Systems

>> No.7621589

Wow, it's almost as if they have better things like, i don't know, manage a space station, manage a machine on another planet, or plan a trip to another planet or something .

>> No.7621593

>or plan a trip to another planet or something
good joke anon
also managing the machine is literally easier than managing that website

>> No.7621635

Not that anyone really cares, but Quasi-Stellar Objects are the most distant and intrinsically bright objects ever seen. They lie on the edge of observability and are suspected of being among the first objects formed after the opacity epoch following the big bang.

Observing them is a bitch even for the best scopes in the world because there is so much crap between us and them that their light has to mow through on the way here (creating element depletions in their spectral absorption lines).

So lots of people try to figure out how to correct for all the noise so they can tell what these QSOs are made of. This guy is working on an algorithm that bases corrections on interstellar material interference from the Small Magellanic Cloud, one of our nearby companion proto-galactic star clusters.

tl;dr: It's about the origin of the universe.

>> No.7621765

It doesn't matter Catholics and pseudo-Christian sects are not following the truth anyway.

>> No.7621768

>doesn't even know what religion is

>> No.7621770

unfortunately? lol religion is why we still live in the dark ages.

>> No.7621772
File: 778 KB, 800x500, Celestial Body Dyson Sphere.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only creates a long spike if you stretch the graph. Otherwise both creates the same drop.

>> No.7621778


You could have just said that Quasi-Stellar Objects are quasars. Then everyone would immediately know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.7621780

Is that from a simulator available online somewhere?

>> No.7621784

Then it still would not have been clear what QSO stood for in that nifty title.

>> No.7621788

>celestial body

that big?
c'mon anon

>> No.7621790

>Yeah, only practically every person on earth knows who Jesus is with the exception of a few tribes who haven't talked to outsiders in thousands of years. Sure did a poor job there.

>fails to get 100% knowledge, some humans don't have the opportunity to enter heaven at all

>> No.7621796

>creating a simplistic fallen/not fallen dichotomy based on one thing that happened to people in scripture
that's why you don't extrapolate

>> No.7621801

>It would be a whole other deal if aliens started to adopt christian beliefs

There was a book last year about this "The Book of Strange New Things". It was pretty good.

Also one of the sections of the old sci-fi novel "All My Sins Remembered" was somewhat about this as well.

>> No.7621808
File: 48 KB, 627x419, c s lewis logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>c. s. lewis

>> No.7621818

the sun isnt even in that gif

>> No.7621821

The right side, the band appears in a single aspect, as if it were passing the star in a straight line. How if the band were really orbiting.

As it enters the left limb, its apparent width is small, because it is nearly edge-on to our point of view. it gets wider as it crosses, reaching a maximum apparent width at the pole-to-pole point. It then apparently shrinks as it heads for the right limb exit.

The result would be different from the planet transit, and would more closely resemble the Tabby data.

>> No.7621823
File: 71 KB, 687x539, lc_radio_humain_20150320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The V-dip matches a partial eclipse.


>> No.7621827

>I can't trust my own thinking
>but I can trust my own thinking that I have to believe in god to trust my own thinking
Circular logic.

>> No.7621830

>As it enters the left limb, its apparent width is small, because it is nearly edge-on to our point of view.

At the distances involved this would never happen unless the object is floating on the solar surface, and then the occlusion would last a lot longer.

If you make a post-it note orbit a light bulb at 5 meters distance and try to see the post-it occluding said lightbulb at 50 meters distance the post it notes movement during the time it occludes said lightbulb would consist of approximately linear movement because it's such a small segment of the circle circumference that you see it during.

>> No.7621833


Exactly. God being real is taken by them as a premise, so there is no magnitude or quantity of evidence that could disuade them. Any evidence they see is interpreted thus:

>God exists,
>Evidence X exists,
>Therefore, [whatever is convenient].

For example, if you somehow proved, conclusively, that an alien megastructure existed, they would simply interpret this as

God exists,
This megastructure exists,
Therefore, this megastructure is part of God's plan to (help/save/challenge/test) us.

The underlying idea of religion is that no matter how much evidence there is that the universe doesn't care about us and that we are utterly insignificant, we are in fact the most important thing in existance. It is arrogance, narcissism, and megalomania, all at once.

>> No.7621841
File: 43 KB, 640x439, flux curve[5].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how about the second stalactite shown here?

A planet the size of Mercury, too small to induce doppler wobble, but dragging along a ring system five times the diameter of Jupiter's and the rings are obliquely angled toward Earth, are wahhhfer theen, and made of particulate the size of beach sand. The planet is closer to 15 AU rather than 3, so the rings emit in far infrared to submillimeter.

>> No.7621850

Lagrange points.

>> No.7621852

Yes, cosmic strings are very, very massive.

>> No.7621854

aliens craft are already here visiting. i know.

>> No.7621858

I think thats the point. Either a big ass rock or a dyson sphere creates a very similar drop. But a dyson sphere would have to create almost exactly the same spike since its the exact same object passing with the exact velocity. But the spikes are different from each other, so it's more likely that it was 2 celestial bodies that dimmed the light.

>> No.7621862
File: 7 KB, 336x150, SuperSaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kepler is not a thought experiment. It just counts photoelectrons. And the photon count incoming would change with the apparent width of the band.

