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7581171 No.7581171 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best and most scientific books on the behaviour of females (human ones, obviously), especially regarding what they find attract e.g what bodily gestures they're attracted to, what kind of things turn them off, etc.

>> No.7581173

my diary tbh

>> No.7581178

Female humans are attracted to:


Things that turn them off:


>> No.7581181

dominance intelligence testosterone left-right symmetry

don't worry OP you don't have any of them :^)

>> No.7581200

Expect a lot of bullshit by guys who want to derail you to get all the ladies for themselves, lol.

>> No.7581214

there's literally no incentive to do that to a single stranger on the net. wasting your time doing that would probably have a net decrease in your changes of laying a chick, just simply from having spent time on it.

>observe people who get girls and people who don't
>now u know

>> No.7581217

wtf fam

>> No.7581226

First of all 3.5 billion females generally have different tastes. There is no rigorous objective standard.

Secondly the conclusions from most evo psych and other journals generally come down to genetic traits so I wouldn't bother if I were you unless you were willing to have plastic surgery and dedicate years to lifting and steroids.

Anything else you will most increase yourself from say a 5.0/10 to 5.5/10 after years of effort.

Money and power isn't nearly as big a factor as facial aesthetics. Kind of reminds me of that 4chan screencap about the manlet Chinese engineering major who thought who would be "dripping in pussy" once he graduates.

Nope, if you aren't getting girls that are crushing on you right now, you probably never will.

>> No.7581229

Except if they can follow you up and see how you do if you follow the advice. Like for the fun of it. What did you think surveillance really was about.. hunting terrorists or smth? LOL.

>> No.7581242

If you're autistic enough to need to do this you may as well give up now.

>> No.7581246


This is pretty accurate, there's no secret way to make yourself suddenly attractive to girls, I'm pretty noticeably ripped and after years I've only pulled 2 girls because of my body

>> No.7581250

Truth with modification. You can have great potential with women and screw it up by getting a beer belly, not caring about hygiene, not caring about body language and how you move, getting a bad reputation of being lazy, drinking too much and many other things.

Could easily drop you several steps on a 10 unit scale.

>> No.7581253

Maybe it's a group of girls looking for a laugh before they go out partying?

>> No.7581254


Normal people know how to read body language and other non verbal social ques, they learned it intuitively because they had normal childhoods and don't have autistic brains. If your on 4chan this probably isn't you and trying to figure out later in life stuff that you should already know is not going to be easy.

>> No.7581270

The mistake most modern males seem to make is that they watch too much entertainment/porn and eventually they believe they won't find anything less than a 7/10 girl attractive.

There's an absurd industry in PAU and trying to cater to these people. Convincing them they "if they just have confidence" they can get any girl they want. "I mean look at me bro, look how easily I can pick up this chick" -10/10 guy.

Just look at that screencap of the /r9k/ guy who "just kept trying" with the confidence thing and after failing with hundreds of girls he became such an infamous "creep" bouncers started recognizing him and gently preventing him from entering clubs.

The truth is if you've never had a 10/10 initiate flirting with you, you don't have it.

The good news is that you're completely wrong about what you think you find attractive. Stop watching porn and jacking off so much, you'll start to notice that 6/10 qt. that's been subtly flirting with you, you then realize how feminine and attractive she is. Eventually you get hardons just talking to her. Date her for a few weeks and she becomes the most beautiful girl on the planet.

In essence males have pairing mechanisms just like girls. You will never get past the initiation if you keep trying to ask out the only 10/10 in your uni class, stop being so full of yourself and date girls who are interested in you instead of doing all this internet bullshit where you imagine yourself magically becoming a hunk in 5 years.

>> No.7581274

If you get fat and unhealthy to the point where it significantly affects your facial aesthetics you've most likely FUBARed your body for life.

>> No.7581288

>tfw so autistic I didn't believe body language was a real thing until recently.
People watch your movements when they talk to you? What? Why? How? I struggle just to keep up with their face movements alone.

>> No.7581290


It's more on a 'subconcious' level your body movements can give off certain impressions about yourself

>> No.7581292

Everything is not facial aestethics, anon. You can retain a good looking face but if you got a beer belly things will still get x levels more difficult. Trust me, I've tried it. You could still find some girl, but the set of potential girls will diminish quite fast as your average radius increases.

