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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7589792 No.7589792 [Reply] [Original]


Well, guys?

>> No.7589798

cool, does it print money?
or give us new tech?
cool story

>> No.7589801


>does it print money?
We already have money printers anon. They aren't doing very much for us right now.

>> No.7589811

>can they potentially discover cool stories


>> No.7589835

Probably not

>> No.7589851

sorry I thought you were a native english speaker and understood the concept rather than taking it literally like an autistic retard and spinning it to make a vague political point. my bad

>> No.7589865


Says the anon who can't string together a proper sentence, nor imagine the immense value that alien mega-artifacts would have to our species outside of immediate material gain.

>> No.7589871

Printing money lowers the value of it you fucking idiot

>> No.7589874

Not if the demand is constantly rising.

>> No.7589883
File: 13 KB, 521x341, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, OP: check the catalog next time:
Please delete this thread, it's shit so far anyway.
Pic is just to make it worse.

>> No.7589884

The responses in this thread are a perfect example of why this board is complete fucking shit.

>> No.7589925


>> No.7589944

This is literally the stupidest post in 4chan history.

>> No.7589958

>hundreds of light years away
>within our reach

>> No.7589971

It still lowers the value of the money oh my fucking god

>> No.7589992

It's probably just a coincidental planetary alignment around that star, nothing hardon-inspiring.

>> No.7590040

>humans still can't print money
when will this madness end

>> No.7590113

I see they finally found your mom after I blasted her into space with cum

>> No.7590155

>it's a rogue black hole sitting between the star and us
>oh god it is coming right at as
>looks like our grandchildren won't have to worry about climate change after all

>> No.7590178

I'm gunna go for the ayy lmao theory instead thanks satan

>> No.7590281
File: 45 KB, 539x550, 1393262957280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coincidental planetary alignment
>covering up to 22% of stars light
>happened TWICE in a relatively short interval

Nigga u dumb

>> No.7590625

>Implying that an ayy lmao race capable of building an object that can eclipse a fucking star can't travel at superluminal velocities.

>> No.7590634

It's practically guaranteed that they can, since it would never be economical to build something that big otherwise.

>> No.7590636

Xen are coming

>> No.7590660

I'm willing to bet it's nothing at all.

>> No.7590664
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1438443749377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, no, its something, otherwise we wouldn't have noticed it.

Use your noodle.

>> No.7590672
File: 84 KB, 800x449, 1430439888549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Researchers currently think the most likely explanation for the star's odd reduction in light is due to a large dust cloud of broken up comets orbiting the star elliptically
thread over

>> No.7590682

A-are you my boss?

>> No.7590692

As clickbait popsci as it gets.

>> No.7590696

So, can we expect that they'll monitor this star for the forseeable future?

>> No.7590705

i meant us, not them, retard

>> No.7590708


>Plastic Money
>Nobody has thought to just fucking print money with 3D printers.

Seriously guys?

>> No.7590732

>orbiting the star elliptically

How else would it orbit the star?

>> No.7590733

>tree houses
>nobody has thought to just fucking print 3D printers with 3D printers.

Seriously guys?

>> No.7590760


>Humans just now finding a hillariously outdated peice of technology we're deconstructing that they call a "Dyson Sphere".
>Humans have not realized that moving at the speed of light is impossible- everyone does interstellar travel by SLOWING THE FUCK DOWN

>> No.7591015
File: 285 KB, 473x424, good one buddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad incredible b8

>> No.7591026

In a circular orbit.

>> No.7591029

is that even possible?

>> No.7591060

If a headline is in the form of a question the answer to the question is always no.

>> No.7591577

why wouldnt it be

>> No.7591651

The universe isn't even that old. Feasibly how well-travelled could a civilization even be?

>> No.7591660

It is and it's a very very rare and special case of elliptical orbit.

>> No.7591724

I think the range of possibilities is that as long as 500 million years prior to stable wet, oxygenatetd conditions on Earth, similar conditions could have existed elsewhere nearby in our galaxy.