Sadly, I am not the producer of the OP animation, and no one seems to have modeled this exact scenario so I have only this pic of the newly discovered super Saturn, in artists conception.

>> No.7621864

Quasars aren't actually the most distant objects known. The most distant quasar known is about redshift 7, galaxies on the other hand have been confirmed at redshifts of 9.

It's not clear if supermassive black holes are some of the earliest objects, either way they certainly weren't supermassive at high redshift.

>> No.7621865

>Suicide is a sin.
So's wearing mixed fabrics and eating seafood. On top of that, Jesus said that his gospel and miracles were intended solely for ethnic Jews. Are you Jewish?
Also, there are more religions than just the one your parents foisted on you, all as valid as "yours".

>> No.7621880

That star is 1500 light years away, which means that the image we are getting is from the 6th century when human was emptying their chamber pots from the second storey. If KIC had aliens they would have already contacted us. So from this we can deduce
1. Alien race is not interested in us.
2. KIC is just another star with irregularities like we have never seen before which is still fascinating.
3. They might have visited us in the past and all the myths of ufos from the past might be true.

>> No.7621886

But the confirmation of alien life would be enough to create a shitstorm throughout biology, astronomy and religion. We don't necessarily need contact them to get hyped.

>> No.7621889

Aliens will most likely have their own versions of preachers spreading some religion

>> No.7621902

>they would have already contacted us

Until they find evidence that our planet contains life, they won't know to look here. All they see when they look at us is a star that does not look unique in any way. However, if they are paying really really close attention for some reason, they may detect an increase in radio noise in 1440 years or so. Or a sudden and abnormal spike in carbon emissions from one of the star's planets. Either way, we'll be invisible to their system for the next nearly 1500 years

>> No.7621910

Ayyy lamaaooo

>> No.7621932

>a big ass rock
Rocks don't grow large enough for that.

>a dyson sphere
would 100% occlude the star all the time.

It would just need to be a regular megastructure solar collector, nothing close to a dyson sphere but still enormously much larger than anything our current tech could make.

>> No.7621933

>So perfect grav. balance to explain the lack of Doppler obserations?

No. The more stars involved in the system, the noisier the signal is and the less absolute difference in doppler shift is available, the latter simply because rather than having two stars that move in and out from the observer, you now have extra sources that fill in the middle positions as well.

>> No.7621942

Maybe a Dyson sphere under construction?

>> No.7621944

>A planet the size of Mercury, too small to induce doppler wobble, but dragging along a ring system five times the diameter of Jupiter's and the rings are obliquely angled toward Earth, are wahhhfer theen, and made of particulate the size of beach sand. The planet is closer to 15 AU rather than 3, so the rings emit in far infrared to submillimeter.

I think the probability for post-life superintelligence is higher than a planet with those specs.

Also no single object of regular shape couldn't generate the occlusion train that was observed.

>> No.7621950

That's like calling a plot of land a skyscraper after you finish cutting down the trees in it.

>> No.7621953

well more like, a empty plot of land with the first out of the hundredth story built

>> No.7621955
File: 16 KB, 560x365, KIC 8462852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these other three or four stars, they are all, at the moment of this pictured observation lined up single file behind Aichan?

>> No.7621958

No, actually, we found one. The planet is bigger than Mercury, but the rings are ginormous. >>7621862

>> No.7621962

>the first out of the hundredth story built
Given the area to cover to finish a dyson sphere that would be floor one out of a hundred billion.

>> No.7621968

With the technology they have, i highly doubt that they didn't detect us

>> No.7621969
File: 398 KB, 800x600, 93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw alone on a drop of water orbiting a nuclear furnace somewhere in empty space, and nobody knows you're even there

>> No.7621971

Yeah, that.

>> No.7621972

One astronomer who dabbles in this told space.com, or one of them, that the time to build would be orders of magnitude shorter than the time to decay and fall apart, so if it is a partial Dyson structure, then it is more likely a ruin than a site under construction.

Which is even creepier than ayy lmao, in a Martian Chronicle kind of way. Not only would we be seeing confirmation of an alien super technology, we would see that even that achievement can't guarantee a civilization's continued existence.

Man. The super ruins of Cygnus.

>> No.7621974

[math]ayy[/math] [math]lmao[/math]

>> No.7621978

Oh shit, the old ones confirmed?

>> No.7621979

Considering that a single star gives a nearly perfectly gaussian distribution, I would say from that image that no, the other stars are most certainly not lined up directly behind Aichan.

>> No.7621985

or maybe they ascended or some shit and didn't need them anymore

like the ayys in 2001

>> No.7621989

First of all, tech they are assumed to have

Second, there is nothing for them to see. We are 1500 light years away. We're a pixel no matter the tech. They could potentially detect the change in carbon by keeping track of our pixel every time it passes our sun and identifying changes in the light that passes through our atmosphere over time. If they watch for a thousand years they can identify a cycle, and when that cycle suddenly shifts, they can assume that maybe advanced life exists, or maybe there was a large string of volcanic eruptions/global fire or something. If they start looking for other signs, they may be more confident in the possibility of advanced life. They absolutely will not see people walking around on the surface

>> No.7621995
File: 201 KB, 444x276, 1444681854853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to piss on your party, but I think that the mechanism of detecting content of a far away solarsystem just outsmarted us.

