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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7594428 No.7594428 [Reply] [Original]

>do engineering first year
>piss easy
>oh if u tink its easy now just wait til later
>do mechanical engineering second year (top 20 US engineering institution as well)
>actually easier than first year
>repeat for third and fourth, the easiest two years that were all projects
>hardest thing for me was graduate research work and publishing my research, only because I had an undergrad level knowledge of thermofluids and was talking about shit on a phd level

why do people say engineering is hard? If you dedicate your life to the lifestyle, it's pretty fucking straightforward.

yeah the course intensity is hard, but the content is straightforward and you'll always be compared against ~110 IQ peasants

i respect math and physics majors more. Much smarter on average

>> No.7594462

Nothing is hard

>> No.7594465

Engineering have more popular and obvious career prospects than hard sciences. Because of this a lot of average people join the courses. Also some complete retards. It is these retards and half of the average people (the lazy ones) that will complain of it being hard.

I don't know why engineering became popular with kids, I just know that everyone has a very clear idea of the careers an X engineer can get into compard to a scientist or a mathematician.

For example, even here if you make a thread asking for what careers someone with a BS in Mathematics can get into most people will say "Just high school teacher".

>> No.7594479

>if you dedicate your life...

that's the issue. most people dont want to dedicate their life to anything. most people have many interests swaying their influence.

If i loved chemistry and only chemistry, i would have an easy time with it too because i would never stop doing it. BUT i like to play video games, go downtown, etc etc etc.

>> No.7594480

>why do people say engineering is hard? If you dedicate your life to the lifestyle it's pretty straightforwards.

The second part of this quote answers the first part.

>> No.7594485

really this

>> No.7594516


This, so much. I'm studying Electrical Engineering but I fucking love history and keeping up with modern politics/news and pretty much spend half my time studying and the other half reading other random shit. I might have picked the wrong major to be honest but everyone told me that the STEM fields were the best so I decided to try it out. I like it but it feels much more like work than does history.

>> No.7594595


>you'll always be compared against ~110 IQ peasants

Why does this trigger me so much? I feel mad and I want to know why. I Geuss its just the deep seeded understanding that I fall in that category and no matter how hard I work I'll never be one of the students who is actually intelligent. God it must feel great to be the real deal in terms of intelligence.

>> No.7594611

>If you dedicate your life to the lifestyle, it's pretty fucking straightforward.

Well yeah, when you work 85 hours a week because you're a fucking sperg with no hobbies or outside interests, of course it's easy.

They mean "hard" for your average, normal healthy and well-adjusted individual.

>> No.7594806

No. I mean immerse yourself in the engineering life. Im a hiker, sailor, mountain climber, I play vidya and enjoy literature, politics, philosophy etc.

I just embrace my life as an engineer and have focused on critical thought and problem solving since they were encouraged in first year

>> No.7594813

>mechanical eng
>only top 20
double kek
gj on being retarded

>> No.7594817

Please read through this thread >>7588749. We aren't talking about you when we say "X degree is hard".

>> No.7594818

your right. i'm half assing my way through engineering school right now and still getting good grades.

its because all these kids want to chase pussy and drink beer instead of reading books. engineering is literally the same shit for 4 years. almost every mechanical engineering class i've taken starts off with a derivation of newtons second law.

>> No.7594823

Except im now doing masters at purdue aero eng because of the massive thermofluids exp i got in mech

Mech is godtier anyway

>> No.7594829

euros just add artificial difficulty by having intentionally shitty teachers. one-shot finals worth 100% of your grade have been proven to be a garbage metric for gauging mastery of a subject, and europes teaching methods are archaic and not in line with how psychologists and neuroscientists think we learn best.

>> No.7594833

>>knowing anything
>picking two, any year ever
tbh i'm all about the one shot finals

>> No.7594851

And you study what and where?