Even on Mars there was water 4 billion years ago that lasted there for at least 1.5 billion years (according to Curiosity data).

We are only 600 million years from the Cambrian explosion, so there was plenty of time to get 900 million years beyond where we are now.

A Martian civilization able to sustain itself long enough would have had ample time to flee their dying planet, get to KIC 8462852 (1500 years is an eyeblink in this timeframe) and set up shop there. They would have a 4 billion year head start on us.

There would have to be trillions of them to build something this big. They could have made it to Andromeda and back 1000 times at one-half light speed.

>> No.7591759

This is a most educating post I met in years, thank you.

>> No.7591800

Well. When you put it like that...

>> No.7591832

Actually, I suppose it would be more like a 2.5 billion year head start. But since the leap for us from dragging grills by the hair into caves and launching space craft was only about 50,000 years, the idea of a continuous civilization, bio-evolving even as it maintains it's cultural continuity is beyond my meat brain to conceive of.

I'm thinking of a brain that can manipulate complex mathematics, but unlike us has no or very little emotional involuntary-ness to it. Like an intelligent insect.

Dragonflies with metallic exoskeletons that can do equations and eat molecular hydrogen methane or carbon and have perfect hive minds.

>> No.7591872


>lel I wonder if it makes gold too!
>if we all have tons of gold we'll all be rich!!!

liberal logic everybody

>> No.7591882

That's nice and all but you are forgetting that FTL travel is physically impossible.

Take this pop sci bs back to reddit or /x/

>> No.7591883

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.7591889

his point is that it's a pointless "discovery" and only in the news because westerners want real life to be Star Wars

>> No.7591894

he never says faster than light, dumbnuts..l2reading comp....

>> No.7591902

>A Martian civilization able to sustain itself long enough would have had ample time to flee their dying planet
Generation ships or cryostasis is fantasy.

>> No.7591907

So are your baseless statements.

>> No.7591912

Andromeda is 2 million light years away, so a 4 million light year round trip. At one half the speed of light, attainable by a theoretical handful of existing technologies, in 4 billion years, simple division says they could have been there and back 1000 times. At sub-luminal speed.

Take your didn't read the post knee jerk troll back to Mom's basement.

>> No.7591914

scientists just renamed it to WTF-001, not kidding ya

this is LGM all over again

we live in interesting times, I hope you fags are using seti@home right now too

>> No.7591962

What The Flux.

I just read that too.

What makes this different is that they quickly found many pulsars and quasars. So their frequency itself helped to complete the ordinary theoretical alternative, a spinning core remnant of a nova or supernova.

This thing is, so far, a unicorn. It's not just not like the Keppler sample - it's not like anything seen anywhere else.

>> No.7591991

The star is making gold...

>> No.7592005

Daily reminder that we already had numerous Dyson Sphere candidates
As noted on the Dyson Sphere look-alike page there are several natural surrogates that are difficult to rule out. Several cuts were used on the LRS sample to focus in on a Dyson Sphere signature. These included temperature, classification, and visual scans in SIMBAD. This led to a sample of 17 weak and ambiguous candidates..

>> No.7592021


I stopped read here.

>> No.7592029

>does it print money?
It does for NASA.

>> No.7592037

Is that you /x/ Wayne? Is this me?


>> No.7592052


there are infinite things that could describe this phenomena

everyone is just jumping to "aliens" because they WANT to believe it's aliens. Which is okay, I guess, because aliens are cool.

>> No.7592057

I'd rather have black holes as my neighbours than fucking refugees. At least they don't take much space.

>> No.7592197

name one

>> No.7592210

We're so fucked if this is true. They probably sent out an extermination crew at relativistic speeds hundreds of years ago. I almost hope they don't manage to reverse natural senescence in my lifetime so I don't need to live to not see the undetectable black rock they collide with earth and annihilate us.

>> No.7592213

>I hope I see myself die so I don't see myself die in a really fucking metal way thousands of years later

>> No.7592217

Except that Jupiter only blocks 2% of our sun's light view

>> No.7592376