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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7573475 No.7573475 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder, what does /sci/ think of pic related? Over time, I've increasingly noticed that this board is full of high schoolers and people who genuinely believes the 300k starting meme and dismiss engineering immediately as cock sucking, without even thinking of how good it actually is as a degree for someone who wants a good paying job.

Anyway, as a maths undergrad, I'm most interested how highly this picture rates engineering. /biz/ gives me the impression that it's over saturated, and therefore your probability of being employed, even with the appropriate degree is very low (...and probably even lower with a slightly different degree, like I have no idea why anyone would hire me for an engineering job rather than an engineer, although I do understand the case for employing non-finance people for finance).

So /sci/, thoughts?

>> No.7573483

anyone here computer engy master race

>> No.7573485

Do you honestly believe everyone who is in engineering is smart enough to be an engineer? And yes I agree. 90K starting comp eng master race here.

>> No.7573486


>> No.7573488

>Being an adult
>Still arranging things in tiers to post in an imageboard
Just cuck my shit up, fam

>> No.7573490

nuclear engineering master race

>> No.7573492

who makes these idiotic tier-chart things?

>> No.7573495

>nuclear engineering master race
Please explain how you're going to get a job when there's only a few places in the world hiring nuclear engineers, and there's hundreds of people applying for those jobs with their nuclear engineering degrees.

>> No.7573498

why is mathematics god tier? what can you do that a ti-84 cannot?

>> No.7573499

this isn't true
theyre building 4 new AP1000s in the US right now
and a nuke degree isn't just for working in a nuke plant

>> No.7573502

>and a nuke degree isn't just for working in a nuke plant
Do tell.

Otherwise the number of people who have done Nuc eng should far exceed the number of job openings causes by 4 nuke plants (consider the number of American unis that do Nuc Eng and the average number of people on that course per uni - it'll be a pretty big number).

>> No.7573510

nukes can do most ME jobs, materials science, plasma physics stuff, etc
the number of people that graduate with a nuke bachelors in under 1000 per year. actually BS, MS, and PhD graduates in nuclear engineering isn't much higher than 1000. like 1100-1500 a year

>> No.7573513

>most ME jobs, materials science, plasma physics stuff, etc
ME I'll grant, although I'd wonder why they'd hire anyone other than a person with a ME degree (...much like how I wonder why maths grads get jobs in engineering).

As for material science and plasma stuff, that sounds like PhD research stuff, meaning not many jobs, and those of which are available will be extremely competitive.

>> No.7573516

mat sci has all kinds of jobs at the BS level

>> No.7573523

The thing is none of the majors listed are useful whatsoever except those in God and unbelievable minus mathematics and plus finance and accounting.

Majoring in anything else will not get you a high paying job. That being said, there are a variety of skills you can develop from majoring in some of the other fields that you won't get from concentrating into a profession. For instance, mathematics can help you observe trends or develop algorithms for problems in a business, economics helps you understand how markets function better, philosophy will help you communicate and solve problems analytically, etc.

But it really depends. Computer engineering will unquestionably get you 90k starting. But also your upside will be lower, maybe 130k. If you ever want to ascend to Ceo status of 400k or something ridiculously creative, your hard science or hard math approach likely won't do you much good. A liberal arts approach might not either, but probably a little bit better.

>> No.7573528

It seems to me that all of the subjects in many of the charts posted on /sci/ are categorised based on a combination of the following
> their "purity" (math, theoretical physics, etc)
> their earning potential (petrol engineering, chem eng)
> the complexity/impact of their application (medicine for example, and then again, only certain types of medical subdivisions) (bear in mind
I'm in the UK, so medicine isn't paid much)

Now look at great tier and below. For example, biology, not great earning potential (imo, could be wrong), not very impactful or complex, and not very pure.

This is just my opinion though.

That list you posted is probably the most accurate I have seen on /sci/, since a lot of anons post tiers where they rank their own speciality higher and others lower to troll others or inflate self esteem

>> No.7573533


Anon, what do you think about the stock market in China?

> can't know muffin! can't know muffin! can't know muffin! How can stocks be real, if our eyes aren't real?
> Can I get my cheque now?

>> No.7573534

>Unbelievable tier
>only engy
Am I being meme'd on? Also, move the computer related degrees down, it's a overly saturated marked, making it shit from an academical and financial points of view.

>> No.7573538
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>computer engy
>petrol engy
>chemical engy

>> No.7573539

>Suicide tier
My dad was in the Air Force as a weatherman. He got to travel the world, got an education, learned a foreign language or two, and ended up with a good pension, a good job in a science related field, and the ability to retire early. Suicide? Really?

>> No.7573540

Where does Genetic Engineering fit in this?

>> No.7573541

I have a masters in political science. I work for state government doing research and policy work and make 61k, which is kinda shitty for a masters degree. But the state paid for grad school and I'm only 25. Life is ok.

>> No.7573553

What's so bad about philosophy? If it's done right then it's pretty useful and can be used in practicing law as well.

>> No.7573564

So my MBA in Aviation Management(which I'm doing) is a less important degree? But AFAIK Higher airport officials gets salary upto $163,000. Only "meh"?

>> No.7573573

I have an EE degree
I wash dishes for a living

>> No.7573584

>said no one ever
except if you maybe live in a shitty third world african country.

>> No.7573593

>he thinks math is all calculations
I want underage to leave

Though as a math major I'd probably move math down to great. A math degree on its own looks decent on paper but you need skills in some other practical/applied subject (CS, finance, etc.) to really get a decent job.

>> No.7573597

sonny boy, in the real world, not these mongolian drawing fora, your meme math degree is not worth excrement, unless of course you wish to be a bitter elementary school teacher

>> No.7573600

Yoy should leave if you are falling for stupid ass b8 tbh fam shm

>> No.7573605

Spot the ones who weren't smart enough to do math.

>> No.7573606

Spot the first semester undergrad fagg.

>> No.7573624

did your dad get a degree before joining the military?

>> No.7573626

I mean I have an internship lined up for the summer and will more than likely get a job offer if I do well so take that how you will.

>> No.7573627

I live in Texas, though its not as if I haven't applied for work out of state.

>> No.7573630

hope you prove me wrong, anon

>> No.7573631

Philosophy majors tend to high higher iq on average than most other majors, higher mid career salaries, and exceptionally high acceptance rated into medical and law schools.

Philosophy, if learned well, will teach you how to think analytically and creatively. A lot of useful fields today emerged from philosophy, notably computer science. Also, the amount of writing involved helps with communication skills. Something a little more advance than meme dropping

>> No.7573633 [DELETED] 

Get a truck driving licence and start driving trucks.Most truckers earn around $60K annually in the US.

>> No.7573638
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>electrical engineering
>unbelievable tier

>> No.7573641
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If we're talking about application, Philosophy majors will have a FAR harder time finding a position or job. Have fun competing against teachers with tenure.

