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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7555131 No.7555131 [Reply] [Original]

Engineering thread

>> No.7555141

Daily reminder that nuclear engineering is the master race engineering discipline and best STEM degree.

>> No.7555208

Except metallurgical engineering is where is at

>> No.7555212

I want to engineer a nuclear dildo to nuclearly fuck my gay engineer ass.

>> No.7555220

I want to engineer a big, shiny metal dong to expand my gay engineer ass.

>> No.7555225

Who's this semen demon?

>> No.7555260

Isn't it called "Material Science in Engineering" now?

>> No.7555289

I need to engineer a hard and stiff material to build a shiny giant cock to fuck my gay engineer asss.

>> No.7555341

well nigga we got some new nano-meter length scale truss structure to make ya cock both metal and light weight.

>> No.7555371
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>juggling whether I want to pursue a visual art career or an mech engineering career

It's funny how my perception of Engineering is so vastly different to how it really is. You're just a grunt with the 50 other engineers in the department. You're mostly in your cubicle on SolidWorks all day, maybe analyze a few things, MAYBE if you're lucky you do prototyping.

Sounds pretty fucking lame to me. And I have no idea how it is to work for a defense contractors because 99% of engineering perspectives are pleb-tier jobs. Who even knows if it's fun or not?

What drew me to Engineering in the first place was the whole design process. From drafting, to CAD, to prototyping, to overseeing the building of the real product, analyzing it, improving it etc.

I guess that's not the case, or only for the 0.1% elite.

>> No.7555372

No, that's REAL engineering, with composites and semiconductors and shit. Metallurgical is civil-tier.

>> No.7555382

Self-employment, m8

>> No.7555395
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>want to get internship with aerospace company, especially nasa
>everyone online says I need good extracurriculars like SAE and other college clubs
>I'm doing my first 2 years of college at a local campus then transferring to the main campus
>because it's local and small, there is literally fucking nothing here except for generic engineering club and a robotics club
>neither of which will probably help at all to get me internships

what the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.7555435

If you're within driving distance of any main campus, you can still join the clubs without being a student, usually.

If not, volunteer at shit, learn skills in your spare time (teach yourself some CAD, using software at your university, or something free), or join a club outside engineering that will be fun and help you develop leadership/teamwork skills

>> No.7555458
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>tfw feeling the exact same feel
I'm debating not even going to uni at this point. It just seems like it's a waste of money even if you pick STEM unless you pay less than $30K for the whole ride.

>> No.7555481

Pretty much, fam. Just do what you want (with what society needs in mind) and make sure you do it better than the next guy

It really just depends. The huge firms are exactly like this, but there are a lot of smaller firms that are easy to overlook, that still let engineers at all levels be a part of the design process

>> No.7555506

guys wtf does an environmental resources do?

>> No.7555512

>tfw became an engineering major because I got good grades in math and everyone said engineering was in demand and one of the only worthwhile majors
>only a sophomore and I fucking hate it
>should have done Econ or finance or accounting or management or something I could actually see myself doing
>tfw now I wake up every day, brute force my way through practice problems so that I can grasp shit that my classmates all think is easy, and only enjoy my electives I'm taking for my business certificate
>too late to change and still graduate in four years
>could have had a 4.0 if I had studied marketing or something
>instead I'm getting rekt by fluid mechanics

>> No.7555515

enviornmental respueces engineer*

>> No.7555516

ITT /sci/ hates science and maths in reality

>> No.7555523

im pretty sure you could still do finance with a bs in engineering, but i understand your frustration.

>> No.7555530

>getting rekt by fluid mechanics
You're not going to graduate in 4 years in engineering at this rate either, so just switch. Make the right choice now so that you don't suffer the consequences later

>> No.7555547


Not be employed, that's for sure

>> No.7555552

I still aced the first exam and my current GPA is 3.87. So if I can just plow through and not burn out I should be fine as far as graduating goes. It's more that I find the subject matter dreadfully boring and I spend hours and hours studying just to understand stuff the the people next to me are figuring out in class as we go (as evidenced by their clicker questions).

>> No.7555555


>> No.7555559

y'all usin' em iclickers too?

>> No.7555561


>> No.7555562

Just change and graduate in however long it takes, why do all this work to become a miserable shitty engineer when you could cut your losses now and do what you want?

Work at a smaller company if you don't want to feel like a cog in a huge department. A smaller chemical plant might have like 25-50 engineers total split into various small groups. I interned as a process engineer at a plant and did a huge variety of work and I was rarely indoors for an entire day and I got to take part in projects at every stage. And you might be using CAD a lot but usually the full-time CAD monkeys are engineering techs, not engineers.

