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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7595925 No.7595925 [Reply] [Original]

How would you make the world a better place?

How would you fix this planet?

>> No.7595953
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lmao who gives a fuck

>> No.7595978
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Exterminate all the humies.


>> No.7595994

Reduce the population by more than half of what it is now and further control it so it doesnt rise again.

Remove country borders and make it so all the decisions are made by the majority of the people instead of a small percent of them.

Make an actually good education system that is somewhat individualized so the decisions made by the human race with the voting system above are not retarded.

Let nature reclaim the empty land aquired by reducing the population so the conditions on Earth stabilize.

Share every new discovery, speed up growth of technology and science with the hive mind of the people. Improve the culture and gradually exterminate most stupid disputes amongs humans (war, different religions, resources etc.)

An utopia is not possible but we can try and fix the Earth as much as we can before we overpopulate it with brainless media consuming zombies.

Deez Nuts 4 President 2016

>> No.7596002

I dont have to fix the planet there are already people working on it
they are just waiting for the rigth time people dont take well to big changes

>> No.7596006

>i wanna kill more than half of the human population
>vote for me!

you migth wanna work a bit on your presentation tho

>> No.7596013

Deez Nuts here.

If you vote for me, YOU will be one of the LUCKY FEW that survive the Nutspocalypse.


>> No.7596020

revive hitler and kill all the jews

>> No.7596024

>Reduce the population by more than half
People who say this but don't volunteer to kill themselves are the worst faggots in existence.

>> No.7596026

>Reduce the population by more than half
I hope you're just joking and not one of those cunts who think the earth is overpopulated.
>Hive mind of the people
Fucking communist

>> No.7596039

I've been playing around with the idea of an anonymous government (democratic republic) where all of the candidates' identities are withheld and the only thing you can vote on are their ideas. Probably from an independent third party collecting the ideas of the candidates and releasing them to the public. What does /sci/ think? It's an early stage idea.
I was thinking of the name anocrity.

>> No.7596043

Give ya 10 points for originality anon

>> No.7596048

The earth is way overpopulated
>inb4 b-but there are places where the population density isn't over 1000 people per square km like my shitskin infested hellhole of a city!
Arid deserts can't be used for farmland and we are already past the sustainable limit of the land mass we can use for agriculture without fucking up all the eco systems we depend on to breath.

>> No.7596054

So good or bad? I was planning on writing a Communist Manifesto esque document about it once I fully flesh out the details.

>> No.7596057

Deez nutz again

I don't volunteer to kill myself because I believe that i may contribute to society in some way that is beneficial to it's growth. Not saying that I definitely will, but I have a much higher chance of doing so.

1 in 5 people on the other hand don't even know how to read , most that do know how to read picked up a holy book and turned into a vegetable ( not saying all religious people don't contribute to society, but a large portion just spend their life spreading the same bullshit to other people, spreading vegetable sickness). Others spend all day consuming media and nothing else spreading more and more cancer.

I can list more things but basically if you add up these types of people you get a lot of people that just consume with no contribution to anything.


>I hope you're just joking and not one of those cunts who think the earth is overpopulated.

I do think it is. I am open to criticism regarding why you think it isnt overpopulated.

>Fucking communist

I'm not necessarily a communist. Capitalism and a competitive environment produce better results but being overly competitive and not sharing discoveries and knowledge for the sake of money is stupid and slows down growth.

Just look at the race to sequence the human genome. Thats a great mix of capitalism/competition and sharing knowledge

>> No.7596060

hey, if we exterminate sub-saharan africa, they won't suffer anymore, their brood won't suffer anymore, lots of disease agents will meet their end, the rest of the world's economies will stop having this strain factor, rich white people will have to concentrate on other problems than starving african children, eurasians will be able to colonize and exploit african resources in peace

they win, we win, everyone wins

that sounds pretty cool

>> No.7596077


One of the potential flaws in this system can be the 3rd party that releases the ideas.

If it somehow gets corrupted it may release the ideas that it wants to release instead of all of the ideas.

Even if a candidate were to complain that his idea wasn't mentioned or altered in some way, he can't because that would reveal his identity to the public, so the only way for him to express his revolt would be through anonymous companies that monitor that 3rd party.

The whole system may get complicated afterwards

>> No.7596083

Population control was already mentioned, and while it's 2edgy4me to say "let's kill a bunch of people," we need to start talking about lowering birth rates. Everyone complains about how much of an atrocity China's one child policy is, but at least they're doing something to stem the tide, because we have too much population growth for the world to sustain our current consumption. This can be done without removing kebab though: if living conditions, education, and economic shits improve in any given society the birth rates fall, Japan and Northern Europe being prime examples. That's the solution for the 1st world, but in 3rd world countries where that's not really an option we'd just have to start small. If superpower nations were spending less on defense, aid packages and such could reach a point where we literally fix Africa. Seriously, no one discusses this enough, we have the ability to end world hunger and push disease back, so starting up some kind of 3rd world planned parenthood and installing it into the education system of these countries should not be unfeasible.