>> No.7573646

100% agree. They have no marketable skills other than writing. But if combined with a STEM major, they definitely have the upper hand.

>> No.7573813

why do you push this myth?

>> No.7573830

As long as my major is always in the highest tier of these things I can't complain.

>> No.7573834

Every major hospital has a cyclotron for nuclear medicine and NukEs are usually hired to manage it.

>> No.7573840

>NEs are often hired as glorified maintenance technicians
Sounds about right

>> No.7573844

>training to be an airline pilot
>suicide tier

Fuck you guys. Regional airlines are beating my door down trying to hire me, and in 4 years I'll be making 120k working 2, maybe 3 days a week.

>> No.7573849

you're retarded. who do you think produces the Tc-99m?

>> No.7573863

math and physics should be over god tier

>> No.7573864

Just ran a job search; apparently anyone with a degree in engineering or physics does

>> No.7573876

As for most things, it seems that there's no accurate rate to measure the competence of a major based on the criteria you listed.

Lets take Jimmy, a privileged child who's father works for a big engineering firm, as an example. If Jimmy can manage straight C's in Engineering School, Jimmy is guaranteed job security in a high paying environment for life. Juan, on the other hand, is a first generation immigrant who has a 4.0 GPA in engineering school because he has seen the hardships his family has faced to make end's meat and doesn't want to be just another statistic. If we put aside the "minorities have more rights than us true hard working americans" ignorant meme behind us, we realize that Juan doesn't have the connections or opportunities that Jimmy has, seeing as how Juan is also most probably tasked with bringing his family up with him, something Jimmy doesn't need to worry about.

So at this point are we still able to accurately create a ranking for these two engineers? No, there is a socioeconomic barrier stopping Juan from achieving his goals and if you ask him he will say that engineering isn't worth it, hes busted his ass and is still unemployed. Jimmy on the other hand will say that engineering is the best degree ever and that everyone should pursue it. Now obviously from their own perspectives neither of them are wrong.

You cannot assume that when it comes to job availability and general pay everyone is on an equal playing ground, because I may be a smooth talking charismatic fuck who can charm his way to a million dollars and is hired even before graduation while the guy next to me, who has the same degree, knowledge and is 10x more capable than me but is a social retard has difficulty being employed.

Also friendly reminder that a degree is just a piece of paper, you either know your shit or you don't ad if you don't it will catch up to eventually.

>> No.7573881

Any thoughts on a degree in mechatronics with a masters in control, electronics or computer engineering?

>> No.7573885

get a master in computer eng

>> No.7573887

so.. not a fucking technician

>> No.7573889

never chase a meme degree unless you have a job lined up, by majoring in mechatronics as opposed to a general engineering discipline you're closing yourself off to an entire job market.

>> No.7573891

what does /sci/ think of a medicinal chemistry degree? is there a big demand for it in australia or will i likely have to look overseas for a job

>> No.7573904

Not majoring in mechatronics.

>> No.7573935

you think everyone that graduates with an engineering degree goes on to work as an engineer?

>> No.7573942

Nobody said that
But techs can't do that kinda stuff

>> No.7574260

Odd, when I read the OP, I somehow expected more discussion on how shit engineering is than on the pic... I must've forgot to take my meds today.

Anyway, I'll repeat OP's question, is engineering over saturated? And how do people with non-engineering degrees get employed over people with engineering degrees in engineering jobs?

>> No.7574553
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what do you think about engineering surveying?

>> No.7574555

>engineering surveying
>voc school shit

>> No.7574556
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>That plumb bob

>> No.7574560
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>how do people with non-engineering degrees get employed over people with engineering degrees in engineering jobs?
By having lots of experience as technicians in the fiels, and/or by knowing the right people
>mfw I've been cucked out of two jobs I interviewed for by people 10-20 years older than me with no degree

>> No.7574569

>Petrolium Engineering



>> No.7574573

>be at jobfair
>all the petro guys walking around morose as fuck because no internships
>oil companies need more mechanical engineers than they do petroleum

top kek

>> No.7574604

joining the military is only acceptable if you've gotten a degree and you've been looking for a job for literal years, and are facing bankruptcy.

at that point you join the military (most likely the army) as an officer, get come credentials, a nice shiny officer rank, a decent stack of cash, (hopefully) some contacts and relevant work experience, and your college debt paid off.

it'll cost you years of your life, and you'll want to fucking die, but if you have no other options, the military can assist.

most people i met in the military joined when their lives were in shambles, and ended up regretting it soon after they got back on their feet.

>> No.7574609

that wasn't my miltary experience in the slightest.

i partied with bro's, drank beer, traveled, and banged foreign pussy for 4 years.

now i just go to school. already have loads of job offers too, and no student debt.

officers get worked like dogs and have to conform. its a known fact that enlisted are a bunch of animals so you get to be a big man child for 4 years and wild the fuck out.

8/10 would do again.

>> No.7574632

>computer engineering will unquestionably get you 90k starting
>$$$ = success
>a liberal arts degree will get you closer to CEO status than an engineering degree

underage. 90k starting in any position is fucking god tier. I have only known the most brilliant people to have gone above that. im in my senior year now, and having seen my friends around me graduate and fall into jobs I will happily lick the boot of my boss for 65K starting in my field.

success in the sciences is getting into the field you enjoy, not making ass loads of money.

>> No.7574633

B-But anon muh muh oil is forever going to be around

>> No.7574640

yeah, thats why nobody is hiring petroleum engineers. oil is in abundance right now and the salaries are inflated, so the market got saturated really fucking fast.

>> No.7574728
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Fuck can anyone help me decide? I'm from US btw. I want to either do a major in Biology then either go into research or medicine (probably research too tho)

or computer science and do computer science related jobs. Which is less shit? Thanks.

Pic related, dreams.

>> No.7574732


>> No.7574733

can you elaborate why? I'm just honestly 50/50 on this.

>> No.7574737


>> No.7574759

I am a semester away from getting my degree in German so I can enroll for my masters and be a German prof.

Tell me how stupid I am.
No, seriously, I want to know. Seems like every source has wildly different information on whether or not I will find a job.

>> No.7574760


>> No.7574767

Medicine isn't at the top because most people here couldn't make it to be a doctor.

>> No.7574769
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>> No.7574779

awesome, I have heard great things about being in the navy. glad you had a good time, thanks for your service

>> No.7574788
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>aerospace engineering

the only thing i'm good at is space engineers (the game)

>> No.7574832

Financial Engineering

>> No.7574933

Top lel
So glad I'm an MD

>> No.7574944

Geophysics is fucking interesting and a solid way to get a six-figure salary with masters or even 70-80k with bachelor's when oil prices are high but hiring has mostly stopped and people are getting laid off with $45 oil today.

