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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.42 MB, 2505x2497, 1443913942927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7568834 No.7568834 [Reply] [Original]

She totally came up with this on her own, fabricated the analytical device, and performed quality controls.

>> No.7568842

Nice try, but Ahmed's clock is way more impressive.

>> No.7568847

This upsets me. it is obvious that her PI basically had some grad student make that poster and do the research, then she presented it poorly

>> No.7568862

>Excel charts with three data points

How is this presentable?

>> No.7568876

I've apparently missed something that I'm supposed to be cynical about.

Can someone fill me in?

>> No.7568877

Welcome to biology. Next you will find out that enzyme studies usually have 2x bounce and mouse knockout studies have 10-15x.

>> No.7568884

>TeX poster
You do not even need to read what's written to know she did not do this by herself

>> No.7568901

Like Ahmed before her, she stands on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.7568937

Exactly my thought.
It's not like you can't fit almost any function to this or anything.

>> No.7568982
File: 94 KB, 928x170, Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 8.00.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i had opportunities like this.

She even has an ipad....

How do you know it is TeX?

>> No.7569037

Who is the student researcher?

>> No.7569068

white privilege!

>> No.7569093

Who is this boner condonor?

>> No.7569097

It's only privilege when it's a race that's not me. This is female privilege.

>> No.7569122

So is this Intel ISEF just a bunch of highschool kids who know college professors willing to have their grad students do research for said highschoolers to present as their own?

>> No.7569247

who is this semen demon

>> No.7569285

Don't you think it's rather pointless and unfair when some student's parent/bf/gf does all the work for her/him just so she could beat others who actually worked hard and deserve to have the win on their CV?


It's a popular TeX poster template, the font looks Latin Modern which is not a standard font for MS and the kerning is too good for MSshit.

TeX posters are notoriously difficult to make. Learning how to those columns alone takes weeks. It's pretty obvious she didn't do it.

What I REALLY love about this poster is the fact that whoever made it bothered to perfect the font in captions and on the perfectly done vector graphics and then cunt pasted several MS Excell graphs with completely the wrong font to intentionally make it look amateurish.

I honestly kind of admire the genius this guy applied in helping her cheat.

>> No.7569292

It's probably the mean that was the result of each individual data point. The real question is where are dem error bars at doe?

>> No.7569297

Who is this splooge stooge

>> No.7569305

>Don't you think it's rather pointless and unfair when some student's parent/bf/gf does all the work for her/him just so she could beat others who actually worked hard and deserve to have the win on their CV?
Depends how much the student contributed. It should still be mostly their work, driven by themselves. I don't mind kids exploiting adults for guidance.

>> No.7569306

People actually do those for serious research?

>> No.7569311

Who is this fluid druid

>> No.7569312


>> No.7569313

The hallways on the higher floors of the engineering buildings at my school(where the grad students have their offices) are plastered with them.

>inb4 engineering!=serious research

>> No.7569314

Great analysis. I am a TeX amateur but this is all checking out.

>> No.7569317

Troll post. don't respond

>> No.7569320
File: 395 KB, 980x588, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 12.19.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what is triggering me.

>> No.7569321
File: 74 KB, 600x450, 1409751364106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning how columns work takes weeks

>> No.7569322

There's 4 data points

>> No.7569323

Hell I used to see these in my math buildings.

>> No.7569330


She may not have done all of that...

But I bet she can, and is, sucking the balls dry of whoever did.

>> No.7569331

They do in my physics department as well. Its just a neat way of presenting your findings and to show people what your work is about. Reading a paper can be way to dense to explain the key parts of your research to people who work in a different field.

>> No.7569344

>Depends how much the student contributed.
Almost certainly zero intellectual input, only lab monkeying and before you say she deserves credit she doesn't just like lab techs don't get their names put on authorship lists.

It's mostly for conferences. Our Physics department makes posters out of every single paper they publish that year and hand it in their halls. Yes, every single paper. That's how little they publish.

>> No.7569346

Posters are a very different ballgame from the article class.

>> No.7569354

There's no reason to think she didn't do a lot of this.

We have a similar student research program with conferences and poster showings, and you can go up and ask the student about their research and instantly tell who did what. A vast majority of the faculty attend these as well, and it's very easy for faculty from the same department to spot a student who cheated or did not contribute much.

Personally I've used TeX for stuff like this and know a lot of other undergrads in this program who do as well. Hell, we have librarians on staff whose sole job is to teach you (and faculty/grad students) stuff like this.

Since they also give large scholarships and assistantships for being in programs like this, it's not crazy to think she did a lot of this work.