>> No.7555571



>> No.7555576

>I spend hours and hours studying just to understand stuff the the people next to me are figuring out in class as we go
Guess what, that's the rest of your life if you stick with engineering and suck at it
Go do something you're good at

>> No.7555589


>> No.7555597

>tfw good at nothing

>> No.7555613

I feel you man, just push through it. The way I see it if we can get through this, we can do whatever we want to do. Nobody turns someone with an engineering degree down, plus you will always make decent money. This is the hard part, after this it is all down hill.

Stay in there for me man, and ill do it for you

>> No.7555620

Material Science and Engineering is where learn to be a wizard.

>> No.7555631


>> No.7555643
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but why

>> No.7555826

Is there a reason you need to graduate in 4 years?

>> No.7555829

Not him but my family isn't expecting to pay 5 years worth of money.
They'd kill me if I took an extra year tbh, and that doesn't even have to do with the money

>> No.7555832

>nuclear engineering
You mean the one where you're only hired as a substitute for an industrial engineer because there aren't any nuke jobs? Or the one where you basically just take the ChemE curriculum and replace Biology and Chemistry with a bit more physics?

>> No.7556161

Good circular reference. Topmeme.

>> No.7556172

Don't listen to those retards, the only thing that will help you is internships with good references (ie work at a small company in your first year to get references for internships at the companies you actually wat), no one gives a single flying fuck about your clubs and other campus bullshit.

>> No.7556173

>too late to change and still graduate in four years
So take an extra year...

>> No.7556174

Just switch to stuff you enjoy. Your dayjob in engineering requires you to regularly learn new material fast, if you don't enjoy it now, you never will.

>> No.7556175

>A smaller chemical plant might have like 25-50 engineers total split into various small groups.
Lol. wat?

The chemical plant I worked had a grand total of 3 engineers (and one of those was the owner who was never on site). As a student I was literally more technically qualified than the other 400 workers and support staff on the plant.

>> No.7556178

You had the right idea with business and accounting, it's vastly underrated, far better payoff/effort than STEM majors.

>> No.7556185

>The way I see it if we can get through this, we can do whatever we want to do.

That's not even slightly true, you're going to off yourself when you graduate and realize you just wasted 4 years of your life.

>Nobody turns someone with an engineering degree down, plus you will always make decent money.

>Nobody turns someone with an engineering degree down, plus you will always make decent money.
No, after this you're competing against 100 other engineers for entry level spots that pay jack shit, then you have to perform exceptionally for the rest of your life if you want your career to progress beyond 30-40kpa.

You people shouldn't force yourself to do something you're bad at, engineering isn't a promise land of opportunity and high salaries, it's a complete bullshit myth, the field is oversaturated if anything, not quite as bad as law yet, but getting there.

>> No.7558652
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>> No.7558685
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>> No.7558694


Literally Americlapped at your dank meme. Congrats.

>> No.7559458

What is the most boring, rote, plug-n-chug branch of engineering?

What is the least?

>> No.7559466

kek'd even though it's shopped

>> No.7559507

What you guys think of textile engineering?
Is it a good major?

>> No.7559535

Sales engineering

Top dank. I'm studying composites, and there's a lot of research going on regarding different fiber reinforcements

>> No.7560376
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>> No.7560489

Biomedical engineering student reporting in.

>> No.7560532
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>mfw Thermodynamics exam today

I got fucked

>> No.7560909
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>> No.7561098

Why the heck are engineers so repulsed by math and science? Its my first year and all I hear from other people is how they want to get their math and science pre-reqs done with, which are all babby-tier intro level courses.

Most of the kids in my engineering department never even learn about classical mechanics or Maxwell's equations. The only thing that draws them is the thought of making "cool stuff".

It kinda reminds me of little kids who rant and rave about technology, but when confronted by the inner workings of that technology become uninterested. Like a macfag ranting about how OS X is so advanced, but doesn't know shit about OS and never intends to.

"Aww yeah, dude I'm finally done with Calc III, time to never ever touch math again in my life. Linear algebra? Hahah as if! I'm an engineer!!"

Fucking engineers man. You guys really let me down.

>> No.7561100

Engineers have to take liner algebra as well wtf. What's wrong with getting prereqs out of the way anyway? You have to finish them eventually, maybe you're better at math than science so getting math out of the way might be easier so you can invest more time into other stuff.

I understand what you're saying , but it doesn't apply to everybody.

