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7557385 No.7557385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate fedoras, the NSA has finally admitted that it has been receiving intelligent messages from outer space


As you can see it's clearly from the NSA website
>It's a pulsar
Their cryptograhers are some of the top mathematical minds in the country. If they say there is an intelligent message in the transmission then I believe them.
>It's inconclusive
Clearly states that they worked it out to be the periodic table
>It was released in 2004, if it was this big it would have been in the news
Not true, As far as I know it was declassified in 2004, only made public in 2011 and they tried their best to keep it hush hush.

>> No.7557391

/x/ pls go

>> No.7557395

How does this BTFO fedoras? Aren't Religious people more BTFO by Extraterrestrial Life?


>> No.7557406

Fedoras hate anything not written in their science book.

>> No.7557410

Is /sci/ under a trolling attack from another board/website or something? Seriously in the last 48 hours I have seen so much retarded shit on here.

For anyone who might STILL believe this, it's all bullshit. The NSA conducts "internal exams" which are basically tests to different departments and branches to assess readiness. This was one such exercise in decryption.

>> No.7557412
File: 5 KB, 249x252, 1329594812278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything this BTFO's all human-centered religions, not fedoras. But then again, that's a pretty fedoric statement in and of itself.

*tips violently*

>> No.7557418

Unrelated to OP, but hypothetically I'm wondering:

>Humanity recieves signal from space
>we rejoice and send signal back
>recieve response to our response, full on communication with ayyllamas

>After long enough time to establish full communication and exchange of mathematics and physics, we send them our DNA in code
>they send us back a message of their DNA
>we find the codes to be the same within reproduction error margins!

Is this evidence for intelligent design/supreme being?

>> No.7557420

where is the media coverage

>> No.7557422

Yes sorry I just realized this. But the NSA does take UFOs more seriously than they like to admit. Why else would they train their cryptographers to decode ET signals?


Here they are saying that there is too much evidence to dismiss UFOs completely. I failed to prove they actually know but they certainly do believe.

>> No.7557426

Nope. I don't get how you would make the logical leap from "hmm their dna is the same" to "god is real". Every christian apologist pulls this shit and it's so obvious why it makes no sense.

>> No.7557427

Literally Prometheus.

>> No.7557431

I would say it slightly bolsters the case for intelligent design, but it wouldn't prove much considering we haven't found a great alternative to self-replication other than DNA/RNA. If you mean the "codes" on the order of the human genome, and not just their genetic mechanics as a whole, then yes that would be drastic for ID.

>> No.7557434
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no. Lots of hypothetical scenarios to explain that

Go to bed, richard doty

>> No.7557444

> NSA was spying on aliens as well
how shocking...

>> No.7557449

Because, accepting the fact that DNA/RNA maybe the simplest chemical information storage unit, and thus the basis of life everywhere in the universe, regardless, the probability of two sentient species evolving on seperate planets, even when considering convergent evolution must be astronomically low. Such an event must be taken as an example of anthropic evidence for intelligent design at the least.

>> No.7557454

Even the most hardcore of skeptics have failed to debunk this one
Their only explanation centers around a general ordering an attack on Jupiter, two trained pilots also being fooled into thinking Jupiter was an enemy aircraft, a meteor shower happened just when they claimed the UFO shot missiles at them, they accidentally activated manual lock explaining why they somehow locked onto a physical object when it was "just Jupiter" and the electronics just so happened to fail at the same time they tried to fire. These five coincidences happened at the exact same time is the skeptic explanation.

>> No.7557460

There can be a plethora of explanations, of which "god diddit" is just a subset. Therefore, it makes no sense to jump to such conclusions. Of course, religitards will jump the "god diddit" bandwagon regardless.

>> No.7557480

Attention /sci/ posters. You are being trolled.

This shit posting faggot was on /pol/ earlier trying to post the same shit.

The shit he is posting is actually a competition the NSA had to challenge people to decode a potential alien signal.

Aliens have not been found.

>> No.7557488
File: 130 KB, 500x355, mass effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt3.14ayygf

>> No.7557492

This is an ancient /x/ copypasta. They post this whenever they wanna get people worked up over aliens. It's nothing more than an interpretation of some vague signal and nothing more.

Aliums donut exist and government has no knowledge of them. End of story.

>> No.7557496

Considering how disparate convergent evolution is on our own planet, comparing octupus and human eyes, for example finds only 69% of genes are commonly expressed

Two species on different planets being within reproductive mutation of each other is highly implausible. I think the only two plausible explainations in such a scenario are both some sort of intelligent design, either through a third party of aliens, prometheus like, or some influence from outside our known universe. But by all means go ahead and try.

