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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7567036 No.7567036 [Reply] [Original]

>That guy who vigorously nods his head whenever the professor explains something

>> No.7567039

I am that guy

>> No.7567043

i pay damn good money for these classes, i treat every lecture like my own personal tutor session. you other faggots aren't even there in my mind.

>> No.7567047
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>parents are broke and living in squalor due to your tuition fees
>i pay damn good money for these classes

>> No.7567055

i'm pretty sure my statement implied that i was paying my own way.

>> No.7567058

but you aren't :(

>> No.7567068

I did this once and the teacher pointed me out saying that I agreed with her. What an ass.

>> No.7567071

Not who you're responding to, but why do you presume to know his situation? Why do you jump to the conclusion that his parents are paying for his education. I'm in uni right now as well paying my own way, even giving my parents money that I earn from working part time to help them out, since I come from poverty. Stop being a cunt

>> No.7567075

I only do this if the professor is obviously looking for validation or feedback on whether or not people are following.

>> No.7567077

Back to high school

>> No.7567078


>be me
>hoping the government pays for my education.

>> No.7567079
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>getting butthurt and defensive
>I come from poverty

That chip on your shoulder couldn't get any bigger huh

>> No.7567089

stay mad bro.
I sit in the back row and I still manage to get the profs look every single time because I actually listen.
Try to explain something while no one reacts... It's just easier for them to move on and stop wasting my time with trivial explanations when I nod.

>> No.7567105
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>that guy who asks a question every moment the professors takes a breath

>> No.7567109

It's okay to call uni profs teachers.

>> No.7567142

Jesus christ this. Half my time is spent in classes with profs going over shit that everyone would know if they did the fucking reading. The other half is what they get done when they actually teach because a handful of us are paying attention and reacting to the lecture.

>> No.7567145
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The fuck do you want me to do if the fucker looks at me straight to the eyes but there is nothing to add to what he said?

>> No.7567174

That's me.
OP is a fag.

Participation counts and professors like to see you are engaged with their lecture and are more willing to help you if you seem genuinely interested in learning what they teach.

>> No.7567176

As someone who attended a university as a Mexican illegal immigrant, I can tell you that's pretty much impossible unless you commit identity theft (but only a retard would you get a degree with someone else's identity). In order to get government money you have to be at least a permanent resident if not a citizen. You could also try to get international student government money buy that means you have to pay international tuition in which case you're paying far more money than you are getting.

>> No.7567178


I was born in America and have lived in an American state all my life. My dad is from Mexico.

>> No.7567182

Do people really have to fucking go through such great lengths to let the professor know he/she is paying attention.

I had this one fucker who made sure the professor saw he was nodding, loudly going "mmm hmmm!!!!" every other minute. thank goodness he was some other type of cocksucker and not the other one that rephrases what the professor just said a minute ago all the time.

>> No.7567183

to add on to this, its pretty distracting sometimes and everyone sees through that shit.

>> No.7567184

>that guy who asks the most irrelevant questions ceaselessly to seem engaged

>bio class
>definition of life, homeostasis etc
>do you think in the future AI would be considered alive
>what's the evolutionary advantage of flatworms having eyes

I have a drinking game where i bring vodka to class in a waterbottle and take a shot every time someone asks a /sci/ meme question.

>> No.7567186

>I was born in America
Then you are American you retard. Mexican is a nationality, it means you have Mexican citizenship.

The word you're looking for is Chicano. Chicano is what Americans with Mexican culture call themselves. There's also a bunch of Chicano community groups that sit around trying to get government money because of the fact that they've decided to call themselves Chicanos. It makes me sick. You make me sick.

>> No.7567188

This one fucking guy in my English class asks every possible question.

>Does it matter if I write this in pen IR pencil
>What do you mean by make the essay personal?
>Changes what the professor just said into a question and asks it.

>> No.7567189

>Biofags confirmed to be the cancer killing /sci/.

>> No.7567195

you know those e-mails or texts you sometimes get from your uni about various announcements or changes in policy that say at the end "Please do not reply to this message."

guess what i do to those messages :)

>> No.7567197

No respect. Tsk tsk.

