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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7562418 No.7562418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any of you used or heard of these? Are they bullshit? Do they help cognitive function? Are there ones that will magically transform me into Bradley Cooper from Limitless?

>> No.7562430

>Are they bullshit?
>Do they help cognitive function?
>Are there ones that will magically transform me into Bradley Cooper from Limitless?

If you have any more questions, shoot

>> No.7562439

What are side-effects from long term usage?

>> No.7562448

Anything positive you've heard about them on the internet is almost certainly bullshit.

>> No.7562453

Nootropics is an umbrella term for many substances, so it depends on what you take. But no one knows because they haven't been around long enough to tell

>> No.7562456

I do believe that they enhance brain performance, but I bet that if you become reliant on the drugs then your brain will actually become crap when you stop using them.
Also, "better brain performance" is not "pass any school test", more like "be able to memorize one additional item on your shopping list".

>> No.7562488

what are some of the better tested ones? I've already ordered some l-theamine but I doubt its very powerful.

Kind of worried about some nootropics and their capcity to create a chemical dependency with long term use, like adderall. If thats the case I wouldn't think they'd be worth it.

>> No.7562504


There's a psychoactive substance that people use to increase attention and alertness and decrease fatigue. It's pretty much *the* go-to nootropic for everyone from grad students studying for exams to scientists at NASA pulling a long night.

It's called caffeine. You might have even ingested some before.

>> No.7562516
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thx buddeh

what about the millions of other nootropics?

>> No.7562523

Colloidal gold temperorarily increases IQ.

>> No.7562524

Bullshit based on what? What do you say to this? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12596521

Just saying "it's bullshit" doesn't prove anything.

>> No.7562527

also this http://www.smarternootropics.com/noopept/

>> No.7562532

If only it didn't make you miserable as well... Of course in that case it would probably be banned.

>> No.7562534

>eating heavy metals on purpose
Dear god no. I want my nervous system to work right.

>> No.7562538


Yeah, you buy it, realize it doesn't do anything, then think, "if only I had realized this before I bought it." See? You're smarter now!

>> No.7562545

>I do believe that they enhance brain performance
What are "they"? Because there is very little evidence that nootropics even exist. There's only a few that have significant evidence of increasing function, but it's more about increasing concentration than making you smarter. Any pill that someone is trying to sell you as a "nootropic" is almost certainly a scam, like this idiot's links >>7562524, >>7562527

>> No.7562561

>A Scam
REALLY? The U.S. National Library of Medicine is posting a scam? That other link has citations, too, you know.

Show me how it's a scam. Show me evidence that contradicts the links I've supplied. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

>> No.7562562


There's this study if it means anything:


>> No.7562571

>ctr+f control
>only result is in the references

>> No.7562575

Yeah, that pill is gonna make you a super genius sure thing bud

>> No.7562576


>five subjects

Unless they all turned into professor xavier, the results of this study are worthless.

>> No.7562611

>there is very little evidence that nootropics even exist
There is very little evidence that you know what you're talking about.

>> No.7562635
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless OP has brain damage the studies referenced to have no relevance. There is zero evidence that noopept enhances anything with a normal brain. But gullible retards like you will buy it off the internet and swallow it because you wanted to believe that you could make yourself smarter and didn't even bother to read the studies posted. Yes, selling idiots medicines for diseases they don't have is a fucking scam.

>> No.7562649

There is no drug that makes you smarter, if that's what you're looking for. This is so obvious it shouldn't need to be said.

>> No.7562666
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I started taking concerta, 36mg per pill, are there side effects in the long run for using these?

>> No.7562669

ofc bullshit, they need beta testers so they can manipulate it to make it actually do that.
so if you do take it you're helping future generations progress and are helping mankind get closer to the truth.

I don't care about the human race, but you should take it and see where it takes you. even placebo is something if it's gonna help you think you so smart.

>> No.7562700

op, try microdosing LSD or shrooms. It will improve both your emotional and intellectual functioning. remember, I said MICROdosing

source: google u lazy fucks

>> No.7562713

>source: the ever-expanding stoner asshole of bullshit and woo

>> No.7562716

looks like someone doesn't know how to use the internet

>> No.7562722

>muh blog sources!
Fuck off back to /x/ already.

>> No.7564015

>What are side-effects from long term usage?

>t the end of one particularly rough 9 days or so of straight usage during a major release for a contract, averaging 3 hours of sleep once every two to three nights (and the rest solidly awake), I settled with the team at a 24-hour diner right before release, and had an all-potato breakfast. My stomach had been steadily gaining in acidity over the week, but I had ignored it. A couple of hours later, I threw up and accidentally inhaled a small amount of the most corrosive stomach acid I’ve ever felt. When I coughed it out I tasted blood, and shortly after found it harder to breath. The bleeding was so profuse that I found it necessary to handstand over a hotel bathroom sink to let it all drain out without choking me. Luckily the person who had dropped me off was nearby - I phoned him and he took me straight to the hospital. I never had experienced that level of lung trauma before, and I’ve had a lot of hospitalization events related to some pretty severe asthma in my life, and it was this moment more than any other in my life that I seriously considered that I might die. In the end, I made it out with a light lung infection, and was treated at the hospital for an allergic reaction. I’ve never been able to eat potatoes since without experiencing an allergic reaction.

>The bleeding was so profuse that I found it necessary to handstand over a hotel bathroom sink to let it all drain out without choking me.

>> No.7564019

>It's called caffeine.

You get resistance to it though. Coffee does nothing for me any more. Modafinil is where it's at.

>> No.7564025

Seriously though, there is a scientific explanation to why microdosing is a pretty valuable option.
However if you choose to be one of those "stop liking what i don't like" faggots, then go ahead but at least consider the fact that maybe just for even once you're wrong.
>inb4 categorizing all drugs under same label

>> No.7564039

>for even once
Kinda why we do research. Because taking people at their word isn't a way to create reliable beliefs.

>> No.7564217

I think there is no drug that makes you smarter as in higher IQ but there are drugs that can raise your attention-span, awareness, focus etc. which will then lead to a better understanding of the 'learned' subject (considering you use them to study something)
Also I read that Modafinil raises your creativity thus you can 'connect the dots' easier.

but what's the best dosis? 100mg or more? how much do you use?