Amerilards like myself need to stop eating as much beef. Cull cattle populations by government mandate and find a way, artificial or not, to switch the population onto sustainable agriculture. It has gotten ridiculous, and I'm not saying we all need to go vegan, but somebody's got to address how shitty cattle are for health and the environment.

Stop using coal, start promoting systems of public transit in the United States, try to amp down deforestation (which contributes more to global warming than the entire public transit sector supposedly, but I'd have to double-check the validity of that statement). Climate change conditions are pretty dire and the solutions are simple, and immediate government action should be taken to make an about face on industries that contribute to this. It's also useless to do it in the United States if China and India won't follow suit, so there's that, too.

>> No.7596085


Building on what this anon said, even if the overall idea isn't corrupted, the audience may interpret the idea differently without factors such as speech or facial and bodily gestures, seeing as how sarcasm can barely be understood over text.

>> No.7596088

Oh shit I forgot to add my thing about the black people.

>> No.7596093



What thing about the knee grows?

>> No.7596096

I was thinking of the third party being a computer that just collects ideas and releases them. Only human interaction with the computer would be to filter anything that exposes an identity.

How can an idea (eg I support basic income) be misinterpreted?

>> No.7596098

They're really goddamn annoying. I'm not saying kill them or anything, but holy shit, can we at least bring back chattel slavery for a few years just so they know we can do it? That would shut them up.

>> No.7596101

I've honestly never heard of anyone saying how the One Child Policy was horrible unless they completely misunderstood how it worked and thought they killed the other child.

There was some idea that was posted here a while back on how to deal with a simultaneous lack of jobs and climbing birthrate. It basically amounted to paying those who didn't have kids enough to live moderately luxuriously, halving that amount if they had one kid, and dropping it altogether if they had 2 or more. Richfags would keep having kids since the money would be a pittance to them, NEETs, rednecks and the welfare crowd would stop having kids in order to cash in, and the middle class would have one child, as then the mother and father would still receive enough money to support the kid and live well enough.

For what purpose? That would just cause distrust in the government from people of all races, considering that the Irish were at one point considered black. Slippery slope and all that.

>> No.7596114


>How can an idea (eg I support basic income) be misinterpreted?

I agree with you that it cannot be misinterpreted, but even so , like the other anon said, speech patterns, gestures and stuff like that can alter the perception of the idea.

To fix this you may make 1 guy read out the candidates' ideas the way they would want it to be read out. The computer would release the ideas in text form and simultaniously a guy would read out all the ideas.


The idea is fine, except that richfags will have more and more kids. As far as I know, richfags are not the best parents and would produce worse offspring than for example the middle class ones who are more modest, hard working etc.

The population will then be mostly dominated by richfag kids, some middleclass kids and rarely some random rednecks, welfares etc.

>> No.7596125

- Abolish capitalism, but retain the right to trade and own businesses within certain fair limitations
- Devise a system of local direct democracy where people can also vote on economic and environmental policies
- Abolish the UN and especially the security council, transition from nation states to smaller local states with more independence
- Instate a 1 child policy in countries with high population size & density and significant water stress
- Place restrictions on the ownership of personal cars, divert funds into relocating major coastal cities further inland where they will be rebuilt with less car-oriented infrastructure
- Additionally, demolish cities that have been built in extremely dry and hot regions with the intent to either rebuild them elsewhere or allow the population to migrate to other regions entirely
- Provide adequate water services to places that still don't have them
- Global school reform that places more importance on critical thinking and applied knowledge and skills
- Oil drilling will be banned in 2035
- Coal mining, biofuel farming and cattle raising will be cut significantly
- Divert funds into nuclear power research so that many of the current plants can be replaced, with an overall increase in nuclear power.

That's what first came to my mind.

>> No.7596127

I'm of a mind to agree with you on those points. Under this system, the rich would literally never have to work a day in their lives, even if forced by well-meaning parents trying to get them to learn hardships before giving them the family fortune. Furthermore, with society populated solely by the offspring of the wealthy, there'd be no differing viewpoints or opinions. It's better than nothing, but it's also the reason why (other than the fact that I would be part of said enslaved peoples) I'm so loathe to agree with ideas such as >>7596098 as well. Having a diversity of opinions is always a good thing, even if the opinions are mostly shit, because it reminds us what a shitty opinion looks like when it's well argued. And it's very hard to think outside the box when you don't know the outside exists.

>> No.7596263
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Abolish Capitalism? You are a fucking retard.

>> No.7596300

Make it way, way bigger. Like 10-20x bigger but keep the gravity and density the same.

>> No.7596320


Pure capitalism is shit, it promotes patents and copyrights so that people can get more money.

If we share more knowledge but keep the competitive spirit of capitalism that would be a better system.