>> No.7575014

What about mechatronics?

>> No.7575019

What? Why?
Because I started mechatronics and I know a guy who works after doing technical mechatronics and now went to the same college as me.

>> No.7575032

I did.

What specialty?

>> No.7575040

>look mom, I posted it again

Faggots like you are also the guys that just put other people down, so they don't feel bad about themselves, people that are so socially retarded that it'll sooner or later catch up to them and really fuck their shit up in a way that they would wish they'd better get cucked.

>> No.7575057

Listen up:
Most people on here are underage and immature and pretty autistic and socially retarded, so the answer to your question is a simple: No.

Those who do research and/or are seriously intelligent and have a good personality, do not post shit on here and most often only post in irregular and rare intervals.

>> No.7575116

Soon to be cardiac surgery

>> No.7575185

Where would music go on that list, namely Classical and Jazz Performance?

>> No.7575221

>believing in what /biz/ said.

This my friend is a the business section (which is already bad enough) on a imageboard for chinese cartoons.

Maybe you should reconsider your source of information.

>> No.7575247

>god tier: astrophysics
>great tier: astronomy

>> No.7575285

>bait chart
>geophysics in both god and good tier

>> No.7575329
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>mfw Gen. Eng. is nowhere to be found.

>> No.7575345

Do a CS/Bio double major? Computational life science is a growing field, and people that know how to converse with both fields are pretty well-payed. Most places offer some sort of work-/research-ops that will provide the opportunity to gain experience to work in the field.

>> No.7575348

Might as well get Pharmacology, Chemical Engineering or Medical Engineering.

>> No.7575349

Considering a bio a waste of your time if you intend to get a degree anyways, I suggest you do the compsci, even if it's worth near nothing too.

>> No.7575353

My father is a professor of germanistics.
He makes decent money for comparwatively very little work.
Obviously this requires you to get a decent job, but once you have it, it seems comfy as fuck.

>> No.7575355

Medicine isn't because it's an oversaturated field.

>> No.7575357


I feel as if just a biology major isn't really enough. There's plenty of those. Double major it with something to become marketable. Mathematics, computer science, something along those lines.

>> No.7575372


>> No.7575379

>Geography shit tier
>GIS specialist
>90-120k starting

Right on good list

>> No.7575385

Classical performance here, it doesn't belong in this wagecuck list

>> No.7575401
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Where does Genetic Engineering fit in the chat?

>> No.7575402


IT great tier?

>> No.7575409



>> No.7575448


Biology B.Sc working on concurrent MBA/Pharm.D.

>> No.7575492

biomed engy

>> No.7575496

You stupid fuck, what are you studying then?

>> No.7575533

how do I get into computer programming?

any subjects such as Algebra I should revisit before delving into it?

>> No.7575546

Wtf is women studies?

>> No.7575615

So fucking true.
I traveled the world, learned meteorology, made lots of contacts/friends, made monies, banged foreign grills, college paid for (both GI Bill and tuition assistance), coursework that counts as college credit (undergrad).
>muh benefits
>muh guns

All at the cost of bodily harm, being treated as a child, pain, agony, etc.
Worth it?
Yes, in my experience.

>> No.7575746

>philosophy will help you communicate and solve problems analytically, etc.
I agree with you but hory shet is this the one thing that is absolutely wrong with philosophy today, not doing it for itself.
inb4 fedora

>> No.7575760
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>> No.7575825

What about mechatronics?

>> No.7575842

JUST tier

>> No.7575847


>> No.7575870

What do you guys think of Analytical Chemistry? I don't want to make millions, I just want a wage that I can live comfortably on.

>> No.7575958

If you want comfy become a professor at uni.
You won't make much, but you won't work much either.

>> No.7576217
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Anyone else graduating in economics? How fucked am I?

>> No.7576220


>> No.7576222

Considering the fact that Mathematical Finance/Actuary are very well paid positions AND contribute a lot to companies, i don't see why Math wouldn't be in unbelievable tier...

>> No.7576230

>tfw pursuing Anthro/Geology double major
lmao museums here i come

>> No.7576239

What the fuck is the metric

Are we rating things based on starting salary? Likelihood of getting a job out of college? How interesting the field is? Philosophy is infinitely more interesting than Accounting or Marketing, despite being below both.

I think it's a meme chart tbh fam.
>getting a math degree without getting a mathematics PhD
What's even the point

>> No.7576250


>> No.7576252

>emerged from philosophy, notably computer science

No. Computer science came from Math.

>> No.7576265

>fell for the 65k starting meme with a Comp Sci degree
>started at 50k

Not so bad, I guess. Money is money and my company is super chill. Time to go home, actually.

>> No.7576278

computer science major with mathematics minor, what does /sci/ think?

>A lot of useful fields today emerged from philosophy, notably computer science
Are you one of those faggots that thinks that because philosophy sometimes uses truth tables and emphasizes logic that computer science came from it?

Math is the father of computer science. There's a reason the most regarded people in CS like Knuth, Babbage and Turing were mathematicians, not philosophers ;^)

>> No.7576279

wut is networking

>> No.7576392

I agree with any chart calling me God tier
Also, "engy"?

>> No.7576395

this. proof this chart was made by manipulatable NEETs
its engr

>> No.7576399

Where I'm from, people who make 6 figures are typically businessmen who've convinced other people they need to pay a lot of money for something.

EVERYONE want to be an engineer because babyboomers can't shut the fuck up about how they want all their kids to be engineers. Oversaturated already.

God tier is basically social engineering. Everything else is pawn tier.

>> No.7576402

>Chem E consistently in top tier

Aw, you guys are making me blush.

>> No.7576408

>Do you honestly believe everyone who is in engineering is smart enough to be an engineer?

I'm an engineer and can give that an enthusiastic no. In theory it should be one of the most intellectual majors, though. I'd obviously put Math and Physics up there too, along with some non-science.

>> No.7576430

If you want a guaranteed job out of college do accounting

If you think you are smart do physics and watch yourself die

If math is second nature to you do math or comp sci. Both are solid as fuck

If you want to work for a few years and burn yourself out but make big bucks before becoming disillusioned do engineering. Unless you are one of those rare people who don't jump at the first job offered and sell themselves short which is very rare

>> No.7576431




Yes, formal logic is so useless. You guys realize analytic philosophy (i.e. anglo-sphere philosophy) largely deals with this, and the more meta areas of science?

You may as well critique-in-proportion something else super foundational, like say mathematics.

>> No.7576442

>comp E better than comp sci or soft E
You people serious right now?

>> No.7576449

If anyone here is thinking about doing petrol engy just do Chem engy instead. A Chem E can take petrol E jobs but a petrol can't take any Chem E jobs. They can only get jobs in something oil related

>> No.7576455

as an engineering instructor... no, I'd say about 1/4 are really cut out for it.

