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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7551817 No.7551817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking tired of arguing with poltards on the internet.

What are some scientific and engineering historical archievements done by blacks?

I'm sure there has to be some.
I remember reading somewhere iron smelting was invented in africa's corner (around somalia).

I'm so angry right now after a poltard in youtube told me everything in science was invented by whites.

>> No.7551826
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>everything in science was invented by whites
The truth hurts, mang

>> No.7551828
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The brown science man Mike Tyson discovered the history of the universe

>> No.7551834
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too obvious


>> No.7551835

sure, if you consider chinese, persian, indian and arabs to be whites.

>> No.7551845

>ITT: OP is about the realize the facts are completely against him

Stop arguing history with conservatives because you will always lose. Argue about the future or if you're bad at that appeal to emotion.

>> No.7551847

>I'm so fucking tired of arguing with poltards on the internet.
then stop. Those fags won't argue or express their racism in real life because they're too scared of the consequences (they're "hiding their power-level")

>> No.7551851

More of a matter of statistics tbh

Fuck, that suit is on point.

>> No.7551853

Sylvester J. Gates

1941: Warren Henry was the sixth African American to receive a Ph.D. in Physics

1972: Willie Hobbs Moore - first African American Woman to receive a Ph.D. in Physics

well shit

>> No.7551867

There's so much historical inacuracity when you claim that blacks never invented anything.

Sure, they didn't archieve the same as whites, but I believe is because of geographical distance and the fact they survived and adapted pretty well to their enviroment.

Most of blacks invented the same societies europe had, let's say medieval europe.

same goes for ameridians.

They didn't invent high tech because of the same reason (I suppose) greeks and roman didn't invented high tech neither.

I believe the meme of blacks never invented anything comes from the colonization.

>> No.7551870

maybe if blacks weren't taken from their homes and enslaved for centuries

>> No.7551872

Synthetic Watermellonium

>> No.7551888

>I'm emotionally and mentally challenged by an idea I assume apriori must be false! I have no counterexamples ready, and since I have no integrity, I will ask strangers on the internet to supply me with information biased toward the answer that pleases me emotionally, rather than honestly looking into the issue

What an intellectually dishonest, emotionally driven effeminate cuckold

>> No.7551891

It was a joke, anon
A Christmas joke

>> No.7551899

Why do you need to prove anything to /pol/tards?

Just ignore them, sage and report /pol/ threads on /sci/.

>> No.7551903

Depends who you count as black, I suppose.

Ancient Egyptians, for example, had guys who were estimating the radius of the earth at a time when most of the humans were literally savages.

Just take solace in the fact that anyone dumb enough to believe that black people are somehow mentally inferior and then go online to advertise it is an idiot that has contributed nothing whatsoever themselves to the sum of human knowledge.

>> No.7551904

Also just google ffs:


>> No.7551916

Why are you arguing with people in the first place if you don't know the facts to begin with?

This is why all you ideological retards should just fuckoff and die, you are literally passionate about something you know nothing about, it's the same thing with scientism idiots arguing against actual scientists nowadays.

>> No.7551920

I didn't realise /sci/ was now the "Back up liberals arguments" board
Have you considered using google?
Saged and reported

>> No.7551957

The least you could do is use a spell checker.

> I believe

This is why people like you shouldn't be doing any "arguing", leave it to people who actually know what they are talking about. You're making it harder for people who are actually good at rhetoric to convince them.

>Most of blacks invented the same societies europe had, let's say medieval europe.
The only black kingdoms of note were those of Mali, Aksum and archaeologists sometimes attribute a kingdom of Zimbabwe. Of these Mali had regular trade with its Northern neighbours, but it was a shithole with a volatile political atmosphere. Kingdom of Zimbabwe literally died because they could figure out how to get a regular water supply. There is some evidence that they traded with Phoneticians.

Carthaginians, Numidia etc. and the general Maghreb area were Phoenicians (Semitics out of the Levant) and most of their moorish progeny kingdoms were semitic.

So bottom line is you will lose this argument, don't use it, most of Africa was arranged into tribes. One of the biggest was the Zulu kingdom which was a violent shithole and its subjects had some of the most harshest, oppressed living conditions in human history.

You are right about one thing though, trade and the spread of information is a very important factor to developing societies. Mali didn't benefit only because it had retarded rulers for a long time.

>They didn't invent high tech because of the same reason (I suppose) greeks and roman didn't invented high tech neither.
Are you retarded? Read a little about those empires they accomplished far more than than the Gothic predecessor kingdoms would do for decades.

>I believe the meme of blacks never invented anything comes from the colonization.
Not even slightly true, Colonists were fascinated with documenting every detail of African societies. For example the fact that Shaka developed a short spear which was drastically more effective than other tribes had.

>> No.7551964

They weren't. The slaves in the US were weaker African tribes sold to traders by other Africans, they would've been slaves in Africa too.

For the Africans that stayed it made no difference to them.

>> No.7551969

ok I suppose I'm wrong.

any good book about this?

what's the best explanation about the historical diference?

lack of trade routes with europe?

>> No.7551975

Read "The Rational Optimist" it's very accessible and explains the trade-development theory extremely well.

>> No.7551979

ok thanks.

>> No.7552026

Arabs did the majority of inventing for a long time. Then came the era of the Chinese. Then whites.

Spics and niggers have never accomplished anything.

>> No.7552032

Weather too comfy to bother planning far ahead

>> No.7552043

If you're consider the early ME civilizations to be "Arabs" then I agree, especially with regards to arithmetic, geometry, naval tech and navigation.

The Islamic caliphates were utter shitholes though, at most early islamists kept Grecian and Roman scholarship alive and there were two achemists that actually contributed, then it all went downhill fast. Radical Islam destroyed everything good about the ME.

>> No.7552066

This, people need to end this "le islamic golden age" meme

>> No.7552077



>> No.7552088

Who cares? People who constantly go on about the achievements of their forefathers usually do so because they have few achievements of their own.

>> No.7552090 [DELETED] 


> free medical care for all citizens

medieval Islamic world had better healthcare policies than the United States, where people go bankrupt for medical care

>> No.7552094
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> free medical care for all citizens

medieval Islamic world had better healthcare policies than the United States, where people go bankrupt for medical care

>> No.7552110

tfw forefathers achieved everything worth achieving already

being white is hard, man

>> No.7552116

Mediterraneans >Other Whites > East Asians > Arabs > Native Americans > Africans

>> No.7552125

See this is what I'm talking about
>My forefathers were great therefore It's acceptable for me to sit in my basement my whole life
At least I can be motivated by possibly being the first black guy to do something.

