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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 438 KB, 849x565, Doctors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7582735 No.7582735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any data comparing doctors GPAs, IQ, whatever of doctors without borders doctors and regular doctors? Just curious because these dweebs seem genuinely retarded.
>go to ravaged countries where you could easily get killed
>paid nothing compared what work at home pays
>at home you'd still be helping people, people who actually pay for your work (either directly or through taxes/insurance)
>get to see your spouse and kids

>> No.7582737

*>dont get to see wife and kids

>> No.7582745
File: 110 KB, 616x410, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a good Christian and helping those in need

Take your autism meds mate

>> No.7582751

>leaving your family and loved ones behind for the false promise of a better afterlife

>> No.7582753
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>> No.7582755

>better people
According to what? Your Stone Age morality that still retardly lingers on to this day? Fuck right off, faggot.

>> No.7582762 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 480x444, 1302828420020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Stone Age morality that still retardly lingers on to this day

What makes you think I'm an atheists?

>> No.7582763

Some people only care about helping others, everything else being secondary or tertiary.

>> No.7582766

They had faith back then, it was called Animism. Which grew into Judaism which developed into Christianity. All that time your faith based idiocy was holding mankind back from figuring out how the world works and developing society.

>> No.7582767

I still don't understand those who care more about some strangers in a far off land then their family. I guess they don't see it that way but actions speak louder than words. They literally hurt their families who are worried sick about them when they leave.

>> No.7582768

>All that time your faith based idiocy was holding mankind back from figuring out how the world works and developing society.

You must be over the age of 18 to post on 4chan. Please leave.

>> No.7582772

You can't figure out things by asserting how they work sorry, christcuck. You actually have to check it.

>> No.7582774

>I still don't understand those who care more about some strangers in a far off land then their family

Because you have autism. Sorry, there is no cure.

>> No.7582776
File: 36 KB, 268x237, tumblr_njvt2fU27z1u1eakso1_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> animism

>> No.7582777

If anything those doctors are the unempathetic ones. They hurt their families who love them for some strangers who never cared about them.

>> No.7582778

>implying science is at conflict with religion

>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.7582780

at home what you do is work , at the shithole its basically charity .
you cant compare the two ,both are for personal gain but one is mostly for financial gain and the other is mostly for them to feel good about themselves .

i can speak of my father that he was making gorillions of $ doing medical work but felt unsatisfied so he started doing charity work , it feels good to help people who are fucked by bad circumstances .

>> No.7582781
File: 143 KB, 450x333, science_vs_creationism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7582782
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Way to prove the memes

>> No.7582783

So he left you and your mom for some strangers in a far off land to feel better about himself? Seems fucking selfish.

>> No.7582784

> christians have their god ordering around andtelling them what to do
> atheists don't serve to anyone
your poster makes perfect sense

>> No.7582785

>religion literally about doing good being rewarded and bad being punished
>atheists are the ones doing good because they are told to
top kek m8

>> No.7582786
File: 458 KB, 1784x1024, 1419409222761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a religion

Nope, they're a pseudo-religion like new age hippies at best.

>> No.7582787

Did your parents abandon you or some shit because you seem pretty mad about something fairly normal. What if their families support what they're doing?

>> No.7582790

I don't think it's good even if it may be normal. Once lynching black people was considered normal but that doesn't make it good. This is the same, even f the family tells them that they support them they shouldn't be so selfish.

>> No.7582792
File: 746 KB, 696x745, 1441437998108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is to the people who become a doctor for money.

If you truly don't give your heart and soul to healing, you aren't meant for this. Go do business and leave pharma alone. Alchemy needs new minds to take on the advancement of human chem. If you really want to live forever, it'd be your best option.

>> No.7582793
File: 11 KB, 600x468, reformed-catholic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all Christians are protestants
>implying all religions are the same as protestants

>> No.7582794 [DELETED] 

>le no true scotsman
You idiots both believe in some magical afterlife and made society into a deathcult for your halfbaked morality. Go die.

>> No.7582796

The problem is not religion nor science. There are bad people on both sides. There is nothing wrong with being a religious person who lives happily with beliefs based on a loving god who shares with people, loves others and tolerates them. Whenever scientific community wants to bash them, they always mention the bad people who use religion to make excuse for their causes like the radicals.

>> No.7582799

Religious people are retarded because they believe in something with no evidence. They are all bad in that regard. Just because there are moderates doesn't change this. Their thinking is corrupted, radical or not. Radicals are just easier to point out.

>> No.7582802

One might argue it's selfish to only think of your own family, when others need your help far more.

>> No.7582803

>You idiots both believe in some magical afterlife
>halfbaked morality

Ad hominem

>made society into a deathcult


>Go die

You really should seek psychological help for your autism/multiple disabilities before you hurt someone.

>> No.7582805

Sure but who cares about you at the end of the day? And not only instrumentally as someone who helps you get better.

>> No.7582806
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x1050, Abstract-red-fractal-julia-background-hd-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to stop arguing about what the truth is and just take the truth for what it really is.
The only truths are Rhythm and Time

>> No.7582807
File: 82 KB, 500x475, evidence v jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe in something with no evidence

>> No.7582809

Yes you assholes did. And this persists to this day even amongst secularists who feel they should sacrifice themselves for some halfbaked concept called the greater good. There is no such thing, the universe is too vast for happenings on earth to matter like that. You sacrificing yourself doesn't make a lick of a difference. It just demonstrates you're an idiot who would throw away the only life you have for something. But guess fucking what when you die that other thing ceases to matter to you and your family and friends are left without a loved one.

What a loving god.