You are just a bunch of jaded fucks looking for another reason to hate women.

>> No.7569363

She's in high-school.

Or did I completely misunderstand OP? Most undergrads do projects like this so I don't know why he'd find it weird.

>> No.7569369

This. I knew a high school kid who did a fuckawesome project creating bacteria that break down some kind of plastic. He wrote to my advisor for advice, and as I was the lowly grad student, he was forwarded on to me. I scored him some lab time and plates and shit, taught him a few techniques. But he did basically everything in his project. I watched him do the thing from start to finish, even made a suggestion or two, but can take no credit whatsoever for his discovery. Kid knew his shit.

I had another student who came up with a novelty in RNA folding based on some observations from a text book she was going through. She didn't know how to test it, so came to us. I helped a bit more with that one, both in teaching the vocabulary and principles and in doing the lab work, but I was adequately credited, and anyway the insightful part of the discovery was all hers. If anything, I was her lab monkey. Plus she came out of it knowing everything about her project, even if she didn't know it all going in. And that is the important part. I wouldn't award her a PhD for that work or anything, but after 6 months of research she had more expertise than any of my idiot undergrads.

There's no reason as far as I know to assume the girl in the OP is not similar to these two students.

>> No.7569387

Alright, perhaps I jumped to conclusions too early ITT.

I just find it odd that a high-school student would bother learning TeX to make what is almost certainly her first poster. That tells me that the student in this particular case probably didn't contribute much to the project, but had someone in academia do her work for including making the poster and apparently she didn't know "her own work" all that well according to people who listened to the presentation.

I'm not saying that all high-school students who do projects like this didn't conceive and work it themselves, but I'm the majority didn't and their parents/family friends are boosting them to improve their college app.

The 2 students in your experience is based though, even if they didn't conceive the project, sounds like they actually did do the work and learned a lot.

>> No.7569395

Also, it's very presumptuous from >>7569354 to assume this an /r9k/ thing, /sci/ doesn't have insecurity issues with girls like those /r9k/ normies.

Our hatred towards our fellow man is far more sophisticated, we hate unwarranted praise -such as what that muzzie clock kid got-, pseudo-intellectualism and nonacademic behaviour in general.

>> No.7569529

>buttload of text
>almost as much as a small paper
>on a poster
People still do this? A poster is supposed to grab attention from a longer distance and explain your findings in a quick way but still be thorough enough to show all the results. Just shitting long sentences in huge blocks of text all over the place shows the laziness and ineptitude of the person who created the poster.

>> No.7569535

It's done at fairs where there is no accompanying paper. That is all that the judges will see of the project.

You can't use the same greentext tier summaries you see on more professional posters. Of course real posters lining uni halls are more meant to say "You should read my papah niggah, check out this awesome graphic too. Did I mentioned I got published!", rather than actually describe your project like those done at fairs.

>> No.7569576

>I just find it odd that a high-school student would bother learning TeX to make what is almost certainly her first poster.

My math teacher gave extra credit if we turned our homework in as TeX files.

And if it was a different situation, hey, maybe somebody helped her with the formatting so she could have a nice-looking poster. Doesn't mean they did all the work; if the formatting for your poster is even the majority of the work of your project you are Doing It Wrong.

>> No.7569581

High school math teacher encouraged you to learn TeX? That's pretty based tbh.

>> No.7569589

that's what you get when making a fucking poster in TeX

InDesign exists for a reason.

>> No.7569630

I'd fuck her

>> No.7569645


>> No.7569668


The girl, obviously. My guess is that the images/graphs were created by her and then someone else helped her with the poster itself. I'm not saying this because I think TeX is too hard for a high schooler (it's babby shit if you know what you're doing) but just because having her learn and use it would probably just be a waste of time for everyone involved.

Of course, I say this as someone who dated a math girl who learned LaTeX at a math camp pretty early on. I don't think it's impossible for the girl in OP to have done this herself.

>> No.7569670

This. Anyone who takes weeks to figure out how to make columns in a poster should just kill themselves.

>> No.7569678

I see these in our comp sci department as well. They typically contain lots of cool artificial intelligence stuff.


My guess is that given the picture in
>What I REALLY love about this poster is the fact that whoever made it bothered to perfect the font in captions and on the perfectly done vector graphics and then cunt pasted several MS Excell graphs with completely the wrong font to intentionally make it look amateurish.
I think that she made all the Excel graphs and images and then someone else went through and typeset it into a TeX poster for her. It also explains why there's this fuckup in the picture in
Since she probably made the image in something else witht he border and then whoever typeset the poster probably struggled to fit text into it.

