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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 249x243, 0602 - ThGivOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7614719 No.7614719 [Reply] [Original]

>walking out of a hard test and the serotonin hits you
>looking up a problem at home after a test and finding out that you solved it correctly

>> No.7614724
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>looking up a problem at home after a test and finding out that you solved it incorrectly

>> No.7614728
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>but then you fluked the question after

>> No.7614729

don't you mean dopamine?

>> No.7614733
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>tfw you get all the answers right but lose a letter grade for not putting units or showing all your work

>> No.7614737

>Have a brain fart during exam
>Devise your own way to answer question
>several weeks later get a look at exam script
>+1 for creativity

My erection could have taken down a wall.

>> No.7614759

serotonin also makes emotion change I think

>> No.7614786


who cares they're both made from amino acids

that is literally the only thing that matters

>> No.7614806
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>walk out of test
>instantly realise that your answer was wrong

>> No.7614809
File: 16 KB, 480x360, wtf_cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend entire year before uni worrying about how hard it will be
>finally start at uni for electrical engineering
>it's not hard at all
>two years later now into junior year
>still hasn't been hard
>only like 5 general tso's in my class
>only 2 poo in loos
>almost all of us are white guys
>program is in the top 20

Maybe it's because I had to start at College Algebra and refreshed myself with a lot before Calculus & Analytical Geometry 1 but wow. Maybe I'm not a dumb fuck? From what I've been able to see, the only guys who actually complain in engineering are just idiots that end up dropping it anyway. Really, if you're willing to study like 3 hours a day, you'll be perfectly fine the entire time.

>> No.7614818

>forgetting units and intermediate steps

My little freshman can't be this fresh.

>> No.7614836


Fucking cringing at your plebeian lack of knowledge

>> No.7614848

we aren't psychologists or any base level pleb examining function. My job is to learn about structures.

>> No.7614873

I'm in need of assistance, Anons.
My low-budget POS department dropped subscription to archived journals and I can't access an article I'm supposed to present for class

Could any scholarly anon help me out by downloading the PDF for the following article:

Role of dendritic cells in the priming of CD4+ T lymphocytes to peptide antigen in vivo

and emailing it to me at:
madman911xx@gmail.com (It's an email I made when I was 11, plsnobully)

Thx in advance

>> No.7615577

no its endorphines

>> No.7615601

hahahah you absolute madman!

>> No.7615714
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>decide to drink all weekend before writing upper level math course exam
>don't study all semester
>go in and take it sleep deprived and hung over
>get b+

>> No.7615720


>tfw English
>tfw GIR
>tfw exam is subjective
>tfw 37% midterm cuase 'muh feelings'
>tfw killing myself later this week.

>> No.7615734

This. This so fucking much.

>> No.7615741
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>tfw failing english 101
>tfw doing topology proofs to make myself feel better
>tfw essay due in 6 hours but can't stop doing math and shitposting

>> No.7615748
File: 36 KB, 394x273, atapuerca homo antecesor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 years old
>compete in Math Ollympics
>get to provincial stage
>it's in another city
>my father and I travel there and stay in a hotel
>it has a nice arcade
>stay awake at night waching Alf, The Addams family and i dream of Jeannie on Nick-at-night (there was a marathon of the later)
>there's also my father's new PC with the latet OS, Vista
>browse uncyclopedia and SA related sites a bit
>next day
>meet this girl who's in the Ollympics too
>snow-white skin
>blue eyes
>wheat-gold hair
>my heart just thumps from being near her
>she's from my same town, a year younger than me
>she practices swimming like me, only at a different time than me
>get almost all of that due to our parents, who were eating along us
>Day of the test
>after it we go see the beach as to relax
>She's going too
>in the evening we go to a mall to see Mamma mia
>My dad, girl's mother, the girl, some kids and I all stuffed in dad's car
>she's next to me
>last day
>before going to see the results and awards the girl and I play a little in the hotel's arcade
>in the awards
>nobody of us gets anything
>Time to go back
>Dad leads other two cars, including one with the girl and her parents
>he makes a wrog turn as he's a bit tired and almost gets us the other side of the province
>spend my last moments with that girl in a Petrol station
>we exchange adresses and (house) phone numbers
>back at home
>Mom and Sis greet us with homemade brownies
>slip my thounge about how we almost got ended up the other side of the province
>Mom gets mad at Dad
>never call girl
>eventually meet her again in swimming class after our schedules were changed
>lose touch after each of us quit swimming

>> No.7615752

negro you have her number and her address. Are you incapable of some basic stalking to figure out if she's moved or not?