>> No.7576457

>law in good tier
>philosophy in shit tier
>philosophy majors score higher than any other on the LSAT


>> No.7576460

haha, yea, but they're basically technician jobs...
take the hardness of this material 1000 times...then find a flawed way to equate hardness to fracture toughness so we don't have to pay a guy with a phd to do it the right way.

>> No.7576461

thats because most med students do their undergrad in philosophy.

>> No.7576470


This. I'm a biochemistry PhD, and from my postdoc at Stanford have several friends in various fields (e.g. chemistry, engineering, MD, CS, etc).

Here's the bottom line: your ceiling with a bachelors in "Great tier" and better is typically around 200K, unless you kick ass at what you do, stick with it for many years, or work for a great company (e.g. google). With a PhD, your ceiling will be much higher - how much higher depends on a number of factors, but what makes the most impact is how well you manage people/teams/projects. Start managing a team as soon as you can, do well at it, and you'll really move up the org chart.

>> No.7576474


Please tell me you know the difference between an LSAT and an MCAT.

>> No.7576483


Can't tell if lying...


Neato! What did you go into?



You know that we are going to be short 90,000 doctors in 2019 right? and that even now there are only about 150-300 doctors to 100000 people? And that you literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about?

>> No.7576489

Have you actually done any of those?

>> No.7576497
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>computer eng.

>> No.7576604

BS mathematics, Masters Engineering. PhD in Mathematics.

How's this rate?

>> No.7576996

I posted this on /biz/ but since engineering talk was wanted, here it is.

Basically, I want to get into maths research (I'm from the UK btw, currently a first year undergrand) but I want a backup plan because I know how hard that is.

Realistically, the best backups for a maths graduate are either engineering, finance, teaching, or some sort of computer related work.

I would never go into teaching because it's plain and simply shit.
I would never go into computer work because I don't want to be Lol Tech Support, and I've read too much of Clients From Hell to seriously consider anything more proper in the business, I don't want the "you've touched my computer therefore if it breaks that's your fault" attitude or a cleaner pulling the plug on my servers just to plug in his hoover or something.

That leaves engineering or finance, so far the finance talks I've been too have given a better pitch than any engineering stuff I've seen, although I'll admit that I've not seen much engineering stuff:
Once you're qualified, you can easily move around and get jobs in other finance areas, even within the same company, in short - you shouldn't get bored.
Unlike engineering, you're not working on the same project everyday, you're working with multiple different groups/clients on a regular basis - no two days will ever be the same.
Becoming an actuary is crazy money, and genuinely an in demand skill.
You're more respected than people like engineers, your manager will actually be more qualified than you, meaning that you won't be asked to do the literally impossible, unlike an engineer.
You will work with a wide variety of people, people from all kinds of areas get into finance.

The only real catch is that the exams are meant to be fucking hard, although I don't think it's anything a good maths student couldn't handle.

Next post for engineering...

>> No.7576999

As for engineering however:
Get fucked by a manager who'll ask you to do the literally impossible because they have no clue about your job.
Field is oversaturated as fuck.
Particularly in the UK, firms are leaving the country and/or outsourcing the work.
Even if you somehow get a job (and I really don't see how), If you spend 10 years in a shit area, you could've made yourself redundant, who wants to hire a guy who only knows about outdated shit?
Since you're often working on long terms project, you could be doing the same thing everyday, possibly with people you don't like, or people who's goals run contrary to yours.

So, basically - why would anyone with a maths degree want to go into engineering? Genuine question btw, I'm also welcome to hearing the downsides of finance.

>> No.7577022

Because it's fun as hell, and you're working towards providing a real product to real people, instead of just working to make some rich jew richer. As for being oversaturated and the same every day, that mostly applies to shitty engineers who only got their BS and never bother to keep up with the latest advances. Engineering jobs can vary from literal tech support to field work to research to working in design teams large and small; there's something for everyone. Also, a good engineer can find a job nearly anywhere, so you're not stuck living in big cities all your life.

>> No.7577084

planning on doing electrical eng/physics duel degree then nuke eng masters thoughts???

>> No.7577090

>electrical eng/physics duel degree
Are we talking about fights to the death?

>> No.7577093
File: 427 KB, 1600x1643, 1427890406321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duel degree
Have you applied to Ohtori Academy?

>> No.7577113


>> No.7577125

You need exactly one STEM degree, don't be stupid, you aren't missing out on anything major you can't study on your own. The degree is the one you get for the industry you want a career in, it's not about picking all the names that sound cool to you.

As an aside, it's far better to pick the wrong degree and then switch industry (which you can usually do by showing employers you developed the requisite knowledge independently) than to switch your major which takes far longer, college degrees are essentially all bureaucratic loops and you'd be stupid to jump through the same hoop twice.

So if you're set on Nuke for grad-school (you shouldn't already thinking about grad-school, but whatever), it's better to do B Nuke -> M Nuke.

>> No.7577127

no B nuke in my country

>> No.7577128

Then don't do a B in your country.

>> No.7577130

dont really have any other options

>> No.7577150

>As for being oversaturated and the same every day, that mostly applies to shitty engineers who only got their BS and never bother to keep up with the latest advances
Hmm, seems legit - what about people with just a maths degree (either bachelors or masters)? Like has been mentioned a couple of times in this thread, I'm still curious about how mathematicians sell themselves over engineers for an engineering job.

Heck, any maths degrees working in engineering here?

>> No.7577174

I feel like that's a tougher sell, since a lot of engineering is based on intuition that comes from doing engineering problems. If I were you, and wanted to get into engineering, I would consider going into computational work, like FEM, CFD, and the like. Learning the appropriate software and participating in some projects or related internships would go a long way on a resume.

>> No.7577199

>computer science and programming are the same thing
No stop

>> No.7577247

Looking to do biology with a focus on plants or mushrooms, how fucked am I?

>> No.7577268

Once certain drugs are legalized, you'll be fine

>> No.7577270
File: 77 KB, 460x276, Orangutans-Laughing-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>median pay: 89k
>job outlook: 4% increase

>median pay: 93k
>job outlook: 22% increase

stay salty, kid

>> No.7577311

Supply and demand, mang. Right now there's an overabundance of computer science and criminal justice that basically the employers (either the industry or cops, in case of criminal justice) constantly rejecting new applicants unless said applicant is extremely good or has inside help or something.

Also, you could get good jobs in hotel industry if you're taking foreign language (that isn't spanish or latin, if you're living in the US)

>> No.7577314

Eh, I live in Texas anyways, fucking around with agriculture is a good career option anyhow.

>> No.7577332

>basing your personal career on statistical averages
>striving to be as average as possible in your field
>not being a monkey

>> No.7577362

90% of engineers end up working for some cuntbag with a masters in economics

>> No.7577367


>> No.7577368

What are all the CS people going to do once an AI is invented that can do all the programming for them?

