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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 1444197514466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7575817 No.7575817 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw strong girls will always still be wired to be obedient to an alpha male
How true is this? If I'm as big as a powerlifter girl, will she be obedient towards me because I'm naturally going to be stronger than her and am a man? Are women wired this way with no way to change it? Will a girl like pic related still be overly feminine towards a guy she wants to fuck her?

>> No.7575820
File: 920 KB, 1280x720, 1443635187443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gigantes gf

>> No.7575822

girl in OP is short. powerlifter girls are still weaker than even a typical /fit/izen, even if they try test.

>> No.7575827

she looks disgusting

>> No.7575830
File: 66 KB, 1080x1080, 1444222375514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't
yeah okay

>> No.7575833

>girl in OP is short
What's the point of lifting if you can't even femdom?

>> No.7575836

>How true is this?
>If I'm as big as a powerlifter girl, will she be obedient towards me because I'm naturally going to be stronger than her and am a man?
>Are women wired this way with no way to change it?
>Will a girl like pic related still be overly feminine towards a guy she wants to fuck her?
Girls are all different. Like, every single one of them.

>> No.7575838

just qt3.14's trying to be stronk. lifting is fun and makes you very confident.

>> No.7575839
File: 40 KB, 358x660, p005Dangerous[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that creepy face and manbody. Being muscular doesn't mean being ugly to a horrendously disproportional level.

>> No.7575845


Not who you're replying to, but I really wouldn't. These pics do nothing for me.

>You must be wrong, otherwise you're saying I'm wrong.

Neither of those things are true.

>> No.7575850

>girls are gross
- /sci/

>> No.7575855
File: 33 KB, 512x384, 1444082874191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely would. Easily overpowering her and making her realize she's still just a girl would turn me on, truly.

>> No.7575864

> this manfaced ogre is a girl because it fits my standards of autism
dawww, sorry was she your waifu or something ?

>> No.7575867

>not fucking ogres
You don't speak while the men are speaking, little boy.

>> No.7575873

ur waifu a shit m9

>> No.7575881
File: 83 KB, 920x1325, girls-920-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You don't like what I like, so you must not like anything.

I like pic related just fine.

>Psh... she probably doesn't even lift, anon!

I know. Hard to believe she's way, way hotter to me than what you like.

>You're saying I'm wrong to think girls that lift are hot! BgggraaaH!

I'm not saying anything of the sort. I'm saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Surely you understand this.

>> No.7575885

lol you like asians

>> No.7575889

women don't want freedom the way men do, they want security
if youre a beta faggot, you provide no security

>> No.7575906


I like all non-ogre races.

Do you guys beat off to Shrek?

Are you like,

>aw, fuck yeah, I wish all women got cursed by a witch when they were a baby. I'd be happy every night!

>Mmm, my girl's got them legs like tree-trunks, arms of solid muscle like boa constrictors, and a deep, gravely voice.

Oh yeah, so hot.

>> No.7575913

are you a pedo?

>> No.7575914
File: 23 KB, 306x306, 11024122_867373909988844_1073788726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Are you mentally challenged?

Is this you and your gf?

>> No.7575919

if only there were some sort of retard-proof captcha on /sci/...

>> No.7575930
File: 73 KB, 1200x900, Paramount+Pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only there were some sort of retard-proof captcha


Hey, now...


...you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid.

>> No.7575954
File: 1.80 MB, 474x304, rock face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> little kids look like asians

>> No.7575961 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 713x526, hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show her this and she'll have an orgasm

>> No.7576146


>> No.7576339

>How true is this?
>If I'm as big as a powerlifter girl, will she be obedient towards me because I'm naturally going to be stronger than her and am a man?
what does this even mean
>Are women wired this way with no way to change it?
>Will a girl like pic related still be overly feminine towards a guy she wants to fuck her?

>> No.7576354

Actually, asians look like little kids

t. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny#Between_races_and_among_primates

>> No.7576358


>> No.7576435


The part of me that wants to fuck traps is activated when I see this and Op pic.

Would fuck

>> No.7576681

>muscular women

>> No.7576739 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 716x406, golittleguy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7576749

Races don't exist. It's a social construct.

>> No.7576752

>this is what PCfags believe

>> No.7576781

With 1/10000th of a person's genome you can determine their race as they see it with 97% accuracy.

> Race does not exist

> Whites are evil

So SJWs think.

>> No.7576782

prove it

>> No.7576789

This, power lifting girls who roid look impressive untill you see them in a picture next to even a natty male lifter and you realize how small they are.

>> No.7576792

Wrong, learn some introductory physiology and psychology.

>> No.7576795

>Low test

>> No.7576838

Not according to
1) Medicine
2) Science
3) All governments

Fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.7576839


Not that anon, but are you honestly claiming that one of the following is true?

>every single strong girl in existence is wired to be obedient to an alpha male
>any powerlifter girl in existence is guaranteed to be obedient to a man who is stronger/as big as her
>women are wired to do the above and there is no way to change this
>every girl like pic related is guaranteed to be overly feminine towards a guy she wants to fuck her

I know we're bad at avoiding generalizations here, but come on. That's just absurd. Maybe you're just another /pol/ troll

>> No.7576840

prove it

>> No.7576846


Now fuck off and die you racist pseudo-intellectual fake-PC nigger.