Not that I think such a scenario is remotely likely, just something that popped into my head.

>> No.7557704

If their earth is remotely similar to ours, they would likely evolve like us and would end up similar.

>> No.7557860

>we find the codes to be the same within reproduction error margins
Are you telling me I can have sex with an alien waifu?

>> No.7558554

Aayla Lmaocura

>> No.7558593

Not conclusively, but theists will take it and shout it at the top of their rooftops. People on both sides will jump to conclusions basically.

>sorry babe, I only date other-worlders

>> No.7558603

>Explanation is not probable
>obviously ayy lmaos guyss

>> No.7558619

Well, I mean, a large part of the NSA's job is SIGINT, so it makes sense why they would have training exercises to decode seemingly random noise. However, they could probably come up with a more mundane scenario than this, I mean they must have known how it would look. Perhaps they were just being shortsighted.

But, yes, they do actually concern themselves with the possibility of UFOs. There's an official government stance (U.S.) on what to do if we receive a communication from extraterrestrials.

>> No.7558636

this is exactly as the book of mormon (praise be all, allah ackbar) have taught us.
you must repent.

>> No.7558655


>tried their best to keep it hugh hush

I guess thats why its on their website huh?

This was a test for potential code-breakers. They say ET because it would look ridiculous on a test to say "chinese" or "russian" and narrow it down that much. They say ET because they want it to be completely ambiguous and therefore harder to solve- because you have nothing to base it on.

>> No.7559382

I dont even browse /x/ I dont agree with their belief in ghosts and demons. Scientific people do believe in UFOs, it is legit phenomenon observed by many credible witnesses. Now im sorry my link turned out to be a practice exercise, but the fact that I quickly realized this shows Im not a tinfoil. Regadless I posted another NSA file that shows they certainly believe UFOs are real and that they even take the alien hypothesis seriously. Thats the "big secret" that the government believes but they wont admit it for fear of panic. They dont however know any more than the public does about it. See yhere are many levels of UFO research, we dont all believe the senate is full of fucking lizard people.

Im not troll spamming, Im trying to change attitudes towards UFO research. Why the possibility of intelligent life flyingbto Earth is lumped into the same category as ghosts and fairies i.e the paranormal I will never understand. This is like the Indians saying that Christopher Columbus was paranormal (which they did and paid the price for it)

>> No.7559514


Man I've seen UFOs with my own two eyes. Anyone who discounts the phenomena is either deluded or a shill.

>> No.7559516

UFOs are manmade. It's nothing more than military aircrafts.

>> No.7559521


You'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for that ruse. There's no way what I saw was made by any human technology.

>> No.7559523

man /sci/ has turned to shit. I am never coming back here.

>> No.7559524
File: 19 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy puts up a puzzle with the background being a scenario of ET contact, in an internal technical journal


>> No.7559525

>UFOs are manmade. It's nothing more than military aircrafts.

This could actually be a possibility, though not in the way you think.

If humanity "unlocks" fifth and sixth dimensions in the future, it's pretty likely that travel to any point in time becomes possible. And it would make sense for them to travel here for scientific observation/historical cataloguing, without making a big deal of themselves.

>> No.7559531


>people actually believe that it is more feasible for future humans to time travel than for space-faring ETs to exist

>> No.7559534

>Perhaps they were just being shortsighted.

I don't think so. I'd have done the same thing and laughed at what would happen if it was ever made public.

>> No.7559537

Lol. Makes no sense.
That people could have kept something secret, or that suddenly aliens exist, which is more likely?
Typical spook monger.

>> No.7559550

it's a matter of discovering dimensions, not a matter of "rewinding" time because if you think of it in terms of rewinding then yes, it's impossible.

for a general introduction into the stuff

>> No.7559555

>i saw something so it must be real

Well that settles it then, I guess ghosts, leprechauns, bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and lizard people must all be real because people claim they've seen them. Because as we all know human perception is flawless.

>> No.7559560

Reductio ad absurdum et cetera


"An outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon:

a) The object was seen by multiple witnesses from different locations (i.e., Shamiran, Mehrabad, and the dry lake bed) and viewpoints (both airborne and from the ground).

b) The credibility of many of the witnesses was high (an Air Force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators).

c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar.

d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft.

e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e., loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object).

f) An inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed by the UFOs."

>> No.7559561

>There's no way what I saw was made by any human technology.

