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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7571350 No.7571350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So.../sci/ I'm 22...didn't pay attention in highschool.
My father passed in December and after taking care of him for 14 months, I've finally found what I enjoy in life and want to do.
I fucking love science. I love every branch, I love the curiosity.
I'm 22, no degree, no classes, just what I teach myself currently through discussions and lectures online.

How does someone my age go about building the ground work to get a career with NASA?
Yes, it's a long shot.
Yes, I don't have the greatest math skills.
I'm ambitious as fuck, I don't quit.

How do I integrate the characteristics I have and the passion I've found for science into a job, at such a late stage.
I constantly see 12 year old kids and shit just breezing through math, engineering.

It all seems so intimidating and I feel like nobody would take the time to work with me.

Classes seem to ahead of what I know (they require highschool cal classes, etc)

>22 year old anon finally realized he loves science, has no previous education in math or science but what I've taught myself.
How do I make this a possibility?
Looking into computer science areas mostly.

>> No.7571352

bumping for some kind of help.
No friends, just me..

Any other science anons care to help??

>> No.7571355

Forget about NASA, unless you want to work there as a janitorial technician.

>> No.7571357

>forget NASA

I would want to be on the frontline, etc.

>> No.7571359

you don't love science

>> No.7571360

Not OP, but how about SpaceX Orbital Sciences etc.

>> No.7571361

You are 22 and have no higher education.
You are a dumbass.
You suck at math.
You are autistic.

Forget about it.

>I would want to be on the frontline
Frontline of the McDonalds counter more like it

>> No.7571363

Orbital is defunct now my bad

>> No.7571364

>I fucking love science
That phrase never fails to trigger me.

>> No.7571366

Okay, well nevermind.
Thanks for making me feel even worse guys.

See you all obviously have been into this shit for how long now??

i was a sport kid.
I made the mistake of playing sports and fucking offf.

I had to go through the worst moments of my life to finally find something I enjoyed.

now, I'm looking at a desolate highway, no gas in my tank and just trying to make it through.

Now are you guys just going to keep shitting on a person that wants to be like you or are you all just going to continue belittling someone who is just trying..

I don't understand that mindset...I

>> No.7571369
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stop whining you little bitch
life is HARD

you are on 4chan asking how to get a job at NASA, get fucking real
the people that have careers in space industry worked hard their entire life
you just cruise along with no plan and no goals and suddenly you want it all
life just doesn't work that way

>> No.7571370

poor you

do you want a cinnamon roll

take a look in the mirror and think why you've failed at life so far

protip: has a lot to do with that mentality

>> No.7571374

Oh you're reminding me life is hard?
yeah, I don't need some faggot on /b/ thinking I'm just some slack off who thinks he deserves shit.

I was supposed to go into Naval Intel (Cryptology).
I backed out when my father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
Took care of him for 14 months, everyday, every hour.

So yes, I waited after college because it was go to some random location on the planet or stay with my father and be here when he dies.

Those people that "worked hard their entire life" already knew that's what they wanted, so to try to make it seem like I'm just waltzing in like some douche is just annoying.

No shit, I don't just GEt it.You think I'm that fucking retarded?

Obviously I'll have to work for it, but maybe if you weren't such a cunt and decided to give me some pointers on where to start, this would be a more productive thread and I would actually learn something.

However, it seems like you just want to shit on someone that is trying becausee......well I don't know.

So fuck you, it's the entitled faggots like you that diminish the goals of others.

Life is hard...what the fuck have you gone through faggot, give me that shit

>> No.7571376

I failed in life because I took care of my father for over a year after school?
you're fucking kidding right?

I forgot, adversity meant laziness.

All i'm fucking asking is if one of you fat cunts decides to give some fucking advice.
I'm not asking you to fucking hire me, you twats.
I'm literally just asking for advice.
If that's too hard then you're just a cunt trying to start shit

>> No.7571378

This is why people hate this board.
>Faggot OP asks for help
>Proceeds to get shit on for asking for help
>It's your fault I'm deciding to be a dick

Did nobody read this thread or are we just shit posting here?

>> No.7571380
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nobody cares about your faggot father
stop being a little bitch and trying to compare your sorrow with other people like it means anything.

look how nasty and defensive you are getting. and you want to build spaceships at NASA? haha give me a break.

just kill yourself, you are obviously a worthless person who wants an easy ride.

>> No.7571384

>look how nasty and defensive you are getting. and you want to build spaceships at NASA? haha give me a break.

>nobody cares about your faggot father

oh right...because telling me my father is a faggot is the beacon of a mature person right?

Shitting on someone asking for help is an attribute they look for?
If so, then you fit the bill for complete cunt.

Hypocrite and a cunt....nice job, doing really well here anon...

It's easy to diminish those below you.
just shows your lack of integrity

>> No.7571385

>>22 year old anon finally realized he loves science, has no previous education in math or science but what I've taught myself.

Dude, there are right now people with 40 old years or more going to university, it's never too late

>tfw not a murrican that has to pay 150.000$ for a fucking career

feels good

>> No.7571387

So you want people to feel sorry for you because your dead father ruined your dreams of being a space man. Fuck off fag.

>> No.7571389

>Dude, there are right now people with 40 old years or more going to university, it's never too late
Which I totally expect to be doing.
already in CS classes.

All I wanted was just to know what to focus on...literally bare bones here.

Thank you for the reply that wasn't geared at my father or some other pointless attribute of this thread.

>TFW american that doesn't want to be in debt for school
you guys are lucky you can get discounted or free schooling

>> No.7571390

protip: simply asking "where to start with [insert scientific field] would've gotten good results

instead OP framed it as a sob story with
>I fucking love science. I love every branch
>How does someone my age go about building the ground work to get a career with NASA

Basically kindergarten-level vague plans. "I want to work for pretty much the most prestigious organization in science but I don't know exactly where there, oh I also have zero scientific background"

fucking plan for this shit, baby steps, get the basics right, then look into specializing, as of now it looks like you don't actually love science, you love the idea of working for NASA

it's like some random faggot goes to /o/ and asks "how I become F1 driver? oh I'm 25 and no driving licence. also my dad died", or to /fit/: "hey I'm 24yo and morbidly obese, how I become mr olympia?"

>> No.7571391

No faggot.
did I say that?

I just want some fucking advice on classes to take, something, fucking anything.

I'm not asking you faggots to do shit for me...is that sooooo fucking hard to understand????

I JUST want some fucking information on how to start.
If that's so hard...why the fuck are you guys here?
Why are you interested in science if it's just to fuck with people who are just like you???

Oh, my path wasn't yours?
tell me more about how I'm a piece of shit for not being you....

Every situation is different gentlemen...would be nice if I got a fucking break

>> No.7571393

literally just figure out what branch of science you want to do and enroll in a community college. Study 10+ hours a day and once your grades are better switch to a good uni. Once you graduate you can either do graduate work or try to get a job. 22 is not late at all you can definitely do it you just have to put in a lot of hours

>> No.7571396

You are a very angry, bitter and spiteful person. Good luck, you are certainly going to need it.