Of course aliums would be very very exciting, but with all things taken in consideration it doesn't seem likely. We simply don't have enough information about this solar system in question and over hyping it could destroy all credibility towards the related scientific fields.

It could be just a bunch of small planets merging into a big planet. Just sayin'.

In anycase... If it was aliums, we'd have to be extremely careful with our actions as we don't want to get fucked over. We literially don't know anything about these potential lifeforms so we can't make anysort of expectations towards them. Literially anything could happen, and in most known scenearios we'd be defenseless.

>> No.7622001

Actually the opposite would happen.
Atheists will have to admit that the biblical God actually existed.
Jesus was an alien. The guiding star was a UFO, the virgin birth was Jesus being given to Mary by humanoid aliens. Human genetic code has been manipulated by aliens. Mount Sinai where Moses received the 10 commandments? Communication with aliens to promote a code of law in human society. Why? Because they need us to evolve in order to harvest our beneficial mutations for genetic experiments.

So rather ironically, it will be the enlightened atheists with egg on their faces when judgement day arrives. Perhaps not an omnipotent God who created the Earth in seven days, but one of humanity nonetheless.

>> No.7622005

>The planet is bigger than Mercury
And how!

>its most probable mass is approximately 13 to 26 Jupiter masses

It's a fucking beast of a planet.

Or maybe they stopped building more solar panels when they realized they already gathered enough energy to liquify all mass in their solar system? You're going to have some serious challenges in figuring out what the fuck to do with all that energy rather quickly once you have more than a planetary surface worth of in-space solar.

>> No.7622006

It can just be 2 random shit passing by with similar sizes. It's not a pattern if it only happened twice.

>> No.7622009
File: 53 KB, 800x489, 18j475vkey00xjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy blue ayy lmao booty when

>> No.7622013

The race that was able to harness the star 1500 years ago can be safely assumed to be leaps and bounds ahead of us in terms of technology. We are still significantly behind from what they were 1500 years ago and if we can detect the star then we can't even imagine what they can do.

>> No.7622018

>serious challenges in figuring out what the fuck to do with all that energy
No anon, they've already got that figured out, and have already begun focusing it, and evaporating other solar systems with a quasar-like radiation/heat ray.

I think its good we remain invisible to the ayys.

>> No.7622019

Unless their body size and population density is roughly equivalent to ours, in which case even the on the relatively tiny strip in OPs webm there could be several hundred billion ayys. Plus, who says they don't photosynthesize? Or that they need to metabolize oxygen? Or have such a frail temperature tolerance as us?

Photosynthesizing exoskeletal autonomous space-flight capable dragonflies, dude. A trillion of them.

>> No.7622026

There's a distinct lack of actual UFOlogy going on in a thread about aliens.

It's like people ignore my posts and just talk about asinine crap. They're already here!

>> No.7622030

You're attributing them with emotions and social dynamics that there is no reason to say that they share with us. This is the most projecting post I have ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.7622031

Base your Ayylmaology on facts about KIC data or git out.

>> No.7622036

I don't think you've really thought about scale.

>> No.7622037

I'm partial to the idea of a ringworld being the source of occlusion. I don't see them having enough building materials without the power to casually transmute elements. If they have that level of mastery over the nuclear force, it should be possible to utilize it for tensile strength.

>> No.7622053

You should send a signal and tell them what you think of their "mega"structure

>> No.7622055
File: 766 KB, 800x600, EarthVSun-April62011.001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> coz I saw it on Halo

Can you comprehend the time, energy and amount of materials they would need to have in order to build something thats much bigger than their own goddamn sun ?

KIC is around %36 bigger than our own sun. Just imagine, how could we ever find materials and energy to build something much bigger than the sun which occludes %20 of its light? Look at the goddamn proportions of this thing.

Dyson sphere is the most ridiculous and farfetched theory you can conclude out of these findings.

>> No.7622058

>earth's energy consumption goes up exponentially decade on decade

>hurr durr what do the ayys need with all this energy I can't think of a use

>> No.7622066

and yet still completely plausible until we get more data. So kindly fuck off with your false intellectual superiority.

>> No.7622072

Guys the thread is dying, can we please keep discussing this? Thanks.

>> No.7622074

> and yet still completely plausible

>> No.7622075

if /x/ turns out to be right all along i'm going to shit in my pants

>> No.7622083

serious question: Is it rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

>> No.7622086


>"Oh shit hey, didn't see your message."
>"You couldn't reply back before our Sun was blasted by that white dwarf?"
>"I'm sorry, I was busy."

Aliens are pricks.

>> No.7622088

The aliens are probably dead by now.

>> No.7622095

>We send the ayyliums a message, they pinpoint where it came from before even fucking reading it
>The message damningly would have told them where we are, but it doesn't even matter
>They already know
>They send a fleet of multi-generational ships with thermonuclear carpet bomb capability
>The fucking ships themselves could be massive ALLAHU AHKBARS
>New New York city, Neo Tokyo, and the muslim city we once called London completely wiped out
>They're fucking coming in waves
>Humans enslaved after putting up a fight for 7 hours.

>> No.7622096
File: 11 KB, 380x380, one-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ayy lmao connection reset by peer*

>> No.7622097
File: 589 KB, 516x566, jeff goldblum face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they look exactly like humans ?

