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File: 190 KB, 500x483, plams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7598239 No.7598239 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wondering about this, and because this place is riddled with engineers or engineers-to-be I came here.

Are you guys antisocial and introverted? And if so, what caused it?

Were you always like that. Was it just your personality?

Or did an engineering major mould you that way? The extensive studying, the lack of female presence in your lectures and workplaces?
And call it a meme, but it seems to me that very few undergraduate engineers actually have girlfriends, or dare I say much contact with the opposite sex at all...

Do you guys know any extroverted engineers among you? How do they fit in?

So, bottom-line, are you guys well-adjusted individuals or a bunch of antisocial fedora-tipping introverts?

>> No.7598250

To the contrary, if you're not gregarious or good at networking you will never make it in engineering (or any professional career). Something like technician/technologist type jobs are better suited to asocial types.

>Do you guys know any extroverted engineers among you? How do they fit in?
Everyone in my senior class was extroverted and even eccentric. Only one or two exceptions out of 60 students.

Personally I'm great at public speaking and do well at networking at socials etc. I love talking to random people catching glimpses of their lives, their hopes, suffering, happiness etc. I used to be less social because I was an elitist twat in high-school, but that quickly changed at university.

>> No.7598276
File: 38 KB, 481x358, 1444778362832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did engineering because I fell for the anti-social engineer meme
>tfw surrounded by a bunch of sociable nerds that won't shut up

>> No.7598300

Asocial =/= Anti-social

Just saying.

>> No.7598303
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You know, engineering is not a pseodo science that you could just write down few opinions and use the remaining time to socialize with other people.

>> No.7598311

Are you even in an engineering school? They are normal as fuck and they won't shut the fuck up about their parties.
Fuck engineers.

>> No.7598317
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> every anti-social is a genius
keep telling yourself that

>> No.7598332

Mech Eng grad student here.
I'm probably the most extroverted and social person in my uni.

But granted I'm a singularity. The other engineers students are generally socially awkward otakus.

>> No.7598364

>I love catching glimpses of random people's suffering
Thanks I'm gonna use that in my next job interview.

>> No.7598369
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>> No.7598489

I think most STEM guys except maybe Bio or Med tend to be relatively antisocial. Idk why. I think introverts are just drawn towards "thought heavy" majors.

I don't think your major will have much of an effect on your personality by the time you're 20, but decades and decades of working in that field might break you.

>> No.7598511
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>I think introverts are just drawn towards "thought heavy" majors.
>Implying either Bio or Med are "thought heavy"

>> No.7598523

ChemE major here.

I've met quite a few socially awkward engineers that weren't the life of the party, but they were far from antisocial and they at least put themselves out there. It's not that most engineering students are antisocial, they just tend to be really nerdy compared to most other uni students. My friends and I will talk about science and math shit for hours on end, but at the end of the day we all get pussy and we know how to party on weekends.

You can be antisocial as fuck and have a 4.0 gpa, but there's still a business side of engineering you should develop skills for.

>> No.7598524

When normal people try to figure out how social they are, they compare themselves to jocks, frat bros, etc. and generally conclude that they're just not at the top of the social ladder.
Engineers compare themselves to anime club members, aspie 4chan shutins, and compsci majors. They then conclude that they're chill, fratty social geniuses since they were socially competent enough to hold a short conversation about football at their summer internship and get drunk occasionally.

>> No.7598541


>> No.7598568

>I'm a singularity

>> No.7598602

Engineer here
Introverted but not anti-social. I still like hanging out with people but not going to parties and being forced to meet new people.
Only reason I'm in engineering anyway is because you can't get a job with a math degree that isn't soul-killing.

>> No.7598696

Varies a lot by discipline. Electrical and Computer E (as well as CS) tend to be the most anti social or socially weird. Math majors are the most interesting though, they range from hyper social (financial math, for example) to full blown autistic.

>> No.7599208
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I will socialize if I need too
Introverted sure, I don't know about anti-social, that's really up to the people around me

>> No.7599323
File: 56 KB, 694x600, just-woke-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme has come from the fact that engineering has very few girls and that there are always a horde of indians and chinese that flunk out after getting caught for cheating.

In reality, the guys that end up graduating in engineering are usually some of the most dependable people you'll ever know. As an engineer, you have to be very hardworking, organized, and smart (enough. there are always a few that slip through the cracks). You have to work in teams every day. We have group projects in like every damn class, all year long. We HAVE to be very sociable and be able to function in a team.

The idea of some pencil neck'd stupidly shy dork who is basically autistic couldn't be farther from what the actual engineer graduates are. In fact, I've yet to see someone like that because they wouldn't be able to perform their duties and would be a detriment to the team.

If you manage your time, you will have just as much time off as you will in many other majors. Believe it or not OP, engineers do things outside of class like join clubs, talk to friends and *gasp* have fun with girls!