>> No.7552126

>Mediterraneans >Other Whites
>implying Mediterranean ppl are white now

Basically turks. 2500 yrs ago maybe.

>> No.7552129

There's no quicker way to determine someone knows absolutely nothing about history other than what his libtard lecturer told him than to have him link wiki articles without elaboration.

The major contributors are people writing textbooks (they are not scientists btw, there were no scientists before Francis Bacon, it really pisses me off when idiots call early scholars scientists) which the article itself says was largely compilations of Grecian, Roman and Christian knowledge. Mostly Hippocratic influence.

All of these scholars are held back by mysticism, especially al-Razi's writings.

Their only discovery seems to be using poppy seeds as an anesthesia, which the article says was inspired after Greek botanists used hemp seeds.

It's important so you know which ideologies and cultures are superior dumbass. This is why you people need to educate yourself in history, so you stop voting for repressive degenerate ideas, and support the progress of our species.

>> No.7552132

This, wogs aren't white.

>> No.7552137
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You realize that you stormweenies are as retarded as afrocentrists, right ?

White = Caucasoid
North Europeans, South Europeans, Middle Easterners, North Africans are all caucasoid. Every reputable scientist will tell you that.
What you retards mean by "white" is germanic- anglo. Southern Europeans were never germanic or saxons or whatever you retards think.

>> No.7552139

lol you're autistic, black haven't contributed shit except for Ptolemy

>> No.7552140


There's no quicker way to determine someone knows absolutely nothing about science other than what his poltard circlejerk told him than to call someone a libtard without any proof

> The major contributors IN MY OPINION are people writing textbooks (they are not scientists btw, there were no scientists before Francis Bacon, it really pisses me off when idiots call early scholars scientists) which the article itself says was largely compilations of Grecian, Roman and Christian knowledge. Mostly Hippocratic influence.

> All of these scholars are held back by mysticism, especially al-Razi's writings.
Citation needed

> Their only discovery seems to be using poppy seeds as an anesthesia, which the article says was inspired after Greek botanists used hemp seeds.
> let me assume this article is comprehensive, HURR DURR

>> No.7552142

he was a greek you retard

>> No.7552143

Arguing on the Internet is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig.

>> No.7552151

A black guy wrote 'The Three Musketeers".

Black guys also conquered southern europe once.. Spain, Italy,, so there is that.

>> No.7552155

Don't you find it ironic at all that you're telling the cumskins to focus on their own achievement instead of their forefathers' and then you go and ferociously try to discredit the historical achievements and give undue credit to other people just because of their race?

It's funny how racists always cry individualism only when it suits them.

>> No.7552156

Just to clarify, I was saying that they might have been better 2500 years ago, not that they were white then.

Sadly there are a few things you will never be first at:
Creating an empire on which the sun does not set
Modern medicine
All of physics

>> No.7552158

>black guys conquered southern europe,spain-italy
This is bait

>> No.7552165

Culture has nothing to do with race. There has never been any such thing as "white culture". Not even "European culture" existed until recently. Were the Romans and the Celts of the same culture? What about the 16th century Spanish and English? They dressed, ate and talked differently, believed in different things and fucking hated each other. Note how the popular English depiction of Satan happens to look a lot like a 16th century Spanish gentleman.

>> No.7552166

So what, you dumbass wikipedia scholar? This is one example of were the Islamic world was mildly impressive, (and about 1/3rd of the physicians were Jews of course), it still does not stand up to the popular meme of an enlightened Islamic golden age. Using charity to give people "free" state-of-the-art healthcare is not unique to the Islamic world, you idiotic Bernie Sanders supporter.

>> No.7552176

Dunno about who that guy was referring to (hope it wasn't the Carthaginians) but one of the the Dukes of Florence was black so yeas a black guy did rule in part of Italy once.
Dude those were my first posts in this thread. I have not discredited everyone. Whites have invented most tech on the planet why am i going to sit here and argue with angry neckbeards bristling with ammo against that?
There's still flying cars, I have a viable design.

>> No.7552179

>The Islamic caliphates were utter shitholes though
>the Islamic world was mildly impressive, (and about 1/3rd of the physicians were Jews of course), it still does not stand up to the p

This is what, you retarded /pol/esmoking faggot

> Bernie Sanders supporter.

>implying I'm americunt
>implying I'm left

You should worry about how your identity is so strongly tied to your political beliefs. You should seek a medical professional for your potential psychiatric disorder my friend

>> No.7552180

Fuckoff and read the article you posted you mouth breathing shitstain, it's not my opinion I paraphrased directly from the contributors section

>Ali ibn Mousa al-Ridha
> his treatise in medicine is regarded as most precious Islamic literature in the science of medicine. It has been called the Golden Dissertatio
>Ali ibn al-'Abbas al-Majusi
>was famous for the Kitab al-Maliki or Complete Book of the Medical Art, his textbook on medicine.[18]
Another text.
>Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi
>he is known for separating the "science of physic"[19] into two different aspects: physical and spiritual.
A flaming mysticist.
>Citation needed
Karaman, Huseyin (June 2011). "Abu Bakr Al Razi (Rhazes) and Medical Ethics" (PDF). Ondokuz Mayis University Review of the Faculty of Divinity (30): 77–87. ISSN 1300-3003. Retrieved 1 December 2011.
>In addition to being a famous physician, al-Razi is known for being an encyclopedic scholar,[15] compiling more than 200 works during his lifetime
More text
>al-Mansuri (Liber almansoris, Liber medicinalis ad almansorem) was written for "the Samanid prince Abu Salih al-Mansur ibn Ishaq, governor of Rayy."[26][27] It consists of ten books based mainly on Greek science. It was a prescribed textbook for medical students for centuries.[15]
Which he compiled from Grecian knowledge.

>> No.7552183

>Abu-Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn-Sina
Muh texts.
>Medical contributions made by Medieval Islam included the use of plants as a type of remedy or medicine. Medieval Islamic physicians used natural substances as a source of medicinal drugs—including Papaver somniferum Linnaeus, poppy, and Cannabis sativa Linnaeus, hemp.[38] In pre-Islamic Arabia, neither poppy nor hemp was known.[38] Hemp was introduced into the Islamic countries in the ninth century from India through Persia and Greek culture and medical literature.[38] The Greek, Dioscorides,[39] who according to the Arabs is the greatest botanist of antiquity, recommended hemp’s seeds to "quench geniture" and its juice for earaches.[38] Beginning in 800 and lasting for over two centuries, poppy use was restricted to the therapeutic realm.[38] However, the dosages often exceeded medical need and was used repeatedly despite what was originally recommended. Poppy was prescribed by Yuhanna b. Masawayh to relieve pain from attacks of gallbladder stones, for fevers, indigestion, eye, head and tooth aches, pleurisy, and to induce sleep.[38]
Again, greek influence. Also it is well know that the Romans first used opium, this is a bullshit weasel paragraph trying to attribute it to Arabs.