>> No.7622099


>> No.7622101


What if the aliens, are us?

>> No.7622113

Thing is, if every day we had the technology to put 10000 a square mile plane in orbit around our own sun, (and this would be so far into the future that our technology today would be relative to how a bow and arrow worked) it would only take about 10 million days or 27 thousand years. a long time sure but compared to the age of a star...

>> No.7622124
File: 86 KB, 800x656, keck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you comprehend the time, energy and amount of materials they would need to have in order to build something thats much bigger than their own goddamn sun ?

You know that system's companion dwarf star? You've got a lot of convenient building material right there. If you're looking to handle population growth, building a ringworld or similar megastructure makes a hell of a lot more sense than conquering millions and millions of star systems - so long as the technology is within your grasp.

>> No.7622134

>Dyson sphere is the most ridiculous and farfetched theory you can conclude out of these findings.

A megastructure is only in the running because no one's come up with a compelling, natural cause that simultaneously explains the degree of the star's dimming, the shape of the star's light curve, the non-existence of stellar gas clouds, and the lack of radial velocity effects from any high mass object(s). It's not being tossed around Just Because AYYY LMAO; it's an honest to goodness candidate for a reasonable cause.

>> No.7622135

Autonomous, self-repairing, self-replicating, construction drones.

Construction would be agonizingly slow for the first hundred years or so, but would dramatically increase exponentially.

Until they became self aware, and eradicated the ayys that built them, hence why it isn't completed.

>> No.7622137


>"One ounce of gold can be stretched into a thin wire measuring only five microns, or five millionths of a meter, thick, that would reach in a straight line from midtown Manhattan across Long Island Sound to Bridgeport, Connecticut--a distance of 80 kilometers or 50 miles."

>> No.7622139

> Making solar panels from burning plasma

Yes it is. Dyson sphere is not even a theory that makes sense, it doesn't even show a periodic dimming since the spikes look much different from each other. And there is no evidence of any orbital rotation. Not to mention 2 light dimmings don't make a pattern.

>> No.7622144

> materials just exist out of thin air.

>> No.7622147

are you retarded or just pretending to be?

>> No.7622149


Whatever the cause is, more data is needed. Again, as I stated in an earlier post, I've made the assumption that some level of mastery of the nuclear force is needed to construct anything at that scale. If that is the case, it shouldn't matter what your raw materials are; you could make what you needed.

>> No.7622152

Ad-hominems are not answers kid. I greentexted you one of the many gigantic holes in your theory, either explain them or go back to /x/

>> No.7622168

Ah, so you are just retarded :^)

>> No.7622173

>I think the probability for post-life superintelligence is higher than a planet with those specs.
why do retards keep talking about how probable life on other planets is?

we have one data point, we can't say anything except a lower bound on the probability of life.

>> No.7622177

Maybe the aliens are just fine but that dyson sphere is the equivalent of detroit.

>> No.7622178


robots. robots building robot building robots building building robots.

>> No.7622186


How about construction drones that are latched onto an asteroid at one end and crawl along the framework with the other, processing the raw material in the body of the drone and dispensing parts to the assembly arms as needed?

There would of course need to be a separate fleet of robots to collect asteroids from that system and those around it, cut them down to size, and distribute the pieces to construction drones that require resupply.

>> No.7622204
File: 89 KB, 1493x157, its not a dyson sphere fgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just sperging out illiterate sci-fi crap without even explaining anything.

The sun has a radius of 432 and earth has a radius is 4. But for the sake of speculating, lets take out the decimals and say the suns radius is 100, and earths radius is 1. To block the light coming from the sun, you would have to build something with the thickness of around 14 earths...14 earths...and this is just the thickness of it. For it to go all the way around the sun you need to put like a few hundred of these 14 earths which would make something like around a few thousand earths. Which you cannot simply gather from the asteroids laying around which even then, only supply a small amount of solar cell making material. Can you now comprehend the immensity of the thing you claim is possible ?

>> No.7622210

Created in His image means possessing intellect and reason and personhood. If aliens have that, then they're made in the image of God as well. This is basic theology. Try attending a Sunday school with some toddlers and maybe you'll learn something. That seems about your level of understanding.

>mfw these people try to talk about a field that isn't theirs and they don't even have a cursory knowledge of

You realize that scientists back then were mostly CLERGY, right? So you're telling me these people became priests and monks because they had guns to their heads? Also, are you seriously doubting the faith of, say, Isaac Newton? How much about history do you actually know? When people wanted to be toxic contrarians such as yourself they turned to religious heresy, not atheism, because, GASP, people in the past actually believed things other than your own assumptions. There was no "atheist underground."

Matthew 5:22

I'm sorry, is God on your fucking time limit or something? Last time I checked, HISTORY IS STILL IN PROGRESS and the last places on earth that haven't had the Gospel preached to them are currently being evangelized. It takes shit like North Korea to keep missionaries out.

>So's wearing mixed fabrics and eating seafood
Oh look. Another ignorant blowhard who doesn't know the difference between the moral and the ceremonial law. Your theological knowledge is astounding.

>Jesus said that his gospel and miracles were intended solely for ethnic Jews
Good thing we had Paul.

