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7552655 No.7552655 [Reply] [Original]

>Be NEET basement dwelling neckbeard
>Have propulsion idea
>Did some calculations with what school calculus I remember
>It's feasible
>Do a google search on the concept
>All that comes up is one PhD on the exact same thing that was submitted 5 years ago
I have a lot of questions. Number one Is it impressive that I thought up something that someone did a PhD thesis on not long ago? Don't mean to sound egotistical it's just that my self esteem is at rock bottom since being NEET for 4 years, something to be proud of I guess. Anyway serious question number two, I want to go ahead and make a full size version to sell as opposed to him who just wanted to study the system. But if there has been a PhD done on it does that mean that he patented the system? All I could see in the document was a section where he said thank you for the help of some professor who "has patents in that area of propulsion". Didn't specify if it was the PhD subject specifically. Question number three: Should I try contacting him to work with him? Obviously he knows more than me and the university actually isn't far from where I live. Or should I stay lone wolf? The system isn't hard to build, as I said his PhD was largely concerned with studying it, not on how to create it. I could do it myself, I have all the maths worked out for I am using basic equations to get an approximation while I assume his methods are much more accurate. Approximation is good enough for me, I can just over-engineer to compensate. I wouldn't want the university to take all my input however small and claim I did nothing because I have no qualifications.

Tl;dr: came up with some tech that I want to make and sell, PhD was submitted about the exact same thing not long ago, should I work with them or treat them as the enemy?

>> No.7552659
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>> No.7552671

I forgot to mention I have one ace up my sleeve: I have a control system that he doesn't have. It's a really simple idea (hence why I thought of it) I presume no-one has done it because there is no way to control it but now I found a way.

>> No.7552680

If it's not an anti-matter rocket, you may fuck off.

>> No.7552723

you should create the prototype on your own

>> No.7552728
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>> No.7552744

> But if there has been a PhD done on it does that mean that he patented the system?
No. If he has a patent, then that means he has patented the system.

The rest is something you must answer for yourself. Probably no one wants to steal your ideas, but if it's that much of a concern and you can do it yourself, then just do so.

I feel that, since you just have an idea and some scratch calculations, but haven't done any actual work yet, you will encounter difficulties that you did not anticipate. Then you may wish to reconsider.

>> No.7552787

make some plans, design/build a prototype, prove it's feasible, file a patent, then go forward from there

if you can't make it to that point, why bother thinking about the rest?

>> No.7552822

Can u tell me what it is anon pls I won't steal ur ideas

>> No.7552835

Contact him and ask him about it.

If it's not been progressing yet he might be having some trouble.

I mean what do you really have to lose?

>> No.7553257

>if you can't make it to that point, why bother thinking about the rest?
You do not need a prototype to patent something, you just need a good enough understanding of the system to be able to describe it in gory detail.

>> No.7553499


>> No.7553537

a patent can only apply to an invention though.
If it already exists or is a simple tweaking of something that exists, it won't work.

It doesn't mean OP can't make a business out of it.
To create a business, you need to have or to create a market. Who would buy your system OP ? How much would they pay for it ? How much would it cost you to build it ? It's ok to share your company with someone else. Or you can hire people with the right abilities if you're convincing enough.

>> No.7553593

>I mean what do you really have to lose?
His last bit of self esteem before he kill himself?

>> No.7553615
File: 35 KB, 512x341, rocket_engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD on the exact same thing
post link or keywords

>> No.7553621

>ITT: Alex Jones goes into science

>Should I try contacting him to work with him?
In case this isn't just a joke, what do you think he will say?

If you really think you found something, go try and patent it.

>> No.7553623

Well he said he found something, that the PhD didn't. You can patent any modification/innovation. You don't have to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.7553635

no you can't. You can submit, but it won't always work.

>> No.7553637

What you're saying is like: No, you can't get a job. You can apply, but it won't always work.