>> No.7567198

>not living in commiefornia
>not claiming ab540 status


>> No.7567206



>> No.7567216


>> No.7567220
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>what's the evolutionary advantage of flatworms having eyes

>> No.7567266

Full professors are essentially the highest academic position one can get at a research university, it's pretty rude to call them teachers considering the difference, friend.
Unless it's like a community college/non-research institution

>> No.7567269

>if female
Wink and smile at her.
>if male
Long distance bro fist.

>> No.7567281

>That guy who asks/answers questions without raising his hand


>> No.7567308

I wish i were joking about that. I frequently get quite tipsy in class.

>> No.7567318

fuck you buddy. You know what it's like sitting in the office and you get a new email and you get excited and then it just turns out to be one of you fags that replied to the a do not reply email? It fuck sucks kill yourself fam

>> No.7567320



M8 just throw some bailey's in your coffee

>> No.7567326


dude when the prof is letting a question hang in the air and he obviously isn't moving on until somebody says the answer its clearly not necessary to raise you hand first, geez

>> No.7567331

>I come from poverty
lmao could you sound anymore self-congratulating, you fucking victim. Kudos on being poor, nice job my man

>> No.7567337
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This is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.7567487

fucking chicanos....

>> No.7567488


>> No.7567513
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>> No.7567537

>lecturer explains something
A minute later:
>could you elaborate on XYZ?
>the exact same XYZ the lecturer just fucking covered
Some people really manage to ruin lectures.

>> No.7567544

Unless he's russian

>> No.7567685

I have someone in my graduate Quantum class. Every time the professor asks "Is this clear", this dude laughs nervously and says "Ehhhhhh a bit murky, could you go through it again?"

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.7567687

Some honors physic class was asked by some professor to come to an actual research seminar for bonus points.

The speaker gave his talk, we moved into the question portion...
>So what made you want to get into Mass Spectrometry?
>Which of those virus capsids is your favorite to study?
>Do you actively encourage women to participate in your field of research?
>How many hours per day do your work?

>> No.7567692
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I remember this one particular girl in my college class years ago who always spoke with some kind of lisp; Every time the tutor was lecturing she would ask if she needs to write her fucking notes down.

>> No.7567772
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Flop out your dick and do a cockcopter.

>> No.7567953
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>do example problems at business calculus recitations
>continually look at the audience
>see pic related
>ask for questions repeatedly
>dead silence
>give quiz on the same stuff
>they didn't understand
Teaching classrooms is heartbreaking.

>> No.7567977


>> No.7568008

>that guy who uhuh's after every single fucking sentence the professor says

>> No.7568041

what is the fucking protocol in this scenario:

so my adviser just realized i'm missing a 200 level course i was supposed to take a while back for my major so i'm taking it now. i've taken many 400 level courses that go beyond the scope of this class, so the material for the 200 level course is beyond simple for me. i've also had the professor before for other courses and she knows that i find the material simple.

the issue is that my class is full of fucking retards. when she asks questions nobody knows the answer to anything. i feel it's almost unfair for me to participate since i know the material so well, but what should i do?

>> No.7568078

Similar thing happened.

Pchem was required for chem minor.

I took it my senior year (Phys fag). I had already had the physics quantum, and was taking a graduate quantum course at the same time.

Just stay quite unless no one answers for awkward amount of time.

>> No.7568080
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>tfw I often squint and put my hand on my chin while nodding as a sign of intetest even when the lesson is extremely boring

>> No.7568084

yeah this class is intro to microbiology, which is like sophomore level

i'll prob just do what you did.

>> No.7568088

Fucking this.

TAing a Chemistry class for nursing majors.

>attend all the lectures
>notice only like 50% of the class actually comes
>lead recitation
>basically just solve their homework problems on the board
>they just stare at me with blank faces
>if you look any of them in the eye, they just force a weak smile
>they get exams
>class average is shit
>they bitch in office hours "This was bullshit, the professor didn't teach any of this"
>the exams are literally just the class notes in question format. I can even just literally point to bullet points in the class lectures to answer their exam questions.

>> No.7568099
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oh god i TA a chemistry lab

>nobody does the prelab
>nobody reads the procedure before coming in
>nobody even attempts to learn the names of the different instruments
>nobody follows the lab report rubrics

we had a lab on molarity. prelab was 3 questions. post lab analysis was 3 questions. if you did the prelab, you basically redo it in the post lab with a different chemical equation. lab of like 50 students, half of them couldn't even balance the equation right.

