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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7591302 No.7591302 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a computer science major (junior year) and I'm not required to take physics. I want to learn on the side but I can't bring myself to doing it because that time could be spent on my own studies. What do?

>> No.7591326

lurk on 4chan 2 hours a day.

Then fap to iPhone photos of 20 year old 8/10's 5 times a weak minimum, mixed it with consumption of webm's of the moment of climaxes of anonymous man in younger girls faces - thereby seeing exponentially more naked female bodies of different women than any of your ancestors could have possibly seen in his lifetime.

Finally, contribute to /sci/ humor threads by coming up to captchas on face shots of people somehow more famous than anybody you know.

>> No.7591402

U wot?

>> No.7591427

Any computer science program that doesn't require physics up to a basic understanding of QM is not a real computer science program.

>> No.7591456

Why would you need to know this?

>> No.7591489

Going out on a limb, I am going to guess "because computers run on quantum devices," which is nonsense.

>> No.7591494

Chemistry master race reporting in

>> No.7591511

>I want to learn on the side

So learn on the side. What else do you fucking need?

I guess your concern is that you wouldn't have enough time to study for your computer science degree and the simple answer is:

If your monkey brain is so weak that you have to study 24/7 or else you fail then you are doomed to know one thing and one thing only for the rest of your life.

I am sure you see guys in class that don't need to study at all. They either learn everything the first time the professor explains it or they already knew it because unlike you they picked up a passion for CS before even graduating high school.

They are the guys who can, on their free time, learn physics, circuits, chemistry, advanced topics of CS, etc.

Should have read basic CS books back in HS so you wouldn't have to study like a dog in college.

>> No.7591639

That's not the point. I don't spend that much time studying computer science. I'm saying that the time spent studying physics could be used for my coursework. And I don't find physics as fun as movies or playing music.

>> No.7591647

>I want to learn physics
>I don't find physics fun

Then what is the point of making this thread?

>> No.7593266
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watch khan a cademy

>> No.7593276

you dont really want to learn physics, it just sounds fun maybe somewhat. forget it.

>> No.7593293

>watching movies
>actually rotting your brain on mindless entertainment instead of achieving more things
bro if you don't work/study 100 hours (in between shitposting, of course) a week wtf are u even doing on this board?

>> No.7593296
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>I'm a computer science major (junior year)

I am so sorry.

>> No.7593305

>Any computer science program that doesn't require physics up to a basic understanding of QM is not a real computer science program.

This. If your CS program doesn't look like the following then you go to a shit school:

>Fall 1
Calculus I
Intro to Proofs and Abstract Mathematics
Physics I
Intro to Programming
Technical Writing

>Spring 1
Calculus II
Matrix Algebra
Physics II
Digital Logic and Automata
Data Structures

>Fall 2
Vector Calculus
Physics III
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
Computer Architecture
Algorithm I

>Spring 2
Ordinary Differential Equations
Probability and Statistics
Parallel, Distributed, and GPU Programming
Operating Systems
Algorithm II

>Fall 3
Numerical Analysis I
Combinatorics and Graph Theory I
Mathematical Logic
Digital Signal Processing
Programming Languages and Compilers I

>Spring 3
Numerical Analysis II
Combinatorics and Graph Theory II
College Geometry
Computability and Complexity Theory
Compilers II
Database Theory (Seminar)

>Fall 4
Abstract Algebra
Classical Number Theory
Computer Graphics and Vision
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Internet, Networks and Communication Systems
Professionalism, Ethics, and Conduct (Seminar)

>Spring 4
Linear Programming and Optimization
Computer Security and Cryptography
FPGAs, Microcontrollers and Driver Development
Software Engineering Essentials
Principles of Economics
Personal Grooming and Hygiene (Seminar)

>> No.7593308


You guys need a personal grooming seminar?

>> No.7593312


Have you ever smelled the CS computer lab?

>> No.7593315

>Personal Grooming and Hygiene (Seminar)
oh god my fucking sides

>> No.7593320


Cant be that bad.
I mean you guys at least shower right?

>> No.7593388

Holy fuck no people do not. I mean you'd think that something so basic as cleaning oneself would not slip the mind of such academics, but I reckon I've only gone around 2 lectures without sitting near to someone whose smell radiates out from them like a fucking death ray.

The stereotypes are true and I hate it.

>> No.7593400

Unless your CS degree is a BSc in engineering you usually don't have physics and other technical shit. And 'm sorry to break it to the freshman who had to post his courses list above, but no "good" university has such a rigid courseload made by the university. Also, if you go to a university that provides "hygiene" lectures you can't go to a very good school as this doesn't have anything to do with academics and is an insult.

>> No.7593984



>> No.7594708


You just go to a shit school