You can't really say what is going to be needed in 20 years, or which careers will be in demand. This changes every 10 years. The desired careers in the future probably don't even exist right now. It's all a crapshoot.

>> No.7577379
File: 656 KB, 569x629, 717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think finance is actually a fun field, you're in for a big surprise. People go into engineering because it's fun and gives you a vast amount of knowledge and ability to challenge problems efficiently and optimally as that is what an engineer does. If you don't think so, you're just not cut out for it or you were shilled too hard by some 18 year olds on /biz/ in their freshman year of finance/accounting

also, you trips are checked

>> No.7577402
File: 11 KB, 578x250, hal-9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are all the CS people going to do once an AI is invented that can do all the programming for them?
Honestly if this happens, I think jobs are the last thing people will be worrying about.

>> No.7577428

Why do you cucks never acknowledge the fact that scientists who work for the agricultural and food industries are INSANELY important?

Civilization is possible because of the ability to produce food.

>> No.7577434

What are all the civil engineering people going to do once an AI is invented that can do all the building for them?

You can't really say what is going to be needed in 20 years, or which careers will be in demand. This changes every 10 years. The desired careers in the future probably don't even exist right now. It's all a crapshoot.

>> No.7577435

Construction workers are important, too, but that doesn't mean we respect them.

On the other hand, the last thing the US needs is even more weapons, but /sci/ loves to cream itself over working for defense contractors

>> No.7577438

What are all the history people going to do once an AI is invented that can do all the reviewing for them?

You can't really say what is going to be needed in 20 years, or which careers will be in demand. This changes every 10 years. The desired careers in the future probably don't even exist right now. It's all a crapshoot.

>> No.7577446

What are all the medicine people going to do once an AI is invented that can do all the treament for them?

You can't really say what is going to be needed in 20 years, or which careers will be in demand. This changes every 10 years. The desired careers in the future probably don't even exist right now. It's all a crapshoot.

>> No.7577451

What are all the human people going to do once an AI is invented that can do everything for them?

You can't really say what is going to be needed in 20 years, or which specimens will be in demand. This changes every 10 years. The desired specimens in the future probably don't even exist right now. It's all a crapshoot.

>> No.7577463


Programmers and developers are going to be one of the last jobs to be automated away.

>> No.7577549
File: 17 KB, 456x631, monkey_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing against facts and statistical data
>wants to be an engineer

>> No.7577723

Who is "we"

>> No.7577831

Nobody is hiring Petroleum engineers because oil companies aren't drilling for oil because they have so much of it.

>> No.7577892

I decided to do a physics degree with a comp sci minor. I no longer have any passion left and don't know what I'm going to do when I graduate in the spring. Where should I throw my life away /sci/? I don't want to do grad school

>> No.7578589

you meant dual you ESL fuck

>> No.7579426

>Where should I throw my life away /sci/? I don't want to do grad school
Consider engineering.

>> No.7580142

More like the first of the jobs that are gonna be automated.Developing and writing is easy compared to tasks needed in other jobs.

>> No.7580160

>No, there is a socioeconomic barrier stopping Juan from achieving his goals and if you ask him he will say that engineering isn't worth it,

this is a crock of shit. the only engineeers who can't get a good job fall into one of three categories
>sub 3.0 GPA shitters
>socially awkward spergs who can't hack an interview
>retards that over specialized into some obscure engineering field.

the unemployment rate for ANY degree holder is less than 3% in the US.

all Juan has to do is go the fucking job fair and put some time into sending out applications.

>> No.7580163

>law above ecology
>petrolE over mechE
>business over high school ed.
>put biochemistry in there twice
just go

>> No.7580164

its funny, because the petroleum engineers were saying the same shit 3 years ago.

>> No.7580183

pretty good since being a math prof at a small school is the comfiest existence imaginable, and if you want to be an engineer, I guess you could do that too.

>> No.7580186

>Dietetics & Nutritional Science

W-we're cool too, r-right guys?

>> No.7580191

>although I don't think it's anything a good maths student couldn't handle.

Sorry chum, but think again. You fail those tests again and again. An average masters candidate in math with a good background in stats and probability could pass the first two with a reasonable amount of studying, but after that, there's not much hope. You commit to studying and that's all you do.

Most research mathematicians would have to study just as hard as anyone else to pass the actuarial exams.

I'd never touch that shit. The math is not interesting enough.

>> No.7580197

Why is law enforcement good tier?

It's my major and I enjoy it. I'm just curious as to why you put it on there.

Most people lump us in with liberal arts goons.

>> No.7580231

yes bruh

economics is god

jks our inferiority complex to physics is showing

>> No.7580251

Majestic winged aerospace engineering student reporting.

>> No.7581116

double degree aerospace engineering with mathematical science reporting

>> No.7581117

Switch the first and the second row though.

>> No.7581260

>Consider engineering.

>> No.7581480

Psychology in shittier?

Mathematics degrees are pretty fucking useless these days with how many dumb fuckholes can do it. Good luck with that finding a job thing.

Petrol energy is even worse as its soon to be obsolete.

I mean, you put law enforcement there? Whoever made this has to be autistic.

>> No.7581488

If all drugs where legalized I could see Psychology being shit tier.


>> No.7581822

With the exception that my minor is in math, you and I are in the same boat. Let's figure it out, Anon.

Why have you lost interest in Physics (or even CompSci)? For me, it's because I hated doing research. I've been considering different ways to branch out and see what else might interest me. You could try looking for different volunteer experiences for a quick look at another career path.

>> No.7581838

I have a double major in math/philosophy making 150K easy

>> No.7581863

Good luck with that increased Cancer rate

>> No.7582217
File: 607 KB, 800x792, pepeAscii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cs major
>tfw guaranteed 6 figures at graduation

>> No.7582252

Why do frogposters have to plague the two boards I visit most?
Why, god?

>> No.7582261

It's obviously Good God! tier

>> No.7582273

? not even math. a specific kind of math. logic.

>> No.7582276

what is boolean algebra?

>> No.7582318

>tfw didn't go to high school and got into the linework apprenticeship
>started off at about 70k a year and once I become a journeyman I'll be pulling about 100-120 a year, not counting storm work

It's not a crazy insane wage in comparison to a lot of other jobs out there, but as a 22 year old with no wife or kids I'll be living pretty comfortably

only downside is the job is insanely fucking dangerous

>> No.7582320

People who call engineering oversaturated are retarded.
It's popular, not oversaturated.
Out of all of the people who go to engineering school, over half of them are not going to make it to the end because they underestimate the difficulty of the degree.

>> No.7582321

>didn't go to high school

Must have had too much to drink tonight, meant to say college

>> No.7582340

/g/ is full of IT and Csci neckbeards
Seriously though, my EE classes only have introverted asian kids, while my Csci classes are full of fat smelly neckbeards.