Because you possess detailed technical knowledge of every single kind of technology known to man, right? :^)

>> No.7559563

Not really

>> No.7559564

I have seen UFOs myself. But unlike someone who is irrational, I don't jump to any conclusions.

>> No.7559571

What kind of UFOs exactly?

And yes it's easy to see UFOs that you think are inexplainable by conventional means if you're too eager to see them like that and those idiots make the work of serious ufologists really hard.

>> No.7559572

Unfortunately this Wikipedia article has extremely poor citations and references..it might just have been made-up, references and all.

>> No.7559574


In that case it would also be trivially easy for extra terrestrial visitors to come here.

>> No.7559575

I'm %200 sure if they saw quadrotors at night before they got popular and publicized they would put it on youtube and fill the thread with alium comments. Just because you don't see every vehicle that the military is developing, doesn't mean the things that fly at night aren't manmade. it's like /sci/ is replaced with /x/ entirely.

>> No.7559581

>What kind of UFOs exactly?
I saw a glowing round shape that moved back and forth in a way a plane or helicopter couldn't have. (I fly rc helicopters btw)

>> No.7559584


>> No.7559587


I don't care what you think, stay deluded fool.


You'd have to be a real stupid cunt to believe that the US military alone has not just tech but new science which has evaded the rest of humanity for the past century.

You'd also have to have some real serious cognitive dissonance to actually believe that the US military tests their ultra-top-secret, nuclear powered antigravity craft by flying it illegally in full public view, all over the world.

I'm not sure what it was that I saw, but it sure wasn't any natural thing and application of logic eliminates the human origin.

>> No.7559589


Oh look it's the new ball lightning igniting swamp gas excuse. Wake me up when a toy drone can shoot off at supersonic speed.

>> No.7559591

> I'm not sure what it was that I saw, but it sure wasn't any natural thing and application of logic eliminates the human origin.
...said the caveman, looking with fear at the angry erupting volcano...

>> No.7559592

it's not and the case is real and extensively researched, if you'd have invested any time in this you'd know that, the writer of the article has just been lazy

but it's easy to ignore this sort of shit when you have a shorthand in your brain that says "UFO = crap)

and it likely is

>> No.7559594

Wake me up when you have proof of that.

>> No.7559595

>when a toy drone can shoot off at supersonic speed

this is exactly what I've seen, and there's no fucking way we have any technology capable of that at any scale

I honestly have no idea if this vid is fake or not, and I don't care, because it showcases perfectly what I saw once. there's no way some toy can pull this off


>> No.7559596


Only one of us saw it, therefore only one of us has data. QED your opinion matters nil.

>> No.7559598
File: 132 KB, 640x376, sci pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this a few years ago. It's not what you think it is, OP.

Back in the day the NSA started running an internal newsletter for fun (because most of their dudes were nerdy). Several older articles were eventually declassified many years ago and they're full of really neat things.

In one issue one of the authors talked about several technical (hypothetical) problems with attempting to communicate with AYYLMAOs. At the end of the issue they gave a very long hypothetical scenario to the readers. The scenario involved deciphering a hypothetical alien transmission where you basically had nothing to go on. At the end it challenged the readers to try and decipher it before the next issue came out next month.

The article in OP's post is the answer key from the following article.

There's several other cool articles in the NSA's declassified archives. The last time I looked around there several years ago I saw some stuff about the Enigma machine, one of the NSA guy's attempt at decoding the Codex Seraphinianus, and a historical retelling of how an archaeologist figured out some cool shit about Egyptian hieroglyphs that led to them being translated.

Nigga, you just got /sci/pilled!

>> No.7559599


What I saw was a serious WTF and after years of research I know that many hundreds of other people have seen the same sort of thing.

>> No.7559600

Only I saw an a street lamp assume the shape of an angel and fly to heavens, so only I have data. which holds equal credibility as your claims.

>> No.7559601

omfg i made that pill render :D im so glad its still circulating around :^)

>> No.7559604


Whatever man. Do you think you won something with your faggotry?

>> No.7559605


Anything or any being in that vessel would be crushed and flatten by the g-force from that acceleration. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know this.

>> No.7559607

Why are you quoting me with this? I already say I fly rc helis.

>> No.7559608

exactly and because of this, two things really piss me off

1: the pseudo ufologists/witnesses coming up with all kinds of baloney to sell shit or fill their histrionic attention quota

2: people like >>7559591 >>7559555 who just jump into conclusion of "they're just mad lol" without any intellectual rigor

why would there be thousands of ufo sightings? why we don't see shit like vampires(though I'm sure some retards do) even though they are similarly in fashion in pop culture?