>> No.7596322
File: 105 KB, 320x320, plan z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join the Navy
>work my way up through the ranks
>become Secret Service
>become leader of Secret Service
>covertly and strategically put exponentially greater amounts of psychedelic drugs in all the major water systems of the world
>people get more and more high as they drink their water
>by the time they realize whats happening they'll be too spaced out to care or do anything about it
>send out a squad of thousands of robots to put mind control helmets on every drugged out citizen
>kill the few paranoid doomsday preppers who have their own water sources and avoided getting drugged
>when the high wears off on the people they will obey my command
>create my own personal utopia
pshhh....nothing personell....kid

>> No.7596326


>> No.7596328


Nuke the entire planet. Sentient life was a mistake.

>> No.7596346

Population is literally the root of all environmental problems

>> No.7596352

so population control must be the only answer huh

can /pol/ leave thanks

>> No.7596359

Can you tell me one global environment problem that doesn't relate to population?

>> No.7596382

>can /pol/ leave thanks

"Muh back to /pol/"

>> No.7596383


It's not even just environmental problems, ovepopulation causes economic problems, political problems and many more.

>> No.7596403

Here's a thought: population control already exists in the form of social conventions regarding parenthood, economic incentives towards reproduction, as well as the concept of a labor market.

>> No.7596427

First is to identify the problem:
-Many countries continue to live in extreme poverty and dissolute conditions
-Many people simply don't take the will or driving force to improve their situation
-Humanity has locked itself into a death loop of consumption for the purpose of consumption at the expense of our natural environment
-The spread of war and instability by the largest nations continues unabated

The solution:
You can't solve this problem, the fact of the matter is that not all humans are the same, period. Africans will never ever meet the technological prowess of their European counterparts for example. Even if the best and most well off countries do everything in their power to help the rest of the world, no progress will be made. Immediate reduction in population is an absolute must, there is no way around it. We could limit our consumption of goods to those that serve a useful constructive purpose only. War needs to be stemmed from it's driving force, that it to say the battle over resources and power, which is directly influenced by the demands of an excessive population.

>> No.7596431

Spend 1000 people from each state across the world to partake in gladiator games to fight on Mars. Winner earns glory for their state.

>> No.7596436

Sorry, but sometimes /pol/ really is right.

>> No.7596482


>> No.7596495

Reminder: Africans don't consume a fuckload of resources per capita (or in total either), the fact is us OECD middleclass/richfags do. Also i'm 99.9% certain that nobody here actually lives in Africa, or have their lives affected by Africa in any way other than buying cheaper produce, so really we should omit killing or sterilizing Africans as part of our strategy. Let /pol/ shit remain in /pol/

However, killing or sterilizing or even trying to implement a one-child policy in America and other countries is also an obvious non-starter.

My suggestions

1. Improve birth control availability in education everywhere, but especially in high birth rate developing countries. Feminism is a good thing folks, if women working is considered by society to be commendable, then we will have a lower birth rate. If you're concerned about population decline in some countries, solutions include immigration (gasp) or universal childcare.

2. Transform governments into public corporations that pay a dividend to each citizen, who is now also a shareholder too. Or, otherwise implement some other form of guaranteed minimum income. This mitigates the potentially catastrophic impact of permanent technological unemployment caused by robotization and automation of every part of society, which seems to be inevitable.

3. We seem to ignore the risk of nuclear weapons existing at all. Even a "limited" "regional" nuclear war has the potential to destroy civilization (See: http://climate.envsci.rutgers.edu/pdf/RobockToonSciAmJan2010.pdf).). These should be eliminated. If we need to deflect an asteroid or something we could build them again.

4. This will never happen, but there should be no such thing as a Permanent Security Council Member in the UN. Nobody should be able to veto. The seats should be expanded to include every middle power, and everyone should provide a certain number of peacekeeping troops. Mandates should be limited to peacekeeping, none of this inmperalist adventurism bullshit

>> No.7596506

social conventions result in an inverse correlation between (education, financial success, social status, etc) and birthrates, which themselves are higher than they ever have been.

So as far as social convention being some sort of intentional population control, you are clearly very wrong.

I'm going to say that your thought is not well thought out.

>> No.7596508


5. Tax wealth, not just income. Sorry richfags, but Picketty is right. We must prevent the rise of a new permanent global aristocracy at all costs.

6. Everything possible must be done to mitigate climate change and prepare the necessary adaptations for millenium-scale unavoidable changes.

7. Following on the previous point, we need to prepare a set of laws, regulations and institutions to prepare for a future of decentralized, almost anarchist (not anarchic!) society. In the least developed regions in Africa for example, does it really make sense to build a massive port on the coast, a superhighway and train network to refineries and mines, and connect those to massive coal plants? It's actually cheaper to sell solar panels for household electric generation. If we extend this concept to everybody, we expect to see an internetization of energy. 3D printers and the internet also follow this similar trend. It makes present-day capitalism nearly impossible though, so we should get ready for it.