>> No.7571397

its also super important to find something that you can deal with doing for that much time a day. I tried making myself do computer science and it's just not worth it man. After i switched to math i just got so much more done. TLDR make sure that it's something you enjoy otherwise you'll never become great at it. And by enjoy i don't neccessarily mean 100% of the time you're like fuck yeah this is like getting my dick sucked. There was a physics guy who said physics is 90% hard work and 10% inspiration or somethign like that. It just has to be somethign that you're interested in and that you find rewarding to do and that you don't mind the mundane everyday process of. Saying I want to work at nasa is all good but could you actually do the say to day work taht is required tow ork there or do you just like the IDEA of working at nasa? These are important questions to ask yourself brah

>> No.7571399

...so including a little backround story is a negative thing now

Holy shit, is there ANYTHING I can do correct in the eyes of you deluded fucks?
Oh i didn't start my interest in a certain topic at a certain time like you?

Oh, guess I'm a piece of shit

Oh, my dad got cancer?
Oh , guess it's my fault and that's why I'm behind..

Do you fucking people NOT read what you type??

>I want to work for pretty much the most prestigious organization in science but I don't know exactly where there, oh I also have zero scientific background"
aaaaaand now I'm being bitched at about the specifics of a company I'll obviously NEVER work for?
Oh okay, let's just piece apart my grammar now since we're going that deep into this.

Fuck people...what do you expect!?
I'll repeat that for anons that are fucking retarded here..

NO, I obviously don't know shit about the industry,.
YES saying I want to work for NASA is fucking retarded, I know I'll never get it.

Can you blame me for striving while I'm stuck in ignorance?? Why NOT shoot for the best possible outcome? Why is that a bad thing?
I was under the assumption that ambition was a positive attribute to hold in life.

>s of now it looks like you don't actually love science, you love the idea of working for NASA
Dude....I could honestly NOT give a fuck if I do or don't.
I just used NASA because everyone fucking knows NASA...
You guys are acting like I cam barreling in here telling you that I want an Admin job at NASA with asecurity clearance to the Mars mission...like jesus...al I fucking wanted was someone to say

"Take these classes" "find a specialty", something like that...
Not "your father was a faggot"

That doesn't help much...

Look, since you faggots are the Arbiters of specifics I'll restate

> Don't know shit, want to work in computer science for some space faring company.

Is that so fucking hard to answer???

>> No.7571400

*day to day work that is required to work there

>> No.7571402

ITT slacker faggot demands he be spoonfed all the answers without even attempting to do any work himself

>> No.7571404

don't listen to these salty ass neckbeards, it's totally possible to work at nasa you just have to put in 70+ hours of study a week every week for a couple of years until you're caught up. Now get off 4chan and go do it

>> No.7571405

your butthurt right now is about 10 000 M

>> No.7571406
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>I'm a piece of shit
>I want to work for NASA
>I'm stuck in ignorance

Another quality post OP, you are well on your way to a thrilling career

>> No.7571407

....See...read this thread and tell me how YOU would have handled it.
I'm not exactly a patient person for bullshit, and this thread has supplies a fukcing massive amount of it.

Hardly any actual responses..just anons deciding to shit on someone who already has shit self-confidence in this.
Just trying my best, sorry my best isn't good enough for your fucking wacky ass standards on here...

thank you thank you.
Seriously. An actual response that has some kind of light haha.

That was the outline of my plan. Just school, classes, and work at it.
Should I take physics, what math, like i don't want to take a class that fucks me because I didn't take a pre-course for that class.

I was thinking of buying math books, shit like that to look over as well when I'm studying.

I'm a damn quick learner, so I don't think the learning aspect will down me. Just the being shrouded in darkness part. Not fun not knowing what to do when you're at A and wantt o get to Z
Someone who has no knowledge of this subject tries to get answers from people that do.

I forgot, people that are smarter than someone automatically are better than them.

There was a time you didn't know shit either faggot. Stop trying to be so fucking edgy.

>> No.7571409
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Here OP, some concepts to start your scientific career


>> No.7571410
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>I was thinking of buying math books, shit like that to look over as well when I'm studying.

Look out NASA, here comes the next Von Braun.

>> No.7571411

Yeah I am..my fucking dad is gone, I'm dealing with illness, grieving, and the fact that I have nothing in front of my life with nothing to go on.
So yeah, am I scared?
Holy shit yes.
Am I stressed?
I'm on different meds for it.

Am I hostile? Yeah, because the prospect of failure scares me and I don't want to fail.

Call it a sob story, call it what you want.
I just want to be a better person and if that means dealing with people who want to diminish my trying then so be it.

Just can't understand the point of doing so.
I have the ambition just not the knowledge.
People aren't exactly willing to help all the time...shown by this thread.
>taking thread out of context
>thinking I'm asking for your job

Holy shit, do you react like this when people ask for directions?
"You don't know where you are?! HAHAHA FAGGOT!!!!!!"

>> No.7571413
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Really /sci/?
Is this every troll from this board fucking with this kid?

Dude is asking for help, not raping your moms.

Sorry OP, just study man.
Nobody is going to help you, as you can tell

>> No.7571414

>i don't want to take a class that fucks me
>I'm a damn quick learner
>Just trying my best, sorry my best isn't good enough
Do you actually read what you type? Do you realize how retarded you sound?

>> No.7571415

Well it depends on what you want to study. If you're at a half decent computer science uni a decent portion of the classes will be math anyway. I dunno about you but my university offers catch up courses in stuff like maths in physics over the summer. Definitely take those because if you're going to be doing physics/math/engineering you'll need them to get into those classes and if you're doing comp sci and working for somebody like nasa you'll get held back from collaborating with other people there if you don't know the basics.

>> No.7571416

literally who

>> No.7571417
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>my fucking dad is gone, I'm dealing with illness, grieving, and the fact that I have nothing in front of my life with nothing to go on

>> No.7571419

>taking everything out of context he said

Are you even trying anymore? I even got what he was saying.

>worried about taking the wrong class
>quick learner
>trying his best
I see no negatives here other than the massive amount of neckbeards fucking with OP.

OP, just leave the thread you're going to get no useful info from them.

I recommend just applying at internships and talking to people in your classes.

>> No.7571420

Yeah OP didn't even say that.......He is interested in Computer science...
nice try

>> No.7571428

Hey OP if you wanna work on this with me I'm in a similar situation. I'd be happy to have a 'study buddy'. E-mail in name field.

>> No.7571433
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I bet OP is mexican, and the huge chip on his shoulder is due to the fact kids teased him when he was young for having illegal immigrant migrant workers for parents.
Now his father, Jose is dead as a door nail, little Juan who is now 22 dreams of being a cosmonaut and flying through space, to escape the hard reality of his degenerate upbringing.
But he realizes he is a dumbass spic with no chance, and his destiny lies in landscape maintenance.

>> No.7571436

This isn't reddit
this isn't an advice board

>> No.7571460

Don't listen to these fucking retards.

I never cared about school until I was 23 or so. Throughout high school I fucked off my academics and obsessively played guitar. I graduated by doing thr bare minimum and went off to pursue my dreams of being a musician.

After years of touring, dealing with shitheads, and realizing everything in the music industry and performance was all about ego fueling, I quit cold turkey, sold all my gear, deleted my big youtube channel, and moved back to my hometown to work a shit job stocking shelves at Lowes.

I did this for a year until a chance encounter with a retired electrical engineer that wanted me to cut some wire for him. He asked me if I was in school, I said no, and he encouraged me to pursue it. I was about 23 years old and couldn't even do simple algebra.

Now, 5 years later I have one more mathematics course to finish a triple major with high honors at university. One of my majors is mathematics, the other 2 are neuroscience and mcb.

I've done multiple NASA internships and programs and have also traveled the world. Choosing to pursue college, despite my deficiencies and age, was the best choice I've ever made in my life.