Either way, even if she did the research and then had someone else typeset it for her I don't think it's a very big deal. Back in the day researchers would handwrite their work and have it sent to someone else who would typeset it for them. It's only recently that researchers have begun typesetting their own work and that's mostly because in the end it's just more convenient for everyone, even though there's more work involved.

>> No.7569688

This entire thread is basing itself on the retarded premise that a high schooler couldn't possibly learn LaTeX by herself.

I'm a senior in high school and I use LaTeX for all major reports and I learned it when I was a freshman while everyone was using (and still uses) shit-tier MS Word. Even the teachers use MS Word and complain when I hand in shit in glorious TeX PDF.

I'm not an autistic savant either (I guess you could call me a normie). TeX isn't rocket science contrary to what autistic /sci/entists say. I've taught several people in my year to use LaTeX including girls if that matters, and now most of them use it the same way I do.

If you're going to be elitist don't complain when someone learns LaTeX and idolize it as black magic reserved for a certain few, because it really isn't.

>> No.7569690

>complains about pseudointellectualism
>is a pseudointellectual
In interviews the clock kid said that his clock wasn't anything special. That he does far more interesting circuitry things at home because his dad taught him. In this case he just took a clock out of it's case and threw it into another case 20 minutes before class because he wanted to show his Engineering teacher something. His fuckup was that during his English class the alarm went off on the clock and his Engineering teacher shat a brick when she asked him to pull it out. Afterwards he got put in handcuffs in front of his classmates who made terrorist jokes at his expense. Even though the police decided not to press charges the whole thing got into the news as a "bomb hoax" and fucked up his social life (e.g. him saying he wants to switch to any other school in interviews).

As to why it went viral, it's not because the public believes that Ahmed's clock is some huge achievement. Rather because they view Ahmed as a symbol that represents 'a youth who has been possibly been discouraged from doing science' by our current social atmosphere. In this sense people feel it is important to encourage him, as a symbol, rather than to ignore it and just have that be the way things are.

Whether or not you agree with society and view him as a symbol doesn't ultimately matter because society plays by different rules. All that said, it's silly to be upset at the kid over this, if anything you should be upset at society but given the alternative (ignoring a youth who has been discouraged from doing science) I don't see what you would hope to achieve.

>> No.7569691

>If you're going to be elitist don't complain when someone learns LaTeX and idolize it as black magic reserved for a certain few, because it really isn't.
This. Especially the retards ITT who took four weeks to figure out how to make a column.

>> No.7569694

>his English teacher shat a brick when she asked him to pull it out
fixed, not sure why I wrote Engineering.

>> No.7569700

You're very gullible.

First of all, we musn't have been watching the same interviews, because in the one I watched Ahmed claimed to have "invented" the clock, although it's quite clear he just pulled an existing clock out of its case. He also said other enormities, such as that he "built" cpus (what?).

The whole thing was a stunt, probably organized by his father. The fact that his alarm went off in english class wasn't a mistake. His clock didn't have a battery and as such had to be plugged in a wall socket. Ahmed deliberately plugged the clock during his english class, and set it to go off.

His elder sister was also expelled three years before for saying a bomb threat. His father is a known islamic activist. This whole thing was a PR stunt, and gullible america bought it hook line and sinker.

>> No.7569709

In some cultures CPU is slang for a computer tower.

I can't tell if you're trolling or if there really are interviews that different out there. The one I read was from back before the whole thing went viral (in the news articles where it had just been declared a bomb hoax). In that one he said it was really simple and he didn't understand why people would even think it was a bomb. As far as him plugging it in, I could see some kid doing that to show his classmates.

As for the rest of the claims, it's quite a stretch to say it's a PR stunt. That alone makes the entire set of claims just look like dumb tinfoil hat /pol/ shit. I would find it easier to believe if it was just something as simple as him being a fucking weird highschooler trying to get attention since nerdy highschooler's tend to do dumb shit like that.

>> No.7569711

Does anyone have recommendations of packages and such for learning LaTex? I tried a while ago but I couldn't really figure out what I needed.