>> No.7595071

>study physics
>attend board of study association
>drugs weekly
>couple of drinks almost daily
>also time to read lit

It's not only what you say. Science is barely harder than engineering. At least at bachelor level it isn't. Don't know about master's.

>> No.7595079

My dick is evrry time ur mum touches it

lol rekt

>> No.7595119

The content you learn in an engineering degree isn't that hard. The difficulty comes in the volume of work you have to do, which is what people are referring to when they say that engineering is hard.
Especially because most people want to work part-time during their degree, as well as having a healthy social life, it can be difficult to maintain the workload required. Of course you can easily handle an engineering degree if you don't work part-time, don't have a social life, and don't have any hobbies, but that's a shit way to live for four years.

>> No.7595120

But who cares?

>> No.7595143

>one-shot finals worth 100% of your grade have been proven to be a garbage metric for gauging mastery of a subject
>europes teaching methods are archaic and not in line with how psychologists and neuroscientists think we learn best

Citations motherfucker, do you have them?

For threads where saying things alone makes them true: >>>/lgbt/

>> No.7595147

>Especially because most people want to work part-time during their degree

Implying anyone doing a decent course has time for or even wants a fucking part time job.
I hope community college works out for you.

>> No.7595267

Most engineering majors are fucking retarded

They had to dumb down physics 1 and 2 AND had to make Calculus 1 a requirement (it used to be just a coreq with physics 1) because too many of them would just outright fail
Like is it really that hard to understand physical situations and apply basic Calculus to it? Isn't that like what you want to do with your life and shit?

>> No.7595298

Most functioning adults attending universities also have part-time or casual jobs.

>> No.7595328

M8 some of us don't actually wanna be a poor shut-in for 4 years or don't have rich parents..

>> No.7595336

So how's all the cock sucking going for ya

>> No.7595338

Exactly. I have a rent. All these other "engineers" must be 18 and at home.

>> No.7595347

I mean I'm 20 and go to uni while living at home but I'm not gonna mooch off my parents and I help out with money cause like I said not rich parents

So idk wtf these people do for money for everyday life

>> No.7595854
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All that projection, all that buttmad.

It's not my fault your country doesn't want you to get an education, but please remember: not everyone lives in a shithole like yours.

My family is broke as fuck, I'm living with other students (not at home like the NEETs-in-waiting) and I have never worked a day of term-time in my life.
I do buckle down over the summer, but then I can work full time and get paid decently, unlike you poor part-time wageslaves.

>What are loans?
If you really think you'll never get a job good enough to pay them back, why even bother going to university?

>> No.7595939

It's a function of how much time you apply to it. If you put in the book time and learn things as you go (rather than waiting for pre-exam revision) and you will find almost any course easier than the average.

>> No.7595966

>most people have many interests swaying their influence.

And most people are only interested in dicking around, getting drunk and/or getting laid.

Not those things are bad or forbidden. But some people just have no moderation or discipline. I'm the opposite... if I try to pursue girls and try to be social, it takes away so much of my focus, I don't study properly.

>> No.7596117

>why does this trigger me
Because your ego is fragile and you value intelligence over other aspects. Jealousy is rarely a helpful emotion. It can lead you down the path of obsessive negativity over shit you cannot change. You'll wind up like /r9k/ if you don't curb that somehow. It's better to just keep trying to improve yourself and learn which, incidentally, may increase your IQ.

I struggle with it from time to time, mostly because my brain is really the only thing that stands out to me, and it's incredibly flawed to begin with (I remember arbitrary facts immediately and for a long ass time with nearly perfect recall, but can't remember what my wife told me 5 minutes ago about semi important shit). My current work associates think I'm some kind of genius and I tell them I'm not and that I have a learning disability, but they don't get it because they haven't experienced it.

>> No.7596518

> I remember arbitrary facts
> I forget other facts
> I remember a part of what has happened to me
> just like 100% of other people
You are not a special snowflake :^) stop trying to diagnose yourself with some kind of autism, normie