>> No.7553642

I hate people like you.
You don't know how patents work but try to argue about it on the interwebz.
Filing for a patent costs money, evenmoreso if you try to get rights at a global scale. It's best to know if your chances are good or not before doing so.

>> No.7553695

Stop smoking weed OP

>> No.7553699

fucking lel next level delusional bullshit /sci/

>any propulsion system that isn't a fusion plasma propulsion system

>> No.7553716


What is so delusional about this? Why does /sci/ love to declare everyone with an idea to be "delusional"? Remember new =/= advanced. It can be something basic that is only now viable due to electronics and modern materials.

>> No.7553722

i've done projects with people that work with propulsion systems. its not simple.
it's probably some dumb shit like an mhd accelerator or some shit.
>did some calculations with what school calc 1 i remember

>> No.7553763

>all propulsion systems are the same.
The Wright brothers developed the propeller with zero knowledge of aerodynamics. They were bicycle mechanics. It's called experimenting. You need to drop your elitist condescending attitude, it won't help you if you dismiss the input of others just because they don't have your education level. And no it's not MHD.

>> No.7553778

>Why does /sci/ love to declare everyone with an idea to be "delusional"?
because i've never actually heard a good idea on /sci/ just a bunch of cockny backwards shit that cant work because the people who think they came up with the idea dont actually have any working knowledge of anything surrounding their "idea"
not to mention the fact that you never even said what the idea is. and its obviously not new if it's been published

>> No.7553783

let them OP, remember that most people on this board will never amount to anything, so trusting their judgement based on their 2 years of physics is foolish. If you don't follow your dreams, you'll end up working for someone who did.

>> No.7553813

>doesn't even post the dissertation

>> No.7554147

but he doesn't have an idea. for all we know his idea is something that totally exists already, and he's just using the wrong keywords when trying to find information related to his project. without information besides "i had an idea" there's not really very much valuable advice that can be given

>> No.7554178

it doesn't matter, you can create a business even if the idea is not yours.
Is there only one italian restaurant in your continent ?

>> No.7554183

if its patented he can't do shit
if its important or good enough that it would make money, it would have been invested in by people with a lot more resources and reach than OP
if it were so simple that it could be thought up like OP says, it would have been done 100 times over
this thread is stupid as fuck

>> No.7554184

>Number one Is it impressive that I thought up something that someone did a PhD thesis on not long ago

Nope. Clever ideas are dirt cheap. Smart people give off ideas like a bonfire gives off sparks. Rigorously proving that they will or won't work to the satisfaction of world-class experts in the field takes knowledge and a ton of hard work. Pursuing the idea to convert it to a product also takes knowledge and a a ton of hard work.

A clever idea by itself is worthless.

>> No.7554191
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>some calculations with what school calculus I remember
top kek
yeah that sure is going to end up being some high-end propulsion epiphany, if it can be modeled and proven with nothing but school calculus

you delusional fool

>> No.7554195
File: 498 KB, 500x237, Male-Pattern-Forgetfulness-wait_what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I knew a kid in college that would solve the world's problems while on acid. Clean energy, space travel, world peace, he figured it all out. He would never tell me his theories though (Got really paranoid when I asked.) and forgot them the next morning. But he knew he had discovered them.

>> No.7554197

>if its important or good enough that it would make money, it would have been invested in by people with a lot more resources and reach than OP
>if it were so simple that it could be thought up like OP says, it would have been done 100 times over
>this thread is stupid as fuck
you're stupid as fuck and know nothing about real life. You're the kind of guy who looks a posteriori and takes innovations for granted and confuses vision with common sense.

>> No.7554199

>you're wrong and stupid
fucking lel nice rebuttal
youll never make it in the real world m8

>> No.7554201

already made it "m8"
I'm trying to help OP. What are you trying to accomplish ?

>> No.7554210

>Number one Is it impressive that I thought up something that someone did a PhD thesis on not long ago?