>> No.7569723
File: 62 KB, 440x472, ss (2015-10-04 at 03.14.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat TeX expert analysis
You're a complete pretentious idiot and I'm surprised that nobody has called you out on this. (Though not too much, this is /sci/ after all, the extended leg of /r9k/.)
>the font looks Latin Modern which is not a standard font for MS
No, it doesn't look like Latin Modern at all which you would know if you read just one fucking paper typeset in it. It looks much more like some Times variant, which used to be the default in Office 2003 and older.
>the kerning is too good for MSshit
The kerning is absolutely average and LaTeX by itself doesn't do wonders either. Typically, to achieve beautiful and balanced typesetting, you would use a package like microtype or polyglossia.
The word justification, on the other hand, is horrendous in many places, for instance in pic related, which is the kind of spacing one would easily achieve in MS Office. It might be a bit harder to do in stock LaTeX, and close to impossible with microtype/polyglossia.
>TeX posters are notoriously difficult to make. Learning how to those columns alone takes weeks.
I'm starting to understand this is a troll post. Or you're extremely mentally challenged.
>What I REALLY love about this poster is the fact that whoever made it bothered to perfect the font in captions and on the perfectly done vector graphics
The font is the same shit as above. The illustration in 'Fabrication of Silk Fibroin Solution' is really nice, but the diagram in 'Design of Silk Fibroin Thin Film Lateral Flow Ebola Detection System' is SHIT, fucking unbalanced GARBAGE. As before, you'd be able to recognise this if you had just a bit of fucking aesthetic feel.

>> No.7569724

Read lshort for a quick crash course with lots of examples of how to do things and how not to do things.

Then read l2tabuen for a quick overview of obsolete commands and discouraged techniques and why they're bad (it also includes a package that throws a warning with explanation whenever you do one of those bad things).

After that you should be pretty set for a while.

Once you get more experience start looking into typography and consider using other packages meant to either "improve" the typesetting appearance (eg. microtype) or give you more control over the document (eg. Koma-script classes) or even just consider switching typesetting engine to XeTeX or LuaTeX. I do not recommend looking into such things until you get more experience with LaTeX since everything has drawbacks and it's hard to gauge whether these things are for you without having a frame of reference.

>> No.7569727

honestly dude,

you're a complete fag for writing that post.

>> No.7569730
File: 109 KB, 492x600, buttfrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy nigga but it's obvious that you just mad cause you got


>> No.7569733
File: 4 KB, 125x124, 1441136453167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is my first post ITT

>> No.7569735

i'm no expert on engilsh but isn't the word "fabricate" a must-avoid when presenting scientific results?

>> No.7569749

You do realize that he basically just ripped out the guts of an electronic bedside clock, and glued it to the inside of a metal pencil case?

>> No.7569755

No shit retard. The point is that in the interviews I read he said the clock was a very simple thing he did right before class to show his engineering teacher something. The kid said the clock was a simple stupid thing and he didn't understand why it was such a big deal (this is before it all went viral so he was just referring to why people would think it was a bomb and try to get him arrested for it). He also said that he did actual circuitry and computer shit at home because his dad taught him.

>> No.7569756

Alright, you can all shut the fuck up now.

>About me
>I am a sophomore at Greenwich High School

>Outside of school I volunteer with the Connecticut Chapter of the Special Olympics, as a middle school tutor and youth swim instructor. I am a competitive swimmer and plan to swim in college. I hope to be a doctor like my late grandfather, and work for a global health organization such as Doctors Without Borders. I am inspired by Dr. Kent Brantly, who showed the global community our collective moral obligation to act with courage and compassion

>Mr. Andrew Bramante, my Greenwich High School Honors Science Research teacher and mentor. Mr. Bramante supervised my work in the lab and confirmed that all experiments were conducted in accordance with proper safety precautions. The idea for my research, the development of a novel, temperature-independent (“breaking the cold chain”), asymptomatic, rapid, inexpensive, portable, disease diagnostic device for the on-site diagnosis of Ebola, with broad applicability for other ELISA-based assay diagnostic diseases such as HIV, was mine. I conducted all experiments on my own under Mr. Bramante’s supervision. His encouragement, wisdom and tireless dedication to teaching inspired me every day.
>Mount Sinai Hospital and the kindness of a Greenwich High School parent for arranging access to and permission for the use of their Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to students in the Honors Science Research class. I used the SEM for photos incorporated in my research paper to analyze the dried silk fibroin thin film test strips, which further supported uniform coating of the filter paper substrate. I was permitted to use and operate the SEM during my visit to Mount Sinai with Mr. Bramante's supervision.