> let me assume this article is comprehensive, HURR DURR
The entire article is empty dribble because there's not much to say with regards to actual contributions, compare to the Greek and Roman articles which are short and sweet and list a ton of a advancements.

>> No.7552184
File: 73 KB, 811x455, bell curve n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some scientific and engineering historical archievements done by blacks?
Peanut butter?

Look, blacks have a low average IQ. As such, few blacks have an IQ high enough to be high caliber scientists. It's sad but it's the truth.

>> No.7552187

People who don't realize Alexandria was a Hellenic city often try to attribute their accomplishments to "Africans" because it's on the African continent.

No really, people are that fucking stupid.

>> No.7552191

Berbers are Semitic though I'm pretty sure you're baiting sandniggers by equating them with actual niggers.

Good move considering those racist mudslimes are just as bad as the Africans they hate so much.

>> No.7552193
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>implying the ancient greeks weren't black

>> No.7552196


>> No.7552198

The graph is from the book "the bell curve".

>> No.7552199
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>You realize that you stormweenies are as retarded as afrocentrists, right ?

If they did, we wouldn't have had a version of this thread on every large board, every day for the past 5 years

>> No.7552200

I'm surprised no one has posted the Darwin pic yet

Also, who cares?

I was born in 1982. I had jack all to do with anything at all that happened before then. I'm here to build my own legacy (even if I fail at it), not lean on other's work.

>> No.7552202
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The art of healing was dead, Galen revived it; it was scattered and dis-arrayed, Razi re-arranged and re-aligned it; it was incomplete, Ibn Sinna perfected it.[15]


> A flaming mysticist.
Newton was a unitarian, let us complete reject his laws of gravitation because of his religious beliefs.

Also, why does it matter if the most important products are compilations? what is a systematic review? What is a textbook?

> The major contributors are people writing textbooks

What is the Islamic influence on astronomy, which is often cited on sci as containing the highest IQ individuals in conjunction with physics

>> No.7552205

Renaissance Humanism was prevalent among all European entities, that's why there were so many scientific and mathematical developments across borders occurring in the same timespan.

>Were the Romans and the Celts of the same culture?
Who actually praises the Celts? Roman culture was distinctive and had an influence on virtually every other culture on the planet.

>What about the 16th century Spanish and English?
All catholic nations had a very similar culture due to the strong influence of the papacy. Salic law for example worked the same in Spain as it did in England.

> They dressed, ate and talked differently, believed in different things and fucking hated each other. Note how the popular English depiction of Satan happens to look a lot like a 16th century Spanish gentleman.
I honestly don't see what 16th century banter has to do with this discussion.

>> No.7552214

I didn't say it was an "utter shithole", I said the meme of an Islamic Golden age is overblown retardery pushed by Pavlovian-trained simpletons who get off on elevating the status of non-white civilizations. The fact that the medieval Islamic civilization was the most advanced at the time doesn't affect the point.

>> No.7552219

Can you not see that there is a difference between Newton who wrote a completely secular Principia Mathematica and Razi who incorporates dualism directly into his primary work?

We don't praise Newton for any of his alchymical writings.

>> No.7552221

>16th century England
Maybe I should have said 17th to clear up confusion. They were not united, this is a modern white power fantasy. The French very famously supported the Islamic invasion of Europe just because it meant getting rid of the Austrian Habsburgs
> that's why there were so many scientific and mathematical developments across borders occurring in the same timespan.
Ironically this is also because of the hate, need advancements to get ahead of the others. Well that just explains military but it still explains the science because you see as soon as the feudal system died (which was a product of the constant warfare) all the rich nobles and lords needed something to pass the time and it was science.

>> No.7552224

>The fact that the medieval Islamic civilization was the most advanced at the time doesn't affect the point.
It wasn't the most advanced at the time actually, most of its mathematical contributions came from Gupta-era India and Tang China was very developed.

The Islamic world was better than the war-torn collapsing ex-western roman empire, and leftists use this as proof that "SEE YOU SHOULD ACCEPT BILLIONS OF IMMIGRANTS"

>> No.7552225

>Arguing with /pol/

The edgelord board of 4chan, went even more to shit after the rise of the SJWs

>> No.7552232

inb4 /pol/fags take a break from attacking revisionist world history that makes them upset to preach revisionist site history that makes them feel like more than the thread-derailing shitposters they are

>> No.7552233

White people discovered electricty and also made all the component for 20th century electronic technology so in a sense white people did literally invent everything since all the electronic tech you see around you wouldnt exist without white people including the internet.

As for the blacks oh they invented jackshit.

>> No.7552242

Trade is a large factor, however it is most likely a later factor, ie, only matters after a certain point. The biggest reason seems to be population density. A similar example can be seen in the Americas, why did civilizations like the Inca, Maya, and Aztec all develop in central and southern america but not North America? Population density, not as much space for people to spread out in southern/central america. This leads to larger civic areas, which leads to advancements in building technology and agriculture as you have to feed and house more people which is the basis of civilization. After citystates are founded, trade becomes important, but before that, it's population density. Now look at a map of the world. Africa has a ton of space for tribes of people to spread out in. The Middle East, and Southern Europe, not so much. Mountains, deserts, and rivers constrict where people can live, increasing the population density to some critical mass. People still spread out, which leads to tribes basically everywhere, but around the rivers you get cities, which leads to everything else.

The major difference between southern Africa and the ME and Mediteranian is literally space.
Climate, excepting arctic conditions, seems to be less of a factor, when you look at Indian, and Chinese civilizations springing up, and celts and whatnot in northern europe, but notice the middle of the eurasian continent had no real major civilizations until well after other civilizations established. The mongolians for example were still a mostly tribal society until they went on their conquering spree. Population density, the amount of space people have to spread out, is the key difference.

>> No.7552246

I was obviously talking about the lasting catholic cultural influence which in itself is heavily influenced by late Roman ideas.

I don't care that some degenerate king changed the rules because he wanted to fuck more slags.