>> No.7568108

>procedure section should be past tense, in narrative form
>half the class still just gives you a list copied almost directly from the lab manual the whole semester, despite losing almost all points for that section every report.

>get TA evaluations back
>"TA graded unfairly. Always took off points for no reason. 0/10"

>> No.7568110

American detected. Hang in there, it'll get better.

>> No.7568115

>being this mad because some random dude performs some random motoric behavior.
Top kek. Why care.

>> No.7568117

The guy on the left is in limbo between cool guy with beard and ALOHA SNAKCBAAAR!!

>> No.7568123
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>> No.7568130

I occasionally nod just to indicate that I'm listening. It's hard to appear focused for the entire class and when I'm holding a presentation just simple acts to indicate the audience is interested can be of great help.

>> No.7568156

This. I have a lecturer looking at his audience and asking "Right?" every now and then. I respond to his questions by nodding.

>> No.7568192
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>that guy who falls asleep 5 minutes in and wakes up when people start leaving

>> No.7568286

>nobody does the prelab

guilty 8^)

>> No.7568321
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>foreign TA who keeps asking the class questions and expecting us to respond, apparently ignorant that we're all socially retarded millennials incapable of basic human interaction

>> No.7568327

>lecturer asks if everybody understands
>people just nod
>he asks again until somebody breaks the autism barrier and just verbally says yes

>> No.7568530

stop being autistic. They teach people stuff, so they're teachers. No professor will give a shit if you call them a teacher. Just make sure you use the right salutation in formal conversation (e-mail etc.), like Dr. or Drs.

>> No.7568543

this tbh

>> No.7568545

Plus, not all lecturers are full professors, so to call every lecturer a professor is just silly.

>> No.7568585

Yes, I think lecturers should learn to not expect answers.

95% of students are scared to look dumb in front of everyone. 4% engage with the course enough to not care about looking dumb. 1% is that fucking guy who has to add his own opinion on a subject.

>> No.7568620

I have to take CS 101 this semester and it's the first time I've been in a computer lab for lectures.

The amount of people just sitting there playing games or on Facebook the entire class is insane and distracting. Why even fucking come to class? Yeah it's really easy, so just stay home if you can't pay attention for 45 minutes.

>> No.7568627

>somebody breaks the autism barrier
my sides

>> No.7568629

It's weird but people seemed to answer questions more often even when I was in high school. The kids in my classes now (upper level math) never answer.

I've become that guy more than once where the teacher will say "somebody else" because I started to always answer. Not because I want to, but because sitting there in silence is unbearable. I also don't care at all about looking dumb anymore.

>> No.7568648

Its nice to know I am not alone in this. I TA Chem 2 for general science majors and this is my life every week.

>> No.7568672
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>they bitch in office hours "This was bullshit, the professor didn't teach any of this"
Fucking this! Once the retards managed to get the examen three fucking times, THREE and they all failed that shit but keep blaming the professor.

>> No.7568677

I just grin. I love math so much i just have this fucking smile

>> No.7568691

There's this one faggot in my calc class that just smiles all the time. Even the prof says he's a weirdo.

>> No.7568764

I do this.

I kind of helps me pay attention more, because it makes your professors pay attention to you more, and put you on the spot with questions. Which I like because I would fall asleep otherwise.

>> No.7568839

Screw you lol

>> No.7568892

I like to look at girl's legs during Math class.

>> No.7568950
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>teacher always comments on how everyone looks dead in class
>decide to smile and act attentive
>get called out by teacher,"why are you looking at me like that"

>mfw I was staring at her ass the whole time

>> No.7568974
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>hot teacher asks you to stand up after staring at her ass
These exist?

>> No.7568987

>any kind of teacher
These don't exist, that's why they have to make fake porn of them.

>> No.7568988

>the guy who keeps tapping his foot/doing that leg jittering shit
>that guy who smells like shit
>that guy who is on facebook/liveleak/le reddit all class
>that guy who took your seat
>that guy who wont just go blow his nose

>> No.7568992

>the fat, brown guy with greasy hair going to the side
The fuck are those anyway, indians?