Those are my humble suggestions. In b4 and in after retarded /pol/ garbage

>> No.7596512

Unfortunately, power seems proportional to your ability to utilize resources.

Thus countries which are naturally locked in competition, seek to utilize as many resources as they may. This kills the Earth, as they say.

>> No.7596521

Make hentai and anime real through science. Cat Ear Girls!

>> No.7596525

How about we start by not trying to destabilize countries that do not cooperate with USA and NATO imperialism (like Syria)? Which includes not funding ISIS or supporting countries like Saudi Arabia or Israel.

>> No.7596526

Social convetions can be influenced, have been influenced, and continue to be influenced. It's not an illuminati conspiracy, but it is a process that has a significant impact on society and personal life including reproduction.

>> No.7596539

That would be a good start. Except half is not nearly enough if you assume any percentage of the remaining people have murrican-tier consuming standards. Country with less than 5% of earths population consumes 20-30% of annual total resources (varies depending on resource).

But on the other hand earth is already lost cause considering the current geopolitical/cultural/religious issues. Its too late to reverse the damage with conventional means. Heres hoping for supervolcano, majority of our population will automatically perish and humans will be forced to focus on survival instead of exploitation.

>> No.7596544


On the contrary, humanity is currently at the zenith of its power and knowledge, which makes it the perfect (well, the best) time and opportunity to take care of shit.

If we go back to mere survival, we already degraded the Earth through 10,000 years of civilization and hundreds of thousands of years of exterminating megafauna. In a supervolcano situation, I'm not certain we would survive as a species in the near term, or if we do, we wouldn't just fuck things up even more.

>> No.7596552

The only solution is to flood the world. Those that are resourceful and intelligent will survive. The weak will perish.

>> No.7596556


Thanks LORD

>> No.7596557

Hehe. Ahoy Noah!

>> No.7596560

Shall we take a pair of each animal in a boat too?

>> No.7596565

It won't happen, the US has been doing this for decades and will continue to do it because it is not politically insulated from other foreign powers who have the power to sway Western governments.

>Obama said things would be different, that there would be no more wars and we would have transparency and respect for the rest of the world

>> No.7596569
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We're probably heading for an extreme population collapse scenario one way or another.

>> No.7596573

Well, if I could control it, I would let loose a retrovirus that causes the ovaries to ovulate muuuuuuuch slower.

no condoms for pregancy prevention
women have no ticking clock
population in shitholes become stabilized.
Life is much more precious for those who can't just do it artifically.

Bitches will ride the carousel muuuuuch longer.

>> No.7596574
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I want to know what these 2 things were.

>> No.7596588

By sucking my own dick and cumming in my mouth.

>> No.7596589

How many nations there are that objectively look at the bigger picture of our planets issues? Not just in regard to their children and grandchildren, but few centuries down the line when earth will be facing SERIOUS resource depletion. The answer is none and that wont be changing for as long as the people in power drive their own agendas and interests... and that wont be changing unless you can fundamentally change human nature.

Humanity needs a wake up call from mother nature, call me cynical but i dont see any other way out.

>> No.7596590

The artist's involuntary hand movements. There's no way we have accurate records of the world population that far back,

>> No.7596593

Niggas with parksinon's don't need to be making graphs yo.

>> No.7596595

>everyone wins
Except for people living in undeveloped countries who probably don't wanna die, but ok

>> No.7596597


I am an optimist insofar as I know things we used to consider "human nature" radically changes in a matter of decades. Victorian social mores fucked everyone up in a very short span of time. Or a positive example: nowadays, in developed countries we consider pederasty, infanticide and slavery to be completely taboo.

Though if you ask me, how to affect such radical changes, your guess is as good as mine. The biggest problem is the mismatch in our rapid paced society where microsecond stock trades can have a tremendous impact around the world, or we feed off of the constant novelty of internet content, but we have trouble perceiving changes over the course of years. Much less decades or centuries of things like climate change. So then I am a pessimist again.

We'll see what happens I guess.

>> No.7596601

Most likely 'artists liberty fluctuations'

Earliest documented potential population declining event seems to be this:
>2200 -2100 BC: 4.2 kiloyear event: a severe aridification phase, likely connected to a Bond event, which was registered throughout most North Africa, Middle East and continental North America. Related droughts very likely caused the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt and of the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia.
And its missing from the graph.

>> No.7597117
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give them a humane, painless experience, without them even knowing when it comes

>> No.7597162


>Remove country borders

This is why I don't come here often.

>> No.7597210

Come up with a shitload of conspiracy theories that people with drive and knowledge correctly ignore, gather up the ones that fall for it and eliminate them. That'll leave enough breeding pairs of stupid people to act as servants until we have automatons for that.