>> No.7581332

The best one, although note necessarily scientific, would be Vin DuCarlo's "pandora's box". There is a release on the pirate bay. Have fun anon!

>> No.7581334

I can't believe there's a well reasoned and informed post on sexuality on 4chan.

>> No.7581349


>> No.7581353

If women are attracted to intelligence, why are most of us here single?

>> No.7581359
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Just go over and say hello. Then be yourself. Works for me.

>> No.7581360


Because the intelligence they're attracted to is 'sharp witted' men, not autists who get boners from solving maths equations

>> No.7581375

This guy knows.

>> No.7581402
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>calling women "females, human ones"

>> No.7581412

>tfw women tell you youre hot
>tfw people trying to get you to go out with them
>theyre all humanities majors who dont understand anything i study (applied math mostly)
>just want to fuck my bio major friend
>asked her out, she has a ldr bf
>maybe one day if i continue to crush on her, maybe not
>just want to raise 3 intelligent children and be a professor

i dont want all this druggie hot boy 20 something nonsense people keep inviting me to. i just want to be an academic and a dad by age 30.

stop trying to get pussy OP, its not worth the trouble

>> No.7581593

Oh wow, I'm a bit disconcerted that I didn't really notice until you pointed it out.

>> No.7581612

Work your crush harder, she'll drop that faggot soon, just be more assertive ask to take her out on a date "as friends" anyway or fuck her when she's drunk at a party etc.

>> No.7581635

>imagine a 20/10
>20/10 becomes new 10/10
>Old 10/10 becomes new 5/10
>Old 1/10 becomes irrele/vant

>> No.7581759

i already literally asked her out (that's how I learned about the bf) and she said she would have said yes if not for said guy. we do hang out all the time. we go on hikes/etc (our university is on the edge of a nationally protected forest park, although that probably gives away where I live).

she'll probably dump the guy soon and I'm not worried about anything romantically really. I mostly want skanks to just leave me alone and stop inviting me to parties/"smoke seshes".

not interested in rotting my brain with a bunch of idiots ty. much rather rot my brain with much smarter people.

>> No.7581777

Yes, but you don't understand what I'm saying. The guy does not get to call dibs just because he dated her first. The more interest you the more willing she'd be to leave him for you (from the sound of things you seem like a way higher quality catch). You already hang out a lot that's good, try to increase light flirting too, she already knows you're interested so it shouldn't be weird.

>although that probably gives away where I live
You overestimate how much we care, no one is going to look that up.

Sounds cool though I always wished we had something like that close to our campus.

>> No.7581805

I get what you're saying anon. The process was already underway, although perhaps I worded it strangely.

For example, she and I spent several hours doing geometry on platonic solids in her dorm after a conversation about foldable fortune tellers at dinner. It was more fun than it sounds. Unless you are into geometry, in which case you know exactly how fun that was.

Yeah, the woods are nice. A big group of friends are all coming with me to go swimming in a river up north a few hours hike tomorrow. Nothing is more fun than a picnic with a bunch of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

>> No.7581879

>A big group of friends are all coming with me to go swimming in a river up north a few hours hike tomorrow. Nothing is more fun than a picnic with a bunch of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.
Goddammit bro I am so jelly of your life right now.

We have nothing but cityscape surrounding our campus. Most people hang out at bars. Just once I wish I could convince a small group from my department to go kayaking or something.

>> No.7581898

I grew up in the a big city. Moving out here was a really great change. It is sort of strange though, when I'm on campus I do lots of programming, physics, and math. Lots of very modern-feeling stuff. Then I go hiking on a weekend or something and I just feel like an animal. 500 meters north of my dorm looks like fucking Yosemite. Good to unwind up there after an exam.

>> No.7581992

This, really.

I used to watch a ton of porn and it really clouded my vision on women and relationships. A while ago I decided to stop because it was becoming somewhat of an addiction. After a few weeks I started noticing a lot more cute girls among the "hot" ones. And honestly I like the cute girls better. They're more down to earth because they aren't put up on a pedestal like the 10/10s are. They have a much better personality too (for me anyways). And usually they're open for a relationship because most guys chase after the hotties.

