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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7576394 No.7576394 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize your mistake when you walk out of a classroom after the test.

>> No.7576406

Enjoying high school man?

>> No.7576413


Classrooms exist at universities, lecture halls are for pleb-tier 300 person engineerfag lectures as opposed to seminar rooms

Tests are different from exams, faggot

>> No.7576433

Good thing I wasn't being tested on the difference between test and exam. Come to think of it, it was a 4 question math quiz. And I realized my mistake upon leaving the classroom. In a university btw

>> No.7576446

This same thing happened to me just yesterday. Are you in my class?

>> No.7576476

Doubt it. The quiz was today. What math class was it?

>> No.7576487

Or you change your answer from the right one to the wrong one

>Be me
>Gen chem exam
>The electron orbital:
>A. Predicts the probability of finding an electron a specific distance from the nucleus
>B, C, D some bullshit
E. Tells the location of electrons in an atom
>Wtf, either a or e
>Had A bubbled in, then thought that was a better definition for "electron cloud model"
>Change to E
>Correct answer was A

I was 3 points shy of an A in that exam cause of that.

>> No.7576490
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when you realize you forgot to come back to a problem and you turned it in with unanswered questions

>> No.7576493

I got a damn 89% instead of a 100% because of my fuck up. I've done what you have so many times. This is why I hate multiple choice.

>> No.7576494
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>> No.7576502
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lel I once accidentally forgot an entire page. I still got a 75% because of it but still.

>> No.7576503
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that's like highschool shit right there, obviously A. Get gud faget

>make a elementary mistake early in the problem (i. e. forgetting to distribute a negative)
>fucks up whole answer
>no partial credit despite doing the correct process.

>> No.7576533
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It sucks ass to work hard on studying and finally understand it just to fuck up an exam with a stupid mistake.

>> No.7576578
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>be me
>be back in HS soap yr
>don't know math
>be taking SAT math 2 subject test
>"What is the minimum number of roots a 5th-degree polynomial can have?"
>choices are from 0-4
>be stumped
>skip it and come back
>20 minutes to spare
>"think, anon, think!"
>finally answer 0
>realize mistake five seconds after time's called
>results come back
>tfw i got a 790

>> No.7576582

lel. It would've had to have at least one root. Something about tests that make brains cease to work.

>> No.7576589

Discrete Math. I'm not too worried about it though, because the material is really easy and my average was almost 100 going into the quiz.

>> No.7576590

1 root because end behavior must be opposite the other

>> No.7576611

>be me
>have calc 2test today
>not tripping cus I know muh integrals and trig identities
>can't sleep
>get 4 hours of sleep and arrive late to class
>take rest
>I can do this?
>forget simple shit like taking the sines and cosines of radians

I'm pretty sure I did everything right up until getting the answer for the definite integrals. I'm ducking regarded. I hope I get at least a C, I fucked up on the simplest parts of the test

>> No.7576632

You won't just get a C anon, you'll get a +C.

>> No.7576645


Sounds like economics to me

>> No.7576697


>> No.7576709

I'll admit E should have been phrased better. Probability densities in space are in fact a form of location information.

I somehow didn't notice an entire page in a calc test, maybe it was stuck and i flipped past it idk. Got it back with a circled -40 at the top of that page.

>> No.7578442

>Enjoying high school man?
As if there aren't tests in other situations

>> No.7578859
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mfw i accidentally did that. mfw teacher noticed and gave me back to me 2 minutes after telling me to complete it.

I love her. Should've given her the D.

>> No.7578913
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>hand in thesis
>prof takes forever for grading it
>decide to look at it once more

>> No.7579184

You take tests in university classrooms too you know

>> No.7579222

>Exam done
>Sit and work through calculations
>Everything checks out
>Exit classroom and talk to fellow students, realizing your mistakes

The horror. Still got straight A's tho

>> No.7579470
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>Rocket propulsion test
>find delta v to go from earth to fictitious orbiting body between sun and mercury
>calculating delta v2 to circularize at fake orbiting body
>stack overflow due to fuckhuge numbers
>well time to move on to the last problem

>> No.7579486

This happened to me on the physics GRE. Walk out of the exam and enjoy the rest of the day. The next day I wake up and realize I answered 7 problems wrong. Shit sucks.

>> No.7579488

>multiple choice at uni
Is this some new meme I'm not yet aware of

>> No.7579892


>do not even give answer, because question seems ridiculously hard
>go outside and realize it was actually easy as fuck and you went full retard

>> No.7579897

>tfw wasting too much time on one problem and go into panic attack

>> No.7579928

the worst things are when you know everything but you don't have the time to answer. i've had countless mecanical engineering and electronic engineering test where i just couldn't finish stuff in time. the prof gives piss easy exercices then on the test he expect us to do three time as much in under one hour.

>> No.7579935

>2*3 is 5
I am literally retarded holy shit

>> No.7579959


>taking tests in the university gym

enjoying economics 101?

>> No.7579965

>exam in an hour and a half
>feel like I'm about to vomit
not nervous i just ate something that didn't agree with me

>> No.7579999

I got straight As in school but I still remember THAT maths mistake (in a pointless practice exam) and THAT physics mistake (a small question in the final exam). Both of which I realised straight after.

In university I've gone the whole gamut of being perfectly prepared and finding the test easy as fuck (I'm pretty sure I got full marks on my 3rd year maths course, which reflects more on the university's low standards than me being smart), to being most likely the shittiest student in the class, least prepared, most sleep deprived, started revision at the latest time (10.30 pm for an exam in 10.5 hours) etc. And this is a UK university, where the final exams almost always counted for 80 % or 100 % of the course.

My only real memorable exam moment was back in my actually studying days where this one where the lecturer put in this huge derivation which required memorising about 5 equations and combining them (didn't do maths or physics, so the students weren't used to it). I had put in the effort to learn that part of the notes beforehand and got the answer and revelled in normie squawking about the exam, as I waited for the papers to be collected and I could start my summer break. My studying life was all downhill from there though :((((((

>> No.7580010

>what was happening again? I remember 4
>right, gotta square it
>write down 16

>> No.7580019

ginger, little brother

>> No.7580023

It's good that you're not nervous. Like the other anon said, have some ginger if you can. If not, I've heard mint helps settle a stomach.

>> No.7580146

>first glance, think it's +18x
>quadratic formula, bunch of other bullshit
>promptly realize the error in my ways as soon as I'm three steps past the test drop off.

>> No.7580329
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>"Hey anon, what did you get for the answers on the back side?"

>> No.7580341

Find the derivative of sqrt(2)/(x^3+1)
>fucking easy
>find the derivative of sqrt(2)/(x^2+1)
>dumbass friend asks me what i got
>i tell him (1-3x^2)/sqrt(2)(x^2+1)^2
>that day, he called me the dumbass

>> No.7580350

It hurts the most when you go over your solutions and you think you notice an error. So you do half the problem over again, getting a new answer. It then turns out there wasn't actually an error in the first attempt and you just fucked yourself over.

>> No.7580385

>take galois theory test
>reduce a question about normal field extensions to a fact about the coefficients of the greatest common divisor of two polynomials
>no idea how to complete proof
>walk out
>realize the euclidean algorithm trivially implies what I needed

>> No.7581107

>spaced out
>split up sin(x)/sin(x) into (sin(x)/1)(1/sin(x))
>replace each sin(x) with 1
what the fuck am I doing
I didn't lose points since it was all 1 anyways but jesus christ