>> No.7597224


kill kill kill kill kill the poor
kill kill kill kill kill the poor
kill kill kill kill kill the poor
a tonight aha aa a a a aight

>> No.7597237

Ban mortality
Ban scarcity

>> No.7597271

Deport the majority of non whites and all Muslims to their relevant geopolitical regions and Isolate said geopolitical regions and allow them to sort themselves out for a decade or two, maybe more. Africa and parts of Asia should naturally decrease in population when not receiving aid and medical attention from the West. Unstable regions like the Middle East should be stripped of any weapons of mass destruction and left to fight it out organically.
The product of this indirect approach should be a less parasitic global population and less destabilising elements that the civilised world may be able to work with constructively.

Meanwhile, western nations should focus on re-industrialisation and self sufficiency. With a sophisticated trade network that allows all nations to have valuable and unique commodities either through production or shared processing. Science and specifically space colonisation should be a focus, and there should be more capital to invest in such endeavors.

Socially we should be able to reduce and eventually remove the welfare state, in turn helping to rebuild the family and local community.

>> No.7597284

The difference is that we 'OECD middleclass/richfags' have earned the right to use a fuckload of resources. Our ancestors and use single-handedly built the modern world that has made such things possible. Through use of said resources now we allow our society to continue growing, innovating, inventing and advancing; eventually to a point where we have access to untold resources or less need for many resources.
If you don't allow this growth of Western civilisation happening you make it so the World is perpetually locked in the state it has been for many eons. If you nurture Western civilisation you have the potential for a future of untold beauty and advancement.

Its like comparing a functioning car with av12 engine (the West) to a lawnmower without wheels (Africans and the third world). We use a lot more fuel but we get to where we are going making the journey irrelevant. The lawnmower uses less fuel but uses it for no purpose whatsoever but to see the blades spin whilst not even understanding the significance.

>> No.7597482
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>> No.7597490

>Not being in at least the 50th percentile
top kek

>> No.7597501

remove humans

>> No.7597818

This is really stupid.

>> No.7597821

>all non whites
what about nth generation immigrants with no connection to their "home countries"

you're a retard. go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7597830

>How would you make the world a better place?

Kill all fags, fedoras, feminazis, furries, germacucks, 'merikans, muhammadans, protestants, peta nuts, ruskies, swedes, swiss, talmudists, trannies, and the Zerg.

>> No.7597856

Somehow its not stupid to say 'depopulate the globe' but it is stupid to suggest the most realistic way of doing that without exterminating people.
I said the majority of non-whites
There is room for some but not many.

>> No.7597862

cheap easy water desalination
it would change everything

>> No.7597866

So the third world has more water and they are able to breed more.. Then what?

>> No.7597868

Ignore the people with zero arguments who only know how to spout reddit memes.

>> No.7597872
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By giving it the perfect borders

>> No.7597879

Put most of the worlds manpower isnt scientific discovery and engineering these new scientific discoveries, force every unemployed person below 50 to get a STEM degree and increase the capacity of research facilities so that everyone who already has a STEM degree can work towards increasing the human races knowledgr. I would institute a child policy such as the number of children you can have is exponentially proportional to your "IQ", e.g <100 can have 0 children, >180 can have 10. Once, after a few generations, the collective intelligence of the world is raised all these policies will be removed

>> No.7597881

kill everyone I dont like

>> No.7597888
File: 730 KB, 4000x3000, K1B[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread a virus that destroys peoples emotions.

>> No.7597889

>moldavia and budjak are part of ukraine
>southern poland is part of ukraine
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7597936

I called it stupid because you argue for national self-sufficiency and growth at the same time, and pretend that the rest of the world can be isolated from the western sphere without economic consequences for both. And fucking space colonisation.

>> No.7597943

>Russian outer Manchuria
>free Tibet
>split India
>Arab Sicily
>United Sudan
>Finland blobbing into Russia
>Canada existing
>CSA existing
>California existing
>Mexico existing
>FRCA existing
>Panama part of le joke Chile
>Balkanized UK
>English Normandy
>Portugalacia nit part of Spain
>that discussing Spanish succession group
>free Brittany
>Austro-Hungarian Croatia
>that fucking Africa
>that fucking Scandinavia
>that fucking Eastern Europe
>Turkic people United
>free Quebec

You have severely irritated me

>> No.7597944

I thought it was the vaccines for viruses that did that

>> No.7597946

Western nations have the ability to be self sufficient. It doesn't effect the future of civilisation if third world nations get wiped out let alone have 'economic consequences'.

Yes, space colonisation should be a goal for Western nations in the long term.

>> No.7598316

Yeah I guess that makes it a victimless crime, like stabbing someone in the dark or raping someone who has a blindfold on.

>> No.7598368

I'll assume I have god powers in this world.

About government:
- Eliminate all centralized nation-states. The world should be more like Switzerland.
- Urban population should be concentrated on very dense cities that shouldn't exceed 1 million people.
- Each city should be as ethnically homogeneous as possible.
- The city, being the core of the urban population, should be most autonomous. This way the population is distributed on extremely centralized units.