>> No.7582344

I'm going for studies in ethnography, Film, & Computer Science to make art film installations.

>> No.7582350

/g/ actually has a good amount electrical and computer engineers
CS is shit btw

>> No.7582416

Petroleum Engineering is a shit major to choose. I got suckered into it by a family member of mine who works as a mining engineer telling me that it was best possible decision and think of the money! By the time I realized I had made a horrible mistake I was balls deep into my courses and would have to waste 2 years to change majors (which I might just suck it up and do).

Petroleum Engineering is Mechanical Engineering with a sprig of Chemical Engineering but REALLY fucking specialized.With the correct training a Mechanical or Chemical Engineer can do Petroleum Engineering as Petroleum Engineering is a subset. The opposite is not true as I have specialized knowledge applicable to next to fucking nothing. The reason so many Petroleum Engineers fail the FE exam is because we know so little of general engineering.

Currently towelheads in OPEC have crashed the oil prices with no survivors with their massive fucking reserves. Towelheads have so much oil volume that crashing the price doesn't phase them much as they can just sell more oil. It should not have been allowed to have such an effect it did but the oil industry got fat and complacent with the $100 bbls of oil and developed expensive habits. The reasoning for crashing the oil price was to choke out shale oil as a viable petroleum source. OPEC can't have the US become an oil exporter as that would cost them their biggest customer and gain a competitor.

It doesn't help that hippies funded by fucking RUSSIA (I shit you not this is real as Russia is one of the largest natural gas exporters and no surprise they don't want the US exporting) to ban fracking and stifle natural gas production from shale.

Now there's a huge surplus of Petroleum Engineer grads like myself unemployed and dog piling all the available jobs while having to compete with seasoned engineers who lost their jobs from the industry shrink

For God's sake take it from me to convince people to reconsider going to school to be a Petroleum Engineer.

>> No.7582428

This man knows

>> No.7582429

thats what you get for selling out faggot.

>> No.7582434

How does /sci/ feel about science teachers?

>> No.7582439


I live it everyday and it makes me ashamed of myself.

>> No.7582455

become the one funny, sarcastic, hard ass physics teacher who doesn't care about anyone but is still good at physics

>> No.7582473

Is philosophy degree a worthless degree?

>> No.7582485
File: 314 KB, 500x433, bushdoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently first year mech eng but I'm considering switching to mathematics. I am really interested in the higher and more abstract levels of maths. However, I've always been keen in joining the airforce with a degree and trying to get flight time. What are my chances of becoming a pilot? Would I be wasting my time if I joined with a MechE or math degree?

>> No.7582491

My end game is to become a space man.

>> No.7582634

why is "Mech." in god tier and "Mech. Engy" in great tier? the fuck is the difference

>> No.7582670

Chem E Senior here.

Interviewing for positions in multiple industries (manufacturing, environmental, nuclear) with two guaranteed fallback offers from my internships in engineering and manufacturing.

petroleum engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, etc are all a massive waste of time when you can just do chem e instead.

>> No.7582820

No. There's no better way to develop you critical thinking skills than to read about philosophy and discuss and debate it with your peers, but if you're spending thousands of dollars a semester to read, write, and talk about stuff with other people, you're retarded m8

>> No.7582824

By that logic, chem e is a waste of time when you can do me instead

>> No.7582830

Only major in math if you want to be a NEET.

>> No.7582855

What job opportunities would I have if I major in analytics and statistics in maths?

>> No.7582920

Why do you write that way.

>> No.7582931

do you have to do them by hand, or do you get to use a machine?
just wondering since I'm a fellow EE degree holder, considering dish washing as a potential career

>> No.7582968


>> No.7582969

1/10 made me reply.
> inb4 butthurt math major
I'm not :^)

>> No.7583057

Where are mechatronics?

>> No.7583064


>> No.7583312

Should i do Aerospace engy or Mechanics engy masters?

>> No.7583320

Edgy engy

>> No.7583398

what branch is the most FUN?

>> No.7583409

Navy, hands down.

each branch has its own perks

god tier travel, laid back (for the military) people, okay tech training.

if you want to do the warrior thing and shoot guns and rocket launchers and shit. do this. whores, barfights, and the green weenie await you. if you travel, its probably not to somewhere nice.

>Air Force
good quality of life, okay travel, amazing tech training. pretty competitive, and people are more professional.

Lazy mans branch. everything is pretty meh except how fast you gain rank. if you want to underachieve your way through the military while doing the least amount possible. Army is for you.

>> No.7583416

Who was the original "you"

>> No.7583424

Shiggy diggy tier

>> No.7583434
File: 52 KB, 630x421, ktus16-630x421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw military/foreign languages

Th-thanks /sci/

>> No.7583630

Please elaborate.

>> No.7583678

How shit is a Masters in Crop science /sci/?

>> No.7583715

It comes from
> I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

In other words "bad"

>> No.7583773
File: 866 KB, 1920x1018, engi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's an engineering major that isn't "overly saturated"? Whenever I ask people here about this there seems to be this meme of calling every STEM career with livable wages oversaturated...

>> No.7583777

Civil, for now

>> No.7583781

Medicinal mushrooms are picking up in popularity. Minor in chem along with it and you can have some Natural Products fun

>> No.7583787

I'd bump microbio up a tier since its a pretty easy route into CLS/MLS certification

>> No.7583795

Anything that isn't Mech, Electrical, Computer. Also be very careful when firms and businesses spout stuff like 'there's a shortage of X'.
It's economics tomfoolery; what they actually mean is, "There are only 3 applicant per opening for this job, instead of 7. So we can't assfuck our employees as hard as we used to because they have actual leverage now".

>> No.7583857

>Anything that isn't Mech, Electrical, Computer
Source? I'm sick of seeing oversaturation claims made without sources, I'm most interested in a UK source.

>> No.7583915

here fam

>> No.7584038
File: 344 KB, 1920x1080, 1413505200548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Geology majors here?

>> No.7584048

I'm a Psychology and Criminal Justice major. If you do what you want why is it "shit"? Do what makes you happy

>> No.7584050
File: 37 KB, 600x400, cc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you engies are hilarious

>> No.7584060

I dont get this discussion. Clearly AI/Deep Learning is a superior to all other possible endeavors.

>> No.7584068


>>>>>>>>>>>>> business management

>> No.7584092

Any meteorologist or climatologist here?


please respond

>> No.7584104

elaborate on how CS is shit.

>> No.7584116

>how fast you gain rank
bitch please, I maxed out my points just 3.5 years in service doing almost everything I could do, and couldn't even make sgt unless I re-enlisted.

>> No.7584124

History major here, about to get into a Master's degree. To be honest I've never cared about having a lot of money but I wanted to understand the world. Trroughout my readings of historians, sociologists, lawyers, economists, anthropologists, educators, chemists, etc. I've build my understanding of the world and I plan to continue doing it throughout my life and eventually pass that understanding to my students.