Just fucking go for it. Put your everything into it. Study 80 hours a week and don't let difficult problems or retarded peers make you quit.

You can easily get a job at NASA if you go back to school now and work hard for 4-10 years (depending on if you just do a BS or a PhD). It's not too late. Just do it. Any other path in life is a god damned selfish, detrimental waste.

Email me at my throwaway email if you want to chat about it. Stedmandanny86@yahoo.com

>> No.7571463
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>generic copypasta sob story
>bait email address

nice try faggot.

>> No.7571465

this sounds cool, I hope you're not full of shit

>> No.7571470

Generic sob story? You're an idiot.

>> No.7571645


/o/ here.
Graham Hill OBE was an F1 champion and won the Triple Crown of Motorsport.
He got his license at 24.

Agree with the rest of your post though.
OP has hit a point in his life where he wants to work towards something prestigious (NASA) but has no idea how to do so or what kind of commitment that would involve. Got to be realistic about these things.

>> No.7571659

you know how many of these threads we get a week?

and what the fuck did your dad dying have to do with anything

>> No.7571660
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Sorry about the clowns in this thread OP, they are probably just bitter nerds who don't want anybody besides other dorks to excel in their fields. If you really want to work for NASA, first brush up on high school math, then go to community college for two years, learn foundations of science and math and take Gen eds. After two or more years you want to transfer to a good reputable university with a good aerospace engineeering, mechanical engineering, or 3lectrical engineering program (those are all good majors to get work at NASA). All along the way you should seek experienced mentors who can guide you along the way and understand your goals, that will be the biggest help to you.

Keep in mind that the aerospace industry is fucking hard to get work in. I study aerospace engineering at one of the top 5 schools in the country and it's still very competitive. Best of luck bro, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.7571661

When I was at university, I had people from the ages of 18 all the way up to some 70 year old woman who had no background in science at all so it's never too late.
Apply for a university with a foundation degree, or a college to get the right qualifications for entry level then university.
Drop the sob story shit with your dad, it sucks but it's not going to get you a job, a place in university or a degree.

>> No.7571681

I didn't go to college until I was 26. 10 years later, I've got a PhD in Astrophysics and am applying to NASA positions currently.

>> No.7571694

There are no shortcuts to get career in science. Just try to get yourself to a decent university.

Or you could try building suspicious clock if you have ethnic minority background.

>> No.7571703


>> No.7571705

This thread reminded me of how important it is to know which field you want to focus on.

>> No.7571727
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>This entire thread
Never change, /sci/

>> No.7571729

Find a decently paying job. Then take all your prerequisits online (first 60 or so credits).

Then go to uni full time with the moneys you saved up

>> No.7571741

op, start at community college, do incredible work, transfer to a uni and dont let anything distract you while you work on your degree in engineering or CS or whatever. then graduate school in a specialty that has to do with the space industry or just start applying for jobs. mention military experience, it shows you are very well disciplined.

anymore posting in this thread beyond what ive told you is unnecessary. it takes a long fucking time of doing this to get where you want to be.

>> No.7571748


>> No.7571788

Why would u bother with your dad if it is 100% guaranteed death?

>> No.7571791

Fuck off.

>> No.7571794

what the hell are you doing here on 4chan then

>> No.7571795

Fucking kek

If you're beaten down by /sci/, you definitely won't get anywhere in life.

>inb4 you drop out of basic physics and gen chem 2 is 'too hard'

>> No.7571811

Go to university for computer science?

Or is that too much work for you?

>> No.7571830

m8 I haven't read your thread, but saw this linked on the front page.

>i was a sport kid.
>I made the mistake of playing sports and fucking offf.

Stop blaming sports, being /fit/ is synergistic with academics, I played 2 teams sports in high-school and finished with perfect grades.

Similarly I've lifted throughout uni, stayed /fit/ with regular cardio, proper dieting etc.

As do most people in higher academia.

I'm sick of you kids who think getting grades means you have to sacrifice you health. Very few people who don't bother to stay physically active make it through undergrad.

Also from your OP, just because you're oh-so-fucking-motivated does not mean you'll stay that way when you realize what working hard actually means, you've never been exposed to real science how could you possibly know than you'll enjoy it? The pop-sci you read on reddit is not real science, finally in all honesty it doesn't sound like you're particularly genetically gifted enough to end up at NASA, it's not that competitive, but people like you generally drop out first semester in my experience.

I recommend you save yourself some expensive tuition fees and start reading textbooks on your own to see if you actually enjoy it, which you almost certainly won't. Considering you want to work at NASA without knowing what engineers/astros at NASA do it's obvious you want the PRESTIGE attached to engineering and you see getting a degree as an obstacle/"work" to get there. You'll NEVER make it with this mindset. The people who do well are those that actually enjoy the work and material for its own sake. Money and prestige is an unimportant side benefit.

Pick a subject and start working through these books first:

Don't quit your dayjob.

>> No.7571836

You're 22. Take this from a 50-yr-old: You have enormous amounts of time to invest in your goal and that's hardly your limiting option.

One of the most basic limiting options is that you believe aligning yourself with NASA will make any difference to your goal. That's not NASA's function. NASA's function is to keep legions of useless PhDs employed, and to redirect billions of dollars into the pockets of legacy military-industrialists.

>> No.7571837

Your only mistake is thinking your slightly late start gives you a disadvantage or makes you inferior. You're still able to get degrees, learn, and succeed or fail on your own merits. My advice is this:

1. Ditch the victim mentality. It will do nothing but sabotage your success.
2. Physical sciences are inherently quantitative. Accept that you must be competent with basic math - plan to study the standard lower-division suite of single and multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential equations. You won't get anywhere hiding from it. More abstract math is more relevant in certain areas - quantum mechanics for instance. Computer science topics like cryptography are essentially applied number theory.
3. Rather than idolize a particular company or organization like NASA, you need to find out what your strongest interests as a scientist are and pursue those. I don't mean in the popsci/ifls sense, but in a practical, working one. You need to get exposure to standard undergraduate material and try to hack your way through the primary literature in topics you find you enjoy, focusing on the sort of practical, measurable applications achieved and what you want to accomplish. The first paper I read was a literature review on stereoselective/stereospecific synthesis approaches for the pharmacologically desired methylphenidate diastereomer. I had the chem knowledge of any other 15 year old, thought I could make it in my garage or some shit. Fighting to understand that paper was what drew me in, and browsing Erowid (again feverishly looking up unfamiliar things) was what taught me the fundamentals of organic synthesis before I had high school chemistry.
4. It's promising you mention you love the curiosity. Cursory understanding of the history/philosophy of science is important for culture and understanding exactly what you're going to devote your life to.

>> No.7571844

>taking advice from a 50yo 4chan poster


>> No.7571849

There's no particular recipe for "being a good scientist." Just learn the theory and practice of your chosen field(s) with the aim of contributing something new of value and pick up everything you find along the way. Don't stop moving and always have a goal.

Don't take the trolling seriously. They're skeptical of your intentions since you have no experience, but once you've gotten a taste you will be the best judge of your interests and commitment. The further you go, the more science will let you know - emphatically - if it's not for you. Nobody becomes a scientist by accident.

>> No.7571851
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>this whole thread

>> No.7571857


Was in a somewhat similar situation. Dropped out of high school since it was bringing me down. Signed myself up for college. Got my grades/certification from it and used that to get into uni. I guess uni is optional. You can get a sciency job with a college certificate/diploma over here. Of course, find some way to financially support yourself either through loans, saving up, working part-time, etc. Don't get hung up about the age of your peers. I've seen a few people in their 30s in my classes.