About demographics:
- Kill all individuals with IQ under 90.
- Westernize all Muslims. Modern Islam is incompatible with civilization.
- Westernize all Hindus. They're fucking disgusting.
- Westernize all Chinese. They're barely civilized.

About economy:
- Only tax land. It's a finite resource and unregulated sprawl should be avoided.
- People should have freedom of commerce, trade and industry.

>> No.7598763
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gee, it sure is /pol/ around here.

>> No.7598795

Remove all human emotions, without emotions we are incapable of doing anything seen as evil and would be logical all the time.

It that doesnt work then I would remove the more primal aspects of our psychology like hypersexuality, hyper aggression, and of course sadism(or the love of the pain of others)

>> No.7598797

> Imagine a world without /pol/
I rather not.


>> No.7598798

Switzerland is an armed camp comprising regions that speak different languages and have cultures, held together by shared paranoia of invasion.

>> No.7598805

I'd do a virus that kills all of humanity, easy peasy.
Nature will rise again.

>> No.7599576

hell yeah

>> No.7599641

This is some pseudo-intellectual bullshit

Removing emotions would leave hunans as husks with neother ambition nor drive and no will to progress and thrive. Emotions are not a hindrance to us it is the inability to control and balance our emotions that causes problems.

>> No.7600044


>- Kill all individuals with IQ under 90.

Okay, let's do the new IQ test. Hmm, it seems like because the scores are normalized around 100 as the average, we'll have to kill more people. Time to re-test, hmm, it seems like because the scores are normalized around 100 as the average, we'll have to kill more people. The score's changed. Time to re-test, hmm, it seems like because the scores are normalized around 100 as the average, we'll have to kill more people. The score's changed. Time to re-test, hmm, it seems like because the scores are normalized around 100 as the average, we'll have to kill more people.


There is only one person left alive on Earth, the spergiest human being to have ever lived, unable to reproduce even if a mate was available. However, since you're killing all Muslims, Indians (except Sikhs) and Chinese, you already got rid of half the human population. If you enact this policy after you begin getting rid of everyone with IQ lower than 90, you might exterminate the human species down to the last individual.

At last, the world is at peace.

>> No.7600083

Invest in free education for all. Brazil has a large gap between the rich and the poor, and its hard for the poor to become educated in Brazil because of the high costs for colleges and universities. Here in America we are also seeing a decline in college enrollments, once again due to high costs, and for those who take out loans to pay their way through college end up still having to pay those loans off for the rest of their life. I say NAY! I say we should all continue to learn WITHOUT going into massive debt! We should learn skills as well, not just facts. We should engage the students with more hands on labs in schools! Show them how to build, create, explore, research, grow! MORE KNOWLEDGE! MORE POWER! GONE ARE THE DAYS OF MINDLESSNESS! WE WILL WORK TOGETHER TO BUILD A NEW WORLD!!!! I guess I started to ramble there for a sec, but yeah. Change some education methods and invest more in education.

>> No.7600088

Kill OP

>> No.7600107

Move civilized people to Mars, uncivilized people to Venus

Let Earth naturally recover

>> No.7600174

Communism is a economic principle. I think you're looking for the word, "dictatorship". Communism is just dictatorship with extreme socialism and a central economy. Or maybe you're a old fag from the Mccarthy era where everyone you disagree with is a commie by default?

>> No.7600183

In the long run it should settle down I think. Because richfags can have more shitty kids doesn't mean there will be more of them. If they are shitty they will stop being rich and fall back into some other class.

A good method is seen in Singapore, where they have quotas on cars and force drivers to buy a Certificate of Entitlement. This is a hard limit on number of vehicles, as drivers all have to bid for a set amount as if they're on auction. In this case however you can have the inverse, you put subsidies on bid, but instead of money you have to show things like maybe level of education, stable income, crimes and offenses and shit so those crapsticks won't be able to get any subsidies and they can't raise their kids properly and hopefully will die with them. This will select for those that truly work hard and have good kids, and those kids will have to be good, otherwise they get fucked someone as well.

>> No.7600191

just start another war with nuclear weapons and here u go with ur halfed population

>> No.7600193

I'm gonna assume you're American because only Americans think they're so big brother and best nation around full of fucking freedoms.

Even the chinese are not civilized they at least did something you idiots couldn't do. Shittiest 3rd world country into largest (or second largest whatever) economic powerhouse in half a century.

So before you go round swinging your dick around toting your westernization, remember that America has the largest % of religious nutheads, largest jail population (not even a % now!), a congress deadlock, feminists, and nutjobs like miley cyrus all your idiot kids love. Good luck in your future endeavors.

Oh yeah, most of the shit in your house came from those barbarians so better burn your house down

>> No.7600199

>that's the worst part
>not killing half the people on Earth
I'm glad you don't come here often.