Now I just need to work up the courage to ask this qt in one of my classes out on a date.

>> No.7581997


ITT: betas who've settled.

I can understand it from scientists who will never have money or status tbh

>> No.7582082

or maybe
>ITT: normal people who have a realistic view of relationships

may shock you, but most people in this world don't want constant puss. after one finishes the immature adolescent stage, they are much more inclined toward emotionally fulfilling relationships.

I've had sex-binge relationships before. it is not as fun as occasionally fucking your close friend.

>> No.7582108
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Women are actually an area science has no understanding on. It might even hint at the failure of empiricism.

>> No.7582203

Ah yes, it isn't /sci/ without the classic idiotic misogyny.

Never change, anon.

>> No.7582220
File: 36 KB, 236x376, how2win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sounds like you're trying to get your dick wet but instead you thought using your brain would actually help you on your journey

take this instead.

>> No.7582230


>> No.7582234

>butthurt biology major reporting

>> No.7582237

That's crazy. But maybe this will make you feel better: Regular people are actually quite oblivious to it as well, at least on a conscious level.

>> No.7582241

>assumed im bio because i think /sci/ is silly

Applied Math + EE buddy.

I actually spent some time people watching in highschool in order to nail this stuff in preparation for college. Actually worked. Now my highschool awkwardness allows for hilarious stories. Showed one girl my old cosplay blog from my cringy con-going days. You would be shocked by how so many girls like a guy who understands cosplay.

>> No.7582253

Actually there is some science. Google PUA. It's not done by scientists in labs though. So it may not pass your criteria for science.

It's pretty interesting. You can seriously learn something from it. Mystery is the man.

>> No.7582260

What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.7582263

He's probably the "Feynman" type.

In that, I mean he chases skirt at every opportunity while doing science

>> No.7582266

I learn anything that has value. What a wasted life it would be to only learn what others dictate is scientific enough. Is that what you do?

I do relate to Feynman a bit.

>> No.7582282
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>so many girls
you mean that one blue haired chick with knife marks on her arm and 30 anime buttons on her army jacket?

>> No.7582289
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>> No.7582293

All in the past dude. Girls like that "aha wow so quirky hilarious" side. They also enjoy the contrast with a ripped guy in front of them.

All part of the game bruh.

>> No.7582298

only a handful of guys can be at the top at any given moment

everyone has to learn to deal with it eventually

>> No.7582313

What you don't see with PUA is that it's an uncontrolled shotgun approach with significantly biased selection of data, and inadvertent confirmation bias on top of that. If I were to be assigned the task of teaching about flawed study design, that'd be my prime example, because it's got basically every possible piece of bullshit you can imagine. It's like psychology done by people who can't even pretend to be psychologists coupled with advice from guys who've never talked to actual women who aren't there just to get singles stuffed into their g strings. Your typical PUA study is worse than that homeopathy study where they played sound waves from vials of water into a telephone and then beamed it over to some other vials of water, which acquired magical properties.

OP, the best book is the one in your head, the one developed by millions of years of evolution. Women are all different. They all look for different things. Your best bet is to treat them as actual people with their own feelings and ideas and dreams.... something that many guys forget about.

>> No.7582369

While agree to the beginning of your post, you exaggerate how bad it is.

And what you say about women
>Women are all different. They all look for different things.
leads me to believe you don't know a lot about PUA.

>> No.7582380
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>Stop watching porn and jacking off so much

But how?

>> No.7582390

I did it when I left for university. When you have two room mates and a lot of work to do, it becomes more trouble than it is worth to fap constantly. Sure, you might be in the mood while in the shower or something, but it doesn't feel nearly as draining as the level of free time being in your own room presents.

>> No.7582693

>what bodily gestures they're attracted to
You mean *body* gestures, General Ripper.

>> No.7582697

just be yourself bruh

>> No.7582709


regards >>7581359

>> No.7582725
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To the woman, there exist two types of men: the lover and the confidant, the entertainer and the provider. The woman desires the most entertainment from the men whom she covets, with the fewest judgements from and responsibilities towards mostly every person from whom she cannot be satisfied, unless she has some fantasies about them: the impotent, the ugly, the destitute, the weak, the virgin. The woman seeks the ideal stability of a few relationships, more or less explicitly open, as well as the excitation of all the fun and drama by expected to be offered by superior men. In one word, the woman seeks the men providing her with the playgrounds which are the largest and safest for her to enjoy her histrionic nature.

