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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7577876 No.7577876 [Reply] [Original]

> Be math major
> Tons of extra room in schedule because of heavy semesters in the past
> Decide to get CS degree for the shits and giggles
> Enroll in freshman level programming class
> Quickly become king of the freshmen because they can't even figure out fucking python
> Midterm is in 45 minutes
> Everyone is calling me for help
> Not answering
Does the CS degree get better? Will it always be filled with these dumb dumbs?

>> No.7577881

Always will! The material itself is nice tho if you study it from a math background

>> No.7577894

CS major here. It is dumb and the people won't get any smarter.

>> No.7577911

Is it worth it as a hobby/undergrad degree?

>> No.7578036

OP here. Shit took me 3 minutes and 48 seconds no joke

>> No.7578140

yee it cool

>> No.7578144

You get to fucking do Python in your first year of CS?

I just started it and we're doing nothing but C and Java.

>> No.7578159
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>> No.7578170

Python for the first half of the semester and C++ for the second half. It seems kind of fucked. Maybe they need to start it slowly for the dumb dumbs

>> No.7578175

>be insecure
>take math and cs classes
>go on 4chan and exaggerate a story that may or may not be true
>masturbate to replies

>> No.7578180

Hey, at least he's king of the dumbs.

Better to be king of the dumbs than dumb of the 13375

>> No.7578181

You should only be doing C.

I will never understand why nowadays CS schools teach python and java. Python and java are literally made in C.

But the bad thing about it is that C is not actually harder, it is just that when you program in C you have to be aware that the machine you are using is a computer and not some magic machine that produces results for you ot of clouds of magic dust in space.

but python and java do this for you in some way or another. They are good tools but they are not learning tools, they are the tools you use when you are in actual job and you need to meet a really tight deadline that you would never meet if you had to worry about the details and quirks.

>> No.7578193

ITT: kids in sub tier comp sci colleges.

I'm comp sci math double major in a top 10 math school and a top 20 comp sci school. The comp sci courseload is way more difficult than the math. Have taken classes in topology, analysis, and algebra, and while they are difficult, the amount of effort I have to put into comp sci assignments trumps all of these classes.

>> No.7578200

That's like saying you should only code in assembly. C is definitely an important language to know but other programming languages were made to make certain things more convenient. Try writing a TCP web server in C, then write it in python. Totally different, much easier. It's impractical to only know C since it is so hard to implement certain higher level comp sci concepts.

>> No.7578221

>Try writing a TCP web server in C, then write it in python

Did you actually get the point I was trying to make?
I know it is impractical and slow in C by todays standards but that is the point! Learn it in the complete, informed way. Then, as I said, if in a job you need to meet a tight deadline then you use a higher language to handle the complexities of the software.

>That's like saying you should only code in assembly.
Definitely not.
C syntax is basically the standard syntax for every other programming language. If you know C then you already understand the main idea behind python's or java's syntax. Assembly is, on the other hand, completely different syntax-wise.

The point is that if you know C then you are prepared to tackle any technology in 21st century. In the real world programmers are expected to learn new languages, libraries, etc. in days

To give you an example I head very recently. In the first Jak and Daxter (videogame), for memory handling purposes a computer scientist designed a whole new programming language. When it was done the gameplay programmers were expected to pick it on the spot because there was no time to lose.

Learn C and you will have learned the true power behind a computer and you will be prepared to unleash it in any way and laguage.

>> No.7578232

>literally complaining about doing C and wants to do python

C is the final goal, python is for a softer introduction to broad ideas

>> No.7578237


Be glad you're not doing f#

>> No.7578247

As a data sci major is it okay if I don't like programming?

programming assignments is like high school busy work bullshit times a thousand.

>No teacher I don't want to code a fucking calculator or another fucking game

>> No.7578253

Those are boring as fuck assignments. That's like saying you don't like math because your teacher has you sum numbers all day long.

Programming can be really fun, check out competitive programming.

>> No.7578261

When you start learning math as a child, are you introduced to set theory, ring theory, operator theory, and linear algebra?
Nah mate, but you use things from all of these fields without even realizing it and it sets the foundation so you can study this stuff you've been doing all your life more in depth later and see how it all fits together.

>> No.7578265

>math major
>get a CS degree on the side, no biggie just an extra few thousand dollars
or are you a scholarship fag?

>> No.7578275

90% of CS majors are wannabe game designers who don't like math, and think the world works like this.


>> No.7578286

Not OP, but isn't it a good idea to get a CS major/minor if you're also majoring in math? I've heard they're a good combo.

>> No.7578291

not op, but at my uni you can take as many courses as you like at the same price, but you can't do more than 18 credits as a freshman. and you can only overload if you have a gpa higher than 3.0. private uni though.

>> No.7578336

This would be a valid argument...
if nowadays there weren't schools that still teach from introduction C. And that used to be the standard before things like python and java became mainstream.

People enrolling into CS degrees are not kids, they are developed adults. They can put in the effort to learn C in about a month and by the first year they would be able to analyze and find the "simple" mistakes in their code.

C actually sets a standard of quality because where your code loses quality, your software visibly loses performance.

>> No.7578520

underrated post

>> No.7578529

Those are the gamerfags who just want to make vidja games. They'll fail and get weeded out. Just wait until junior level class like compiler theory, theory of computation, ect.

>> No.7578566

Wtf you talking about F# is the shit. Haskell would be my alternative. F# = functional language + .NET Framework.

>> No.7578570

Wouldn't the scientific method just hinder the progress of CS?
It seems unnecessary.

>> No.7578575
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>scientific method

stop reading popsci

>> No.7578600

>I know it is impractical and slow in C by todays standards but that is the point! Learn it in the complete, informed way. Then, as I said, if in a job you need to meet a tight deadline then you use a higher language to handle the complexities of the software.

Because some of us have budgets and schedules and need to get shit done in a hurry.

>> No.7578660

OP here. It's like this. I also have a scholarship worth a few thousand dollars so why not.

>> No.7578861

math is useless if you dont have any ideas to use them on.
same with programming.

except you dont need a high level of understanding for math for programming, just copy and paste into code format and fill in the variables.

seriously, i can just use a calculator.

>> No.7578866

>paying for education that you can get on the internet for less at an online workshop or for free.
>pure math but no business, creative or art skills that can stand out.
enjoy being outsourced by indians.

>> No.7578885

I don't know if you know that you're agreeing with the poster you're replying to.

>> No.7578887

>implying CS isn't a joke

You can keep telling yourself that all criticism is a meme but it won't make it true