>> No.7568995
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my mechanical design teacher is MILF status.

>> No.7569007

my set theory professor is also MILF status

>> No.7569008

guilty as charged, but what are you gonna do about it, you fucking nerd?---complain about it on an anonymous image board? only one person to blame if you're too dumb to realise you are subsidising the answers to questions I want answered and don' thave the social grace to stop it

>> No.7569045

Did that my very first day of college, on my very first lecture. I'm still ashamed to this day.

>> No.7569070

>Do well on exams
>Not terribly smart, I just do the work and pay attention
>All the retards want me to help them

Fuuuck this

>> No.7569137

>that guy who took your seat

why do people do this shit?
It's petty, but yo by the second week of class everyone already has their seats chosen. But theres gotta be that one edgy faggot moving around the fucking class all semester like its 100.

>> No.7569141


I know that feel bro. I have straight As, but that's because I study 20 hours a week, not including lecture. Then everyone asks me to to study with them. NOOOOPE.

>> No.7569144

nigga you must be ugly lmao

my french professor was fucking banging son.

>> No.7569165


i thought it didn't actually go anywhere

>> No.7569172

>tfw when you get extra credit for asking questions but don't actually give a shit

>"Do you actively encourage women to participate in your field of research?"
>tfw you've accidentally conviced yourself your questions matter

>> No.7569203

Why the ever loving fuck are you paying attention to him and not the lecture or if you don't need the particular lecture that day, something else more interesting than other people and their bullshit?

>> No.7569228

I TA'd before too. I was super optimistic going on, turns out some people are just useless and you need to accept that and triage for it. I made sure for the people that tried and gave a shit I gave them recognition for it.

>one of my better students came down with mono
>got treatment
>we had an exam later that week
>consult with prof and I, we obviously will let him take this when he can
>guy shows up non-contagious but still having symptoms day of scheduled exam
>gets an 88%
Once I got done grading that I think I shed a tear with a grin on my face. What a guy.

>> No.7569244

I generally wouldn't call a professor a teacher. When I think of a teacher, I think of someone who teaches a high school class or something. Calling them instructor is ok though. Perhaps it was the college environment I was in but I never heard anyone call a professor a teacher, ever.

>> No.7569252

I would only call an instructor an "instructor" if they weren't a full professor. Either way, it's best to refer to them as "Prof. Anon" or "Dr. Anon" or "Mr./Ms./Mrs. Anon".

>> No.7569279

Well by instructor, I didn't mean call them that to their face. If a professor is a professor then that's what they should be called. I was referring to more casual talk, particularly when they aren't there physically for the conversation.

>Who's the instructor for the class?

>> No.7569375


The absolute madman!

>> No.7569432

>I generally wouldn't call a professor a teacher.
Doesn't really matter if you teach retards or post-grad students, you are still a teacher tbh fam

>> No.7569450

You do that because they fucking look at the theater to determine if their point got through or not.
If nobody nods they just repeat it again.

>> No.7569456

>because sitting there in silence is unbearable.
Fucking this.
There's like three of us who do all the questions now because nobody else fucking puts their hand up and we get bored shitless after about thirty seconds of awkward silence. Most motivating subject I'm taking, actually.

>> No.7569789

>he doesn't nods his head so the newly absorbed knowledge gets more firmly secured in its head (the ideas bounce and get stuck to the brain matter, dumbass)

no wonder you're failing so hard this semester, fam

>> No.7569793
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>That guy who plays Hearthstone during class and complains about how hard the exams are

>> No.7569804

I do this to and I think it creeps my professor out...

>> No.7569986

I get like this for physics lessons on relativity and organic chem and biotech. I cant help it its like doing shrooms and watching cosmos but youre learning something.

>> No.7570030
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>the ideas bounce and get stuck to the brain matter, dumbass

>> No.7570051

lol, I'm that guy. I'm so goddamn sleep deprived during the semester though, holy shit. I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything but it's not like I do it on purpose.