>> No.7582726

I laughed.

>> No.7582728

the journal your girlfriend hands you to read. meet her at a bar.

>> No.7582922

Hope you son dies

>> No.7582933

there is a lot of empirical evidence behind the strategy: treat 'em mean; keep 'em keen

>> No.7583022

I actually don't know of any books, because the story is not one that would sell good copy; most guys don't want to hear what the research has to say. If you are symmetrical, wealthy, shaped like an upside down triangle (wide shoulders narrow hips), tall, and have high status women will like you. Most of these traits are genetic; the non-genetic traits like wealth and power take years of hard work to acquire. This isn't what guys want to hear, they want some instruction manual like "The Game" with techniques that include openers and negging.

Hilariously, I'm a guy that defied the odds, and have been on the other side of the equation. When I was in the final year of my doctorate I was a borderline autistic, painfully shy and awkward ultra-nerd; but the breakup of undergrad semester that year meant that our share house had rooms to fill. Quite by accident I ran into this perfect 19 year old 10/10 qt 3.14 fleeing an abusive relationship with her drug dealing boyfriend that the sentencing judge later described as ". . . a one man crime wave". She needed a place to stay and I needed to split the rent, she was absolutely shattered psychologically at the time so I moved her in. In perhaps the biggest rebound fuck of all time, she ended up sleeping with me- I was the guy most different from her ex on the planet. Funny thing was, it was meant to be a just a short fling with a temporary housemate while she got back on her feet and moved into her own place, she discovered that she actually liked my stability and calm, and the fact that i didnt do crystal meth helped; she was pregnant within 10 months and we've been together ever since. That was 11 years ago and we're still together.

Fate had the last laugh, and, in the ironic twist just to prove that there are no happy, fairy tale endings in these things, we now have 4 kids and she's over 100kg, and our relationship is pretty much on the rocks. Fucking a landwhale is pretty shit tbh guys.

>> No.7583049

>implying there's intelligence on the most autistic board

>> No.7583051

Get out. This board is not for your retarded teenage bullshit. You probably think you're smart. Prove it by killing thyself.

>> No.7583061
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PUA shit isn't so bad tbh, but let's not get into that discussion

>> No.7583067
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Holeeey shit anon.

NEVER get cucked by lower class girls with a nice pair tits. That's like the first rule in dating, christ. The second rule being always wear a rubber you goddamned idiot.

>> No.7583069


>> No.7583073
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>What are the best and most scientific books on the behaviour of females
Since nobody answered this, I propose you read Red Queen by Matt Ridley.
It is a general overview on evolutionary psychology and sexual strategies humans use(and how females react and use them).
I read it years ago and as a robot I modified my behavior to fit some of the models of behavior he describes. Was able to sleep with some women but ultimately found the experience too time consuming and boring.
I would advise reading books on evolutionary psychology in general when it comes to females.

>> No.7583083
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And the second book that was real eye opener.

Evolutionary psychology has been called the "new black" of science fashion, though at its most controversial, it more resembles the emperor's new clothes. Geoffrey Miller is one of the Young Turks trying to give the phenomenon a better spin. In The Mating Mind, he takes Darwin's "other" evolutionary theory--of sexual rather than natural selection--and uses it to build a theory about how the human mind has developed the sophistication of a peacock's tail to encourage sexual choice and the refining of art, morality, music, and literature.

Where many evolutionary psychologists see the mind as a Swiss army knife, and cognitive science sees it as a computer, Miller compares it to an entertainment system, evolved to stimulate other brains. Taking up the baton from studies such as Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene, it's a dizzyingly ambitious project, which would be impossibly vague without the ingenuity and irreverence that Miller brings to bear on it. Steeped in popular culture, the book mixes theories of runaway selection, fitness indicators, and sensory bias with explanations of why men tip more than women and how female choice shaped (quite literally) the penis. It also extols the sagacity of Mary Poppins. Indeed, Miller allows ideas to cascade at such a torrent that the steam given off can run the risk of being mistaken for hot air).