>> No.7615753

holy shit this just like one my anime plots
you must call glorious autistic beauty

>> No.7615771
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>not putting units
How fucking new can you be?

>> No.7615794


>failing english 101

this is bait

>> No.7616459
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>walk out of hard test
>look up a problem at home
>turns out you did it right the first time but went back and changed it to an incorrect answer during the test

truly the worst feeling

>> No.7616504
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>> No.7617742

>Mamma mia
>Windows Vista

At first I was gonna ask you if you were still twelve, but now I realize it's been 7 years

>> No.7617748

Units are objectively the most important thing in a mathematical science answer.

>the answer is 30
30 what? 30ml? 30L? 30nm? 30Hz? 30bp? Units are important. Especially if the equation involved multiple units and you had to progressively cancel them out. That also shows you understand how you got the answer.

Losing marks for not showing working is BS though.

>> No.7617819
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>Next year I'll work harder

I never do

>> No.7617839
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>take quiz and be first to finish
>keep thinking you fucked up on one of the questions
>get quiz back with an A

>> No.7617854

Every test until university.

>> No.7617860

>3 hours a day
I'm planning on going into engineering, but isn't that a lot?

>> No.7617901

>I'm planning on going into engineering, but isn't that a lot?
>3 hours a day
>a lot

nigga, engineering is work intensive as fuck. 3 hours a day aint shit. once you hit late junior year you get fuckloads of projects/written assignments that will take 6+ hours a day.

you don't need to study at that point, because you are immersed in the material whether you want to be or not.

>> No.7617917
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>tfw you exit a test thinking you've Ace it
>tfw you knew so little you didn't even realised how much you have fucked up

>> No.7617922
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>go to lecture
>makes no sense
>read from book
>perfect sense
30k for what

>> No.7617977

How do people not go mad being in these courses

>> No.7617983

Physics- 5 hours of lectures 4 days a week, 7hour lab the other, 3 weekly coursework which takes at least 2 hours each, Lab reports fort nightly

>life is suffering tbh

>> No.7617992

>got key insight that makes both problems trivial
>second guessed so much that no time is left to finish proof
>praying for partial credit
Fuck 50 minute midterms...

>> No.7617999

Proof first. Always. No exceptions.

>> No.7618007

No, the thing is that the key insight is the first step of the proof, and it just becomes algebra after that.
I second guessed the rigor of my proof, but it turned out that it was totally correct at first and that by the time I realized it I had 4 minutes left.
I only finished 1/3 problems, with the other two 1/2 or 1/4 finished, respectively

>> No.7618036
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>TEST1: Dynamics: 25/25
>Average 12.3333/25

>im just not naturally smart like you
>hey anon, how did you do problem x?

>> No.7618041

>all A+ in first year engineering at top 20 uni
>get told once i start to get into the tough stuff in 2nd year itll be harder and im going to get my shit pushed in
>finish second year with 3.95 average
>oh its 3rd year when you do project courses that gets real hard
>just finished 3rd year with a 4.0, got recognition from gt and mit for my team's drone design during national competition

when does it get hard?

why did ppl tell me there are smart people in engineering? only smart people ive really met are in physics or math or engphys

>> No.7618106

>I'll study harder for the next test
>Be lazy like last time


>> No.7618926

How much time a day/week do you spend studying/working on projects?