>> No.7570056

Teacher refers to what you do, professor and instructor are titles. Calling a professor a 'teacher' is like calling a gynecologist a 'vag inspector'. You also shouldn't refer to an instructor or a lecturer as a professor unless they actually are one. Typically the safe fallback is to call them 'Doctor ___' (though a few instructors don't have PhD's so really you should just ask what to call them if in doubt).

I actually had a professor for a higher level math course who gave out handouts and explained that shit. She was very pedantic, but in a good way.

>> No.7570061

Holy fuck

>> No.7570067

Are you in high school? There are no claimed seats in college. Sure, you've got a fixed seat during one lecture, but if someone else is in that seat the next week, you don't autism out over it.

>> No.7570088

>TA in a biolab
>Piss easy week where everyone just runs Blast searches on their personal laptops
>Ask if anyone has used Blast before and a good majority raises their hands
>Go through the procedure once and mention how everything explaining Blast is in the prelab intro part
>Proceed to spend the next 4 hours answering questions that are literally written in the pre lab


>> No.7570098


Because it's college and there are no assigned seats.

>> No.7570113

>not staring into the teacher's eyes with a tired, dead, emotionless face at all times
it's like you guys are still alive on the inside

>> No.7570128

>Be in computer architecture class
>Assembly language projects
>I go to TA helproom to do my work incase I have any serious roadblocks, normally fine on my own
>Get most of my shit done early so I avoid the panic
>Word spreads
>Functionally asked to act as a second TA without the money

Yeah, fuck that indeed , I know that feel.

>> No.7570129

Well I mean did you red ink why you docked their marks? At least send out a chain email or something.

I've marked a major project averaging 40% and students accepted it with grace because I gave them a detailed feedback rubric and sometimes personal comments on how they can be less of a fuckup.

Everyone still loves me, despite fucking them over.

>> No.7570132

It helps you to solidify concepts, you should consider doing it.

TAs are way underpaid, we only do it do force ourselves to review and stay in shape.

>> No.7570136

Yeah that's fair, I was a math TA for a bit I quite enjoyed it.
This was a past semester and I wasn't asked by the department, I was just in the room and I got so many questions that I was pretty much a second TA in the room, a perk was the TAs liked me cause I took some of the load off them so if I had an actual question they would prioritize me. I also understood each assignment more and more from helping. Wasn't the worst thing but dealing with answer fishermen is annoying and I needed to be more careful from an academic honesty standpoint than the TA since I was in the class.

>> No.7570143

>like calling a gynecologist a 'vag inspector'.
my fucking sides

>> No.7570148

If you can't teach something, you don't know it.

>> No.7570160

This. Furthermore, many people don't realize they don't know a thing until they attempt to teach it.

>> No.7570190

>Professor explains a topic
>I nod my head if I understand it
>The professor then forms a habit of looking at me when he finishes explaining something
>He'll ask a question
>Looks at me
>I go into full panic mode
>He waits a few moments, then sighs and explains the answer
>As he is turned away, I calm down, and realize I absolutely knew the answer
>Feel awful

Every class

>> No.7570229

Imagine how the professor feels.
Half thinking about what he's trying to teach, and half about "maybe I shouldn't keep on looking at that student, but most of the others look either asleep or in some kind of trance. Damn nobody trained me on this; teaching sucks, I want to go back to research."

-Adjunct professor

>> No.7570230

lol, my mind goes blank whenever I get asked a question and I'm not expecting it. It doesn't matter how easy the question is, I just blank out and lock up. Shit sucks, I go out of my way to avoid it.

>Sit in the back of the room.
>Write notes so that I constantly look busy and can continue looking at/writing my notes whenever the prof stops to ask a question or attempts to make eye contact.
>In general try to avoid being seen as either competent or incompetent.

I mean sure, it's bad to not be noticed but it's worse to make the prof think you know your shit and then end up disappointing him on some obvious easy question that you already know the answer to.

I had one TA who knew me and knew I actually knew my shit so he would call on me in class because he didn't know anyone else. It sucked so damn much. The few times I did manage to eek out an answer it was ridiculously wrong and I always realized immediately afterwards that the shit I'd just said was retarded.

>> No.7570322

My professors usually tell students to call them by first name. What do?