>> No.7559609

How dare you ridicule my angel sighting. Is it too retarded because i'm the only witness which proves nothing ? You're a horrible person :^(

>> No.7559610


If one had some sort of gravity generator technology, one could override inertia.

>> No.7559611

1: who says there has to be anyone inside? that kind of vertical acceleration is beyond current technology

2: if it accelerates that fast, how can you be sure the vehicle is not manipulating gravity in some way, negating any g-forces=

>> No.7559612

Disregarding the jump to the conclusion that this is a vessel, If they could control spacetime, they wouldn't feel any g-forces.

>> No.7559613

> intellectual rigor no longer needs to examine any sort of proof
Thousands of other people truly believe they heard the voice of God. I guess we should all turn christian already.
And before you reply to my post with more blabbering, just think how understandable that people assume these people are just mad and think why your claims are treated the same way.

>> No.7559614


Yeah whatever the phenomena is, it's real and there's an effort to make any scientific research into it impossible.

>> No.7559619

> gravity generating technology
> negating g-force
I'm going to need a strong academic citation needed to even consider taking these claims seriously.

>> No.7559620

It's a cool picture, anon.

>> No.7559624

thenks :^)
Do you have any requests ? I can render something similar.

>> No.7559627


>implying human science has any concept of what gravity is let alone how to manipulate it

These things aren't of human origin.

>> No.7559628

have you ever met a person who's seen an ufo?

unlike with god, there isn't any sort of organization or ufo church in existence, there's no peer pressure to see this shit

I doubt but for example take this
are they all mad? all those colonels and whatnot? what could they possibly gain from making the claims they make? they're engineers, radar controllers, army officers, highly educated, they aren't some hobo lunatics, making those claims on camera can seriously damage their careers, but they do it anyway. why?

if you talk about god in a gathering, all but the most hardcore fedoras just smile and nod. talk about ufos and you're put in the nutcase folder. the social pressures are completely different.

>> No.7559632

*I doubt you watch it but for example

>> No.7559637


>dey all lyin :^)

>> No.7559646
File: 31 KB, 420x597, mulder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you can't really blame people for not believing it, whether you're right or not.

Yeah, my dad.
He claimed he saw a strong light hover while he was in an international plane flight which hovered around a few kilometers away from the plane about a few minutes and boosted away, leaving a very sharp ruler-like streak of light. All this happened about 9 so it was relatively dark.
I don't believe in him because his story is really vague and can be explained by him seeing it just because he wanted to believe in it.

> all those colonels and whatnot? what could they possibly gain from making the claims they make? they're engineers, radar controllers, army officers, highly educated,
> colonels, engineers, radar controlllers, army officers...
Just like Mulder said ;
It's strongly held by believers in UFO phenomena that there is military complicity or involvement in abductions, but what if there is no complicity? What if there is simply just the military, seeking to develop an arsenal against which there is no defense: biological warfare, which justifies - in their eyes - making an ass out of the nation with stories of little green men - a conspiracy wrapped in a plot inside a government agenda.

>> No.7559648

>are they all mad? all those colonels and whatnot?
People like mystery. That is the reason so many people lie about this. It's make believe. It's exactly the same thing that happens in religion.

That being said, I think some well documented things, like the hessdalen lights, actually exist.

>> No.7559652


Believing that the military is behind this stuff is putting way too much stock in the military. Anyone who has dealt with any military organization knows that outside of killing people, they are an incompetent clusterfuck of FUBAR and SNAFU.

>> No.7559654


>dey all lyin :^)

>> No.7559655

Fuck off with your shitposting.

>> No.7559658

Doesn't make UFOs a more plausible option than the military. If that was the case, than the government would have knowledge of them long time ago, as well as NASA. Which would mean that they are willingly dicking us around with all this bullshit and I don't wanna believe that.

>> No.7559662

Perhaps the stuff seen by plebs on the ground is, after all black triangles do look a lot like B-2 bombers but every pilot who has seen a UFO in the sky has sworn that it outperformed their aircraft something ridiculous. And these aren't always middle aged men flying Cessnas, I'm talking craft that can somehow run rings around an F-16.

>> No.7559665

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i-48LpRB9c
Who are these people and why does this video has only 5K views ?

>> No.7559671

Fuck off man, this is better science discussion that "engineers vs physicists take #1008". Science is all about trying to explain what you see, not "my formulas are harder to solve than yours". The fact of the matter is that 5% of UFO phenomenon is truly unexplained and warrants scientific explanation as opposed to merely being laughed at.