>> No.7571860

Well u could go to night school if they have it in you're country, then when u feel confident enough u could go into university

>> No.7571864

There's always that one fucking old that thinks he's hot shit just because he's old.

Your life was radically from a 20-something year old's life in the 21st century. There is far more competition, far more people, orders more expensive housing and food, far more to experience, far more pressure to try and squeeze out any small amount of happiness on this overcrowded mudball of a planet. In general keeping up with your peers won't happen unless you're both genetically gifted and extremely hard working. Or you were born in a rich family.

There are shittons of 26-30 year STEM degree holders who are offing themselves because they wasted their youth trying to get a degree they aren't suited to. They would've been far better off working in a less competitive career, traveling the world, starting a family etc.

OP does NOT have time. 22 is far too old, he needs to start working if he doesn't want to live on his parents money by the time he's 32 and not be another miserable Physics PhD who can't find a job a McJobs. Not that he'll get to that level in the first place.

>> No.7571865


So, your philosophy is not to take the advice of men with greater experience than you.

I hope that works out for you.*

* I'm lying.

>> No.7571873

>There's always that one fucking old guy* that thinks he's hot shit just because he's old.

>Your life was radically different* from...

Anyway fuck old people, they always give the most worthless advice that's only valid 30 years ago. Especially the start in the mail room and work for pennies type bullshit. Working for next to nothing in any job in this day in age means you'll probably stay in a similar position your entire life regardless of your hard work and merits.

>> No.7571875

He has a different experience. You have to be an idiot to take advice from a fucking boomer that was handed everything in life by the greatest generation and then fucked it all up for us.

>> No.7571887
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OP, if you are still here, don't mind the other people screaming at you. They can be nice at times I swear, but it's just that the way you typed triggered them heavily.
Anyway, if you want to reach the frontline, you need to work 10 times harder than the person who has always work 5 times harder than an average person. Because now you are way behind, if you want to catch up, there is no other way. There is no easy way around. You can only run forward or you lose.
That's it, I wish you a good trip.
If you want to ask about computer science, just make a normal thread without whining, people will help you. /sci/ can be ass sometimes but some of them are actually nice inside. They are just cynical because their lives are hard enough already, kek.

>> No.7571894

Sadly this is the truth.

Don't kid yourself, anon. Be realistic here, you're a fucking nobody, there's literally millions, if not more, who are more capable, educated, intelligent and hard working than you. And while you're trolling on 4chan for advice on your shitty life decisions, they're diligently working away. NASA will only be looking for the best of the best and you... well you're a fucking nobody with nothing. Those idealistic dreams of ours were crushed during higher education which you've pleasantly skipped and consequently, also relieving your idealism. Give it up, get a stable job and study as a hobby.

>> No.7571896

Trust me, if you REALLY want to do this, you can. Start learning some math, and follow it with other sciences. One thing is very important when you're learning alone: You must make sure you actually UNDERSTAND what you're studying, and not just memorizing values and equations and be able to say "oh yes this makes sense". It should be as "natural" as a 2+2 problem. Once you know this basic math and science, you can work up to Calculus, Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, and if you want, others (optional). This way you "could" get a career with NASA. But I wouldn't place any bet on NASA to be honest, at least not yet. If you really work hard you can eventually reach NASA, but given your current situation, if you're able to do Calculus, it's already a very good progress. Even if you don't get to NASA, which is quite hard, you should never stop learning. Keep that spirit, and in the future you might be better than many. Don't mind those "too late ur autistic" comments, they are just jealous because they also couldn't learn, but they don't have the determination you have. Buy some books if you can, it's always better than some random website or online course, although if you want to use both books and online courses, even better. Don't try to learn too fast, or you might not feel motivated anymore. Try to set medium difficulty goals, and adjust them to your learning speed. It's better to be willing to study than to study 10 boring hours, in other words, quality study is better than quantity. Also, this might be harder but if you want you may try to find someone with the same age you are, like a friend or something, that might lend you some textbooks, and you could even ask him for help, if he still remembers anything at all.
Look at Michael Faraday! He had a limited formal education and did not go to university, but he was one of the most important scientists who worked in Electromagnetism. You should get inspired by him and try to follow his example.
Good luck!

>> No.7571904

Cut them some slack will you?

Your advice could be equally useless due to the enormous amount of variables within your lives. He can say whatever the fuck he wants, and if his old man advice relate to OP on any level then it is useful.

>> No.7571912

****HEY OP****


Create accounts at both.

Here's something to give you some motivation.

>> No.7571918

People like /sci/, the only people that hate us are the dunning kruger retards who's delusions we've broken.

Every time I've ever seen someone say anything negative on /sci/ it's always some pseudo-intellectual who thought he was just as smart as STEM graduates despite never passing calc I. People who are humble enough to know they aren't the brightest person in every room like the board.

>> No.7571920

This is the most important thing in this thread


>> No.7571923

Sitting in a hospital room watching some meatbag decay for a few months is not adversity. Everyone has dead people in their lives.

Frankly I find the fact that you tried to invoked the memory of someone you supposedly loved to score sympathy points on an Australian stingray enthusiast board rather disgusting.

>> No.7571927

>there are right now people with 40 old years or more going to university,
Those people aren't going to be working for NASA nevermind get an entry level job at some shit-tier normie company.

>> No.7571931

>as of now it looks like you don't actually love science, you love the idea of working for NASA

>> No.7571933

>Australian stingray enthusiast


this is getting out of control

>> No.7571940
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>> No.7571942

>people that are smarter than someone automatically are better than them.
I know you meant that sarcastically, but it's more like a tautology.

>> No.7571964

OP is kind of like the people who come to /biz/ with " I'm NEET and I have no talents, social skills or education, how do I get a job and make mad dosh?".

There's just nothing you can do to actually help, any answer you give will be too superficial to be meaningful, so instead you tell the kid to get a service job. There is no bible on how to be successful at life.

>> No.7571974
File: 253 KB, 700x700, jvzRYnC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, welcome to /sci/ home of the haters.

Second, time is on your side. I say this as a finance faggot going back to school. Its fucking hard -make NO mistake about it. I'm going on 28 and work 50-60 hours/week. My off time is pretty much exclusively study. But guess what? In about a year from now I will be caught up enough to go back full time and finish my second BS by 30/31.

It is possible. First you need to take stock of your situation which it sounds like you've done. The next step is to make a plan. What do you need to get where you want to go? Math is a good safe bet. You will need at minimum calc1-3, diff eq and linear algebra and physics 1-3.

Once you have your plan its time to GET TO WORK. That is the tough part. Once you get that going you will doubt youself, feel like it's too late, and that you're just faking it. Plenty of fuckers will try to convince you of that too. Deal with it. It's fucking hard. You can do it. Anyone can if they are willing to do the work - including you faggot.

>> No.7571975

You almost certainly made up 70% of that.

>> No.7571990

OP, just keep focused on your goal
Also look up Craig Venter
Might give you some inspiration

>> No.7571997

Venter is a goddamn hard working genius who, I like the man and his story, but I wouldn't use him as an example because 99.9% of people that try the same thing fail miserably and just garner debt.

>> No.7572004


its never too late. stop whinning and start studying. Make a plan and stick with it. More importantly, think out of the box and don't give up. What does it matter if you fail? you're following after your dreams anyways.