>> No.7600220
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>end mass immigration
>deport unskilled immigrants in Europe and US
>end SJWism and feminism shit
>promote traditional conservative values
>greatly limit welfare and regulations on businesses across all sectors
>end foreign aid to shit countries
>now unburdened, white men focus their full attention towards science and innovation

Find a flaw.
>Protip: You can't

>> No.7600229 [DELETED] 


Am I edgy enough, now? >>7600220

>> No.7600231

>not killing off spics or muslims
No, you are not.

>> No.7600233
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>wipe out nearly 1/6 of the human genome
>decimate the last decent wildlife/plantlife retreats for resource exploitation
>cause hundreds of animal and plant extinctions
>burden all future eurasian generations with muh white guilt times 1,000,000
>treat all remaining people outside sub-sahara africa with sub-saharan ancestry as demi idols because the guilt was too strong
>some form of radical africanism manifest among several communities
>some form of radical animal rights manifest too
>it combines into some amalgamation that mirrors radical islam and nazi germany with many justifying that the killings were done because the people were too strong and proud to willing give up their land
>international terrorism rears it's ugly head again going after communities and businesses in located in sub-sahara africa
>governments responds with speeches about how it was meant to end mass suffering.
>the radicalist don't buy it and push even harder with their terror
>government starts cracking down with heavy military and security eventually bombings and mini civil wars ensue
>it's not even a race war or religious war because said main peoples are dead and everyone else is fighting as proxies justifying their actions
>war and strife again plagues the land of africa
>this is supposed to be a win/win scenario

Nope, fuck you, fuck your kind and everyone like you. It's like you never bother reading a history book.

Leave them alone, if they progress let them progress, if they stagnate let them stagnate.

Fuck this shit I'm out of here.

>> No.7600292

Just because you cannot find sexual partner does not mean world population needs to cut down into half to reflect your insecurities.

>> No.7600312

destroy the concept of money

>> No.7600316

Figure out if industrial society will work without fossil fuels.
If so
World government with direct democracy over the internet. Anyone can vote for anything.

No more oil corporations profiting off rationing out the precious lifeblood of our society. No more international wars over resources. No more famines while other countries pay their populations to live.

If it is not possible - say, if there are nonrenewables irreplaceably involved in the manufacture and maintenance of these new energy sources, of if there is no way to use them to expand crop yields to oil-fertilized level yields, then the apocalypse is nigh. Move to Canada with a tribe and hunt deers and hope a nuke doesn't land on you.

>> No.7600318
File: 15 KB, 300x228, save-the-future-300x228[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all white people, and the world will be saved and peaceful

>> No.7600323

Considerimg 4/6 of the genome is junk dna, you're fucking retarded

>> No.7600362

How antiquated.

>> No.7600371

4/6 of your DNA is junk else how could it be possible for you to utter such shit.
And even this might not be the case your education might've been provided by sea turtles.

>> No.7600372
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 1310497836236..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy the only reason for people to do anything for other people

>> No.7600375

> what is trading

>> No.7600378

Same concept different dressing.

>> No.7600386

Nope. When you hold the things that are commodity, they gain property values, but with the concept of money, money itself is valuable even though a piece of paper doesn't cost 100 dollars, 100 euros or 100 yens, and the federal government is allowed to print the money in ridiculous amounts when nobody else is.

>> No.7600392

Is the Human race surviving a criteria?

>> No.7600397

>money itself is valuable

just stop before you dig yourself any deeper.

>> No.7600404

found the commie

>> No.7600452

> money isn't valuable
commie detected

>> No.7600715

>Abolish borders
>basic income for all citizens
>competitive markets no longer decide the price for a product/service instead it is based on scarcity, resources and manpower that go into making it
>money has a fixed valuve and only one global currency
>robotize the work force
>recycling is mandatory
>focus resources on developing countrys
>no Nepotism or cronyism for powerfull positions instead merit is the key factor
>all these resources that are put towards military endevaours are now put towards sustainability
>research the natural world for replacment of harmfull materials/chemicals
>make sure the natural world has room to thrive and survive hunting of wild life is highly regulated and not a pass time and only allowed when its a nessecity
>research on how to turn inhospitable territories hospitable i.e turning deserts tundras etc into farmable land
>research ways to control the weather i.e improve cloud seeding and find other ways of control
>research new forms of energy
>reform education with focus on asthetical matters
>let humanity do its shit but govern and guide it to ensure its prosperity and survival

>> No.7600728
File: 11 KB, 300x285, 300px-Communist_star.svg_[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great. you just added a few more extensions to an already existing system.

>> No.7600733

What the actual fuck is going on in south america
also the perfect borders are the ones that dont exist

>> No.7600757

well its not my fault communists hade alot of good points
and its certainly not my fault they fucked their shit up

>> No.7600803

He obviously means a one time purge you fucking aspie

>> No.7600818

>- Westernize all Muslims. Modern Islam is incompatible with civilization.
>- Westernize all Hindus. They're fucking disgusting.
>- Westernize all Chinese. They're barely civilized.
someones been playing EU4

>> No.7600904

I do not keep accounting for the value it's the virtue of the system to do that, and I am the product of the system.
We all implied changing the world by changing the system so all concepts you bring about would fall.