That large personalities can be as sexually enticing as oversize breasts or biceps may indeed prove comforting, but denuding sexual chemistry can be a curiously unsexy business, akin to analyzing humor. As a courting display of Miller's intellectual plumage, though, The Mating Mind is formidable, its agent-provocateur chest swelled with ideas and articulate conjecture. While occasionally his magpie instinct may loot fool's gold, overall it provides an accessible and attractive insight into modern Darwinism and the survival of the sexiest.

>> No.7583088
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Also this, I think this one had examples that are easy to understand.I was able to copy them successfully to sleep with women.
Sperm Wars is a primarily nonfiction book by evolutionary biologist Robin Baker.[2][3] Originally published in English in 1996, it has since appeared in 25 languages[4] and in 2006 a 10th anniversary edition[2] was published in the United States. Through a series of short fictional stories and discussion following them, Baker proposes evolutionary functions for sexual habits, mostly on the principle of competition between sperm of different men for a prized egg.[2] The "sperm wars" include both literal battles between sperm inside a woman's reproductive tract, as well as figurative battles between men competing for the chance to mate. The book is controversial,[5] both because of its explanations of homosexuality, rape, and prostitution, and because some critics have claimed that several of the hypotheses in the book are not supported by scientific research.

>> No.7583096

>NEVER get cucked by lower class girls with a nice pair tits

But you have no idea how nice they are anon. She's 31 now, and after all the children, they would still look magnificent on a woman 10 years younger. I'm talking all natural perky double D's that defy gravity. She's even got this slightly naughty tattoo of a spider on one side that gives lie to the innocence on her otherwise angelic face. Unfortunately, these days, the rest of her is morbidly obese. From perfect 10 to about a 2 in only 10 years. Hold me, anons.

>> No.7583107

m8, she has poor people genes, of course she is going to get fat.

It's like slavs, don't get tricked by how qt. they look when they are young.

>> No.7583179

That's literally my worst nightmare and I feel really bad for you. I know it's one of those things that you are 100% sure will never happen to you when you are young, but then things get out of control very gradually and one morning you wake up and know "I married a planet". I talk a lot about this with my girlfriend and we are both so fucking scared.

>> No.7583450

>The good news is that you're completely wrong about what you think you find attractive. Stop watching porn and jacking off so much, you'll start to notice that 6/10 qt. that's been subtly flirting with you, you then realize how feminine and attractive she is. Eventually you get hardons just talking to her. Date her for a few weeks and she becomes the most beautiful girl on the planet.

I've tried this and it didn't work. I've never really liked 10/10s or whatever either but in he I tried to force myself to like a girl and spend time with her and it really didn't work.

>> No.7583536

>Was able to sleep with some women but ultimately found the experience too time consuming and boring.

Correct. If you don't link up with women automatically and from a fairly young age, then it will never happen with you since evolution has already spoken.

Trying to change to fit perceived female desires, is always a pointless exercise.

>> No.7583539

>Unfortunately, these days, the rest of her is morbidly obese. From perfect 10 to about a 2 in only 10 years. Hold me, anons.

10 years ago is only 2005. If you didn't know by then that American women become sowcows in short order, then you were just intentionally stupid. I have no sympathy for you. Fuck that fat and cry in despair. I fuck my hand and sigh in relief that it will never get fat on me. Porn never gets fat either.

>> No.7584330

We're not American.

>> No.7584474

its more like:


>> No.7584495

or more accurately, the things people evolved to see as indicators of Health and Status. Looks, intelligence, social skill, ability to be funny, all good indicators of health.

>> No.7584496

>wife up a chick who more than likely did crystal meth
>surprised when she balloons up like most white trash women do after 30

ironically if you had actually read any redpill stuff instead of just dismissing it offhand, you would've known better than to wife up another man's garbage. you kinda brought your shitty life upon yourself by being a faggot white knight

>> No.7584713

you porn is a good place to start, all those chicks are really into the dudes pluggin' em.....

>> No.7585087

I hate nature for making us this way. Life is inherently darwinistic and we can't do anything to change it. The bigger animal will eat the smaller, the stronger human will overpower the smaller.