>> No.7572008

>its never too late
losers tell themselves this to justify a life of doing nothing

it is too late

>> No.7572009


Bruh, don't blame it on other things. You've taken responsibility, which is good, but this whole "one man vs. a mountain" mentality sucks. A scientist starts small, with the more basic problems he can solve, then gradually scaffolds up to the more difficult stuff that affects the big picture. Take a couple of intro classes and study a textbook to see if it's for you. If so, then work methodically toward your goal.

>> No.7572011

the tango sumtimes makes the science couldn't

>> No.7572033

Go to school, major in CS with a minor in Math. Go to every class, do every assignment, and read the chapters. You'll do fine in life.

The only way you'll make it into NASA with your imperfect history is if you discover or invent something significant. Aside from getting all As, focus on your projects/research.

>> No.7572086

Well you're past the point of development where your brain can interpret information better, so you're going to have to work really really hard. I am there with you, I flunked first year of colleged and joined the army. Just got out last year, now in 4th semester of college with a much better GPA than I did when I left.
Study well, work hard and you will get there. My suggestion. Take a year or two at a community college taking your general education courses and per-requisites for a major you want to take, (it's cheaper and prepares you for university work). That's a start, take it from there. A tip, when transferring from a community college or cheaper region college to a state university you might be blind sided, there are a lot of people that go to state universities and the classes are not as small and 1 on 1 with the professors. Work really hard, do your work and study and you'll get through college. Take co-ops and internships everywhere, find out if your school has a pathtonasa program or check out other space agencies like spacex interships and do them. Don't pass them up because if you do enough of them and you do well you will get hired by that business. DO INTERNSHIPS/CO-OPS

>> No.7572213

this so much. What I hate about you most OP is your excuses and victims mentality.

>> No.7572490

Neuroplasticity is a fact

>> No.7572521
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was having a really shitty day, thanks for the laugh /sci/

>> No.7572527

Watch animu. The cute girls will make you forget all the adversity.

>> No.7572641

a lofty goal, brother!

>> No.7572663

lmfao. it's true tho

>> No.7572666

Hey OP, don't listen to some of these guys, they're just autists. Are you gonna get a job at NASA? Probably not. But that didn't really mean anything. I would enroll at a CC or a uni if you can afford it and take some classes about what's interesting you. For now I would go onto Khan Academy and work on math and coding stuff. Math is pretty much taught as a linear sequence in the early stages so just start where you feel comfortable. Learn about how you learn and adapt. Getting into some qualitative science videos and other stuff is good. Complex quantitative stuff I would probably avoid but it doesn't hurt.
Just get off 4chan and work on your dreams.
PS you're not even that old Jesus just do it

>> No.7572667

But sin(x) is a ratio, not just the height of the triangle...

>> No.7572684

Go to /adv/

>> No.7572730

Fuck working at nasa. Fuck degrees. I didn't learn shit in school that I didn't teach myself. It was a waste of time and money. Do you know algebra and geometry? I am pretty sure you do. Good, time for Calculus. Read, read, read, read. Calculus made easy by Silvanus P. Thompson is a good book. Here is the free ebook(its legal too): https://www.gutenberg.org/files/33283/33283-pdf.pdf
Get calculus down. That is what you need. Go to your library, walk right past all the popsci bullshit like neil smokedegrasse tyson. look for older textbooks or other good books. Do research on whats good. Dont buy modern textbooks, they are too thick and shitty, essentially just massive bricks that no one ever uses and are only bought because of the monopoly that is the western education system. It is fun, math sucked in high school, but somehow teaching it to yourself is different. Fuck jobs with companies like nasa, do independent study, experiment, and study until you get used to it and go look for a job that will suit you. Best of luck OP. Don't let society tell you you can't be a scientist because you didn't pay some Jewish University 200,000 dollars. Have fun, too.

>> No.7572736

If you have the willpower you say you do, then you wouldn't give a shit about what other people are saying.
>Immediate community college courses, get AA in Physics/Math, get perfect scores
>Transfer to real University for BS, get near-perfect scores
>Go to Ivy League for Masters in Physics/Math, get near perfect scores
>Go to Ivy League for PhD in Physics/Math, get near perfect scores
At the same time as all this, be going on internships constantly and doing clubs in college revolving around Physics/Math/Astronomy.
Additionally, practice your social game to the point that interviews are ez-mode.
If you do all this, 12 years from now you could be working at NASA, not joking.
This is, of course, assuming you have the willpower you say you do (highly doubtful).

>> No.7572756

>it's impossible for a 22 year old to do what a 19 year old can do
How retarded is this thread? OP discovered his passion 3-4 years later than he would have liked. The only thing that stops him from doing is working for some shitty hipster startup app developer who only hires kids who have used Twitter since age 10.

>> No.7572758
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>this entire thread

>> No.7572760

>expects /sci/ to be reddit
>gets mad when it's not

>> No.7572764


>> No.7572768

>I'm in good physical shape but I don't know the rules of American football
>how do I get drafted into the nfl?

>> No.7572895

I dunno if this is true or not but it seems like a really nice gesture.

>> No.7572900

I like how there's 5-6 well meaning anons in here that gave really solid advice for OP, taking his situation into account and everything but he didn't respond to them.

>> No.7572906
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OP, nobody gives a fuck that you have some special snowflake euphoric bullshit that you feel every day.

Shut the fuck up, twat. We're not his fucking mom and this isn't pre-school.

>things that didn't happen
nice copypasta

>> No.7572910

OP after skimming the thread, and ignoring all the bullshit here are some tips.
>Buy Kerbal space program, play a fuckton of it
>Use it as a guidance tool when studying real world physics, because it is a game and is not accurate
>Just close
>https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg This niggas videos help
>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_gcs09iThXybpVgjHZ_7g More videos for the commonwealth
I cant stress the last point enough. You have to see how uses of math and physics are being used today, as well as staying up to date on any scientific developments. I cant garuntee you will ever go to space, or even get into nasa, but all that shit might help even a lost cause such as yourself.

>> No.7572915

lmao we shit on 18 year olds that didn't test into calc 1 freshman year and OP thinks we're going to baby him. you're a fucking failure.

>"I fucking love science."
You're of an average intelligence at best and will not be an exceptional scientist, engineer or mathematician.

>> No.7572916

lmao, you're the worst kind of fucking popscientist

so the best person to guide this guy I guess! good job! you're useful now!

>> No.7572920

you don't need high intelligence to succeed, only discipline and hard work. op doesn't have those.

>> No.7572923

>all of these retards ITT actually giving OP hope

Read the fucking OP. He acts like an 11 year old that just watched Apollo 13.

OP, if you're still reading:


you are started way, way too late to amount to anything significant and you will be wasting your time. The anons trying to act like you actually have a chance are simply in your position and are trying to give themselves hope. This is basic shit and I'm not giving such elementary shit any more attention.

>> No.7572927
File: 472 KB, 226x309, ohshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao OP is a fucking retard this thread is amazing

>> No.7572934

Im not saying that KSP is actual science, but learning basics in short bursts will hype him up for the long run. Nothing will ever beat legitimate study.
>Oh no, youre being nice to him. That isnt allowed here!

>> No.7572937

that's not "basics" in any sense of the word, that's a popsci game and popsci vids for people who don't care about science but like to act like they do

if anything, you're being a terrible influence to him, I was being facetious.

>> No.7572941
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Since when is being nice ever a normal thing on 4chan at all? We're not going to be his mom and act like he can do anything. We're going to tell him what the fucking deal is and rightfully laugh at him if he deserves it and that goes for everyone here.