>> No.7569758

>Professor Fio Omenetto, Associate Dean for Research, Tufts University School of Engineering, who graciously met with me several times to discuss the stabilizing properties and potential of silk fibroin (which had never been applied to ELISA reagents before) and who introduced me to his colleague, Dr. Benedetto Marelli.
>Professor Benedetto Marelli, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University with whom I consulted on the modified fabrication process for the thin-film silk (which I based off of a process detailed in a paper published by Dr. Omenetto and Dr. Marelli, credited in my bibliography below) which I made in the Greenwich High School Laboratory with modifications specified in the procedure section of this submission, and who provided additional silk.
>Alpha Diagnostic International, the manufacturer of the Ebola Human Anti-Zebov NP IgG ELISA kit (AE-320520-1) that was purchased for use in my research. Harnessing a proven chemical reaction (ELISA) and applying it to a novel lateral-flow format requiring only water to activate enabled me to show that the Ebola Assay Card's potential was not just theoretically possible, but a proven and tested diagnostic tool. The next steps will be to test it in the field, and eventually with saliva, and ready it through further development and manufacture for commercial use.

>> No.7569770

So we can either choose to believe her she came up with it all entirely on her own -as she credits no one else with the inception of idea- and that she understood biomed. engineering on such a level that she -a high-school sophomore who spends most of her free time swimming and volunteering- knew exactly what to look for in bleeding edge papers and that her "teacher and mentor " who held we know at least has enough technical background to be trusted with supervising operation of an SEM - something even chemistry grad-students are rarely trusted with- AND that she knew all these academics out of pure luck and somehow got a meeting arranged with them...

...or we can believe that
>her parents had all these connections
>she cucked her teacher into giving her all the credit and/or her parents came up with it

I'll let you all make up your own minds. I'm not a particularly cynical individual, but it's pretty obvious.

>> No.7569773

>Thing never happens.
Read >>7569369

>> No.7569776

Wow. who would've thought that /sci/ is full of ignorant fuckheads who haven't a slightest clue of how much work a phd slave actually has to do. Presenting posters like this is mandatory if the phd slave has any hope of getting more funding.

>> No.7569782

Just stop the funding.
>this kills the PhD

>> No.7569785

>Hurr I could totally learn how to do that in 4 weeks and fuck ALL the girls, am I cool yet guys?

You autists might have issues understanding this, but not everyone has 10 hours per day to burn learning TeX. To do everything in the OP you'd need to
>Learn basic TeX.
>Learn how to manipulate a template in such a way to makes posters which is something TeX wasn't designed to do and requires you to be good at writing your own commands, redefs and macros unless you're using the exact template which she is not.
>Learn a vector graphics packages and learn how to render TeX body inside vector figures.

Yes, 4 weeks is accurate for an active individual who at most will have a Sunday afternoon and a few weekday hours to dedicate.

Compiling basic documents that don't stray far from the default is very different from posters. I would expect my dog to be able to learn how to write basic assignments in TeX. You can tuck away your micro e-penis now.

>> No.7569786

It's called google and stackexchange, faggot. Any kid can learn it in a day or two tops.

>> No.7569794

Yes, "any kid" (meaning you personally) can do what most grad-students and faculty take weeks to do. We are all so impressed by your genius, please post more and enlighten us, we definitely care about your brilliant insights.

>> No.7569798

You misunderstand. It's not that I'm so enlightened, you're just really an idiot.

>> No.7569803

None of that is even slightly true, the public think it's an anti-Islam thing, no one gives one inkling of a fuck about, it's about his dad's Islamic activism which is why they planned to take a fake bomb to the school in the first place. No one ever discourages science that's just fucking retarded specifically considering fake bomb clocks has nothing to do with science, this is 100% Islamic identity politics. In any case STEM is THE most pushed thing by society, it's almost too much how students are pushed into STEM while other fields like art and literature are ignored and marginalized.

And we have no proof that he knows jack shit about electronics, if he was retarded enough to take casing of another clock for no reason (didn't even bother to build his own actual clock circuit like a hobbyist might do) he probably knows jack shit about electronics and is taking you for an easy ride. The painting him as a NASA shirt wearing genius is just part of the obvious act.

His dad isn't technically inclined at all, he's a politician and an activist.

>> No.7569811

Yes, us idiots, I mean how did we all get faculty positions* and nobel prizes** when it takes us all weeks to learn TeX and vector processing, yet normal people such as yourself can learn it in just two days!

Goddammit we are all so stupid. If only normal people replaced us who can use google and reference us to the stackexchange posts that we wrote years ago after taking weeks struggling to learn TeX.

>*Try talking to people who are actually in academia, since you are obviously not.
>**Read some biographies

>> No.7569817
File: 35 KB, 500x350, 1293187475663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking all this obvious bait
Just saying, you cockmongling thundercunt, because all that shit is on stackexchange, a high school girl doesn't have to wade through a sea of freetard latex manuals and can do it in two days instead of weeks. I really don't get where you're going with this, you're basically confirming it's easy.