> there are more religions than just the one your parents foisted on you
I was raised atheist. My father's side of the family were Marxists. My mother was a lapsed Catholic. I didn't know any Christians growing up because I live in a secularist country. I converted to Christianity when I was nineteen. You're presumptuous. Another symptom of arrogance. Any other insightful gems you feel like dropping today?

>> No.7622222


Wow, you're mad.

>> No.7622234


You're either a really dedicated troll or you really were so scared to find your own meaning in life that you gave up and turned to a nice, comfortable, pre-established worldview that pats you on the head and tells you that death is nothing to worry about.

>> No.7622248
File: 42 KB, 636x356, God[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Bible doesn't mean what you want it to mean. God created adam in his own image and created eve from adams ribs. Anything that doesn't look like human outside this world cannot be the creation of god.

>> No.7622254
File: 23 KB, 552x371, not even yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>It's too complicated! The only explanation is magic!

>> No.7622266

Wow. What a brave person you are. So courageous to be an atheist. You're so manly and virile. So daring and caviler to stand so alone. You're almost tragic, like a Byronic hero. I bet you're unique and interesting as well. What tremendous strength of mind and character you must possess. Your intellect must be astounding to produce such originality and insight. Dare I say that you're even a genius? Nah, fuck off.

So you're telling me that a deity that pre-exised the material universe did so in a material, physical human body and that it's exclusively our material bodies that defines us as being made in the image of God? The depth of your theological understanding is staggering. Please keep posting.

>> No.7622267

most tryhard autism i've ever seen

>> No.7622268

Yes, that's why the angels get to tell us what to do. They were given knowledge in due time, like they were supposed to. We tried to copy alien technology before we were ready, so the federation will forever keep us at arms length, after causing all kinds of disasters on our planet to kill off the real knowledge. We continue to create problems they don't want, so we'll be in the dark at least until we solve that. Why do you think Jesus was all about peace on earth? It's a requisite to be allowed as part of the literal kingdom of heaven(the space monarchy). You ever read real descriptions of angels? Weird creatures with multiple faces and shit.

>> No.7622278

This. I think a more likely conjecture is that advanced ayylmaos are only interested in contacting other advanced ayylmaos and that these structures are more common than we think.

I mean you're an ayylmao tasked with contacting ayylmao species. Which ones are you more interested in contacting. The dudes who are easy to find because they've built Dyson spheres and other megastructures or the shitty needle hidden in a haystack dudes that haven't produced anything of value to the cosmos?

Compared to Aichan we suck. Who would even want to hang out with us when there's dudes like that out there? Who wants to bet that as soon as we make contact with Aichan they instead just disappear and move to another part of the cosmos where we can't bother them?

>> No.7622279

thats what bible says :^)

>> No.7622289

I personally hope so. This would by far be the most exciting discovery ever for science.

(Also it supports the humanity-is-a-berserker-probe idea)

>> No.7622292

Good thing I'm not an ultra-literalist Baptist or something, then. You do realize that there's more than one type of Christian, right? Keep strawmanning though. You're sure winning the argument that's actually taking place that way instead of crawling up your own assful of presumptions about what other people believe. It makes my skin crawl with embarrassment that I used to be one of you people before I actually started investigating the subject.

>> No.7622295

>A civilization that has achieved near-light speed technology would use such inefficient weapons as thermonuclear carpet bombs.

Nigga, get with the times. They'd just have to throw a big rock at us at near light speed and the whole planet would be gone before we even saw it coming.


>> No.7622299

The problem with trolling /sci/ is that we think the religion is troll itself. So when you base your baits on religion it's like you're carrying a huge cardboard that says "IM TROLLING GUISE NEVERMIND ME".
I suggest you try trolling people with UFOs, /sci/ seems to be more prone to replying ayylmaos around here.

>> No.7622302

>he has a different worldview than me
>he must be trolling

Nice copout. You lost the debate so I guess that's the only way to leave with some semblance of your over-inflated ego intact. Don't worry. You'll mature. I did. Just keep looking for God and you'll do fine.

>> No.7622304

> muh killnipple
and how the fuck do you get a rock to reach near lightspeed ?

>> No.7622305

Your worldviews that are not based on scientific methods are considered troll here. Still don't get it ?

>> No.7622306
File: 201 KB, 1468x1646, 4739458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>still buying into the dyson ring theory

>> No.7622307

With a dyson sphere powered accelerator the size of a star.

>> No.7622316

Build it spinning a certain way and then use some ring powered thrust to make it spin a different way.

>> No.7622317

I get it. You're sticking your fingers in your ears and repeating "na-na-na-na" and you think that means you've won an argument. Congratulations. You're ignorant.

>> No.7622322

The real question is what should we do when the ayylmaos try to convert us to their polytheistic uberman religion?

>> No.7622326

well feel free to keep trying :\

we should accept it

>> No.7622329

>skipping rectangles 3, 4 and 5


>> No.7622343

So if it's a dyson ring the two signals on either side should keep changing, and at some time they may swap.

>> No.7622349

You pull the materiel in from alternate universes. Have you even read "BLAME!"?

>> No.7622351

Do you realize that a thin structure that size would wiggle around like a giant string ?

>> No.7622365


What happens to a person who lives a perfect moral life but never had the opportunity to learn about christianity and god?

