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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7559529 No.7559529 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/:

within our lifetime:

supercomputer advanced AI robots that colonize and begin terraforming
Martian and Moon worlds;
cybernetic brains and limb transplants;

which ones you think real? all? or none.
any others?

>> No.7559541

> supercomputer advanced AI robots
Yes. We even have prototypes of terminators
> that colonize and begin terraforming
doubt it, not because they can't, but they wouldn't need to

> Martian and Moon worlds;
Not moon worlds but wait till 2027 for Mars mission

> cybernetic brains and limb transplants
cybernetic brain would be an AI, limb transplants would not be necessary since we can already use robotic limb prosthetics

> pleasure bots
coming soon

>> No.7559586

Literally none of these will ever happen. Stop deluding yourself into thinking we're advancing as a society. In terms of scientific progress we've reached a standstill, most everything there is to know about chemistry, maths, physics and technology has already been discovered

>> No.7559615

I'd say there might be a solid chance of finding a ceramic that's superconducting near or at ambient temperature. Researchers have made it to -73 °C from the start at around - 235 °C in 1986, so I'm hoping. But who knows, the compound might not even exist, basing my hope on the trend.

>> No.7559617

With the current state of affairs I can definitely see pleasure bots to be honest.

>> No.7559622

>supercomputer advanced AI robots that colonize and begin terraforming
Martian and Moon worlds;
those are impossible
>cybernetic brains and limb transplants;
limb transplants already exist, cybernetic brains are impossible
probably but those would be basically glorified sex dolls

>> No.7559756
File: 203 KB, 381x424, 1443115412986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything there is to know about technology
dear god it must suck being you

>> No.7559772

>supercomputer advanced AI robots that colonize and begin terraforming
possible to start
>Martian and Moon worlds;
hell no
>cybernetic brains and limb transplants;
very unlikely
those exist now

>> No.7559796

it is not feasible to terraform the mars or moon for humans, you would need to create a new form of life if you want any kind of sapient to exist there and build a functioning economy

genetic modification, machines and upcoming discoveries could be used to create it

>> No.7559800

What the Fuck is the point?

>> No.7559805

>most everything there is to know about chemistry, maths, physics and technology has already been discovered
When my parents grew up in the 50s and 60s they were told everything had already been invented

>> No.7559971
File: 460 KB, 493x479, 1443406680411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what b8 looks like on /sci/?

>> No.7559998
File: 126 KB, 500x320, 7ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >pleasure-bots
> What the Fuck is the point?
- Guaranteed disease free
- Less cost than a girlfriend / wife
- Never says no, never has headaches
- Never argues or nags
- Never cheats on you with Chad Thundercock
- Latex vagina can be molded as tight as you like
- When vagina wears out, you can interchange part
- Doll never gets fat
- Cannot steal half your shit in divorce court
- Don't risk paying 18 years of child support for a kid that may not even be yours (see above re: Chad Thundercock)

The question is not what is the point.
The question is why the fuck wouldn't you?

>> No.7560003
File: 29 KB, 500x285, nodubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, so close.

>> No.7560015

>lame excuses for being a virgin

>> No.7560016

>Never cheats on you with Chad Thundercock
>The question is why the fuck wouldn't you

Confirmed beta as fuck virgin

>> No.7560365
File: 70 KB, 243x200, 3mLydMU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

>> No.7560461
File: 544 KB, 910x588, Happy_Old_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in our lifetime
I'm fucking 73 motherfucker.

>> No.7560564

> limb transplants would not be necessary since we can already use robotic limb prosthetics

While I am saving up for robotic prosthetic limbs, due to biophilia, I'm certain that most people will want to stay squishy. Lab grown replacement limbs will be quite the popular treatment. Probably not for augmentation at first, but definitely for involuntary amputees.

> cybernetic brains
Not entirely cybernetic brains. That's a long way off, especially since if you don't want to kill or clone the subject you need to take the ship of theseus approach. Cybernetically augmented brains though, are right around the corner. They're working on getting implanted neuroprosthetics to not gum up and stop working, which is the next step in brain-computer-interface. EEG is a dead end because you've got all that bio-matter to get through and it wrecks the signals. ECoG is the future once it's mature.

>> No.7560931

Fuck off normie

>> No.7560933


>> No.7560945

>supercomputer advanced AI robots that colonize and begin terraforming
>Martian and Moon worlds;
are you trying to say that ayy lmao's exist? nobody is sure on this one.
>cybernetic brains and limb transplants;

>> No.7560950

>supercomputer advanced AI robots that colonize and begin terraforming
>Martian and Moon worlds;
What would count as a world? They're technically already a world. If you mean colonies, why would we need colonies on the moon outside scientific research? At this point mars is just a test subject to see if we can actually colonize planets where typically life doesn't exist.
>cybernetic brains and limb transplants;
Limb transplants, possibly, no cybernetic brains though.


>> No.7562147

This post actually nails it. Anyone expecting terraforming or hyper speed travel or other sci fi bullshit is a deluded moron