I think it's a noble goal and I'm happy with my life. I understand politics, economy, social classes and relations, nationalism, international and local laws and I enjoy reading and learning. Just my two cents on the issue, you don't need money to be happy as long as you enjoy what you're doing and it fulfills you intelectually.

>> No.7584133

>Biology - Unbelievable Tier
>Ecology - Shit Tier

Is this true?

>> No.7584147

I believe this list is done by people who only studied one discipline, just go by what they heard of the other disciplines without reading what they publish and just make these tier lists.

>> No.7584204
File: 26 KB, 670x496, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me? I Have no idea what to major in. It's between Physics, CS, and Econ. I like the idea of CS and especially the job prospects but I can't really see myself sitting behind a computer all day. I love physics but don't know what I would do with it and it kinda scares me because it sounds intimidatingly hard. And Econ because I love business and studying social trends. Can someone please give me some knowledgable advice?

>> No.7584295

Freshman hoping for BS in CS here.

I'm considering Math or MathEcon as a potential double major, or might just switch to CompEngi if it isn't too late.

Am I doing this right? My math is good, my physics is meh, and I haven't done any chem since sophomore year.

>> No.7584349

>what can you do that a ti-84 cannot?

>> No.7584357

So what does Computer engineering do?

Do you use your hands to build systems or shit?

>> No.7584365

once you get through a numerical methods class you'll be pretty disappointed in how well computers do math.

like wolfram alpha is basically it.

>> No.7584367

everything that CS does with some of what EE does.

better off as a CS/EE double major tbh.

>> No.7584383

physics major here, senior year. I started with an associates degree for nuclear operator/technician. Got more interested in the theory than the hands-on stuff, so I switched to physics. Neutrino research is interesting as hell, but so is medical physics and geophysics. Check out CERN's website and read about some of their projects, it's not all about the LHC. There's lots of cool stuff

As for difficulty, I only went up to Trig in high school. Some of the math is difficult to get the first time around(tfw my only C is from calc 1, which is embarrassing now), but the amount of times you use it will basically allow you to learn it after trial and error.

Also, Physics and Law school can go well together, my teacher was talking about how much bank you can make as a patent lawyer.

>> No.7584418

If it's about how interesting you find the field, that's entirely subjective. But if it's about money these rankings are way off. Someone with decent grades from a top 14 law school will earn twice what a Physics PhD from MIT could. A medical doctor will make huge money compared to just about everyone on this list other than those who get into great finance/executive/law partnership positions, but who wants to be in school that long? Hell, the best money-making path for an engineer is to work up to project manager, get your company to pay for an MBA, and then transition to management.

80k starting with a career cap of 150 is absolute shit considering how rigorous the coursework is. Some Ivy League frat bro who got a BA in Econ with a minor in medieval lit is gonna be your boss if you become an engineer. If you love it and don't care about money, go into academia or r&d. If you actually value yourself and want to make bank, finance, law and business are the places to look. Pay a shit-ton in loans to go to the most prestigious elite east coast school you can, study business or Econ or really whatever the fuck you want, join a frat and make tons of connections, and then go make money moving money or moving people. Anything where you're over 40 making under 200k is absolute shit.

>> No.7584446

operations management / supply chain management

>According to the United States Department of Education, operations management is the field concerned with managing and directing the physical and/or technical functions of a firm or organization, particularly those relating to development, production, and manufacturing. Operations management programs typically include instruction in principles of general management, manufacturing and production systems, factory management, equipment maintenance management, production control, industrial labor relations and skilled trades supervision, strategic manufacturing policy, systems analysis, productivity analysis and cost control, and materials planning. Management, including operations management, is like engineering in that it blends art with applied science. People skills, creativity, rational analysis, and knowledge of technology are all required for success.

on the cutting edge of big data, machine learning, and automation. at the very least, you can help the countless numbers of organizations integrate into the digital economy.

money? i guess as far as you push it. i bet with enough self study (advanced statistics, a few programming languages, general electronics / robotics knowledge) and some business sense, the sky is the limit.

it's not just about production scheduling and warehouse management. telling bill the foreman to make some widgets and jake the forklift driver to load the truck is ANCIENT HISTORY.

>> No.7584484


Thanks for the insight, anon. Trig was also the highest math course I got to in high school, granted I never really applied myself. I hate pure math, but love physics and the math behind it. I really only seem to be interested in physics but it's frightening how hard some of the concepts seem. Do you enjoy your physics based classes?

>> No.7584487
File: 15 KB, 282x322, srs_pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT fucking EVERYONE defends their major

fuck everyone here including myself because we're all full of shit

>> No.7584489


Good form pupper

>> No.7584502
File: 10 KB, 135x130, pupper_isn't_fucking_around.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the truth. Everyone is going to defend their major and shill it like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's all a wank fest.


>> No.7584511

I didn't. It was more like "this is what I studied and I liked it, but if you like what you're doing then I'm happy for you."


>> No.7584542

>Also, Physics and Law school can go well together, my teacher was talking about how much bank you can make as a patent lawyer.
True for most /sci/ undergraduate programs, actually. I've been considering taking the LSAT as a biochem undergrad just to see if I couldn't work in either pharmaceutical legal departments or starting my own chemical publishing firm, and suing the shit out of startup companies.

>> No.7584567

>Don't visit /sci/ for several months
>'It's gonna have that thread again'
>It's the most replied one today

>> No.7584594
File: 91 KB, 699x1039, 1442528583511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything that isn't Mech, Electrical, Computer
Haha, okay.
It's like this at my college too.

>> No.7584609

You would make a lot more money tho just studying econ for 5 years tho right? Instead of all these hard engy degrees

>> No.7584616

>CS is #1
>ME is #2
I was actually considering those, poopies.

>Industrial is second to last
>my uni is #5 in the USA for IE

Maybe i should just do IE.

>> No.7584632 [DELETED] 

doing biology, thinking of switching to geology

any words of advice?

>> No.7584649

They are all oversaturated.

The "demand" is in technologists and technicians, not professional engineering.

>Whenever I ask people here about this there seems to be this meme of calling every STEM career with livable wages oversaturated...
It's not a meme, you have to know the truth, you're going to be competing against 1000s of applicants for unpaid internship spots, IF you get these you might get a well paying entry level when you graduate IF you're grades are top notch and you're better than the other 1000s of applications (if you have CV gaps for your holiday internships you won't be).

Everyone that tells you differently is one of those retards who took low paying, dead-end technologist jobs with their expensive engineering degrees. They are not professional engineers, they are the same idiots that will complain about not using what they learned in undergrad.

>> No.7584740

For fuck sake people, source or GTFO.