An engineering student(a good one) is usually just a typical introverted guy that wants to do something challenging and was smart enough to make the cut, but there are extroverted ones too. They might have taken things apart to figure out how they worked when they were younger and had a knack or intuition.

Contrary to what is echoed through 4chan, they're not some wizardly autistic nerds that have never touched a girl in their life and have no social skills. They would fail if that were the case. Now, I do see that in CS, for sure! Even the CS guys say this and it holds a bit of truth. You will see some sad sights in CS.

4th year EE, caucasian male, 3.7 GPA at a uni with a well known and very large engineering college. there are less indians/chinese in my class than there are caucasian males, if you really want to know, and I pat myself on the back during this entire post.

>> No.7599360

>*gasp* have fun with girls!
I see youre about as socially complied as Paris Hilton. Or just immature, whatever hurts your feelings more

>> No.7599371
File: 162 KB, 1824x822, why_you_go_to_college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to form a sentence and a coherent thought next time.

>> No.7599378

Not that bad.
I did fail high school English though...

Hey just out of curiosity, how many times did you proof read your reply before posting?

>> No.7599394

I'm not seeing any problem with his sentence structure.
Kek to your reply though, reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8vlQSrVNk

>> No.7599402

you're either a samefag or just assmad after reading >>7599323 and dick riding

>> No.7599407
File: 116 KB, 627x476, fucking_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not seeing any problem with his sentence structure.
That's because you're also a moron, more than likely the same moron.

>I see youre about as socially complied as Paris Hilton. Or just immature, whatever hurts your feelings more

>"socially complied as Paris Hilton. Or just immature"
>, whatever hurts your feelings more"
This doesn't make sense and is written by someone that failed their high school English 101 class.

>> No.7599410

Antisocial? No, there is a need for networking unless you are your own boss(which is not so easy for someone starting out of nowhere). But if given a choice, I like to just study/work on my own instead of waste my time talking with people.

>> No.7599412
File: 298 KB, 300x199, 2525287-6389543662-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ironic because
wouldn't even be posted if you weren't mad for some reason. stay that way, btw.

>> No.7599413

was for >>7599394

>> No.7599415

Your picture is stupid. I make more money in my no-education-required trades job than I would from any career I'd have gotten from school. My degrees sit in boxes somewhere under the stairs. The papers I published languish in the pages of journals no one will read again. The ten years of lost income from getting those degrees translates into over a million dollars in earnings I've missed out on, and for what?

The real reason to go to college, and the only redeeming one as far as I'm concerned, is to have a lot of sex with relative strangers and get stupidly drunk while you're still young enough to get away with it on a regular basis. You can do that without paying tuition, but it's a nice excuse to not have a job so you can sleep in on a Tuesday.

>> No.7599418

i don't think you know what antisocial means.

>> No.7599424

>I make more money in my no-education-required trades job than I would from any career I'd have gotten from school
We don't know that you're not lying, and you don't know that as you can't accurately predict what would have been.

>The real reason to go to college, and the only redeeming one as far as I'm concerned, is to have a lot of sex with relative strangers and get stupidly drunk while you're still young enough to get away with it on a regular basis.
That's what you think of university and that's your own fault.

>You can do that without paying tuition, but it's a nice excuse to not have a job so you can sleep in on a Tuesday.
It is your own fault to have such logic. Your degenerative thinking is not the norm, believe it or not.

tl;dr stop saying stupid shit

>> No.7599436

looks lazy, not incoherent

>> No.7599451

I sexually Identify as a singularity. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of becoming an infinite value, dropping loads of hot sticky arithmetic on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a singularity is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a TI-84. From now on I want you guys to call me “Ad Infinitum” and respect my right to calculate from above and calculate needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re an infiniphobe and need to check your numerical privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

>> No.7599531

Hmm, I'd dude. I think it depends. When I was taking a C++ class, there were 2 engineer majors in there, including me. We were the only ones trying to socialize. Most people there were CS majors and they didn't like to socialize or didn't attempt to.

It's kinda hard to click with people in those classes sometimes. How do I click with someone who doesn't watch sports, isn't into art, and solves puzzles in his free time? Pretty introverted bunch.

Personally, I mind my own business. But I'lol socialize if I have to. I just feel I make things awkward sometimes.

>> No.7599549
File: 34 KB, 620x465, beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the truth. snip these posts if you want to know what it's actually like and not what the typical 4chan troll spews. not joking. i'm a second year mechanical engineer and this is what it is like. lots of people like to forget that engineering is a professional degree that you do have to be fucking damn smart for, let alone way harder working than anyone else on campus. i don't care if you think this is a circle jerk. it's the truth via the nature of our coursework.

my physics/chem/maths/bio friends do fuck all in comparison and even they say so. the actual problems that they do work on though? they're definitely challenging. they just don't do nearly as much and have a work ethic in comparison to a fucking business major from what they've told me. yes, you have to be smart, but you don't have to be hard working than other majors to be non-engineer STEM, that's for sure.