>> No.7582811

where is the evidence ?

>> No.7582812
File: 66 KB, 720x585, scientism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, those scientists and mathematicians sacrificing their lives to advanced humanity for the halfbaked concept called the greater good are so fucking stupid. There is no such thing, the universe is too vast for happenings on earth to matter like that. You sacrificing yourself doesn't make a lick of a difference. It just demonstrates you're an idiot who would throw away the only life you have for something. But guess fucking what when you die that other thing ceases to matter to you and your family and friends are left without a loved one.

What a loving field.

>> No.7582813

They don't sacrifice themselves, you numbskull. They live their lives advancing science and math. Some in hope of extending it.

>> No.7582814


They waste it by preforming boring calculations and proofs rather than plowing their wives and fondling their children. It's no different than helping sick people.

>> No.7582815

Are you claiming he doesn't love scientists who spend their lives working on things but just the scientific results ? Are you retarded ?

>> No.7582819
File: 77 KB, 250x262, 1443716769509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7582822

>boring calculations and proofs
>fondling their children
>staying comfortable while advancing math, science and tech no different than putting yourself in danger to help some less fortunate strangers
idk even where to begin

>> No.7582823
File: 31 KB, 474x395, 1436532910631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, being at home
>would you make so many cool selfies?
>would you get so many likes on facebook?
>would you get so many comments, how inspiring and important your work is? (even though it's same shit, different location)

>> No.7582825

It's literally the opposite way. Protestants are the liberal ones.

>> No.7582829

>staying comfortable while advancing math, science and tech

Science can be really dangerous. Plenty of chemists and physicists nearly killed themselves over and over again in the lab. Marie Skłodowska Curie died of radiation exposure and many others followed her on nuclear physics experiments.

Learn some history.

>> No.7582831
File: 45 KB, 462x700, 1443482415148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing people don't get about god is that if we are built in it's image, it's not just a deity of everything good. It's a deity of everything concurrently. It is all points at the same time, coagulated into a single mass. We currently comprehend relative to local perception but have the ability to understand past that locale because of the nature of understanding a concept.

Science, religion, philosophy; It's all the same truth, just different paths towards reaching that plateau of understanding. Science is the categorization of functions, so of course it's going to be efficient (It's pretty much just working with the rhythms of the universe instead of against them), but there's nothing wrong about religion.

People just don't interpret god correctly and thus it's conveyed to you in all these jumbled concepts that make you wonder, "Why would it exist?" instead of, "Why wouldn't it exist?" Science is not kind to people who can't believe in the abstract. If you really can't be in awe of of ideas that grand in scale then you're not meant for this field.

>> No.7582833

>Slaving away to extend science for future generations
No nigger, that's not how I work, I get a lifetime of theory while Chad spacecock gets the warp drive 500 years later? Fuck that, that's why I prefer engineering over pure science; at least the results are more immediate.

>> No.7582839

Can be when you don't take proper precautions, something you cannot do in a war zone.

Curie died because she carried radioactive shit in her pockets. She died from ignorance, not knowing she's was putting herself in harms way unlike those who sacrifice themselves knowing the dangers and still being an idiot.

>> No.7582840

This is why mad scientists work for themselves. Why provide for a stupid society you barely give a shit about when you can provide for yourself? Advance yourself. Learn for yourself.

>> No.7582843

>unlike those who sacrifice themselves knowing the dangers and still being an idiot

Like scientists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core

>you don't take proper precautions

Explosive shit is explosive no matter what you do

>> No.7582846

>Slaving away
Many enjoy it for its own sake.

But I get what you mean. Though that said, we all should be working on life extension so we can get those warp drives in 550 years.

>> No.7582848

>what is remote detonation?

>> No.7582853


In history books, archaeological findings, philosophical reasoning, medical examinations, and observations. Sorry it's not as sexy as the pop-atheism circle jerks.

Disregarding it all requires you to also disregard most of human knowledge like history, astronomy, anthropology, geology, etc....

>> No.7582856

This is science, not engineering.

>> No.7582870

>tfw mad scientist
Glad someone finally understands me. Fuck society, research groups, big industry it's all part of the system pandering to some dumbass on his toilet who needs to load angry birds faster.

>> No.7582873

Words are not evidence

>> No.7582874

You're not alone, man. The greatest people in history have all realized the things we have and still have to. Always keep in mind the transcendental, beautiful nature of reality and you will find the greatest truths.

>> No.7582876
File: 25 KB, 600x544, scientism idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prove Caesar existed

>> No.7582883

You should watch Rick and Morty if you don't.

>> No.7582906

>All the inscribed statues
>All his enemies talking about him (nobody would make up a guy who kicked their ass)
>His books (De Bellum Gallico)
>Ancient history makes sense if he was real, doesn't if he was not (why are there Roman ruins in France? Who invaded?)

>> No.7582929

I can never tell if all these "religious" people on here are actually genuine or just really bored trolls

>> No.7582934

>>All the inscribed crucifixes
>>All his enemies (Jews) talking about him (nobody would make up a guy who kicked their ass)
>>His books (Za Holy Bible)
>>Ancient history makes sense if he was real, doesn't if he was not (why are there Roman churches in Spain and India? Who proselytized?)

>> No.7582978

Lol are you trolling?

>> No.7582986

Way to logical fallacy. Judging by your previous posts, You are either trolling or 16. Either way it's the same thing.

If you are truly being serious, then you need to go back a couple of steps and consider why people would do this and why it isn't selfish. Use some critical thinking brah.

>> No.7582998

I always wonder this. To be honest I think maybe jesus and all that was real, just no magic.