>> No.7618959

people just tell you it's going to get hard because they are butthurt, they aren't as smart as you and things got hard for them a long time ago and they are jealous so they try to bring you down to their level.

and there are plenty of smart people in engineering, they are just out working at companies actually engineering stuff and making money instead of dicking around at universities doing toy projects with undergrads.

>> No.7618964

2nd year physics is crunch time for a lot of people to be honest. Real deep thermodynamics is straight up cancerous

>> No.7619322

The classes literally weed out those who can't handle the pressure. By your junior year, you will realize that the work hasn't got any easier, rather you've just got a lot better at it.

>> No.7619345

>test is intentionally designed poorly in order to even out scores

>> No.7619503

>walking out of a hard test and the serotonin hits you
>looking up a problem at home after a test and finding out that you solved it correctly

>Wake up and realize that you are not in uni
>realize you just dreamt and you are a huge failure in life that is too dumb to do anything right

Mb i should just end it

>> No.7619632
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>What is Common Core for $1000, Alex

>> No.7619722
File: 592 KB, 1839x584, engineering_undergrad_schedule_for_top_students.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours a day
>isn't that a lot
>planning on going into engineering
Don't. If you can't do at least 3 hours a day, you're going to be a first semester drop and that's a guarantee.

pic related, engineering students don't fuck around. It's like if medical school was an undergrad degree.

>> No.7619727
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>tfw thermodynamics

>> No.7619729
File: 1.16 MB, 640x360, that_first_question_on_thermodynamics_exam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7619747
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lmao is this a troll

>> No.7619859

Whats a Co-op?

>> No.7619882

Its like a cock-dock, except it's more like penis-in-vagina, only with zero friction and male rectums.

>> No.7619886
File: 52 KB, 800x1067, 1441605304373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just finished 10 hours of maths
>that dopamine dump

>> No.7619894

It's like an internship but you basically do real work and are paid as if you're an employee instead of some paper pushing, coffee getting faggot. only the top like 3% in your class will get them. Do you want to be the top? Do >>7619722 or don't bother.

>> No.7619901
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>Study my ass off for exam
>Take it and feel confident I got them all right.
>Get the grade back
>Missed one
>Tfw second best in the clash

>> No.7619908

oh and if you get a co-op, you're basically guaranteed a job at graduation because you already have real experience.

>> No.7620047

if you can use your time efficiently, you'll be able to do your work in less than 3 hours for your pre-req classes (math, science, etc...)

Once you start physics and your actual engineering classes 3 hours is probably minimum. If you can't do 3+ hours with engineering, then you should reconsider your major.

I haven't started my engineering classes, just math so I have spare time. But I know some of my classmates stay at school all day working on their projects or stuff from other classes.

It's really time consuming and you have to be disciplined to invested to sucked.

>> No.7620048

>It's really time consuming and you have to be disciplined to invested to sucked.

disciplined and invested to succeed*

autocorrect you cunt

>> No.7620078

> fort nightly


>> No.7620294
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>want to go into science ever since kindergarten (pic related)
>spend entire life working towards this goal, now finishing off degree in Molecular Biology
>spending 30+ hours a week working on research in stem cell biology lab
>fucking hate it
>tfw finding out academia, science, and research isn't the dream you thought it would be
>tfw don't want to do it anymore but can't imagine doing anything else since this is all you've ever thought about doing since you were only 4 years old
>tfw no idea what to do with your life now
>tfw your four year old self would be disappointed in how you let your enthusiasm and curiosity die

hold me /sci/

>> No.7620410

So this seems like a safe place to ask.

I took an exam today and the questions were poorly worded, typos everywhere, and some questions were straight up missing words in them. Can I request to see the exam after I get my grade back on it? In case I want to refute my grade? Thanks for any info

>> No.7620413

Took a physics exam today that was just like that. The proctor had to explain each question individually on the whiteboard, was absolutely retarded.

>> No.7620416
File: 1.97 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-09-28-11-58-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you solve a tough problem and everyone else asks how you did

>> No.7620421

Here's what you do. When you see problems, ask the fucking person administering the test what they meant.

>> No.7620422

>Can I request to see the exam after I get my grade back on it?