>They were not united,
I never implied they were, but now that you mentioned it they were more united and siding with muzzies historically results in other European nations or even your own people turning against you, so they were united in some senses.

As an analogy just because HRE dukes consonantly fought each other for clay, doesn't mean the constituents of their duchies had radically different cultures, and they were united under the emperor in the sense that levies from any duchy could be called upon by kaiser to defend the empire as a whole when needed.

>Ironically this is also because of the hate,
Some hatred and competition is a good thing imo.

I don't agree on your analysis about feudalism it existed because of the influence of Roman laws and died due to larger populations and the effectiveness of professional armies, but I don't want to get into it I need my 8 hours, cheers.

>> No.7552251

>Who actually praises the Celts? Roman culture was distinctive and had an influence on virtually every other culture on the planet.

You mean Greek. We see signs of Hellenic influence everywhere, much less Latin culture (which was mostly Hellenic to begin with), there is much less adoption of Latin culture in Turkey and eastern europe, when compared with the influence the Greeks had. Northern Europe got the languages, which makes sense because it's where the people who spoke latin moved to after the conquest of those countries, but much less of the culture

>> No.7552253

>The Islamic world was better than the war-torn collapsing ex-western roman empire, and leftists use this as proof that "SEE YOU SHOULD ACCEPT BILLIONS OF IMMIGRANTS"

Ironically Europe was only fucked at the time due to invading migrant "refugees"* hordes in the first place.

* (who were actual refugees fleeing the Huns and other Steppe hordes)

>> No.7552366

Persians and Arabs are Caucasians, yes.

>> No.7552380

>fleeing the Huns and other Steppe hordes
It's nice to note that the Mongols managed to btfo the biggest cities in the world at the time and would have done the same thing to Europe if it weren't for sheer luck (or bad timing if you're a filthy Mongol.

Further proof that might is right, and cultural and scientific advancement are for betas who don't want their greatness to live on forever.

>> No.7552390

Iron melting was invented in Anatolia

>> No.7552405 [DELETED] 

why do people say that Egyptians were White

>> No.7552410

>invented jackshit.
Is this the other version of dinin du nuffin?

>> No.7552416

>anyone who thinks black people have made any sort of contribution to society is liberal

calm down donald


We have far far far more "Hey /sci/, explain why black people are inferior, thanks!" threads than this.

I feel like edgelord doesn't cut it, no pun intended.

/pol/ isn't one person I suppose, but it's full of self-proclaimed sages who claim they're "untriggerable" and post ebin 9/11 memes to put themselves up on the edge scoreboard. Contrary to those claims though, they lose it the second someone says something like "maybe we shouldn't kill all the niggers," and when it comes to "going against the grain" the best intellectual-banter they hold is typically along the lines of "Making a wall between the US and mexico is a terrible idea! We need a SHARK PIT!" or something. Everyone who comes out of there says they're from the "moderate" side of /pol/, but the only requirement you need to meet to be moderate is "not a stormfag." That's it. If you're not a Nazi, or at least not a militant one, everything else is good. You're a moderate, congratulations, go tell everyone you're normal.

>If they didn't do it, noone would have!
Keep thinking that.

>> No.7552418

If you employ the broad definition of the term "white", aka "caucasoid", then yes, the egyptians were "white".

When many people say "white" they mean germanic or saxon, but many brown people are caucasoid as well. Middle easterners are caucasoid, not congoid (aka black) or mongoloid (asians).

>> No.7552444



>> No.7552445

>Everything in science was invented by whites
There was an infographic circulating that said many famous scientists that contributed to humanity were Jewish, and because of that, science should be considered unreliable.

>> No.7552454

>many famous scientists that contributed to humanity were Jewish, and because of that, science should be considered unreliable
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me

>> No.7552455

>Ancient Egyptians

Not black.

>estimating the radius of the earth

Eratosthenes was Greek, so double not-black

>> No.7552458

It's /pol/ logic. Something can be evil because a guy's brother's best friend's professor's mother's sister is Jewish.

>> No.7552460


Trade is a big factor, low intelligence and high aggression are others.

>> No.7552463


Whites (all three kinds) == Japs and Han > all other fully human races >>>>>>>> some afterbirth >>>>>> niggers

>> No.7552465
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>Not putting Japs and Han (especially Han) above whites
This is how you differentiate between people discussing race objectively and people discussing race to feel better about themselves.

>> No.7552469

>Romans first used opium
Actually opium may be one the very first plants humans cultivated, as long as 6,000 years ago.

>> No.7552472

Chink detected.

Believed the earth was flat until europeans corrected them in 17th century because can't move past established ideas because muh conformity.

>> No.7552475
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>Chink detected.
Keep telling yourself that :)
The ability to not move past established ideas has worked better for China in the past 100 years than the opposite has for the west.

>> No.7552479


There's nothing to choose between them. East Aryans have higher average iq and more orderly societies, but whites have more extreme geniuses and cultural creativity.

>> No.7552482

>The ability to not move past established ideas has worked better for China in the past 100 years than the opposite has for the west.

Highly disputable, China's recent prosperity has come by abandoning old ideas and embracing new ones, their conservatism cost them the lead that the collapse of civilization in the west (twice, at end of the bronze age and again with the fall of Rome) handed them.

>> No.7552484
File: 148 KB, 620x620, pussy game strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh creativity
Fuck off liberal lmao
And look how all of the "extreme geniuses" have worked out for the average, sisterfucking American.

>highly disputable
Enjoy your immigrants.

>> No.7552488 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1575x2266, Ben_Carson_at_CPAC_2015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Carson

No, I'm not joking. Ben Carson was youngest person to hold a directors position at John Hopkins Hospital and was the first person in the world to successfully separate twins conjoined at the back of the head. He has been awarded 38 honorary doctorates, many from highly prestigious universities, as well as a Presidential medal of freedom. He has been named a Library of Congress "Living Legend" received and schools in Detroit have been named in his honor. All for his contributions to his field of pediatric neurosurgery.

I don't agree with a single one of his political policies but the guy is fucking exceptional.

>> No.7552491
File: 44 KB, 619x515, MTIxNDI3MjkzNDE1MTc5Nzg5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Carson

No, I'm not joking. Ben Carson was youngest person to hold a directors position at John Hopkins Hospital and was the first person in the world to successfully separate twins conjoined at the back of the head. He has been awarded 38 honorary doctorates, many from highly prestigious universities, as well as a Presidential medal of freedom. He has been named a Library of Congress "Living Legend" and schools in Detroit have been named in his honor. All for his contributions to his field of pediatric neurosurgery.