>> No.7569820

>It looks much more like some Times variant
LM is a times variant you fucking retard.

I'm not to bother reading the rest of your post, you're obviously just an edgy faggot who feels an incessant need to be confrontational on an Taiwanese silk weaving forum.

>> No.7569823

His mother owned a PR firm, and his father was running for president of Sudan. He also just happened to be an islamic activist, and owns the Islamic Sufi Center in Texas. Do you seriously think all of these are just coincidences...I'm sorry that I sound like a tin-foil hat toting dipshit, but seriously, consider what you just read, and use your fucking brain.

>> No.7569829

The OP said weeks precisely because as soon as you want to significantly diverge from the template you need to learn how to do the formatting, customized figure placement etc. yourself which means learning just about everything there is to know about LaTeX typesetting, ie stackexchange won't help, you have to put in the actual work this time and go through the sea of freetard latex manuals.

>> No.7569844

>not using a package
I lol'd

>> No.7569855

>high school kid does cool research on a relevant and useful topic
>80 replies trying to tear her down, accusing her of not knowing how to make a professional-looking poster
this is why /sci/ should never try to start a peer-reviewed journal.

or should we?

>> No.7569865
File: 276 KB, 827x1169, 1319247773209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have a journal newfag.

Anyway if your field's journal doesn't have 3-5 /sci/-tier polemics published every fucking issue I hope you appreciate how lucky you are that your field isn't fill of bitter autists.

>> No.7569866

Do you hear yourself talk? Nigga you're asking me to make quite a few stretches here.
>Father has an islamic agenda => kid has an islamic agenda.
>Mother, Father, and kid concocted a plan whereby the kid would take a crappy clock inside another case to school, somehow convince the teacher that it's a bomb while actively trying to convince her it's not a bomb(lolwut), have this make the news, all so that they could use the propaganda to turn America into an Islam nation (or what)?
>Whole thing goes viral (just as planned?) and yet none of them are using it as a platform to promote America as an Islam nation.

Seriously anon, you are retarded. You should feel sorry for sounding like a tin-foil hat toting dipshit while you go back to your speculation based containment board. /sci/ is for critical thinking.

>> No.7569871
File: 278 KB, 660x935, 1319246244396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also no one is tearing the girl down, we can't know for sure one way or the other how much she contributed.

We are attacking the general practice of STEM parents doing science projects for their kids and then giving all the credit to them - which happens a lot - and only takes away from brilliant kids who actually are able to do it themselves, of which there are also many.

>> No.7569879

>/sci/ - Science & Autism

>> No.7569882

Not him. but I read (not on 4chan) that the farther set up an online campaign begging for legal fees before the incident began, they never needed it because people didn't react to it like he thought they would, but he still wanted to make an issue out of it.

If a white high-school kid brought a fake bomb to school with wires protruding in an obviously bad taste prank he'd get suspended for months and maybe even a sentence to "scare him straight". They let the Muslim kid off easy precisely because they knew people would stir shit like you're buying into right now.

>none of them are using it as a platform to promote America as an Islam nation.
You're joking right? Are you paying zero attention to the farther and his legion's social media campaign?

>> No.7569885

>mock journal
>not peer reviewed
this is why Proceedings of the Imageboard of /sci/ would be so much better than your shitty mocked-up magazine covers

Also, using Ms. Hallisey as an example to protest against STEM parents doing their kids' homework is like using the Umpqua shooting as an example to protest gun-free zones. There's no evidence that she's actually an example of what you're decrying; right now it's just a thread full of bitter people trying to tear her down for the crime of being a pretty girl who does interesting research.

>> No.7569886

The general American population has no idea what an ACTAUL bomb looks like, so of course they could easily mistake an alarm clock for a bomb. Hell, if you put an alarm clock beside an actual bomb, I bet you that you wouldn't know which is which right away. The teacher did the right thing to call the police, he did what he was TRAINED to do.

Even sketchier, is the fact that Ahmed already showed his clock to his Engineering Teacher, who advised him NOT to show it to his other teachers, as it could look like a bomb.

And why the hell did he plug in the clock? Usually, clocks like that come in with the alarm NOT set. So, he must have set the clock SPECIFICALLY to go off during English class.

And yes, it did blow up like expected. His father is running for president tis year, you know. It gives him the publicity he needs, to kick off his campaign. They're going to pull out the victim card to garner sympathy from the populous of Sudan. Perfect plot.