Yeah, of course. Some anons will call any dispute over grades "grubbing," but I think professors are much more pragmatic than that. Legitimately incorrect grading should get you points back; what you shouldn't do is ask for more points on problems you know you did incorrectly.

>> No.7620425

be careful though. Some stuck up professors get offended when you question your test grade.

>> No.7620426


You make a college degree out to be a life sentence, Jesus Christ. If you don't like your job, do something different. You have scientific training, and you could always go back for a few semesters to finish another degree. Or you can do something completely unrelated to science if that strikes your fancy.

>> No.7620431

Shhhhhhhhh, no logic, just feels now

>> No.7620434


I guess that's true, but those profs aren't worth trying to please, imo. If they refuse to give any points back, I just wouldn't push it any further.

>> No.7620446
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>You have scientific training, and you could always go back for a few semesters to finish another degree.

Yeah that's what I'm planning on doing, I was just being excessively melodramatic for effect. I'm thinking of going into Biomed Engineering since I think I would enjoy doing something more practical and problem-solving based a lot more than the basic research I'm doing now, plus a lot of my current courses transfer over so it would only be another two years.

Although /sci/ and other forums makes it seem like Biomedical Engineering isn't the greatest career choice either, so I guess I'll see. I'd like to go into Mech Eng ideally, but I don't thing I could handle another 4 - 5 years of undergrad.

>> No.7620453

Probably every university has a policy that you're always allowed to see your graded tests and assignments.

There's a trend of the professor handing out graded tests and then taking them back at the end of the period, though. I think it's because students started changing their answers and then taking it to the prof to get points back.

>> No.7620466
File: 131 KB, 352x402, vdLy7iS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thermodynamics next semester
>only one section available
>monday thru friday 7:30AM

>> No.7620499

Hahahahaha you'll be fine just get a nice cup of coffee each morning

>> No.7620976
File: 33 KB, 473x360, Why+_586e9c85c76a6898f9d2fb95f036b275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll send a letter to your loved ones.

>> No.7621044

Poor guy
I remember when I had an 8:00 am physics class.
Well not really, I had about a 45% attendance rate.
If you've got an attendance policy, you're fucked.

>> No.7621209

Thanks to everyone for the feedback, I did ask my prof. for clarification, and come to find out his research assistant was the one who actually typed out the exam. Although, he gave his assistant the questions.

But it makes me wonder if he truly knows the exam he's giving out, given he didn't see the mistakes in them. Tomorrow I'll ask to see the exam I took/ask for my scantron back. Thanks again.

>> No.7621261
File: 48 KB, 665x665, fuckitup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking attendance policies man. My first 7 semesters of physics/math undergrad had zero classes with attendance, so I could just coast through, waking up whenever, reading the textbook whenever, only showing up for exams, shit was so cash and easy A's all around. Then my final semester out of nowhere all 5 of my classes had mandatory attendance and having to wake up early every morning completely ruined my performance. Thankfully I'd already gotten offers from a bunch of grad programs, so these grades didn't really matter as long as I didn't fail, but damn does sleep deprivation wreck academic ability.

Why do any professors make attendance mandatory?

>> No.7621315

i've got it the other way around

>> No.7621367
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>Study what we're required to know a week before the exam.

>3 days pass and after lecture some qt asks how I know all that stuff like I'm some sort of genius

>Too autistic to just say "I'll show you" and sperg out


>> No.7621419
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>tfw took the wrong additional modules

>> No.7621892


>> No.7621994
File: 31 KB, 456x320, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw professor pops a quiz out of nowhere
>tfw you couldn't go to sleep cus you had an energy drink an hour before bed
>tfw after the quiz walking to your car you realize you fucked up on all the questions except 1

>> No.7622000


i had a bio class that had required attendance and it was a t fucking 7:45 am. I am not a morning person at all, I get up at around 10ish and it takes me an hour to get my shit together.

So I had to wake up at 6:30 to get my shit together and be there on time.

Needless to say, I ended up shitting the bed hard on the class and got a D. I still have to retake it, but after that I told myself I would never take another class that early in the morning. idgaf.