I don't agree with a single one of his political policies but the guy is fucking exceptional.

>> No.7552500

>38 honorary doctorates,
Doesn't Chumpsky have like 200 of those?

>> No.7552501

but they speak and afro-asiatic language

>> No.7552503

>kongo, loango
>countless others i forgot to mention

>> No.7552513

>In Detroit
You had me until there

>> No.7552519

there's no reason to think that black people are less intelligent. iq differences can be explained by environment/testing bias. intelligence genes still have not been conclusively identified. on top of that, african-americans have lower levels of achievement than african immigrants to the US even though african-americans have more white mixed in.

>> No.7552529

I seriously doubt 200 but he has quite a few. He's also an incredibly smart man who contributed greatly to the fields of linguistics and analytic philosophy. His insane, hypocritical, and impractical political views are irrelevant when his greatest accomplishments have been completely outside politics.

Well he is from Detroit.

>> No.7552547
File: 1.08 MB, 852x400, Donald Trump's Secret Handshake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there's no reason to think that black people are less intelligent.
> iq differences can be explained by environment/testing bias.

If you can explain it with environment, you basically confirm they have lower intelligence, no matter what the reason is. For testing bias to exist, it would have to the test in favor of non-blacks rather than testing purely for analytical thinking.

> african-americans have lower levels of achievement than african immigrants
Another point for how isolated indigenous africans failed to reach to a level of intelligence that allowed other races to build an advanced civilization.

>> No.7552548

>A black guy

>affirming the one-drop rule

>> No.7552558

>q differences can be explained by environment/testing bias.
Not fully.

Look, let me give you the correct answer to any and every nature versus nurture debate:

Genetics define your potential and environment defines how closely you come to reaching that potential. You cannot surpass your genes.

>> No.7552564

How to argue about race on the internet
>1) Remember that humans are composed only of whites and niggers
>2) Absolutely ANYONE who disagrees with you is 100% confirmed nigger
>3) You don't need to learn about African history it literally doesn't exist
>4) Soft sciences are very reliable (unless they give results that make you upset)
Did I forget anything?

>> No.7552570

Far, far too many wogs in this thread.

>> No.7552749

well thats the problem with race. Its bury as fuck.

>> No.7552752

The correct answer is that whites and blacks are both nigger-tier retards compared to Jews.

>> No.7552857

Persain is a indo-european language

>> No.7552866

You understand how bell curves work right? There will be some examples of highly intelligent people, but most will be in the middle. The point is that most IQ studies show that the median of africans is 15 to 20 points lower than whites, and 30 points lower than asians

>> No.7552877

American Indians had empires, though.

>> No.7552890

What part of that post denies any of this?

>> No.7552896

One smart african american does not change the fact that the average of all people of african descent have lower IQs than their white and asian counterparts.

>> No.7552908

Don't bother, I could easily name five historical scientific/math achievements done by blacks that /pol/ and even most /sci/ anons aren't aware of but it still won't change their minds.

It's best not to let them ruin your day because of their warp thought process. Remember these are people who brag about the feats of persons like von nuemann and newton and try to associate themselves with them despite the fact they will never achieve even 1/1000 of their success.

They think because they share physical characteristics with these famous people it gives them the right to shit on others. When in truth they also would be the ones treated like shit the academic and financial elite.

It's a similar thought process that makes /pol/ and such ilk consider russians and east asians "honorary whites" or intellectually superior when just a century or two ago they considered them the scum of the earth and mongoloids (with the conotation of retardation).

>> No.7552926

Pretty sure he was responding to" nun of them never did nuffin ever"

But that anon wasn't really linking to any post in particular so Idk for sure. He did use the word "exceptional" though

>> No.7552968

Im positive the asians would have eventually made electronic technology but they were stuck in the medieval ages in terms of technological progress and didnt even have guns. Its possible Japan would have been more advanced had they the ability to mine more resources off Eastern Asia in the past since they spent most of their time on a resource free island.
He a genetic outlier, the majority of black are complete freaking idiots that cant comprehend 8th grade mathematics are adulthood.
It is very obvious that blacks are intellectually inferior as the very fact we enslaved them is proof. If the blacks had the same level of intelligence as us, the Sub Saharan Africa would had medieval civilizations on par with us making it hard to enslave or even conquer them. On the otherhand there are no records of african civilizations during 3000 B.C which is where the first white civilization the Minoans of Crete formed.

>> No.7552994


>It is very obvious that blacks are intellectually inferior as the very fact we enslaved them is proof.

Enslavement is universal though, every human population has had a sect of society that was put into slavery. Plus europeans only got into the market of sub-sahara african slavery for the purpose of manned labor they didn't create it.

It's documented that blacks in africa made trading deals with europeans for the slaves. It's only when the idea of land expansion was introduced was did shit go down.

Also blacks faired way better than indigenous americans who basically got nearly wipped out/ assimilated.

>> No.7552995

Even if he was white he'd still be a genetic outlier.
Less of one sure, but still an outlier
>fucking exceptional
Right there in the post

>> No.7552996

>done by blacks
This is where so many people miss the point.

Who. Fucking. Cares?

Seriously. What does it matter if one group of long dead people you've only the thinnest of connections to, and we're talking long dead enough that your great great great great grandparents could procreate with them even if they were direct descendants with no worse odds of throwing a blueskinned kid than them banging a random stranger did something?

Even if you say it's more likely because I'm x or y that I'll do something great, I'll tell you that it still takes putting in the effort and work to get there. Also, WOW, your chances are a hundred billion to one instead of a trillion to one...good for you!

>> No.7553000

>>>this thread


>> No.7553004

The indigenous americans however had many civilizations of worth unlike the Sub Saharan blacks. The black africans also only learned of civilization from their North Africa non black neighbors and imitated them.
No if he were white he would just be uncommon since his IQ seems to be around 125. Whites as smart as Einstein are genetic outliers.

>> No.7553005
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>> No.7553006

Didn't one of them grind up peanuts into a paste like texture?

>> No.7553008

Peanut butter, twerking, the stop light, world star, and FUBU.

>> No.7553010

As an aside, you people are the reason that I have to remember fucking people's names who did whatever in a field before me. Fuck you. I don't give a shit who they were. All I care about are their ideas.

>but you don't know about this cool dude who invented Calculus

And? How does knowing who did it first help me understand it? We're not talking about something squishy like anthro/socio/psychology.