>> No.7576855

You know that everyone can change wikipedia articles right ? Just because some racist changed this to favor your argument, doesn't prove anything.

>> No.7576872

Yes, I also know how important race is in medicine especially internal because I've picked up a physiology textbook.

>Just because some racist changed this to favor your argument, doesn't prove anything.
The only racist I see here is you because you think you need to baby people about their genetics, probably because you're a privileged white boi that imagines himself superior to other races. People who aren't racist openly recognize the differences and don't care like on /fit/.

You are either a racist or a retard, you can decide which is worse.

>> No.7576874

I think all races are the same. You are the one who so badly wants to recognize the differences between races. I'm sure you wouldn't do that if you were black

>> No.7576876

>I think all races are the same.
Like I said, you are retarded.

>I'm sure you wouldn't do that if you were black
I'm African you fucking faggot.

>> No.7576878

> I'm African
yeah sure you are.

>> No.7576892
File: 49 KB, 722x410, Time stamped passport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you racist shitlord, your fake PC, hipster retard based bullshit is precisely why the world has so many social issues today.

>inb4 didn't know Africa had med-schools
Because you're a racist elitist twat who will never achieve anything in life that knows fuckall about the real world and bases his opinions on some equally stupid SJW bitch's blog. You probably think BRICS media is biased too without realize how manipulated Western media is.

>> No.7576893

I don't see how acknowledging the existence of different races classifies as "racism" in any way as long as you don't get into the "superior" and "inferior" race shit.

>> No.7576901

This anon gets it. People who aren't racist or retarded can be close friends and talk about racial differences just like you can talk about your height, muscle insertions and other genetic traits. In fact whining about your genetics is a common thing most normal people do, race is no different, (again unless you're a repressed racist and/or an idiot).

>> No.7576904
File: 63 KB, 480x640, my-passport-actually[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look. I'm from zimbabwe !

> bla bla bla
Unlike you I don't have blacks or see them as an inferior race. SJW is the voice of minorities in the western media and i'm sure they are thankful for that.

It all leads to the same thing eventaully. First racial differences, then racial intelligence crap, then eventaully you will start suggesting then your race is more intelligent than some other race.

>> No.7576915

I've been following this and that other guy has been pissing me off so much. I don't understand why people are so ignorant and set in their ways that they'll over look genetics related physiology just to argue their "no matter what everyone needs to be treated equally on all fronts" attitude. Thank you for having a better case then I ever could on this side, I'm not one to argue very well.

>> No.7576922

That is not a time stamp you retard, my pic shows the thread.

You are so fucking retarded it's not even worth my time continuing to speak with you.

Just kill yourself, you are responsible for everything that is wrong with the work.

>> No.7576923

>It all leads to the same thing eventaully. First racial differences, then racial intelligence crap

you're mixing moralfagging with truth aka being politically correct. Just because there are /pol/tards who grasp at straws to feel superior even though they haven't done shit with their lives shouldn't mean that the issue shouldn't be discussed as it is

>> No.7576924

>SJW is the voice of minorities in the western media and i'm sure they are thankful for that.
No, it's lynchmobbing scum.

You know who else thought they were above the law and should decide their own justice?

The KKK, the Nazis etc. You are all different sides of the same barbaric coin.

>> No.7576926

>just qt3.14's trying to be stronk. lifting is fun and makes you very confident.
Then why is /fit/ filled with pathetic losers?

>> No.7576931

So do you accept that all races have the same intelligence ? No ?
I'll just wait to see you try to sneak around and say your race is more intelligent than blacks in some other way.

> comparing Nazis to SJW
trying too hard

>> No.7576934

>SJW is the voice of minorities in the western media and i'm sure they are thankful for that.
Oh wow, no no no NO no.

We won our freedom and our civil rights on our own.

We don't need some loser middle class landwhale who wants to feel important to biggyback on our movements. You are oppressing the free speech of people you see as a majority (which they are not, if you knew anything about the population) and worst of all you are stoking the wrong social issues just because you're trying to impresses some other white hipster.

None of you care or are intelligent enough to fix actual social issues, so you settle for bullying random people on the internet instead.

>> No.7576937

I know you're no african or black, but just to inform you. If it wasn't for us, the slaves that came to US would still be slaves. Only the liberals fought for the right of africans to give them rights and such.

>> No.7576938

Someone isn't breaking the law, but you don't like what they are or what they say, so you try to get them fired or otherwise removed from positions of power.

Which is precisely what the Nazis did to the Jews.

I'm not comparing them, I'm stating a precise equivalence.

>> No.7576941

>The US is the only country that had a Civil rights movement.

You are beyond retarded.

>> No.7576943

I liked how you avoided to answer if your race is intelligence-wise equivalent or not to black people. Keep doing that.