>> No.7559675


Watch the recent movie Mirage Men.

>> No.7559678

there's a version that has 500k or something IIRC, I just picked that one because it had best quality

anyway it's pretty well known in ufo circles

>> No.7559684

let's play around with the idea that the top-level military knows it's UFOs

how exactly you announce that? especially if it's a phenomenom we can't control in any way?
"uhh, we have ETs visiting, we don't know exactly what they want, we don't know how their technology works, we don't know if they're a danger to us or not, we basically know as little as you do"

you'd get chaos. assuming they're UFOs, they'd be tens of thousands of years more advanced than us. and the scientists in the labs don't really explain what they do to the test rats, why would they bother? they don't want to kill or torture the rats unnecessarily of course but they don't treat them exactly like equals either.

>> No.7559685


Most governments around the world openly admit to the phenomenon and have ongoing investigation. It is primarily the USA stonewalling it.

>> No.7559691

Look at this case
Even the fucking governor of Arizona saw it. Not only was he governor but he is also ex-USAF so he's familiar with military craft. How much more credible do you want?

>> No.7559694
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Or even worse, try to explain that humans are space niggers.

>> No.7559698

Nice contradiction we got going on between these two posts

> Lights in the air
Lights in the air can be literally anything. The only visual footage is a shitty 97' video that shows 3 pixels of lights hovering. An array of light attached balloons can create this look.

>> No.7559700

If there are civilizations more advanced than us there are civilizations less advanced than us. There could be a planet of beings building something akin to the Roman Empire right now. If we landed there we would be attacked by a bunch of sandal-wearing, sword-wielding little green men. The universe is weird like that.

>> No.7559703


It's not a matter of human technology, it's human behaviour. Humans act like fucking faggots, there's no way we'll ever be allowed into the cool kids' club until we wake up to ourselves.

>> No.7559707

The air force explained the second sighting as flares. This I can accept, but the first sighting the one which the governor saw the only people who would be flying in formation in that area at that time, the Air Force had no explanation. Also many people said they did see the outline of a craft.

>> No.7559708
File: 154 KB, 1280x1024, hide and seek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this shit happen alot around Mexico ? Lots of ufo sightings happen between USA and Mexico.

>> No.7559713

Tequila and cheap drugs

>> No.7559716

one fairly simple explanation is that you have a desert a.k.a very long visibility and a decent amount of people inhabiting the area.

>> No.7559717


That's a disinfo meme. Sightings occur all over the world.

>> No.7559719

Exactly they're watching us until we fix up. We don't try selling iPods to monkeys in the jungle even though they may actually be able to operate it and enjoy the music, we just stay back and watch them, maybe abduct a few for testing.

About the abduction claims, I think that is what tipped UFOs into tinfoil territory for good. However even if you don't believe in the abductions (I've never seen a convincing case) it doesn't mean you should dismiss plain UFO sightings.

>> No.7559720

ITT: People who can understand that anything can happen in the universe but cannot acccept that we can be contacted by intelligent life

>> No.7559722

>NSA finally decodes message
>It just says "ur a faget"

>> No.7559724


Or maybe they're making sure we don't shit the bed while they wait for the real players to come along. Perhaps AI? Perhaps some evolved version of us or some new species? But not us.

>> No.7559727
File: 117 KB, 480x284, dante reads ur post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7559731


People actually believe that life on Earth has some magic pixie dust, rather than being a mundane emergent property of extremely common elements and molecules.

>> No.7559732

I've heard a couple explanations some more plausible than others

>Aliens have been visiting there for years because it was the least developed and populated part of the Earth before the Euros turned up
>Aliens may have once struck up a friendship with the local Indians who do tend to be more welcoming of this sort of thing
>USA is the most powerful country in the world, if you went back in time to 100 BC would you prefer to observe Africa or Ancient Rome? As for why the US desert, that is where the USA stores and tests their latest shit
>what >>7559717 said, it's just a meme due to the fact that USA has a stranglehold on Western media

>> No.7559736

I know right? It's like some last gasp of ingrained religion that even hardcore fedoras can't seem to break out of. "We are too special for anything better than us to exist anywhere else much less come here and lord it over us.". Tbh if you really hate religion you would embrace aliens because they are your best hope of finally ending religion on Earth.

>> No.7559746

And the funny thing about ETs is that it's quite possible they're about as far ahead of us as we are of ants. Which would answer the question "if they're here why don't they reveal themselves!!!??!"

Why aren't we trying to integrate ants into the UN?

Of course, this line of thinking is impossible for too many people. Solipsism I guess.