>learning with KSP
You're a fucking dumbass.

>> No.7572943
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Im thinking this is a masterpiece troll thread.
Nobody can be this dumb and butthurt like OP.

>> No.7572948
File: 7 KB, 209x200, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks if he could make it
>everyone tells him no
>gets extremely ass mad
thanks for the giggles, autist faggot.

>> No.7572951
File: 213 KB, 600x600, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up! I'm sick of you guys making fun of me. Don't you understand? I fucking love science. I love every branch, I love the curiosity.


I can do this even if you monkeys don't believe in me, because I have something you don't.

I have faith and a purpose.

Thank you so much! I just started going through this and I feel like a real scientist already! WOW!

>> No.7572957

Im poster of those links, and they shouldnt make you feel like a scientist, they should make you feel like you want to become one. You have a long road ahead friendo.

>> No.7572961

yeah, i wrote this >>7572951 and im actually >>7572937 just fucking with you some more lmao

i plastered that post with I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE for a reason

>not even once

>> No.7572964

Get GED, go to college, be an average non-traditional student

>> No.7572971
File: 87 KB, 626x800, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm 22, grade 10 dropout and I feel the same as you, I dont yet feel the need to take a swing at getting into an institution or facility

But I'll write something for you...

Trade and Fade

Trade being the withstanding of the bounds of fade and in doing so complies with the law of conservative momentum; this is in an allegory of conceptual force where the natures of fade withstand that of trade in where there is no action until the fade completes, which if you think about it is never, similar to the number i.
Now for the fact that these are paradoxes(which means they only comply with each other in infinity): the correspondence of the edge of fade we meet trade, in the the middle ground of the the law of conservative motion need not apply as there is absolutely nothing to trade, here in lies the answer to improper fractions; the conditions of trade as something that is acquiring but losing comes into focus with the essence of the edge of fade as the rendition of nothing being lost to the objection of trade meeting it's smelting point, there is nothing to trade but trade must persist; the outcome is that trade does not break conservation, but elaborates on it; now trade in it's conditions as falling in gain, just from a physics point of view, and rising in loss, meet the fade in the middle of these conditions as a narrative of focus in which is more acute or necessary to it's point of complex, as to say when there is the middle of these conditions, of which there's not in trade, in one on one conditions anyway, the what I like to call goldfish effect takes over: there is the enigma of consciousness as a riding jockey to this, it is what can be quantified as determination, it is simple, it is never precise, and, as implied by the previous point, the outcomes are nothing short of a condition of impulse of something that is less than halfway to the point...

Writing more ....

>> No.7572972

holy shit dude stay in your thread, don't mix the kek streams or you'll fuck up this board

>> No.7572978
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>> No.7572981

pls dont

>> No.7572989
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>less than halfway to the point....
as impulse is a thing that subjective to not just what is unseen, mid sight, and in the middle of spins, it's the very fabric of what makes fade a descriptive context, these objections to depth in the conceptual make for the bonding of trade and fade, as paradoxes, something that is found write in the middle of both of them: eachother, on the edge of them: eachother, and their conditions are nothing less than rattling a tree and having the leaves fall off

Self study until you know all of it by heart, do 5 years of highschool but through Khan Academy and the shit pages of Wikipedia, start with the proofs until you know how every one of the concepts work then learn linear algerbra and be in for a world of delight

That's how I'm doing it anyway

If you're having trouble reading it just 'question it' and it'll be simple af

>> No.7572991

You legitimately sound like a disabled guy asking how he can get drafted for the NBA
It is not possible
Accept that life isn't fair and you drew a short straw, but still make the most of it

>> No.7572992


And I thought /sci/ was a smart board. Now I know it's actually filled with high school educated NEETS with no idea what they're talking about.

Fucking gag.

>> No.7572996

I'll take a #3, hold the pickles and tomatoes, and add cheese please.

>> No.7573002
File: 116 KB, 627x476, fucking_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about who we're talking to here, anon.

>> No.7573004
File: 23 KB, 279x440, 1428090789405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i fucking TOLD you i wanted a frosty i HAVE THE CASH god damn it m8 tell him before he closes the window!

>> No.7573005

You think he'd forget?

>> No.7573006

What kind of nigger dislikes pickles and tomato

>> No.7573008

Someone with a pickle and tomato allergy

>> No.7573009
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>allergic to pickles and tomatoes

>> No.7573015

I'm not saying I'm allergic, but tomatoes are too watery and have a strange taste, pickles are too bitter and ruin the taste of the burger imho tbh fam

>> No.7573016

At least we know basic algebra, OP.

>> No.7573018


yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573020


man whatever

>> No.7573021
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OP just stop

>> No.7573027

yeah no, you don't tell me who I don't speak for, faggot.

>> No.7573029
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>> No.7573030

yeah no, you don't tell me who you don't speak for, faggot.

>> No.7573032
File: 11 KB, 207x340, 3772501+_13f8efb2f2c35d2479edbf85839cdb56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me faggot
I wasn't speaking for your faggot. I was speaking for you.

>> No.7573034

OP since everyone on this board is a self-entitled douchebag who think they're superior to everyone by having a bit more knowledge that the common man won't have to use, I'll help you out.

Go to community college for about 2 years
Take all your engineering courses

Transfer to the best public university in your state

get some good connections, internships, gpa, etc.

Don't hope to get a fucking astronaut position at NASA. (Hate to be rude, but its the truth if you aren't some PhD./SEAL/God in the field of science)

It shouldn't be too hard I have a friend who works at Houston and he wasn't the smartest guy I knew in hs, hell he even went to cc, so don't stop believing m8.

>> No.7573035

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573036
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>he doesn't know basic algebra

>> No.7573037

At least i'm not allergic to pickles and tomatoes you dumbfuck

>> No.7573038
File: 14 KB, 193x243, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me faggot
l wasn't speaking for your faggot. I was speaking for you.

>> No.7573040

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573042 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 392x243, 1444078194508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck are you even talking to I never said that you gay 8 year old nigger

>> No.7573045

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573047
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>me faggot
I wasn't speaking for your faggot. I was speaking for you.

>> No.7573049

>getting this mad because you cant even eat a burger without having to have special requests to hold the condiments
stay mad fag. at least I dont have a medical problems like you.

>> No.7573051


>> No.7573054

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573060
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>Being baited this easily

>> No.7573061

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573062
File: 49 KB, 362x263, 1365132383209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a philosophical stand point on force dipshit learn some manners before you grow up would you?

>> No.7573067

>learn some manners before you grow up

You can't even speak properly and make sense. You learn manners AFTER growing up, you dumbfuck bullshit pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>> No.7573074

Assuming you're going to a legit university and not some shit tech school, I think it'd be possible for you to get an engineering job if you work hard enough. Idk about NASA, but I'd focus more on seeing if you're capable of doing the work to get there. It sounds like you only have a vague idea of what you want to do, so to be honest, it doesn't seem like you're taking your dream that seriously.

However, if you want to get serious about this, talk to your advisor (assuming you have one) and the two of you can figure out what you want to do and what classes you'll need to take. You'll probably be taking a lot of engineering classes, although I'm not exactly sure what you want to study, so maybe not. That's something you should figure out.

My dad didn't go to engineering school until he was ~40, so you aren't that behind. Just make sure you study and work a lot if you're really serious about this. At minimum you're going to spend 4 years of your life in school, and after that you'll probably need some work experience before you could land a decent job at NASA.