Exactly. Liberals in Europe as well fought for the rights of oppressed minorities. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.7576945

>The US and Europe is the only countries that had a Civil rights movement.

You are beyond retarded.

>> No.7576946

>So do you accept that all races have the same intelligence ?

asians tend to do pretty well in math. does this mean their brains are superior for math? no.

what is the reason:

-culture, they bust ass and impart that to their kids. tends to translate to success at math. why their culture is like this? likely has something to do with them having been rice farming society, rice needing even more work than wheat from its farmers.

also, though this doesn't apply for ethnic americans, asian languages are better for math, why? they don't have shit like eleven and twelve, they have ten-one and ten-two, aka the system is simpler, requires less mental RAM, and the name of the numbers are one syllable long, again making you need less mental RAM, and while that doesn't make you any better at resolving triple integrals directly, it does help you learn the basic shit earlier in childhood, and because you learn best at childhood, you have more time for the complex stuff at that optimal age for learning

tl;dr there's a lot more shit going on in the real world than some nebulous "intelligence" that we still can't define properly

>> No.7576947
File: 29 KB, 900x204, Nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked how you avoided to answer if your race is intelligence-wise equivalent or not to black people. Keep doing that.
You do realize there's 4 different posters calling you out on your bullshit right?

>> No.7576950

Are you so stupid that you can't understand that whichever country liberated the rights of oppressed minorities done so by the effort of liberals ? Adding more countries will keep proving my point. God you're stupid.

Yeah. Leave it to something vague so you don't have to bring yourself to say that they are equal. If genetics haev nothing to do with it, and it's only environmental and cultural, then the only factor about intelligence is simply chance. Wherever and whoever you are born to will determine it, and has nothing to do with race.

/pol/ population and traffic is more than /sci/. What's your point ?

>> No.7576953

>Biological adaptation plays a role in bodily features and skin type. According to Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, "From a scientific point of view, the concept of race has failed to obtain any consensus; none is likely, given the gradual variation in existence. It may be objected that the racial stereotypes have a consistency that allows even the layman to classify individuals. However, the major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences that are not confirmed by deeper analysis with more reliable genetic traits and whose origin dates from recent evolution mostly under the effect of climate and perhaps sexual selection".

>> No.7576955


No, fuck off, in almost all countries the oppressed groups did it themselves you racist, self-righteous fuck.

I'm done talking to you, you're a piece of shit with an unwarranted sense of self-importance that hasn't read a single history book. White liberals where literally kicked out of most civil rights movements in every country except US because they are just as worthless and self-righteous without enduring any of the actual oppression or suffering.

>> No.7576958

You're not from /sci/, stop pretending you are, not a single poster with a proven scientific background has taken your side, the only medfag that posted here has rightfully told you to fuckoff.

>> No.7576977

>superficial differences

what does that even mean? where do you draw the line? top sprinters in the world have pretty much without exceptions western african heritage, is that a superficial difference?

>> No.7576979

They happened to be africans. Why does that bother you ? It's nothing to do with race.

>> No.7577264

Because they arent lifting.

>> No.7577274
File: 27 KB, 634x388, primary sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year 2000 called, it wants it's poor excuse for an argument back. In case you didn't notice, Wikipedia articles have what are known as "references". These "references" point to what are known as "primary sources". Even middle school English teachers have stopped the "Wikipedia isn't valid" excuses.

The link anon gave you is a nice summary of what's in the primary sources referenced. If you don't trust that summary, you're welcome to read the primary sources yourself.

>> No.7577279

>stop doing things i don't like!
And that's the end of the argument.

>> No.7577283

Are you going to show us the list of white Africans who have won Olympic sprinting medals?

>> No.7577301

>>anything but evolution and genetic code could possibly be related to observed, factual differences in behavior between different groups of humans. although the same can not be said of any other living creature, genetic differences between human racial groups is the only factor that could not be possibly related to said difference.

you're idiots.

>> No.7577346

this, I'm confused
confused by you too

>> No.7577410

Wikipedia is very accurate. Even if there is something wrong, the correction time is within 3 hours. They even source their info if you wanna double-check their stuff.

>> No.7577727

>south africa
> african

Okay m8.

I'll go get a white person a japanese passport. Doesn't make them asian.


>> No.7577733

the fuck is this? /fit/?

The SCIENCE people, lets get back to SCIENCE

>> No.7577737

So now his race is important. I thought it was just a social construct? Apparently race only exists when it suits your anti-white agenda.

>> No.7577992

>SJW is the voice of minorities in the western media and i'm sure they are thankful for that.

It is not. SJWs only voice their concern for minorities because they're trying to get something out of it. It's very clear that the motive is superficial. I'm a minority and disregard everything these SJWs do because they don't actually understand what it is to be minority. They read some books and think they're experts. They go to extremes to showcase injustice and it ends up looking goofy and almost comedic. You have a white land whale trying to show the west how oppressed minorities are, like do you not see the issue here? How can a white person try to be the spokesperson for minorities?

The worst part is that you have minorities that join up with these people and starting stupid shit. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7578467

This is bait or you don't truly know what constituites attraction.