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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 381x235, Realization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7562667 No.7562667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh god oh god, I FUCKED UP /sci/. I really fucked up this time.

>Usually return scripts in alphabetized, more or less evenly split piles so students can get them easier.
>Students start lining up.
>Hear mutterings about the piles not being organized.
>Students start moving to other piles.
>Asians are all finding their tests in one pile.
>Blacks all finding their tests in their pile.
>Whites in their pile.
>Realize I still have the piles categorized according to student race.
>Forgot to reorganize them in race blind alphabetized piles.
>People noticed and looked extremely angry.
>With what campus culture is someone is bound to make a huge out of this.

What the fuck do I do /sci/? Organizing according to race is just something I always do before I start marking. It makes it easier to spot cheaters because friends always copy.

>> No.7562671

Is this real? Holy shit lmfao. I think this is too original to be fake.

>> No.7562674

>Realize I still have the piles categorized according to student race.

Why were you doing this in the first place you moron? Besides, you should go through and grade all answers to the first problem, then grade all answers for the second problem, etc. in order. It's easier to tell matching answers this way.

>> No.7562679
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>> No.7562690

Man, please just help me I'm having a fucking heart attack, I need to think of something.

Should I try to explain go explain myself to the professor and the dean asap? I don't know maybe the students just take it as a joke and forget about it.

It's a class test with only a single, albeit very long derivation. Look I was explicitly told at the start of the semester that students with the exact same answers should be investigated, incidences recorded, and excessive cases punished and this happens at nearly every in.

I mean, I do it to all races and people I know who are friends so it's not like I was discriminating against anyone.

>> No.7562691

Also those fucking dune coons and gook cunts are constantly cheating. Like every fucking test they have the exact same answers and they're always sitting next to each other.

>> No.7562693
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back to storm>>>/pol/

>> No.7562697

relax. if you did it alphabetical, of course you going to group them by race.

all huangs and juns will obviously be asian
all jacksons and washingtons will be black
all martinez will be hispanics
all schmitts, schitzels, miers and smiths will be white.

>> No.7562704

Thanks OP, my roommate had to tell me to stfu.

>> No.7562711


that is, if anyone even asks you

>> No.7562715

Ignore it, the evidence is gone and you have plausible deniability. DENY, DENY, DENY.

>> No.7562718

So a third of the students are Asian, a third are black and a third are white? That sounds way to even to be real

>> No.7562723

OP here.

Thank you for the advice. I'm just going to lay low and hope no one says anything, if they so I'll deny it's racial and just say it's organized for friends and people who close to each other, which is the truth anyways.


>> No.7562726
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>> No.7562727

You're done goof'd mate.

>> No.7562728

I swear you spergs have something called tenure meaning that they can't get rid of you even if you turn up dressed as Hitler?

>> No.7562730

I actually know exactly how you can avoid trouble, but frankly I think you deserve it.

>> No.7562732

and hope that none of them see this thread

>> No.7562733


lol OP isn't a tenured professor you doof, he's probably a 22 year old grad student

>> No.7562739

you already know some of your shittier students have already complained about how their least favorite prof (read: you) is "racist as fuck"

>> No.7562741

No, it's roughly 10% black, 40% white 30% Asian and 20% Muslim/Arabic.

I usually split the handout piles at home at a certain letter, then keep them seperate with file binders so I don't have to make a hassle in class. The piles are never even even when all the students hand in because a lot of surnames start with the same letter etc.

Today when I put them out I didn't check to announce the letters or anything because the prof. was busy speaking and I felt the students knew the drill by now.

>> No.7562742

you racist cunt

>> No.7562744

don't worry about it. you are the teacher and no one is going to question it.

if anyone does then you grouped friends together. you were simply being proactive to catch cheaters.

>> No.7562746
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I love the first world and their problems.

I feel bad for you, OP. God, those feminists and SJWs really fuck up thousands of years of social progress.

>> No.7562747

I'm fairly certain no one that class browses 4chan...I hope.

>> No.7562748

I'm a TA, not a professor.

>> No.7562749

it's hard being a professor in the west, students complain about everything and the teacher gets the penalty.
hope it goes well, request for this thread to be deleted

>> No.7562751

Wow exactly right, yes it's my first year as a TA. Probably my last.

You know, ironically, I literally didn't even ask for this, my adviser forced me to because he needed one and no wanted to TA his class because it's too difficult.

All I want to do is get back to my research ;_;

>> No.7562754
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Keep us posted, I wanna see how this goes.