>> No.7569889

also, paleofag here and as you may know, paleontologists are some of the most quarrelsome people imaginable. but even we manage to keep our diatribes based in evidence (or on perceived flaws in someone else's methodology) instead of casting wild conjectural aspersions.

>> No.7569890

Only a retard would be convinced that a clock looks like a bomb especially when the person is trying to convince you it's not because it obviously isn't.

Post something from the father that says the US should convert to Islam because of this. I haven't even heard of the father outside of /pol/esmoker posts on 4chan.

>> No.7569893

All that shit has been on stackexchange since forever. For posters anyone can just use packages like beamerposter (https://github.com/deselaers/latex-beamerposter)) and learn from the examples provided. If this took you weeks, I wonder how long your research is going to take you.

>> No.7569894

The teacher was trained to do what he did.

>> No.7569895

>The general American population has no idea what an ACTAUL bomb looks like, so of course they could easily mistake an alarm clock for a bomb. Hell, if you put an alarm clock beside an actual bomb, I bet you that you wouldn't know which is which right away. The teacher did the right thing to call the police, he did what he was TRAINED to do.
You have obviously never watched an action movie.

>> No.7569901


How to "invent" Ahmed's clock.

>> No.7569903


Hallisey pls go, no offense but you are a 6/10 at best below qt status.

Anyway there were -what- two posters talking explicitly about her? Ignoring the TeX autism comment chain which wasn't about her either.

I love how you somehow get to decide that we weren't talking about the general problem, but we were actually talking about the specific girl.

>Pepperoni vs club pizza go
- You

>inb4 you imply otherwise

Yeah no, it's not my fault that you can't read our posts, you can always read anything you want into anything, I'm not going to argue with you about it, you've already made up your mind.

>> No.7569908

>LM is a times variant you fucking retard.
Yep, this is bat. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.7569909

>Only a retard
So 60% of the American population which almost certainly includes all high-school teachers?

>Post something from the father that says the US should convert to Islam because of this.
That's not what he's protesting you fucking retard, he want's what he perceives as profiling of Arabs as terrorists -which doesn't happen much in practice- to be discussed. It's basic identity politics Goddammit, I guess I'm talking to a 60%er here.

>> No.7569912

What the fuck are you talking about you aspie?

That's a British 8.

>> No.7569915

oh man, you virgins are a bitter sort

>> No.7569921

>Action movie

Fucking christ.

>> No.7569923

>a British 8.

No one gives a flying fuck about you pasty ass cumskins.

She's an American, American teenagers are actually attractive, especially the youth who is much more health aware than the previous landwhale generation.

>> No.7569925

His engineering teacher knew it wasn't a bomb right away. 60% is a bit generous but it's not a stretch considering 50% is always below average (like you).

>profiling of Arabs as terrorists -which doesn't happen much in practice- to be discussed.
>-which doesn't happen much in practice-

>> No.7569929

In other words, you can expect normal people to look at it and ask themselves
>Where is the part that explodes?
while looking for multicolored chemicals, blocks of playdough, or metal pipes.

>> No.7569934

Ok I'll admit it's an issue, but then again profiling isn't going away any time soon for simple statistical reasons, it was developed by FBI/HS people who know more about criminal justice than you or I will ever know and it serves a purpose.

My point is no one ever implied he's not trying to turn US Islamic or anything like that, but it's pretty obvious he has a political agenda.

>> No.7569940

A small plastic explosive with an exposed circuit and wiring over it is the most iconic "bomb" image ever.

Everyone that has ever played CS or watched a modern action movie has that image when they think bomb.

>> No.7569944

I did isef and no, many student, especially those outside life sciences, did their own original research.

>> No.7569949

It is no use, 4chan failures and people in general are FAR to cynical to ever believe anyone did anything impressive

>> No.7569950

>We are attacking the general practice of STEM parents doing science projects for their kids and then giving all the credit to them - which happens a lot - and only takes away from brilliant kids who actually are able to do it themselves, of which there are also many.
Why not commend them for being good parents? Do you really think the education system and the internet will inspire a child to do that kind of project? Only parents can provide that sort of motivation and guidance.

>> No.7569952

>And why the hell did he plug in the clock? Usually, clocks like that come in with the alarm NOT set. So, he must have set the clock SPECIFICALLY to go off during English class.
This is the only legit question. It seems no battery was inserted into the clock so the alarm would've been wiped when unplugged. This suggests he would've had to plug it in, set it, and wait?
My guess is that he either was showing a friend and fucking around with it when he accidentally set the alarm to go off or that he was just being an attentionwhore like a typical high school kid and decided to set it up to as an excuse to show off his cool thing with the hope of being seen as some sort of genius by his classmates (typical beta nerd behavior).