>> No.7570374

If someone tells you to address them a certain way then do that. Some people prefer using their first name. It's more of an issue of being sociable than being formal. You don't want to make a seasonal instructor feel awkward by calling them professor in front of the other professors. You don't want to make a non-PhD feel awkward by addressing them 'doctor'. You similarly don't want to call a professor 'teacher' just because you think it's justifiable. Even if you could convince them that you're correct in calling them teacher, it's still not a good argument to initiate with someone just because.

>> No.7570388
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>Professor ask question
>I know the answer but for some reason I hesitate, say nothing
>Professor tells the answer
>I was right

>> No.7570394

This, also

>I'm I writing too big or too small on the board?
>why is that weird girl looking at me with that expression?
>my feet hurt
>I just want to go back to my office

>> No.7570398

You're projecting, bub. It's not self-congratulation, it's an observation based on context.

>> No.7570415

You always start with their highest title and only use their name if they ask you to.

Also NEVER call someone by their surname without their title, that's considered disrespectful by most people. If the lecturer is still a Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. and you're talking to another Prof. then refer to that lecturer on their first name not their surname. Always refer to other people on their highest title as well "Dr. Anon told me to come see you on X" etc. even if Dr. Anon told you to call him/her by his/her first name.

The longer you are a grad-student/faculty member at a certain department the more it becomes acceptable to refer to people on their first name, but when in doubt always go title.

Also don't call your lecturers professors, the title of the lecturer is always given in the study guide or otherwise should be in your departmental brochure on the web.

Just one last note on titles. I know there's a lot of people who consider caring about titles vain (especially because whore unis hand them out so easily) and chavs who are just edgy and don't care, but the thing is the title is not about respecting the person, it's about respecting what we as a society care about, whether you respect an individuals title or not says far, far more about you than it does about the individual. To quote Machiavelli "It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles."...or something like that, his book sucks, but he's right about titles even though academic titles are more about influence and respect than power.

>> No.7570420

>always vigorously nod when I understand what the teacher is doing
>when I don't nod the teacher explains better
>the class might be too slow for some, too fast for others but it is exactly my pace
I'd post my smugest Pepe if I wasn't on my phone right now taking a shit

>> No.7570432

Try to be less scared of being wrong. Professors appreciate students with the balls to speak up and be wrong far more than students who think they're "smart" and never say a word.

>> No.7570956

trying this hard

>> No.7571003

I have tourettes. Not verbal, mostly twitching. Not nearly as bad as when I was younger - most people grow out of it with age.

My most noticeable tic is I sharply inhale. It sounds like I'm blowing my nose. This usually means that any new profs I have give me the stink eye the first day(s) of class and then suggestively ask if I need to step outside and blow my nose. I always get a kick out of the looks on their faces when I tell them I have tourettes.

>> No.7571069

came two days late to let you guys know

that you're mad faggots

>> No.7571087

>not trying hard

>> No.7571088

There's a mature age student in my math lectures who sits near the front and TALKS to himself mid-lectures. Whenever the professor says something that he doens't understand he says things like, "such fucking bullshit" out-load.

I fucking hate it but at the same time its such a good laugh. I have to wonder whats going on in his demented brain.

>> No.7571095

>mature age student

just call me old for fucks sake.

>> No.7571099

check your privilege, whiteboi

>> No.7571135

>being mad about everything

>> No.7571139 [DELETED] 

fuck off, nasty degenerate spic

>> No.7571302

Lol Americans are weird. Here we call everyone by their first name.

>> No.7571305

>that guy with enormous scars all up his arms who sat in the back of your classes for 2 years but suddenly disappeared
fuck I hope he's ok

>> No.7571317

The only people who care are first year students who are desperate to let everyone know they aren't in high school any more.

>> No.7571318

>People being anal about being addressed by proper titles instead of just by name
Do you study maths or something?

>> No.7571321

>That guy who brings an airsoft AR-15 to class and makes pew-pew noises

>> No.7571327

What the fuck? Is this an American thing? First names should be enough. I mean we are all adults here working together. Do you adress your boss by title too?

>> No.7571334

I'm not allowed to talk to my boss.