>> No.7622369

Aliens would have to be humanoid. There will probably female aliens, I bet like they have vaginas... but different, where you stick your dick in and it discombobulates your penis in a really good way sort of like a gentle blender

>> No.7622371

Well it sounds like you would want the rotations to sync up (as mentioned in rectangle 5). Especially if the ring were in construction and you were in the process of dropping new pieces onto it from time to time.

>> No.7622388

So what are the odds of kic having a dyson ring which just happens to rotate along its own body at exactly the same rate as it rotates around the star (which we would need for the signals in the OP to make sense since they are two unique different signals) as opposed to simply having two enormous natural bodies that just happen to be on opposite sides of the star?

Occam's razor.

>> No.7622395

Panel 5
Which would nicely explain why the two spikes in the observations are not the same.

Nice work helping the dyson fags

>> No.7622398

Hell. Just like all the people that lived before jesus.

>> No.7622402

What if they're like the covenant in Halo, where they're like ass backwards in some respect, but advanced in others?

>> No.7622403

I swear if they turn out to be the classical uverused humanoid with fucking human anatomy and slightly more autistic heads, I'm gonna fucking throw rocks at them.
Get some originality ffs.

>> No.7622404

Exactly the same likelihood of our being an alien structure in the first place.

Extremely unlikely, but a possible explanation.

So... Yeah back to where we started.

>> No.7622410

What happened to them when they died?

>> No.7622413

An array solves all those problems.

>> No.7622416

They went to hell.

>> No.7622431

So they were punished for all eternity and there was no choice they could have made in their lifetime to prevent that?

>> No.7622438

Yes. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is. Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven and do that we could enter heaven. Before that, it was all fucked.

>> No.7622444

>a dyson ring works if its not a dyson ring

>> No.7622453

people don't go to hell until Judgment day as far as Christianity is concerned, you are being rused.

>> No.7622454

>what is a dyson swarm

>> No.7622456

Exactly my point. I certainly believe that if they wanted to contact us then they already would have.

>> No.7622458


>> No.7622459

Why would all the objects in the array cluster into two regions on opposite ends of the star?

How would the orbital mechanics work? Surely they would end up spread out all over the star.

>> No.7622471

constant acceleration via photon sail would take about a year to push something into high fractional c. It would take a bunch of energy though.

>> No.7622474

what faith is is essentially trust and hope in God, and God is Love. a person doesn't need to ascribe to biblicism or literalism in order to please God. people seem to have a difficult time differentiating between the bible and God. the bible was written by people. yes, these people were all members of the same community seeking God, but God didn't write the bible. which is why a person of faith, that is, someone who trusts and hopes in God who is Love, can be inspired to faith by the gospel and feel revulsion when they read the book of numbers.

let's say a person overwhelmingly follows the demands of love in most moral decisions they're faced with, that is, when faced with a moral decision they choose and act out the most loving option they're aware of. this in practice is unable to be distinguished from the genuine following of jesus christ.

church can be good when its comprised of people who genuinely follow jesus christ in this way. communities made up of people whom only nominally are christian are just as unremarkable and awful as every other human institution

you see, if God is there, and i believe he is because i hope and trust that he is (i don't know, and KNOWING is a realm for fanatics), when you die he isn't going to ask you whether you were a member of the correct religion. he's either going to know you because you've lived in communion with him through the love you have, the love you do, and the love you become, or he isn't going to know you because you haven't chosen communion with love. this is the great test, and it's pass or fail, and if you pass, you owe it God, and if you don't, you are responsible

>> No.7622475
File: 80 KB, 460x425, darthgayder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exatcly my point showing the human race their mistake

Yea i thought the same thing but again it would be a good lesson for the human race to wake>>7620592
Thank >>7621046

>> No.7622480

Although, if you don't believe that jesus was the son of God all you just wrote is for nothing.

Just as an fyi

>> No.7622482

[citation needed]
I highly doubt a simple photon sail can push an asteroid sized object near ligthspeed

>> No.7622486

We need to build a series of concentric spheres made of RKV detecting satellites and powerful projectile launchers around the solar system, which can relay information inwards at the speed of light, faster than an RKV, and respond with a sufficiently massive object moving sufficiently quickly to counter the RKV.

There should be concentric spheres to get multiple snapshots incase the RKV changes momentum after passing the outer sphere.

>> No.7622494

pushed by a laser, not just solar radiation.

>> No.7622500

jesus is Lord. he's the way to God because only by following his example can gain communion with God. the example he laid down for us was to love one another in the way i just described. he's the truth because he is the wisdom of God. he's the light because he is the source of all grace, which he bestows on anyone he chooses, whether they explicitly confess he is Lord or not.

then again, a person who says the words Jesus if Lord and doesn't love their neighbor/enemy in practice doesn't actually believe, even though they themselves may think they believe, because what happens a lot is people believe in a jesus that is not jesus. an idol called jesus, and because they don't understand who jesus is or who God is, they can't possibly become aware of their false discipleship. the missing element is the actual love. the person who loves will know God, and the person who doesn't, won't

this applies to any intelligent being in this universe, human or not

>> No.7622501

How fast does it have to accelerate per day if you want it to reach to 300,000km/s ?

>> No.7622507

1 gravity, if we're saying a year of constant acceleration. it'll pick up about 800 km/s of velocity per day.