>> No.7573087

Starting when you're older is harder, since you don't have the readily available resources to work your way up. In addition, if you want a career in the field, science and engineering disciplines almost always require a degree. You may be able to get a programming gig without one if you build a good portfolio.

As for what you should do, work normally, make some money, catch up to the level of a college undergrad in that time frame through self-study. Then, when you feel you are prepared, try taking night courses at a community college for an associates. After that, if you feel prepared, try getting into a decent institution and pursuing a degree of your own interest. Be opportunistic, don't set your sights on a single place like NASA. Opportunity tends to knock every once in a while.

>> No.7573089

Go through the calculus videos on Khan Academy, watch Walter Lewin's physics lectures, spend two years in a community college studying physics, and then enroll for a university. If you stay motivated the entire way and actually have some skill , there's no reason you can't be successful.

>> No.7573106

yeah no, you dont speak for me faggot.

>> No.7573160
File: 118 KB, 594x594, image-47f23d6d416a181d24230c8db51e43280b58e60b430fc7ea61b52ff6958e3ea0-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brah, fuck what most here tell you. I'm the same as you, just list down what your objective requires of you and go through that with a good hard work and a positive attitude.
>starting my degree this year
>objective masters.
And also don't miss any opportunity, that gets you closer.
>already working as a shitty IT Repairs at my objective place.

>> No.7573170
File: 126 KB, 516x433, 1412773258178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent pep talk bro. OP should be ready for NASA now. Thanks for your help bro.

>> No.7573386

This is ridiculous, but anyway if you weren't good enough to get a scholarship you shouldn't have gone to uni in the first place.

>> No.7573390

He hasn't discovered his passion he's discovered that some jobs are more prestigious than others.

>> No.7573391

Don't listen to the negative people on here
If what you're saying is true, you have a lethal (in a good way) combination

>don't quit
>genuinely interested in science

i suggest that you start with some sort of basic mathematics, I know the cambridge GCSE syllabus is a good starting point (from my experience) but maybe you could try SAT?

then you could go onto to learning some AP courses in your free time. If you are genuinely interested and don't give up as you say, you should be able to fluently learn an AP or an A level course in 6 months with a full time job, because you don't have all the trouble from high school. After that, take a test and get accepted into university. By that time you should have demonstrated exceptional results (if you are still as determined as you are now) and spend about 5-6 years working hard in university doing some sort of engineering degree, you will graduate with excellent grades and eventually find your way into NASA with the assistance of your professors/peers, remember to network

good luck OP

at least u realized early, u are only 22, its never too late to start if you are only 22

>> No.7573394

>Buy Kerbal space program
Hahahahahaha holeey SHIT, this fucking guy hahahahaha...

>> No.7573395

all you dumbfucks realize that OP is a spic living on his dad's health insurance and is never, ever going to be able to afford going back to school right?

>> No.7573396

this is the kind of advice you should listen to OP. Ignore all the naysayers, this person is offering intelligent advice

>> No.7573401

That guy is obviously from /x/ m8, considering you can't identify obvious occultic writing you proprobably shouldn't be referring to others as high-schoolers.

>> No.7573408

You do realize that "advisor" refers to the professor in charge of your research/PhD thesis and not some twat worling in admin right?

>> No.7573411
File: 421 KB, 936x1378, bait-poster01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yeah, I don't need some faggot on /b/
> posts on /sci/

>> No.7573414

>yfw OP killed his dad

now all you need is to fake the death of your mom too and you can afford a decent school

>> No.7573444
File: 13 KB, 334x274, U63J2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 23

>> No.7573512

this. if you really "fucking love science" this should be just as fulfilling

>> No.7573526

yeah no, you don't tell me who you don't speak for, faggot.

>> No.7573652

>best of the best

Good luck OP, go to community college and get base requirements out of the way, then apply to a real university.

>> No.7573689

you could try and become an astronaut through the military route, become a test pilot

or you could go back to school

>> No.7573696

ITT: autists who've never had a real job insult OP to make themselves feel better about their shit lives.

/sci/ is the dumbest fucking board

i believe in you OP, chase your dreams, even if you fail you'll be in a better place than you started

>> No.7573721

This is a top-tier humorous thread.

OP, if you're still around after being butt-blasted, what you need to do is practice and study every fucking day. Math textbooks in the sticky are good. Find journals to read papers from. Physics textbooks on the wiki are probably good too but I'm biofag so can't help you there. Just be optimistic, realize your shortcomings, read and practice a lot, and realize that no one gives a damn about you or your life story. You need to prove yourself constantly to earn respect.

>> No.7573742

I'm 22, phyiscs student.

If you want a job in any field of science it seems to me you should first get some sort of knowledge base and intuïtion in Calculus, engeneering mathematics and classical mechanics before even thinking about stating you 'fucking love science'.

I'm not saying you should get autistic just extremely focussed.

You can always talk dreams, but I recommend staying modest in your ambitions so you stay flexible and the desolate highway becomes more of a desolate strip of concrete you can fill in yourself

>> No.7573752
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>I just used NASA because everyone fucking knows NASA

>> No.7573824

I am assuming your european because of "uni". The system is so different and so much more fucked here. Getting an academic scholarship is insane, you cant just be good at math, you need to be good at all subjects and take an insane amount of AP classes where you retain nothing and study all nights for tests in subjects you hate. Even then, lets say you get a scholarship, it almost surely wont cover the ridiculous tuition fees in any substantial way.

>> No.7573897
File: 374 KB, 518x538, 1443982890509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a lazy piece of shit neet but at least I'm not a raging faggot like OP

>> No.7574134
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's particular way of whining and outlook on the world and reaction to the people in this thread reminded me a lot of my old gf. Thanks for making me feel nostalgic, you faggot.

>> No.7574147 [DELETED] 

>How does someone my age go about building the ground work to get a career with NASA?

It's too late. Give up.

>> No.7574156

It's stupid.

If OP wanted to work for NASA more than anything else, had a burning desire for it, then he'd know that they recruit the best of the best. He wouldn't be asking random Sci-plebs for this type of advice.

You're just giving shitty advice to him.

He could have a career in science, but wasting time with a ridiculous dream like working at NASA when you've already fucked up is a continued waste of time. Better to focus on a goal that can actually be reached with lots of hard work.

>> No.7574236

Disregard all that has been post, but this post RIGHT HERE, anon.

Listen up:

22y/o means nothing. It virtually means nothing. Your 1st goal should be to enter university and earn a degree in a field you think will get you where you want.

For NASA you should go with aerospace engineering or rocket science. If you want to do real science then you should just keep on studying and become a professor.

Just focus on your goals and start doing something for it right away. 2 years of time you missed somewhere don't mean shit and 99% of people on the world waste their fucking time ALL THE TIME (then again so does probably 99% of 4chan, except people like me who come on here once a month and give real advice -> probably why all boards are full of shitheads otherwise). You didn't lose anything.

The plan:
>entry to university
>have cash to pay the fees, otherwise get part-time job
>try to study between 6 - 12h/day even with the job, IF you need it, otherwise read other things that keep progression your education
>get about 5 - 8h sleep
>do cardio
>finish your master until 30
>get a PhD

The most important thing is:



>> No.7574256

Next thing:

For each of the following subjects you should try and grab a book (if you're going to study, then you'll need certain books anyway, but this is just something you should look into and probably try to learn a bit in your free - time until then) and study it yourself:
>analysis 1
>linear algebra 1
>physics 1

Also you should get familiar with one programming language, like matlab for engineering related stuff.