It would be if you had actually done such a thing. What you probably did was come up with an idea that's vaguely plausible and if actual scientists are discussing such an idea the discussion on a level that there is no way you can understand without having been trained, whether self trained or in academia.

Put up or shut up nigga

>> No.7554216

>Number one Is it impressive that I thought up something that someone did a PhD thesis on not long ago?
next time you want to lie on the internet about some bullshit, don't make it so obvious

>> No.7554379

This, I only care if I can market the thing
Well that is why I made this thread, to find out if PhD = patent. I know it sounds retarded but the Australian guy who developed that new ion drive did take out a patent so it does happen sometimes.
>if its important or good enough that it would make money, it would have been invested in by people with a lot more resources and reach than OP
This is totally not true, everything useful is not always invested in especially when there are already well researched and hassle free alternatives in use. There are many examples of things "ahead of their time" that were dismissed and ignored because there were already established ways to do it. For example the Ferguson rifle. A breech loader in the 1780s you think everyone would have jumped on that. Nope top brass just said that their musket drills were good enough. Also the manufacturing techniques weren't great at the time which brings me to the second reason, it might not work properly with the available tech so was abandoned. Just like quadcopters, how did a bunch of hobbyists create such a modern hit before actual aero companies? They didn't, aero companies ditched the quad long ago because the heli was easier to do with pure mechanical controls, now it's just been reinvented by hobbyists who can could write code for modern cheap electronics to make it stable.
>if it were so simple that it could be thought up like OP says, it would have been done 100 times over
To summarize, this attitude is why you will never ever ever EVER make it.
Who said it was "high-end"? And you can approximate anything with back of the envelope calculations.
thanks for supporting me :)
What are you talking about? You don't always need to understand something deeply in order to make it work.

>> No.7554380

just post the fucking dissertation

>> No.7554384

I don't get this hostile attitude, I haven't exactly claimed to have beaten CERN to groundbreaking particle physics research. If you're upset about an amateur independently designing something that was the subject of a PhD then you have self-esteem issues. It's engineering, either accept that amateurs are still involved in some areas or switch to physics where you are "safely" insulated from "plebs" by your years of mathematical study and million dollar experimental equipment and you can act like you are better than everyone else all you want.

>> No.7554386

What do you have to add to the development of this propulsion device that other people don't?

>> No.7554393

>What are you talking about? You don't always need to understand something deeply in order to make it work.

Then do it, or prove it and stop babbling. Otherwise, anyone with any wisdom will understand that most likely this is a classic case of an idiot who has no idea how hard it is to be good in anything, because he's never been competent in anything (as an admitted basement dwelling NEET), that he thinks his ideas are valuable

>> No.7554397

My control system.

>> No.7554400


>> No.7554403

I am. I just wanted to know about the patent issue.
>this is a classic case of an idiot
Again uncalled for hostility. What is your problem exactly? If you're getting this buttblasted over amateurs doing UAV research then god help you should you ever visit /diy/. "That untrained anon made his quad more efficient! He is indirectly attacking my academic superiority! I'm so mad!"

>> No.7554409

the fact is your "idea" is absolutely worthless

>> No.7554413

>worthless enough for someone to have done their PhD on it
>worthless enough for his adviser to have patents in that area
If calling my ideas worthless when you don't even know what they are helps you sleep at night then more power to you.

>> No.7554415

it's not your idea and you have nothing novel
deflect all you want but you're fishing for complements without merit

>> No.7554430

>it's not your idea
Duh, I already said the PhD was written 5 years before I thought of that. This is really not relevant, I am just trying to sell the thing. Not sure where you are trying to go with academic attacks on a non-academic. Perhaps you would care if you were told your ideas are un-original, I don't really care.
>fishing for complements
This thread is about two simple questions. Patents and collaborations. Only you seem desperate to kick my ego into the mud presumably to preserve your own.

>> No.7554436

post the dissertation

>> No.7554445

This has made me realize that /sci/ really doesn't like to see other people get complimented. I know clock boy was a farce but it's the same thing really; instead of just ignoring yet another dumb product of the SJW controlled media you all took it personally and got viciously aggressive for some reason. I browse a lot of boards and this board had the most angry clock boy threads by far.