>but I learn them so I can be remembered
Oh fuck off. Go work in the business world, make a stupid amount of money and commission a statue made of something like titanium if you care so much about being remembered.

Birth a fucking idea. Rub some facts together in a way that no one has before. That idea is your legacy. If it's a powerful enough one, it'll live on well past anyone even thought about your name.

We have no clue who came up with the mathematical concept of zero...none whatsoever, but think of how that shit has affected the world. That's the shit you should aim for. Not some college naming an outhouse after you and getting a textbook insert about how your cum-soaked paper towels led to your eureka moment.

>> No.7553011

Blacks in africa rape babys and practice voodoo they claim it cures aids

>> No.7553015


not exactly a long list

>> No.7553016

How come all the blacks in africa not bothered by the white man
Rape babys and practice voodoo?

>> No.7553017

like jews?

>> No.7553023

>>Has to ask what the tiny achievements of Africans are.

Go ahead and make as big a deal about as you can OP. Blacks invented peanut butter and built the pyramids and sheet niqqa.

>> No.7553024


>> No.7553026
File: 37 KB, 259x400, 1435539316843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black. For example when we learn about how George Washington carver was the first nigger smart enough to open a peanut."

>> No.7553027

Then why not white people don't bitch about any of this, but black people do ?

Cultural enrichment, coming to a hood near you..

>> No.7553028

I think OPs issue was the implication that there were literally none

>> No.7553029

What did they do before enslavement? If I remember right, there have been blacks in africa for like 20k years or some shit.

europeans and their descendants went from medieval superstitious ignorant fools to the moon in less than a thousand years.

so how again did slavery in the new world set back africans? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7553031

>white people never complained about jews
A fucking WAT

>> No.7553033
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The mayans invented peanut butter thousands of years before carver

Peanut butter was actually patented and sold while carver was a small child
He invented nothing
100 years from now jewish media will claim ahmed clockboy invented the first digital clock

>> No.7553038

There weren't complaints, just showers and rocks.

>> No.7553041
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>claims not everything was invented by whites
>can't think of anything
>asks internet image board known for racism

Too many keks here

>> No.7553042

If it wasn't for a thieving nigger, you'd all be eating Walnut and Jelly sandwiches right now, fuck tards.

>> No.7553044
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Typical black behavior
They are savages

>> No.7553045

>George Washington carver was the first nigger smart enough to open a peanut."

Keked hard

>> No.7553048

Read his post dingus. He said complaining about their intelligence.

>> No.7553049
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>I'm so fucking tired of arguing with poltards on the internet.

You sound like someone I talked to once on 4chan.

>> No.7553050


truth is though he was half white (irish-scottish, everyone knows scots are the true aryan race and are responsible for almost all of the early scientific discoveries and important inventions)

>> No.7553055

>arguing with poltards on the internet

If you talk to anyone about /pol/ in real life, you're not someone who should be taken seriously. Stay on your hover-round eating churros, big guy.

>> No.7553056
File: 23 KB, 579x407, superniggertry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh history of science, muh dancing degree
NO SCIENCTIFIC WORK, just scientism !
>real scientist Professor Jim Gates (picture)
doesnt make him 'inventor' of supersymmetry tho.

>dem Negro Space Programs

>> No.7553057


>> No.7553059

>creativity is for fags
>conformity is the proper environment for genius
>Americans have a lower standard of living than Chinese

Let me know if I misrepresented any of your arguments.

>> No.7553062

Actually we do have an idea about who invented 0. There's strong evidence that it is tied with the creation of algebra... Al-khawirisme

>> No.7553064

> uhh i can't make an argument against /pol/
> I'll shitpost instead

>> No.7553067

>Madame curie
Almost got me
>black outliers are not allowed
>female outliers are fine

>> No.7553070

Except it was a case of parallel invention. He doesn't account for it popping up in other disparate cultures.

>> No.7553077

Guns came out of asia you retard
>He a genetic outlier, the majority of black are complete freaking idiots that cant comprehend 8th grade mathematics are adulthood.
1/5 american blacks have a higher IQ than half of american whites, a significant difference, but pretending they're all retarded makes you came off across as retarded

>> No.7553078

Niggers are disgusting.

>> No.7553079

>good goyim

>> No.7553081

>Someone told me white people invented literally everthing
>Jews, Asians etc don't count
>Help I can't think of any black scientific and engineering achievements!
>Not even one
>I can't even use google
>I accidently invited /pol/

Nice b8 OP

>> No.7553093
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> Jews are not white
Do you think they're black ? or hispanic or something ?

>> No.7553102

none that matter

>> No.7553103

I'm pretty sure blacks invented rape, I'll give them that.

>> No.7553106

take a look at an israeli, then look at an arab. can you tell the difference?

>> No.7553107

According to /pol/ etc they're white when it suits them, ie intelligence/ achievements, nonwhite when it doesn't - political/social/racial.
I'll let you argue with your own kind
Can't have it both ways.

>> No.7553108


Jews and Asians are technically white

Whiteness just means that that persons ancestors lived in an area of winter and glaciation and this increased the enviromental selectors for genes which produced individuals with better planning and forethought, a major driver of intelligence and intelligent action

>> No.7553109

Next you'll claim there's no difference between indians and pakis...

>> No.7553113

of course not. india and pakistan are next to each other. why would there be any difference?

>> No.7553116

>google search that image
>daily stormer and a bunch of other white supremacist sites
you have been detected, go back to >>>/pol/ in disgrace

>> No.7553117

Whiteness actually means someone of native European descent. Don't be silly. Jews are derived from Semitic and Asiatic ancestry and Asians are completely foreign to Europe as anything other than invaders (such as the Huns or Mongols or Sami).

>> No.7553118

Now they don't matter? Why, did their inventions and patents go unused?

>> No.7553119


>The indigenous americans however had many civilizations of worth unlike the Sub Saharan blacks.

Indeginous americans only had two civilizations of historical note worthiness both in south america.

Sub-saharans had several of their own being in the Mali, Akan and Benin west africa populations.

>The black africans also only learned of civilization from their North Africa non black neighbors and imitated them.

And modern europeans only were reintroduce to the core philosophy, science and math principles from the romans and greeks because the middle east nations saved that knowledge and expanded on it.

While China, Korea, Japan and south east asia got most of their philosophical and religous idology from India. From which such concepts formulated from india become embued in their very fiber of the traditions architecture they made.

Seriously what's your fucking point? Pretty much every pre/modern society has someone to thank for their current level of society.

It's like you don't understand how nations and cultures rise and fall.