>> No.7622011
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>feel like i failed all the questions but one
>end up getting them all right except for the one

>> No.7622024
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>mfw this happened today

>> No.7622039

You're literally not going to make it if this thought even popped into your head.

>> No.7622084

>didn't study for pre-cal/trigonometry test
>made a 95%

>> No.7622125

>study calculus 4 hours a day
>watch youtube videos
>do homework
>do sample problems
>still fail everything
>have to take class again

i hate being stupid

>> No.7622133

beats me. but my physics teacher gives you mad credit just for doing the homework and showing up and answer the questions in class. which is good because otherwise I'd have a D and not a B+.

>> No.7622138


I sure hope you're talking about your high school years.

>> No.7622142

Nope. I'm taking pre-cal so I can get a good foundation for calculus next semester.

>> No.7622146

Feels good man. My friends dig me for not going to lectures little do they know I'm putting 10 hours in a day easily

>> No.7622150

Calculus is still high school maths. Wtf is it with americlappers I did calc when I was 14

>> No.7622151

>I did calculus when I was 14

Nice, want a cookie?

>> No.7622156

Not really considering it's the standard in my non shitty non clapping country

>> No.7622163

>8th graders taking Calculus


>> No.7622172

Dude fuck off. I declared my major as Business so I took business maths two semesters. I changed my major this year to engineering so I have to start over basically and pre-cal is a prerequisite for calculus. I haven't taken pre-cal since like 11th grade highschool and want to make sure my math foundation is solid before I dig in to advance maths. Get off your high horse you insecure dweeb.

>> No.7622175

don't you need to take up to calcI for business?

>> No.7622181

Kind of. It's calculus with business applications. I never took that level though.

>> No.7622218

No it's not. There isn't a single country where that's standard.

>> No.7622252

It is in Zimbabwe.

>> No.7622280

Americans calculate car consumption in mile/gallon. Europe use L/100km.
Beside obvious system change, one is the opposite of the other : length/volume and volume/length.

The ideal gas law, PV=nRT.
R has the value 8.314 J·K−1·mol−1 or 0.08206 L·atm·mol−1·K−1 (sorry, ugly pasta from wikipedia, I can't into latex.)
The units actually help you check you made your calculations correctly (if you end up with a temperature in square feet, there's something wrong.)

And, since it shows you understand the logic right rather than just adding a few numbers in a calculator, or looked on your neighbour's copy, it's worth many points.

>> No.7623823 [DELETED] 
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>tfw good at maths (major in physics), but nowhere near the the level that matters
>tfw relatively good at lib arts, but nowhere near the the level that matters
>tfw I will never acomplish anything worth mentioning in any field
>tfw my existence is completely devoid of meaning or purpose
>tfw not pleb enough to drown in drugs and entertainment
>tfw not smart enough to do something actually productive
>tfw too pussy/concerned for family to anhero

>> No.7623839

>not showing work

Nigga you in 10th grade or something? I literally stopped doing that in 10th grade

>> No.7623841


>> No.7623845

I'm a freshman taking 17 credits and I work 6 hours a day on homework.

>> No.7623846

You stopped not showing work?

>> No.7623849

you don't have to take calc for business
business "calc" is the biggest waste of time in the world

>> No.7623858


>tfw can barely do 9:30 class
>tfw roommate and hallmates having rousing banter sessions until 2:00 AM and I can't help but join in

>> No.7623864

I stopped not showing work in 10th grade, i.e. learned how to control my headmath spergness

>> No.7623894

>I'm planning on going into engineering, but isn't that a lot?
>3 hours a day
You got dropped before you even started.

>> No.7623903
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Fucked up my experiment
>welp time to make up answers

>> No.7623905

H-how do I join in banter

>> No.7623917


finish your degree, then get a master's - doc - postdoc / whatever in a field that's different enough to inspire you but similar enough to draw upon the degree you're getting

hang in there

>> No.7623993
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>> No.7624009

>be capable of publishing in academic journals
>be incapable of solving fucking baby tier problems in measure theory

I have never felt this stupid before... Fuck continuous mathematics.