>> No.7562755

I'm guessing you won't be asked again. win-win

>> No.7562758

He could just say this is one of the students pretending to be him.

>> No.7562760

Many of the students in this class actually really like me because I'm the only one that takes the time to explain things in detail to them (prof. does not give a fuck and is too busy anyway).

I'm also fairly precocious in general so I'd good friends with a few of the students in the class, though unfortunately only white and two black students. I'm not that great friends with the black students though I went out drinking with them once.

>> No.7562762

he could just aswell compute the probability that the scripts were racially ordered by chance and say: "you see, it's not impossible"

>> No.7562770

I'm not a racist. You would understand the need for categorization if you were marking, if you're grouping similar papers out memory -as I was ORDERED to do- you'd end up with same races for 90% of the tests.

>> No.7562772

maybe they were pissed because they thought you caught them cheating.
did all the students react strange, or just the cheaty ones?

>> No.7562780

We haven't let on that we are even looking for cheaters yet. The prof. just wants a list of repeat offenders, he won't dock any marks unless theycreally fuck up and also cheat in a major test.

>> No.7562807

Tell them you grouped them by friends, if someone mentions race, act like you hadn't noticed their races.

>> No.7562860

Thinly veiled /pol/ thread

/pol/ is getting smarter, they finally realized that 30% of /sci/ is grad students/eternal postdocs

>> No.7562892
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Just say it's a coincidence. They can't prove it's not. If it happens again though, then the SJW army will descend like vultures.

>> No.7562916

dont kid yourself, sci is 90% science fans who think vihart is the bleeding edge of math knowlege, and are proud of themselves for encountering calculus in high school

>> No.7562944

Is calculus not mandatory in highschool?

>> No.7562960

Not in 'murica

>> No.7562973

they didnt even offer calculus at my highschool

>> No.7563004

Prepare to have your privilege checked, shitlord.

>> No.7563008

Where the fuck do you live where Calculus is offered in Highschool? They didnt even offer Trigonometry at my HS.

>> No.7563301

>i wasn't following any organization scheme
>i was simply tossing them into random piles to get them out of the way
>it is a freak of probability that they ended up they way they did

>get a bunch of friends to back you
>engage operation "i'm spartacus"

>> No.7563317

You observed the class and marked the papers according to which group of friends tended to talk to each other, and you didn't even realise that it was grouped by race until the students started looking angrily at you wondered why.

>> No.7563333

I learned trig in grade 8, dude.

>> No.7563335


>> No.7563367

where do you live dude

>> No.7563381


You guys are famous lol

>> No.7563395

Why couldn't you just organize them by friends or how they sit in the first place? If you bothered remembering their race, you could have done that instead.

>> No.7563396

My parents are great

And Grade 8= 8 Years old

I completed calc by 11

>> No.7563400

Enjoy getting fired.

>> No.7563403

>not a racist
>literally grouping things by race

>> No.7563440

I hope your a ethics or anthropology teacher. Get away with an edgy lecture tactic.

"According to stereotypes, races preform differently when tested. Some worse then others. I separated the tests into piles by race, and averaged the results. I'm glad to tell you that each pile averaged about the same. Stereotypes are bad people."

>> No.7563485
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>> No.7563489
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>when autism goes too far
this is so believable.

>> No.7563490

Did you learn the fundamentals of logic at 12(ish)?

>> No.7563494

So which race scored the highest?

>> No.7563498

fuck off back to reddit

>> No.7563508

OP here's a handy guide to getting out of your situation. First answer the following question:

Do you have tenure?

If you answered "yes," kickback with a couple margaritas and watch some Seinfeld.

If you answered "no," start filing applications.

>> No.7563520

can you faggots fuck off for once?

>> No.7563521


>assuming its a small class
>assuming you can recognize everyone when a classroom typically has 30 or more people
>implying people of the same race dont have names that tend to be more mexian, asian, black, etc
>being this much of a dumb faget

>grouping things by race is racist
>the mere act of grouping by race means you hat some races

Tumblr get the fuck out

>> No.7563523
File: 28 KB, 125x125, lolwut3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tenured TAs

Oh god this thread is gold.

>> No.7563557

"when grading, I organize tests in different ways to see if a pattern emerges. Last week I organized by age. This week I organized by race. Next week I plan on organizing by GPA."

>> No.7563560


>> No.7563716

Man, you are definitely going to get in trouble if this is what you are thinking.