I'm studying computer science myself with a 2nd degree in mathematics.

You really just gotta put work into it. You said, you're ambitious? Then prove it to yourself and DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF. The last point is the most important.

If you want to be one of the guys that is really good in his field, you really gotta put multiple hours of studying everyday into it for many years. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy holidays or a good friday evening, but it means you have to dig that deep into your field that you could prove equations and all, even if sb would wake you up at 3 in the morning and asked you about a problems of algebra.

If you're into computer science, you should pick up 3-5 programming language and be able to program in them on a solid level. If you do your masters in about 6 years, you can take your time over the whole timespan to learn them. I'd recommend:
>ruby, perl, LISP, fortran, c, java, python, rust

The main field you should focus on in CS is:
>data structures and algorithms
>computer and network architecture
>algebra and discrete maths and logic

These are the cores of every CS degree. Add a couple programming languages to it and you are ready to go anon.

I wish you the best.

>> No.7574332


Or what? you get violent?
Pretty pathetic mentality.
If you really care about some asshole's opinion you are really childish and petty anyway.
Most of us just ignore it and continue on, who gives a fuck.

>> No.7574371

go to /adv/ faggot

>> No.7575038

The irony is that you're unable to see your own pessimism. Your statement literally shouts PROJECTION.


>> No.7575041


thank you anon

I dream of becoming thomas the tank engine

>> No.7575048


lol great advice retard

>> No.7575074
File: 610 KB, 1600x900, 3Pc7VYP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread
Thank you /sci/ I was feeling a bit stressed with my studies but this really helped me out. Thank you.

>> No.7575089

The irony is that you only illustrate the point further by showing you genuinely care about what a random person has to say, so much so that you actually bumped this dying thread from the last page just to make your post.


>> No.7575092

I'm American. Didn't even bother reading the rest of your post since you're undoubtedly a pleb that fell for the college jew to fund the scholarships of people like me who actually deserve to be there.

And you don't speak for me faggot.

>> No.7575099

Shitty deluded advice given by an undergrad, especially the part he said about prof and PhD

>> No.7575101

are you doug?

>> No.7575132

Some advice:

You are still young, go to the nearest college/university and drop in and talk to professors in these fields during office hours. This is also networking.

Look for positions in the aerospace industry. Experience matters most so go look for work at Lockheed Martin etc... I personally know a man who became an engineer with General Dynamics and he only has an English degree. He ended up leading the team that designed missile detection systems. His advice is just jump in. He started in the stocking area of the company and made friends within the company upon retirement he was a senior engineer.

Why not actually get the aerospace degree... You are ONLY 22 lol... that's nothing. You can get a 4 year degree in Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical engineering and be graduated by 26-28. While at university you can intern at NASA (maybe) or other related industry.

Don't listen to most of the absolute losers on this board. Most have not accomplished anything in life and most don't even know people who have. 22 and being without a degree is not a big deal... Personally know a man who became an engineer at 31... and was hired by a military contractor company. The company paid for his masters and PhD and now he makes well over 6 figures working as an engineer. So it is possible.

>> No.7575142

>drop in and talk to professors
Yeah because they just love when non-enrolled whackjobs show up and grill them about career choices.

>go look for work at Lockheed Martin etc
Yeah as a janitor and toilet cleaner maybe.

>His advice is just jump in
OP is of the exact opposite mindset, he couldn't cross a street without someone holding his hand.

>You are ONLY 22 lol
>You are ONLY 32 lol
>You are ONLY 42 lol
>You are ONLY .......

>Don't listen to most of the absolute losers on this board
Hmm great to know your wisdom includes resorting to ad hominem when you can't give meaningful advice .

>Most have not accomplished anything in life and most don't even know people who have.
Bitter are we? Projecting? Perhaps..

>22 and being without a degree is not a big deal...
Keep telling yourself that.

>So it is possible.
Yeah, well anything is possible. Excellent generic useless advice.

>> No.7575144

I don't want to go through 217 posts, did this thread turned out to be bait, shit, funny, or worth reading in general?

>> No.7575148

I found it amusing

>> No.7575155


If you want false sympathy from strangers who just want to feel good for helping you should try reddit.

That said, I started my CS master degree at the age of 23. Currently on my fourth year considering doing an integrated PhD. In my case finding out I had ADD and getting meds really helped though.

>> No.7575156
File: 441 KB, 634x975, Figures_God_took_Enoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You aim too low! Setting your sights upon the feeble positions of esteem within society. You've realized a joy in the unexplained! You would waste that love working purely for the betterment of society! Instead, work for the betterment of yourself!

Those who see the light of curiosity have the ability to go beyond normal humans. You have a burning desire to learn, so then learn! You have the largest database of information in all of history at your fingertips! Build yourself a mental castle! Structure knowledge like brickwork and you will find yourself moving past those that still wonder what lay amongst the stars!

The power to proceed lies within you! Let your own will and determination to succeed drive you and godhood shall be yours!

>> No.7575162

I read it. I had a good laugh, but I'm afraid it could have raised my already high fever.
I'm getting better tho so whatever, it was fun.

>> No.7575163

Just beleive in utself kiddo
Evreything is possible if u beleiv hard enough ;)))

Get a grip on reality mate, real life doesn't always have a happy ending

>> No.7575169
File: 164 KB, 444x444, 1442076793627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be an epic new meme????

>> No.7575184

Thoroughly enjoying this thread tbh

>> No.7575196

the circle has radius 1

>> No.7575203

/fit/ here, read the sticky dyel

>> No.7575421
File: 79 KB, 528x396, 1419685866561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asks for help and you vehemently criticize him. Even if you're smarter than him it doesn't allow you to be mean to him.

It takes a village to raise a child and when you learn that the world will be a better place.

OP my suggestion would be to get Coursera or something similar (Coursera is the only one I know). Do a couple of the courses there. Read a few technical books, if it was astronomy that got you interested, buy books on astronomy. If it was biology that got you interested, buy books on biology. Get the picture? When there are things being spoken about that you don't understand, look it up online or in other books. Research famous scientists and not-so famous scientists and read their books and findings, don't understand? Look it up.

I think M.I.T offer free online courses, more likely than not, a lot of it is going to be way over your head but you can get an idea of the sort of processes that are being used.

Hope that helps

>> No.7575426

okay anon this has gone on far enough.
Just tell us, are you truly the god of b8 or are you just the new generation of whiny ass entitled men

>> No.7575460

more experience =/= greater experience you mong, for all we know he could have spent at least 5 hours a day fingering his asshole.
age doesn't grant wisdom, however wise people acquire this over time

>> No.7575471

This is true, unlike /lit/ /sci/ has a good reputation on the rest of 4chan. It's not mentioned often and people are intimidated by science anyway.

>> No.7575481

what the fuck is a frosty you queer americuck

>> No.7575490

"doesn't allow you to be mean to him"
this isn't tumblr: the universe m8, people can be mean all they want. if you are over the age of 18 and this still bothers you, you're a pussy

>> No.7575503


>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/.

I'm so fucking sick of this thread. its been at the top of catalog for a few days now. you /sci/fags should be ashamed of yourselves. what does this say about this board and academics if instead of really being interested in science you just want to talk about a helpless whining retard. this is some facebook shit, with everyone missing the point. MODS DELETE THIS THREAD

>> No.7575802
File: 58 KB, 500x423, 1425444526280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont like it, so NOBODY can like it

>> No.7575810

mad that you're dumb, i see