>And yes, it did blow up like expected. His father is running for president tis year, you know. It gives him the publicity he needs, to kick off his campaign. They're going to pull out the victim card to garner sympathy from the populous of Sudan. Perfect plot.
Hilarious pun aside, I'll believe it when I see it. Until then I'm filing it under "things retards actually believe".

In my opinion the more unusual thing is how his story changed after the story went viral.

Before going viral:
>He just "threw it together" 20 minutes before bedtime on Sunday because he wanted to show his engineering teacher something the next day.
>It wasn't the type of thing he usually did at home and he was upset about the clock because he wanted people to know about the stuff he's actually into.

After it went viral:
>He invented the clock from parts he bought online.
>His father says he used it to wake up every morning.

I do think that his parents definitely are trying to spin it to make it sound better than it is and it doesn't help that there were several misunderstandings early on when the first reports were coming out. That said, I think this is just an attempt to milk it for all it's worth and not some big conspiracy theory.

>> No.7569957

to elaborate, i made isef twice- first in sophomore year, where me and a friend did a gane theory project. we had no mentor. Junior year i failed to make it past regionals, but again had no mentor. senior year i did have a mentor for a group theory project, but we didnt meet that much and i was first author on our eventual paper.
id say math and physical sciences are 90%+ legitimate work, life sciences 50/50.

>> No.7569958

ITT: Salty /sci/entists who didn't amount to anything in HS

>> No.7569964

moshi moshi, beito desu

>> No.7569982

It's great, get their names on a publication, just don't tell me your kid who is struggling to maintain an A in her high-school bio class came up with an idea requiring graduate level knowledge all on her own with zero external help.

You aren't teaching your child to love science, you are teaching it to cheat and that getting all the credit is the most important part of research.

>> No.7569985

I'd still prefer her over a non-stem wife. When she's older of course.

>> No.7569987

There are far more attractive girls in STEM. Stop buying into stereotypes. The OP girl would be very plain looking in my chemistry class relatively to her classmates.

>> No.7569990

I never said there aren't more attractive girls in STEM, but where are these girls? If they're not in this thread, as far as I'm concerned. they don't exist.

>> No.7570020

>Also no one is tearing your research down anon, we can't know for sure one way or another how much you contributed.

>We are attacking the general practice of STEM
>parents doing science research for their kids and then giving all the credit to them - which happens a lot - and only takes away from brilliant PhD candidates who actually are able to do it themselves, of which there are also many.

>> No.7570033

>You aren't teaching your child to love science, you are teaching it to cheat
i am glad that you will never reproduce

>> No.7570035

Who is this qt? Is she famous? What is this?

Also, why has no one suggested that she did all her research but had someone help her make the poster?

>> No.7570234
File: 6 KB, 480x360, pickard4light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7570241

he's objectively right. are you really supporting teaching your child to take credit for things you do?

>> No.7570361

Several people have said that throughout this thread. There's also the TA who posted saying that they've encountered a couple high school students like this that they have worked with.

Really it's just a minority of /r9k/ and highschool kids trying to make it sound like she didn't do it because they're totally jelly.

>> No.7571011

>Most undergrads do projects like this

No, most organic chem undergrads bust their asses and optimize or find new reactivity.

Piggy backing someone else's work is always obvious on a CV, so any smart academic would avoid it.

>> No.7571035

all science fair winners are done by parents/family etc

even in my shitty elementary school science fair it was always the project the parent did 90% of the work on.

>> No.7571038

>She totally came up with this on her own, fabricated the analytical device, and performed quality controls.
>what is mentorship

you're supposed to stand on the shoulders of giants, friend

>> No.7571041

I'm just pissed that I never had this opportunity and that she will get a fucking great scholarship for her undergrad and multiple grad offers because of this farce.

>> No.7571046

>I'm just pissed that I never had this opportunity and that she will get a fucking great scholarship for her undergrad and multiple grad offers because of this farce.

admissions officers at selective universities actually account for this. most people at MIT haven't done high school research. they're smart enough to tell the difference between a brilliant student with less opportunities and a sorta-decent student whose dad is a research scientist

>> No.7571089

keep on dreaming dude. I've seen this happen a million times and it's more like >>7568847 says just because the PI took a liking for her.

Of course we can fantasize but life isn't a porno movie.