>> No.7622519

> 1 gravity
wat :v
I mean how fast in kilometers does the speed have to increase per day to get there in a year ?

>> No.7622520


>let's say a person overwhelmingly follows the demands of love in most moral decisions they're faced with, that is, when faced with a moral decision they choose and act out the most loving option they're aware of. this in practice is unable to be distinguished from the genuine following of jesus christ.

>the person who loves will know God, and the person who doesn't, won't

What if you take perfect action with respect to your effect on other people, but you don't feel love at any point? Are the consequences enough to get you into heaven, or do you have to be a particular emotion state?

>> No.7622521
File: 253 KB, 680x597, 1415134239826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are tribes in the amazon who have never heard of jesus. Jesus isn't very good at spreading his ultimate truth to his creations. His strengths are miracles through happy coincidences

The aliens already know about Jesus. He used to show up at least once a century, but for some reason he mysteriously disappeared about 2000 years ago.

>> No.7622527

>wat :v
a gravity is a unit of acceleration meaning 9.8m/s^2

>I mean how fast in kilometers does the speed have to increase per day to get there in a year ?
>it'll pick up about 800 km/s of velocity per day.

>> No.7622540


>be chem eng
>have a deep love for space coupled with a nice understanding of thermodynamics and shit
>have to be deeply ashamed by normies going ape shit and literally making science look like some half-assed sci-fi comic book instead of the mathematically formal field of study it is

Just imagine.

Imagine for a second if Ayy Lmaos managed to tip in our communication broadcasts.

Imagine them looking at us going apeshit and wild literally because of some reflecting rocks on mars and some debris going past a star.

Holy shit the shame.

>> No.7622552

The reflecting rocks aren't on Mars you fucking retard

>> No.7622558


I forgot where they are, that doesn't make them AYY LMAOS CONFIRMED like the internet made them become.

What kind of "evolved" creatures go crazy because of mirrors?

>> No.7622560

>2 to 3 asteroid belts going past, at the most

>> No.7622568

love is complex. it isn't an emotion, it's more an orientation toward the other, in addition to being an act itself. kind of like how a photon is both a particle and a wave. the reason why it's so hard to explain love in terms of ethics is because ethics or moral are focused on the acts of the individual, and love is about relations (not sexual relations). modern ethics looks to utility for the individual, or the motivating passions of the individual, but doesn't ground itself in the relations between two subjects, which is what love is about.

loving the way God loves means you act on behalf of the well being of the other without regard for reward. it means loving for the sake of love.

electing the loving act perfectly is impossible. acting out love for the other is impossible without this orientation and act. you won't see people acting for the well being of the other without regard for reward unless they do so, which is to say, you won't see love in action unless it is love put into action. what they feel doesn't matter.

>> No.7622570

No, but it does make you more of an idiot.


>> No.7622580
File: 5 KB, 180x211, 1434538970512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


y r u so rude


>> No.7622586

Because you're trying to act superior to people interested in a legitimately fascinating phenomenon, and failing.

>> No.7622593


I'm not. It's a fact that the people who go wild because LOL ALYUMS are retards.

They don't even know a single fact about it, they just talk about it because it's hype.

They don't know it's a fascinating phenomenon, don't literally don't even know what it's all about. They just want to be "cool" and part of something.

Now go drink your chocolate milk.

>> No.7622626

>they don't know a single fact about it
Says the fucking idiot who said the reflecting rocks were actually on Mars.

You sure are doing a good job anon, you must be super smart :^)

>> No.7622632

if it's a 3000 year round trip, shouldnt the aliens get it around 3515

>> No.7622650

I think it's how you would want it to rotate because that would make constructing it easier. I mean your post is essentially
>So what are the odds of kic having a dyson object that just so happens to be a ring shape around the star as opposed to simply having a dyson cube or a dyson pyramid?
>Occam's razor.

>> No.7622653

You do have to ascribe to a monotheism and not just any monotheism, the right monotheism.

inb4 a fleet of polytheistic ayyylmaos crusade your ass for such heresy.

>> No.7622666

>The very next day the pope will say the bible supported aliens since always and evangelists/muslims will pretend nothing happened
Calling it

>> No.7622704
File: 656 KB, 600x800, ayylmaonamal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sure hope the alien are a race of sexy animal people. My poor dick is starving.

>> No.7622755
File: 26 KB, 636x358, ypaa5evcvtkmrhlteopb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wat if they are like...

>> No.7622774

Without CMS?

>> No.7622834

listening to "sophisticated" christians is like arguing with gender studies majors when they start citing their textbooks about how you can't be racists towards towards white people... The field of theology is an academic construction with no basis in empirically observed reality. We aren't having a theological debate with you, we are having a reality debate. Theology is irrelevant.

>> No.7623097

>someone makes a theological statement
>various anons bandy the statement back and forth in the context of various theological frameworks
>this guy stumbles in
>No! U kan't bring theology into this not allowed not allowed not allowed *bangs head on wall while grunting*

Well, at least you're not intellectually dishonest enough to refuse to recognize that my position is more sophisticated than you can understand. Instead you just admit that you're willfully ignorant. That isn't an excuse to not engage in argument, though. It's an admission of defeat. You've been vanquished now. Bye!

>> No.7623162
File: 71 KB, 679x960, riddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's objecting because you're making it much more complicated than it is. Pic related.