>> No.7553122

>Jews and Asians are technically white
Fair enough, but you know what I meant, and what OP meant

>this increased the enviromental selectors for genes which produced individuals with better planning and forethought, a major driver of intelligence and intelligent action
Idk. If winter and glaciation were strong selectors you'd be much better off testing that by looking at whether that exposure to that environment within ethnic groups resulted in planning, forethought differences between them. I.e. Kashmiris vs other North Indians, Eskimos vs other Native Americans.
There probably was some environmental selectors for genes that promote thinking (slavery being dysgenic is an obvious modern one), might not be just the weather

>> No.7553125
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>posting the one that doesn't control for population size

Some blacks are dumb, just like some whites. That graph is trying to exaggerate the difference

>> No.7553127


>Asians are technically white

What kind of crazy mental gymnastics are you doing to get that when every genetic study saids they are their own genetic clade distinct from whites and blacks.

Shove your shitty honorary "white" rhetoric up your ass.

>> No.7553130


>> No.7553137

> What are the inventions that blacks came up in Africa ?
> Posts stuff done by African-Americans
If you bitch about slavery or white people importing Africans in America, you don't get to include African-American achievements.

We're talking about the inventions of indigenous black people, not the ones that are aided by white people.

>> No.7553138

AZN detected

>> No.7553150


My personal position is that the quality of whiteness is just complimentary values of intelligence and compasssion/empathy. I'm not a geneticist so I won't tell you that these behaviors are connected to genes, but that would be the ideal case.

It's connected to race, but only on the grounds that similar races evolved under similar conditions, such as the races of the northern hemisphere. One is not better than other, they both simply have the qualities that result in succesful, happy civilizations.

China is intelligent but lacks empathy. Russians are Intelligent but lack empathy. Certain pacific islander communities are Intelligent and Empathetic but were never in a place to create huge civilizations.

Do yourself a favor in future internet arguments, you're not arguing with a hivemind with the exact same believes, you're arguing with individuals with individual experience and individual thought, don't try to simplify your opponents argument into pre-conception before the argument runs itscourse.

>> No.7553153

Follow the reply chain
the question was originally about blacks in general and the post he replied to had black American statistics

>> No.7553159

>Guns came out of asia you retard
Gunpowder came out of Asia, the chinese already a basic idea of firearms but they didnt perfect like the europeans.
>1/5 american blacks have a higher IQ than half of american whites, a significant difference, but pretending they're all retarded makes you came off across as retarded
The US white average is 100 though meaning for a white to be as dumb as the average US black they must be a drooler. The blacks are high functioning retards like most animal life on this planet. The majority of blacks again are mentally retarded, the ones you see in college and in high professions are the outliers. The incidence of a white person with an IQ of 160 is the same as a black american person with an IQ of 120. These smart blacks are literally rare and not a good estimate of the negro race's capacity. The proof in in the pudding as poor white neighhorhoods still have far less crime than black neighorhoods.
>Indeginous americans only had two civilizations of historical note worthiness both in south america.
No the majority of the civilizations were Central American and South American.

>Sub-saharans had several of their own being in the Mali, Akan and Benin west africa populations.
These civilizations are not even comparable to the earliest white civilizations like Crete or Ancient Greece. Let alone Europe in the 700 A.D.
>Seriously what's your fucking point?
My point is that the africans show a defiency in abstract thinking which explains why the hell they didnt invent much as that requires abstract thinking. You can see the absence of abstract thought in most african americans meaning its not even their IQ something is wrong with their brains. As if the black couldnt get any more bizarre gorillas and elephants can think abstractly yet these hominids cannot. The african blacks are an anomaly they contradict all of hominid evolution by just existing.

>> No.7553161

Read OPs question.
> What are some scientific and engineering historical archievements done by blacks?
Then to specify, he gives an example :
> I remember reading somewhere iron smelting was invented in africa's corner (around somalia).

>> No.7553163

>forgetting about the East African city states

Kingdoms a shit. City-states a best

>> No.7553164

the East Africans are not black people, their skull shapes are very different from them making them another face. I have no idea why on earth the Somali are so stupid nowadays however.

>> No.7553167

>bringing a historical question to /sci/
>not /tg/

You fucked up OP

>> No.7553168
File: 44 KB, 640x727, 17698_841928749188875_6355984359052485786_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of arguments always get under my skin.

>world is divided in white and black people

>the mayans were black!!!
>muh noses, the egyptians were all black!
>the arabs are practically our bruddas
>we were kings!!

>arabs are white when it comes to achievements!
>every achievement in europe is just made by whitess (as if race was the only factor and not heavily affected by culture)
>asians are honorary aryans!!

And it's usually white and black americans arguing over that shit.

No, the native americans were not fucking black. No, the fucking egyptians weren't black either, the statues didn't loose their noses as some fucking form of fear or some shit by invaders, it was done as a form of insult. And for fuck's sake, Mozart was NOT black.

Asians are not white, that includes middle east Asians.

What I'm tired of is murricans making history spin around their race for the sake of their head cannons.

>> No.7553171

He gave an example of an invention, but he didn't set any difinitive boundaries beyond black. It seems more likely he meant black. Everyone else seemed to think so too. If black American inventors can't used as examples than neither can their iq statistics. This seems like a prevalent problem in threads like these, defining terms.

>> No.7553172

> If black American inventors can't used as examples than neither can their iq statistics.
That's really going to be a problem for you because most of the indigenous africans don't know how to write or read.

>> No.7553174


>Do yourself a favor in future internet arguments, you're not arguing with a hivemind with the exact same believes, you're arguing with individuals with individual experience and individual thought, don't try to simplify your opponents argument into pre-conception before the argument runs itscourse.

No, you do yourself a favor, when broadly speaking about the populations in the middle east/asia and grouping them with the socio-political term for european people (white) you say Eurasian like every fucking person who has some fucking sense.

If you want to talk about populations north of the equator fine but don't exact everyone to a term usually utilized to identify a particular regional ethnicity.

>> No.7553179

Is /sci/ the most libtard board on 4chan or it still is /lit/ ?

>> No.7553182

>For you
No, I'm more concerned with lack of defined terms. It doesn't seem to matter which "side" of the debate uses blacks from America or Africa

>> No.7553184

The only thing Arabs really invented was the zero, which fit them very well.

>> No.7553188


Um no the sandniggers use to be great people before Mohammed came

>> No.7553192

/sci/ isn't partisan because neither side has the foresight to heavily invest in R&D. That's why we've been plotting to establish the TRS for years.

