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7585642 No.7585642 [Reply] [Original]

>The papers were huge — more than 500 pages in all — packed densely with symbols, and the culmination of more than a decade of solitary work.
>a decade
>solitary work

Mathematics confirmed as the one true science that in this millenium stays as the path for the lone wolf. The solitary genius that wishes to revolutionize the world by his own hand.

Physicists, biologists, chemists, etc. continue filling that note to ask for funds for your research. You may get it in about a decade. I'm sure your findings will be worth it my friend. Of course, when you actually find something you will have to share credit with everyone else who did almost as much as you for the research, but you know, you still did something important!

While you do that I will be going out to get another 1$ pen from the store so I can continue on this proof.

>> No.7585649

Yeah I'm sure you're doing a lot bro.

>> No.7585655

>Implying that graduate research on physics/bio/chem/etc is mroe valuable than graduate research in mathematics

At the very best, they are all as "worthless" as the others.

>> No.7585673
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>I am a lone genius

>> No.7585693

In my original post I never said I'm a genius. In fact, I won't consider myself one until I, first, reach the highest point of knowledge in a branch of mathematics and, second, publish something that truly amazes other mathematicians.

That said, all I'm trying to say in my post is that you are someone that at any point in your life have showed an out of the ordinary intelligence then you should definitely consider pursuing a career in mathematics.

And if you are someone who is a 'certified' genius, someone who literally skipped years because of your talent, and you are not studying pure mathematics then you are doing a sick disservice to humanity.

>> No.7585707

You forgot the part where nobody will read that shit unless it claims to actually revolutionize large parts of mathematics.

>> No.7585716

>Implying that this doesn't apply to phys/chem/bio/etc too

>> No.7585717

Who publishes 500 pages Physics papers after a decade of solitary work?

>> No.7585723

Good point. No other field will ever get complex enough to require a 500 page proof.

That said. If there were to be one then
>nobody will read that shit unless it claims to actually revolutionize large parts of physics.

>> No.7585744

If you want to make a name for yourself today you should enter the clock-making industry.

>> No.7585855

You snarky bastard. Anyway, for that to work he'd have to be nonwhite, otherwise he can't cry racism in place of standard procedure.

>> No.7585864


Well meme'd my friends.
Political stunts just work once.

>> No.7585885
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Well, this research often becomes part of industry, which is in the business of making money, which is basically an objective, numerical measure of something's value, so no

As previously mentioned, this research makes people money, so yes, it gets read

Research articles are short because they have a small scope, because it's a race to get your work published before someone else does the same thing before you. Mochizuki knew that no one was really going down that path, so he could take his time to develop his proof.

>> No.7585914

Graduate research often becomes part of industry? So that's why I see post docs so motivated and just smell of money!

The point about time is fine. It is a bit insecure though.

>> No.7585931


Opinion discarded

>> No.7585936

I can't handle how euphoric OP is.

>> No.7585949

a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws
>A branch of knowledge
Are you going to say mathematics is not a branch of knowledge?

systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
A case could be argued against here, but are you going to deny that mathematics serves no purpose in describing models of the physical world?

systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
skill, especially reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

Mathematics is a science and I just proved it.

>> No.7585971

I mean, you can write all you want. But unless you have some sort of name for yourself or can connect your name to something with academic credit, no one is going to care. So write away and by all means change the world.

>> No.7585977

Why do you think I'm here to stroke my own penis?

Not at all. I'm stroking the erect cock of the entire mathematics community.

>> No.7585980

Patents > Peer Review

>> No.7585995

>caring about changing the world and getting tons of credit
>not just enjoying your work for its own sake and trying to be useful/recognized enough in society that people will pay you for it

>> No.7585999

Said the crackpot.

>> No.7586003

What the fuck. All these people making weird conclusions out of my original post. I guess that is what I get for trying to make my style more spicy.

Original post in easy mode:
Mathematics is the only science that embraces (and should be embraced by) lone wolves. This, to me, makes it, in a way, unique and better than other sciences.

>> No.7586041

>10 years later
>respected mathematicians have sunk yeara into trying to understand the proof
>turns out to be just schizophrenic ramblings of a high IQ nutcase
I'm calling it

>> No.7586045



>> No.7586046

Haven't 4 people already looked at and confirmed the paper?

>> No.7586929

>Mathematics is the only science that embraces (and should be embraced by) lone wolves.
Burkhard Heim wold have disagreed.

>> No.7587281

Whoever he is, I'm he is not from this millenium.

Nowadays if you are physicist even if you are a genius and work completely alone on your theory without any help at all and without taking bits of other's ideas ( which is unlikely ) you will still need a fuckload of peoplw to test it. Engineers making specialized apparatus, CS guys working a super computer for the calculations, etc.

The same applies to every other hard science... except for mathematics

>> No.7587299
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Paul Erdos ain't even listenin to yo bullshit mang

>> No.7587300
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>I study math because I don't need to apply for funding and there's more glory in accomplishing something yourself.

>> No.7587367

None of those are reasons to study math, but they are pluses that come with it.

Anyways, there IS more glory in accomplishing something yourself.

What feels better?
Getting a 500 piece puzzle and then bringing a group of 5 - 10 friends to solve it?
Or to get the puzzle and solve it yourself at a steady pace, without never stopping for too long before placing the next piece where it belongs because you are so good at what you do that not even the more complex problems can stop you for too long before you know exactly what to do.

>> No.7587515
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>spend decade on solitary work
>produce 500 page proof
>made a mistake on page 2
>meanwhile we cured cancer and reached Pluto

>> No.7587532
