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7571633 No.7571633 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a moral way to pursuit eugenics?

Since the twin studies have shown that human lives are much determined by the genetic makeup , it's safe to assume that eugenics program would solve many demographic issues.

I know this is a huge taboo, but please try to remain appropriate.

>> No.7571635

There is nothing immoral about eugenics in the first place.

>> No.7571640

Yes, accumulate power, morality is nothing without the power to back it up.

>> No.7571646

Sure. Incentivised sterilization for the stupid. Concentration camps for the greedy.

>> No.7571651


>> No.7571658

>human lives are determined by genetic make up

Hardly. Humans are a product of the system they are born into. It's why Jews are greedy and niggers act like apes. It you are one of the rare humans with the ability to think critically you can easily break out of these systems.

>> No.7571665

>Humans are a product of the system they are born into. It's why Jews are greedy and niggers act like apes.

The fact that "niggers act like apes" is determined by their culture, yes, but the culture stems from the people.

It triggers me when people say it's not because of the people, but the culture, when the culture is literally the product of people.

>> No.7571728

Embroy selection. But in order to pursuit it efficiently, the genomes responsible for things such as morality and IQ need to be found.

>> No.7571740

>but the culture, when the culture is literally the product of people.
seriously this. They're two sides of the same coin entangled in a vicious cycle

>> No.7571782

The product of people who for generations have been born into a culture of poverty that idolizes ignorance, violence, drug use and stupidity.
In the end, nothing can be done to help these people because they think what they do is normal. Even the middle class is brainwashed into thinking poverty culture is cool.

If through eugenics we breed humans that can think critically without human biases they'll see how fucking stupid the world is and either fight against the hordes of 7 billion retards or commit sudoku knowing there is no hope for them.

Unless we get a Hitler V2 these people aren't going anywhere and we'll never have a true master race.

>> No.7571784

Just give the smart parents' kid free education and healthcare, and tax the dumb parents through the nose. They'll soon work it out.

In France they do a similar thing, but they're optimizing for quantity of children by giving tax breaks for mothers of many children. Just optimize for quality instead.

Such a shame these suggestions are met with 'muh Hitler'. The experience of future lives would be improved if people were a bit more open minded.

>> No.7571819

>gnome sequence for morality

Top kek m8

>> No.7571840

Well, we know that genes are responsible for behavior to some degree. Of course there isn't one genome that causes it, that's not what I'm saying. It's much more complicated than that

>> No.7571846

as a twin I find it hard to believe that.

>> No.7571870

Great idea! I suggest we start by culling everyone in this thread above this post. You're all obviously too intelligent and are a danger to the herd. ;)

>> No.7571877

yea, don't knock up a black chick

>> No.7571890
File: 47 KB, 400x525, jar jar binks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we actually going to ignore this
>it triggers me
literal tumblr pls go

>> No.7571895

Well bohoo

>> No.7571897

With CRISPR and the similar alternatives you could do gene repair without culling. Last I heard, quite a few years ago, there are more than 70 diseases caused by mutations that they know where is located on the genes.

Governments might persuade people to do this, for many reasons. First of all there is an awful lot of money that can be saved. Secondly few countries stockpile insulin or medicine for haemophile issues, so a war with blockade can kill a lot of people due to lack of medicine alone.

>> No.7571900

>Make the majority unhappy with the minority.

I'd offer you some rope, but they'll bring it with them.

>> No.7571901
File: 12 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: a full acceptance of the fact that someone thinks their opinion deserves to not be disagreed with, and that it matters they take a literally unchangeable facet of human interaction personally.....

>> No.7571914

>improve humanity forever
>not moral

yeah everything that isn't "instant feel good " is immoral nowadays

>> No.7571948

Eugenics is a dangerous pursuit in the fact that you may also be eliminating valuable genes, genes that may be resistant to the next super virus or be more adapt to the future curcumatances of the human race.

>> No.7571954

It's almost like a feed back loop.

Culture breeding the people to feed back into it's own environment which produces the culture.

>> No.7571978

Problem is breeding a race of humans without biases is
1) impossible, as they'd be raised with the biases of their caretakers
2) time consuming, as humans do not spectate at a rate suitable for breeding, and even if they did, existing organisms wouldn't be affected
and 3) of questionable use, as certain biases might be useful in everyday life, such as being wary of foreign foods or objects.

What would probably be more effective is trying to change people through media and propaganda. It has an effect on existing organisms, can be spread through memes from person to person, and is almost impossible to drown out if there's the right amount of saturation.

>> No.7572000

there is no eugenics, we are all the same you racist swine


>> No.7572048

The only thing eugenics can help combat are certain genetic diseases.
If the sole purpose of running a eugenics program is for the outcome to be only 1 group of people based on color as a supremacy than yes it is.
you cannot breed critical thinking skills into a generation. Every normal person has the ability to use critical thinking, it's just that they never learn it and apply it as they grow up.
That won't work. You're just going to make poorer people more backwards by putting them in a situation that will make them desperate.
while there are genes that are responsible for some behavioral outlooks of a person, intelligence is something influenced by so many genes that, unless you're born with severe mental issues or functioning autism, everybody has the same capabilities to learn equally.

But take 1 case: because parents hate dealing with crying kids we pump so many brain altering medication into them that it fucks up the development of the brain, leading to issues as a teen/adult. This is just 1 of many things that can happen through a child's development and behavior.
There are so many factors during development that can effect a person's ability to learn and apply knowledge that eugenics is a laughable theory.

>> No.7572101


Damn. That's like... So deep man..............................................

>> No.7572839

I agree with almost everything except
> everybody has the same capabilities to learn equally.
People without disorders/diseases have relatively similar capabilities, but significantly different; based on genetics, epigenetics and environment.

But progress compounds over time in an individual similar to "the accumulation of advantage".

>> No.7573850


>> No.7573859

>he thinks intelligence is one trait

>> No.7573905

>allowing a whole generation of people to automatically win the genetic lottery
No thanks, that's like a huge "fuck you" to everyone who was born before.