>> No.7584760


>even trolling images don't include nuclear engineering

Not sure what to feel.

>> No.7584772

>For fuck sake people, source or GTFO.
Me again, I think I've found it, I'll go through it properly later.


>> No.7584791
File: 5 KB, 125x119, 1438603245225s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A piece of paper from some fancy university doesn't make someone a real engineer, anyone can design something that works well enough to please their companies needs.
For some people engineering is a job, for some engineers its a life style

>> No.7584797

>trolling image

>> No.7584827

Why it's bad?

>> No.7584876

I've just made a pretty big post on all the saturation bullshit see below, it's probably worth a read.

>> No.7584884

Graduated in shit tier, currently working in meh tier, learning for god tier. Could have been worse, I suppose.

>> No.7584886

>shit tier
math major here, go fuck yourself

>> No.7584940

Mech is mechatronics and mech engy is vodka engineering

>> No.7584987

I'm interested in studying mechatronics, get a major in CompS or CompE, mebe specialize in something electronics.
>I have no fucking clue.

>> No.7584998

if you want to design robots you'd do better by studying something like neurology after getting your mechanical engineering degree

>> No.7585003

I have a job as a software developer and half an associates degree in business, and I'm 22.

I want to live on Mars.

What do I do? Find the best paying software job and hoard wealth to buy a $500,000 ticket in twenty years? Get a bachelor's in engineering and try to get a job at SpaceX?

Help me, /careeradvice/.

>> No.7585010
File: 11 KB, 375x375, 1444146517784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is aviation 'meh' tier and all the engineering in 'unbelievable' tier

Whoever made this is an autist who loves sitting at a fucking desk

>> No.7585014

>anything but meh


>> No.7585015

>Find the best paying software job and hoard wealth to buy a $500,000 ticket in twenty years?
This one. Becoming an engineer to go to Mars is like joining the army to be Rambo.

>> No.7585036

My uncle has worked in aviation for 25 years, now he works on falcon 9s at spacex. Doesn't sound meh tier to me.

He's also an immigrant.

>> No.7585053

Engineering is oversaturated, your points really just accentuated mine as I'll explain why in the remainder of this post:

>Everyone that tells you differently is one of those retards who took low paying, dead-end technologist jobs with their expensive engineering degrees. They are not professional engineers, they are the same idiots that will complain about not using what they learned in undergrad.

Those jobs from the high pure % are getting specifically are technologists jobs, not professionals, I wouldn't say "they are lying", but they don't understand that technologists (which ) aren't "engineering professionals", it's a dead end "career" that pays about half what real engineering does. APS did a similar study which showed that most of those physicists reporting back as working as "engineers" are technicians and technologists not professional engineers. [1]

In fact you can't legally register as an EIT after just 6 months unless you specifically did a BEng degree (there are pathway, but it takes YEARS before you are even considered, not months). [2] So none of those are working as "engineering professionals", I suspect it's just an ego thing as most technologists illegally refer to themselves as engineers. So the "self-reports" as "professionals" is 100% bullshit.

[Continued, short conclusion and reference list in subsequent post]

>> No.7585057


So we know for sure the pure prospects is shit, but how many of those "engineering graduates working in engineering" hold real engineering jobs? Certainly all of them can register as EITs and have a hope of eventually getting better jobs (I personally doubt the market will get better, and having a shitty CV won't help you), but take it from my anecdotal experience only about 30-40% of engineering graduates in [in ChemE at least] find real, professional [ChemE] jobs. Which is about the rate it would've been if the field wasn't oversaturated with graduates.

Those aren't bad odds, but that's what the competition is. For engineering at least there are a lot of high paying careers in finance if you can do it without blowing your brains out.

>tl;dr line ---------------------------------------------------------------------
In conclusion. You made the right choice seeing through the uni propaganda and leaving STEM, especially if you're interest is in a stable, salaried job. You won't find that in STEM, it's only good for very ambitious people intending to either start their own business, or aim for academia -both of those virtually impossible to do today as we all know.

1. http://www.aip.org/sites/default/files/statistics/employment/careersfactsheet-p-10.pdf

2. (You need years of experience )
>Eligibility for exemplifying registration as a professional engineer in the UK requires and academic background in engineering
For CEng this is one of the following:
>An accredited Bachelors degree with Honours in engineering or technology, plus an appropriate and accredited Masters degree or Engineering Doctorate (EngD), or appropriate further learning to Masters level
>An accredited integrated MEng degree

>> No.7585076
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>what's so bad about philosophy?

>> No.7585078

Pro tip: combine two STEM majors instead.

>> No.7585079

Im thinking of switching to geology from biology

any advice?

>> No.7585203

I don't want to start new thread, so I'll just ask here:
I am thinking about double bachelor math-physics (Already done with 1 year math). So I wonder if it is worth it, can somebody share his experience on this?

>> No.7585220

Geophysics is in both God and Good tiers

>> No.7585235

Just pick one, faggot

>> No.7585237
File: 282 KB, 909x725, UDzAhGs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy most STEM subjects but I can't bring myself to program. How fucked am I for getting a job?

>> No.7585366

>In conclusion. You made the right choice seeing through the uni propaganda and leaving STEM, especially if you're interest is in a stable, salaried job. You won't find that in STEM, it's only good for very ambitious people intending to either start their own business, or aim for academia -both of those virtually impossible to do today as we all know.
Good to hear that my work was worthwhile... my current plan is to aim for academia with finance as a backup, but I'll look into other areas for my backup plan... maybe I'll try to take another serious look at investment banking, but I hear that's extremely competitive, overworked and backstabby.

>> No.7585367

>investment banking
That's how you get shot in the back of the head.

>> No.7585381

Investment banking is shit, the pay is literally worse than chemistry at the moment because of oversaturation.

In general the days of Study X degree --> Get comfy career in X is over to be perfectly honest.

The only sectors it still works is medicine and unpopular things like botany/agriculture.

>> No.7585383

I meant health. Nursing, dentistry etc. too.

>> No.7585428

I'm in med school

Definitely not you moron. We have a shortage of doctors in basically every specialty already, and in the Western world people are so desperate to get well and get back to work that they seek medical care for everything.

Bretty impressive, if you're not lying.

>> No.7585432
File: 477 KB, 720x540, DOHOHOHO intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so dumb I laughed

>> No.7585533 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}dx=\sqrt{2\pi}</div>
<div class="math">\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{x^k}{k!}=e^x</div>

>> No.7585556

>engy above real science degree

>> No.7585562 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\int_\Mu \mathrm{d}\alpha=\oint_{\partial \Mu}\alpha</div>
<div class="math">\sigma_y=sqrt{\sum_i\left( \left.{\partial y \over \partial x_i}\right|_{\bar{x}}\right)^2\sigma_{x_i}^2}[\eqn]</div>

>> No.7586357

>real engy above background engy degrees