>> No.7601246

Nanosat swarm at earth sun L1 to control sunlight coming to the planet, 10-20 billion dollars could save us from global warming

>> No.7601248

How is highschool going, son ?

>> No.7601298


>> No.7601300

>How would you make the world a better place?
I wouldnt I have nothing to say on how any country do other than my own

>> No.7601308

Kill every single human in the ME

>> No.7601325

Kids must learn about falaccy as early as possible
The same with basic programming

>> No.7602731

make economics a science
death penalty for corrupting the youth
cripple babies get thrown on the trash
fix capitalism by the sales price of products having to including reparations to society

>> No.7602773

gee, it sure is reddit around here.

>> No.7602786

>remove religions
>remove all broders
>create world goverment
> facist democracy
>controld evolution
>IQ test to breed
>focus on getting humanity out into space
>full internet survaliance
>GPS chip survaliance in every human.
Sorry for bad english. And the list is much much och longer

>> No.7602816


Many people are saying "More Control!".
I say "Give up on trying to control, instead align with natures cycles".
That is, stop working against the flow, go with it and let it do the work.
Radical decentralisation, distributism, lateral networks, peer2peer, No Hierarchy.

>local organic high-labour permaculture food production.
>local rainwater capture, filtering, storage, recycling.
>composting and soil regeneration.
>reforest the earth.
>solar and wind power, yet less reliance on electricity and gadgets, even computers.
>solar heating of water, passively heating/cooling houses.
>village size human communities, where everyone knows everyone but genetically varied. Everyone can find a working role and support/be supported by their family/friends.
>Meshnet darknet IPFS for communications.
>Free and Open-Source Everything: software, blueprints, schooling, textbooks, methods of governmental organisation etc. All information free and shared, never blocked for profits.
>legalise all drugs.
>Big movement to "natural healing" and preventative methods. ie. good diets and exercise, good hygiene, and local herbal medicines.
>End Private Property (ie end the protection of the right of an individual to denies others their rights). Replace with "Stakeholder Ownership" where those affected by the decision democratically make the decision.

Anyone willing to get past their own cultural conditioning and read about how the world really works and the non-mainstream alternatives to doing things... will see that there is a utopia just 1 step away, we merely just need to decide to go there :)

>> No.7602822
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>> No.7602834

Every country is now an autocracy.

Leader gets purely decided by skill in a national wide selection where any full citizen can enter.

Rest of top 100 participants are gonna be direct subordinates of winner.

Leader gets further education of top educationers in the country and is forced to always progress his education as long as he is in leadership of the country, which is the only condition he needs to follow.

>> No.7602836

Invent a truth serum and force politicians to take it before they get any real power.

>> No.7602856

What if a virus that controls peoples emotions already exists?

I've wondered if that could be a cause of the recent self destructive behavior of Sweden for example.

>> No.7603121

Hi /pol/ fag

>> No.7603132

spamming is against the global rules

>> No.7603162

>The same with basic programming
What, why ?

>> No.7603309

Just one global law: no religion under the age of 18. it is nearly impossible to bring somebody to reason who has been indoctrinated with shit since his early childhood. Children should be educated in general ethics, philosophy and an objective view on all religions instead of visiting the course their parents consider as the truth. And only if they are 18 they shall be allowed to practice whatever religion they want. I consider it as child abuse to force your children into some shitty rituals or believes which they are not able to comprehend or have their own founded opinion on.

The age of 18 is discussible. Maybe 16 is old enough.

>> No.7603320

Honestly I would just have all nonwhite and north east asian people completely exterminated.

>> No.7603333

It's not so much overpopulation as it is unequal resource use. Fact is, we can feed everyoe alive on earth today. But 80% of the crops we grow in America go to feed livestock. We are cutting down the Amazon rainforest to feed livestock. The ever-growing and insatiable demand for meat in rich countires is what is killing us. If we got people to, even partly, switch to a plant-based diet, feeding the whole planet would be trivial, in fact e would be able to reduce our land-use and allow nature to reclaim a lot.

>> No.7603415
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>destroy all non-whites

And what are you going to do when they nuke you back? 1800s was 200 years ago, Cletus. Whites do not have any more significantly advanced technology than non-whites.

Give it 10 more years and non-whites will have even more fire-power than the West.

>> No.7603434

meant for: >>7603320

>> No.7603505
File: 331 KB, 1200x900, ISS mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour as much of the world's money and resources as possible into space travel R&D/ colonizing the moon and Mars. Eventually begin to explore the moons of Saturn and Jupiter using mars as a launch point. Use asteroids in the kuiper belt as pitstops for manufacturing and launching interstellar probes. The only problem is dealing with the Martian war of succession when that eventually breaks out. Filthy colonists.