>> No.7624085

>stats class
>lose 1/5 points for not having a calculator
fuck you, I applied all the logic just fine to figure out the answer. I'm not going to manually compute [math]0.18^{13}[/math] just to figure out how many people this company is going to hire.

Got an 80 on the exam because even though everything was flawless, I lost 1/5 on every question.

>> No.7624096

lol retard

>> No.7624099

I know PolSci is not a real science and maybe nobody cares, but I am so mad right now. Fuck.

>studying PolSci at German university
>third semester
>have nearly all the required points (150/180) and multiple internship so that I could do my bachelor thesis next semester
>would like to do an exchange with the US
>recently transferred to a better university and they require two letters of recommendations from their universities scholars for the exchange
>ask multiple lecturers even though I know nobody
>a few tell me that they would do it
>send them the documents
>receive multiple negative replies along the lines of "can't do it, because you are not critical enough of the US" , "I do not approve of your approach to Political Science (e.g. value-free and descriptive)",
>mfw the due date is next week and they only answered a week after I asked them

This is why nobody takes PolSci seriously and this area of academia is completely fucked up and useless.

>> No.7624109

Yeah PolSci fucking sucks. I'm so glad I don't have to take anymore after this semester.

>> No.7624118

>I'm not going to follow procedure

>> No.7624124

God fucking dammit. I can't even tell what the guy is doing wrong, he simply makes a mess of simple concepts.

>> No.7624149

I hated what I was studying during my bachelor so I promised my father I would work with him when I finished it and my master's (he insisted on me doing the master even if I didn't like it, he was paying for everything and I couldn't say no).
Now that I'm doing the master's I'm loving chemistry and I live every day with the gut wrenching feeling of having to stop studying it in a less than a year.

>> No.7624514

Do people that do this make it to the top of their class? Or is this just something engineering undergrads have to live with

>> No.7624560
File: 51 KB, 1000x1000, 1442357692284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter lecture
>bumfuck lecturer enters
>opens Lec1.ppt
>Default template, comic sans font
>proceeds to read verbatim

>> No.7624718

Can't be worse than mine
>American Gov't
>2 days a week, tue/thr
>professor sits at front of lecture hall and mumbles for an hour and 15 minutes straight
At least we get to watch documentaries some times

>> No.7626400


>> No.7626438

This is literally me for sequences and series

>> No.7626450

Perhaps he's training to be a experimentalist
there's also this thing in undergrad called 'talent'

>> No.7626452

How do you deal with the stress /sci/?

>> No.7626459

most engineering undergrad degrees are 15-20 credits more than a standard bachelors, and all the classes have wonky co and pre-reqs. so if you don't load up every semester you are going to be there for 5 years.

>> No.7626663

I drink, but that's how I deal with everything.

>> No.7627773

>6 months ago I was cramming for finals
>I promised this would never happen again and for the next sem, I would be studying well in advance and not have to cram an entire semester in a week
>ffward to now, and I am in the EXACT SAME FUCKING SITUATION


>> No.7627786

>only taking 17 credits as an engineering major

it's like you want to be average

>> No.7627881


>> No.7627896

The people who say engineering get harder after sophomore year are the weak ones. They cannot think, manage time, or be creative with their projects. This is why Math and Physics majors make fun of engineering majors because your work is literally easy. Its only overwhelming because of the load of work. That is easy to manage. If you think engineering at school is hard. Wait until you start working as one. The deadlines are more frequent and your boss is some stupid Chad who can't do a simple what is X + 2 = 3.

>> No.7627904
File: 33 KB, 350x397, 1344541689383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take quiz in uni
>see people leave after 1 hour
>they didn't know shit lol

>> No.7627931

you don't (actively) take an interest in your studies

>> No.7627967
File: 68 KB, 604x604, 1446212809177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get into a Condensed Matter Physics program
>no school in my country offers said program
>don't want to go to another country to study it