Anyone who disagrees isn't /sci/core.

>> No.7553197

African Americans who were enslaved for hundreds of years have contributed to science far more than any Sub Saharan African.

>> No.7553203
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>> No.7553208

>all the people in this thread that think Carver invented peanut butter
He found a lot of interesting uses for peanuts, but peanut butter is something that predates his birth. Also, Super Soaker. That's... that's literally all I have.

>> No.7553210

No, I meant Roman. Specifically the laws, practices and cultures established after the fall of the Republic.

Augustus was probably the most influential man in human history. There has never been a ruler after him that didn't try to imitate him to some extent.

>> No.7553212

So do they have less abstract thought compared to whites or none at all because that might lead to conclude
>The african blacks are an anomaly they contradict all of hominid evolution by just existing.
You start out saying they have less then at the end you just throw it out the window leaving a big ol contradiction

>> No.7553217

They are deficient in abstract thinking as their languages have no concept of morality, empathy or even perspective. To the african blacks reality is what they see so to them empathy, laws, and science are alien concepts to them along with the concept of working for something later because LATER doesnt exist in an african black's head, their inability to think abstractly makes them hyper impulsive and want ANYTHING in the now which is why so many blacks are criminals because THEY LITERALLY HAVE NO SELF CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN GRATIFICATION INSTINCT.

>> No.7553218

From your link :
>The inventions listed here were developed during the medieval Islamic world, which covers a period from the early Caliphate to the later Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires.[2] In particular, the majority of inventions here date back to the Islamic Golden Age, which is traditionally dated from the 8th to the 13th centuries.
All after Mohammed, anon.

Anyways, here is a link that attempts to disprove a lot of their 'inventions'.

>> No.7553219

The Hittites were Indo-European. Read the wiki entry. They were a pretty based civilization actually.

>> No.7553231


To the african blacks reality is what they see so to them empathy, laws, and science are alien concepts to them along with the concept of working for something later because LATER doesnt exist in an african black's head


The fact religion, black smithing and agriculture exist at all in any capacity proves you statement wrong. Hell the fact they have cultures at all they want to pass on to future generations proves you wrong.

>> No.7553232

Not according to the literature, when you compare SAT scores and IQ of afro-Americans adopted by upper middle class whites they only score on par with whites from the lowest income families.

The average black IQ will never approach other races, but it's important to remember the bell curve means there will always be high IQ black individuals smarter than 99.99...% other races, and as well a high average is meaningless when the baseline average is fucking retarded to begin with.

>> No.7553235

>one of the the Dukes of Florence was black
>black history revisionists actually believe this

The "blacks existed in Europe before the age of exploration" theory is extremely flawed. First off from the beginning of man to the start of the European colonization of Africa, getting from sub saharan Africa to Europe was an extremely hard task and the only time it probably ever happened was when humans were moving out of Africa and even then they were in large groups of people.

If you were trying to get there during the middle ages, you would probably die of something before you even get out of sub saharan Africa but if you survive that you have to cross the largest desert in the world where water is so scarce it remains mostly uninhabited even today. And even after that you still have to go around an entire sea in a world where the police are only in major towns and you will barely see any signs of humanity most of your trip.

So you mean to tell me, that one single black man can walk all the way from the sub sahara and accomplish a feat most people can't even do today? That's ridiculous.

But let's say it did happen, and a black man made it all the way to Europe during a time when intolerance was at it's height. He would have absolutely no wealth, look completely different than everyone else and speak a completely unrecognizable language. He would certainly not succeed in politics, hell he probably couldn't even become a mayor of a small town back then.

So there you go, there is absolutely no way one black man could walk all the way from the darkest depths of Africa and survive.

>> No.7553242

Face the facts and stop suppressing reality because it clashes with your cozy little world view.
Africans did not breed with Neanderthal, they have no Neanderthal DNA.

The genetic differences between Caucasoids and Negroids are profound. Like comparing a German Sheppard to a Pitbull.

We are NOT all the same. This is reality and it's completely natural.
How do you guys think speciation occurs?
How do you think humans evolved into what they currently are?
Some types are better than others, this is nature.

>> No.7553243

This. I'm so sick of the mwme that only Africans were enslaved. Every race was either enslaved or did enslaving at some point in their history. This includes black Africans who enslaved other Africans and even Semites.

Or since Egyptians are apparently Congo Africans now, the evil bastards enslaved the jews too, literally worse than the Holocaust.

>> No.7553247

American blacks at least, and probably a few other black ethnic groups too. The Nigerian, Kenyan, etc diaspora living in the US and UK do famously well and probably do have IQ's around other races. They only make up a small number of Blacks though. It's a mistake to think that blacks are one homogenous groups.

>> No.7553249
File: 110 KB, 437x586, racial_differences_rushton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7553250


It's just American blacks we bred them to be slaves. Lol neanderthal DNA, you know Europe was the armpit of the world until 1492

>> No.7553251

Historicity is important to understanding ideas you lazy scum fuck.

I wonder if you write a paper do you also not cite the authors whos ideas you're using?

>> No.7553260

I don't know why people gave that dude so much shit for writing that. It's not even white supremacist tier, he was just stating what he found from his research which is what all scientists should do..

>> No.7553267
File: 2.84 MB, 235x180, 1400456035079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name: Leonard C. Bailey
>Inventions/Accomplishments: Folding bed

>> No.7553269

>16th century
>Before the age of exploration
>Actually thinking there were LITERALLY no blacks in europe
>Thinking the only way for black people to get to europe is by walking barefoot though the fucking sahara (kek)
>Because all black people lived in the fucking congo
>Even then not realising Sahara crossing on camel weren't uncommon
>Thinking there were police back then
plz stop, you're triggering me

>> No.7553270


>Some types are better than others, this is nature


Better is subjective and to nature as long as you are not extinct you are still good.

Here's the real truth according to nature,

Superior = alive
Inferior = dead

>> No.7553271

Askhenazis are all Khazar rape babies though, they look nothing like native Israelites.

>> No.7553275

You do realize the Magyars and the Finns are considered European right?

>> No.7553278

People seem to think that evolution stopped once we reached "human".
Evolution doesn't stop. It's an ongoing process with no end.
Nature be raysis yo

>> No.7553282

Ok, get your credit card out and donate to those African kids.
Your charity will make them superior.

>> No.7553295

Yes you are right I was specifically refering to studies on af-american populations.

Nigerians aren't a small population though they are in the 100mil club. Bigger than any European nation.