All we have is the pursuit of becoming better than others. And despite the meme on this board, scientific endeavors will make us raise on the social ladder. Right, anon?

>> No.7585123

Well, it will so long as you marry another scientist.
That's my plan, Anon. My darwinian internal organs force me to want to procreate. My interests force me to want to do math and experiment. The only option is to get it in with someone with similar interests and enjoyable to talk to, or else I'm not going to feel fulfilled.

Talk to some women in Bioinformatics, Anon. Those women are usually into math as well. Also Bio Eng.

Not even shitting you, like 3/4 of the women I have dated went into biology to some extent. I think its probably just a good pool to look into.

>> No.7585133

This has to be the most euphoric story ever told. You are, by definition, a supreme gentleman.

>> No.7585170

You should have looked at her mom before marrying a ticking time bomb. Always gotta see what the woman will become. Otherwise, you're an idiot.

>> No.7585293

haha poor guy, lucky girl

>> No.7585346

Why would you come on the internet and post lies?
>eventually they believe they won't find anything less than a 7/10 girl attractive.
I don't know. If you look at /r9k/ they worship and LONDON any female, even the 4/10 ones, that gives them the slightest bit of attention. Of course, the females rarely respond with contact info.
>There's an absurd industry in PAU and trying to cater to these people
The PUA industry exists -because- the average male with his average sensibilities isn't 'good enough' for modern women. They literally have to be taught how to attract women nowadays.
>Just look at that screencap of the /r9k/ guy who "just kept trying" with the confidence thing and after failing with hundreds of girls he became such an infamous "creep" bouncers started recognizing him and gently preventing him from entering clubs.
This has fuck all to do with any of your arguments. I don't know where you were going with this, other than "if you aren't attractive you can't even try with different women because then you'll get a reputation and you'll be considered even less attractive than you were before"
>Stop watching porn and jacking off so much, you'll start to notice that 6/10 qt. that's been subtly flirting with you
There is so much wrong with this
No, I already notice that 6/10 qt. I noticed that 5/10 qt as well. I even considered that 4/10 qt. None of them are 'subtly' flirting with me. Women don't know shit about how to flirt, all their 'signals' are purposely ambiguous plausible deniability bullshit games.
>Date her for a few weeks and she becomes the most beautiful girl on the planet.
I don't disagree with the idea that males eventually finding their gf more attractive over time from becoming attached to them
>In essence males have pairing mechanisms just like girls
Shut the fuck up, you're speaking nonsense now.

>> No.7585359

My post was mostly aimed at normal people who browse /sci/, not you atrociously ugly and deranged /r9k/ types. You guys will never find gfs, it's not that surprising, studies show that historically only 30% of males reproduced. In the modern world this figure is a bit higher, but does not include you.

See >>7581226. Your kind should not bother.

>> No.7585374
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I am autistic, high IQ, very strange person in general, but I'm a kind and multitalented gentleboy

I found a gf that shares these traits with me, and we've been very happy together for 6 months now.

Rock on, fellow sperglords.

>> No.7585376
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>> No.7585377


>> No.7585379

>not you atrociously ugly and deranged /r9k/ types
This is some funny shit
You attack not my arguments, but just ad hom and say "you're probably an ugly virgin"
Why do you argue like a woman, anon? We're anonymous, you can do much better than personal attacks that may or may not be true. Those only work in real life.

>> No.7585385


>> No.7585391

How is misogyny idiotic?
No really, tell me how hating women is idiotic.
There is literally no reason to not hate women as a gender.

>> No.7585416

Your entire posts just seethes of thinly veiled self-hatred and general frustration. There's is not much I can do to help you and I see no benefit in "arguing" on the internet about an inherently subjective, inconsequential and highly circumstantial topic.

Based on the generalizations you made of an entire gender you are not going to change your mind from the /r9k/ rut anyway. It's like trying to convince a feminist. I have better things to do.

>> No.7585419

My mind was changed by /r9k/, it can be changed again from another source.
Unfortunately, all of the sources other than /r9k/ only seem to be able to make personal attacks and emotional arguments. The other side doesn't even have entertaining and/or interesting anecdotes going for them, while /r9k/ has hundreds.
At least I can empathize with the emotional arguments /r9k/ makes.