>> No.7571337

Eh, this kind of thing sounds weird to me as an Australian. Here it's customary to call anyone by their first name unless it's a highly formal setting. If you met with the Prime Minister you'd call him "Malcolm". "Mr Turnbull", or worse " Mr Prime Minister", sounds odd and goes against our cultural values of egalitarianism. Same goes for professors; you don't call somebody "Professor Anon" or "Dr. Anon" unless:
1. You're presenting them with an award, or in some other ceremonial context.
2. They ask you to. Even then, you should probably still call them by their first name to spite them for being a self-righteous cunt.

>> No.7571344

Don't know why Americans sperg out over titles, when in every field I can think of one would write "Smith et all showed that..." in published work. I call all faculty staff by their first names, the only times titles are used is when their relevant to the context, such as forms/reports by a student where you wan to make it clear who the professor is.

>> No.7571356

you're not working together, he's teaching you.
Some might not be bothered if you call them by their first name, but it's just a convention.

>> No.7571475

Haha a guy I know has tourettes, which just makes him wink occasionally. It can make meeting new people rather awkward sometimes.

>> No.7572067

Yes, well, you are a penal colony after all, I didn't expect you to behave like people from normal civilizations.

>> No.7572129

Yeh p much the same in the netherlands
One cool professor even gets called by a nick name

>> No.7572229


>thirteen HALVES

>> No.7572236

>I am OP and 'x' triggers my autism.

>> No.7572290

>Mature students


>> No.7572297

Are you retarded? Professor is a position and teacher is a role. Basically all research scientists teach to some extent

>> No.7572303

did this all the time. obviously i dropped out. i had no idea what i was doing there. didnt realize it could piss people off

>> No.7572638

You'd have to have some casual relationship to just call a Professor by their first name.

Stuff like this goes beyond College.

If they say it's ok to use their first name then you can use it.

Because calling a Professor by their first name is generally super casual. It implies that you are either really close with the Professor or consider them on equal level with you. The latter case can make you appear like a snob if you aren't a Professor or equivalent.

>> No.7572683

I'm European and we all call our lecturers by their title only as well.

I think you just go to a shitty university.

>> No.7572708

Hey, maybe you should focus on the lesson or think about something important instead of casually judging someone who is trying to comprehend the material.

>> No.7572714

Yes, because the 1% is an idiot for trying to add his own input instead of mindlessly agreeing.

>> No.7572723

i just call my professor, 'professor'.

then i don't have to remember names.

unless they tell me to use a name.

>> No.7572729

It only really works if you are somewhat attractive but nodding makes your professors think you are attentive person and generally likeable. It helps also to be an actually attentive and likeable person.

>> No.7572886

>those chinks that watch league of legends games being played

>> No.7572911

>be Mexican
Get the fuck out.

>> No.7573588

I sometimes ask if they could please repeat the question as I wasn't paying attention for a second.
Usually I can come up with an answer on the spot then, which has surprised quite a lot of people already.

>> No.7573640
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>> No.7573643

>comes into thread
>is hostile for no reason
That's why.

>> No.7573918

to be honest, i shake my head some times to try and stay awake in some of the shittier classes

>> No.7573929

>professor asks a question
>looks behind you, someone starts to answer
>it's the guy with the retarded-sounding voice or the accent

>> No.7573996

Fuck studying with people tbh

>> No.7574367

You must be autistic if you don't think there's anything weird about that guy he's describing. Doing it everytime and always laughing each time is bizarre and worth judgement.

There is a time and a place to add your own input to a discussion, and if a professor has not asked for opinions, then a lecture is not the time or place to do it.

>> No.7574382
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>ask the professor a question
>he gets the wrong end of the stick but he seems really excited to explain whatever he's talking about to me
>mfw too embarrassed to tell him he's explaining the wrong thing and have held up the rest of the class with irrelevant information

>> No.7574418

>tfw always end up being the guy who the professor looks to when the whole class doesn't raise their hands to answer the question he asked

>> No.7574432

Reading that made me cringe a little.
I hate it whenever that happens, have been in that situtation before.

>> No.7574762

Professor here.

I sure don't.

>> No.7574787

>even when I was in high school

High schoolers have typically grown up with each other and so are more comfortable around each other. I sort of missed that about HS tbh. All of the other things about HS can go fuck itself.

>> No.7575143


I can never tell when my professors are actually looking for an answer/thought, or just transitioning to another topic with a rhetorical question.