>> No.7554450

Production and patent rights are both expensive.
You can do a preliminary search for patents on google.patents. Patenting will set you back some 100k, with no guarantees that anybody will buy it.

A working prototype will cost you at least 10k.

Good luck getting funding with no education, reputation, network and experience. If making it big Willie Wortel style would be easy everybody would do it. The grind is just as useful making name and network for yourself as the skills you acquire you are.

>> No.7554470

>Patenting will set you back some 100k
Btw what is patent pending? I see a lot of things on Kickstarter with that label.
>A working prototype will cost you at least 10k.
No it won't. I can make the prototype on my own, it's getting the thing mass manufactured that will cost me 10k. But hopefully people will see and like the prototype by the time I get to that stage.

>> No.7554476

>doesn't know what the word pending means
holy shit you definitely didnt come up with any sort of anything
>it's getting the thing mass manufactured that will cost me 10k
try several hundred thousand
do you live in the real world?

>> No.7554481

no, people don't like seeing shit like this because people like OP and this guy >>7554353 are so delusional

>> No.7554489

Yeah but doesn't that depend on what it is? Say it was just a propeller (it's not), are you really telling me that it would take 100k to do a small production run? Last time I checked injection moulding asked for around 10 k to make the master mould.
>doesn't know what the word pending means
From a legal standing obviously.

>> No.7554505

You should move onto better things, like not being a useless NEET.

>> No.7554516

Did the PhD ever make a working prototype? In the paper, is the device successful? If it is, why would you build your own? If it isn't, why would you build your own?

>> No.7554569

I think I am going to quit this thread, it is obvious you're all elitist beyond belief and thus will refuse to offer me any help just because I don't have a degree even though I made no wild impossible un-scientific claims whatsoever. I remember you all attacked Musk on similar lines "hurr he's just a businessman, what does he know about aerospace". He had an idea, he paid some experts to work on it. I can get a business grant do the same thing seeing as my idea isn't anywhere on the level as space travel. My control system is for another propeller UAV system that I've been developing that my business adviser knows about (I'm on a government programme to become self-employed), it's no tall stretch to say I could continue to get government support for the other idea as well if my control system proves financially successful and I can show that it would work even better with that guy's PhD research. But nope academics just call me delusional for daring to try constructing fruit bowl sized craft because they're so high and mighty. It's cool, I'm not discouraged, I'll just work with other businessmen and avoid academics if they are so up themselves.

I should have known better, I used to be a massive train autist when I was younger so I'm familiar with the story of the great railwayman George Stephenson and his lamp. Humphrey Davy was a top scientist who developed a safety lamp that was very similar to one Stephenson came up with independently through sheer trial and error (Stephenson was uneducated). Rather than work together, Davy and his scientist pals hounded Stephenson for the rest of his life accusing him of being a fraud. They also made fun of his Northern accent as proof he was a "retard". Stephenson consequently refused to ever work with academics yet created the world's first public railway system. No I'm not claiming I'm on the level as Stephenson but it's the same elitist shit that he had to face that I am facing now.

>> No.7554581

Yep it worked fine, that's how he got his aerodynamic data.
>why would you build your own?
I believe that it is useful for certain tasks if coupled with my control system. Right now it works but is totally useless.

>> No.7554584

Anyway I'm out, thanks for being one of the few posters to not be a total asshole.

>> No.7554947

You're claiming to be doing the equivalent of PhD level work after going through high school level calculations regarding some still unknown idea you had while having no training or education. This claim is likely to be asinine, unless you post evidence.

I could have no problem believing you figured out how to make a slightly more efficient design for a vibrating dildo, but that's not what you're claiming.

>> No.7554998

You got it all wrong. We are just trying to gauge whether you have the perseverance to make it. Good luck with your endeavour!