>> No.7561118

The prereqs exist for a reason, unlike some humanities courses. Linear algebra, differential equations, calculus, etc. are vital to an electrical engineering curriculum.

>> No.7561121

Yeah, but its as if they're only taking the pre-reqs because they have to and its an obstacle rather than part of the journey. It's as if once they're done with it, they'll never want to touch that shit again. And they whine and moan about it. And everyone starts sharing the same sentiment.

It's disrespecting the entire foundation of their discipline basically. Engineers usually have this mentality of, "How is this immediately and obviously useful to me?" rather than, "How can I apply this knowledge broadly in new and novel ways". The former encourages shallow thinking - a when-you-have-a-hammer-everything-looks-like-a-nail approach to everything.

It also leads to this form of rote learning where people just memorize the answers without trying to find an understanding of the subject. For example in my calculus class there are these people who ask, "What's mean value theorem for?", then the professor goes, "Oh, well you'll need it to do well on the upcoming midterm, and then you forget about it".

And the whole class laughs.

>> No.7561128

Business and qccounting underrated? That's a first. I'd say it's pretty overrated lad. The hardest class for this is calculus 1, everyone I know goes into this because they couldn't hang in calculus 1. The market for this has to be more saturated than engineering I feel.

>> No.7561151

I understand what you're saying, I've experienced it myself. It's not just engineers who say this tbh. In my calculus 2 class the sentiment to whine about the class is well accept d and it's not just engineers doing the whining. It's a monkey see monkey do. A couple of people hear that th class is difficult so they go on writing the same shit on the wall because I everyone does it.

>> No.7561178

>calc class
>mean value theorem needed specifically for an exam
>therefore likely calc 1
>there *are* these people
>>present tense
>therefore still in calc 1
>therefore not only a freshman but a dumb freshman who couldn't just skip to calc 2 or even diffy qs
>being a douche on /sci/ about what is needed for engineering and what pedagogical methods are best

This is the board

>> No.7561189

There are a lot of people who think this way in freshman year though.
>Engineers usually have this mentality of, "How is this immediately and obviously useful to me?"
You are basing this on on what exactly? The people in university are there to learn for a reason. Outside of the year prior to graduation or during internships nothing will be "immediately useful". Do these people exist outside of first year?

>> No.7561196

I, as an engineering student get annoyed by this attitude too. All my class mates look at something abstract and immediately say "this will never have an application in the real world" as a proxy for "I don't understand this and I don't even want to learn it". What bothers me is that if they understood it, they'd see the applications, but since they don't it never will be applied. That's the kind if behavior that lets million dollar ideas float by. Also there's beauty and subtlety they're missing out on (less of a big deal of course). It really annoys me.

The caviet I will give is that I made a semi-bad choice of major, I really love the science in my degree and will be pursuing a Ph.D.

>> No.7561199
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Computer engineering technology mustard race here ;)

>> No.7561205

>Engineers usually have this mentality of...

and being a freshman in your first month of college qualifies you to judge engineers, because...? i'll wait for an answer.

>> No.7561229

Believe it or not, this is actually in Calc II at my university.

FYI I am taking diffy q's concurrently, funny you should mention it.

I didn't know what the heck the Calc sequence is in the United States. I just came here and was told to register for this class that I realized I didn't need. But now I'm stuck and have to follow it and I can't drop it.

>You are basing this on what exactly?
My experience which happens to correlate with some opinions floating around on /sci/ and in other places.
>Do these people exist outside of first year?
Yep. Forget the students, even the professor blows it off like the subject he teaches is a joke.

Because I have experience with engineers (at least at my university) and that is enough to base a judgement off of. Granted, I do not have much experience, so my mind can change at any time. However, the more I hear people whining about Calc I, the more I doubt this would happen.

I didn't intend to make a sweeping statement regarding the entirety of engineers - of course there will be some outliers here and there. But it still stands that I think a vast majority of engineers are like what I described.

>> No.7561233

He's just parroting something he heard on /sci/.
I could have said the same thing he did, using only information gathered on /sci/.

>> No.7561281

I could be parroting, but without experience I would only be saying words that I don't believe.

>> No.7561502

I am currently working in a small electronics company as an intern and am tasked with developing a board containing some analog audio filters and gain control to be put in front of a class D amplifier (as well as redesigning the amp board for minimum height).

The filters and mute / gain control are supposed to be controllable via the I2C protocol; does anyone have an idea how exactly you can harness the microcontroller output to influence filter characteristics when the filters are made up of regular old opamps, caps and resistors?