>> No.7623193

Nice post. Your statement was a very valuable contribution to the discussion. Valid premise. Flawless logic. Effective argument. You've really progressed us all much closer toward apprehending the truth of the matter, and I must say, you did so with style, substance, and humour aplomb. When I was reading your statement, I couldn't help but laugh, rub my chin, and nod in a state of almost dumbfounded acquiescence to the unquestionable superiority of your intellect, character, personality, and belief system. Good job. I'm impressed. Anyone would be. You should feel good about yourself. You should feel good about the type of person you are, and the limitless potential for personal development you've displayed here today. Sit back and bask in your success. You've earned it.

>> No.7623313


>Religious standards of debate

>> No.7623321

what is the answer ?

>> No.7623392

Not to mention that Easter, where Jesus is removed from his tomb and rises again, is aliums reclaiming his body.

It all makes sense.


Aliens are monitoring our planet. In the past they have interacted with us, but found that it is in their best interests to stay at a distance; genetic experimentation, social and economic stability, protection for both them and us. They have antigravity propulsion, which uses antimatter as fuel. Given to humans, they would certainly use this to create weapons thousands of times more devastating than nuclear weapons. Humans also have a propensity for violence. Governments around the world have reclaimed crashed craft and these are kept above top classified information as scientists slowly attempt to back engineer them. There are a couple of alien species. Some resemble humans, others are smaller and gray. All are humanoid in appearance, for reasons I am not quite sure about. The grays have 4 finger digits. Some can communicate telepathically, which may be biological or technological in nature i.e designated evolutionary structures or implants that emit signals. Such implants have been retrieved from claimed abductees, the materials analyzed at Los Alamos and New Mexico University and the results proving that the materials are not found on Earth and shown to emit frequencies into space.

You all need to fucking grow up and look at the information which is out there. I am guessing the majority of this board is very young, freshmen at university or something. You really need to start thinking for yourselves. This isn't kindergarden for uni students, it's a fucking science board.

>> No.7623393

at least, if it is something, NASA will get more funding

>> No.7623396
File: 825 KB, 1229x819, alien HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.7623434

dude weed lmao

>> No.7623440


>> No.7623466


>> No.7623467


>> No.7623471

haha, just watched it myself. It's a balloon hoax.

>> No.7623480

show me pictures of truck-wheels on mars

>> No.7623511


Theology exists because while the concept of an omnibenevolent God might seem like an easy sell, the local god-talker will suddenly have a lot of explaining to do when the local barbarian tribe rolls into town, kills your son, rapes your wife and sells your daughter into slavery.

>> No.7623609
File: 23 KB, 640x382, mars-truck-wheel-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.
Protip: It's a rock.
Basically the problem with discussing UFOs sensibly is there are a lot of fucking nutters that are drawn to the field like flies on shit,

>> No.7623616
File: 38 KB, 361x292, Mars-statue-head[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking explain this then

>> No.7623630

now show me the one of dumbbells on mars

>> No.7623631
File: 13 KB, 800x800, Formalhaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In our own solar system there are groups of asteroids captured in Jupiter's orbit by the LaGrangian points created by the gravitational balance between Jupiter and the Sun. They pass by the Sun in semi-periodic fashion, and if there were many more of them, would create flux dips similar in shape to Aichan's.

For that to be the case, there has to be something massive enough to create the LaGrangian balance, and no such massive body has been observed in her orbit.

The nearby red dwarf has been proposed as being within Aichan's gravity well, and if so, it could impose enough gravity to create long periodicity on a comet belt. There is precedent for something similar in the Formalhaut system, pic related; a massive exocomet belt.

Which is all to say that there are pieces of a natural explanation for which observations have not yet been complete enough.

>> No.7623633

just found this thread..

why do you think that ayy lmao would change religion ? does the bible say that we are the only planet with life ? god "would" create other life around the whole universe.. of couse you could say something about the genesis part of the bible, but everybody knows its a metapher..

not even trolling

>> No.7623652


Nigga they already past that.

>> No.7623677

As I already said, Christianity is all about aliens.

Jesus was a hybrid alien. Virgin birth, no crying, his special talents, the guiding star was a UFO, his body disappearing from the tomb during Easter. He died for our sins, literally. He could have been rescued by God aka aliums at any time, but he was not. He died to set an example that mankind would be able to follow and help add stability to society.

I know more about Christianity than the Pope himself. Now you do too.

>> No.7623703
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>He died to set an example that mankind would be able to follow and help add stability to society.

>> No.7623738

There may be news tomorrow. Another thread? Or just come back to it. Seems like current announcements have been covered, as well as the data, which has been ground dull over the last week.

I'm leaning toward just let this one fall through and wait for something new. It'll probably last the day anyway.

>> No.7623741

ok he died to protect us
aliens could easily have sought bloody revenge

>> No.7623857

If you hold belief A, and reality shows that B is true, and A is incompatible with B, most people reject their former belief as it has been shown to be false.

Theology is the construction of elaborate convoluted logical bridges between A and B to account for B without letting go of A.

Like fan theories trying to explain plotholes.

>> No.7623862

has a disk like in saturn been ruled out?

>> No.7623873

kek, this is a pretty brilliant explanation

literally makes me want to buy a fedora so i could tip it

>> No.7625410
